Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos

שיח ה a h c i PART #5 - TO BE DIFFERENT ונלפנו :S Let’s learn about קדושה כאן פירושה הבדלה, כמ”ש בסוף הסדרה: “והייתם לי קדושים וגו’ ואבדיל אתכם מן העמים”, דהיינו, שבנ”י צריכים להיות מובדלים מאומות העולם, כמ”ש: “ונפלינו אני ועמך מכל העם אשר על פני האדמה”. ענין ההבדלה מוכרח ושייך רק בענינים כאלו שבחיצוניות שוים הם, וכמו”כ הציווי “קדושים תהיו” אינו בנוגע לתורה ומצוות, כיון שאומות העולם אינם שייכים לזה מלכתחילה, כמ”ש: “מגיד דבריו ליעקב גו’ לא עשה כן לכל גוי”. אלא המדובר הוא רק בעניני הרשות: אכילה, שתי’, מסחר וכיו”ב, שבזה בנ”י שוים לכאורה בחיצוניות עם שאר אומות העולם, ועל זה מצווה התורה: “קדושים תהיו”. אך כיצד יתכן שכאשר נמצאים בעניני עולם הזה, ובפרט בזמן הגלות, חושך כפול ומכופל – יהי’ בזה קדושה? על זה נאמר: “כי קדוש אני” – בנ”י בכל מקום שנמצאים קשורים הם עם הקב”ה, עם “אתה קדוש”, ולכן גם הם “גוי קדוש”, ועד – בדומה לקדושתו של הקב”ה, “יכול כמוני”– בניחותא.

We learned yesterday that as Shluchim we are different and extra special compared to the rest of the world. But what does it mean that as a Shliach I have to be different?

I’m different already?! I learn and do Mitzvos while my goyishe neighbor doesn’t? What more can I do to be different?

In this Sicha the first explains that as Yidden we have a to bekadosh ; which besides for trans- lating as being ‘Holy’, it also means to be ‘Separate’ or ‘Different’.

Then the Rebbe goes on to explain that the Mitzvah to be different from the goyim doesn’t mean to learn Torah and do Mitzvos, because for that you don’t need a special Mitzvah - of course when a yid keeps Torah and Mitzvos he’s different!

Rather the commandment to be kadosh is referring to the regular, worldly things that the rest of the world also does; like eating, drinking, playing and so forth; that also in this area, a yid must behave differently.

מענות ק y ו r “In the times of the Rebbe ד o t Rashab”, the Rebbe said, “a Continued from yesterday:

ש s person first had to learn many years in Tomchei Temimim, The Rebbe spoke about after which he had to become a another type of person: maskil and an oved. Only then someone who is looking would the Rebbe Rashab call him in and send specifically for a “gezaltznene him out on shlichus to be a Rov, teacher, or [salted, sophisticated] shlichus. “He is Rosh . But in our times, the shlichus is willing to work with men or women, immediately given to every single person.” but not with children. It’s not fitting “We are saying clearly”, the Rebbe added, for him! ‘No!’ he is told. You must be “that there is no reason to make preparations invested in the fact that another child and to try to achieve very high levels before and another child should be signed up going. Rather, as soon as you are capable, you for Tzivos Hashem!” are given the shlichus of Lech lecha; to give yourself over to the shlichus of our generation; to shturem the world with Yiddishkeit!”