The Revolutionary

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The Revolutionary AUREL ZOLA DIRECTEUR ARTISTIQUE - CHORÉGRAPHE - DANSEUR Shakira - MTV Europe Music Award Pharell williams - Milan Dancer Dancer chor.oththan chor. Fatima Robinson (USA) The Voice Belgium Season 2 (2013) Beyonce - MTV Europe Music Award Berlin Dancer/Ass. Chor Dancer chor. Selasi D. and Aurel Zola chor. Frank Gabson/Bryan Tanaka (USA) The Voice Belgium Season 1 (2012) Leona Lewis - red or black London Dancer/Ass.Chor. Dancer chor. Selasi Dogbatse and Aurel Zola chor. jerry and Dennis (GER) Vodacom SuperStar by Akonic Rihanna – X-Factor Final London Choreographer Dancer chor. Aurel Zola chor. Tina Landon/Teniesha Scott (USA) Vodacom KataDance Kinshasa Keshia - MTV Europe Music Award Madrid Choreographer Dancer chor.& judge Aurel Zola chor. oththan Aneta Sablik - Poland Idole Dance Dance Dance Germany Saison 1 Dancer Dancer/Choreographer Chor. Dennis Jauch Chor Camillo/Sarah (GER) Natalia Mia’s Award 2014 David Guetta Feat Fergie – Peters Live Choreographer/ Dancer Dancer Chor. Aurel Zola chor. Kris loix Aneta Sablik - Dancing With The Stars Germany Will I Am Promo Tour Dancer Britain’s Got Talent London Chor. Dennis Jauch BBC award X-factor Eurosong 2014 Dancer Choreographer/Dancer Chor. Fatima Robinson & Adrian (USA) Chor. Aurel Zola Miley Cyrus - MTV EMA Amsterdam Hadise - Peters Live Dancer Dancer chor. Rich & Tone and Christine (L.A) Chor. Yves/ Ish RedFoo ( LMFO) - MTV EMA Amsterdam Beyaz show (Turkey) – Hadise Dancer Dancer chor Christine (L.A) chor. Yves/ish Rihanna - Brit award (2012) BO Show (Turkey) – Hadise Dancer Dancer chor. Hi-Hat & Troy (USA) chor. Yves/ish(2010) Akon feat Sarah K - Vodacom S.S (2012) Ceremony des magrittes : Show with the Hosted Chor./ Dancer Choreographer/Dancer chor. Aurel Zola Chor. by Aurel Zola Stromae - Peter Live Hadise - TMF Award 2009 (Belgium) Dancer Dancer chor Ish chor. Ish/yves.
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