
arXiv:2108.11536v1 [math.AC] 26 Aug 2021 ftecmuaiesemirings commutative the of atra ood F,lnt-atra ood F,elasticity. LFM, , fa length-factorial finite HFM, BFM, monoid, monoid, factorial bounded ACCP, , rent propert the study we es Here, an in associates). atoms and of sum to a up as (i.e., written way be can element non-invertible every N o nerldomains, integral for tv ative npicpliel AC)i tmc(e,freape [ well-kno example, is for It (see, atomic atoms. is of (ACCP) sum ideals ascend a the principal is satisfying on monoid element cancellative) non-invertible (and commutative every every if atomic is of M Let ti u-eiigo h omttv commutative the of sub-semiring a is It sacmuaiesmrn.Freach For semiring. commutative a is ftesemiring the of 0 α h ups fti ae st nesadte(diie factoriz (additive) the understand to is paper this of purpose The e od n phrases. and words Key 2010 Date [ M ,x x, M nti ae odnt h diiemni ftesemiring the of monoid additive the denote to paper this in scle nao fi snttesmo w o-netbeeeet,and elements, non-invertible two of sum the not is it if atom an called is uut2,2021. 27, August : − ahmtc ujc Classification. 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(additive) commutative and cancellative a be 1 eoetesto arn oyoil ihcecet ntestof set the in coefficients with polynomials Laurent of set the denote ] f A TRZTOSI VLAINMNISOF EVALUATION IN ( x N ) 0 ∈ N [ ,α α, 0 N N Since . 0 0 For [ − [ ,x x, ,α α, 1 saoi.Te ecaatrz when characterize we Then atomic. is ] α M − 1 − ∈ tmct,aoi ood omttv eiig arn eiig L semiring, Laurent semiring, commutative monoid, atomic atomicity, ,where ], 1 N scle nqefcoiainmni UM rvddthat provided (UFM) monoid factorization unique a called is ,ta is, that ], R 0 M > [ ,x x, 0 ARN LAURENT α let , = N − N 0 1 { 0 N scoe ne ohadto n utpiain it multiplication, and addition both under closed is ] 1. stesto ongtv neesand integers nonnegative of set the is [ f 0 ,α α, [ ( ,α α, α Introduction OHEZHU SOPHIE α ) rmr:2M3 eodr:2M4 16Y60. 20M14, Secondary: 20M13; Primary: − − | ∈ 1 1 f o any for ] etesmrn fra real of semiring the be ] R ( N 1 x 0 > ) [ 0 ,α α, ∈ elet we , N R − 0 1 ≥ aifisteuiu factorization unique the satisfies ] [ α N 0 ,x x, N o aeo oain esaluse shall we notation, of ease For . 0 [ 0 ∈ N ,α α, nti ae,w td var- study we paper, this In . M 0 − N [ R ,α α, 1 α 0 − ] > [ } ,α α, 1 eoeteadtv monoid additive the denote 0 . a nnt elasticity. infinite has ] − trzto ood F,half- FFM, monoid, ctorization ob oepeie let precise, more be To . 11 1 − aifisteascend- the satisfies ] rpsto .].As 1.1]). Proposition , 1 N .W characterize We ]. 0 N [ ,α α, e fbigatomic, being of ies 0 n hi condition chain ing [ ,x x, ctorization to properties ation − etal unique sentially f − 1 ( 1 α for ] sthe is ] with ) α nthat wn nonneg- element ∈ R > au- M 0 . 2 S. ZHU satisfying the ACCP, and being a UFM for the additive monoids Mα (with α ∈ R>0), offering various characterizations for each of such properties in terms of atoms and (additive) factorizations. Most of the results we establish here are motivated by some of the results in the re- cent paper [12] by Correa-Morris and Gotti, where the authors investigated the atomic structure of the additive monoids of the evaluation semirings N0[α] for α ∈ R>0, gen- eralizing some of the results already established by Chapman et al. in [9] when α is taken in Q>0. The study of atomicity and factorizations in the setting of commutative semirings has received a great deal of attention in the last few years. For instance, Campanini and Facchini [6] studied the factorization structure of the multiplicative monoid of the semiring N0[x]. In addition, Baeth et al. [4] recently studied the atomic structure of both the additive and the multiplicative monoids of subsemirings of R 0. ≥ Finally, factorizations in certain subsemirings of Q 0 have also been considered in [1] by Albizu-Campos et al. and in [5] by Baeth and Gotti.≥ We begin by introducing the main terminology in Section 2.1 and outlining the main known results we use later. Then, in Section 3, we discuss the atomicity of the monoids Mα. We characterize the monoids Mα that are atomic as well those Mα that are not atomic in Theorem 3.1 and Proposition 3.4, respectively. In contrast with [12, Proposition 5.13], the monoid Mα is only finitely generated when α =1. In particular, if α =6 1 and the monoid Mα is atomic, then Mα must contain infinitely many atoms; indeed, we show in Theorem 3.1 that the atoms of Mα are precisely the powers of α. Let M be an atomic (additive) monoid. A factorization of a non-invertible element x ∈ M is, up to order and associates, a sequence of finitely many atoms (allowing repetitions) with sum x, and the of atoms in such a sequence (counting rep- etitions) is called the the length of the factorization. A non-invertible element in M may have distinct factorizations (even infinitely many). For a non-invertible element x ∈ M, we let Z(x) and L(x) denote the set of factorizations and factorization lengths of x, respectively. Following Anderson et al. [2] and Halter-Koch [23], we say that the monoid M is an FFM (resp., a BFM) provided that Z(x) (resp., L(x)) is finite for all non-invertible x ∈ M. The property of being a BFM was first studied back in 1949 by Neumann [24] in connection to the ACCP. Note that every FFM is a BFM. In Section 4, we prove that the conditions of satisfying the ACCP, being a BFM, and being an FFM are equivalent for any monoid Mα (see Theorem 4.3). In addition, we construct monoids Mα that are FFMs but not UFMs (see Subsection 4.2).

In Section 5, we identify the monoids Mα that are UFMs. Following Zaks [28], we say that M is a half-factorial monoid (HFM) if L(x) is a singleton for every x ∈ M. The property of being an HFM was first considered by Carlitz [7] in the context of algebraic to characterize rings of integers with class number two. Following Chapman et al. [8], we say that M is called a length-factorial monoid (LFM) if for EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 3 every x ∈ M, not two factorizations in Z(x) have the same length. Additionally, in Section 5, we prove that the conditions of being a UFM, an HFM, and an LFM are equivalent for any monoid Mα. It is not hard to argue that classes satisfying the atomic properties we have just defined are somehow nested, as indicated by the following chain of implications in Diagram (1.1). In Section 5, we produce a diagram (Diagram (5.1)) specialized for the class of all monoids Mα that refines Diagram (1.1).

(1.1) UFM ⇒ [FFM, HFM] ⇒ BFM ⇒ ACCP ⇒ atomicity

The elasticity of a monoid is an statistic that measures how much a monoid deviates from being an HFM. The elasticity was first considered by Steffan [25] and Valenza [27] back in the eighties to understand how far from being a UFD is a or a of integers, respectively. Since then the elasticity has become probably the most studied arithmetic invariant to measure non-uniqueness of factorizations (see [29] by Zhong, and references therein). We conclude this paper with showing that Mα has infinite elasticity when it is not an HFM (see Proposition 5.4), which means that either Mα is an HFM or it is as far from being an HFM as a monoid can possibly be.

2. Background

2.1. General Notation. We let P, N, and N0 denote the set of primes, positive in- tegers, and nonnegative integers, respectively. If X is a subset of R and r is a , we let X r denote the set {x ∈ X | x ≥ r}. Similarly, we use the notations ≥ X>r,X r, and X

2.3. Factorizations. Assume now that M is atomic. Let Z(M) denote the free (com- mutative) monoid on the set A (M). For each x ∈ M, we let Z(x) denote the set of all formal sums z := a1 + ··· + aℓ ∈ Z(M) with a1,...,aℓ ∈ A (M) such that a1 + ··· + aℓ = x in M. In this case, ℓ is called the length of z and is denoted by |z|. For each x ∈ M, we set L(x) := {|z| | z ∈ Z(x)}. The sets Z(x) and L(x) play an important role in factorization theory (see [14]). Note that M is atomic if and only if Z(x) is nonempty for all x ∈ M •. The monoid M is called a bounded factorization monoid (BFM) if L(x) is finite for all x ∈ M. Every BFM satisfies the ACCP [15, Corollary 1.3.3], but the converse does not hold: h1/p | p ∈ Pi satisfies the ACCP but is not a BFM [10, Corollary 4.6]. The monoid M is called a half-factorial monoid (HFM) if |L(x)| = 1 for all x ∈ M •. Observe that every HFM is a BFM. The monoid M is called a finite factorization monoid) (FFM) if Z(x) is finite for all x ∈ M •. Every finitely generated monoid is an FFM [3, Corollary 3.7]. Note that every FFM is a BFM; however, {0} ∪ Q 1 is a BFM that is not an FFM [10, Example 4.10]. In addition, one can see that h≥2, 3i is an FFM that is not an HFM. On the other hand, there are HFMs that are not FFMs; this is the case of the additive monoid {(0, 0)} ∪ (Z × N) (see [3, Example 3.9]). Finally, M is called a unique factorization monoid (UFM) provided that |Z(x)| = 1 for EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 5 all x ∈ M •. Every UFM is, by definition, both an HFM and an FFM. Then we see that each implication in Diagram (1.1) holds and that such a diagram does not support, in general, any additional implication.

3. Atomicity

In this section, we study the atomicity of the additive monoids Mα, where Mα = 1 N0[α,α− ] for α ∈ R>0. We characterize the monoids Mα that are atomic, and then we give examples of monoids Mα that are atomic but do not satisfy the ACCP. The next theorem, which gives a simple characterization of the monoids Mα that are atomic, also provides an explicit description of the set of atoms of Mα. Moreover, it gives a necessary condition for the atomicity of Mα when α is algebraic. For any algebraic number α with minimal polynomial m(x) ∈ Q[x], the polynomial ℓ · m(x) is a primitive polynomial in Z[x] for a unique ℓ ∈ N, so ℓ · m(x)= p(x) − q(x) for unique p(x), q(x) ∈ N0[x] that do not share monomials of equal degrees. We call (p(x), q(x)) the minimal pair of α (see Section 2.1).

Theorem 3.1. For each α ∈ R>0, the following statements are equivalent.

(a) 1 ∈ A (Mα). n (b) A (Mα)= {α | n ∈ Z}.

(c) Mα is atomic.

Suppose that α ∈ R>0 \{1} is an algebraic number. If Mα is atomic, then neither of the two components in the minimal pair of α is a monic monomial.

n Proof. (a) ⇒ (b): Suppose that A (Mα) =6 {α | n ∈ Z}. Then there exists n ∈ Z n such that α 6∈ A (Mα) and, therefore, there exists a finite set S ⊂ Z such that n i α = i S ciα for some coefficients ci ∈ N for each i ∈ S such that i S ci ≥ 2. ∈ n i n A ∈ DividingP by α gives 1 = i S ciα − . Thus, 1 6∈ (Mα), as desired. P ∈ (b) ⇒ (c): This holds byP the definition of Mα.

(c) ⇒ (a): Suppose 1 6∈ A (Mα). Then there exists a finite set S ⊂ Z and coefficients i ci ∈ N for each i ∈ S such that i S ci ≥ 2 and 1= i S ciα . For each k ∈ Z, we can ∈ i k ∈ k i+k multiplying both sides of 1 = Pi S ciα by α to obtainP the equality α = i S ciα . k ∈ ∈ Thus, α is not an atom forP any k ∈ Z, which implies that Mα has noP atoms and, therefore, that it is not atomic. Assume now that α is a positive algebraic real number such that α =6 1. Let m(x) and (p(x), q(x)) be the minimal polynomial and the minimal pair of α, respectively. Suppose, by way of contradiction, that either p(x) or q(x) is a monic monomial. We n n can say, without loss of generality, that q(x)= x for some n ∈ N0. Thus, p(α) − α = p(α) − q(α) = ℓm(α) = 0 for some ℓ ∈ N, so p(α) = αn. Because α =6 1, we see that p(x) must be the sum of at least two nonzero monomials (not necessarily 6 S. ZHU

n distinct). Consequently, α ∈/ A (Mα). Therefore, Mα is not atomic in light of the characterizations established above, which yields the desired contradiction.  It is worth mentioning that, as a direct consequence of Theorem 3.1, one obtains that every monoid Mα satisfies |A (Mα)|∈{0, ∞} and also that Mα is either atomic or antimatter. In addition, when α is transcendental, Mα is atomic, as we now illustrate.

Corollary 3.2. If α ∈ R>0 is transcendental, then Mα is atomic. i Proof. Suppose that 1 = i S ciα for a finite set S ⊆ Z and coefficients ci ∈ N0 for ∈ m i+m every i ∈ S. Then α wouldP be a root of the polynomial f(x) := x − i S cix ∈ ∈ Z[x], where m = − min({0}∪S). Since α is transcendental, f(x) is the zeroP polynomial and, therefore, S = {0} and c0 = 1. Hence 1 ∈ A (Mα), and Mα is atomic by Theorem 3.1.  It is worth emphasizing that the necessary condition in Theorem 3.1 is not sufficient; this is illustrated in the following example. Example 3.3. Consider the monic polynomial m(x)= x3 −2x2 +3x−7. Because m(x) has no integer roots, it follows from Gauss’s lemma that m(x) is irreducible in Q[x]. On the other hand, m(2) = −1 and m(3) = 11, the polynomial m(x) has a positive root α 4 2 in the interval (2, 3). Consider the monoid Mα. As m(x)(x +2) = x − x − x − 14, we see that α is a root of the polynomial x4 − x2 − x − 14, so α4 = α2 + α + 14. Hence α is not an atom of Mα, and it follows from the characterization in Theorem 3.1 that Mα is not atomic. However, none of the polynomials in the minimal pair (x3 +3x, 2x2 +7) of α are monic monomials. Therefore we conclude that the necessary condition in Theorem 3.1 is not sufficient.

If α = 1, then Mα = N0, which is atomic. On the other hand, if α ∈ N 2 (or if 1 1 ≥ α =1/n for some n ∈ N 2), then 1 is the sum of α copies of α− (resp., α− copies of ≥ α) and, therefore 1 ∈/ A (Mα), and so Theorem 3.1 ensures that Mα is not atomic. In addition, we have exhibited in Example 3.3 a monoid Mα that is not atomic for some α ∈ R>0 \ Q. We now characterize the monoids Mα that are not atomic.

Proposition 3.4. For α ∈ R>0 with α =16 , the following statements are equivalent. (a) Mα is not atomic.

(b) (N0[α], +) is antimatter or finitely generated.

Proof. (a) ⇒ (b): Suppose that Mα is not atomic. Then α is algebraic as otherwise Mα would be a free commutative monoid, which is atomic. We consider the following two cases.

Case 1: α< 1. Since Mα is not atomic, 1 ∈/ A (Mα) by Theorem 3.1, so we can write n i 1= i=1 ciα for some n ∈ N and c1,...,cn ∈ N0 (here, we use that α< 1). Then 1 is not anP atom of the additive monoid N0[α], and it follows from [12, Theorem 4.1] that N0[α] is antimatter. EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 7

Case 2: α > 1. Since 0 is not a limit point of N0[α]• (because α > 1), it follows from [21, Proposition 4.5] that N0[α] is atomic. As in the case already considered, the n i fact that Mα is not atomic allows us to write 1 = i=1 ciα− for some n ∈ N and n n n i c1,...,cn ∈ N0 (here, we use that α > 1). ThereforePα = i=1 ciα − . As N0[α] is A k an atomic monoid, the inclusion (N0[α]) ⊆ {α | k ∈ {0,...,nP − 1}} holds by [12, Theorem 4.1]. Thus, N0[α] is finitely generated.

(b) ⇒ (a): Note that α is algebraic, for otherwise, N0[α] would be a free commuta- tive monoid on a countable basis, which is neither antimatter nor finitely generated. n Suppose first that the additive monoid N0[α] is antimatter. Since the set {α | n ∈ N0} k i generates N0[α], the equality 1 = i=1 ciα holds for some k ∈ N and c1,...,ck ∈ N0. A Hence 1 ∈/ (Mα), and so Mα is notP atomic by Theorem 3.1.

Finally, suppose that the additive monoid N0[α] is finitely generated. Then N0[α] is atomic by [15, Proposition 2.7.8], and it follows from [12, Theorem 4.1] that k A (N0[α]) = {α | k ∈{0,...,n − 1}} n n 1 k for some n ∈ N. Since α =6 1, we see that n ≥ 2. Then α = k=0− ckα for some n 1 k n A c0,...,cn 1 ∈ N0, which means that 1 = k=0− ckα − . Hence 1P∈/ (Mα), and it −  follows from Theorem 3.1 that Mα is not atomic.P

We conclude this section with examples of monoids Mα that are atomic but do not satisfy the ACCP. Example 3.5. Take a, b ∈ N with gcd(a, b) = 1 such that 1

4. The Ascending Chain Condition on Principal Ideals We have just seen in the previous section that satisfying the ACCP is a stronger condition than being atomic when restricted to the class consisting of the monoids Mα. In this section, we provide two necessary conditions for a monoid Mα to satisfy the ACCP, and then we establish two factorization-theoretical characterizations: satisfying the ACCP is equivalent to both the bounded factorization property and the finite factorization property if one restricts attention to the class consisting of all monoids Mα. We conclude this section by constructing monoids Mα satisfying the ACCP that are not UFMs. 8 S. ZHU Proposition 4.1. Let α ∈ (0, 1) be an algebraic number with minimal pair (p(x), q(x)). 1 If Mα satisfies the ACCP, then p(x) − Q(x)q(x) ∈/ N0[x, x− ] for any nonzero Laurent 1 polynomial Q(x) ∈ N0[x, x− ]. Proof. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that there exists a nonzero Laurent 1 1 polynomial Q(x) ∈ N0[x, x− ] such that r(x) := p(x) − Q(x)q(x) ∈ N0[x, x− ]. Now consider the sequences (an)n N and (bn)n N defined by ∈ ∈ n n an = Q(α) q(α) and bn := Q(α) r(α), respectively, for every n ∈ N. Observe that the terms of both (an)n N and (bn)n N are ∈ ∈ nonzero elements in Mα. On the other hand, n n n+1 n an = Q(α) q(α)= Q(α) p(α)= Q(α) q(α)+ Q(α) r(α)= an+1 + bn for every n ∈ N. Therefore (an + Mα)n N is an ascending chain of principal ideals of ∈ Mα. Since an − an+1 = bn > 0 for every n ∈ N, the chain of ideals (an + Mα)n N does ∈ not stabilize, contradicting that Mα satisfies the ACCP. 

In Example 3.5, we saw that Mα is an atomic monoid that does not satisfy the ACCP for most choices of q ∈ Q>0. However, there are also some examples of irrational algebraic real numbers α such that Mα is atomic but does not satisfy the ACCP, and we can identify some of them using Proposition 4.1. Example 4.2. Take a, b ∈ N such that gcd(a, b) = 1 and 1 0 such that m′(x) := 1 qm(x) ∈ Z[x] and g′(x) := q− g(x) ∈ Z[x]. Since qm(x) has integer coefficients, q ∈ bN. Therefore a | m′(0), so a | m′(0)g′(0) = f(0) = 1, a contradiction. Thus, Mα is atomic. Let us argue now that Mα does not satisfy the ACCP. Since α has minimal pair (p(x), q(x)) := (bx2, a), for Q(x) := x2 we see that p(x) − Q(x)q(x)=(b − a)x2, 1 which belongs to N0[x, x− ]. Hence Mα does not satisfy the necessary condition in Proposition 4.1, and so it does not satisfy the ACCP.

4.1. The Bounded and Finite Factorization Properties. In this subsection we prove that in the context of the monoids Mα, satisfying the ACCP, being a BFM, and being an FFM are equivalent properties. Recall that a monoid M is a BFM (resp., an FFM) provided that L(x) (resp., Z(x)) is finite for all x ∈ M •. We proceed to establish the main result of this section.

Theorem 4.3. For α ∈ R>0, the following statements are equivalent. EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 9

(a) Mα is an FFM.

(b) Mα is a BFM.

(c) Mα satisfies the ACCP. Proof. (a) ⇒ (b): This follows from the definitions of a BFM and an FFM. (b) ⇒ (c): This is a special case of [15, Corollary 1.3.3].

(c) ⇒ (a): Suppose that the monoid Mα satisfies the ACCP. If α is transcendental, then Mα is a free commutative monoid, and thus an FFM. We assume, therefore, that α is algebraic.

Suppose, by way of contradiction, that Mα is not an FFM. Then α =6 1 and, after 1 replacing α by α− if necessary, we can assume that α> 1. Since Mα is not an FFM, we can choose β ∈ Mα such that |ZMα (β)| = ∞. Because α> 1, there exists N ∈ N such n n that α ∤Mα β for any n ∈ Z with n > N. As Mα is atomic, A (Mα) = {α | n ∈ Z} N by Theorem 3.1. Consequently, there is a bijection ZMα (β) → ZMα (β/α ) given by N N multiplication by α− . In addition, β/α is not divisible by any positive power of α in N k Mα. Then after replacing β by β/α , we can further assume that α |Mα β implies that k ≤ 0. Since Mα−1 = Mα is atomic, it follows from Proposition 3.4 that the additive 1 monoid N0[α− ] is neither antimatter nor finitely generated. Hence, [12, Theorem 4.1] A 1 k k guarantees that (N0[α− ]) = {α− | k ∈ N0}. As a result, the fact that α ∤Mα β for Z Z −1 Z −1 any k ∈ N ensures that Mα (β) = N0[α ](β) and, therefore, that | N0[α ](β)| = ∞. 1 1 Thus, N0[α− ] is not an FFM. Now it follows from [12, Theorem 4.11] that N0[α− ] 1 does not satisfy the ACCP. However, this is a contradiction to the fact that N0[α− ] is a submonoid of the reduced monoid Mα, which satisfies the ACCP. Hence, Mα is an FFM. 

4.2. A Class of FFMs that are not UFMs. We have exhibited in Examples 3.5 and 4.2 some atomic monoids Mα that do not satisfy the ACCP. However, the only examples we have so far of monoids Mα satisfying the ACCP (or, equivalently, being FFMs) are the trivial cases, namely, those corresponding to α = 1 and α transcendental. Our purpose in this subsection is to produce monoids Mα that are FFMs for some algebraic α different from 1. This will yield monoids Mα that are FFMs but not UFMs.

To do so, let α1,α2 ∈ R be distinct roots of an irreducible quadratic polynomial in

Q[x], and set M := Mα1 and K := Q(α1). Then K is a real quadratic field extension 2 of Q that contains the monoid M. In addition, let T : Q(α1) → R be the Q-linear map induced by the assignments 1 7→ (1, 1) and α1 7→ (α1,α2), and set M ′ = T (M). Let TM : M → M ′ be the map obtained by restricting the domain and codomain of T to M and M ′, respectively. We use the notation introduced in this paragraph throughout the rest of this section. Lemma 4.4. The following statements hold. 10 S. ZHU (1) T is an injective Q- homomorphism.

(2) TM is a monoid isomorphism. i i (3) M ′ = i I ci(α1,α2) | ci ∈ N0,I ⊆ Z, |I| < ∞ . ∈  P Proof. (1) Since T is a Q-linear map, the equalities T (x + y) = T (x) + T (y) and T (qx) = qT (x) hold for all x, y ∈ Q(α1) and q ∈ Q. For each i ∈ {1, 2}, we let σi denote the Q-algebra homomorphism Q(α1) → R induced by the assignment α1 7→ αi. Then for each x ∈ Q(α1), we can verify that T (x)=(σ1(x), σ2(x)). Therefore, for all x, y ∈ Q(α1),

T (xy)=(σ1(xy), σ2(xy))=(σ1(x)σ1(y), σ2(x)σ2(y)) = T (x)T (y). 1 1 1 1 Hence T is a Q-algebra homomorphism. Note that T (α1− ) = T (α1)− = (α1− ,α2− ). Now if x ∈ ker T for some x ∈ Q(α1), then (σ1(x), σ2(x)) = (0, 0), and so the fact that σ1 is the inclusion map ensures that x = 0. Thus, T is an injective Q-algebra homomorphism.

(2) Since T is injective, it is also injective when restricted to M ⊆ Q(α1). Moreover, because M ′ is the image of M under T , the map TM : M → M ′ is a bijection. In addi- tion, the linearity of T over Q immediately implies that TM is a monoid homomorphism, making it a monoid isomorphism from M onto M ′. i (3) Finally, let x be an arbitrary element in M. Then x = i I ciα1 for a finite ∈ subset I of Z and coefficients ci ∈ N0. Because T is a Q-algebraP homomorphism by part (1), we see that

i i i i T (x)= ciT (α1) = ci(α1,α2) = ci(α1,α2). Xi I Xi I Xi I ∈ ∈ ∈ i i Therefore M ′ ⊆ i I ci(α1,α2) | ci ∈ N0,I ⊆ Z, |I| < ∞ . The reverse implication ∈ follows immediately P as T is a Q-algebra homomorphism and M is a monoid containing i  {α1 | i ∈ Z}. In order to establish the main result of this section, we need the following two lemmas.

2 Lemma 4.5. Let M be an additive submonoid of R 0. If v,w ∈ M with v = (v1, v2) ≥ satisfy v + M ⊆ w + M, then w ∈ [0, v1] × [0, v2]. Proof. Since v + M ⊆ w + M, we see that w divides v in M and, therefore, we can 2 write v = w + d, where d =(d1,d2) ∈ M ⊆ R 0. Then w =(v1 − d1, v2 − d2) belongs ≥ to [0, v1] × [0, v2]. 

For the rest of this section, we further assume that 0 < α1 < 1 < α2. We observe that, in light of part (3) of Lemma 4.4, the inclusion M ′ ⊆{(0, 0)} ∪ R>0 × R>0 holds.

Lemma 4.6. If (v1, v2) ∈ M ′, then the set M ′ ∩ ([0, v1] × [0, v2]) is finite. EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 11

Proof. Set v := (v1, v2) and Sv := M ′ ∩ ([0, v1] × [0, v2]). If v = (0, 0), then Sv is a 1 singleton and thus finite. Now we assume that v =6 (0, 0). Note that since α1− > 1 n n and α2 > 1, the sequences (α1− )n N0 and (α2 )n N0 both increase to infinity and, as a result, the nonempty set ∈ ∈ n n N := {n ∈ Z | α1 ≤ v1 and α2 ≤ v2} is bounded. Let m be the maximum of N. Take a nonzero s ∈ Sv. Since T is injective, there exists a unique α ∈ M such that s = T (α). Write m m i i (4.1) α = qiα1− + piα1 ∈ M •, Xi=0 Xi=0 where q0,...,qm and p0,...,pm are nonnegative integers. As a result, we see that m m i i s = qiT (α1− )+ piT (α1) Xi=0 Xi=0 m m i i i i = qi(α1− ,α2− )+ pi(α1,α2) Xi=0 Xi=0 m m i i i i = (q α− + p α ), (q α− + p α ) .  i 1 i 1 i 2 i 2  Xi=0 Xi=0 i Because α2 > 1, after looking at the second coordinate of s, we infer that pi ≤ piα2 ≤ m+1 v2 for every i ∈ {0,...,m}. Hence, there are at most (v2 + 1) many possible 0 m (m + 1)-tuples (p0,p1,...,pm) to choose for the respective coefficients of α1,...,α1 1 for a representation of α as in (4.1). Symmetrically, since α1− > 1, there are finitely many possible (m + 1)-tuples (q0, q1,...,qm) one can choose to express α as in (4.1). 1  Consequently, the set TM− (Sv) is finite, which implies that Sv is also finite. We are in a position to prove that M is an FFM.

Theorem 4.7. Suppose that α1 and α2 are the roots of an irreducible quadratic poly- nomial in Q[x] such that 0 < α1 < 1 < α2. Then Mα1 is an FFM and, therefore, satisfies the ACCP.

2 Proof. Define T : Q(α1) → R and M ′ as before. Let v =(v1, v2) be a nonzero element in M ′. It follows from Lemma 4.6 that Sv := M ′ ∩ ([0, v1] × [0, v2]) is a finite set. On the other hand, it follows from Lemma 4.5 that every divisor of v in M ′ belongs to Sv. Therefore, v has only finitely many divisors in M ′ and, as a result, M ′ is an FFM by virtue of [23, Theorem 2]. Since M is isomorphic to M ′ and being an FFM is an algebraic property, we conclude that M is an FFM, whence it satisfies the ACCP. 

There are monoids Mα that are FFMs but not UFMs. The following example illus- trates this observation. 12 S. ZHU

2 1 Example 4.8. Consider the polynomial p(x) := x − 2x + 2 ∈ Q[x]. Since the roots √2 √2 of p(x) are α := 1 − 2 and β := 1 + 2 , it is an . In light of Theorem 4.7, the chain of inequalities 0 <α< 1 < β guarantees that the additive 2 monoid Mα is an FFM. However, Mα is not a UFM: indeed, since 1,α,α ∈ A (Mα) by Theorem 3.1, the two sides of the equality 4α =2α2 + 1 yield distinct factorizations of the same element of Mα (see also Proposition 5.1 in the next section).

5. Factoriality and Elasticity

In this last section, we characterize the monoids Mα that are half-factorial, and we briefly discuss the elasticity of Mα. The elasticity is a factorization invariant that measures how far from being half-factorial a given monoid is.

5.1. Half-Factoriality. Recall that an atomic monoid M is an HFM if |L(x)| = 1 for every x ∈ M. In the class consisting of evaluation monoids of Laurent semirings, being an HFM and being a UFM are equivalent conditions. We determine such monoids in the following proposition.

Proposition 5.1. For α ∈ R>0, the following statements are equivalent.

(a) Mα is an UFM.

(b) Mα is an HFM. (c) α =1 or α is transcendental. Proof. (a) ⇒ (b): This follows by definition. (b) ⇒ (c): Suppose for the sake of contradiction that α is an algebraic number not equal to 1. Let (pα(x), qα(x)) be the minimal pair for mα(x) over Z. Because Mα is an n HFM, it is an atomic monoid; thus, A (Mα) = {α | n ∈ Z} by Theorem 3.1. Hence, zp = pα(α) and zq = qα(α) are factorizations for the same element of Mα. As Mα is an HFM, pα(1) = |zp| = |zq| = qα(1), which implies that 1 is a root of mα(x). However, this contradicts the irreducibility of mα(x).

(c) ⇒ (a): If α = 1, then Mα = N0; hence, it is a UFM. On the other hand, n suppose that α is transcendental. Then any equality of the form 1 = n Z cnα , ∈ where all but finitely many cn are zero, implies that c0 = 1 and cn =P 0 for every n =6 0. Therefore 1 ∈ A (Mα), and it follows from Theorem 3.1 that Mα is atomic. Now suppose that p(α) and q(α) are two factorizations of the same element in Mα, 1 k where p(x), q(x) ∈ N0[x, x− ]. Take k ∈ N such that f(x) := x (p(x) − q(x)) ∈ Z[x]. Since f(α) = 0, the fact that α is transcendental ensures that f(x) = 0 and, hence, p(x)= q(x). Thus, the factorizations p(α) and q(α) are identical, concluding that Mα is a UFM.  EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 13 We proceed to discuss a dual notion of half-factoriality. A monoid M is called a length-factorial monoid (LFM) provided that for all a ∈ M and z, z′ ∈ Z(a), the equality |z| = |z′| implies that z = z′. Observe that every UFM is an LFM. The notion of length-factoriality was first considered in [13] under the term “other-half- factoriality,” and it has been recently investigated in [8, 16, 19]. On the other hand, not every LFM is a UFM, as illustrated next.

Example 5.2. Let q ∈ Q>1 \ N and consider the additive submonoid M of Q 0 ≥ generated by the set {1, q}. Since 1 = min M • and q∈ / N, we conclude that A (M) = {1, q}. In addition, one can check that if z1 := m1 + n1q and z2 := m2 + n2q are two factorizations of the same element of M having the same lengths, then m1+n1 = m2+n2 and, therefore, (m1, n1)=(m2, n2); that is, z1 = z2. Thus, M is an LFM. However, M is not a UFM since, for instance, the two sides of the equality n(q) · 1 = d(q) · q yield distinct factorizations of n(q) in M. Additive submonoids of Q 0 that are LFMs have been determined in [22, Proposition 2.2]. ≥

Proposition 5.3. For α ∈ R>0, Mα is an LFM if and only if it is a UFM.

Proof. If α is transcendental, then Mα is a UFM; hence, the statement of the propo- sition immediately follows. Then we assume that α is algebraic. It suffices to ar- gue the direct implication, for the reverse implication follows by definition. To do this, suppose, by way of contradiction, that Mα is not a UFM. Then there exists an element of Mα having two distinct factorizations, namely, p(α) and q(α), where 1 p(x), q(x) ∈ N0[x, x− ]. After rearranging (α − 1)p(α)=(α − 1)q(α), we obtain that z1 := αp(α)+ q(α) and z2 := αq(α)+ p(α) are factorizations of the same element in Mα. Observe that z1 =6 z2 as, otherwise, the Laurent polynomials p(x) and q(x) would satisfy xp(x)+ q(x)= xq(x)+ p(x), which is not possible because p(x) =6 q(x). However, the fact that |z1| = p(1) + q(1) = |z2| indicates that z1 and z2 are distinct factorizations of the same element having the same length, which contradicts the fact that Mα is an LFM and completes the proof. 

Now we can summarize the main results we have established in this paper via the following diagram of implications, which is a specialization of Diagram (1.1) for the class consisting of all the evaluation monoids of Laurent semirings. As illustrated in Examples 3.5 and 4.8 the two (one-way) implications in the diagram are not reversible.

(5.1) [UFM ⇔ HFM ⇔ LFM] ⇒ [FFM ⇔ BFM ⇔ ACCP] ⇒ atomicity 14 S. ZHU 5.2. The Elasticity. We conclude this paper by saying a few words about the elas- ticity of the monoids Mα. Let M be an atomic monoid. The elasticity of a nonzero element x ∈ M, denoted by ρ(x), is defined as sup L(x) ρ(x) := . min L(x)

In addition, we set ρ(M) := sup{ρ(x) | x ∈ M •} and call it the elasticity of M. Notice that ρ(M) ≥ 1. Furthermore, observe that ρ(M) = 1 if and only if M is an HFM. As a result, the elasticity provides a measure of how far is an atomic monoid from being half-factorial.

As we proceed to argue, the elasticity of every monoid Mα is either 1 or infinity.

Proposition 5.4. If α ∈ R>0, then ρ(Mα)=1 if either α =1 or α is transcendental, and ρ(Mα)= ∞ otherwise.

Proof. If α = 1 or α is transcendental, it follows from Proposition 5.1 that Mα is an HFM and, therefore, ρ(Mα) = 1.

Now suppose that α is algebraic and α =6 1. We construct a sequence (βn)n N with ∈ terms in Mα such that sup{ρ(βn) | n ∈ N)} = ∞. Let (p(x), q(x)) be the minimal pair of α. Then z1 := p(α) and z2 := q(α) are two distinct factorizations of the same element, namely, β1 ∈ Mα. Since 1 is not a root of the minimal polynomial of α, we see that p(1) =6 q(1), so z1 and z2 are factorizations of different lengths. Suppose, without n loss of generality, that |z1| < |z2|. For each n ∈ N, set βn = β1 . Then we see that, for n n n every n ∈ N, both z1 and z2 are factorizations of βn in Mα whose lengths are p(1) and q(1)n, respectively. Therefore

n n sup L(βn) q(1) |z2| ρ(Mα) ≥ ρ(βn)= ≥ n = min L(βn) p(1) |z1| for every n ∈ N. Since |z2|/|z1| > 1, it follows that ρ(Mα) = ∞, which concludes the proof. 


First and foremost, it is my pleasure to thank Dr. Felix Gotti for suggesting this project and for his mentorship all the way through. I also thank the MIT PRIMES- USA program for their support, without which this paper would not exist. EVALUATION MONOIDS OF LAURENT SEMIRINGS 15 References

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