Report on Deliverable 1.3
REPORT ON DELIVERABLE 1.3 Beta DAIAD integrated prototype PROJECT NUMBER: 619186 DAIAD is a research project funded by European Commission's 7th START DATE OF PROJECT: 01/03/2014 Framework Programme. DURATION: 42 months The information in this document reflects the author’s views and the European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The information in this document is provided ”as is” without guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the fitness of the information for a particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at his/ her sole risk and liability. Dissemination Level Public Due Date of Deliverable Month 24, 29/02/2016 Actual Submission Date 08/07/2016 Work Package WP1 DAIAD Requirements, Architecture and Integration Tasks 1.4 Integration Type Prototype Approval Status Submitted for approval Version 1.2 Number of Pages 88 Filename D1.3_DAIAD_beta_integrated_prototype.pdf Abstract This report presents an overview of the Prototype Deliverable D1.3 “Beta DAIAD integrated prototype”, which includes all DAIAD software components currently under evaluation in the context of our user trials. First, we present our methodologies, practices, and infrastructures for integration and testing. Then, we provide an overview of the current architecture of the Beta DAIAD integrated prototype, its subsystems, as well as libraries and external frameworks used. Finally, we present the characteristics of the production deployment environment. REPORT
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