Great Easton B & B Salsborough Kennels "Comfortable accommodation, open all year round" And Cattery 01536-772581 A home from home for your beloved pets 6, High Street, Small and Medium dog grooming now re-instated. Great Easton Oaktree Lodge, LE16 8ST Road, Email: [email protected] Stockerston Tel: 01572 822270

Eyebrook Wild Bird Feeds Quality mixes and straights at farm gate prices, mixed on our farm near the Eyebrook Reservoir Visit our website: Rectory Farm, right of Church, Great Easton Tel: 01536 770771 Open Friday & Saturday 9am - 5pm Sunday 9am – 12 noon You are welcome to collect at any other The time, but please telephone first

EM DORMAN MEDBOURNE PRE-SCHOOL Parish FUNERAL DIRECTOR Tues, Wed & Thurs 9.15 - 3.15 A family concern, giving 24-hour personal service to all areas. Held at Medbourne Village Hall. Golden Charter pre-paid plans available (help and advice without obligation) Term time only PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST For ages 2 ½ - 5. Tel: 01572 823976 Limited places for 2 year olds A member of Society of Allied and Independent Flexible packages available. Funded places. Magazine Funeral directors Contact Sara 01536 771368


New and restoration work PHILIP J. HAMMOND & SONS SOLICITORS Purpose made joinery Commissioners for Oaths


TELEPHONE: (0116) 251 7171 FAX NO: (0116) 253 7370 e-mail [email protected] Website For a friendly and reliable service Phone: Contact Richard Hammond

Tel: 01858 565117 Home visits possible

Mob: 07805 495958 CAR PARK AVAILABLE WHILST VISITING THE OFFICE The Parish of Six Saints circa Holt 32 April 2018 The Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt The Reverend Stephen Bishop The Rectory, Rectory Lane, Medbourne, LE16 8DZ Tel: 01858 565933 Mobile: 07590 829902 email [email protected] Revd Richard Barribal: Associate Priest Mr Roy Cashmore: Reader Parish Office: 01536 660568 Open: Tuesday and Wednesday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm Secretary: Julia Unna E. [email protected] * Please note parish office revised opening days. PCC Secretary Ann Baile Treasurer Miles Ingram Vice-Chair Neville F Hackett Teal Cottage, 5 Holt View 17 Old Holt Road Great Easton LE16 8TN Medbourne LE16 8DY 01572 821202 01536 772571 01858 565265 Foot Health Practitioner

BRINGHURST CUM GREAT EASTON & DRAYTON Specialist Foot Care Treatment CONSTRUCTION: in the comfort of your own home Wardens GREAT EASTON RENOVATION: Mary Henniker-Major Julia Bowder (Deputy) David Gibb (Deputy) Graham Clark MAINTENANCE:

SAC(dip), CFHP (pract) Linden House Rosebrook Cottage Brook House Vicarage Cottage Great Easton Little London Deepdale For an appointment call JOSEPH Main Street, Loddington LE16 8SJ Great Easton LE16 8SU Great Easton LE16 8SS Leicestershire LE7 9XE

01536 770320 01536 771539 01536 770223 01536 772118 WARBURTON Home Tel: 01572 717302 Carpentry & Building Mobile Tel: 0774 04 2 6889 BRINGHURST DRAYTON Services Margaret Stamp David Hill-Brookes 1 Banbury Lane 1 Medbourne Road Great Easton Drayton Leicestershire LE16 8SF Leicestershire LE16 8SE 01536 770605 01858 565171

MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT, STOCKERSTON & BLASTON Great Easton Village Hall Wardens MEDBOURNE CUM HOLT Mr Martin van Oppen Manor Farm To Hire: Medbourne LE16 8DR 01858 565332 STOCKERSTON Mary Patston 01536 772562 or 01536 771506 Apple Cottage, Medbourne Road Stockerston LE15 9JF [email protected] 01572 823396 BLASTON Wilfred Coon Robin Murray-Philipson Hallcroft, Medbourne Road Garden House LE16 8UH Blaston LE16 8DE 01858 555630 01858 555233 GARRY HYDE

Treasurers Bringhurst etc David Gibley 01536 772159 Interior and Exterior Medbourne Howard Unna 01572 822331 Painting and Decorating Stockerston Louise Bromwich 01572 821910 Glazing Blaston Wilfred Coon 01858 555630

Secretaries Bringhurst etc Ann Baile 01572 821202 TEL: 01858 565215 Medbourne Jenny Sandars 01858 565245 MOB: 07795 096109 Stockerston Wendy Bromwich 01572 823110 Blaston Della Stones 01858 555688

We are always pleased to welcome new residents to our parish so please do make yourself known to one of the above-named. Supported by Great Easton and Medbourne Parish Councils, and other local groups and organisations. Printed by Quantum Print Services Ltd, Earlstrees Industrial Estate, Corby, NN17 4AR

2 31 The Rector’s Letter - April 2018 Parish of the Six Saints circa Holt April 2018 Services Christ in disguise:

One of the fascinating features of the contemporary study of classical works of art is that 1 April Easter Day untold stories may come to light. Titian's 'Noli me tangere' - do not touch me, his c. 1514 8am 1662 Eucharist at Medbourne depiction of the Gospel story of Mary Magdalene meeting Jesus in the garden after the 9am Eucharist at Stockerston resurrection, is one such example. Modern scanning investigation reveals that Titian 10.45am Eucharist at Great Easton originally depicted Jesus wearing a gardener's hat, in keeping with the story of mistaken identity found in John 20:15

8 April Second Sunday of Easter 'Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing 9.00am 1662 Eucharist for Blaston venue to be confired him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where 10.45am Eucharist at Great Easton you have laid him?'

Many artists throughout the centuries have chosen to depict Jesus in full gardening gear, a 15 April Third Sunday of Easter work allegedly by, Jacopo Di Cione depicting Christ with a hoe, Fra Angelico including the 9am 1662 Eucharist for Bringhurst at Drayton image of a tool slung across Jesus's shoulder. While Titian chose to paint out the gar- 10.45am Eucharist at Medbourne dener's hat, to lose the costume as it were, it's shadowy presence serves as an interesting 6.00pm Evening Prayer in Great Easton emblem for a number of theologically - rich themes.

Firstly, there are the biblical connections between God the father and a gardener found in 22 April Fourth Sunday of Easter the Genesis creation stories: 8am 1662 Eucharist at Medbourne “And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom 9am Eucharist at Stockerston he had formed.” Genesis 2:8 10.45am Eucharist at Great Easton There are also echoes in some of the prophets use of gardening as a metaphor: 29 April Fifth Sunday of Easter "For as the earth brings forth its sprouts, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up, so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to sprout up before all 10.45am United Eucharist Service in Stockerston the nations." Isaiah 61:11

Then in John's Gospel the role is attributed to Jesus. John's prologue commences with a Wednesday Morning Eucharist Services recollection of the start of Genesis ' the beginning'. Later, in John 19:41 we have the St Andrews Church, Great Easton account of Jesus being buried in a garden, followed in the next chapter by the case of mistaken identity.

Taken in conjunction with Paul's presentation of Christ as the new Adam, completing that 4 April 10.30am which the first was unable to finish, all this may be taken to suggest that Jesus is the gar- 11 April 10.30am dener of the new Eden, breaking new ground through his resurrection, and restoring life 18 April 10.30am and growth to a broken humanity. 25 April 10.30am The great preacher Charles Spurgeon made all this explicit in an Easter sermon of 1884: "Behold the Church is Christ's Eden...and he our second Adam dress it and to keep it; and so we see we are right in 'supposing him to be the gardener'". ALL WELCOME

30 3 Weekly Events

Monday Medbourne Tiddlywinks But Titian's painted-out gardener's hat also leads me to explore the theme of Parent, baby and toddler group Jesus in disguise in another way. For there are echoes for me of the story in Matthew Medbourne Village Hall 10am to 12 noon 25 in which Jesus tells of a king who is asked: Line Dancing “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you Great Easton Village Hall 2pm to 3.30pm something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, Tuesday Parish Office, Great Easton Village Hall 9am to 1pm or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison Medbourne Pre-school 9.15am to 12.15pm and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to with lunch session 12.15pm to 1.15pm one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” and an afternoon session 1.15pm to 3.15pm Both the Mattheiean account and the 'Christ the gardener' image challenge me. I Medbourne Village Hall should look for the risen Jesus, not in the conspicuous places of holiness, but in the Art Club presence of all those in need. The risen Christ is present, to me and to all who would Great Easton Village Hall 10am to 12 noon seek to serve him, the faces of all those who are in need of help. Bell Ringing Practice St Andrew’s Great Easton 7.30pm to 9pm

Ladies’ Choir Great Easton Village Hall 8pm to 9.30pm

Wednesday Parish Office, Great Easton Village Hall 9am to 1pm

Tai Chi 9.15am to 10.15am Great Easton Village Hall

Medbourne Pre-school 9.15am to 12.15pm with lunch session 12.15pm to 1.15pm and an afternoon session 1.15pm to 3.15pm Medbourne Village Hall

Thursday Clubbercise 9.30am to 10.15am Great Easton Village Hall

Medbourne Pre-school 9.15am to 12.15pm with lunch session 12.15pm to 1.15pm and an afternoon session 1.15pm to 3.15pm Medbourne Village Hall Noli me tangere Noli me tangere (Tiziano) 1st Welland Valley Scouts about 1368-70, Probably by C. 1511 Medbourne Village Hall Jacopo di Cione Beavers (6-8 years) 6pm to 7pm Cubs (8-10years) and Scouts (10-14 years) From 7pm

The Revd. Stephen Bishop Rector Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Racheleyoga Great Easton Village Hall 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Friday Singing Sally 2pm to 2.45pm Great Easton Village Hall

Medbourne Tennis Club With best wishes to Mon 9.00am - 11.00am Adult coaching with James Muir everyone in the parish for Wed 9.00am - 11.00am Club Morning All Welcome Wed 4.00am - 5.00pm Jnr coaching with James Muir (07895 286175) a for a Happy Easter. Thurs 7.00pm onwards Club night Sun 10.00am - 12.00 Noon Jnr coaching with Paul Hutchinson (contact 07585 113596 for session standards)

Lessons (Group or individual) are available with James, Paul and Mike Rickman 01858 565377. By arrangement

4 29 Medbourne Bowls Club

Medbourne bowls club will open for the 2018 season on THE AFTERNOON TEA GROUP Monday April 16th at 6.30 pm at the bowls green, Main Street.

We always welcome any new players wishing to join the club, especially from Medbourne Invites you to a and the surrounding villages. It doesn't matter if you are an absolute beginner or have played before. We welcome all ages, at the moment our age range is 12 - 90 years. We are a friendly club and willing to teach the basics of the game. So come along and try bowling on an outdoor green.

If you can't manage on the opening night but are interested, PAPER CRAFT please contact the secretaries Jim and Isabel Wright on 01536770258 DEMONSTRATION

Kindly given by


Followed by afternoon tea


St Giles Medbourne Thursday 12th APRIL 2018 at 2.30 p.m. Sunday 20th May At the village hall. After the Pentecost Service 10:45 £5 payable at the door As part of my school Community Challenge I will be holding a cake and coffee morning on Sunday 20th May 2018 after the Pentecost service at St Giles Medbourne. All proceeds will be used to purchase activities for young children to enjoy whilst at church. It would Proceeds in aid of St. Andrew’s Church be great if you could come along to support the cake sale and help me to raise as much as possible. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Thank you!

Immy Wightman.

28 5 BLASTON NEWS Gardeners’ Corner

The repairs at St Giles are going to take longer than we hoped because the rotting floor April 2018 damage is worse than we feared, extending into the vestry. This has meant the diocese By Alistair Peak PGS asking for a second faculty application with consequent delay in getting on with the repairs. Now it will be a summer time finish, if we have reasonable luck. April really must be the start of spring giving us lots of colour, interest and textures happening day by day, if you blink you will miss it as things start to grow away quickly. Blaston holy communion service will be held on Sunday 8th April - If you have any house pot plants now is a good time to have a good look, if you venue to be confirmed. haven’t been giving them much water over the winter now is a good time to start. If they are very dry don’t drench them give them a little and often. This is also a good time to re Wilfred Coon, (Churchwarden) pot into a larger pot or at least remove the top 2.5 cm/one inch of compost and replenish with some fresh compost. Remember to feed on a regular basis and if you can, place your pot plants onto a bed of gravel it will help the humidity around the plant.

Evergreen shrubs are a good background to most gardens, giving permanent structure and colour all year round. If they are variegated plants and they have reverted back to green you STOCKERSTON NEWS need to remove the green shoots otherwise the plant will stop being variegated.

Santolina (Cotton Lavender) produces lovely soft grey/green foliage along with yellow to Thank you as always to all of you who came to our recent services and once again we white button like flowers in the summer and normally grows in a ball shape and is an would like to apologise for the cancellation of our Lent Lunch. Due to the appalling evergreen, it is a plant that does require regular pruning otherwise they will become very weather conditions We would much rather that those who were going to attend stayed open and likely to break. Now is the time to prune these shrubs, they can be pruned back safe and warm. hard normally to about 20cms/ eight inches from the ground.

For the month of April, Mary Patston will prepare the church, many thanks to her. For those with allotments or vegetable plots this is the month to start outdoor direct sowing( of course weather dependant if the ground is to wet or cold hold back.) Georgina Halliday eg Beetroot, Swiss Chard, Raddish and Spring Onions. As with all of these they can be sown every two or three weeks to have fresh young produce to eat. As for your Dwarf French, and Runner Beans hold back before sowing these directly as they are prone to cold weather, you can always start them of in individual pots keeping them in a green house or cold frame and wait until mid/late May before planting these outside. As both of the above are hungry plants there is no reason why you can’t prepare the ground particularly for the Runner Beans, dig a trench and add plenty of organic matter as Beans do like to keep there BRINGHURST NEWS roots moist and the organic matter will hold the moisture.

Due to required building work, St Nicholas’ Church will be closed for the time being. Looking ahead to later in the year a plant that produces many blooms from mid July through The next monthly service scheduled to take place at Bringhurst to the first frost of winter and can be used as a cut flower or just grown to fill out your will take place at St James’ Church, Drayton borders is a favourite plant of mine being the Dahlia. These come as tubers, which you can and will be held on: purchase from any good Nursery or Garden Centre the best way to start these off is in a

Sunday 15th April at 9.00 am pot, in a green house or in a cold frame. Remember they are prone to frost so hold back before planting these out until the last of this seasons frost have past. They can be planted We are very grateful to Drayton Church for hosting this service. directly out into the ground but wait until the end of this month. All Welcome Alistair Tip: Margaret Stamp (Churchwarden) This can be a busy time in the garden do enjoy it and keep feeding the birds as they are extremely busy nest building and raising their families which in turn eat a lot of pest in our garden.

6 27 DRAYTON NEWS ABC’s A village reminder that the next village Eucharist Service will be held at Drayton Church on: Tidy Gardens Sunday 6th May at 9.00 am Offering a full range of services for garden maintenance and landscaping. ALL WELCOME A large team of male & female

workers to tackle everything in the David Hill - Brookes garden, but more importantly (Churchwarden) NOT to let you down.

We are regularly in your area. For a winter makeover, tree work, hedges, ST ANDREW’S CHURCH fencing (all types), clearance etc,

ROTA OF SIDESPEOPLE call Alister on 07815 889992 April 2018

Sunday 8th April 10.45 am Gill Irons and Anne Wallis Sunday 22nd April 10.45am Margaret Theakston and Maureen Black

NICKY’S IRONING SERVICE If this date is inconvenient, please arrange to swap with someone, Find ironing a chore, or if you have a problem - contact Julia Bowder on T. 01536 771539. then why not let me do it for you? Offering a local village service, based in Sutton Bassett. Fast and reliable, in a smoke free environment. I also stitch on loose buttons and carry out SAMARITANS’S PURSE LAUNCH SERVICE small repairs.

Please call 07801 682284. Advance notice of the 2018 Launch Service

Sunday 8th July at 10.45 am DSG Auto Services St Andrew’s Church, Great Easton For mobile servicing, repairs and MOT failure work for all cars and bikes carried out ALL WELCOME Reliable and friendly service at competitive prices

Dean:01536772622/ 07976233262 2017 PARISH PROJECT Email : [email protected] HANDS ACROSS THE WATER Simon Gladstone Heating and Plumbing The total amount raised for the 2017 Parish Project was £1,390, which has been sent to the

organiser Gill Williams. She has sent a very kind acknowledgement, adding that our efforts Domestic, Commercial, Industrial will help kick start fundraising for 2018. In due course she will let us know how the money Gas/Heating Engineer will be spent when she returns from Thailand.

6 Lounts Crescent, Great Easton Thanks to all those who contributed and helped to organise the project. Market Harborough, Leicestershire

Tel: 01536 772620 5344 Mobile: 07977924679

26 6


Open Monday - Friday 08.00 - 17.30 Saturday 08.00 - 14.00 Sunday 08.00 - 13.00


Springbank. Medbourne, Leicestershire, LE16 8EB

Telephone: 01858 565928

To Advertise in the Magazine

To advertise in this Parish Magazine please contact the parish office either via email:

[email protected] OR T. 01536 660568 (Tuesday / Wednesday 9am - 1pm) 8 25 Village Defibrillator Appeal Update

The South Leicestershire ‘Village People’ Group was set up in 2017 to help with key pro- jects in villages within a radius of 5 miles of Ashley. We take great pride in having arranged a concert in Medbourne Church featuring well known singers Janette Monroe and II Destino along with the Uppingham Children’s Chamber Choir and raised £1800 towards defibrillators. The Church was full with an audience of 170.

Peter Oppenheimer

Parish Office Opening Hours in April 2018

Just a brief note to confirm that the Parish Office will be open on

Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th April

Monday 9th (in place of Wednesday 11th) and Tuesday 10th April

Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th April

Monday 23rd (in place of Wednesday 25th) and Tuesday 24th April

The office is open between 9am and 1pm T. 01536 660568

Ambassador The Parish Office Oil Heating Services Ltd

Boiler installations E. [email protected] Servicing Breakdown repair Tank installations Aga/Rayburn servicing and repair Power flushing GREAT EASTON GOOD COMPANIONS General plumbing At the meeting on Thursday 5th April our speaker will be Josephine Burgess from 01858 Save the Children who will explain about the charity in the past and what they do now. 881118 A collection towards their funds will be taken at the end of the meeting. £16 will also be collected from those members going on the outing to Downtown in May.

Refreshments will be provided by P. Risley and M. Cook

Meetings are usually held in the Village Hall on the first Thursday of the month at 2.30 pm and visitors are always welcome.



Wednesday, 25th April 7.30 pm Village Hall

David Shipton

head guide at Rockingham Castle gives an illustrated talk about


Visitors are always warmly welcome – only £3 (including refreshments)

Great Easton History Society's popular publications are on sale at our village shop



Bring along your craft project to Great Easton Village Hall and get busy in convivial company.

Every second Wednesday of the month next session is on:

Wednesday 11th April 2.00 - 4.00 pm Wednesday 9th May 2.00 - 4.00 pm

£2 per session to include tea/coffee and biscuits

All proceeds to Village Hall Funds. For more info: contact Alice Murdock E. [email protected]




Help! We’d love to have as many people as possible coming to help at our next event:

April 14th: Churchyard working party. Starts at 10.00 am but, again, turn up whenever you can. No specialist knowledge required. Bring basic gardening tools if you can, but not to worry otherwise. Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided.


The Parish Magazine

To advertise or to place an article in the magazine please email:

[email protected]

The deadline date for receipt of any article or advert is the 5th day of the preceding month.

We cannot guarantee to included articles received after this date.

Please note that all Items for the APRIL Edition RJM Plasterers must be received by Friday 9 March for guaranteed inclusion. (Please note later date) ALL ASPECTS OF PLASTERING UNDERTAKEN Parish Website Information The Parish of Six Saints circa Holt: Contract Medbourne: & Private Great Easton : Take a look at the websites above which all have lots of useful information… Over 30 Years Experience including Lime Mortar For your free estimate from your local plasterer call 01536 205005 07712 335 963


Sunday 22nd April 2018 Bespoke Home Audio & Video System Sonos Music System Home Cinema Rooms Fourth Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday) Nuvo Systems Bespoke TV Installations 10.45 am Eucharist at Great Easton HD Distribution Specialist Gigaclear

With singers from NHO Have you got your super fast broadband installed in your home? Director of Music Nic Chalmers Let Premier Audio distribute this around your house and garden so that you can have super fast broad band anywhere All Welcome not just where your routers are?

SKY Installations Digital and FM DAB Aerials IT Networking Installations IRS Installations - CCTV Insurance Work - Meter Testing Multi Pointing

Contact: Wayne Dignum Telephone: 07939 114074 Email: [email protected] 45 Glebe Road, Queniborough, Leicester, LE7 3FH



Help! We’d love to have as many people as possible coming to help at our next event:

April 14th: Churchyard working party. Starts at 10.00 am but, again, turn up whenever you can. No specialist knowledge required. Bring basic gardening tools if you can, but not to worry otherwise. Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided.


Great Easton & District WI

Kathryn Wright showed members how to practice paper folding. Each member was ON WEDNESDAYS instructed how to measure accurately the corners of the book to be folded and the finished object eventually revealed a perfect heart, or at least some of them were !! Kathryn runs a craft centre shop in Market Harborough selling craft material and running classes for a wide variety of crafts, such as jewellery making , paper flower making and many more. She had samples of some of her handiwork of very intricate paper book folding on display.

Five members went to Bruntingthorpe to attend the 100th annual meeting. 1400 members attended and sang Jerusalem lustily . The speaker in the morning was Mandy Hick- son a Tornado pilot. She was an absolutely brilliant speaker, and enthralled us all with her presentation of how she became a pilot and how difficult it was to succeed being a woman. At the end of her inspiring talk she was given a standing ovation. After lunch the speaker was Edwina Currie, who gave a light-hearted talk on her life as a politician, and her life now as a radio presenter, a competitor very briefly in strictly come dancing and the jungle which was filmed in Brisbane. She said the jungle was more enjoyable than the strictly come dancing.

Our next event is the group meeting at Medbourne.

Next month on April 4th there is a demonstration of Indian cookery. Guests are always welcome at our monthly meetings where they will meet a happy lively group of ladies.

Visitors are always welcome.


A TALK IN GREAT EASTON VILLAGE HALL Mrs Joyce Snow was born in Weston-by-Welland in 1922 at the school house. Her family moved to Medbourne when she was four years old. Her father worked as chauffeur/gardener Thursday, May 24th at the Old Hall in Rectory Lane. Their cottage had been one of the houses built for employees of the hunt and had its own water supply pumped from a spring, and electricity – at 7.00 pm for a glass of wine followed by the talk at 7.30 pm probably from a generator. The house had no bathroom, just a cold tap at the sink and an outside toilet. The night soil cart called on Fridays.

Joyce went to the village school. The infants teacher was Winnie Tyler (née Snow), David Tyler’s mother. At eleven she moved to Church Langton school, travelling on the school bus. Joyce left school at fourteen and went to work at Symington’s factory in Market Harborough, making the famous liberty bodices. She cycled most days, only using the bus if the weather was very bad. She was paid 8s 6d a week.

The village was almost self-sufficient. There was a Co-op general store, a post office, a baker, a butcher, a cobbler, and a garage which sold petrol, did repairs and ran the school bus. There were three pubs, The Nevill Arms, The Horse and Trumpet, and The Queen’s Head.

Mr Smith delivered milk, or you could collect it. The village hall (not the present one) opened in 1913 and was used for dances, concerts and whist drives, including the popular Fur and Feather. The village also held an annual flower show.

Please do come and hear a fascinating talk about a subject to which most of us probably Most people went to church or chapel, and the children to Sunday School. There was a don’t give much thought: when smiling in portraits became popular. From the Renaissance resident policeman and a district nurse called Nurse Carter, but no doctor. The doctor came th until the 18 century, wealthy and powerful men have commissioned artists to portray from Hallaton, Dr Pickering and Dr Moore. them, their wives, lovers and families. These portraits seldom, if ever, depicted a smile - although there were rare exceptions. Photography changed all this. In WW2 Joyce joined the Land Army. Before the war most of the land in the Welland valley was used for grazing. Mill Field in Medbourne was said to be the best grass field in Come to this talk if you would like to hear an answer to the question ‘why is no-one . During the war farmers had to plough grass fields and grow wheat, barley and smiling’? potatoes to feed the nation. Joyce worked on a farm in Medbourne planting and picking potatoes and helping with the harvest – no combines in those days, so very hard work. When Julian O’Neill is a Consultant Orthodontist at Kettering General Hospital but combines his the threshing tackle came during the winter the Land girls helped with that, too. Joyce says professional activities with a keen interest in art. He has given this illuminating talk to great the sacks of wheat weighed twelve stone. acclaim on numerous occasions, including to professional orthodontic audiences, in Stan Snow served in the Army throughout the war and he and Joyce were married in locations ranging from Harringworth to Italy to Australia! 1943. They lived in Medbourne after the war, eventually moving to The Old Rectory in Great Easton, where Joyce still lives with her family. All proceeds from this talk will go to St. Andrew’s Church, Great Easton. I would like to thank Joyce for sharing her memories of Medbourne with us. Tickets available from: Kathy Gibb (01536 770223) Mary Henniker-Major (01536 770320) Local Historical Information Prepared by Anne Wallis Tickets: £8.00 including a glass of wine

14 19 Easter Day Services The Parish of Six Saints circa Holt

8.00 am Eucharist at Medbourne

9.00 am Eucharist at Stockerston VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO LISTEN TO CHILDREN READ IN LOCAL 10.45 am Eucharist at Great Easton PRIMARY SCHOOLS

Can you spare an hour or two a week to listen to children read in a local primary school? Schoolreaders is looking for more volunteers in Leicestershire to carry out this important role.

Reading time for many children at home and at school is often insufficient and according to Government statistics, one in four children are now leaving primary school unable to read to the expected standard. This can have a lifelong consequence.

Schoolreaders is flexible and aims to match your availability to an appropriate, local school. No qualifications are necessary, just a good command of spoken and written English and a commitment of one year is requested. Our volunteers find the scheme incredibly rewarding, knowing that a few hours helping a child learn to read each week All Welcome can have such a great impact on their life chances.

Please visit the website to join or call 01234 924111 for further information.

Book-keeping Accounts VAT returns Sage User

Lynn Bradley A Note of thanks …

Book Keeping Services MEDBOURNE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Poppy Collection 2017 raised £524.19. Telephone: 01858 434850

Mobile: 0779 064 5449 With thanks to all those who helped in any way to raise this money.

Sweet Hedges Farm MICHELLE ONGLEY MACHT Natural Therapies Allexton Road, Stockerston Tea Rooms Reflexology Maternity Reflexology Massage Aromatherapy Massage Natural Nutrition Colon Hydrotherapy Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea,

all year round (closed Tuesdays). 07973 287 361 / 01536 770 610 Group parties catered for by appointment.

Tel: 01572 717398

18 15 EIGHT SOLO VOICES IN HARMONY: The Parish of Six Saints circa Holt MOSAIC in Bringhurst 18.5.2018 The eight-voice A Cappella group, MOSAIC, return to St Nicholas Church, Bringhurst on Friday May 18th. They will perform a varied programme of part- songs, spirituals, sacred polyphony, folk song settings, jazz standards and pop. This highly talented group of singers from all corners of the celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2017, having raised tens of thousands of pounds for a variety of charities at concerts in Northants, Lincolnshire, Leices- tershire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

MOSAIC A Joyful Sound

Back row: Richard Roddis, Sam Horan, Jeremy Leaman, James Foulds The eight voices of MOSAIC perform a programme of beautiful Front row: Caroline Summers, Liz Blades, Clare Robertson, Kate Hill A Callella music: Folksongs, Spirituals, Sacred and Secular, The singing friends, who make up MOSAIC, perform for the sheer love of the beautiful repertoire that exists for unaccompanied voices. They like to explore a wide variety of Classical and Modern, Jazz and Pop settings. pieces in eight parts from the high Renaissance through to the latest wave of contempo- rary compositions and arrangements, from exquisite folk song settings to mischievous St Nicholas Church Bringhurst comic pieces. They have been warmly received in the many dozens of concert venues Friday 18th May 2018 where they have performed. The music critic, Mike Wheeler, reviewed one of MOSA- IC’s recent performances: 7.30 pm Tickets: £10.00 to include a glass of wine “The group is impressive equally for its blend, its unanimity — it was a joy to watch the continual interaction that made each item a piece of real vocal chamber music — and for an apparently infinite adaptability” All proceeds in aid of church funds § (Review of Derby Cathedral Autumn Concert, 2015)

More details of the group’s activities can be found on their website, including a special film profile, along with several YouTube clips: media/ 16 17