This newsletter is proudly sponsored by: No. 457 RED CLOUD WOOD PRODUCTS CORP March 2007 Specialty Moulding and Millwork Manufacturer Bill Woodfin Alder & other western hardwoods President Columbia Basin Hardwoods Contact Gevin Brown

Jeff Nuss Phone: (541) 788-3702 Fax: (541) 548-0952 Vice President 12096 SW Latakomie Street Powell Butte, OR 97753 Greenwood Resources Email: [email protected] Web:

Darrin Hastings Treasurer Emerson Hardwood Lumber Products David Sweitzer Secretary/Manager P.O. Box 1095 Camas, WA 98607 Randy Wisner

Each month we will profile a different member company and contact per- Ph: (360) 835-1600 Fax: (360) 835-1900 Lumber Products was founded in Portland, in 1938 by Ernest Web: E. Hall and his son, Ernest L. Hall, after realizing that the millwork business they were in needed wholesale distributors to get product to Email: the end user. Afterward, Ernest L. Hall's son, Leonard, took over as general manager until [email protected] 1984, when his son Peter became the third generation of the Hall family to lead the company.

Craig J. Hall, who represents the fourth generation, joined the firm in 1989.

In 1991 Lumber Products moved its headquarters from the original Portland location to the current location in Tualatin. They also have facilities in Oregon, Washington, , , Arizona, New Mexico, California, Colorado, and Nevada. Lumber Products originally distributed high-quality hardwood lumber and plywood. Its product line now includes door and millwork products, FSC certified materials, and green products such as MDF panels and mouldings, finger-joint materials, and composite products. Randy has been working in the hardwoods industry since graduating from Michigan Technological University with a forestry degree in 1984. He joined Lumber Products in 1994 and for the past ten years has been managing centralized purchasing of hardwood lumber for the entire company. Randy also travels and works very closely with the sales groups. Contact Randy at Lumber Products, 19855 SW 124th Ave, Tualatin, OR, 97062, phone: (800)926-7103, fax: (503)691-5166, website :, and email [email protected] .

degree in forestry. Paul moved to Willamina, OR in the late Association News 1940's and to McMinnville in 1950. Barber’s family owned business, CGC Tree Farm Ltd., was started in 1986, however, SPONSORING A Paul had been logging on Baker Creek since 1965. This issue NEWSLETTER issue is a His experience and expertise in the timber industry was sponsored by: great way to support the invaluable to the long term future of McMinnville's Association and get your watershed. In 1998, a father-son duo, Paul and George Barber ‘Your name’ business name out there. won Tree Farmer of the Year Honors for Yamhill County Several members have from the Oregon Tree Farm System. Paul was active in many already reserved upcoming other community projects, clubs, organizations, and issues. The next available issue is March 2008. If you commissions. would like to sponsor an issue, call the WHA office or email today if you would like to reserve your month. News in the News

MARK YOUR NEW 2007 THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE Commission (ITC) calendars now for the WHA Annual has been officially charged with conducting a review of the Meeting scheduled for July 14-16, competitiveness of the US hardwood plywood and 2007 at Sunriver Resort in Sunriver, hardwood flooring industries. OR. Plan to attend and bring your family. It’s a great place for a US CUSTOMS AND BORDER Protection (Customs) vacation. is actively pursuing allegations of misclassification of hardwood plywood imports, with a focus on imports from MORE THAN $10,000 was awarded China. by the Hardwood Forest Foundation (HFF) on February 28, US DISTRICT COURT Judge Garr King dismissed 2007 in grant funding to Project Learning Tree (PLT) the case brought by the NW Environmental Defense Center programs across the United States. PLT is the on March 1st that claimed the State of Oregon and several environmental education program of the American Forest private timber companies were required to obtain Clean Foundation. Developed in 1976, it has an international Water Act (CWA) NPDES permits to use forest roads. The network of more than 500,000 trained educators using plaintiffs alleged that the roads, ditches and culverts were seven curriculums covering the total environment. point sources for the discharge of storm water, a pollutant. You can HELP SECURE THE FUTURE of King ruled that forest roads are not point sources because Hardwoods. HFF provides a free kit containing everything the alleged discharges fall under the silvicultural regulations needed to present the balanced side of the story. Contact for the CWA. your local elementary school principal or superintendent to ON MARCH 1ST , the Senate Energy and Natural get permission to teach a class and then order your kit from Resources Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests, the Hardwood Forest Foundation. Order your “Truth chaired by Ron Wyden (D-OR), held a hearing focusing on About Trees” teaching kit by calling (901) 507-0312, or the Secure Rural Schools and Counties Self-Determination email [email protected] . Be sure to let the Act. The Act, which guaranteed payments to counties tied WHA office know the outcome when you have taught a to past timber receipt levels, expired in September. It class. provided local governments and school districts BE AT THE AWFS FAIR—WITHOUT approximately $450 million annually, with over 75 percent ATTENDING . The Association of Woodworking & going to the states of Oregon, California, and Washington. Furnishings Suppliers Fair will be held at the convention Members of Congress from Oregon, Washington, and center in Las Vegas, NV, July 18-21, 2007. Contact the California failed to secure a one-year reauthorization in the WHA office to find out how your company can be FY07 Continuing Resolution (CR). Senator Wyden has represented in the Association’s booth at the fastest growing proposed a seven-year extension, and considers the program woodworking and furnishings supply event in the world. to be a historic obligation to rural communities, but many Call (360)835-1900 or email the WHA office, questions still remain about the allocations to states and the [email protected] today. need to ramp down payments over several years. President Bush’s budget proposes a partial extension of the program by gradually phasing out payments through Good Bye 2011 and selling off isolated Forest Service lands in each state. This new proposal calls for half of the land sales Charter member and former WHA president Paul A. proceeds to be retained within the states to buy additional Barber passed away February 18, 2007 in McMinnville. He federal lands. Last year, Senators from both parties was 82. Born in Tacoma, WA, Barber served in the US Army opposed a similar proposal. from 1943-1946, then attended the University of Puget Sound and graduated from the University of Washington with a SEVERAL BILLS have been introduced recently in

2 the 110th Congress to reform the Endangered Species Act DNR has been busy untangling twenty years of (ESA). On February 28th, Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) and promises, agreements, and unmet obligations. Now 16 other senators introduced the Endangered Species planners must develop a forest management strategy that Recovery Act (S.700). The bill would provide tax meshes with a longer term plan that recognizes wildlife incentives for private landowners who voluntarily habitat creation and maintenance, fulfills the contribute to the recovery of a listed species. Landowners “experimental” aspect of the forest and does these things in would receive the credit by either entering into a short or a manner that complies with the trust mandate to produce long-term easement or by incurring expenditures from revenue. carrying out activities under an ESA recovery plan. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES approved REPRESENTATIVES MIKE Thompson (D-CA), the creation and funding for a select Committee on Climate Don Young (R-AK), Jim Ramstad (R-MN) and Ron Kind Change this week. The Committee is expected to conduct (D-WI) introduced the companion bill in the House, which oversight hearings and make recommendations to Congress is also titled the Endangered Species Recovery Act what can be done to combat climate change. (HR1425). This bill has been assigned to the Ways and Means Committee. OREGON HAS JOINED SEVERAL other state legislatures this year with the introduction of a bill that THE WASHINGTON LEGISLATURE has the rare would require public buildings to be built using green luxury of a budget surplus this year, which allows the building standards. The Oregon bill, SB576, was legislature to pursue other areas of interest. The forest introduced at the request of the American Institute of industry seems to be out of the legislative cross-hairs at the Architects and would direct the State Department of moment but there is no shortage of legislation that must be Energy, in cooperation with the Department of tracked. Administrative Services to require that major facility Senate Bill 6088 on its surface looked like a bill meant projects to be planned, designed, constructed and renovated to protect DNR’s forestland base, but a careful reading to meet high performance building standards for energy exposed language that seriously tinkered with DNR’s trust efficiency and environmental sustainability. Specifically, mandate. A substitute bill solved some of the problems, but the legislation would require the use of the LEED standards is still troublesome legislation. that were developed by the US Green Building Council. Substitute Senate Bill 6141 is a next generation forest LEED discriminates against the use of renewable wood health legislation that creates a tiered system of forest products, is not based on life cycle assessments, and was health problem recognition and required actions on eastern not developed by a consensus process. Washington forest lands. It is badly needed legislation and appears headed for passage. WASHINGTON STATE Public Lands Commissioner House Bill 2247 would allow log truckers to form Doug Sutherland recently announced his decision to pursue associations or union to negotiate haul rates. The bill has Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for 140,000 serious constitutional problems, but passed out of the acres of western Washington trust lands in the south Puget committee of origin into House Appropriations. A similar Sound area. All DNR managed trust forestlands are already bill, Substitute Senate Bill 6069 establishes advisory haul certified under the Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI). The rates that would presumably be used as a guide for setting Department has been under pressure from the actual haul rates. This bill is moving in the Senate. environmental community to pursue FSC certification. Substitute House Bill 1045 caps DNR’s management DNR recently began a formal land use planning process for fee at 30 percent until 2017 and requires a biennial report to the South Puget Planning Unit that encompasses the area the legislature. This bill has passed the House and is being considered for FSC certification, making this a headed for the Senate. Passage is not assured, as some logical area on which to pursue FSC certification. Senators question DNR’s old growth management policies THE PARTIAL ESTATE TAX repeal includes broad and are using this bill as a forum for that issue. tax relief for the hardwood industry. Although many TWENTY YEARS AGO , the Olympic Experimental anticipated that the Permanent Estate Tax Relief Act of State Forest (OESF) was created as the debate over old 2006 (HR 5638) would go before the Senate during the growth was heating up. This Olympic Peninsula working summer session, the bill did not advance and still awaits forest was to evaluate new ideas in growing and harvesting action on the Senate calendar. timber as a crop. Pieces of that vision came to fruition, Among items addressed in the bill is a plan to lower the such as the Olympic Natural Resource Center in Forks, but tax paid on gains from the sale of timber, which can be as an intended research plan was never prepared. high as 35 percent, or as low as 14 percent. The settlement in 2006 of a lawsuit involving DNR’s THE SENATE is now due to consider the Forest new sustained harvest revived the need to develop a plan Emergency Recovery and Research Act (FERRA, HR for the OESF. At stake for the environmentalists is 4200). This legislation supplements the HFRA by implementation of DNR’s decade old HCP, as well as a addressing forest rehabilitation following catastrophic significant increase in timber harvest volume and revenue events as recommended by the scientific community. production for trust beneficiaries and the forest industry. 3

Up Coming Meetings

April 18, 2007 Western Hardwood Association Board Meeting Red Lion Inn at the Quay The Western Hardwood Association wants this newsletter Vancouver, WA to be your source of information. If you know of any upcoming email: [email protected] events that would be of interest to our readers, please contact the WHA office, (360) 835-1600. We will be happy to list any June 20, 2007 upcoming meetings or events. Please keep in mind that this is a Washington Hardwoods Commission Annual Meeting monthly newsletter. We will need any new meeting dates by Olympia, WA the first of each month. Thank you for your cooperation. email: [email protected]

The Hardwood Stand is mailed quarterly. The regular July 14-16, 2007 monthly issues will be sent by e-mail and available on the Western Hardwood Association Annual Meeting Sunriver Resort website. Please be sure we have your correct email address. Sunriver, OR We know you want to be included! email: [email protected] Newsletter Sponsor July 18-21, 2007 You too can be a sponsor of the March, June, September, Assoc. of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers Fair or December newsletters. Total cost $400 per issue, can be Convention Center split among a maximum of 4 sponsors per issue. Contact the Las Vegas, NV WHA office by phone or email to sign up now! email: [email protected]


Take a look inside:

* Member Profile * News in the News * Upcoming Events