Addressing the Growing Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases in China
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A health policy and systems approach to addressing the growing burden of noncommunicable VIEWPOINTS diseases in China Kit Yee Chan Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne School of Public Health, Peking University Health Sciences Center ver the past two decades, China has undergone a China’s socio-economic transition will inevitably lead to socio-economic transition unprecedented in hu- changes in the health burden of its population, where the O man history in terms of its scale and the speed of fall in maternal and child health burden will soon be re- change (1,2). It is estimated placed by a chronic non-com- that, while three quarters of municable diseases (NCDs) the Chinese population lived China’s socio-economic transition will inev- burden in both urban and ru- in rural areas until 1990, al- itably lead to changes in the health burden ral areas. The increase in the most half were living in cities of its population, where the fall in maternal burden of non-communicable by 2009 (3). The effect of the diseases will be driven by three and child health burden will soon be re- one-child policy introduced key factors: (i) a demographic in 1979 has produced new placed by a chronic non-communicable dis- shift marked by an ageing generations of Chinese chil- eases (NCDs) burden in both urban and ru- population; (ii) a change from dren who did not need to ral areas. rural to urban ways of life, share resources with siblings marked by sedentary lifestyle, and represent their parents’ high-energy food consump- sole investment in terms of care, education and mentorship tion, increased use of personal transportation, a change in (4,5). This transition period also marked massive govern- work style, and exposure to outdoor air pollution, and al- ment investment in infrastructure, including health invest- cohol and tobacco use; (iii) improved access to care and ments in access and treatment for all strata of the Chinese health-seeking behaviour of people in both urban and rural population. areas (10–11). These factors are already contributing to a My colleagues and I recently documented the dramatic de- rising epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular cline in child mortality yielded by these investments, and diseases, degenerative diseases of musculoskeletal system, showed that China has achieved Millennium Development road traffic accidents, cancers of multiple sites, asthma, de- Goal 4 (reduction in child mortality by 2/3 by 2015) nine pression, dementia and other neuropsychiatric conditions years ahead of schedule (6). This achievement is all the (12–16). Without appropriate inventions, the problem is more significant when one considers the size of China’s likely to worsen. population, and the relative performance of other low and These massive changes and shifts in China’s health burden middle income countries (7). In population health terms, merit a re-thinking of the future development and structur- one of the most remarkable outcomes of China’s extensive al needs of the Chinese health system. Costs are likely to transition has been the decrease in maternal and child grow exponentially over the next two decades because of health problems (8,9). the interaction between an aging population, increased ex- 28 June, 2011 • Vol. 1 No. 1 posures to the key environmental and lifestyle risk factors, creases demand for care. Not enough is being done to de- and changing patterns of care-seeking and healthcare ex- velop a stronger primary health care system, which would pectations. China will soon face millions of cases of dis- attract patients away from secondary care hospitals as the eases such as Alzheimer, and up to a 4-fold increase in the point of entry into the health system. number of new cases of type 2 diabetes, strokes, road traf- It is widely acknowledged that NCDs can be effectively fic accidents and certain types of cancer. China’s health sys- managed through prevention and primary health care, at a tem is currently not structured to efficiently address the fraction of the cost of hospital care – which is also prone management of such a large and growing chronic disease to over-medication and over-treatment. Unless strategies burden. This problem will first become apparent in the fast- are put in place to reverse the over-reliance on hospitals, growing urban areas, where the majority of Chinese will the rapidly increasing burden of NCDs will continue to live, and where population aging and risk factor exposures strain the existing health system, and add to the cost of VIEWPOINTS for NCDs are most immediate. health care, which over time, might interfere with China’s The most cost-effective strategy for dealing with this grow- economic growth. ing problem will be to use a combination of strong preven- tive measures with a strong primary health care system to address the majority of health demands. This would help Critical interventions in health system re- alleviate the congestion of the hospital services in urban ar- structuring in China will be needed to im- eas, which represent a reasonably strong secondary health prove the cost-effectiveness of the re- care service that must not become over-burdened. Preven- sponse to the burden of non-communicable tive activities will reduce exposure to the main risk factors diseases in China. Subject to the level of for chronic non-communicable diseases, and delay or avert success, China may provide a model for a sizeable portion of the burden. This requires a strong pub- many other low- and middle-income coun- lic health network in urban areas, and a significant govern- tries which will inevitably face similar prob- ment investment to support the programs. Currently there lems in future. are small, usually isolated preventive efforts, but the size of the problem will require a co-ordinated set of preventive programmes at the national level, which would be imple- I propose that a critical point of intervention in health sys- mented in a standardized way in all urban areas. tem restructuring in China, to help address the massive in- China currently does not have a system of doctor-main- crease in the burden of non-communicable diseases (which tained, primary care practices comparable to those in the will certainly continue over the next two decades), is to: West. At present, in many rural areas, primary health care • Strengthen the network of public health institutes is carried out by village doctors with relatively low level in urban areas, promote them into leading institu- (Technical College) training which provides them with a tions to monitor and evaluate the role of the key risk licence to treat and prescribe drugs for common illnesses factors for non-communicable diseases in modern (17). Incentives for medical graduates to work at this basic Chinese society; level of health care are low and few choose this career path. • Establish sound evidence base on the distribution of In urban areas, primary health care is provided at commu- common NCDs and their causes for different parts nity health centres by nurses and medical and/or public of China and use it for the development of preven- health doctors with basic university degrees (18). Howev- tion and intervention strategies; er, consultation at these clinics for hospital or specialists • Implement large-scale national prevention programs referrals is not compulsory. Unlike many western health that target common chronic non-communicable dis- systems, doctors in these clinics do not have an exclusive eases (eg, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, traffic and power of referral to secondary health care. In spite of re- workplace accidents) in both urban and rural areas forms to the urban primary health care systems, commu- through the network of public health institute. The nity health clinic positions do not attract the best of medi- programs should be based on sound evidence and cal graduates due to lower salaries, and a lack of prestige be monitored and evaluated. Program evaluation and career opportunities. should be made available to the public; Patient confidence in the performance of primary care clin- • Building upon the National Standards for the Con- ics is low, and many prefer to seek treatment in hospitals trol of Chronic Disease and Prevention set out by the (19). This has led to long queues in public hospitals, con- Ministry of Health (China), adopt a holistic approach gested with patients better treated in a primary care facility. to prevention that includes strategies to tackle the This will become unsustainable as the NCDs burden in- structural and environmental factors that underlie June, 2011 • Vol. 1 No. 1 29 the risks of chronic diseases (20). The successful im- regulators, health authorities and other stakeholders; plementation of these programmes will necessarily • Strengthen primary health care networks in rural ar- require sound co-ordination with the local media, eas by significant government investment into hu- man resources to improve the number of skilled health workers, and target the train- ing of rural doctors towards active partici- pation in disease prevention and patient support in the disease self-management. Lessons should be learned from on-going studies of payment reform (like capitation) as ways of creating provider incentives; VIEWPOINTS • Strengthen primary health care net- works in urban areas by improving the skills and training of the providers, and creating the necessary incentives for medical practitioners to work and re- main at these health centres. This will raise the status of the health centres and make them the point of entry into the health system for all but acute care NCDs patients; • Undertake ongoing case-mix analyses of patient data from secondary care hospi- tals to (i) determine optimal, cost-effec- tive care strategies, and (ii) identify which categories of patients should be directed to primary care facilities.