PDF (V.51:9, December 1, 1949)
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SEE YOU TAU BATES AT THE BANQUET RIVIERA tAlllfJRNIA TECH TOMORROW Tau Bates To BERT AT BANQUET Initiate 21 Gay Yule Spirit To Flavor Tau Bata Pi, national honorary engineering and science frater nity, will formally initiate n ine ASCIT Formal Dinner-Dance teen new undergraduate and two alumni members tomorrow. The traditional banquet fol r=======:::::;"'Saturday's Festivities Will Star lowing the initiation ceremonies Where Are You? will feature speeches by Mr. Hal Loman's Band At The Riviera \V hat. aJ'e you doing? Just Howard B. Lewis and Dr. Dean The luxurianl environmenl of the Riviera Counlry Club, the E. Woolridge, alumni members IIsk the ZERO READER, Dec. availabililY of a scrumptious pre·dance dinner, and Ihe languid who are being elected to the S, 201 Bl'ldge, 11:00 a ,DI_ CES music of Hal Loman's orcheslra will be Ihe hallmarks of this l1onorary -fraternity. Also, ....an year's ASCIT Christinas Formal on Salurday evening. original twenty minute play will pl'esents t h e Zero ReadeI' to Dinner, which is to be prepared by Ihe Los Angeles Athletic be given by the undergraduate you. Club, will be served from 7:30 till 8:00, and dancing will com· initiates after the steak fest. mence al 9 o'clock. Dress will be semi·formal; Ihat is, dark suits Alu mni Initiates @or tuxes will be in order for the The two Alumni initiates were affair. chosen on the basis of their out Two Bars OIJen! standing records of achievement Bill Freed, First Representa· in engineering. Mr. Lewis was tive, has secured the facilities of president of the Alumni Associa- the entire cl ub for the ASCIT. lion last year. Dr. Woolridge, Candle light and soft music will provide the holiday atmosphere who is a research associate In Coach Bert La Bruch erie s.."lys a few things to th e thl"Ong gath~ electrical engineering on, cam· in the dining room on the sec ered at t he annual }'all Athletic Banquet held last Monday at ond floor. Liquid refreshments pus, is in charge of the electron· Brookside Park Country Club. ics division of Hughes Aircraft from the bar will also be avall Company. able to diners. Other opportuni Nineteen undergraduates will Loyola Coach Featured ties for diversion will be found become Tau Bates. Five juniors in both bars, the coke room, and were chosen from the list of ell Spea ker At Sports Dinner Seniors Take Wind Tunnel the lounge. gibles on the basis of their par· Parking will be no problem t icipation in campus activities as Those present at Brookside man on his team graduated three this year as the entire parking lot in front , of the Riviera has well as their exceptional schol Park Monday night, witnessed a days before the game, so he re Note Of This! To Be Built astic records. They are Robert been placed at the disposal of minor miracle. Due to the skill cruited a new team and with 110 The final Alumni Placement The noise of pavement break the ASCIT. Kurland, Peter Mason, Dallas ers and chipping hammers ema Peck, Richard Taylor, and Will· ful planning of Noel Reed, ath· minutes of practice proceeded to Discussion lecture for the fall Hal Loman's Band nating from the Astrophysics Hal Loman and his ten piece iam Whitney. letic manager, and the forceful West Point to face the Kadets or term will be held at Dabney Arch is a harbinger of a new 175 Elected on the basis of their MC-ing of Dr. Sharp, I'You can as he said, "Direct traffic as House on Tuesday, December 6, band will feature the San Fran MPH wind tunnel which will be cisco style of music with numer outstanding records were the fo l_ take as much time as you please, Anny marched down Ule field," at 7:15 p.m. The guest speaker, ready for operation by the end lowing senior scientists; Duane just so it isn't over nine min ous Rhumbas and Sam bas. Grid Lettermen Mr .Harold C. Hill, will present of January. Mr. William Bowen, Starred are the Hal Loman sing Cooper, James L. Kohl, Robert utes," 'this year's Athletic Ban· another subject of general in superintendent of GALCIT (Gug· Ross Jennings, Scott Lynn, Dave quet will probably go down in Coach LaBrucherle announced ing trio with Mary Moseley, who terest with a discussion on "The genheim Aeronautics Lab) said will be on hand to add a touch Manning, and Roger Picciotto, Tech annals as the first one ~o that Odell Carson had been cho. Placement Outlook and How to that this new tunnel will replace of sweetness to the music. Senior engineers to be honored finish according to schedule. sen team captain and that Don Get a Job." the old one that had been located Bakel', Leon Bass, Roland Ber· with bents include Cecil Drink Wh earon Troph y In the past the discussions at PCC. The tunnel will be used ward. William Haefliger, CI'aig ner, Jim Blom, Ted Bowen, Odell for graduate research and will The two major awards fo r.ath. Carson, Baln Dayman, Dave have been marked by a poor at· Marks, James McCaldin, Dwight letics this year were given, tendance with "mutterings" from have some of its time rented to Plant Bio La bs Schroeder, Win Soule, and Rich Hanna, Dick Karasawa, Don La private corporations. strangely enough, to a couple of mar, Johri Lewis, Craig Marks, the real' that the topics under ard Wright. In addition, J. Fred 175 IIII)h Sl)eeds fe llows in the Geoiogy depart· Alan Marshall, Leon Michelson, discussion were not of general Rentz will be initIated for the enough interest. The interest A 75 hp motol' l'uns the single Open For Tour ment. Don Baker was presented Art Miller, Randy Moore, Dallas Monday's eleven o'clock meet (Continued on Page 4) for this one should prove to be return tunnel which has a work the Whea ton P laque w h I I e Peck, Noel Reed, Don Schmid, ing of the Biology Club will fea· ---:------------- 1 Dave MacKenzie received its soc general enough with the added ing area of 42 by 27 inches. The .Tim Schofield, Dwight Schroeder, propeller on the tunnel is vari tUre a tout' of the plant biochem cer sequeL Howell Tyson, Jim Wilcox, and dividend of presenting material istry laboratories conducted by of primary importance to all Sen able in pitch. The Ail' Labora Debaters Back OU"HI' HUIIIOI'OUS Harold Woody received varsity Dr. James F. Bonner, who will iol's graduating in June. tory Development Company is Guest speaker, Coach Jordan footbail letters this year. Senior constl'uc;ting the new tunnel, discuss the problems at present Seniors }'ace Competition From Stanford Oliver of Loyola, gave a very in awards went to Merle Kam and which will cost the Institute under investigation and the tech teresting and humorous account Ed Worrell and Howard Mower This discussion should be a $14,500. GALCIT is also buying niques being applied to their so Caltech debaters won more of his Villanova team's track received a varsity manager's let· lution. than fifty percent of the debates preliminary warning to any Sen a new balance for the tunnel meet with Army in 1944, when ter. Visit Labs they took part in at the recent iors still wearing "rose-colored since the old balance that was Davis and Blannchard ruined Meeting in Professor Bonner's Wesetern Speech tournament Frosh PigskJnners glasses," since the business on the wind tunnel at PCC is them to the tune of 83-0. world is returning to normal in inadequate for the higher speed office, 128 Ket·ckhoff. Biology held last week at Stanford Unl· In the Frosh football depart · Club members, and all others in versity according to Coach Mc It seems that due to the regard to hiring engineers and of 175 mph. ment, Coach Preisler in 4.499 terested, will proceed from there Crery. Debaters who made the Navy's accelerated scholastic scientists. Now is the time for Concrcte Pilings to the various labs where work trip and participated in upper program at VlIIanova, aU but one (Continued on Page 4) the "graduate" to evaluate his The cost of moving the old on rubber synthesis, tissue cuI division debate were Stan Gro possibilities with the thought to wind tunnel from pce to Cal ture ~ plant viruses, and other ner, Ralph Stone, Ulrich Merten selling himself to an employer, tech would have been high, so it projects is being carried on. and Bob Smith. ASCE Sponsors New Instituter since the competition for the po was decided to buy a new tun sitions with the better possibili nel more suited to the needs of Since the entire meeting will be More than 40 colleges from the ties is becoming stiffer. informal, Dr. Bonner intends to various western states were rep the gradua te schooL The old Unusual Talk Wheels Chosen Mr. Hill will discuss the gen tunnel could only reach a wind confine his remarks to those of resented at the tournament and an introductory nature, then go Last Monday, the ASCE pre· eral placement outlook for the velocity of 60 mph. an estimated total of more than With the term rapidly drawing into as much detail as time and sented Mr. Billig, of London, 1950 graduate and what proce The building which will house 400 students participated. With to a close, Ricketts and Dabney interest permit. In this way it England, who spoke on "Corru House Instituters had meetings dure the graduate may use that the new tunnel is being erected the close of the Western tourna is hoped that the tour will be of ment, Caltech debaters shift from gated Concrete Construction." last Monday to elect House may help to secure the job.