Welcome to the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) and Theatre Library Association (TLA) Conference Debating the Stakes in Theatre and Performance Scholarship Portland, Oregon November 5-8, 2015 Welcome from ASTR Graduate Student Caucus The Conference Assistance Committee of the ASTR Graduate Student Caucus (GSC) is delighted to welcome you to ASTR 2015, “Debating the Stakes in Theatre and Performance Scholarship.” We have provided this packet to help guide you through this conference, as well as the host city of Portland, Oregon. Here you will find information on the role of the GSC and how you can maximize your involvement with the GSC, conference advice and support, and information on food and drink, travel and attractions in Portland. We hope you find this useful and look forward to meeting you all personally at the GSC events. Connect with Us! At the conference, you can find the GSC at a table in the conference hallway, which will be staffed by cabinet members and volunteers. Come by and meet fellow graduate students, get more conference information, and ask any questions! Please take a moment to join our Facebook Group and connect with fellow grads from around the world to discuss ideas, generate panels, share CFPs, find a conference roommate, and ask questions of the graduate community. Don't forget to also subscribe to our list-serv to ensure you receive all GSC news and messages regarding elections, conferences, volunteer opportunities, and awards. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/astrgsc | Twitter: @ASTRGSC List-serv: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/astrgsc For a direct line to the GSC please email:
[email protected].