
¡Visit , , Algorta, Butrón’s Castle, and !

All day trip

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


- Leaving Bilbao Ake larre Hostel • arriving at Zierbena

Rise to the viewpoint

Akelarre will bring you to a little town of fishermen called Zierbena, where both prevail country side and coast, which turns the place into the perfect place to take a break in a typical place of the Basque coast. The day will start with rising until the viewpoint of Punta Lucero, where you can get an amazing panorama of the village bathed by the sea and the port.

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


This Hill be the second stop of the day, the fishermen’s seaport , that despite of its big transformation that it has experimented because of the construction of Bilbao’s huge port, it kept its natural and traditional charm, with its fishing boats and its pleasure crafts.

- Leaving Zierbena • Arriving at Portugalete passing through Santurce

The next stop will be Portugalete, town internationally known for its Puente Colgante (suspended bridge) . On the way to that town, you can enjoy the view of another mythical place in the coast, the sardine town . In Portugalete, you can not miss the visit of the bridge, declared World Patrimony by the UNESCO in 2006. It is considered as one of the engineer industrial work the most important of the XIX century, it did its first travel in 1983, becoming that way the first ferry of the world constructed with metallic structure. Nowadays, you can cross the bridge with 2 different options:

- In its lighter (during 1min 30 sg): 1,5 € - Tourist visit on the top: 5 €

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


- Leaving Portugalete • Arriving at Algorta

Crossing the river Ibaizabal through the bridge we’ will arrive in the village of Las Arenas, where the tour will bring you to another mythical port of the Basque coast: The old port of Algorta . This fishermen ‘s neighbourhood, that was created in the XVIII century, offers to its visitors bright colored houses where you can see its little disorganized and narrow streets. From the top of the sea port, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the El Abra bay. Other charm of that popular zone is its famous pintxos. Other options to regain some forces: walking 3 kilometres next to the sea. That way you’ll get to the sport port , well known for its many restaurants.

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


- Leavin g Algorta • Arriving at Punta galea


- Leaving Punta galea • Arriving to Butrón’s Castle

Butrón’ castle represent one of the fort-building most impressive of Biscaya. Its origin comes from the XI century. Until then, this amazing construction that looks like a castle coming from a fairy tale has belonged to different owner until nowadays. Unfortunately, since a few years, the entrance of the castle is prohibited. However, the visit from the outside is really worth it, it’s an authentic show.

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


- Leaving Butrón • Arriving at Plentzia and Gorliz

The towns Plentzia and Gorliz share Butron’s ria and one of the most beautiful beach of the Biscay coast. To be able to enjoy both marine towns, its beach and its both old city centres, the visitors will have approximately 2 hours to visit all that. The old town of Plentzia offers a panel of multiple colours constructions in which are mixed the rest of old sailor’s houses, with historical buildings like the church.

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


On the other side, Gorliz represent a spectacular contrast between its green meadows and the blue from the sea in a spot where you can enjoy a microclimate, soft and warm temperature all year.

- Leaving Plentzia • Arriving at Bilbao Akelarre Hostel

Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com


Bilbao Akelarre Hostel c/ Morgan 4-6, 48014 Bilbao (Bizkaia) - Teléfono: (+34) 94 405 77 13 - [email protected] - www.bilbaoakelarrehostel.com