The Chicago Manual of Style Online Citation Quick Guide Online February 20, 2020 Compiled and edited by
[email protected] from Contents 14 Notes and Bibliography 13 14.1 The purpose of source citations . 13 14.2 Chicago’s two systems of source citation . 13 14.3 Other systems of source citation . 14 14.4 Flexibility and consistency . 14 14.5 Citation management tools . 14 14.6 Electronic resource identifiers . 15 14.7 Uniform resource locators (URLs) . 16 14.8 Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) . 16 14.9 Permalinks and the like . 17 14.10 Short forms for URLs . 17 14.11 Library and other bibliographic databases . 18 14.12 Access dates . 18 14.13 “Last modified” and other revision dates . 19 14.14 Authority and permanence . 19 14.15 Preserving a permanent record . 19 14.16 Publications available in more than one medium . 20 14.17 URLs and other such elements in relation to surrounding text . 20 14.18 URLs and line breaks . 20 14.19 Notes and bibliography–an overview . 21 14.20 Basic structure of a note . 22 14.21 Basic structure of a bibliography entry . 22 14.22 Page numbers and other locators . 23 14.23 Notes and bibliography–examples and variations . 23 14.24 Numbers in text versus numbers in notes . 26 14.25 Sequencing of note numbers and symbols . 26 14.26 Placement of note number . 27 14.27 Note numbers with chapter and article titles and subheads . 27 14.28 Multiple citations and multiple note references . 28 14.29 When to use shortened citations .