Approved For Print Post 565001/00046 ADELAIDEAN New studyreveals chronic GPshortage served metropolitan area metropolitan ofAdelaide.served in GPs, compared to therelatively well- of SouthAustralia are chronically lacking (SACRRH) areas some country hasshown forRuralCentre andRemote Health by theSouthAustralian A NEW STUDY “Robin HoodIndex”hasbeencreated need, andfromthiscalculationa rate ineachareaasanestimateof each area.Thecentreusesthedeath assess howmanyGPsareneededin The SACRRHstudyalsoattemptsto in . than twiceasmanypeopleperGP as 1468peopleshareeachGP:more Indeed, intheMurrayLandsasmany more peoplehavetoshareeachGP. all otherpartsoftheState,many people foreachGPinAdelaide.But The studyshowsthatthereare582 Discussion Paper, releasedthismonth. the studyinitsfirstWorkforce , haspublishedtheresultsof Adelaide andtheUniversityofSouth SACRRH, basedattheUniversityof Chancellor’s unveiled portrait It istheseventhportraitcommissionedbyUniversity fromMrHannaford. week. Bonython Hall.TheportraitoftheChancellor, MrBruceWebb, was unveiledlast ANOTHER FINEPORTRAITbyartistRobertHannaford istogracethewallsof Vol 8No7 INSIDE THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE 1874-1999 2 Bridging Program Bridging Kate CadmanontheIntegrated metropolitan area,”hesaid. they sharefewerGPsthanthe health needsthanthecapitalandyet “Areas outsideAdelaidehavegreater across SouthAustralia. establish afairerdistributionofGPs of GPswouldhavetomove Director ofSACRRH,said253or11% Professor DavidWilkinson, the people livinginthecountry. Adelaide tendtobehealthierthan lives inAdelaideandresidentsof In contrast,only73%ofthepopulation work inAdelaide. 85%—of SouthAustralia’s 2188GPs the 1996Census,foundthat1860—or Australian BureauofStatisticsfrom The study, usingdataprovidedbythe most poorlyserved. Murray LandsandNorthernareas Yorke Peninsula,LowerNorth, over-endowed withGPs,the According totheindex,Adelaideis distributed. to measurehowfairlyresourcesare 125 Celebrating N EWS F ROM T years HE U 5 NIVERSITY “Flash Red Ford” inAfrica Adelaide graduate’s medical coursesandpostgraduate placements forstudentsofarange including vastlyexpandingrural made animpactinanumberofareas Government funds.Ithasalready established lastyearwithFederal SACRRH, basedinWhyalla,was country. GP serviceshouldbeinthecityor proposal forwhattheactuallevelsof data wasneededtomakeafirm He saidmoreaccurateGPworkforce may varyinthecityandcountry. duration ofserviceprovided,andthis include informationsuchastypeand ABS dataislimitedinthatitdoesnot Professor Wilkinson stressedthatthe of thesegroups.” and SACRRHisstudyingdistribution needed toensureahealthycommunity and alliedhealthworkers—arealso GPs—such aspharmacists,nurses workers andservicesotherthan State. Itshouldbenotedthathealth dedicated tocountryareasofthe “It’s clearmoreresourcesneedtobe Eureka Prize ‘ALEX’ wins model Possum. threatened species—Leadbeater’s of Australia’s mostcontroversial toof anecological model conserve one mental Research for their application the POLEureka Prize for Environ- LindenmayerDavid ofANUhave won Professor Hugh Possingham andDr THE UNIVERSITYOFADELAIDE’S modelling skillswith field and “We combined our mathematical said. problems,” ProfessorPossingham in resolvingenvironmental practical outcomesthatcanassist objective andthatwastodeliver “We havealwayshadonemajor population. available resourcestosustainthe mortality andthecapacityof based onvariablessuchasinfant population growthanddecline, possum. Themodelpredicts and savetheLeadbeater’s the LikelihoodofExtinction)totry the modelcalledALEX(Analysisof The researchersdeveloped in 1990. developed byProfessorPossingham application ofacomputermodel Studies, werechosenfortheir for ResourceEnvironmental Lindenmayer, fromtheANUCentre and hiscolleague,DrDavid Professor ofEnvironmentalScience, Professor Possingham,the O F A DELAIDE 6 articles. publish reportsandpeer-reviewed and nationally, andisnowstartingto network ofcontactswithinthestate SACRRH hasestablishedawide works atPikaWiya HealthService. sourced $500,000tosupportcapital In Aboriginalhealth,SACRRHhas nutrition andyouthneedsinWhyalla. aspects ofmentalhealth,ruralinjury, has establishedprojectstostudykey In theareaofpublichealth,SACRRH peninsula. pharmacists workingontheEyre to providesupportandreliefthe Whyalla andisapartnerinproject dental practicesinPortAugustaand facilitated thedevelopmentofpublic people. Forexample,thecentre to improveclinicalservicesforrural SACRRH, initsownright,ishelping $50,000. education awardstothevalueof populations atonce. fire, andcantrack several faster, models catastrophessuchas than similarprograms, works of species.Itismoreuser friendly evaluate theprospectsof avariety environmental organisationsto government agenciesand The modelhasbeenembracedby species inthearea. desert foxisaniconforendangered of theSanJoaquinvalley. Thetiny to helpsavethethreatenedkitfox California FishandWildlife Service ALEX isbeingusedbythe returned fromCaliforniawhere Professor Possinghamhasjust problems. solve conservationmanagement the worldontheiruseofPVA to present keynoteaddressesallover asked towritebookchaptersand Analysis (PVA). Theyhavebeen analysis—Population Viability American formofconservation world authoritiesonthislargely Possingham arenowconsidered Dr LindenmayerandProfessor resource use”. through itsimpactonglobal “outstanding bothscientificallyand workwas said thepair’s Organisers oftheEurekaPrize species.” Australia’s mostcontroversialforest conservation planforwhatisoneof ecological skillstodevelopa of awave Profile: Ridingthecrest —David Washington—David MAY 17,1999 PAGE 2 MAY 17, 1999 ADELAIDEAN COMMENTARY 1999 INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATES UP AND RUNNING

It’s been an interesting start to the special needs of inter- by demands a two-way widespread interest from a number of academic year. In 1998 the media national postgrad- Kate Cadman relationship, which other interstate and international were predicting that the Asian uate students as they Coordinator involves complex institutions, several of whom are now economic crisis was going to cause make the transition Integrated Bridging Program cross-cultural trying to initiate similar programs. huge holes in the International to study in an Aust- ACUE learning. Following my presentations at the Programs of Australian universities. ralian institution. In University of Michigan and at the Here at the Integrated Bridging addition to running Last year the IBP International TESOL Conference in Program (IBP) we found ourselves weekly workshops on core academic was shortlisted for a prestigious New York, collaborative work in the scrambling for extra part-time staff to English skills, IBP lecturers regularly Australian Award for University development of English Language manage the surprise influx of consult with individual students and Teaching, in the category of “Support Programs for international students overseas students. Numbers collaborate with staff in the students’ for the Special Needs of International is now under discussion. faculties. Strongly committed to a Students”. Recently, Margaret continued to swell, lecturers were Continued research is vital to the student-centred model, the IBP Cargill, the initiator of the program crammed into already crowded ongoing development of the encourages students to direct their and winner of a 1997 Stephen Cole offices, and the Resource Room was Integrated Bridging Program. As own learning, using their individual the Elder Prize for University converted into a makeshift office for more international students choose research interests as the basis for all Teaching, was invited to present IBP- the last recruit. the University of Adelaide for language development. based research in the UK. She spoke It was a hive of activity. As the to staff at the Centre for English postgraduate research, it will become Intensive Phase of the program got In this context, English is not an Language Education at Nottingham increasingly important for the IBP to under way at the beginning of additional subject to fit in between University, and at project “SMILE” have a core of full-time staff to pursue February, there seemed to be a “real” classes, but the framework for (Strategies for the Management of research and professional permanent queue of students at the research. Independent Learning Environments) development, in addition to the labour-intensive tasks of lecturing, front desk, and arguing in the It is this emphasis on “integration” at the University of Hull. consulting with students and classrooms. Lunch breaks were filled which differentiates the IBP from As coordinator of the IBP, I was collaborating with other University with tales of new students who other pre-enrolment study skills seemed literally to have run from the delighted to accept an invitation last members. programs or courses. Students’ month from Professor John Swales, airport, rather than miss any of their research is integrated with ongoing The high levels of satisfaction pre-semester classes with the IBP. an internationally acclaimed expert English language development, in the field of genre theory and expressed by students and staff, We wondered what we’d done to enjoy within the particular environment of coupled with academic success, such popularity. Director of the English Language university postgraduate study, and in Institute of the University of suggest that it would be valuable if For those unfamiliar with the work of the broader context of Australian Michigan, Ann Arbor, to speak to his the benefits of the IBP were made the IBP, it is an innovative, language- culture. Other “bridging” courses staff at the Institute. In particular, available to all incoming inter- based academic program for tend to focus on the attainment of Professor Swales was interested in national students, including international postgraduate students. minimum English language the structure, implementation, undergraduates. As an inter- It was devised and is taught by proficiency scores and generic curriculum and pedagogy of the IBP nationally recognised and applauded academic staff from the Advisory academic skills. Central to the here at the University of Adelaide. program, the IBP provides strong Centre for University Education. philosophy of the IBP is the insurance that the University can recognition that such a score is a The successful development of the count on the continuation of a strong Introduced to the University in 1995, starting point only, and that cultural IBP’s student-directed and negotiated and successful overseas student the program is designed to meet the exchange with international students curriculum has also attracted community.

Celebrating 125years FROM NEAR AND FAR Rev. Nevin Vawser graduated BEng The course included lectures at the (Electrical) in 1948. He was employed by University and at the School of Mines, the Electricity Trust of SA from 1947-54, so that when the course was completed a double recognition was received with which included special leave for graduate the presentation of certificates from experience in England with the English both establishments—which was nice Electric Co (1950-52). He did theological for the ego! training at Ormond College in Melbourne One of the surprises I experienced (1955-57) and served in Presbyterian and during the course was to meet two Uniting Church parishes in Victoria, young women students doing engineering. Typical of the times, I Tasmania, Northern Territory and understood that engineering was a Queensland from 1958-91. He was male occupation so it was quite a superintendent of Mowanjum Aboriginal shock to meet up with two females. As Mission near Derby 1961-66, and I think back, it was the beginning for me of changing my attitude to accept Kimberley Regional Coordinator 1983-86. generally that women are entitled to He now lives in Queensland. become involved in any occupation they prefer. The major thought which comes when While the reality of the war was kept one thinks about engineering courses alive to some degree by coverage in the done in the 40s is the incredible daily newspapers, the fact that the increase in knowledge and skills which fighting was taking place in far distant has taken place since then and has to places kept the war from our daily be coped with today. One significant experiences. This changed, however, Rev. Nevin Vawser—from engineering to a church ministry. Photo courtesy of Nevin Vawser. difference in approach then was that for me when a student appeared in each of the branches of engineering, among us who was a repatriated specialisation began much later in the soldier who had been severely injured share discussions about the Christian by attending the first national course than today. As an electrical in North Africa by an explosion close faith with well educated and highly conference after the war, held in engineering student I experienced in front of him. The scarring on his educated students from various Mittagong in NSW, I met a young electronics introduced briefly in the face and hands made it clear how faculties. Also, I was greatly woman named Betty Holdsworth from final year. amazing it had been that he had impressed by the willingness of the Melbourne University SCM, whom When I began in 1942 the course had survived. Working together in a Emeritus Professor Charles Birch, I later married and with whom I will been reduced from four years to three laboratory, we would watch with retired from Sydney University, who celebrate a golden wedding because of World War II, with the sympathy as he rubbed a lump on his was a lecturer at Adelaide University anniversary in the year 2000. expectation that earlier graduation skin and extracted a piece of gravel at the time, to share in and lead Aware of the privilege that was mine would make qualified engineers which had been blasted into his body. discussion groups of the SCM. It in attending the University of available to the forces sooner. Shorter A very valuable experience for me was meant a great deal to me that such a Adelaide, my hope is that systems of vacations and longer lecture periods to be an active member of the Student philosophical and scientific person acceptance will enable as many South certainly brought greater pressure on Christian Movement. Adding to the could have such a commitment to the Australian students as possible to the students, making it harder to cope experience from my local church, it Christian faith. One further great attend the University of Adelaide in for some such as myself. was important for me to be able to benefit granted by the SCM was that the future. ADELAIDEAN MAY 17, 1999 PAGE 3 Library’s 2,000,000th item revealed A SPECIAL publisher’s edition of Geoffrey Dutton’s final book of poems, New York Nowhere, has been revealed as the two millionth item acquired by the University’s Barr Smith Library. It’s Good News Week A beautifully hand-crafted limited edition, the book was the product of Last week was Science Week. As a a collaboration between the University deservedly well known for its publisher, Robert Littlewood of The achievements in Science we were at the Lytlewode Press in Victoria, painter centre of a series of events promoting John Olsen and Geoffrey Dutton. Science to the public, but most It includes 10 signed etchings by importantly, to the very young public. Olsen, photographs of the They will be the ones to undertake the collaborators, and a CD recording of practice and management of Science in Dutton reading his poems. the 21st Century when no doubt it will Dutton, an Adelaide University play an even more central role in our graduate, was a member of the Uni- society than in this Century. versity’s English Department from Congratulations to Sarah Farrelly, Chris 1955 to 1962. The Barr Smith Daniels and the Faculty of Science for Library has a complete set of his organising a super celebration of Science publications in Special Collections. in the form of three major public lectures At a celebration of the two millionth Vice-Chancellor Professor Mary O’Kane and Librarian Mr Ray Choate with the special edition which were a great hit with the younger item, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor of Geoffrey Dutton’s “New York Nowhere”. Photo by David Ellis. general public. Mike Tyler, David Paton Mary O’Kane, presented the special and Mike Kokkinn (University of South edition of New York Nowhere to Also at the Celebration, Emeritus joined by the special edition of Australia) spoke on Monday about Librarian Mr Ray Choate. Librarian Ira Raymond recounted Geoffrey Dutton’s work. “When Friends Become Pests—Cats, Professor O’Kane spoke about the the experience of the Library Mr Choate said the occasion of the Koalas, Frogs and Mosquitoes”. On Library being the “heart” of the achieving its 500,000th and one- two millionth acquisition was an Wednesday, Lou Rendina and Dennis University and noted that “a great millionth items during his tenure as opportunity to honour the previous Taylor risked their lives in “The Lou and library is integral to all great University Librarian. acquisitions and to speculate on Dennis Explosive Chemistry Show”, and universities”. These items, a facsimile copy of the their value, in an intellectual sense, on Friday by popular demand Chris The celebration of the Library’s Gutenberg Bible (acquired in to successive generations of Daniels, Rob Saint and Ben McHenry collections was a fitting part of the 1969) and a first edition of Galileo’s students, staff and other users of (South Australian Museum) staged a University’s 125th anniversary Discorsi e Dimostrazioni Mate- the Library over more than 120 repeat of their captivating lecture activities, she said. matiche (acquired in 1979), are now years. “Hollywood Dinosaurs—Truth is Stranger Than Fiction”, a great idea originally developed by Gerald Buttfield. Also on Friday our Inaugural Lecture Sixth KL graduation is very special series featured Professor Peter Langridge speaking on “Genes for food, THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE graduation of the first major cohort well, in the sense that the vast food for thought”, a very wide-ranging will conduct its sixth Graduation to have travelled to Adelaide from majority will be graduating,” he and informative lecture on genetically Celebration in Malaysia on Sunday, 23 the University’s twinning program said. “The feedback we have modified organisms. May—and it’s special for several with Sepang Institute of Technology received from students has been at Klang. Of the 139 students, 89 incredibly positive.” The week was also marked by other reasons. celebrations. Congratulations are due to completed their degrees in Adelaide The third reason why tomorrow’s First, the ceremony will witness the under the twinning program, with Professor Hugh Possingham, of our largest-ever contingent of grad- ceremony is so special is that it’s Department of Applied and Molecular the majority graduating in the the first to be conducted under a uates crossing the stage in the Ecology, who won the POL Eureka Prize School of Commerce. generous five-year joint Grand Ballroom at Kuala Lumpur’s for Environmental Research, with Dr Mr Martin Markovic, the Associate sponsorship by Clipsal Hotel Nikko to receive their Dean, International, for the School Manufacturing (M) Sdn Bhd and David Lindenmayer from the Australian parchments from the Chancellor, of Commerce, said the School has Clipsal Malaysia Sdn Bhd. National University. The award Mr Bruce Webb AM. been delighted with the recognises their outstanding Guest speaker for the occasion is collaborative work on population 139 new graduates will be performance of the first large group the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti present—more than double the of SIT students who completed modelling for the conservation of Putra Malaysia, Professor Tan Sri Australia’s forest fauna, and in number of recent years. their studies in Adelaide last year. Dato’ Dr Syed Jalaludin Syed Second, the ceremony marks the “They have performed remarkably Salim. particular for the development of a conservation plan for Leadbeater’s possum. The Prize was presented at an award ceremony held at the Australian LETTER TO THE EDITOR Museum on Tuesday night. Then on Thursday night the Australian Making Kenneth Stirling proud anonymously. 5UV began trans- broadcast hours was solved by Technology Awards were announced. mitting in 1972 and the sad occasion enlisting the help of enthusiastic Camtech (SA) Pty Ltd was a finalist in Dr Jeff Langdon’s review for publishing the donor’s name was volunteer presenters of many kinds the category “Excellence in the of recent achievements his death in 1973. of music; and the community was development of electronic commerce and by workers at 5UV Though the donation in today’s further helped by granting access (Adelaidean 19/4/99) time to university students, ethnic internet technology”; and we were money would be worth much more, thrilled that PhD student and prompts me to recall the the limited funds for production staff groups, the print handicapped, and donor who gave $100,000 to the older persons. entrepreneur Vladimir Petrovic’s at 5UV affected the range of company, DADANCO Pty Ltd—a tenant University of Adelaide with the wish educational courses which it offered. that an educational radio station be I hope Kenneth Stirling would have on our Thebarton Campus—won the However, imaginative staff members been pleased with what 5UV has set up as an extension of the found sources of outside grants for Australian Technology Award for University’s face-to-face program in achieved, particularly in providing Excellence in the Development of general adult education and high standard training for future continuing education. vocational courses, and air time was Technology from an organisation workers in radio, and the initial employing less than 50 people. Almost 30 years ago Kenneth also sold, in the 1970s, to Flinders experience for staff of other public DADANCO’s godfather is, of course, Sam Stirling, an economics graduate of University, the Adelaide College of stations such as 5EBI, 5RPH and Advanced Education, the Depart- Luxton. This year DADANCO has been the University, who had worked in the Aboriginal station 5NPY. the mining industry and had keen ment of Technical and Further selected as a finalist in the Australia interests in Australian history and Education and the WEA. Colin Lawton Day Council of SA Business Awards, in conservation, gave the money The early problem of extending Lower Mitcham Vladimir won the Ernst and Young South Australian Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Sam has been named a The newspaper of The University of Adelaide ADELAIDEAN “Hero of Science” at the annual Clunies Ross National Science and Technology John Edge Julie Ryke Printed by Writers Contributors Awards—an impressive record indeed. Editor Layout Cadillac Color David Ellis Tony Cox David Washington Adrienne Eccles So congratulations all! And now I must Collette Snowden race off at the behest of the Students’ Deadline for next issue is 20 May Association, to launch Sex Week. Room G07 Mitchell Building, , 5005. Tel (08) 8303 5174; Fax (08) 8303 4838; Email: [email protected] WWW: MARY O’KANE Material may be reproduced without permission but full acknowledgement must be given to the Adelaidean. PAGE 4 MAY 17, 1999 ADELAIDEAN Asia-Pacific Cole Prizes for our top teachers mobility

THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE has become the only university in South Australia to be awarded University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) grants by the Federal Government this year. The grants enable students to participate in exchange programs with other universities in the Asia- Pacific region. They also supply funding for Australian university staff to pursue further exchange opportunities abroad. All study undertaken in an overseas country under the UMAP scheme is counted towards the Di Schwerdt Derek Abbott Judith Raftery Australian students’ degrees. Students also gain wider and invaluable experience from having OUTSTANDING teaching efforts by three also offered cash prizes (whatever he area of Aboriginal health, which is lived and studied in another University of Adelaide staff members have had in his wallet at the time) to the now included in various Faculty of student who asked the best question of Health Sciences courses. country, opening up both personal been rewarded with this year’s Stephen the day. and professional development Cole the Elder Prizes for Excellence in Dr Dianne Schwerdt holds a Bachelor opportunities. Teaching. Students expressed their appreciation of Arts (Honours), Master of Arts and of his accessibility, friendliness, PhD degrees from the University of The Minister for Education, The prizes, presented during the genuine concern and, importantly, his Adelaide. In 1991 she joined the Training and Youth Affairs, Dr Commemoration Ceremonies in April, sense of humour. Department of English. David Kemp, announced the line- were awarded to Dr Derek Abbott up of UMAP grants in March this (Electrical & Electronic Engineering), Dr Judith Raftery was first appointed Dr Schwerdt states that a teacher who year. Of the those awarded in Dr Judith Raftery (Public Health), and to the Department of Public Health in strives for excellence is one “who South Australia, all were given to Dr Dianne Schwerdt (English). 1989 as a Senior Teaching Fellow, and combines a thorough and extensive the University of Adelaide. The Stephen Cole the Elder Prizes are then promoted to Senior Lecturer in knowledge of the field with a passionate 1998. She is currently convener of the desire to share this with others... who They include: nominated by colleagues and students. Master of Public Health. has soundly developed communicative • grants for six undergraduate Dr Derek Abbott, who completed his In defining the goals of the Master of and interpersonal skills and is skilled at students in the School of PhD in Electronic Engineering at the Public Health program, Dr Raftery promoting an effective learning Architecture to undertake a 12- University of Adelaide, joined the states that “we encourage open-ended environment for students... whose week in-country program at the department in 1987. reflection and debate on what makes teaching is innovative and challenging, University of Indonesia, and a His teaching responsibilities have for a healthy society and aim to equip providing ample opportunity for the subsidised visit by a School of included teaching electronics to students to become reflective and intellectual development of students in Architecture staff member to engineering students in courses where critical—as health practitioners, as an environment that encourages negotiate arrangements for electronics is not the main focus. The advocates for the health of the public, individuals to challenge their student exchanges; principal challenge has been to and as citizens”. interactions with text, subject matter, •a subsidised visit by a staff demonstrate the relevance of the personal opinion and experience”. Dr Raftery’s colleagues speak of her member in the Faculty of subject to students and to stimulate clear-sighted leadership of the Master Of her visit to the University of Engineering to negotiate student their interest and generate enthusiasm. of Public Health program, her Connecticut, one of her international exchanges with the University of Dr Abbott’s success in achieving these outstanding ability in the design and colleagues wrote: “She impressed… not Hong Kong, City University of aims is testified to by his colleagues and delivery of education programs, her only as an expert, but as a teacher Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong students who speak of his enthusiasm enthusiasm for teaching and her genuinely pursuing new ideas and University of Science & for his subject and for teaching. desire to promote student learning. conscientiously seeking to augment an Technology; and already impressive array of teaching One student who wrote in support of Her postgraduate students spoke •two subsidised visits by a staff strategies. We learned much from her.” Dr Abbott’s nomination noted that about her genuine warmth and member to the Tokyo Metropolitan electronics was a difficult subject concern, her capacity to deal One of her students, writing in support Institute of Technology to negotiate which could often lead to a somewhat sensitively and insightfully with of her nomination, said she “is sensitive arrangements for a student dry teaching style, but: “Dr Abbott situations affecting students’ learning, to the interests of her students, exchange in Mechatronic avoids this with his interactive style of and her generosity with time and maintaining the delicate balance Engineering. lecturing, and gives continuous resources. She possessed an ability “to between discipline and flexibility. The Dean of Architecture, encouragement to attend to the motivate and stimulate and also to “Each person was encouraged to Professor Tony Radford, said the material.” question and criticise in a way which participate both as a student and as student exchanges to Indonesia Dr Abbott introduced an innovative does not diminish [students’] self- an individual, and Di brought us would be delayed until at least level of interaction with students, confidence but extends them to their together in a supportive environment next year because of political answering any question they had intellectual limits”. that allows us to explore the texts instability in that country. about their topic and providing Dr Raftery has also been prominent in within our own frames of reference.” feedback to questions via email. He the development of teaching in the —David Ellis

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JARED THOMAS might not be a “The response was very positive, very household name in his home city of overwhelming,” said Mr Thomas, who Adelaide, but he’s already carved a name was treated especially well by the for himself in the African nations of Ugandans and was even introduced to Uganda and Kenya. the country’s President, Yoweri Museveni. The 23-year-old writer’s first play, Flash Red Ford, has been staged “Because the race relations issue in several times in both countries, to those countries is not as relevant as it is critical and popular success. in Australia at the moment, what the audiences responded to most were the Flash Red Ford is a satire based on issues of government corruption and the the true story of Mr Thomas’s emancipation of women. grandfather, Alex Thomas, a Nukunu Aboriginal man from Port Augusta “It was also really good to speak to them who won the Stawell Gift foot race in about the cultural issues. What I found the 1920s. Alex Thomas was accused was that a lot of people in Africa didn’t of cheating because he ran the race even know that there are black people barefoot; he later suffered reprisals in Australia. If I showed them photos, when he tried to use his winnings to they’d say: ‘These people are African’. buy land. I’d say: ‘No they’re not—they’re Australians’. And they’d say: ‘When did A two-time University of Adelaide they leave Africa?’” graduate (BA majoring in Drama, 1997, and a Graduate Diploma in Creative The prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Africa Writing, 1999), Jared Thomas, himself a was one of the aspects of life on the Nukunu man, is also a Student Support continent that Mr Thomas found most Officer with the University’s Aboriginal devastating. In Uganda, one in five Programs Unit, Wilto Yerlo. people is infected. He began writing Flash Red Ford at the “A lot of the people I was in contact with Noah Katongale (centre) played Alex Thomas in “Flash Red Ford” at The Institute of Teacher age of 18 while studying for his Arts regularly had lost family members or Education Kyambogo Golden Jubilee Celebrations in Kampala, Uganda. Photo by Jared Thomas. degree. friends to AIDS. One had lost both her parents, another had lost two brothers, “That was the first time I’d really others had lost children—everyone had committed myself to writing a full- been affected in some way. length play,” Mr Thomas explained. “On my first day in Uganda I visited a “When I started doing the research for man who had acted in the December the play, I spent a lot of time delving performance of my play. He was in into the history of Port Augusta, which hospital—well, I thought it was a has been racially divided over the years. hospital, until I got there and found it Most of the characters are either based was an AIDS clinic. The man was in a on people I’ve had experience with or devastating condition and the state of people I’ve read about in the history the clinic was appalling. So the books,” he said. problem there is beyond Those characters not only include the comprehension—it debilitates people young Alex Thomas, who fought for his physically, emotionally and right to own land, but also a racist and economically,” he said. corrupt mayor, an equally corrupt police Mr Thomas, who not only writes plays constable, a well-meaning but but also poetry and short fiction, said he misguided missionary, and a woman would continue making minor rewrites journalist trying to survive in a man’s to Flash Red Ford based on the world. The “Flash Red Ford” of the title performances in Africa. is a new Model-T Ford which the mayor has his heart set on, the image of which “I’ve taken a lot of notes and hours of plays a key role throughout the play. video footage, so I’ll be referring to those records and amending the script Mr Thomas said he originally spent accordingly,” he said. about a year rewriting and seeking the Jared Thomas. Photo by David Ellis advice of both prominent indigenous “I’d like to have Flash Red Ford and non-indigenous Australian and produced in Australia sometime in the has been supported by the Federal assistance from the SA Film Cor- African writers and directors. His aim near future, so I’ll look into that as soon Government through the Arts Council poration. One of his short stories was was to increase the relevance of the as I can. I guess I’ve already done all of Australia and the State Government published last year in an anthology by play in an East African context while the hard work on it overseas, so now it’s through ArtsSA—is working on a new ABC Books, Across Country: Stories maintaining its distinct Australian just a matter of getting it done here.” play with the Junction Theatre From Aboriginal Australia. flavour. Meantime, Mr Thomas—whose work Company and a feature film with —David Ellis “The first version of the play was much more realistic, based around the real story. But as I met with different writers and directors, the general message was: ‘don’t let the truth get in National Science Week success the way of a good story’. So the message is still there, it’s still pretty MORE THAN 1000 South Australians were exposed to the and enjoyable show,” commented one member of the personal, but there are more fictional exciting and sometimes unpredictable nature of Science public. “My two kids and myself were enthralled by the elements now.” during National Science Week at the University of Adelaide demonstrations, and the presenters.” His interest in having the play this month. Another said: “Thoroughly enjoyed the Lou and Dennis produced in Africa stemmed from his Three very diverse and informative presentations were show last night - most entertaining. Could you reserve love of West African literature. hosted by the Faculty of Science, which were open free of me two seats for Friday’s dinosaur show?” “When studying African literature, charge to people of all ages, backgrounds and interests. “The demand and response to these shows has illustrated immediately I noticed the similarities Due to overwhelming demand from the public, all a real interest and excitement for Science from an between their experiences and ours, in presentations were moved from their original advertised enormous array of people, ranging in age from seven to terms of colonisation and culture. I location to Union Hall, which seats over 400 people. 70,” said Miss Sarah Farrelly, Academic Services Officer wanted to see what their response in the Faculty of Science and co-organiser of the National would be to the play and I also wanted Monday night’s presentation (“When Friends Become Science Week events, with Dr Chris Daniels from the to talk to black Africans about Pests - Cats, Koalas, Frogs and Mosquitoes”, 3 May) had Department of Environmental Biology. in excess of 250 people, and also attracted the interest of Aboriginal culture,” he said. “Each presentation was designed to be multi-authored the ABC, which filmed the presentation for television At the 1997 Young International and used multimedia to deliver the message that science viewing. Playwrights Conference, Mr Thomas is intriguing and fun, and to de-myth the age-old met directors from Uganda and Kenya Wednesday night’s presentation (“The Lou and Dennis conception that all scientists are old men in white lab who were interested in staging Flash Explosive Chemistry Show”, 5 May) went out with an coats. Red Ford. enthralling bang to an audience of over 420 people, while “A great deal of time and effort from staff, students and It was finally staged in Uganda—at Friday night’s presentation (“Hollywood Dinosaurs - Fact invited guests was involved in bringing these packed theatres—in December last Is Stranger Than Fiction”, 7 May) also exceeded booking presentations to the public, and we’re very pleased about year, and 16 performances followed in capacity. the huge attendances and positive response to each of the Uganda and Kenya in March this year. “Would you please pass on my thanks for an entertaining shows.” PAGE 6 MAY 17, 1999 ADELAIDEAN Profile: Riding the crest of a wave to Adelaide

PROFESSOR IAN YOUNG came to the any part of the globe. University of Adelaide to take up the This information is available on CD to position of Executive Dean of the Faculty shipping companies wanting to of Engineering, Computer and accurately predict the most economical Mathematical Sciences, after having courses for ships as well as navigation occupied several senior positions at the times between ports, and for coastal Australian Defence Force Academy engineers engaged in designing new (ADFA) in Canberra, which he left in port and coastal facilities. January this year. In taking up his current position at During his undergraduate years, he the University of Adelaide, Ian Young attended James Cook University in brings with him valuable Townsville to study civil engineering, administrative experience gained going on to complete a PhD there in during his years at the smaller and 1984 in coastal engineering and more integrated ADFA community oceanography. He then carried out where there was considerable post-doctoral research for two years at intermingling between engineering, the Max Plank Institute in Germany sciences and the humanities. into meteorology and ocean waves, While he notes that the disciplines of looking particularly at the use of radar engineering, mathematics and to collect wave measurements for computer science at his new posting numerical modelling. have produced outstanding research In 1986 he returned to James Cook efforts over the years, he sees scope, University as a senior tutor, during via a little cross fertilisation, for them which time he won a Queensland to work more cohesively and thereby Fellowship for the study of marine produce even better outcomes. Under science. Three years later, he took up a Professor Ian Young—interest in cross-over between disciplines. Photo: David Ellis his guidance, the rigour of computing lecturing post in civil engineering at and mathematics would inform the ADFA. He was appointed Associate during peacekeeping missions. the shallow waters of nearby Lake more practically oriented approach of Professor in 1994 and continued his George. The Australian Research engineering, and vice versa. Professor Young, as an eminent rise through the ranks to the position Council also contributed significantly researcher on coastal oceanography It was this potential cross-over of Acting Rector in 1998. to this project. worldwide, was an obvious candidate between disciplines which particularly Curiously, much of his work at ADFA for support. He, in turn, has found the Another of Professor Young’s research attracted him to the position of was financed by the US Navy—a US Navy suitably beneficent because projects involves gathering Executive Dean in the first place driving force in oceanographic it is willing to support long-term information about global wave because it matches closely with his research worldwide. During the Cold exploratory research along with short- patterns via satellite remote sensing own strengths and interests as a War, a large part of its research term problem-solving projects. He was technology, working with the NASA researcher. He looks forward to a long centred on keeping track of the Soviet funded to conduct large-scale research Jet Propulsion Laboratory in and exciting tenure at the University fleet in the deep oceans, but after the into wind-generated waves which he Pasadena USA. The data collected of Adelaide during which to explore USSR’s demise, its concerns shifted carried out from his home base forms the basis of a computer model these possibilities. towards getting troops safely ashore hundreds of kilometres inland using which can predict wave patterns in —Tony Cox

UPCOMING INAUGURAL LECTURES ¥ Friday 21 May Technology aims to teach Professor Peter Rathjen (Biochemistry): “Embryonic cell differentiation: the basis for a new medicine”. ¥ Friday 28 May politeness to mobile phones Professor Robert Norman (Obstetrics & Gynaecology): “Assisted Reproductive Technology in the 21st Century: Is Nature Getting too Slow? A SOLUTION to the nuisance of mobile phones act with a ‘conscience’ and turn to silent mode where appropriate. Lecture Theatre 102, Napier Building at 1.15pm. ringing inappropriately in public has been developed by research engineers at the Centre Professor Reg Coutts, Director of CTIN, for Telecommunications Information said the use of BLUETOOTH™ technology Advertisement Networking (CTIN) at the University of was a superior technical solution to what is Adelaide’s Thebarton Campus. effectively a social problem. This major development is expected to be “The problem is that human beings don’t welcomed by mobile phone users and others always remember to turn off their phones annoyed or upset by mobile phones ringing in the appropriate location or at the in restaurants, cinemas, theatres, appropriate time. Unfortunately the use of conferences and other public places. jamming devices is an extreme way of A more sophisticated development than the solving the problem and creates technical simplistic jamming devices that have been difficulties for other mobile telephone users recently promoted as solving the problem of in the vicinity of the device, but out of the unwanted mobile calls, the CTIN Politeness designated jamming zone,” Prof Coutts solution proposes to use BLUETOOTH ™ said. wireless technology, an initiative of a For example, jamming devices prevent consortium made up of Ericsson, Nokia, people from making emergency calls, and IBM, Intel Corporation and Toshiba. the jamming signal effects the signal from “Our approach has been driven by a desire other phones in and around the geographic to build politeness into the technology area where it is applied. without punishing other users of mobile With BLUETOOTH™ technology, mobile telephones in the same geographic area,” phone users outside of the politeness zone CTIN Research Engineer Mr John Leske will not experience any disruption to said. service, Professor Coutts said. Using BLUETOOTH™ wireless technology, It is also cheaper than jamming devices, it will be possible to set up a ‘politeness’ which typically cost between $1,000-$2,000. zone where mobile telephones will By comparison, a Politeness zone module automatically switch to silent mode. Other for a restaurant would only cost about $40. functions of the telephone will not be affected, so users will still be able to use the Professor Coutts said the CTIN proposal non-audible call alert and make calls if had already generated a high level of necessary. interest from mobile phone operators and Mr Leske said most mobile phone users manufacturers. would prefer the telephone to automatically Collette Snowden ADELAIDEAN MAY 17, 1999 PAGE 7 PhD graduate world’s oldest—it’s official!

WHEN HE GRADUATED with his PhD in Economics back in 1997, the Adelaidean speculated that Dr Ernest Easton, then 87 years of age, might have been the oldest PhD graduate in the world. That speculation has now given way to confirmation—from none other than the Guinness Book of World Records. Having conducted detailed research, Guinness is convinced that Dr Easton holds the world record as the oldest PhD graduate in history. Dr Easton, who lives at Carrickalinga south of Adelaide, received a letter and a certificate from the Guinness Book of World Records in March. He said it was both a surprise and an honour to receive the formal notification. “My reaction has been a combination of being thrilled and amused by all this,” Dr Easton said. “The Guinness Book of World Records has obviously taken it very seriously and researched it deeply. They asked me for proof of my age and proof of my qualifications, and then I didn’t hear anything from them for a long time, until this. “It’s an unusual but pleasant honour.” Dr Easton received his PhD in Economics at the University of Adelaide in April 1997, having completed a 190-page thesis which dealt with the impact of the cost of rail freight on Australia’s coal mining industry. He has worked as a transport consultant to the mining industry since 1978, and specifically with the coal mining industry since 1984, with major Australian and multinational companies. Even today, at age 89, Dr Easton is actively engaged in his profession. His thesis, which concluded that the coal mining industry was being charged too much for rail freight, thereby reducing its ability to compete on the export market, has generated a great deal of discussion in industry circles about the issue. Dr Easton said his PhD, which was the first degree he had undertaken since earning his Master of Arts back in 1946, was proof that “you’re never too old to learn”. —David Ellis Dr Easton on his graduation on 28 April, 1997. Photo: David Ellis.

Deputy-Chancellor Annual General resigns Meeting MS JANINE HAINES has resigned after six years as a member of University In accordance with clause 20.1.2 of the THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE Constitution of the University of Adelaide Council and two years as Deputy ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Chancellor. Alumni Association notice is given to members that the 1999 Annual General The Council this month expressed Meeting of the Association will be held on The Florey Medical Chapter and the Sir Joseph Verco Dental Chapter its deep appreciation of Ms Haines’ contribution to the University. Thursday 24 June 1999 at 7.30pm in Napier join in extending an invitation to members and friends to attend: Lecture Theatre 102, Napier Building, North DINNER AT THE REGAL PARK MOTOR INN She was a member of Council Terrace Campus. elected by the University Senate Wednesday 2 June, 6.30pm for 7.00pm and an election will be held on 19 In accordance with clause 20.1.3 of the Barton Terrace, North Adelaide July, 1999. The Acting Council Constitution members are advised that any Secretary, Mr Rex Hanney, has been Speaker: Professor Derek Frewin (Executive Dean, Faculty of Health proposed amendments to the Constitution Sciences) appointed returning officer. and any motions or items of other business to Advertisements calling for be considered at the Annual General Meeting Topic: Selection Procedures for Medicine and Dentistry nominations will appear in The Advertiser soon. must be received by the Executive Secretary Please make your booking and payment by contacting the Alumni not later than 5.00pm on Friday 4 June 1999. Office. Visit in person at 44 Kintore Avenue, or telephone 8303 5800. Council members are expected to elect a new Deputy Chancellor at GEOFFREY SAUER Cash, cheque or credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Bankcard) all the Council meeting on 28 June. Executive Secretary accepted. Make cheques payable to The University of Adelaide. Books in My Life

THE NEXT in the Friends of the State Library’s “Wednesdays at One” series will be held on 2 June in the Institute Building, North Terrace. The speaker is Elizabeth Silsbury, who will discuss the books which have shaped her life. An Adelaide Arts and Music graduate (BA 1956, MusBac 1959), Elizabeth Silsbury is a Visiting Scholar at Flinders University and is currently engaged in writing a definitive history of the State Opera of SA. Elizabeth Silsbury has been music director for the Adelaide Chorus, a member of the original Music Board of the Australia Council, and founder of the music course at the then Sturt CAE. She assisted in establishing State Opera, and held a Churchill Fellowship—among a wide range of activities which in 1985 saw her receive the OAM for services to music and music education. Admission $5/$3. Time: 1.00pm.

Corrigendum An article which appeared in the Adelaidean on 19 April 1999, page 7: Harry Lander—natural gift for lateral thinking, stated that Dr Lander died on 30 December 1998, aged 79. Dr Lander was actually 70 years old when he passed away. Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Hon. Neil Andrew, with his wife Carolyn and daughter JOHN EDGE Kathryn after the Law graduation ceremony on Wednesday 28 April, at which Mr Andrew delivered Editor the Occasional Address and his daughter graduated LLB. ADELAIDEAN PAGE 8 MAY 17, 1999 What makes a “..ISM”explores theatrical genres

Masterpiece? A NEW SEASON for the University of misfortune. As his mental state THE FIRST symposium ever organised by Adelaide Theatre Guild gets under way deteriorates, and he complains of Ausdance in South Australia, What Makes a on Saturday 22 May with a triple-bill at hearing ‘voices’, we are faced with the Bakehouse Theatre in Angas Street. the tragic results of humiliation Masterpiece?, will be held in the Institute built up over years of tribulation. Building on Saturday 5 June. At a time for reflection on the The Bakehouse will also be the Convened by dance critic Alan Brissenden developments achieved on stage from this century, the Theatre Guild has venue for the Theatre Guild’s second and sponsored by Friends of the production in August, Ben Jonson’s Australian Ballet (SA), Arts SA, the State chosen to showcase several “isms”— Expressionism with Georg Büchner’s classic comedy of greed, Volpone, to Library and the Australian Dance be directed by Adelaide graduate Woyzeck, Absurdism with David Council-Ausdance (SA) Inc, the Gina Tsikouras. symposium has been planned to coincide Campton’s Out of the Flying Pan, and with the program Masterpieces of the 20th Epic Theatre with Howard Brenton’s “It’s a perfect opportunity for The company moves back to campus Century by Leigh Warren and Dancers at The Education Of Skinny Spew. audiences to experience samples of and the Little Theatre for its final major 20th century theatrical styles production in October, a home- the Optima Playhouse from 2-5 June. Directed by former University of in the one evening,” she said. grown comedy finale to the 1990s Among those presenting papers on Adelaide drama students Sasha called, It’s a Bug Baby! historical, present and future Zahra, Liz Follett and Andrew The Education of Skinny Spew is a perspectives on dance are Marilyn Rowe, Garsden, “..ISM” also marks the viciously amusing story of the The Little Theatre will also be the Director of the Australian Ballet School, Theatre Guild’s first venture to the upbringing of a difficult child. venue in July and September for American choreologist Bronwen Curry, Bakehouse Theatre (formerly the “Skinny is a hard child to cope with; one-off, Sunday afternoon moved Susan Street, Professor of Dance at Red Shed), which is fast becoming even in the womb he has an attitude,” readings of “Classic Curiosities”— Queensland University of Technology, Dr an established venue for Adelaide’s says director Andrew Garsden. “This Ben Jonson’s Sejanus and Percy Anita Donaldson from the Elder smaller companies. play criticises upbringing of children Bysshe Shelley’s The Cenci, directed Conservatorium School of Performing and the adverse effect that by Tim Mares and Alex Kirk “Out Of The Flying Pan directly respectively. Arts, Sydney dance historian Amanda parallels the absurd political institutions can have.” Card and dance critics Celia Brissenden, environment we are experiencing— The third play for the evening, Robin Grove and Jill Sykes. negotiations that go nowhere, Woyzeck, is an early expressionistic • “..ISM” is at The Bakehouse Theatre, 22 • 9.30am - 5pm, Saturday 5 June. Lecture Room, diplomats incapable of commun- piece which follows the story of its May to 5 June, at 7.30pm. Tickets Institute Building, North Terrace. Information & icating. This play is a brief burst of eponymous anti-hero, a rolling stone $15/$10 ($7 Guild members). bookings: Mardi Jennings, tel 08 8231 9407, fax 08 hilarious double talking confusion,” wandering Germany in the 1790s Bookings/enquiries: Morag Skinner at the 8212 5699, email . says director Liz Follett, who loves looking for work, who through no Theatre Guild, 8303 5999. the “..ISM” concept. lack of initiative continues to meet Advertisement News Journey of Healing Day Since the departure of Computer Aided former Station Manager, Jeff Teaching Suite Langdon, to take up a public THE NATIONAL SORRY DAY a “Welcome to Country” and a service appointment in Melbourne, an COMMITTEE has invited the whole performance by the CASM (Centre interim team has been put in place. Laine Australian community to join with for Aboriginal Studies in Music) Needing computing facilities for Langridge has moved into the position of them in a Journey of Healing to be Choir. It will then proceed through a Conference Computer-based Acting Station Manager and Deb Welch has the central campus area to the Barr workshop? launched on 26 May, the first been appointed Acting Program Manager. anniversary of Sorry Day. Smith Lawns, where the event will Book the Computer-Aided Teaching continue until 2pm with additional Although in a transition period, nothing is The Journey of Healing is an Suite. standing still at 5UV. Continuing its speeches, music provided by CASM, invitation to all who want to help the and a barbecue courtesy of the The CAT Suite Facilities include: innovative use of the World Wide Web for healing process—the healing of the Postgraduate Students’ Association. broadcasting, the AW Jones Lecture given stolen generations, the healing of all • 2 Suites of 40 NT Workstations by Vice Chancellor, Professor Mary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Speakers will include the Lord O’Kane, on Friday, 7 May was broadcast • 2 Suites of 30 NT Workstations people, the healing of the non- Mayor of Adelaide, Dr Jane Lomax- locally and simultaneously live round the Aboriginal peoples and the healing of Smith; the Director of Wilto Yerlo, all with projection facilities. world. The lecture is also still available on Mr Roger Thomas; and Mr Che 5UV’s audio-on-demand facility. relationships between us all. CHECK OUR COMPETITIVE PRICES Cockatoo-Collins and other The big new programming leap is back into At the University of Adelaide, this Day will be commemorated with a indigenous students at the For more information the saddle with a new drivetime show called University of Adelaide. All staff and “The Range”. From 4pm to 6pm weekdays special Journey of Healing organised ring Jonathan on by UANTaR (University of Adelaide students are warmly invited to (08) 8303 3145 beginning 31 May. You’ll hear more about participate. this in the next Adelaidean. for Native Title and Reconciliation). or Vera on The Journey will begin at 12noon at For further details please contact (08) 8303 3149. Laine Langridge, Acting Station Manager the Peace Pole, Wills Court, with a either Steve Jenkins (8303 3207) or brief introductory ceremony featuring Michael Maeorg (8303 5900).

NORTH ADELAIDE: brakes and battery, Michelin ACCOMMODATION MISCELLANEOUS Cottage for rent, 2 br, avail tyres, log books and service A D E L A I D E A N history, Ignition isolation EASTERN SUBURBS: for appx. 3 months (Aug/ CHILD CARE: Reliable, Sept - Nov). Beautifully CLASSIFIED switch, 84000 km, Reg to Beautifully furnished and references available, own restored and renovated, fully 10/99. $9750. Ph: 8303 5734 fully equipped unit, private transport. Ph Rebecca furn, dish washer, gas SWAP - ADELAIDE- WANTED: Visiting or 8362 2804. courtyard, suit 2-4 people, 8262 5134, please leave heating, air/c. off street HOBART: Hobart-based Orthopaedic Surgeon from near facilities. Avail. now, consultant requires home/car UK seeks fully furn. 3 br POOL TABLE: As new, message if answering $250.00 p.w. Ph Coralie on parking $ Suit competition size 7 foot, slate visiting academic or prof swap while working in house from end July 1999 for machine is on. 8332 4814. Adelaide from June - August, 1 year. Suitable for family of top, net pockets, all couple. Ph 8267 2350. access.(cues, stand, THESIS FORMATTING: HOUSE SITTING 1999. House/apartment 5. Prefer near Stepney/ NORTH ADELAIDE: scoreboard, instructions), WP on disk, incl PC Word WANTED: Family of 3 seeks Fully suitable for married couple Gilberton/Walkerville if poss. furn. room available for rent $1150 o.n.o. ph 8362 0952. 6.0, 7.0 (95), 8.0 (97) & Mac house sitting arrangement in (no children). This Hobart Ph. Di Bailey 8363 7788 (w) MS Word 6.0, 8.0 (98) for 4 months (mid May - 0407 604169 (m). TOYOTA COROLLA: SDN Adelaide area 6mo-1yr. single storey home with amongst others. Word mid August). $80 per week. deligthful garden has 2 640, 1980, white, manual, 4 Moving to Adelaide from US processing: $3.50 per page @ 10 mins walk from North double br. and well-appoint- FOR SALE speed, reg. until June 1999, for Orthopaedic Surgery 250 words per page. 1500 Terrace Campus, close to ed office in Taroona, near $1150ono. Ph. Rebecca 041 fellowship 8/1/99. Email: words = $21. Laser Printing; , fax: 0115-1-802- centre location; quick 656-4247. 8267 6569 after 6pm. Derwent river. Ph/fax Brian / $450, for permanent WANTED installation or mobile. Ph: turnaround. Ph Anne Every LONDON HOUSE: SEATON: 2 Bedroom unit. Elizabeth Palfrey on 03 6227 Uli: 8303 6565. COMPUTER: for a guide to services and Modern terraced, 2 br., Private front and back yards. 9741 or email: . MISC: TV, VCR, Double needed for kindergarten costs on 8212 6869 or 8415 sunroom, dish/w, 7866. washing/m, off-street car Close to shops, city and WANTED: Visiting academic Mattress, IBM486, Bicycle, children (donation park, east of Camden town transport. $100 ono. Ph 8353 from Germany seeks fully Table,and more, Ph: 8338 preferred). Phone Christina WORD PROCESSING: Fast centre, overlooks Regent’s 5544 - Voula. furn. house. Suitable for 4152. 8336 7583. and accurate, 15 years Park canal. £225 per week SEMAPHORE: House avail family of four, prefer near NISSAN PINTARA HATCH: MAORI TUTOR: as well as experience working as a negotiable. Avail from Nov for rent for 6-12 months - city or Eastern suburbs for 1 1991, VPJ811. Immaculate translator (from Maori to temp. Good rates. Free pick- 1999-Jan. 2000. Ph/fax: owner abroad. Fully furn, 3 year from Aug 1999 to July cond., 2.4L EFI TI model, English). Ph: David 8303 up and delivery. Ph Trisha 0171-388-3401 or br, near beach, 20 mins to 2000. Ph/Fax: Ewe 8379 Ironstone grey, Auto, Central 4285 or . city, ph: 8341 7024. 9616. locking, Power steering, New> 8232 4841. Bulletin Board


TUESDAY 18 MAY Estimation and Compensation in Digital Video Compression by Nariman Habili COMING EVENTS (Postgraduate). Lecture Room S112, 9.00am Social Inquiry: Gender Engineering South. Studies Level 1 & 2 students: Situated May 18th — May 28th Knowledge and Feminist Epistemology 1.10pm Genetics Seminar: by Professor Dorothy Smith (OISE, Going forward on Going in Backwards. Floor, Medical School South. Toronto, Canada). Venue: Contact THURSDAY 20 MAY Targetting of carboxy-terminal anchored Social Inquiry - 8303 3715. 1.00pm Clinical & Experimental proteins by Dr Binks Wattenberg. 12noon Child Health Research 12noon HCCR/IMVS Seminar: Pharmacology Seminar: Seminar Room, Ground Floor, southern Institute Seminar: Ethanol, Zinc and Caspases and Cell Death by Dr Sharad Relationships between primaquine entrance, Fisher Building. the Foetus by Dr Allan Rofe (Clinical Kumar (Division of Haematology). genotoxicity CYP 1A1 induction and 1.10pm Geology & Geophysics Chemistry, IMVS). Seminar Room, 7th Verco Theatre, IMVS. oxidative stress in hepatic cells by Dr Seminar: Australian Palaeoclimates by Frank Fontaine. Seminar Room, 6th Floor, Rieger Building, WCH. 12.05pm Psychology Seminar: Professor Eric Barron (Pennsylvania Floor, Medical School North. 1.10pm Anatomical Sciences Primary school teachers’ judgements of State University) & Prof Larry Frakes Seminar: Cell cycle control of DNA reading achievement by Dr Ted 1.00pm Law School: Intention in (Geology & Geophysics). Mawson replication by Dr S Dalton (Biochem- Nettelbeck (Psychology). Room 527, Law & Philosophy Seminar Series: Lecture Theatre, Mawson Laboratories. istry). Rm S127, Medical School South. Hughes Building. Good legislative intentions by Professor 4.00pm Physiology Seminar: Tom Campbell (ANU). Room 216, 3.15pm Anthropology Seminar: 1.10pm Physics & Cellular actions of Insulin-like growth Ligertwood Building. Puleeta: Iconic Representations of the Mathematical Physics Seminar: factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) by Inner and Outer Cosmos by Arthur Connecting Lattice QCD to the real 1.10pm Geographical & Prof Rob Baxter (Kolling Institute, Saniotis. Room 722, 7th Floor, Napier. world: the role of dynamical symmetry Environmental Studies Seminar: University of Sydney). Room N416-417, breaking by Professor Tony Thomas. The climate change industry by Medical School North. Sponsored by Professor Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen Powerlab/AD Instruments. WEDNESDAY 19 MAY Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics Building. (Geography, University of Hull). Room 4.30pm Environmental Biology 104, Environmental Studies Building. Seminar: The Incorporation of 11.00am Social Inquiry 1.10pm History FRIDAY 21 MAY Macroinvertebrates (and Chordates) Seminar: Pay Equity in North America Staff/Postgraduate Seminar: into Microbial Food Webs by Dr Adele by Prof M Hallock (Uni of Oregon). Rations, Co-existence and the Pile (Flinders Uni). Benham Lecture Seminar Rm, 3rd Floor, 10 Pulteney St. 12.45pm Research Centre for Colonisation of Aboriginal Labour by Theatre, Ground Flr, Benham Building. 1.00pm Open Forum: A presen- Gender Studies Postgraduate Dr Robert Foster (History). Common tation on the University’s financial Seminar: Current work and Doing Room 420, 4th Floor, Napier Building. THURSDAY 27 MAY position by Tony Siebert (Executive Research by Prof Dorothy Smith (OISE, 1.10pm Student Workshop: Director, Finance & Infrastructure). Toronto, Canada). Room H205, Amy Learn deep relaxation by Mark Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics Wheaton Bldg, Magill Campus, UniSA. O’Donoghue. Counselling Centre, 12noon HCCR/IMVS Seminar: Building. Time will be allowed for 12.45pm Dentistry: PhD research Ground Floor, Horace Lamb Building. Beyond deconstructing Immunology: questions and answers - all staff invited. proposal by Dr Dimi Lekkas. Lecture 2.00pm English Seminar: The from Cells to Systems by Dr Bruce Lyons 1.10pm Geology & Geophysics Theatre 1, 6th Floor, Adelaide Dental Sins of the Father? A South-African (Division of Pathology, University of Seminar: Crustal Stress in the Next Hospital. Perspective on Male Homosexuality by Tasmania). Verco Theatre, IMVS. Millennium by Dr Richard Hillis 1.10pm Elder Conservatorium Paul Woods. Violence in Renaissance 12.05pm Psychology Seminar: (Geology & Geophysics). Mawson Lunch Hour Concert: David Texts by Patrick Niehus. Room 618, Management in policing by Dr Karen Lecture Theatre, Mawson Laboratories. Shephard - clarinet, Semyon Kobets - Napier Building. Beck (National Police Research Unit). 1.10pm Horticulture, Viticulture violin, Tanya Kobets - violin, Anna 4.00pm Centre for Applied Room 527, Hughes Building. & Oenology Seminar: Formation of Zietara - viola, Janis Laurs - cello. Elder Modelling in Water Engineering 1.10pm Physics & mousy off-odour in wine by lactic acid Hall. Admission $2. Seminar: Quantitative Health Risk Mathematical Physics Seminar: bacteria by Dr Peter Costello (Australian 1.10pm Asian Studies Seminar: Assessment - How Did We Get Here? by Atmospheric Waves and their role in the Wine Research Institute). Plant Will the Economic Crisis Hit China in Professor Steve Hrudy (University of Equatorial Atmosphere by Dr RA Research Centre Auditorium, Waite. 1999 by Noel Tracy (Politics, Flinders Alberta, Canada). Room N132, Vincent. Kerr Grant Lecture Theatre. 1.10pm Genetics Seminar: University). Room 518, Ligertwood Engineering North. CreC, CreB and genomic walking in Building. 4.00pm Applied & Molecular FRIDAY 28 MAY Aspergillus nidulans by Dr Robin 1.15pm Inaugural Lecture Ecology Seminar: Invertebrates in Lockington. Seminar Room, Ground Series: mound springs: results of a systematic Floor (southern entrance) Fisher Embryonic cell differentiation: 12.45pm Dentistry Seminar: the basis for a new medicine by survey between Marree and Oodnadatta Building. by Dr Patrick Tap. Charles Hawker The proatlas of the koala by Dr Ikuko Professor Peter Rathjen (Biochemistry). Tomo. Lecture Theatre 1, 6th Floor, 1.10pm Student Workshop: Lecture Theatre 102, Napier Building. Conference Centre, Waite Campus. Making Friends by Sue Barnard. Adelaide Dental Hospital. 4.00pm Economics Seminar: 6.00pm Centre for Intercultural Counselling Centre, Ground Floor, 1.10pm Asian Studies Seminar: Ageing and Optimal Saving in Australia Studies & Multicultural Education: Horace Lamb Building. Taiwan’s International Relations after the by Prof Ian McDonald (University of Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Cold War by Greg O’Leary (Politics). 4.00pm Physiology Seminar: Melbourne). Room LG14, Napier. Alexander Pushkin in Words and Song Autoimmune diseases affecting ion by Nellie Mitchell (Chairperson, Room 518, Ligertwood Building. 4.00pm Obstetrics & channels by Dr Sally Waterman Pushkin Festival Organising Comm- 1.10pm Elder Conservatorium (Physiology). Room N416-N417, Gynaecology Seminar: Actions of ittee). Council Room, 7th Floor, Hughes calcitonin in the bone and elsewhere by Lunch Hour Concert: Niall Brown - Medical School North. Sponsored by Building. Refreshments 5.30pm. cello, Isabelle Trüb - piano. Sonatas by Powerlab/AD Instruments. Associate Professor David Findlay (Orthopaedics & Trauma). Seminar 8.00pm Classical Association of Richard Strauss & Gabriel Faure. Elder 4.30pm Environmental Biology Room, 6th Floor, Medical School North. SA: The Churches of Constantinople in Hall. Admission $2. Seminar: Why is the snail the Fourth Century: how they were 1.15pm Inaugural Lecture Littoraria phylotha an annual within viewed and used by Wendy Mayer. Series: Assisted Reproductive large patches of mangroves, but a MONDAY 24 MAY Room 723, Hughes Building. Technology in the 21st Century: Is perennial on isolated trees only 10-15m Nature Getting too Slow? by Prof Robert away by Dr Steve McKillup (University 12noon Plant Science Seminar: TUESDAY 25 MAY Norman (Obstetrics & Gynaecology). of Central Queensland). Benham Lecture Theatre 102, Napier Building. Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor, Benham Epidemiology of Australian grapevine Building. phytoplasmas by Fiona Constable (PhD 3.15pm Anthropology Seminar: 4.00pm Obstetrics & Gynae- student). Screening for zinc efficiency in cology Seminar: 6.00pm AFUW Postgraduate The Field of the Arts in Adelaide by Tony Hepatocyte growth barley by Yusuf Genc (PhD student). PS factor in early life by Dr Richard Couper Seminar: Grounded Theory in Whiting (Anthropology). Room 722, Seminar Room, Waite Campus. Management Research by Rowena 7th Floor, Napier Building. (Paediatrics, WCH). Seminar Room, Holloway. Gender Issues in Expatriate 1.00pm Microbiology & 6th Floor, Medical School North. Management: by Barbara Anderson Immunology Seminar: Applications WEDNESDAY 26 MAY 6.00pm CISME Seminar: Human (School of International Business, of Insulin-like growth factors in Rights and the Future of Vietnam by UniSA). Margaret Murray Room, Level aquaculture by Dr Helena Ward (CRC Professor Doan Viet Hoat (Educator & 5, Union Building. Drinks and nibbles Tissue Growth & Repair, Flinders 10.10am Electrical & Electronic former Prisoner of Conscience). provided. University). Departmental Library, 5th Engineering Seminar: Motion Council Rm, 7th Floor, Hughes Bldg. MAY 17, 1999 Bulletin Board, PAGE 2

RESEARCH ASSISTANT PROJECT OFFICER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SITUATIONS (Ref: 3710) (Ref 4204) (Ref: 4271) VACANT Full-time Salary HEO 5/6: Department of General Practice Department of Civil & $31,803 - $41,959 Full-time Salary HEO5/6: Environmental Engineering Applications for the LECTURER A IN and $31,803 - $41,959 Full-time Salary HE03: $26,725 - following vacancy will be ANTHROPOLOGY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT To work on a number of projects $30,467 considered only from (Ref. 1137) (Limited-Term) (Ref: 3240) within the Department including To assist with the smooth members of the staff of the the coordination of a national running of the busy Department of Anthropology Full-time Salary HEO 3: $26,725 University** diabetes audit for general Departmental Office. Duties - $30,467 Salary: $42,864 - $46,013 practitioners. Other duties will include reception, typing ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The appointee will work on a Department of Obstetrics and include providing advice and teaching materials, research (ACTING) specific project to develop, Gynaecology support to general practitioners papers and reports and accessing about database development and the student administration (Ref: 4535) implement and review a new The Maternal Perinatal Clinical medical anthropology module in Trials Unit is involved in data retrieval. system. You will also assist the University Library a planned Master by coursework conducting several multi-centred You should have: Departmental Administrator Salary HEO3: $26,725 - $30,467 degree in Applied Anthropology randomised clinical trials in with administration of accounts. • a Bachelor of Health Science commencing in 2001. maternal and perinatal medicine. To provide routine or related degree You should have: The appointee will also The above two part-time administrative support in staffing • experience in project • excellent oral communication contribute to the teaching, positions have become available matters generally, including management and interpersonal skills compiling and maintaining research and administrative in the Unit. • experience with using MS personnel files and a database of activities of the Department. The • a sound knowledge of Duties will include recruitment Microsoft Office and the Word records relating to all library staff appointee will be responsible for of patients, assisting in the daily positions. coordinating and teaching one of creation and servicing of • ability to work effectively in a running of research trials in a Access and Excel databases team environment Duties include providing the Department’s Level II hospital environment, data secretarial and general undergraduate subjects and a collection, compilation and • proven record in report • experience with various office administrative support in the Level III subject in the area of preparation of study materials. writing. machines his/her expertise. It is also University Librarian’s Office. You should have: The position is available • experience with payment of desirable for the appointee to be immediately for one year in the accounts. You should have: able to contribute to one of the • high level verbal and written first instance. Consideration will The position is available • experience in providing a other two modules of the communications skills be given to people who want to range of administrative coursework MA in Applied immediately on a 36.75 hours per • high level of organisational work .8 or full-time. Further fortnight basis for twelve support functions Anthropology - Aboriginal and operational skills information may be obtained Native Title and The months, in the first instance. • ability to exercise judgement • demonstrated experience in from Dr Justin Beilby, telephone: Further information including and observe confidentiality Anthropology of the 8303 3536. The duty statement Environment. computer skills, including the duty statement and selection • proven successful word processing, and selection criteria may be criteria are available from Bernice interpersonal skills The appointee may also spreadsheets, databases and obtained from Sue Eaton, tel: Golledge, tel: 8303 5451 or fax: participate in honours teaching desktop publishing. 8303 3453. 8303 4359. • demonstrated competence in and supervision. word processing, preferably Both positions are available *APPLICATIONS to Dr J Beilby, *APPLICATIONS to the Head, Microsoft Word. You should have: immediately on a part-time basis, Department of General Practice, Department of Civil and • a PhD in Anthropology hours negotiable up to 30 hours University of Adelaide, Australia Environmental Engineering, The position is available for 5005 by 21 May 1999. twelve months as a replacement • active ethnographic research per week, for one year in the first University of Adelaide, Australia for a staff member on leave. in the areas of medical instance, with the possibility of 5005 by 24 May 1999. Further information concerning anthropology and either renewal. the duties of this position may be Aboriginal Native Title or Further information may be TECHNICAL OFFICER obtained from Jim Anderson, Environmental Anthropology obtained from Associate (Ref: 2870) ANIMAL CARE telephone: 8303 5223. is also desirable Professor C Crowther, tel: 8204 Department of Civil & OFFICER/MAINTENANCE The selection criteria and duty • active ethnographic research 7647. OFFICER statement may be obtained from Environmental Engineering in South Asian, Southeast Intending applicants must obtain (Ref: 4532) Toni Luppino, tel: 8303 5370. Asian or Australian Aboriginal a copy of the duty statement and Salary HEO4: $30,736 - $33,808 Laboratory Animal Services *APPLICATIONS should society selection criteria, by telephoning To support the growing include names and addresses of • appropriate teaching ability Sue Gibbons on 8204 7647, and commitment for teaching, Full-time Salary HEO3: $26,725 - two referees, to the University and experience. address the relevant selection research and commercial activity $30,467 Librarian, Barr Smith Library, criteria in their application, The position is available from 1 of the Department. You will be (Junior rates apply to those University of Adelaide, Australia identifying which of the positions expected to contribute to the persons 20 years of age and 5005 by 24 May 1999. January 2000 for a period of five they are applying for. years. improvement in the efficiency of under) the laboratories, through ** includes only those persons *APPLICATIONS IN Laboratory Animal Services who hold current written Further information including enthusiasm for the type of work TRIPLICATE to Associate supports the University of contracts of appointment with the selection criteria may be required, and provision of a Professor C Crowther, Adelaide’s biomedical research the University. obtained from Dr John Gray tel: Department of Obstetrics and diversity of skills. You will be 8303 5735 or fax: 8303 5733. required to assist in the conduct community through the delivery Gynaecology, University of of best practice animal *APPLICATIONS of major experiments and to the Adelaide, Women’s and husbandry. Applications for the General Manager, Human Children’s Hospital, 72 King research programmes, and in following vacancies are not Resources, University of William Road, North Adelaide, setting up equipment for a range You should have tertiary restricted to members of the Adelaide, Australia 5005, by 28 South Australia, 5006, by 21 May of experimental investigations. qualifications in animal University. May 1999. 1999. You should have: husbandry or a willingness to undertake study, experience in • a trade qualification as a Fitter animal handling procedures, and Turner specifically sheep and smaller EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION • experience in engineering laboratory animals in a research practice environment, an understanding of barrier facility techniques and *APPLICATIONS, IN DUPLICATE, addressing Graduate School of Management; 3934 Research • good communication skills implications for facility integrity the selection criteria and quoting the relevant Assistant, Social Inquiry; 1037 HEO4, Electrical & with an ability to work in a and current driver’s licence. reference number should include names and full Electronic Engineering; 2471 HEO4, Obstetrics & team environment Gynaecology; 3942 HEO8, Information addresses of three referees. The address for • an awareness of OH&S issues The position is available on a applications is C/- the Department or Officer Technology Services; 8920 HEO4, Economics; 58.8 hours per fortnight basis named in the advertisement. Selection criteria and 3955 Research Assistant, Physiology; 4020 • a forklift licence and a Class 1 until 31 December 1999, in the applicable duty statement may be obtained from Research Assistant/Postdoctoral Fellow, driver’s licence. first instance. For further the contact officer named in the advertisement. Environmental Biology. The position is available information, including the duty NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: Applicants for all immediately, for twelve months. statement and selection criteria, positions should retain the relevant reference HUMAN RESOURCES DEADLINES FOR Further information, including telephone Julie Goldfinch, number and watch the “Notice to Applicants” ADELAIDEAN the duty statement and selection Facility Manager, on 8303 3846. column in the Adelaidean for advice about the For the Adelaidean of 14 June, advertising paper criteria are available from Bernice Please send applications (in filling of the position. work must be to Human Resources by 28 May. Golledge, telephone: 8303 5451 duplicate) addressing the or fax: 8303 4359. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS: The University For the Adelaidean of 28 June, advertising paper selection criteria, and including notifies applicants that the following vacancies for work must be to Human Resources by 11 June. *APPLICATIONS to the Head, names and addresses of three Higher Education Officers (HEO) with the Department of Civil and referees to Mr A Bartlett, Acting HR WEB PAGE for advertised positions reference numbers as stated have been filled and Environmental Engineering, Director, Laboratory Animal . thanks them for their interest: 2053 HEO5, University of Adelaide, Australia Services, University of Adelaide, 5005 by 31 May 1999. Australia 5005 by 19 May 1999. MAY 17, 1999 Bulletin Board, PAGE 3

GENERAL ST MARK’S COLLEGE Special Event NOTICES (Affiliated to the University of Valmai Hankel PSM, well-known wine judge and Rare Books Adelaide as a residential Librarian at the State Library, will present a special South Australian College for men and women wine tasting at the Hilton Adelaide on Thursday 9 June, 6.00pm - We will be asking Departments to students) Job Advertisements identify critical areas, equipment 8.15pm, with a focus on the history behind the wine. on the Web or experiments and advise us of THE COLLEGE COUNCIL Presented by the South Australian Centre for Australian Studies, you their concerns. We will be sending INVITES APPLICATIONS can book a ticket ($25 members / $35 non members) by calling Since late last year all University out questionnaires by mid May to FOR THE POSITION OF: Karen Gordon 8201 3200. positions vacant have been assist in this process. advertised on the world wide web, The University Y2K Web Site College Head as part of the University’s Human will provide regular updates on Resources website. St Mark’s College was Law Week 1999 the status of the Y2K Contingency This has been a resounding established in 1925 and is close Plan. This Y2K planning will be success, judging from the statistics to the University of Adelaide. The School of Law is holding the following event as part of its used to enhance the University’s on who is visiting the site. It now accommodates more contribution to Law Week 1999 Emergency Plan. Approximately 1000 visitors view than 200 undergraduates and A Career in Law — How? What? Where? the site every month, with around BARRY MICHELS graduates. Property Services Branch Wednesday 19 May, 5.30 - 6.30pm, Lecture Theatre 2, Law School 43 hits each day. Overall, 67% of In succession to Mr CR Ashwin our hits are from Australia. It MA(Oxon.), who is now The session will provide information on requirements for entry to seems that the most popular time retiring next December, law, the study of law and career opportunities following graduation. to view job vacancies on our site is applications are invited from Speakers: Dr John Williams (Lecturer, Adelaide University); Ms between 5-6pm, and Tuesday is Academic Women’s men and women seeking either Catherine Gooley (President, Law Students’ Society); Mr Mark Griffin (Barrister). the most popular day. Forum appointment as full time Human Resources will continue to College Head, or a part time Further details: Linda Lambie, Law School Office, 8303 4020. develop and improve the site. If The Vice-Chancellor, Professor appointment in conjunction you have any feedback about Mary O’Kane will speak at a with academic or other duties improvements to the site, please lunchtime meeting (12.30-2pm) elsewhere. direct it to Michelle Radford in of the Academic Women’s Forum The appointment will start, if LUMINIS Human Resources, email: on Thursday 3 June in the Ira possible, from 1 January 2000. . Library. Professor O’Kane will provided. Remuneration will Job vacancies will continue to discuss “Empowerment of Staff in be in accordance with appear in the Adelaidean as well as Modern Universities”. Refresh- qualifications and experience. Dr Sarah Robertson progresses on the web. From June, job ments served. RSVP by 28 May to . Further information is with Swedish IVF Researchers advertisements in the Adelaidean available on request from the: will contain minimal information, and will direct readers to the Bursar departmental contact person from St Mark’s College Inc whom selection criteria and duty Grants of $2,000 PO Box 422 statements can be obtained and to Unley, SA 5061 further information on the Once again grants totalling $2,000 Tel: (08) 8373 0202 website. The site is at . undertake projects based in South> Australian Museum and related to STEVE DAYSH the State Collections of Natural Application, marked “Strictly Human Resources History and Anthropology. Confidential”, should be sent to Projects can also be carried out in the Bursar at the above address education and communications. not later than 30 June 1999. Grants are intended to encourage Y2K Contingency people with a potential interest in Planning Museum related disciplines to pursue a Museum based project. Dental treatment Property Services Branch is Application forms and advice are for staff and preparing a contingency plan for available from the: Hon Secretary, each Campus to deal with issues FOSAM, SA Museum, North students arising from the failure of utilities Terrace, Adelaide, 5000. Tel: (08) and systems associated with the 8207 7389 or fax: (08) 8207 7222. Emergency and routine “Millennium Bug”. Applications close 30 June 1999. treatment is available at the We are well advanced in our University’s Colgate Australian In the May 3rd edition of the Adelaidean, an article covering Luminis’ auditing and testing program for Clinical Dental Research Centre. role with commercial partners for inventions and research projects buildings and infrastructure and Open Forum Concessions are available for attracted considerable interest. the plan will assist us to meet any Wednesday 19 May - 1.00pm: holders of University Cards. One project reported on was the collaboration between a Scandinavian unforeseen circumstances. A presentation on the Set fee first appointments. IVF group and Dr Sarah Robertson from the University of Adelaide’s Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. We have engaged the services of University’s financial position by For appointments ring - Bassett Consulting (Electrical Tony Siebert (Executive Director, 8303 3436. In conjunction with FertilitesCentrum AB, a Swedish reproductive Engineers) to provide advice and Finance & Infrastructure). Kerr medicine research institute, she has discovered a method for increasing assistance with infrastructure and Grant Lecture Theatre, Physics Address: 2nd Floor, Adelaide the success rate for the implantation of human embryos. Dental Hospital, Frome Road, planning matters. Building. Time will be allowed Director of FertilitesCentrum, Professor Matts Wikland, visited for questions and answers - all Adelaide 5000 (next to Medical The contact people involved at School) Adelaide last week for discussions with Dr Robertson and Luminis Pty this stage are: staff invited. Ltd. Property Services Branch Dr Robertson and Professor Wikland are jointly supervising PhD Barry Michels, ext 34243, fax 8303 student Cecillia Sjoblom in the research into this treatment. (Pictured, from left, are Dr Robertson, Ms Sjoblom and Professor Wikland). 6215 , email: . It is hoped that in the very near future an agreement will be reached between the collaborators to conduct the final tests in preparation for Greg Badger, ext 34245, fax 8232 Library tours the commercialisation of what is regarded as a revolutionary and cost 6590 , email: . Join a free 30 minute guided tour on the first Thursday of every month. Professor Wikland hopes to conduct some of the clinical trials in Graham Smith, ext 35761, fax collaboration with Repromed Pty Ltd, the University of Adelaide’s own 8232 6590, email: Ideal for staff, postgraduates or honours reproductive medicine enterprise. . collections, resources and services of For global distribution of its products and methods, FertilitesCentrum the Barr Smith Library. has a strategic alliance with Scandinavian IVF AB, one of the world’s Bassett Consulting Engineers And you receive a Library Information largest producers of IVF and organ transplant media. Bruce Hatwell , tel 8363 1000, fax Kit to keep! For further information about commercialisation options at the 8363 0110, email: . Services). Maximum of 12 per group. Pty Ltd on (08) 8303 5020. Peter Anderson, ext 36310, fax Tel. 8303 3706 Email: —Paul Szuster 8303 6215, email: . Business Development Manager [email protected]>. Luminis MAY 17, 1999 Bulletin Board, PAGE 4

ARC SMALL GRANTS SCHEME 2000 Research Branch Update Applications are invited for initial funding under the ARC Small Grants Scheme for 2000. Grants under the scheme are ARC SMALL GRANTS researchers with experience in ARC ARC INDIGENOUS for a minimum of $5,000 and a maximum of $19,999 or SCHEME 2000 grant scheme procedures and RESEARCHERS practices, a member of the $29,999 depending on the discipline. Clinical medicine or It is expected that the guidelines and DEVELOPMENT SCHEME dentistry projects are not eligible for funding. It is expected University Research Committee, and application forms for ARC Small other established researchers. Panel The key objective of this scheme is that the application form, the University’s guidelines and Grants Scheme (SGS) funding in other information will be available from 17 May on the members are appointed by the to develop the research expertise of 2000 will be available on the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Indigenous researchers to a level at Research Branch website at: . in consultation with the relevant which they can compete in open Applications will close on 16 August competition for mainstream INFORMATION SESSIONS FOR APPLICANTS Panel Chair for a term of three years 1999. with no more than half the members research funding. Applications are • Thursday 20 May, 1.00pm - 2.00pm, Council Room, Expressions of interest for retiring in any one year. accepted only from Indigenous researchers and all Chief Level 7, Wills Building, North Terrace Campus. appointment to Discipline Panels Those eligible to serve as Panel Investigators must meet this • Friday 21 May, 1.00pm - 2.00pm, Charles Hawker Expressions of interest are invited members are all members of the criterion. However, as the scheme Conference Centre, Waite Campus. for appointment to the four University who are eligible to apply aims to develop the research Discipline Panels for the 2000 for grants under the Small Grants The Sessions will be presented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor expertise of successful applicants, it funding round of the ARC Small Scheme as first-named investigators. (Research). Current and recent Panel Chairs and members of is strongly recommended that a Grants Scheme, applications for Further details concerning eligibility the Research Branch will also be present and there will be mentor (who does not need to be an which will be invited shortly and and a form to be used to lodge an ample time for questions. ALL WELCOME. Applications Indigenous person) is associated will close on Monday 16 August. expression of interest may be found close 16 August 1999. Late applications will not be with the proposal to provide specific Discipline Panels are responsible for on the Research Branch web site at accepted. Enquiries: Research Branch, ext 35137 expert advice on the subject of the assessing and ranking applications or can be obtained research. Promotion of the University’s Research The four Panels are: from the Research Branch, extension Application forms and guidelines • Biological Sciences; 35137. Expressions of interest close are available on the Research Branch The University Research Committee has decided to establish a • Chemical, Mathematical and on FRIDAY 28 MAY. website and further information Working Group to identify better ways of promoting the Physical Sciences; Members who served on panels in may be obtained from Vada Osborn University’s research strengths and achievements. Anyone • Engineering, Earth and Applied 1998 are not required to submit on extension 33387. Applications who has suggestions in this regard or who is interested in Sciences; and expressions of interest but staff who close with the Research Branch on joining the Group is invited to contact Janet Dibb-Smith, • Humanities and Social Sciences. unsuccessfully expressed interest in Friday 18 June. Director of Research Policy and Support by email or Each Panel will normally comprise Research Branch web site: by 31 May 1999. Those who responded to the earlier call do no more than eight members Further information from Cyril . RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER FUNDING SCHEMES

Research Grants & Fellowships Prevention Awards 1999: Internal closing Criminology Research Council - Chiquita Brands South Pacific date: 21 May 1999. U5/99. Web site: Research Grants: Internal closing dates: Scholarship in Horticulture: Open to full- . 11 June & 8 October 1999. U1/99 time honours students or research Masters or The following is a list of grant, PhD students in horticulture at the University fellowship and other research funding Heart Foundation Brain Foundation (SA) - Elizabeth • Career Research Fellowship Penfold Simpson Prize: Internal closing of Adelaide. In the case of postgraduates, schemes currently available for applicants must be in receipt of a major application. A more detailed electronic • Clinical and Overseas Research date: 11 June 1999. U8/99 Fellowships scholarship to be eligible. Value: $500. version of this listing (Update: AZA Research - 2000 Research Grant Closing: 29 May (Scholarships). Research), together with guidelines and • Postdoctoral Research Fellowships • Senior Research Fellowship in Programme: Internal closing date: 11 June application forms for some of the 1999. U8/99 Imperial College of Science, major schemes, are available at: Nutrition Technology and Medicine: Andre . • Warren McDonald International Arthritis Foundation of Australia: Dorfman Fellowship in Mining for PhD For hard copy application forms and Fellowship Domestic Fellowships, Overseas research in mining engineering or mineral guidelines for any of the funding Internal closing date: 24 May 1999. U4/99 Fellowships, Specific Purpose Grants & technology. Candidate should hold good first schemes listed below, contact the Australian Spinal Research Foundation Grants-In-Aid for 2000: Internal closing degree in relevant discipline. Tenable for up Research Branch, ext 35137; or email - Research Grants: Internal closing date: date: 11 June 1999. U8/99 to three years. Value: tuition fees, subsistence . 24 May 1999. U8/99 University of Cambridge - Smuts and research expenses. Details available from The Senior Assistant Registrar (Admissions), Sponsored Programs Information Westcare Incorporated: The Australian Visiting Fellowship in Commonwealth Network (SPIN): SPIN Australia - A Tuberculosis Research Group - Studies 2000-2001: Internal closing date: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2AZ, UK. database containing current and Tuberculosis Research Grants: Internal 16 June 1999. U1/99 comprehensive information on over 2,600 closing date: 24 May 1999. U8/99 New South Wales Police Service: Menzies Research Scholarship in the government and private funding Natural Heritage Trust: Coasts & Clean Policing Research Grants - Sir Maurice Allied Health Sciences: Tenable in opportunities. The SPIN web site is accessible Seas - Funding for Environmental Byers Fellowship: Internal closing date: 18 Australia to full-time PhD students via the Research Branch web site. Projects for 1999-2000: Internal closing June 1999. U8/99 undertaking research in one of the allied Industry, Science & Resources; Dept of date: 25 May 1999. U4/99. Web site: health sciences. Available for two years to (DISR) - Technology Diffusion Program . Scholarships their program. Value: $24,000pa. Closing: 23 June (Scholarships). components: Technology Alliances; ORPHAN Australia / Gastroenterolog- Technology Transfer; and Online Business. Monbusho Scholarships to Japan: ical Society of Australia: Travel Grant Unless otherwise stated, information Further information about the TDP is to attend the Basel Liver Week, Falk Available at undergraduate and postgraduate available from the AusIndustry web site: and application forms for the following level. Details available on request, however, Symposia No 114-116, 20-25 October scholarships are available from the . 1999, Basel, Switzerland: Internal closing applications only available from the Japanese U19/98 Registrar, Scholarships, or the Scholar- Embassy (02) 6273 3244. Closing: 24 June date: 28 May 1999. U8/99 ships Officer, Graduate Studies and National Centre for Research (Canberra). National Centre for Vocational Educa- Scholarships Branch, Level 7, Wills Resources (NCRR), USA: Novel tion Research: Vocational Education Multiple Sclerosis Australia - Approaches to Enhance Stem Cell Building, ext 35697/33044. Lodge all and Training Research Projects - Calls applications with the Scholarships Postgraduate Research and Summer Research: Internal closing dates: 18 May, 17 for Expressions of Interest for Office unless otherwise stated. Vacation Scholarships: Postgraduate September 1999 and 18 January 2000. U8/99. Research & Evaluation Projects: Internal scholarships open to registered medical Canadian Studies Awards: ACSANZ Further information: . . Postgraduate Awards: Grants of up to graduates or health professionals. Vacation Grant application form (PHS 398): $A2,800 for Masters or Doctoral candidates Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Australia scholarships intended for currently enrolled . engaged in research into Canadian studies to undergraduates completing three or four - Innovative Grants: Internal closing dates: undertake research trips to Canada for up to Land & Water Resources Research & 1 June, 1 September and 1 December 1999 years of a full-time course leading to an Development Corporation (LWRRDC): six months. Closing: 30 September. ICCS honours degree in medicine, health science or and 1 March 2000 (Copy of first two pages of Graduate Student Thesis/Dissertation National Program for Irrigation Research and application) 17 June & 17 September and 17 science. Applications for vacation scholarships Development (NPIRD) - Call for Research Scholarship: $CAN3,500 for Masters or may be sent directly to the funding body by 31 December 1999 and 17 March 2000 Doctoral candidates to undertake thesis- Proposals: Internal closing date (2-page (Completed full applications). U7/99 August 1999. Closing: 23 August- preliminary proposals): 21 May 1999. U8/99. related research on Canada at a Canadian Postgraduate Scholarships (Scholarships). Web site: . National Institute of Dental and university for 4-6 weeks. Closing: 15 Craniofacial Research - Collaborative November. Further details from ACSANZ Turkish Government Scholarships National Council for the Centenary of Oral Health Research Planning Grant: Web Site: . Applications and guidelines to year 12 graduates who would like to study Program - Round 2: Internal closing date: Details are available from: . Grant application form (PHS Avenue, Canberra ACT 2600, ph: (02) 6273 Way, Red Hill, ACT, 2603, ph: (02) 6295 0227; Secretariat, c/o Australian Institute of 398) is available from: . . Education Scholarships).