SHAW: The Papers of (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

SHAW: THE PAPERS OF GEORGE BERNARD SHAW (1856-1950) From the British Library,

Part 1: Plays, Poems, Novels and Short Stories Part 2: Critical Writings, Essays and Fabian Society Material Part 3: Journalism, Lectures and Autobiographical Material

Contents listing







DETAILED LISTING - PART 3 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Editorial Introduction

Professor L W Conolly, FRSC, Department of English, Trent University, Canada

When Bernard Shaw (his full name was George Bernard Shaw, but he disliked using George) celebrated his seventieth birthday in 1926 he was one of the most famous people in the world, if not the most famous. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925, he was renowned for his provocative political views and for plays such as Mrs Warren’s Profession, , , The Devil’s Disciple, Caesar and Cleopatra, , , The Doctor’s Dilemma, , , , the mammoth five-part , and . These and other Shaw plays had been performed not just throughout the English-speaking world, but in foreign-language productions in Europe, Asia, and South America. The world première of Pygmalion was in German (in Vienna) in 1913, and the controversial Mrs Warren’s Profession (written in 1893-94) was performed in Japan and China before the censor allowed the first public production in England in 1925. The controversy over the suppression of Mrs Warren’s Profession–the play took a sympathetic position towards women driven into prostitution by appalling working conditions and low wages–spread to the United States where the director (Arnold Daly) and the cast were arrested after a production at the Garrick Theatre in New York on 30 October 1905 and charged with “offending public decency” (the charge was subsequently dropped). Controversy became an ongoing feature of Shaw’s life, his iconoclastic and courageous criticism of Britain’s involvement in World War I, for example (expressed in his 1914 book Common Sense about the War), causing the press and public to excoriate him, friends to shun him, and booksellers and librarians to remove his books from their shelves.

Such notoriety seemed unlikely when Shaw was born into a genteel middle class Dublin family (his father was an alcoholic grain merchant, his mother a frustrated amateur mezzo-soprano) on 26 July 1856. There was little in his background or early career that hinted at the fame to come and how often he would be at the forefront of theatrical, intellectual, social, and political controversies big and small, profound and trivial, earnest and whimsical. Shaw left school at fifteen to take a mundane clerical position with a Dublin property agent, while in his spare time immersing himself in the many cultural amenities Dublin offered–a practice he had begun as a schoolboy: the National Gallery and the Theatre Royal were among his favourite havens. He also gained a broad if somewhat unconventional musical education by attending the lessons and rehearsals of his mother’s eccentric singing teacher, Vandeleur Lee; while he was still a schoolboy Shaw could recognize and sing (or whistle) all the principal works of Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Verdi. He also read widely and avidly (especially Shakespeare), and began experimenting as a writer himself.

New opportunities opened up for Shaw when his mother finally gave up on her husband and followed Lee to London in June 1873. Shaw stayed with his father for nearly three more years, strained though the relationship was, but by March 1876 he too had had enough both of his father and of Dublin. He resigned from his job and sailed for England, arriving in London on April Fool’s Day with nothing but uncertain prospects.

Vandeleur Lee paid Shaw to ghost-write musical criticism for him for a periodical called The Hornet for several months in 1876 and 1877, and for a few months in 1879-80 Shaw worked for the Edison Telephone Company. After he left that job in June 1880 what little income he had came from a few articles in the press and occasional handouts from his father. Otherwise, Shaw was entirely dependent on his mother (with whom he lived): “I did not throw myself into the struggle for life: I threw my mother into it,” he quipped in the preface to his novel The Irrational Knot. The Irrational Knot was but one of five novels Shaw wrote between 1879 and 1883, all rejected–some several times–by London publishers (though all were eventually published once Shaw had established his reputation as a critic and playwright). When not writing novels, Shaw busied himself studying French, seeing plays, gaining entrées to London society (the home of Lady Wilde, Oscar’s mother, for example), falling in and out of love, and, most importantly, reading voraciously in the library of the British Museum. It was there that Shaw first read (in a French translation) Marx’s Das Kapital, a work that powerfully stimulated his political sensibilities, though not always in ways that Marx would have welcomed.

Shaw also actively participated in various debating clubs and literary societies in London, and in May 1884 he attended his first meeting of the Fabian Society, a socialist advocacy group formed in London earlier that year. The Fabian Society remains active in England, though its influence has waned considerably since the heady days when it counted some of England’s leading writers and thinkers among its members–H.G. Wells, Beatrice and Sydney Webb, and Shaw himself (he joined in September 1884). Membership gave Shaw an increasingly important platform as a writer (he wrote many of the Fabian Society’s famous “tracts”) and orator, and helped him formulate many of the ideas that he developed in his plays as well as in his political writings and speeches.

The year 1884, then, was significant for Shaw politically, but it was also the year in which his creative work took a new direction–from fiction to drama. The person who pointed Shaw in the new direction was someone he had first met in the British Museum, probably in the fall of 1883. His name was William Archer (1856-1924), one of London’s leading theatre critics and the translator and advocate of the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), whose provocative plays (A Doll’s House, Ghosts, and Hedda Gabler, for example) Shaw also came to admire, champion, and, in his own way, emulate. (One of Shaw’s earliest books–The , published in 1891, but originally an 1890 lecture to the Fabian Society–is an analysis and defence of Ibsen’s work.) Archer helped Shaw secure posts as music and art critic with major periodicals (the Dramatic Review and The World), but, more significantly, suggested a plot outline for the play that eventually was performed (1892) and published (1898) as Widowers’ Houses, Shaw’s first play.

Shaw worked on Widowers’ Houses in November 1884, and returned to it periodically over the next several years, leaving it untouched, however, for long periods. By 1884, after eight years in London, his life was becoming astonishingly full and busy. He was one of the capital’s most prominent critics, adding the Pall Mall Gazette (as literary critic) and The Star (as music critic, using the impressive pseudonym “Corno di Bassetto”) to the publications he wrote for, and his reputation as a compelling and entertaining lecturer on political and a miscellany of other topics meant that by the mid-1880s he was giving a hundred or so lectures a year in London and the provinces. He took part in political demonstrations, he travelled in Europe, he wrote pamphlets for the Fabian Society (and edited Fabian Essays in Socialism, 1889), he met writers (Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats), he went to the theatre, he pursued and fended off women–young and not-so-young, single, married, and widowed. By 1891 Shaw had become a celebrity. “Everybody in London knows Shaw,” said the Sunday World in 1891: “Fabian, Socialist, art and musical critic, vegetarian, ascetic, humourist, artist to the tips of his fingers, man of the people to the tips of his boots, the most original and inspiring of men–fiercely uncompromising, full of ideas, irrepressibly brilliant–an Irishman.”

These early years of Shaw’s life and career are comprehensively reflected in the British Library collections of his work. Add Ms 50594, for example (Part 1 of this microfilm edition), is an 1884 shorthand version of Widowers’ Houses, while Mrs Warren’s SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Profession is represented by, for example, a longhand version (1893) and Shaw’s rehearsal notes for an early (but undated) production (Add Mss 50598 in Part 1). Much of Shaw’s work with the Fabian Society (reports, lectures, tracts, manifestos) is represented in Add Mss 50680-50690 (Part 2), and many of his early essays for newspapers and periodicals are included. Add Ms 50691 (Part 3), for example, consists of copies of his contributions to The Hornet, the Dramatic Review, and The World. Add Mss 50650-50658 (Part 1) include shorthand and typescript versions of Shaw’s novels, as well as early poems and short stories, while Add Mss 50660-50661 (Part 2) are rich in autograph, typescript, and shorthand materials concerning Shaw’s enthusiasm for Ibsen.

Widowers’ Houses defined the kind of playwright that Shaw wanted to be–at least in the early years of his playwriting career. Structured as a social comedy, with deliberately conventional stock characters and a happy ending (the marriage of a young couple after apparently insurmountable obstacles have been overcome), Widowers’ Houses nonetheless undermines convention by tackling an ugly and pervasive social problem head on. Drawing on his first-hand knowledge of the slums of Dublin and reflecting his resolute political convictions, Shaw uses the play to denounce the iniquities of slum housing, not by showing the slums and their tenants, but by exposing the moral sophistry and corruption of the beneficiaries of slum housing– middle-class landlords, upper-class holders of mortgages on slum properties, and even a working-class former rent collector turned property owner.

Critical reaction, however, to Widowers’ Houses and other early Shaw plays was unenthusiastic (positively hostile in the case of Mrs Warren’s Profession), but Shaw had found his métier, and he stuck to his task of using the theatre as a means of social commentary and criticism. At the same time, he was well aware of the need to entertain as well as admonish and instruct, and he began to attract a popular audience with plays such as Arms and the Man, which ran for a creditable fifty performances at the Avenue Theatre in London in the spring of 1894. Other plays followed in rapid succession: (written in 1895), The Devil’s Disciple (1896-97), Caesar and Cleopatra (1898), Captain Brassbound’s Conversion (1899), Man and Superman (1901-03), John Bull’s Other Island (1904), Major Barbara (1905), The Doctor’s Dilemma (1906), Misalliance (1909-10), Fanny’s First Play (1911)–which ran for an astonishing 622 performances in London in 1912)– Androcles and the Lion (1912), and, perhaps now the most famous of them all, Pygmalion (1912-13)–which ran for 118 performances at His Majesty’s Theatre in London in 1914.

These plays are represented in the British Library collections (Add Mss 50593-50649, most of these being in Part 1) in many forms–autograph longhand and shorthand versions, printed copies, autograph rehearsal notes, autograph corrections and revisions, typescripts, promptbooks, and printed proofs. Film adaptations of Shaw’s plays are also represented–by the script, for example (with revisions and notes, for Major Barbara (1941, with and ).

Writing plays was not Shaw’s only preoccupation in the early years of the twentieth century. He continued to write and lecture for the Fabian Society, he was an active member of numerous committees (including, for example, the Organising Committee for the proposed Shakespeare Memorial Theatre), he campaigned against theatre censorship, and, as the First World War loomed, he warned against the dangers of military and political fanaticism on all sides. His Common Sense about the War, published shortly after the outbreak of war in August 1914, resisted jingoism and so was fiercely condemned by press and public alike as unpatriotic. Shorthand and typescript texts of Common Sense are in this collection, as are subsequent writings about the First World War (Add Mss 50668-50671, Part 2). While the war years were not productive for Shaw from a theatrical point of view, they gave him the impetus for his next major play, Heartbreak House (Add Ms 59901, Part 1), completed in 1919, which ends with a bomb falling on a country home, a powerful metaphor for the end of an era and perhaps the end of a civilization.

After the war Shaw picked up momentum again with his playwriting, leading to his longest play, the mammoth five-part exploration of creative evolution called Back to Methuselah, written between 1918 and 1920. Add Ms 50631 (Part 1) consists of Shaw’s shorthand preface and text of the play, as well as subsequent autograph and typescript revisions. Shaw’s other major achievement of the 1920s was Saint Joan, written in 1923, and first performed in New York in December 1923 and in London in March 1924 with Sybil Thorndike as Joan. Add Ms 45923 (Part 1) is an autograph shorthand draft of the play, and related autograph and typescript materials can be found in Add Mss 50633-50634 (Part 1).

As Shaw approached and passed his seventieth birthday, he showed no signs of slowing down. Always an inveterate traveller (usually at his wife Charlotte’s behest), he took world cruises in the 1930s, always working while he travelled. He went to Russia in 1931, met Stalin, and praised Communism. He also praised Hitler in the 1930s, causing more public fury and a ban by the BBC on a talk on Hitler in 1940. He had embraced opportunities made available by the BBC from the beginning of broadcasting in 1922 by participating in debates with the likes of Hilaire Belloc and G K Chesterton, giving talks, and, of course, by allowing productions of his plays, the most notable of which in the early years was a 1929 broadcast of Saint Joan spread over two evenings. And when television broadcasts began in 1936 (suspended during World War II), Shaw was at the forefront of developments again with, for example, televised extracts from How He Lied to Her Husband in July 1937. An introduction that Shaw wrote for a television production of in April 1939 is in the British Library collection (Add Ms 50643P, Part 1), as are shorthand, typescript, and printed texts of BBC radio talks given by Shaw between 1928 and 1977 (Add Ms 50705, Part 3). Other radio scripts are in Part 1 (Add Ms 50633, 50638).

The founding by Sir Barry Jackson of the Malvern Festival in 1929 gave Shaw a new impetus for playwriting, plays such as (written for Malvern in 1929, though first produced–in Polish–in Warsaw), (1931), The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles (1934), Geneva (1938), In Good King Charles’s Golden Days (1939), and (1946) all receiving their world or English premières at the Festival. Shorthand and other texts of these plays as well as Shaw’s rehearsal notes for Malvern productions are in Part 1, and Part 2 (Add Ms 50664) contains essays Shaw wrote for the Festival’s programmes.

Shaw demonstrated his continuing commitment to social and political analysis through works such as The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism (1928), lauded by Labour Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald as “after the Bible . . . the most important book that humanity possesses”–a remark that revealed MacDonald, Shaw said, to be “more of a wit than I suspected.” The autograph shorthand text of The Intelligent Woman’s Guide is in Part 2 (Add Ms 50672). The published text, with autograph and typescript corrections and insertions, is also in Part 2 (Add Ms 50674). Other political commentary appeared in Everybody’s Political What’s What? (1944), a typescript of which, with Shaw’s autograph corrections, is also in Part 2 (Add Ms 50675). This section of Part 2 (Add Mss 50659-50679) is rich in Shaw’s essays generally, containing his views on an impressive variety of subjects–pugilism, architecture, the Irish Question, vivisection, and the National Theatre, among others.

Insights into more personal aspects of Shaw’s life are contained in Part 3 (Add Mss 50706-50718)–family history notes, SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

medical reports, cheque book stubs, travel documents, and address books, for example–while Add Mss 50719-50739 (also Part 3) contain notebooks on a miscellany of subjects ranging from Shaw’s juvenile drawings to draft letters to the press to more rehearsal notes and printed ephemera.

In 1937 Winston Churchill–no political ally–described Shaw as “the greatest living master of letters in the English-speaking world.” And abroad and at home Shaw was greeted, befriended, and sought after by politicians, sportsmen, artists, writers, musicians, scientists, photographers, and film stars–Gandhi, Nehru, Gorky, Gene Tunney, Rodin, Mark Twain, Wells, Lawrence of Arabia, Elgar, Einstein, Karsh, Chaplin, Garbo, and many more. Vegetarian, teetotaller, spelling and alphabet reformer, anti-vivisectionist as well as pre-eminent playwright and social activist; there was hardly an aspect of human activity in a life that lasted nearly a century that Shaw did not participate in or comment on.

He died at his home in the isolated village of Ayot St Lawrence in Hertfordshire on 2 November 1950 from complications following a fall in his garden while pruning a shrub. He was ninety-four years old. His death was front-page headline news in practically every newspaper in the world, and the lights of Times Square and Broadway theatre marques were blacked out in respect. Shaw’s will, dated 12 June 1950, instructed the Public Trustee to deposit “such letters and documents as might be worth preserving” in a “public collection such as that of the British Museum.” Thus it was that the British Museum Library– subsequently the British Library at its new St Pancras site–took possession of this outstanding collection, a collection that documents in a myriad of ways the life and works of one of the most remarkable figures of British cultural and political life.

Parts of this Introduction are drawn from the Introduction to my edition of Shaw’s Mrs Warren’s Profession (Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2005).

Contents of Reels - Part 1


Plays of George Bernard Shaw

Add Ms 50593 Passion Play 1878 Add Ms 50594 Widowers’ Houses 1884 Add Ms 50595 A The Cassone 1889-1890 Add Ms 50595 B The Cassone. Typescript 1889-1890


Add Ms 50596 A-G 1892-1893 Add Ms 50597 The Philanderer. Published copy with autograph rehearsal notes 1906


Add Ms 50598 A-C Mrs Warren’s Profession 1893

Add Ms 50599 Mrs Warren’s Profession. Proofs for the Collected Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw(Vol 7 1930) Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50600 Plays; Pleasant and Unpleasant (Vol 1) 1900 Add Ms 50601 A-C Arms and the Man 1893 Add Ms 50602 Arms and the Man. Published copy with autograph Rehearsal notes 1905


Add Ms 50603 A-C Candida 1894 Add Ms 50604 A Man of Destiny 1895 Add Ms 50605 A-C You never can tell 1895


Add Ms 50606 A The Devil’s Disciple. Scenario: mainly shorthand 1896-1897

Add Ms 50606 B-D The Devil’s Disciple. Playscript 1896-1897 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript

Add Ms 50607 The Devil’s Disciple. Producer’s copy, Queen’s Theatre 1907 Add Ms 50608 or, the Son of the Cardinal. Typescript 1898 Add Ms 50609 A-D Caesar and Cleopatra 1898


Add Ms 50610 Caesar and Cleopatra 1899, 1912, 1930, 1926, 1944-1945 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50611 Caesar and Cleopatra Published copy with autographed rehearsal notes 1904

Add Ms 50612 A-C Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 1899 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50613 The Admirable Bashville. Prompt Book for Stage Society performances. Typescript with some autograph rehearsal notes 1903

Add Ms 50614 How he lied to her husband 1904

Add Ms 50615 John Bull’s Other Island. Instructions to the Producer 1904 Preface to the Home Rule Edition. Shorthand, typescript and printed with autograph revisions 1912


Add Ms 50616 A-E Major Barbara 1905 Add Ms 50617 Major Barbara. Filmscript 1940-1941


Add Ms 50618 Major Barbara. Screen version prepared for publication c1945 Add Ms 50619 A-D The Doctor’s Dilemma 1906 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Add Ms 50620 The Doctor’s Dilemma. Draft film script Typescript nd Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following two manuscripts.

Add Ms 50621 1908 Add Ms 50622 The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet 1909


Add Ms 50623 Typescript with manuscript additions and corrections in another hand 1909? Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50624 Misalliance 1909 Add Ms 50625 The Glimpse of Reality. Shorthand and incomplete 1910

Add Ms 50626 The Dark Lady of the Sonnets 1914. Printed proof with autographcorrections and additions. Poem, The Dark Lady Printed proof with unidentifiedamendments 1934

Add Ms 50627 Androcles and the Lion. Film scenario. Typescript 1950

Add Ms 50628 Pygmalion Preface. Typescript draft with autograph amendments and shorthand 1916 Film scenario 1934

Add Ms 50629 Pygmalion. Performing copy. Printed with autograph rehearsal notes 1913

Add Ms 50630 Annajanska: the Wild Grand Duchess. Typescript with autograph corrections 1917

Add Ms 50631 Back to Methuselah 1919-1945 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50632 Back to Methuselah. Printed edition with autograph amendments for the 1928 revival 1927-1928


Add Ms 50633 St Joan 1923-1948, nd Add Ms 50634 St Joan. Typescript with manuscript alterations in unidentified hands 1934?


Add Ms 50635 Too True to be Good. Shorthand and typescript with autograph corrections 1931 Add Ms 50636 Too True to be Good. Printed rough proof with autograph corrections 1931 Add Ms 50637 The Simpleton (of the Unexpected Isles). Printed proofs with autograph corrections 1934 Add Ms 50638 1934-1942

Add Ms 50639 The Millionairess. Printed rehearsal copy of 1940 with autograph revisions for BBC production 1942 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50640 Geneva. Printed rehearsal copy of 1938 revised in Mrs Shaw’s hand 1938


Add Ms 50641 Buoyant Billions 1936-1949 Add Ms 50642 Farfetched Fables 1948 Add Ms 50643A Arms and the Man. Make-up volume 1923-1945 Add Ms 50643B The Devil’s Disciple. Make-up volume 1939 Add Ms 50643C Man and Superman. Make-up volume 1902 Add Ms 50643D Passion, Poison and Petrifaction, or the Fatal Gasolene. Make-up volume 1905 Add Ms 50643E The Doctor’s Dilemma. Make-up volume 1910 Add Ms 50643F The Inauguration Speech: An Interlude. Make-up volume 1907 Add Ms 50643G Getting Married. Make-up volume 1910 Add Ms 50643H The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet. Make-up volume 1909 Add Ms 50643I Winifred. Make-up volume 1909 Add Ms 50643J Scenario for G K Chesterton 1909 Add Ms 50643K Misalliance. Make-up volume 1910? Add Ms 50643L Sketches by J M Barrie. Make-up volume 1914 Add Ms 50643M Glastonbury Gag. Make-up volume 1916 Add Ms 50643N Jitta’s Atonement. Make-up volume 1923? Add Ms 50643O On the Rocks. Make-up volume 1933? Add Ms 50643P Geneva. Make-up volume 1938, 1939 Add Ms 50643Q Miscellany. Make-up volume nd


Add Ms 50644 Rehearsal Notes Various plays 1911-1937 Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following four manuscripts.

Add Ms 50645-48 Rehearsal Notes Various plays 1911-1937 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Add Ms 50649 Notebook containing lists of theatrical companies permitted to perform Shaw’s plays 1915-1925


Poems, Novels and Short Stories

Add Ms 50650 Poems, epigrams and Notes on novels 1883-1946, nd Add Ms 50651 Immaturity. Preface 1930 Add Ms 50652 Immaturity. Books I-II 1930


Add Ms 50653 Immaturity. Books III-IV 1930 Add Ms 50654 The Irrational Knot 1905

Add Ms 50655A, B Cashel Byron’s Profession 1882-1883 Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50656 An Unsocial Socialist 1883


Add Ms 50657 Unfinished novel nd Add Ms 50658 Short stories 1885-1937 Add Ms 45923 St Joan 1923 Add Ms 48201 : A Little Comedy 1950 Add Ms 59901 Heartbreak House 1917



Add Ms 63179 More Common Sense about the War 1915 Add Ms 63180 More Common Sense about the War 1915 Add Ms 63181 Diary of Bernard Shaw 1917


Add Ms 63182 Notes for St Joan nd. Notebook 1950. The Limitation Conference II: After you, sir 1921? Printed proofs and articles 1888-1948 Add Ms 63183 Miscellaneous notes, printed ephemera etc 1895-1947 Add Ms 63184 Corrected worksheets in Shaw’s hand 1924, 1928 Add Ms 63185 French translation of Mrs Warren’s Profession nd


Add Ms 63186 Miscellaneous Correspondence 1905-1949 Add Ms 63187 Accounts, letters etc relating to the tenancy of a flat 1934-1943, nd Add Ms 63728 Miscellaneous letters

Contents of Reels - Part 2


Critical Writings and Essays

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript. Add Ms 50659 The Quintessence of Ibsenism Published copy 1891

Add Ms 50660 The Quintessence of Ibsenism 1890-1913 Add Ms 50661 Fabian lecture material 1890-1906 Add Ms 50662 Collected musical articles 1885-1945


Add Ms 50663 Religion and Religions 1896-1931, nd Add Ms 50664 Prefaces by Shaw to his own works 1906-1947, nd


Add Ms 50665 Contributions and prefaces by Shaw to works by others 1894-1942? Add Ms 50666 Preface to Brieux’s Three Plays 1909 Add Ms 50667 Technical Socialism 1900


Add Ms 50668 Commons Sense about the War 1914-1915 Add Ms 50669A, B More Commonsense about the War 1915-1918


Add Ms 50670 What I really said in the War 1930? Add Ms 50671A, B Peace Conference Hints 1918, 1919


Add Ms 50672 The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism 1924-1927

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript. Add Ms 50673 The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism 1925

Add Ms 50674 The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism 1928


Add Ms 50675 ff 1-300 Everybody’s Political What’s What 1942-1944


Add Ms 50675 ff 301-627 Everybody’s Political What’s What 1942-1944 Add Ms 50676 The Rationalization of Russia 1932


Add Ms 50677A Articles, lectures etc 1889-1918

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript. Add Ms 50677B Notebook containing draft chapter on education nd

Add Ms 50678 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1892-1948


Add Ms 50679 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers 1908-1950


Fabian Society

Add Ms 50680 Memoranda, reports, ephemera 1888-1906

REEL 12 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1 to 3

Add Ms 50681 Memoranda, reports, ephemera 1907-1920, nd Add Ms 50682 Memoranda, reports, ephemera 1903-1907 Add Ms 50683 Lectures by Shaw 1885-1890


Add Ms 50684 Lectures by Shaw 1895-1907 Add Ms 50685 Lectures by Shaw 1908-1910 Add Ms 50686 Lectures by Shaw 1911-1913


Add Ms 50687 Lectures by Shaw 1914-1916 Add Ms 50688 Lectures by Shaw 1917-1933, nd


Add Ms 50689 Miscellaneous Fabian writings of Shaw 1888-1948, nd Add Ms 50690 Fabian publications by Shaw and others 1884-1930 Add Ms 59784 Letters of Shaw mainly concerned with Fabian Society affairs 1890-1913 Add Ms 62992 Letters from Shaw relating to disputes in the Fabian Society 1906-1907

Contents of Reels - Part 3


Newspaper and Periodical Articles

Add Ms 50691 Contributions to “The Hornet”,“The Dramatic Review, and “The World” 1876-1889 Add Ms 50692 Contributions to “The Pall Mall Gazette” 1885-1888

Add Ms 50693 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1879-1901


Add Ms 50694 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1902-1907

Add Ms 50695 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1908-1915


Add Ms 50696 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1916-1919, nd


Add Ms 50697 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1920-1932

Add Ms 50698 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1933-1943


Add Ms 50699 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals 1944-1950, nd



Add Ms 50700 Cards for lectures and public addresses by Shaw 1884-1888, nd Add Ms 50701 Bills and advertisements for public addresses by Shaw 1886-1928, nd


Add Ms 50702 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports 1884?-1890 Add Ms 50703 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports 1892-1912


Add Ms 50704 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports 1913-1933, nd


Add Ms 50705 Broadcasts 1928-1947

Autobiographical Writings, Personal Memoranda and Ephemera

Add Ms 50706 Shaw gives himself away 1939 Add Ms 50707 (ff 1-181) Sixteen Self Sketches Preliminary drafts 1949


Add Ms 50707 (ff 182-364) Sixteen Self Sketches Preliminary drafts 1949 Add Ms 50708 Sixteen Self Sketches Galley proofs of preliminary Drafts 1949 Add Ms 50709 Material discarded from Sixteen Self Sketches nd Add Ms 50710A Autobiographical notes 1877-1889, nd Add Ms 50710B Autobiographical notes 1876-1892


Add Ms 50711A Family history notes, medical reports, certificates of membership and other ephemera 1889-1945, nd

Add Ms 50711B Cheque-book stubs 1911-1933 Motoring and travel documents 1909-1947 Add Ms 50712 Copies of Shaw’s wills 1901-1950

REEL 12 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1 to 3

Add Ms 50713 Form postcards and letters as sent by Shaw to correspondents 1906-1944, nd Add Ms 50714 Daily list of correspondence to be dealt with 1913, 1929-1941, nd Add Ms 50715 Address books 1887-1902 Add Ms 50716 Address books 1883; 1891-1913


Add Ms 50717 Address books 1912-1930 Add Ms 50718 Address books 1932-1950

Notebooks and Drafts

Add Ms 50719 Juvenile drawings 1871-1874, nd Add Ms 50720 Draft poem and personal memoranda included in printed diary for 1873 nd

Add Ms 50721A, B Draft poems, articles, letters, synopses of novels, printed leaflets, notes on music, shorthand exercises 1877-1884, nd

Add Ms 50722 Draft articles, lectures, letters and Fabian Society tracts 1883-1889, nd Add Ms 50723 Notes on miscellaneous subjects 1886-1897, nd Add Ms 50724 Notes on the history of the socialist movement c1890 Add Ms 50725 Draft poem and personal memoranda 1892


Add Ms 50726A-C German exercises 1893, nd

Add Ms 50727 Miscellaneous notes and draft letter to the press c1890 Add Ms 50728 Memoranda, list of photographs taken in France 1901, nd Add Ms 50729 Notes on vaccination 1902, nd Notes on the Boer War 1901

Add Ms 50730 Personal memoranda, notes on vaccination and rehearsal notes for Mrs Warren’s Profession nd

Add Ms 50731 Personal memoranda and rehearsal notes 1904, nd Add Ms 50732 Miscellaneous notes and memoranda and rehearsal notes c1903-1906


Add Ms 50733 Personal memoranda, notes on discussions and rehearsal notes 1905, nd Add Ms 50734 Notes on debates and rehearsal notes nd Add Ms 50735 Rehearsal notes, draft letters, etc 1907-1909 Add Ms 50736 Draft article and rehearsal notes 1907, nd Add Ms 50737 Memoranda, notes on own publications, draft letter to the press c1908 Add Ms 50738 Notes on motoring in Scotland, draft letters etc 1923, 1927, 1933, nd Add Ms 50739 Letter, fragments of dialogue and rehearsal notes nd Add Ms 50740 Newscuttings, printed ephemera etc relating to Shaw 1887-1930


Add Ms 50741 Newscuttings, printed ephemera etc relating to Shaw 1876-1946?, nd

Add Ms 50742 Make-up volume of miscellaneous pamphlets, discussion notes by writers other than Shaw 1891-1948, nd


Add Ms 50743 Make-up volumes of miscellaneous notes and memoranda 1883-1944, nd

Detailed Listing - Part 1

The details given below are taken from the British Library Catalogue of George Bernard Shaw Papers (The British Library, London, 2005).


SHAW PAPERS: SERIES II 50593-50743. Purchased from the residuary legatees of George Bernard Shaw, 9 April 1960, and incorporated in the Department of Manuscripts 8 March 1961.

One hundred and fifty volumes classified as follows:

A. Plays of G. B. Shaw: 50593-50649. B. Poems, Novels and Short Stories: 50650-50658. C. Critical Writings and Essays: 50659-50679. D. Fabian Society: 50680-50690. E. Newspaper and Periodical Articles: 50691-50699. F. Lectures: 50700-50705. G. Autobiographical Writings and Biographical Memoranda: 50706-50718. H. Notebooks: 50719-50739. I. Miscellanea: 50740-50743.

A. Plays of G. B. Shaw. 50593-50649. Playscripts, in autograph longhand unless otherwise stated, with rehearsal notes and related materials; 1878-1948. All in chronological order.

Plays of George Bernard Shaw

Add Ms 50593 Passion Play, 1878 50593. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. i (ff. i+76). Passion Play; 1878.

Add Ms 50594 Widowers’ Houses, 1884 50594. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. ii (ff. 102). 'Widowers’ Houses’; 1884. Shorthand.

Add Ms 50595 A The Cassone, 1889-1890 50595 A. Vol. iii a (ff. 93). At ff. 92v-80v, reading from the end, are notes for a review of F. Fyles’s and D. Belasco’s 'The Girl I Left Behind Me’; 1895.

Add Ms 50595 B The Cassone Typescript, 1889-1890 50595 B. Vol. iii b (ff. 24). Typewritten.


Add Ms 50596 A-G The Philanderer, 1892-1893 50596 A-G. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. iv a-g (ff. 100, 61, 80, 56, 83, 48, i+47). 'The Philanderer’; 1892-1893.

Add Ms 50597 The Philanderer Published copy with autograph rehearsal notes, 1906 50597. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. v (ff. 45). The Philanderer (1906). Published copy, with autograph rehearsal notes; n.d.


Add Ms 50598 A-C Mrs Warren’s Profession, 1893 50598 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. vi a-c (ff. 103, 74, 57). 'Mrs. Warren’s Profession’; 1893.

Add Ms 50599 Mrs Warren’s Profession Proofs for the Collected, Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw (Vol 7 1930) 50599. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. vii (ff. 74). 'Mrs. Warren’s Profession’; proofs, etc. for the Collected Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw, Vol. 7 (1930). Pages 179-180 of the publication contain additional material not present in this volume. 1. ff. 1-42. Playscript; 1894. Printed, with autograph revisions. 2. ff. 43–53v. Preface, 'Mostly About Myself’; 1898. Printed and typewritten, with autograph revisions. 3. ff. 54–79. Preface and 'Author’s Apology’; typewritten insertions of 1930, together with printed texts of 1902 and 1907; all with autograph corrections. See also 50664, ff. 1-4. This volume was rearranged and refoliated in 2002-2003. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50600 Plays; Pleasant and Unpleasant, (Vol 1), 1900 50600. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. viii (ff. i+135). Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant, Vol. 1 (1900). At ff. 96v-131v, 'Mrs. Warren’s Profession’ is annotated with autograph rehearsal notes; n.d.

Add Ms 50601 A-C Arms and the Man, 1893 50601 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. ix a-c (ff. 81, 80, 40). 'Arms and the Man’; 1893. At ff. 40v-37v, reading from the end, are political lecture notes; n.d. see also 50643, ff. 1-47.

Add Ms 50602 Arms and the Man Published copy with autograph rehearsal notes, 1905 50602. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. x (ff. 40). Arms and the Man (1905). Published copy, with autograph rehearsal notes; n.d.


Add Ms 50603 A-C Candida, 1894 50603 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xi a-c (ff. 69, 56, 53). 'Candida’; 1894.

Add Ms 50604 A Man of Destin, 1895 50604. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xii (ff. 116). 'The Man of Destiny’; 1895.

Add Ms 50605 A-C You never can tell, 1895 50605 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xiii a-c (ff. 94, 94, 122). 'You Never Can Tell’; 1895.


Add Ms 50606 A The Devil’s Disciple Scenario: mainly shorthand, 1896-1897 50606 A. Vol. XIV A (ff. 5). Scenario: mostly shorthand.

Add Ms 50606 B-D The Devil’s Disciple Playscript, 1896-1897 50606 B-D. Vols. XIV B-D (ff. 60, 59, 66). Playscript.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript

Add Ms 50607 The Devil’s Disciple Producer’s copy, Queen’s Theatre, 1907 50607. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xv (ff. 108). 'The Devil's Disciple'; producer's copy, Queen's Theatre, 1907. Manuscript (hand unidentified), interleaved with printed and typewritten text, all with MS. amendments. See also 50643, ff. 48-54.

Add Ms 50608 The Gadfly or, the Son of the Cardinal Typescript, 1898 50608. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xvi (ff. iv+46). 'The Gadfly or, the Son of the Cardinal', dramatisation of novel by Ethel Voynich; 1898. Typewritten, with a few autograph production notes.

Add Ms 50609 A-D Caesar and Cleopatra, 1898 50609 A-D. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xvii a-d (ff. 58, 61, 95, 17). 'Caesar and Cleopatra'; 1898.


Add Ms 50610 Caesar and Cleopatra, 1899, 1912, 1930, 1926, 1944-1945 50610. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xviii (ff. iv+164). 'Caesar and Cleopatra'.

1. ff. 1-106. Parts of Caesar, Cleopatra, the Centurion and Ptolemy; 1899? Typewritten. 2. ff. 107-123. Prologue; 1912. Shorthand. 3. ff. 124-135v. Prologue; 1912. Printed, with autograph corrections. 4. ff. 136-141. Prologue; 1930. Printed, with a few autograph notes. 5. ff. 142-152. Prologue; 1926, n.d. Typewritten, with autograph amendments. 6. ff. 153-164. Notes for film production; 1944-1945. Typewritten, with autograph amendments.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Add Ms 50611 Caesar and Cleopatra Published copy with autographed rehearsal notes, 1904 50611. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xix (ff. 67). Caesar and Cleopatra (1904). Published copy, with autograph rehearsal notes; n.d.

Add Ms 50612 A-C Captain Brassbound’s Conversion, 1899 50612 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xx a-c (ff. 61, 73, 62). 'Captain Brassbound's Conversion'; 1899.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50613 The Admirable Bashville Prompt Book for Stage Society performances Typescript with some autograph rehearsal notes, 1903 50613. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxi (ff. 45). 'The Admirable Bashville', prompt book for Stage Society performances; 1903. Typewritten with some autograph rehearsal notes.

Add Ms 50614 How he lied to her husband, 1904 50614. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxii (ff. 51). 'How he lied to her husband'; 1904.

Add Ms 50615 John Bull’s Other Island Instructions to the Producer, 1904 Preface to the Home Rule Edition. Shorthand, typescript and printed with autograph Revisions, 1912 50615. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxiii (ff. 60). 'John Bull's Other Island'.

1. ff. 1-6. 'Instructions to the Producer'; 1904. 2. ff. 7-60. Preface to the Home Rule edition; 1912. Shorthand (ff. 7-15), typewritten and printed, with autograph revisions.


Add Ms 50616 A-E Major Barbara, 1905 50616 A-E. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxiv a-e (ff. 80, 80, 58, 58, 52). 'Major Barbara'; 1905.

Add Ms 50617 Major Barbara Filmscript, 1940-1941 50617. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxv (ff. 306). 'Major Barbara', filmscript; 1940-1941. Mainly typewritten, with MS. additions in Shaw's and others' hands. Includes some fragments and shorthand. At f. 21 Shaw's personal prologue, written as a trailer to the film, and relating to the progress of World War II, is reproduced in a cutting from Variety. At ff. 301-306 is a copy of the Ode, 'We forge our own destruction', arranged from 'Dall tuo stellato soglio' in the finale of Rossini's opera 'Il Mosé in Egitto'.


Add Ms 50618 Major Barbara Screen version prepared for publication, c1945 50618. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxvi (ff. 238). 'Major Barbara', screen version prepared for publication; 1941. At ff. 2-15 are printed galley proofs in a different font, and with some different wording from the published versions of 1945- 1949. Folios 16-150 are page proofs for pp. i-xxxvii and 1-147 of the 1945 edition. Folios. 151-238 are the published playscript, circa 1930, with autograph corrections subsequently incorporated in the published screen version.

Add Ms 50619 A-D The Doctor’s Dilemma, 1906 50619 A-D. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxvii a-d (ff. i+61, 57, 61, 71). 'The Doctor's Dilemma'; 1906. See also 50643, ff. 77-97.

Add Ms 50620 The Doctor’s Dilemma Draft film script typescript, nd 50620. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxviii (ff. 131). 'The Doctor's Dilemma', draft film script; n.d. Typewritten.

Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following two manuscripts.

Add Ms 50621 Getting Married, 1908 50621. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxix (ff. 24). 'Getting Married', etc.; 1908. See also 50643, ff. 110-144. 1. ff. 1-18. 'Getting Married'; shorthand. 2. f. 19. Notes for preface to 'Fabian Essays'; shorthand. 3. ff. 20-24. Miscellaneous notes, partly fragment and shorthand.

Add Ms 50622 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet, 1909 50622. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxx (ff. i+61). 1. (ff.. 1-13). 'The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet'; 1909. Shorthand and incomplete. See also 50643, ff. 145-150. 2. (ff. 13*-60). 'Press Cuttings'; 1909. Shorthand, written in forward and reverse sequence. Miscellaneous notes are at f. 61.


Add Ms 50623 Press Cuttings Typescript with manuscript additions and corrections in another hand, 1909? 50623. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxi (ff. ii+98). 'Press Cuttings'; 1909? Two typewritten copies. The first, at ff. 1- 49, has MS. additions and corrections in another hand; the second, at ff. 50-98, contains a slightly altered version of the preceding text.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50624 Misalliance, 1909 50624. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxii (ff. 47). 1. ff. 1-44. 'Misalliance'; 1909. Shorthand, written in forward and reverse sequence. See also 50643, f. 181. 2. ff. 45v-44v. Incomplete notes for a review; 1909? Shorthand. Miscellaneous notes are at ff. 46-47.

Add Ms 50625 The Glimpse of Reality Shorthand and incomplete, 1910 50625. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxiii (ff. 11). 'The Glimpse of Reality'; 1910. Shorthand and incomplete.

Add Ms 50626 The Dark Lady of the Sonnets, 1914 Printed proof with autograph corrections and additions Poem, The Dark Lady Printed proof with unidentified amendments, 1934 50626. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxiv (ff. 16). 1. ff. 1-10. 'The Dark Lady of the Sonnets'; 1914. Printed proof of 1910 with autograph corrections and additions. 2. ff. 11-16. Poem, 'The Dark Lady', author unknown; 1934. Printed proof with unidentified MS. amendments.

Add Ms 50627 Androcles and the Lion Film scenario. Typescript, 1950 50627. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxv (ff. 17). 'Androcles and the Lion', film scenario; 1950. Typewritten.

Add Ms 50628 Pygmalion Preface. Typescript draft with autograph amendments and shorthand, 1916 Film scenario, 1934 50628. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxvi (ff. 35). 'Pygmalion'. 1. ff. 1-4. Preface; 1916. Typewritten draft with autograph amendments, and shorthand. 2. ff. 5-35. Film scenario; 1934.

Add Ms 50629 Pygmalion Performing copy.printed with autograph rehearsal notes, 1913 50629. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxvii (ff. 44). 'Pygmalion'; 1913 performing copy. Printed with autograph rehearsal notes; 1914?

Add Ms 50630 Annajanska: the Wild Grand Duchess Typescript with autograph corrections, 1917 50630. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxviii (ff. 19). 'Annajanska: the Wild Grand Duchess'; 1917. Typewritten with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50631 Back to Methuselah, 1919-1945 50631. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xxxix (ff. 235). 'Back to Methuselah'; 1919-1945.

1. ff. 1-127. Preface and playscript; 1919-1920. Shorthand. 2. ff. 128-129. Lists of amendments to the Preface;1921, n.d. Autograph and typewritten. 3. ff. 130-131. Blurb for Penguin book jacket; 1938. Typewritten with autograph corrections. 4. ff. 132-186. Preface; 1944-1945. Printed proof with autograph amendments. 5. ff 187-192v. 'Introductory Note for Oxford University Press'; 1944. Shorthand. 6. ff. 193-228. Postscript; 1944. Two copies, typewritten with autograph alterations. 7. ff. 229-235. Cards to G. B. Shaw from Oxford University Press accompanying proofs; 1944-1945.

This volume was refoliated in 2002-2003, but the bound sequence is unchanged.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50632 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Back to Methuselah Printed edition with autograph amendments for the 1928 revival, 1927-1928 50632. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xl (ff. 180). 'Back to Methuselah'; 1927-1928. Printed edition of 1927, with autograph amendments for the 1928 revival at ff. 65-91.


Add Ms 50633 St Joan, 1923-1948, nd 50633. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xli (ff. 84). 'St. Joan'; 1923-1948, n.d. 1. ff. 1-28. Fragments of playscript and preface sent for publication; 1923. Mostly typewritten with autograph alterations. Folios 1-2 are brief autograph notes concerning their place and time of composition; 1926, 1944? 2. ff. 29-41. Transcript of B.B.C. Radio Schools broadcast on 'St. Joan'; 1942. Mostly duplicated typescript. 3. ff. 42-46. B.B.C. broadcast; 1948. Shorthand draft. 4. ff. 47-49. Autograph and shorthand note relating to, and typewritten copy of a letter of Monsignor M. Barbera, S. J., concerning the conditions on which the Catholic Authorities would not object to the showing of the film; 1935. 5. ff. 50-53. Autograph pencil notes, apparently relating to the film script; n.d. 6. ff. 54-84. Miscellaneous notes, some autograph, some in unidentified hands, together with postcards, etc., relating to Joan of Arc; n.d. At f. 64 is a 'Domrémy medal' and at ff. 75-84 are further notes by Shaw on the history of the composition and performance of the play; circa 1944.

Add Ms 50634 St Joan Typescript with manuscript alterations in unidentified hands, 1934? 50634. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlii (ff. 296). 'St. Joan', two copies of the film scenario; 1934? Typewritten with MS. alterations in unidentified hands. Folios 1-168 are typewritten only, and the text is almost identical to that beginning at f. 169; the latter has an additional variant of the last sequence before the Epilogue and, at ff. 295-296, the scenario for the 1920 canonisation. Some MS. additions appear to be directorial; others relate to historical and canonical accuracy: see 50633, ff. 47-49.


Add Ms 50635 Too True to be Good Shorthand and typescript with autograph corrections, 1931 50635. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xliii (ff. i+259). 'Too True to be Good'; 1931. Shorthand and typewritten with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50636 Too True to be Good Printed rough proof with autograph corrections, 1931 50636. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xliv (ff. 44). 'Too True to be Good'; 1931. Printed rough proof with autograph corrections. Pages 9 and 10 have been excised and replaced by a printed sheet bearing variant text (c.f. 80808).

Add Ms 50637 The Simpleton (of the Unexpected Isles) Printed proofs with autograph corrections, 1934 50637. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlv (ff. i+55). 'The Simpleton [of the Unexpected Isles]'; 1934. Shorthand. ff. 48- 55 contain Shaw's reply, written for the Malvern Festival programme, to the American critic Joseph Wood Krutch; 1935. Printed proofs with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50638 The Millionairess, 1934-1942 50638. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlvi (ff. i+31). 'The Millionairess'; 1934-1942. 1. ff. 1-24. Playscript, mostly under the provisional title 'His Tragic Clients'; 1934. Shorthand. 2. ff. 25-26. Alternative ending written speculatively for Soviet audiences; 1936. Typewritten with shorthand additions. 3. ff. 27-31. Narrator's opening for B.B.C. radio broadcast; 1942. Typewritten with autograph alterations.

Add Ms 50639 The Millionairess Printed rehearsal copy of 1940 with autograph revisions for BBC production, 1942 50639. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlvii (ff. 38). 'The Millionairess'. Printed rehearsal copy of 1940 with autograph revisions for B.B.C. production; 1942.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50640 Geneva Printed rehearsal copy of 1938 revised in Mrs Shaw’s hand, 1938 50640. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlviii (ff. 70). 'Geneva'. Printed rehearsal copy of 1938 revised in C. F. Shaw's hand. See also 50643, ff. 192-199 below.


Add Ms 50641 Buoyant Billions, 1936-1949 50641. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xlix (ff. 162). 'Buoyant Billions'; 1936-1949. 1. ff. 1-16*. Prefaces; 1947-1949. Shorthand, typewritten with autograph revisions, and printed proof with autograph revisions. Two versions, dated 1947 and beginning at f. 2 and f. 11, preserve an earlier title, 'The World Betterer's Courtship'. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

2. ff. 17-60. Playscript; 1945. Shorthand. 3. ff. 61-162. Playscript; dated 17/2/36 at f. 62, and 13/7/47 at f. 152. Entitled 'The World Betterer'. Typewritten with autograph revisions

Add Ms 50642 Farfetched Fables, 1948 50642. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. l (ff. 43). 'Farfetched Fables'; 1948. 1. ff. 1-32. Shorthand. 2. ff. 33-43. Typewritten with autograph amendments. Partly fragment.

Add Ms 50643A Arms and the Man Make-up volume, 1923-1945 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 1. ff. 1-47. 'Arms and the Man'; 1923-1945. i. ff. 1-8. Costume designs; line and coloured drawings; 1941? ii. f. 9. Offstage dialogue for Act I; 1941? iii. ff. 10-13. 'Instructions to Producer'; 1923. Shorthand. iv. f. 14. Note by G. B. Shaw for Malvern Festival programme; 1932. Printed proof with autograph corrections. v. ff. 15-26. Film sequences; 1941. Shorthand. vi. ff. 27-42. Film sequences; 1941. Typewritten with autograph additions. vii. ff. 43-47. Plot summary; 1945. Typewritten with autograph additions.

Add Ms 50643B The Devil’s Disciple Make-up volume, 1939 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 2. ff. 48-54. 'The Devil's Disciple', film sequences; 1939. Typewritten with autograph additions.

Add Ms 50643C Man and Superman Make-up volume, 1902 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 3. ff. 55-71. 'Man and Superman'; 1902. i. ff. 55-70. Draft aphorisms for 'Maxims for Revolutionists'. ii. ff. 71-71v. Fragment of dialogue.

Add Ms 50643D Passion, Poison and Petrifaction, or the Fatal Gasolene Make-up volume, 1905 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 4. ff. 72-76v. 'Passion, Poison and Petrifaction, or the Fatal Gasolene'; 1905. Four illustrations in pen and ink wash by Harry Furniss, for his Annual; together with other pencil and ink sketches by Furniss.

Add Ms 50643E The Doctor’s Dilemma Make-up volume, 1910 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 5. ff. 77-97. 'The Doctor's Dilemma', section of Preface; 1910. Shorthand.

Add Ms 50643F The Inauguration Speech: An Interlude Make-up volume, 1907 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 6. ff. 98-109v. 'The Inauguration Speech: An Interlude'; 1907. Written for Cyril Maude's opening of the Playhouse Theatre, and published in 1927 as 'The Interlude at the Playhouse'.

Add Ms 50643G Getting Married Make-up volume, 1910 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 7. ff. 110-144. 'Getting Married', Preface; 1910. Shorthand.

Add Ms 50643H The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet Make-up volume, 1909 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 8. ff. 145-150. 'The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet', 'Memorandum for Censorship Committee' written for Preface; 1909. Shorthand, and type-written with autograph alterations.

Add Ms 50643I Winifred Make-up volume, 1909 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 9. ff. 151-161. 'Winifred', later re-titled 'The Fascinating Foundling'; 1909. Shorthand.

Add Ms 50643J Scenario for G K Chesterton, 1909 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 10. ff. 162-180. Scenario for G. K. Chesterton; 1909. Duplicated autograph, followed by typescript. An autograph note at f. 162 indicates that the latter copy was made in 1938.

Add Ms 50643K Misalliance Make-up volume, 1910? 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 11. f. 181. 'Misalliance', corrections for prompt copy; 1910? Autograph carbon copy.

Add Ms 50643L Sketches by J M Barrie Make-up volume, 1914 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 12. ff. 182-185. Sketches by J. M. Barrie; 1914. Typewritten carbon copies.

Add Ms 50643M Glastonbury Gag Make-up volume, 1916 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 13. ff. 186-189v. 'Glastonbury Skit [Gag]'; 1916.

Add Ms 50643N Jitta’s Atonement Make-up volume, 1923? 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 14. f. 190. 'Jitta's Atonement', plan of stage arrangement; 1923?

Add Ms 50643O On the Rocks Make-up volume, 1933? 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 15. ff. 191-191v. 'On the Rocks', list of characters; 1933? On verso are notes on pronunciation under the headings 'Major Elliott's broadcast' and 'Phonetics'; 1930s?

Add Ms 50643P Geneva Make-up volume, 1938, 1939 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 16. ff. 192-199. 'Geneva'. i. ff. 192-193. Note by G. B. Shaw for Malvern Festival programme; 1938. Printed proof with autograph corrections. ii. ff. 194-195. 'Televised introduction to Act III'; 1939. Typewritten with autograph amendments. iii. ff. 196-199. G. B. Shaw, 'Further Meditations on Shaw's Geneva'; 1939? Typewritten.

Add Ms 50643Q Miscellany Make-up volume, nd 50643. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. li (ff. 203). Collection of miscellaneous material relating to plays, arranged in chronological order of the original date of composition. 17. ff. 200-203. Miscellany. i. ff. 200-200v. Cast lists for copyright performance of 'The Philanderer', 'Mrs. Warren's Profession', 'The Gadfly' and 'You Never Can Tell'; 1898. Unidentified hand. ii. ff. 201-202. Fragment of dialogue; 1940. Typewritten. iii. f. 203. Suggested cast for 'Business', [unwritten play?]; 1920s? Typewritten with autograph additions.


Add Ms 50644 Rehearsal Notes Various plays, 1911-1937 50644. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lii (ff. 356). 1. ff. 1-8. 'Arms and the Man'; 1911. 2. ff. 9-22. 'Fanny's First Play', Kingsway Theatre; 1915. Typewritten copy. 3. ff. 23-30. 'Augustus Does His Bit'; 1917. Typewritten copy. 4. ff. 31-32. 'The Inca of Perusalem'; 1917. Typewritten copy. 5. ff. 33-35. 'Annajanska' [here 'Anneganeka']; 1918. Typewritten copy. 6. ff. 36-55. 'Pygmalion', Strand Theatre; 1920. 7. ff. 56-59. 'Candida', Holborn Empire; 1920. Ends halfway down the page. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

8. ff. 59-60. 'Pygmalion', Academy of Dramatic Art; 1920. Ends halfway down the page. 9. ff. 60-66. 'The Shewing up of Blanco Posnet', Royal Academy of Dramatic Art; 1923. 10. ff. 67-69. 'Great Catherine'; n.d., followed by 'You Never Can Tell'; 1920. Typewritten copy. 11. ff. 70-101. 'John Bull's Other Island', Court Theatre; 1921. Type-written copy. 12. ff. 102-126. 'Heartbreak House'; 1921. Ends halfway down the page. 13. ff. 126-129. 'Getting Married', Everyman Theatre; 1922. 14. ff. 130-166. 'St. Joan'; 1924. 15. ff. 167-182. 'Caesar and Cleopatra', Birmingham; 1925. Ends half-way down the page. 16. ff. 177v, 180v-183v. Dialogue under the heading 'Lewis's Jazz Comedy, Everyman Theatre, Hampstead, 18/2/27'. In reverse sequence. 17. ff. 182-206. 'Mrs. Warren's Profession', Strand Theatre; 1926. f. 197 includes 'Gags for Fanny's First Play, p. 210'. 18. ff. 207-211. Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'; 1926. 19. ff. 212-219. 'Major Barbara', Wyndham's Theatre; 1929. 20. ff. 220-222. 'Back to Methuselah', Old Vic for Malvern; 1929. Ends halfway down the page. 21. ff. 222-226. 'Heartbreak House', Old Vic; 1929. 22. ff. 227-237. 'Heartbreak House', the Queen's Theatre; 1932. 23. ff. 238-254. 'Too True To Be Good', Old Vic for Malvern Festival; 1932. 24. ff. 255-286. 'On the Rocks'; 1933. 25. ff. 287-295. 'The Six of Calais' and 'Androcles and the Lion', Regent's Park; 1934. Notes on both plays on most of these folios. 26. ff. 296-298. 'Major Barbara', Old Vic; 1935. 27. ff. 299-302. 'St. Joan', Birmingham for Malvern Festival; 1936. 28. ff. 303-308. 'Pygmalion', Birmingham for Malvern Festival; 1936. The second half of f. 305, with f. 306, contains notes for 'On the Rocks' at the same theatre. 29. ff. 309-310. 'The Millionairess', Malvern; 1937. 30. ff. 311-313. 'The Apple Cart, Malvern; 1937. 31. ff. 314-356. 'Great Catherine'; 1921. Photocopied autograph. This volume was rearranged and refoliated in 2002-2003.

Due to their condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following four manuscripts.

Add Ms 50645-48 Rehearsal Notes Various plays, 1911-1937 50645-50647. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. liiI-LV (ff. 60, 37+i, 35). 'The Apple Cart', 'Back to Methuselah', 'Heartbreak House', 'Caesar and Cleopatra'; 1929. Three notebooks used in forward and reverse sequence. 50648. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lVi (ff. i+19). 'Misalliance'; 1930?

Add Ms 50649 Notebook containing lists of theatrical companies permitted to perform Shaw’s Plays, 1915-1925 50649. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lvii (ii+61). Notebook containing lists of theatrical companies permitted to perform Shaw's plays between 1897 and 1925, apparently commenced in 1915. Mostly in the hand of Ann Elder, with a few additions by Blanch Patch and by Shaw, and including a small quantity of correspondence. See also 56627-56637.


Poems, Novels and Short Stories

Add Ms 50650 Poems, epigrams and notes on novels, 1883-1946, nd 50650. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lviii (ff. 121). Poems, epigrams and notes on novels; 1883-1946, n.d.

1. ff. 1-20. Poems; 1883-1943, n.d. Partly typewritten. Folio 5 is in another hand. 2. ff. 21-97. Epigrams and aphorisms; 1939, n.d. Mostly typewritten. 3. ff. 98-121. Notes on novels in manuscript presented to the National Library of Ireland; 1946. Partly shorthand and typewritten.

Add Ms 50651 Immaturity Preface, 1930 50651-50653. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. lix-lxi. ‘Immaturity'. See also 50650, ff. 98-121 passim; 50721 A, ff. 110v- 112v; 55410, ff.161-162; 55934, pp. 131-133. 50651. (ff. i+49). Preface; 1930. Typewritten, with autograph note at f. i.

Add Ms 50652 Immaturity Books I-II, 1930 50651-50653. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. lix-lxi. ‘Immaturity'. See also 50650, ff. 98-121 passim; 50721 A, ff. 110v- 112v; 55410, ff.161-162; 55934, pp. 131-133. 50652. (ff. ii+323). Books I – II; n.d. Typewritten.


Add Ms 50653 Immaturity Books III-IV, 1930 50651-50653. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. lix-lxi. ‘Immaturity'. See also 50650, ff. 98-121 passim; 50721 A, ff. 110v- 112v; 55410, ff.161-162; 55934, pp. 131-133. 50653. (ff. ii+365). Books III – IV; n.d. Typewritten. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Add Ms 50654 The Irrational Knot, 1905 50654. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxii (ff. 36). ‘The Irrational Knot', Preface; 1905. See also 50650, ff. 98-121 passim; 50721 A, ff. 100v-103; 55935, p. 34.

Add Ms 50655A, B Cashel Byron’s Profession, 1882-1883 50655 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. lxiii a, b (ff. ii+32, 101). 'Cashel Byron's Profession'; 1882-1883. Shorthand. See also 50650, ff. 98-121 passim; 50721 A, ff. 76v-78v, 86v-90.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50656 An Unsocial Socialist, 1883 50656. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxiv (ff. 103). 'An Unsocial Socialist'; 1883. Shorthand. See also 50721 A, ff. 82v- 83.

Add Ms 50657 Unfinished novel, nd 50657. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxv (ff. i+52). Unfinished novel; n.d. Typewritten.

Add Ms 50658 Short stories, 1885-1937 50658. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxvi (ff. 163). Short stories, etc.; 1885-1937. 1. ff. 1-108v. Stories Nos. 1-6 of 'Short Stories, Scraps and Shavings', (1932); 1885-1916. Partly typewritten and printed. 2. ff. 109-154. 'The Black Girl's Search for God' (published as The Adventures of the Black Girl in her Search for God); 1932. Mostly shorthand. At ff. 152-154 are pencil drawings by Shaw. 3. ff. 155-163v. Letters of Shaw to John Farleigh concerning illustrations for 'The Black Girl'; 1932. Printed in 'The London Mercury', March 1937.

Add Ms 45923 St Joan, 1923 45923. 'ST JOAN', the play by George Bernard Shaw, first performed in New York on 28 Dec. 1923 and in London at the New Theatre on 26 Mar. 1924. The autograph draft, in shorthand with occasional phrases and names of characters in full, written 29 Apr.-24 Aug. 1923 (ff. 1-68), together with the Preface (ff. 69-101), written 8 Dec. 1923-28 Jan. 1924 and published with the play in June 1924. Accompanying the manuscript, which includes additions and corrections by the author and differs in detail from the published text, are:-(1) an autograph postcard from Shaw to H. I. Bell (knt. 1946), then Keeper of Manuscripts in the British Museum, dated 26 May 1944, describing his working methods and promising to present a manuscript to the Museum. f. i;-(2) autograph notes by Shaw on the dates of composition of the present manuscript and on its presentation, 2 June 1944, f. ii. Further material relating to the play is in Add. MSS. 50633, 50634 and 50644. Paper; ff. iii + 101. Folio. 1923-1944. Presented by the author in June 1944.

Add Ms 48201 Why She Would Not: A Little Comedy, 1950 48201. 'WHY SHE WOULD NOT: A LITTLE COMEDY', by George Bernard Shaw; July 1950. Typewritten (carbon copy). This play, in five scenes, although set up in type as No. LIV of the Standard Edition of the Works of Bernard Shaw (1931-1950), was suppressed by the author before publication. A set of proofs is in the Archibald Henderson Collection in the University of North Carolina Library. See A. Henderson, George Bernard Shaw: Man of the Century, 1956, pp. 664-665, and E. Farley and M. Carlson, George Bernard Shaw: A Selected Bibliography, 1945-1955, 1959, p. 323. Supplementary to the Shaw Papers, Add. MSS. 50508-50743. Paper: ff. i+16. Quarto. A.D. 1950. Presented by the Public Trustee, in whom copyright is vested, in 1953.

Add Ms 59901 Heartbreak House, 1917 59901. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: 'Heartbreak House'; 1917. Typewritten copy of the original shorthand draft which is presumed to have been destroyed, with extensive autograph revisions and additions in longhand. Also included (ff. 189, 190) are two half sheets of revisions in autograph shorthand. Purchased at Christie's, 8 March 1978, lot 306. Paper; ff. 193. 270 x 210mm.



Add Ms 63179 More Common Sense about the War, 1915 63179, 63180. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vols. I, II. G. B. Shaw, 'More Common Sense about the War'; 1915. Two typewritten copies, with annotations both autograph and by Mrs Shaw. See also Add. 50668 and 50669 A, B. Two volumes; ff. 207, 207.

Add Ms 63180 More Common Sense about the War, 1915 The second typewritten copy.

Add Ms 63181 Diary of Bernard Shaw, 1917 63181. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. 6) Diary of Shaw; 1917. Autograph, mostly shorthand, and printed. Containing entries for 1-10 January only.

REEL 18 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

Add Ms 63182 Notes for St Joan, nd Notebook, 1950 The Limitation Conference II: After you, sir, 1921? Printed proofs and articles 1888-1948 63182. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. IV (ff. 177). 1.. ff. 1-6.. Notes for 'St Joan' n.d.. Autograph.. 2.. ff. 7-15.. Notebook with autograph draft for parts of 'Bernard Shaw's Rhyming Picture Guide to Ayot Saint Lawrence' 1950.3.. ff. 16- 25.. The Limitation Conference II: After you, sir'. autograph.

Add Ms 63183 Miscellaneous notes, printed ephemera etc, 1895-1947 63183. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 64) . Miscellaneous notes, printed ephemera, etc. of Shaw; 1895-1947, n.d. Autograph, partly shorthand, typewritten and printed.

Add Ms 63184 Corrected worksheets in Shaw’s hand, 1924, 1928 63184. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. VI (ff. 132) Corrected worksheets for the Pelman Institute course in Spanish and Italian, in the name of Miss Blanche Patch, but completed in Shaw's hand; 1924, 1928. Autograph and printed. Mostly Spanish and Italian.

Add Ms 63185 French translation of Mrs Warren’s Profession, nd 63185. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. VII (ff. 116) 'Le métier de Madame Warren' French translation, mostly typewritten, of Mrs Warren's Profession; n.d. Not the same as Augustin and Henriette Hamon, La Profession de Mme Warren (Paris, 1913)


Add Ms 63186 Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1905-1949 63186. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 251) Miscellaneous correspondence of G. B. Shaw; 1905-1949, n.d. Partly autograph.

Add Ms 63187 Accounts, letters etc relating to the tenancy of a flat, 1934-1943, nd 63187. SUPPLEMENTARY SHAW PAPERS. Vol. IX (f. 154) Accounts, letters, etc. relating to the Shaws' tenancy of a flat in Whitehall Court; 1934-1943, n.d. Mostly typewritten and printed.

Add Ms 63728 Miscellaneous letters 63728. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW: twelve items formerly on display at Shaw's house, Ayot St. Lawrence, co. Hertf.; 1924- 1946, n.d. Partly autograph, partly printed. Presented by the National Trust, 6 June 1984 and 1 Nov. 1989. Paper; ff. 49. British Library arrangement. 1. ff. 1-1v. Certificate confirming Shaw's life membership of the Cremation Society; 28 April 1924. Signed by Shaw. 2. f. 2. Letter to Shaw from G. H. M. Twyman; 19 Feb. 1927. Signed. Includes a caricature. 3. ff. 3-4. Letter to Shaw from J. Rothwell; 6 Jan. 1934. With a caricature on the envelope. 4. f. 5. Letter to Shaw from Lennox Robinson on behalf of the Council of the Irish Academy of Letters; 26 May 1937. Typewritten. 5. ff. 6-6v. Letter, in shorthand, from Shaw to ; 18 Feb. 1942. 6. ff. 7-7v. Letter to Shaw from the Cremation Society; 25 May 1943. Signed. 7. ff. 8-9. Two letters from Shaw to Studman; 8 July 1944 and 15 December 1946. 8. ff. 10-10v. Letter to Shaw from Marie Stopes; 24 July 1946. 9. f. 11. 'Lines for the Ninetieth Birthday of George Bernard Shaw', by John Masefield; for 26 July 1946. Autograph. 10. f. 12. Christmas card to Shaw from Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt; n.d. 11. ff. 13-49. Article by Shaw entitled 'The Censorship of the Stage in England', written for the North American Review; n.d. Autograph.

Detailed Listing - Part 2


SHAW PAPERS: SERIES II 50593-50743. Purchased from the residuary legatees of George Bernard Shaw, 9 April 1960, and incorporated in the Department of Manuscripts 8 March 1961.

One hundred and fifty volumes classified as follows:

A. Plays of G. B. Shaw: 50593-50649. B. Poems, Novels and Short Stories: 50650-50658. C. Critical Writings and Essays: 50659-50679. D. Fabian Society: 50680-50690. E. Newspaper and Periodical Articles: 50691-50699. F. Lectures: 50700-50705. G. Autobiographical Writings and Biographical Memoranda: 50706-50718. H. Notebooks: 50719-50739. I. Miscellanea: 50740-50743.

Critical Writings and Essays

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50659 The Quintessence of Ibsenism Published copy, 1891 50659. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxvii (ff. ii+90). The Quintessence of Ibsenism (1891); published copy with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50660 The Quintessence of Ibsenism, 1890-1913 50660. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxviii (ff. 182). 'The Quintessence of Ibsenism'; 1890-1913.

1. ff. 1-22v. Letters to Shaw concerning Ibsen; 1890-1897. 2. ff. 22v-182. Additions and corrections for the 1913 edition. Shorthand, and typewritten with autograph corrections.

This volume was refoliatedin 2002-2003, but the bound sequence is unchanged.

Add Ms 50661 Fabian lecture material, 1890-1906 50661. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxix (ff. 99). Fabian lecture material; 1890-1906. 1. ff. 1-44. Material discarded from Shaw's Fabian lectures on Ibsen when publishing 'The Quintessence of Ibsenism'; 1890. Typewritten with autograph corrections. 2. ff. 45-99. Material discarded from Shaw's Fabian lectures on Darwin when publishing the Preface to 'Back to Methuselah'; 1906, n.d. Typewritten with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50662 Collected musical articles, 1885-1945 50662. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxx (ff. vii+136). Musical articles, etc., collected for an anthology; 1885-1945. Of these, only 'Critical Report on the Bands of the Salvation Army', at. ff. 116-134, had not been previously published. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. At ff. ii-vii are C. F. Shaw's notes on publication details.


Add Ms 50663 Religion and Religions, 1896-1931, nd 50663. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxi (ff. 149). 'Religion and Religions', articles collected by Shaw for a publication which was not completed; 1896-1931, n.d. Only the following, written in 1922, had not been previously published: ff. 25-38, 'The Infancy of God'; ff. 39-66, 'On Ritual, Religion, & the Intolerableness of Tolerance'; ff. 67-92, 'The Church versus Religion'. Typewritten and printed with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50664 Prefaces by Shaw to his own works, 1906-1947, nd 50664. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxii (ff. 161). Prefaces by Shaw to his own works, and miscellaneous essays; 1906-1947, n.d. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed with autograph corrections.

1. ff. 1-4. 'The Author's Apology'; 1906. See also 50599, ff. 54-79. 2. ff. 5-14. Preface to 'The Sanity of Art'; 1907. 3. ff. 15-74. Preface to the Collected Edition of 1921. 4. ff. 75-105v. Materials prepared for the published edition of the correspondence of G. B. Shaw with Ellen Terry; circa 1929. 5. ff. 106-116. Materials relating to the prospectus of the W. H. Wise Collected Edition; 1929-1931. 6. ff. 117-134. Prefaces and postscripts; 1933-1935. 7. ff. 135-142. Essays for the Malvern Festival; 1933-1939. 8. ff. 143-145. Biographical essay on Florence Farr; 1941. 9. ff. 146-151. 'Improving the National Anthem'; 1942, n.d. 10. ff. 152-157. 'Pugilism', Prefaratory Note; 1947, n.d. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1956-1950) Parts 1-3

11. ff. 158-161. 'Pictures', Prefaratory Note; 1940s?


Add Ms 50665 Contributions and prefaces by Shaw to works by others, 1894-1942? 50665. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxiii (ff. 310). Contributions and prefaces by Shaw to works by others; 1894- 1942? Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed.

1. ff. 1-18. Preface to 'The Theatrical “World” for 1894'. 2. ff. 19-36. Chapter XXVII of Cyril Maude's 'The Haymarket Theatre' (1903); 1902. 3. ff. 37-47. Preface to W. H. Davies, 'Autobiography of a Supertramp' (1908); 1907. 4. ff. 48-60. Notes on Brieux and French drama; circa 1909-1911. See also 50666. 5. ff. 61-88. Preface to 'The W.E.A. Education Year Book 1918'. 6. ff. 89-170. Preface to S. and B. Webb, 'English Prisons under Local Government'; 1921-1922. 7. ff. 171-174. 'Mrs. Besant's Passage Through Fabian Socialism'; 1924? 8. ff. 175-214. 'How William Archer Impressed Bernard Shaw'; 1926. 9. ff. 215-227. Preface to G. H. Thring, 'The Marketing of Literary Property'; 1932. 10. ff. 228-286. 'Morris as I Knew Him'; 1936. Marginal annotations in pencil between f. 268 and f. 286 are by William Morris's daughter May. 11. ff. 287-302. Preface to Dickens, 'Great Expectations'; 1937? 12. ff. 303-305. 'Ensor Walters'; 1937. 13. ff. 306-308. Preface to MARS [Modern Architectural Research] Group catalogue, 'New Architecture' (1938); 1937. 14. ff. 309-310. Comments on Moscow Trials drafted for, but not used in preface to S. and B. Webb, 'The Truth about Soviet Russia'; 1940?-1942.

This volume was refoliated inn 2002-2003, but the bound sequence is unchanged.

Add Ms 50666 Preface to Brieux’s Three Plays, 1909 50666. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxiv (ff. 59). Preface to Brieux's 'Three Plays'; 1909. Shorthand. See also 50665, ff. 48-60.

Add Ms 50667 Technical Socialism, 1900 50667. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxv (ff. i+125). 'Technical Socialism', 'a book which was never published'; circa 1900. Partly typewritten.


Add Ms 50668 Commons Sense about the War, 1914-1915 50668. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxvi (ff. 150). 'Common Sense about the War'; 1914-1915. Shorthand and typewritten with autograph corrections. The preface to the (unpublished) 1915 reprint is at ff. 146-150. See also 50483, ff. 78-88.

Add Ms 50669A, B More Commonsense about the War, 1915-1918 50669 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxvii a, b (ff. 164, 161). 'More Commonsense about the War'; circa 1915- 1918. Shorthand and typewritten with autograph corrections.


Add Ms 50670 What I really said in the War, 1930? 50670. (ff. 47). G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxviii 'What I really said in the War'; 1930? Partly shorthand; mostly typewritten with autograph corrections.

Add Ms 50671A, B Peace Conference Hints, 1918, 1919 50671 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxix a, b (ff. 121, 98). 'Peace Conference Hints, with, at f. 114, the preface to the French edition; 1918, 1919. Shorthand and typewritten with autograph corrections.


Add Ms 50672 The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism, 1924-1927 50672. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxx (ff. 272). 'The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism'; 1924-1927. Mostly shorthand, with some typewritten and autograph corrections.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50673 The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism, 1925 50673. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxi (ff. 61). 'The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism', synopsis; 1925. At ff. 54v-60, in reverse sequence, are notes relating to the Collected Edition; 1929, 1930.

Add Ms 50674 SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1956-1950) Parts 1-3

The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928 50674. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxii (ff. ii+272). The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism (1928). Published volume with autograph and typewritten corrections and insertions.


Add Ms 50675 ff 1-300 Everybody’s Political What’s What, 1942-1944 50675 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxiii A, B. 'Everybody's Political What's What?'; 1942-1944. Typewritten with autograph corrections. 50675 A. Vol. lxxxiii A (ff. 1-300).


Add Ms 50675 ff 301-627 Everybody’s Political What’s What, 1942-1944 50675 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxiii A, B. 'Everybody's Political What's What?'; 1942-1944. Typewritten with autograph corrections. 50675 B. Vol. lxxxiii B (ff. 301-627).

Add Ms 50676 The Rationalization of Russia, 1932 50676. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxiv (ff. 90). 'The Rationalization of Russia', preface and first chapter only; 1932. Mostly typewritten with autograph corrections.


Add Ms 50677A Articles, lectures etc, 1889-1918 50677 A. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxv a (ff. 165).

1. ff. 1-25. 'Socialism, Utopian and Scientific'; 1892? 2. ff. 26-37. 'The Social Danger of Inequality; 1889? 3. ff. 38-57. 'Socialism and Property'; 1889? 4. ff. 58-63v. Answers to a questionnaire on socialism; 1892. French. 5. ff. 64-77. 'Advanced Socialism for Intelligent People'; 1909. Partly shorthand and typewritten. 6. ff. 78-87. Drafts for a booklet on 'Equality'; n.d. 7. ff. 88-92. Jotted notes for lectures on socialism; n.d. 8. ff. 93-117. 'How to Settle the Irish Question', newspaper articles and pamphlet version; 1917. 9. ff. 118-125. 'England's Extremity is Ireland's Opportunity'; 1916. Typewritten. 10. ff. 138-165. 'War Issues for Irishmen: an open letter to Col. Arthur Lynch'; 1918. Typewritten.

Due to its condition permission was not granted for the microfilming of the following manuscript.

Add Ms 50677B Notebook containing draft chapter on education, nd 50677 B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxv b (ff. 30). Notebook containing draft chapter on education; n.d.

Add Ms 50678 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers , 1892-1948 50678. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxvi (ff. 294). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers; 1892-1948.

1. ff. 1-102. Correspondence and papers relating to vivisection; 1892-1948. Partly printed, copy and draft. 2. ff. 103-168. Correspondence and papers relating to St. Pancras Vestry; 1894-1901, n.d. Partly printed and typewritten draft. 3. ff. 169-230. Notes and reports on motor tours; 1909-1925. Partly shorthand, and printed and typewritten copy. 4. ff. 231-294. Correspondence and papers relating to Roger Casement; 1916-1922. Including, at ff. 247v-254, Casement's autograph notes on G. B. Shaw's typewritten 'Rex vs. Casement', 1916; at ff. 265-275v is Shaw's printed pamphlet of 1922, 'A discarded defence of Roger Casement'.


Add Ms 50679 Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1908-1950 50679. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxvii (ff. 399). Miscellaneous correspondence and papers; 1908-1950.

1. ff. 1-125. Papers relating to the Society of Authors; 1908-1946. 2. ff. 126-164. Papers relating to the Dramatists' Club; 1909, 1914, n.d. Partly printed and shorthand. 3. ff. 165-318. Correspondence and papers relating to the Shakespeare Memorial National Theatre; 1908-1942. Partly printed and typewritten copy. 4. ff. 319v-324. Papers of the B.B.C's Advisory Committee on Spoken English; 1931, 1936. Typewritten. 5. ff. 325-374. Letters and papers relating to shorthand, phonetics and spelling reform; 1941-1948, n.d. Partly printed. 6. ff. 375-385. 'Sixty Years in Business as an Author'; 1945. Shorthand, followed by typewritten with autograph corrections. 7. ff. 386, 387. Printed subscription note of the Shaw Society, undated, and typewritten draft of G. B. Shaw relating to the American Shaw Society; 1950. 8. ff. 388-399. Draft prospectus by G. B. Shaw for the British Music Society; 1918. Shorthand. The sequence of the volume, from f. 351 onwards, was altered in 2002-2003. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1956-1950) Parts 1-3


Fabian Society

Add Ms 50680 Memoranda, reports, ephemera, 1888-1906 50680-50682. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxviii-xc. Memoranda, reports, ephemera, etc., of G. B. Shaw and others, relating to the affairs of the Fabian Society. Partly printed, typewritten, and draft. 50680. (ff. 265). 1888-1906.


Add Ms 50681 Memoranda, reports, ephemera, 1907-1920, nd 50680-50682. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxviii-xc. Memoranda, reports, ephemera, etc., of G. B. Shaw and others, relating to the affairs of the Fabian Society. Partly printed, typewritten, and draft. 50681. (ff. 337). 1907-1920, n.d.

Add Ms 50682 Memoranda, reports, ephemera, 1903-1907 50680-50682. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. lxxxviii-xc. Memoranda, reports, ephemera, etc., of G. B. Shaw and others, relating to the affairs of the Fabian Society. Partly printed, typewritten, and draft. 50682. (ff. i+52). 1903-1907.

Add Ms 50683 Lectures by Shaw, 1885-1890 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50683. (ff. i+173). 1885-1890.


Add Ms 50684 Lectures by Shaw, 1895-1907 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50684. (ff. 221). 1895-1907.

Add Ms 50685 Lectures by Shaw, 1908-1910 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50685. (ff. 269). 1908-1910.

Add Ms 50686 Lectures by Shaw, 1911-1913 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50686. (ff. 185). 1911-1913. This volume was refoliated in 2002-2003, but the bound sequence is unchanged.


Add Ms 50687 Lectures by Shaw, 1914-1916 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50687. (ff. 258). 1914-1916.

Add Ms 50688 Lectures by Shaw, 1917-1933, nd 50683-50688. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xc-xcv. Lectures by Shaw, given to or arranged by the Fabian Society. See also 50661; 50677 A, B. 50688. (ff. 285). 1917-1933, n.d.


Add Ms 50689 Miscellaneous Fabian writings of Shaw, 1888-1948, nd 50689. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xcvi (ff. 209). Miscellaneous Fabian writings of G. B. Shaw, including, at ff. 20-39, prefaces to successive editions of Fabian Essays; 1888-1948, n.d.. Partly draft and printed. See also 50621.

Add Ms 50690 Fabian publications by Shaw and others, 1884-1930 50690. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xcvii (ff. 250). Fabian publications by Shaw and others; 1884-1930. Mostly printed. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1956-1950) Parts 1-3

1. ff. 1-36v. Annual Reports for 1890, 1891, 1906, 1909. 2. ff. 37-87. Report of the Special Committee appointed in 1906. Shaw's autograph underlinings and annotations are to be found between ff. 41v and 68. See also 50682. 3. (ff. 88-250). Fabian 'Tracts', Manifestos, etc.; 1884-1930. The sequence of the volume, from f. 37 onwards, was altered in 2002-2003.

Add Ms 59784 Letters of Shaw mainly concerned with Fabian Society affairs, 1890-1913 59784. G. B. SHAW LETTERS: ten letters of George Bernard Shaw, mainly concerned with Fabian Society affairs, to Edward Reynolds Pease, Secretary of the Fabian Society, 1890-1913; 1890-1900. Purchased at Sotheby's, 23 July 1976, lot 158. See also Add. 50557; 50680; 50681. Paper; ff. 15. British Library arrangement.

Add Ms 62992 Letters from Shaw relating to disputes in the Fabian Society, 1906-1907 62992. FABIAN SOCIETY: letters, etc., from George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells to Holbrook Jackson, relating to disputes and elections in the Fabian Society; 11 Dec. 1906-15 June 1907. Partly printed. Including (ff. 3-8) 'Reconstruction of the Fabian Society', galley proofs of the speech delivered by Wells at the meeting of 7 Dec. 1906. Related material occurs among the Shaw Papers in Add. 50514, ff. 366, 384, 387; 50515, ff. 9, 11, 23v, 62; 50557, ff. 75-78. Purchased from Bertram Rota, 25 June 1982. See also Add. 50514; 50515; 50557. Paper; ff. 23. British Library arrangement.

Detailed Listing - Part 3


SHAW PAPERS: SERIES II 50593-50743. Purchased from the residuary legatees of George Bernard Shaw, 9 April 1960, and incorporated in the Department of Manuscripts 8 March 1961. One hundred and fifty volumes classified as follows:

A. Plays of G. B. Shaw: 50593-50649. B. Poems, Novels and Short Stories: 50650-50658. C. Critical Writings and Essays: 50659-50679. D. Fabian Society: 50680-50690. E. Newspaper and Periodical Articles: 50691-50699. F. Lectures: 50700-50705. G. Autobiographical Writings and Biographical Memoranda: 50706-50718. H. Notebooks: 50719-50739. I. Miscellanea: 50740-50743.

Newspaper and Periodical Articles

Add Ms 50691 Contributions to “The Hornet”, “The Dramatic Review, and “The World”, 1876-1889 50691. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xcviii (ff. 109). Contributions to The Hornet, The Dramatic Review, and The World; 1876-1889. Printed.

Add Ms 50692 Contributions to “The Pall Mall Gazette”, 1885-1888 50692. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. xcix (ff. 79). Contributions to The Pall Mall Gazette; 1885-1888. Printed.

Add Ms 50693 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1879-1901 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50693. Vol. C (ff. 293). 1879-1901.


Add Ms 50694 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1902-1907 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50694. Vol. CI (ff. 297). 1902-1907.

Add Ms 50695 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1908-1915 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50695. Vol. CII (ff. 282). 1908-1915.


Add Ms 50696 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1916-1919, nd 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50696. Vol. CIII (ff. 328). 1916-1919, n.d.


Add Ms 50697 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1920-1932 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50697. Vol. CIV (ff. 351). 1920-1932.

Add Ms 50698 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1933-1943 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. 50698. Vol. CV (ff. 279). 1933-1943.


Add Ms 50699 Contributions on miscellaneous subjects written for or published in newspapers and periodicals, 1944-1950, nd 50693-50699. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vols. c-cvi. Other contributions on miscellaneous subjects, written for or published in newspapers and periodicals. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed. SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

50699. Vol. CVI (ff. 383). 1944-1950. n.d.



Add Ms 50700 Cards for lectures and public addresses by Shaw, 1884-1888, nd 50700. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cvii (ff. 294). Cards; 1884-1888, n.d. Printed.

Add Ms 50701 Bills and advertisements for public addresses by Shaw, 1886-1928, nd 50701. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cviii (ff. 264). Bills and advertisements; 1886-1928, n.d. Printed, with autograph notes.


Add Ms 50702 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports, 1884?-1890 50702-50704. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cix-cxi. Drafts, notes, newspaper reports. Partly printed and typewritten with autograph amendments. 50702. Vol. CIX (ff. 282). 1884?-1890.

Add Ms 50703 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports, 1892-1912 50702-50704. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cix-cxi. Drafts, notes, newspaper reports. Partly printed and typewritten with autograph amendments. 50703. Vol. CX (ff. 237). 1892-1912.


Add Ms 50704 Drafts, notes, newspaper reports, 1913-1933, nd 50702-50704. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cix-cxi. Drafts, notes, newspaper reports. Partly printed and typewritten with autograph amendments. 50704. Vol. CXI (ff. 278). 1913-1933, n.d.


Add Ms 50705 Broadcasts, 1928-1947 50705. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxii (ff. 129). Broadcasts; 1928-1947. Partly shorthand, printed and typewritten with autograph amendments.

Autobiographical Writings, Personal Memoranda and Ephemera

Add Ms 50706 Shaw gives himself away, 1939 50706. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxiii (ff. 180). 'Shaw Gives Himself Away'; 1939. Galley proofs and typewritten with extensive autograph additions. Incomplete. Folios 167-180 comprise extracts from 'Bernard Shaw as a Clerk' (1908) not quoted in this publication.

Add Ms 50707 (ff 1-181) Sixteen Self Sketches Preliminary drafts, 1949 50707 A. Vol. cxiv A (ff. 1-181). Prelinary draft. Mostly typewritten with autograph amendments; incomplete.


Add Ms 50707 (ff 182-364) Sixteen Self Sketches Preliminary drafts, 1949 50707 B. Vol. cxiv B (ff. 182-364). Preliminary draft. Partly shorthand, typewritten and printed; incomplete.

Add Ms 50708 Sixteen Self Sketches Galley proofs of preliminary Drafts, 1949 50708. Vol. cxv (ff. 61). Galley proofs of preliminary draft (incomplete), with some autograph amendments and corrections.

Add Ms 50709 Material discarded from Sixteen Self Sketches, nd 50709. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxvi (ff. 152). Material discarded from 'Sixteen Self Sketches'. Typewritten with some autograph amendments.

Add Ms 50710A Autobiographical notes, 1877-1889, nd 50710 A. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxvii a (ff. i+26). Autobiographical notes, etc.; 1877-1889, n.d. Partly SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

shorthand. Bound notebook; ff. 18-26v are written in reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50710B Autobiographical notes, 1876-1892 50710 B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxvii b (ff. 3). Autobiographical notes; 1876-1892. Partly newsprint.


Add Ms 50711A Family history notes, medical reports, certificates of membership and other ephemera, 1889-1945, nd 50711 A. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxviii a (ff. 231). Family history notes, medical reports, certificates of membership and other ephemera; 1889-1945, n.d. Partly printed.

Add Ms 50711B Cheque-book stubs, 1911-1933 Motoring and travel documents, 1909-1947 50711 B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxviii b (ff. 170). ff. 1-130. Cheque-book stubs; 1911-1933. ff. 131-170. Motoring and travel documents; 1909-1947. Mostly printed.

Add Ms 50712 Copies of Shaw’s wills, 1901-1950 50712. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxix (ff. 140). Copies of Shaw's wills; 1901-1950. Partly typewritten, with autograph notes.


Add Ms 50713 Form postcards and letters as sent by Shaw to correspondents, 1906-1944, nd 50713. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxx (ff. 45). Form postcards and letters as sent by Shaw to correspondents; 1906- 1944, n.d. Printed with some typewritten drafts.

Add Ms 50714 Daily list of correspondence to be dealt with, 1913, 1929-1941, nd 50714. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxi (ff. 282). Daily lists of correspondence to be dealt with, usually written by Shaw's secretaries but including some by Shaw; 1913, 1929-1941, n.d.

Add Ms 50715 Address books, 1887-1902 50715-50718. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxii-cxxv. Address books, partly annotated in shorthand. The date ranges indicated are derived from Shaw's insertions. 50715. (ff. 135). 1887-1902.

Add Ms 50716 Address books, 1883; 1891-1913 50715-50718. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxii-cxxv. Address books, partly annotated in shorthand. The date ranges indicated are derived from Shaw's insertions. 50716. (ff. 54). 1883; 1891-1913.


Add Ms 50717 Address books, 1912-1930 50715-50718. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxii-cxxv. Address books, partly annotated in shorthand. The date ranges indicated are derived from Shaw's insertions. 50717. (ff. 54). 1912-1930.

Add Ms 50718 Address books, 1932-1950 50715-50718. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxii-cxxv. Address books, partly annotated in shorthand. The date ranges indicated are derived from Shaw's insertions. 50718. (ff. 56). 1932-1950. ff. 42-56 comprise BL insertions of miscellaneous loose lists and cards, including, at f..42, a list of names, possibly guests, of 1903; and, at ff. 48-55, an undated 'Press List for theatrical paragraphs'.

Notebooks and Drafts

Add Ms 50719 Juvenile drawings, 1871-1874, nd 50719. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxvi (ff. i+22). Juvenile drawings; 1871-1874, n.d. H. Notebooks and drafts.

Add Ms 50720 Draft poem and personal memoranda included in printed diary for 1873, nd 50720. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxvii (ff. ii+13). Draft poem and personal memoranda; undated, included in printed diary for 1873.

Add Ms 50721A, B Draft poems, articles, letters, synopses of novels, printed leaflets, notes on music, shorthand exercises, 1877- SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

1884, nd 50721 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxviii a, b (ff. 123, 68). Draft poems, articles, letters, synopses of novels, printed leaflets, notes on music, shorthand exercises, etc.; 1877-1884, n.d. Now bound together in one volume with two foliation sequences.

Add Ms 50722 Draft articles, lectures, letters and Fabian Society tracts, 1883-1889, nd 50722. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxix (ff. 74). Draft articles, lectures, letters and Fabian Society tracts, etc.; 1883- 1889, n.d. Mostly shorthand.

Add Ms 50723 Notes on miscellaneous subjects, 1886-1897, nd 50723. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxx (ff. 26). Notes on miscellaneous subjects, arranged alphabetically, with printed, etc. inserts; 1886-1897, n.d.

Add Ms 50724 Notes on the history of the socialist movement, c1890 50724. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxi (ff. 24). Notes on the history of the socialist movement; circa 1890.

Add Ms 50725 Draft poem and personal memoranda, 1892 50725. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxii (ff. ii+6). Draft poem and personal memoranda; 1892. Partly shorthand.


Add Ms 50726A-C German exercises, 1893, nd 50726 A-C. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxiii (ff. ii+70, ii+79, 13). German exercises; 1893, n.d. Partly typewritten and printed. 50726 A ff. 45v-42v contain, in reverse sequence, a draft review of Henry James's play 'Guy Domville'; 1895.

Add Ms 50727 Miscellaneous notes and draft letter to the press, c1890 50727. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxiv (ff. i+6). Miscellaneous notes and draft letter to the press; circa 1890.

Add Ms 50728 Memoranda, list of photographs taken in France1901, nd 50728. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxv (ff. ii+32). Memoranda, list of photographs taken in France, etc.; at ff. 2-11 are rehearsal notes for 'The Man of Destiny'; at ff. 30-27, notes for 'The Revolutionist's Handbook'; 1901, n.d.. Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50729 Notes on vaccination, 1902, nd Notes on the Boer War, 1901 50729. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxvi (ff. 25).

1. ff. 1-14. Notes on vaccination; 1902, n.d. 2. ff. 12v-24v. Notes on the Boer war; 1901? Written in reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50730 Personal memoranda, notes on vaccination and rehearsal notes for Mrs Warren’s Profession, nd 50730. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxvii (ff. i+10). Personal memoranda, etc.; n.d. Notes on vaccination are at ff. 1-4; rehearsal notes for 'Mrs Warren's Profession' at ff. 5v-6v.

Add Ms 50731 Personal memoranda and rehearsal notes, 1904, nd 50731. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxviii (ff. ii+39). Personal memoranda, and rehearsal notes as follows: ff. 6-17v, 18v, 'You Never Can Tell', ? f. 18, 'John Bull's Other Island'; ? ff. ii, 33-19v, 'Candida'; 1904, n.d. Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50732 Miscellaneous notes and memoranda and rehearsal notes, c1903-1906 50732. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxxxix (ff. i+39). Miscellaneous notes and memoranda, together with: ff. 1-4v, rehearsal notes for 'John Bull's Other Island', ? ff. 6-7, 'The Philanderer'; ? ff. 8-12, 'How he lied to her Husband'; ? ff. 16-30, 38v-31v, 'You Never Can Tell'; ? ff. 10v-8v, 28v-16v, 30v, 31-35, 'Man and Superman'; ? ff. 36-37, draft letter to Robert Loraine on the casting of 'Man and Superman'; circa 1903-1906. Written in forward and reverse sequence.


Add Ms 50733 Personal memoranda, notes on discussions and rehearsal notes, 1905, nd 50733. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxl (ff. 41). Personal memoranda, notes on discussions, etc., together with:. ff. 2- 8, draft 'Maxims for Revolutionists', published in 1903; ? f. 8v, notes for the preface to 'John Bull's Other Island'; ? ff. 9-11, notes on Darwin and Marx 1905, n.d.; ? ff. 14-22, 29v-16v, rehearsal notes for 'Major Barbara'; ? ff. 36v-30v, rehearsal notes for 'Man and Superman'. Mostly n.d. Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50734 Notes on debates and rehearsal notes, nd 50734. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxli (ff. 88). Notes on debates, etc., and rehearsal notes, including: ff. 1v-2, 19v- SHAW: The Papers of George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Parts 1-3

21v, 27v-52 passim, 'The Philanderer'; ? ff. 3-17, 21-25v, You Never Can Tell'; ? ff. 15v-19, 24-29, 33v-41v, 80-85, 'The Doctor's Dilemma'; ? ff. 67v-53v, 'Captain Brassbound's Conversion'; ? ff. 68v-72v, 75v-82v, 'Man and Superman'; ? ff. 2v- 4v, 78-74, draft letter to The Daily Express; 1909?. Mostly n.d. Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50735 Rehearsal notes, draft letters, etc, 1907-1909 50735. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlii (ff. 42). Folios 1-21, rehearsal notes for 'Man and Superman' 1907; ? ff. 21v- 25v, draft letter to 'The Times', ('The Censor's Revenge'), 1909 (mostly shorthand); ? ff. 22-33, draft preface to W. H. Davies, 'Autobiography of a Supertramp', 1908; ? ff. 42v-34v, notes for 'Don Juan in Hell', 1907? Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50736 Draft article and rehearsal notes, 1907, nd 50736. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxliii (ff. 42). Folios 1-39, Draft article, 'A Nation of Villagers'; ? ff. 37v-30v, rehearsal notes for 'John Bull's Other Island'; ? ff. 42v-38v, 30v-18v, rehearsal notes for 'The Devil's Disciple'; 1907, n.d. Written in forward and reverse sequence.

Add Ms 50737 Memoranda, notes on own publications, draft letter to the press, c1908 50737. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxliv (ff. 8). Memoranda, notes on own publications, draft letter to the press; circa 1908.

Add Ms 50738 Notes on motoring in Scotland, draft letters etc, 1923, 1927, 1933, nd 50738. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlv (ff. ii+18). Folios 1-3, additional dialogue for 'Back to Methuselah', 1923; ? ff. 4-14, notes on motoring in Scotland, n.d.; ? ff. 15, 16, draft letters, 1927; ? ff. 17, 18, list of prefaces, 1933.

Add Ms 50739 Letter, fragments of dialogue and rehearsal notes, nd 50739. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlvi (ff. 13). Letter in shorthand draft, fragments of dialogue and rehearsal notes; n.d.

Add Ms 50740 Newscuttings, printed ephemera etc relating to Shaw, 1887-1930 50740, 50741. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlvii, cxlviii. Newscuttings, printed ephemera, etc., relating to Shaw but also to a variety of political, theatrical and medical topics. Partly French and German. 50740. (ff. 201). 1887-1930.


Add Ms 50741 Newscuttings, printed ephemera etc relating to Shaw, 1876-1946?, nd 50740, 50741. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlvii, cxlviii. Newscuttings, printed ephemera, etc., relating to Shaw but also to a variety of political, theatrical and medical topics. Partly French and German. 50741. (ff. 309). 1875-1946, n.d. Not in strict chronological sequence.

Add Ms 50742 Make-up volume of miscellaneous pamphlets, discussion notes by writers other than Shaw, 1891-1948, nd 50742. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cxlix (ff. 234). Volume of miscellaneous pamphlets, discussion notes, etc., by writers other than Shaw; 1891-1948, n.d. Partly printed, duplicated, and typewritten. Partly German, and Italian.


Add Ms 50743 Make-up volumes of miscellaneous notes and memoranda, 1883-1944, nd 50743 A, B. G. B. Shaw Papers: Series ii. Vol. cl A, B. Volumes of miscellaneous notes and memoranda. 50743 A. (ff. 1-218). 1883-1907?, n.d. Mostly on political and economic topics. Partly shorthand. Not in strict chronological sequence. 50743 B. (ff. 219-447). 1883-1944, n.d. At ff. 363-367 are drawings thought to be stage sets for 'John Bull's Other Island'; f. 368 is a plan of scene for 'How He Lied to Her Husband'. Partly shorthand. Not in strict chronological sequence.