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IHE DIAMOND OF PSI UPSIION CONVENTION 1969 EPSILON OMEGA September 2-5 THE ON THE COVER This special issue of The Diamond marks the 127th An DIAMOND nual Convention of Psi Upsilon and our 49th International Con O F PSI UPSILON vention. The importance of our Conventions to the fine tradi tions of Psi can not be Upsilon OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PSI UPSILON FRATERNITY understated and we trust that this year's Convention will be one of our most constructive 1969 Number 4 and memorable. Volume LV SUMMER, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 A Message From the Executive Council President 2 A Message From the Convention Chairman 3 Psi Upsilon Convention 1969 4 The Host Chapter 6 Our First Convention� 1841 7 The Annual Communication of the Executive Council to the 1969 Convention of Psi Upsilon 9 Report of the Psi Upsilon Foundation 10 Northwestern University Campus to Provide Setting for the 1969 Convention 12 The Agenda for the 127th Annual Psi Upsilon Convention 13 Noted Educators to Address Convention 14 Modern Problems Demand Solution 16 Undergraduate Committee Assignments Associate Editor DONALD G. PIPER, Pi '57 Contributing Editor EDWARD R. PURCELL, Psi '68 Editor Emeritus PETER A. GaBAUER, Pi '25 Executive and Editorial Offices: 1925 Pauline Boulevard, Ann Arbot, Michigan 48103. Telephone 313-769-6730. Publication Office: 1201-05 Bluff Street, Fulton, Missouri 6525i. Life subscription, $20; by subscription, $1.00 per year; single copies, 50 cents. Published in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. Second-class postage paid at Fulton. Missouri. 1 The Executive Council of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity August 10, 1969 A Message from the Executive Council President Dear Brothers : We believe that the selection of friends and the management of affairs are esential elements to an adequate education. Those who dispute the rele vance of fraternities must in some way be demeaning the right of individuals to associate freely and to exercise management perogatives over their affairs, for that is the stuff of -- which our association is made Psi Upsilon is a group of men banded together in the pursuit of excellence for the mutual bene fit of the members, the association and the entire society. Our fraternity's end product is the educated man, and this is our raison d'etre. We are faced with a highly complex and sometimes hostile environment. The chaotic college campus presents unprecedented difficulties to the operation of our chapters. We have problems, to be sure, but our situation is no different from that with which every educational-social institution is faced. With even the most cursory examination of our circumstances it is easy to see the difficulties with which we are faced. It is just as easy to overlook the enormous progress that we have made. We are conducting the. operation of Psi Upsilon with unprecedented efficiency. We are doing this" with approximately the same income that we had available to us in 1964. The nature of our staff operation is such that credit goes to the volunteers when a project is success fully completed. The work of our staff is essential and constitutes a very material contribution to the overall success of our efforts. An examination of the report on the activities of the Central Office will give you a brief idea of the scope and frequency of their chapter-related operations. Psi Upsilon is doing a fine job for its members. Much progress has been made. Much more remains to be done. You can help to formulate the legislative program that will dictate our operational policies for the coming year by at tending and participating in the Annual Convention that will be held in Evanston, Illinois, from September 2nd through the 5th. Full particulars concerning the Convention arrangements are included as part of this special edition of The Diamond. We are looking forward to a pleasant and productive session. Please try to join us. Yours in the bonds. yii<-*^<u. Jerome W. Brush, Jr. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF PSI UPSILON EPSILON OMEGA CHAPTER- NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY EVANSTON, ILLINOIS September 2-5, 1969 Epsilon Omega Chapter 1949 Dear Brothers: The Epsilon Omega Chapter of Psi Upsilon cordially invites you to attend the 127th Annual Convention of Psi Upsilon Fraternity to be held at Northwestem University, Evanston, Illinois, September 2-5. Matters of vital importance to the continual success of Psi Upsilon will be acted upon at the convention and your attendance will provide you an opportunity to actively participate in these decisions, as well as visit an area rightly termed the "convention center of the United States" and Northwestem. University. We are enclosing brochures outlining some of the events and places of interest you might find enjoyable during your visit to the Convention. The Epsilon Omega Chapter takes great pride in having been chosen to host the 127th Annual Convention and no effort has been spared to insure the delegates will be provided with excellent accommodations and facilities as well as a profitable and enriching convention. Again, we wish to extend you a most cordial invitation to join us in the bonds at the 127th Annual Convention. We look forward to seeing you. Yours in the bonds, William R. Robie Convention Chairman Epsilon Omega Epsilon Omega 1949-1969 20th Anniversary Psi Upsilon Convention 1969 The 127th annual Convention of Psi Upsilon Fraternity will be held at the Epsilon Omega chapter in Evanston, lUinois. It will be the first Psi Upsilon convention ever to be held on the Northwestern University campus and will convene on Tuesday, September 2 at 9:00 a.m., conclud ing Friday, September 5. This will be one of the most important and interesting conventions in Psi Upsilon history. Among the special topics to be discussed include chapter leadership, scholar ship, and a program of modern pledge training. A special Workshop Panel entitled "The Fraternity's Role in So ciety" is also scheduled which will include speakers and several prize winning films such as Kaiser Aluminum's "Why Man Creates" and "The Seekers" produced by the New York State Narcotics Bureau. Presentations and ing of the annual Convention photograph to be taken on recommendations will be made prior to the opening of the the steps of the new Epsilon Omega Chapter House. This floor to discussion. will be followed by a bus tour of Chicago for Convention The committee meetings and business sessions of the delegates and guests. Thursday evening the 100th anni convention will be reheved by afternoon luncheons fea versary of the Omega Chapter at the University of Chi turing interesting programs. On Tuesday the delegates cago will be celebrated by a formal banquet at the Chi and guests wiU be welcomed to Northwestern University cago Athletic Club. A prominent speaker will be featured by Chancellor J. Roscoe Miller and Assistant Dean Wil at the banquet. It is hoped that this will be the occasion liam A. McCormick. Wednesday's luncheon will be the for a large gathering of Psi U alumni from both the Chi annual scholarship awards gathering and Friday features cago area and the entire Midwest. Cocktail hours will each meal. an address by Prof. R. Barry Farrell, noted Russian schol precede evening ar, on the Workshop Topic: "The Fraternity's Role in The chapters have submitted the names of over 60 un Today's Society." dergraduate delegates who will attend this year's conven Two informal dinners have been planned at the Hotel tion. This large number is indicative of the serious inter Orrington for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Tues est that the undergraduates take in the affairs of the Fra day evening the convention will be greeted by the Epsi temity. A corresponding manifestation of concern by the lon Omega Chapter and on Wednesday an informal con alumni brothers will do much to aid the efforts being vention banquet at the Orrington will be addressed by made to maintain a strong and healthy Psi Upsilon. Your Dr. James C. McLeod, former Chaplain and Dean of attendance is not merely invited, but your participation in Students at Northwestern. Thursday will feature the tak the proceedings is sincerely solicited. The Host Chapter Your Executive Council takes pleasure in welcoming the delegates and visitors to the 127th Convention of Psi Upsilon, which we are holding in our 136th year. This will be the fifth convention of the Psi Upsilon Fra ternity at which each chapter alumni organization is en titled to representation by an accredited voting delegate. This is of significance because it is part of our Frater nity's Program designed to bring the activities and in fluence of the undergraduate and alumni together in a cooperative effort for the benefit of Psi Upsilon. The site of this year's Convention, Evanston, Illinois, was chosen for two reasons. The Epsilon Omega Chapter of Northwestern University will this fall dedicate a new $450,000 chapter house as part of its 20th anniversary celebration. This convention is part of that celebration program. As part of our annual convention banquet we will also mark the 100th anniversary of our Omega Chap The new Epsilon Omega House is scheduled for ter at the University of Chicago. The Evanston-Chicago completion September 1 area, "Convention Center of the U.S.," will provide us with the geographically central location and facilities that should make this one of our most successful conven NU ranks the five in tions. learning, among top endowments, and among the top ten in degrees awarded. Noted North Northwestern University, established in 1851, is the western alumni include Adlai Stevenson, Otto Kemer, smallest, and the only privately endowed, university in Arthur Goldberg, George Ball, Willard Wirtz, Charlton the Western or Big Ten Conference.