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MODEL BUILDER MARCH/APRIL1989 FULL-SIZE PLAN AVAILABLE - SEE PAGE 106 37 SMYRNA ISO by GEORGE P N e w bo o k “briefings” fr o m H.A. BEECHCRAFT: STAQOERWINQ TO FROM THE GROUND UP, Weick and SUPERFORTRESS: THE B-29 AND ST A RSH IP. Ed Phillips, Staggerwing. Hansen. Autobiography of aeronauti­ AMERICAN AIRPOWER, by General ‘ueechcnift Twin Beech. Bonanza, every pro­ cal engineer Fred Weick. designer of From Curtiss LeMay and Bill Yenne. Here is i&wViCTOSIUKHIP duction and experimental Beech air­ the complete story of the B-29 as told the Ercoupe, Ag-1 Piper Pawnee ag t h e i — — plane ever flown is documented. plane and the Piper Cherokee. Weick by General LeMay who implemented Complete warbird coverage of UC-43, made a significant contribution to its fighting strategies.. .from Gen­ GB-1, AT-7, AT-11. C-45. the mighty XA- the advancement of aeronautical eral Billy Mitchell's vision of the '20's 38 Grizzly. Postwar years including technology. Including development of for long range strategic bom bing.. Model 35 Bonanza. Travel Air. military the steerable tricycle landing gear. the massive war effort that pushed and export models. T-34 Mentors. Covers history of ERCO and the Er­ the B-29 off the drawing boards and Barons, Dukes and the legendary coupe. development of the Ag-1 Paw­ through the factory gates in record King Airs; they’re all here plus much. nee and the Cherokees. 109 photos, time and the strategic bombing of J a ­ much more. With 245 photos, includ­ drawings. 556 pgs, 6" x 9 ', hdbd. pan and the atomic strikes. 24 pgs. of ing many never published before. ................................... 4351C $39.95 photos. 288 pgs. 6" x 9 '. hdbd. ................................... 3220D $18.95 343-view drawings, technical specifi­ FOKKER FIGHTERS OF WWI, Imrie. cations . % pages, 8 % " x 11*. sfbd. From the genius of "the Flying Dutch­ ...................................2012A $14.05 CURTISS 1907-1947, B o w ers. man". Anthony Fokker, came the Complete history of Glenn Curtiss THE PIPER CLASSICS, Christy. The fighting machines that made heroes and his companies. Model by model fun "C ub s"— simple tube and fabric out of immelmann and Boelcke and coverage with clear crisp factory pho­ aircraft. Discusses the evolution of "Fokker fodder" out of many Allied tos, historical detail and fullull specs,sp Piper lightplanes—J-3 Cub. J-4 aircraft. Great photos of the fragile Covers early experir by Glenn Coupes, J-5 Cruiser, PA-11, PA-18, Eindekkers, DR-1 Triplane. DVII. EV Curtiss and exhibition tour's. From Vagabonds, Colts, Pacer/Tri-Pacer. parasols, and obsure types. 120 pho­ H I T V s ia r early flying boats. Jun e Bug. NC-4, even Wag-Aero's CUBy. Also cov- tos. 68 pgs., 7* x 9 V i". sfbd................ Jenny, Hawk fighters and racers, ereds: Availability, problems SPEC S, ............................. 4549C $8.95 THE AMERICAN Robin, Condor to the P-40’s, C-46 and rebuilding, maintaining and operat­ THE AMERICAN FIGHTER, Ange- jet a/c. Hundreds of photos. 637 pgs. ing. 101 illus. 160 pgs. 5” x 8". sfbd. lucci & Bowers. A definitive reference 5V4' x β ’/ι", hdbd. 3383C $34.95 4208B $1 3.95 book on American fighters from 1917 FIGHTER THE PIPER INDIANS, Clarke. Gain to present, superbly chronicling TEST PILOTS by Richard Hallion. practical insight into the reasons for every model and variant from W W I bi­ The complete story of the men. their the increasing popularity of the Piper planes to the sophisticated war ma­ planes and accomplishments, from Indians! A model-by-model inspec­ chine of today. 870 photos and 1340 the pioneers of flight through the tion of the series: the original PA-28 schematic drawings, with perform­ Golden Years to the first let and the Cherokees - the improved Indians; ance specs and production history first man on the m oo n.. .from Jenny to Voyager, from Spitfire to Space Warriors. Archer, Dakota · the retract- on everv olane. 480 p q s ., 81/a" x 1 1 , Γ ables; PA-24 Comanches, PA-28R Ar­ hdbd........................ 3475C $40.00 Shuttle—and the technical break­ rows - the hard working sixes; and the throughs they risked their lives to ver­ Tomahawks, Apaches. Covers: where ify. Some stories end in tragedy, oth-1 to find, maintenance, specs, refur­ Dramatic New Videos! ers in brilliant triumph, but each! bishing, and.. all of those ADs and helped explore the frontiers of flight. I STCs and modifications. 112 photos. Over 150 photos, pgs., 6 ' x 9". sfbd. | 288 pgs. 7 ' x 10". sfbd. June R e lease............ 4352C $17.50 ...................................4213B $16.95 ONCE THEY WERE EAGLES P A C IFIC A IR R AC E, Scheppler. Eight Walton. The men of the Black Sheep " .i-.TV.... JJ" wood, wire and fabric planes took-off Squadron. Corsairs vs Zeros, combat U .5 . N avy from Oakland. CA. Aug. 16. 1927. at its best. You’ll fly the missions, C a rrie r their destination, Honolulu; their party with the men. share their victo­ Fighters Of goal, glory prize monies. Two of the ries and heartaches, get to know ONCE World War II eight made it. This is the true story of "Pappy" Boyington. Nifty then-and- the pilots, mechanics and the by­ now portrays of the pilots. Going to THEY standers. 66 b/w photos. 208 pgs, be a classic, this well researched W e r e hdbd........................... 4353C $24.95 book is great combat writing with no EAGLES U.S. NAVY CARRIER BOMBERS OF minced words. Well Illustrated. 214 pgs.. 6"x9", hdbd. A Reviewer’s W W II. Profiles of the TBD Devasta­ C h o ic e !.............. 2928C $ ( tor, SBD Dauntless, SB2C Helldriver 18.00 spectacula and TBF/TBM Avenger. Carrier opera­ Blue Angels. Italian Freece Tricolori, Canadian Snowbirds plus PAN AM: AN AIRLINE AND ITS AIR­ tions. both routine and hazardous are the Brazilian and French national aerobatic teams as the per­ C R A F T , R.E.G. Davies. Pan Am’s depicted with excellent three-view form at the Canadian Abbottsford International Airshow. Take story spans the entire history of air (J.S. N avy drawings, color side-view and 121 your seat in the cockpit of the world's fastest and sexiest air­ transportation in the U.S.. from float C a r r ie r photos and cockpit views. 120 pgs., craft as they swoop and soar wingtip to wingtip. Witness exhi­ planes, to “ China Clippers." to the jet B o m b e rs O f 6%"xir,sfbd ........ 4103A $9.95 age. Covers the history of the airline World War II bitions of the Harrier, Tomcat, Hornet, Concorde and SR-71 Blackbird. 60 min. A R E V IE W E R ’S CHOICE. by focusing on acquisition of a new U.S. NAVY CARRIER FIGHTERS OF VHSV8979N BETA B8980N only $19.95 airplane or expansion of its air W W II. A fine reference volume con­ routes. 32 full color scale drawings taining profiles on the Buffalo, Wild­ ADVANTAGE HORNET. Breath-taking footage puts you in the by Mike Machat. 20 maps, 96 pgs., cat. Hellcat, Corsair and Bearcat. cockpit of the F/A-18 Hornet. Share the pilot’s view of flight 11· X 8 % '.hdbd. .. 3478C $24.95 Lots of combat photos, cockpit and testing, aircraft carrier qualifications, air combat maneuver­ detail shots, plus high-quality three- ing, weapons delivery, mid-air refueling and heart-stopping T O P G U N . Hall. Fly with the best view drawings. 153 photos. 51 color low-level formation flying. Experience this remarkable ma­ fighter pilots in the world, in training side and top-view paintings. 120 pgs., chine from tree-top level to over 50,000 feet. See why the Hor­ at NAS Miramar at the Navy Fighter 8 % " x 11", sfbd........ 4104A $9.95 net was chosen by the U.S. Navy’s "Blue Angels." 60 min. Weapons School. Ride with them at VHSV8722D BETA B8723D $59.95 supersonic speeds as they hone their WINQS OF CESSNA: MODEL 120 skills by maneuvering with and out- TO THE CITATION III. Ed Phillips. E A G L E CO UNTRY. You’re there in the cockpit as you scramble shooting agressor aircraft. Witness The complete family of Cessna air­ after Intruders trying to penetrate North America and Central their rivalries, egos, and commerade- planes from the rag-wing 120 to the European Airspace. Feel the "G " forces as you push the F-15 rie as they live life on the razor's high-tech Citation III. Experimental to its limits In spectacular air-to-air combat. Brief with F-15 pi­ edge. 144 pgs., 120 photos. 24 in full- ships, one-of-a-kind, the CH-1 heli­ lots as they discuss tactics, missions and weapons. The F-15 color, sfbd.. 8" x8%". copter and military models, every one Eagle is every fighter pilot’s dream and every MIG pilot's night­ 4436A $12.95 documented with technical changes mare. 60 min............... VHSB87200 BETA B8721D $59.95 by model year, specs., performance, THE SMITHSONIAN BOOK OF ■ u v s ' i - n : total built and serial number data. FIGHTER A C E S O F W W II. Return to 1943 with four Aces of the FLIQ HT, Walter Boyne. A fresh look Much new info on the classic 170 and 357th F.G. of the Mighty 8th, their own stories, their gun-cam­ at aviation history going beyond 190/195 models. 229 photos of air­ era-footage. Not a Hollywood re-creation, but "The Real Stuff.” mere chronology o f events. Boyn planes and instrument panels plus These are the pilots who changed the course of WWII as they captures the drama of the develop­ more than 50 detailed 3-view draw­ escorted American bombers deep into enemy territory and ment of flight as It really is, a deeply ings make this a valuable reference stayed to challenge, and defeat, the best the Wuftwaffe had to Interrelated complex of men, ma­ chines and national priorities.
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