Land Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 08/03/2015 6:35 PM

Ah, finished the Prize set! A shade over 16 coins per for an average ... no way I'm dropping more coins just to win coins either. Had my fill of that diversion ... :p

The comments here will contain a bit of a progress report throughout the week. I've made some headway on most of the seven Attractions I've started since setting Battle Quest and Blast down, and I'll gradually share.

E Yeah! e 11 r 87 D

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Benjamin 08/03/2015 7:18 PM Commenting for updates!

Happy to hear about your progress. This game is full of easter eggs by the way. Have you noticed those profiles on the left of the TV screen -- Stamp Champ, Tourist, and New Arrival? If you locate those in your plaza then you get a small coin bonus. Yes, coins means little now, but it's a great diversion to cool off with when the main game burns you out.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/03/2015 7:23 PM Notifications!

Yeah, this was a pretty nice launch title. It's still fun even today; I had a blast with the appropriately named attraction earlier with my sister.

E Yeah! e 1 D

NoFaceFred 08/03/2015 7:43 PM Ive-ga e-ma otifications-na!

E Yeah! e 0

Blake 08/03/2015 8:04 PM I henceforth declare that save rain nor sheet nor shine, I shalth receive that which are called notifications from the one that goes by Stagger. There are no exceptions. At all. Except a glitch, ban, comment limit reached, meteor, giant moon, giant flood, running out of ketchup, or my Wi- going out.

Oh yeah, forgot aliens.

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 08/03/2015 8:05 PM This is easily my favorite of the single player attractions, althouth Breeze made some headway earlier today. I'm elated to make it through the second course, lots of tricky stuff here! I went pretty slow from the big rotating box on, as I hadn't seen much past there yet, but I got through.

Thanks for joining in gents. I'll cycle through the other six games eventually. I'm really hooked on DK's.

E Yeah! e 4 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 8:11 PM @Benjamin: I was really into seeking out the Miis for those little coin bumps at first, and as your usual forecasting skills go, when I start to hit the wall pursuing the more advanced Stamps I'm sure to use that cool-down strategy.

It is a pretty impressive launch title 'doer. I still find Yoshi's game insipid, although I at least got the first Stamp. The Octopus Dance ... I'm just sheepish when E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 8:15 PM I play it I guess. It's not that bad a rhythm game. I just feel kind of silly while partaking. I'm also pretty terrible at the Ninja Castle deal, but it is fun.

I went much further in Breeze on a second session, and the difficulty curve is fantastic on it. Exemplary even ... need to deliver that special package and get through the extra levels still. In Falcon's Twister, I got the 5-Mistake Limit

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 8:18 PM Stamp and I didn't even know how. :p My best so far there is watching the tunnel close on the fourth extra stage.

Back to Crash Course, the Stamps are mysterious to me. I've yet to look for a way to Cut Corners, and Skipping 30 Bananas seems related. I thought that would be a Double Princess Rescue, and have had it spoiled for me that there are four courses, so seeing how those are accessed ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 8:22 PM is of great interest to me. Finally, ... the difficulty curve there was abrupt at Stage 11. I've got four of the Extras left to clear. Benjamin, I think you'll be wrong for the first time about my Nintendoland future. I can't see ever enjoying that Attraction half as much as the LoZ and Metroid ones.

Fred and Blake, do you guys have this game? Or are you just in pom pom practice?

E Yeah! e 0 D

Blake 08/03/2015 8:33 PM Nope. I've played it, and I really don't care about spoilers.

E Yeah! e 1

Sciz 08/03/2015 10:04 PM Oh yeah, Cut Corners... Let's just say I shouldn't have gotten that one.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Benjamin 08/03/2015 10:51 PM Are you just playing through the Pikmin attraction or are you trying for Master rank at this time? Pikmin becomes much more enjoyable when you try for the latter, especially for the Bonus stages.

I have a hint for you for the DK banana-skipping stamp as well as a few others: 's six single player attractions aren't entirely appropriately named. I'll let you explore that on your own.

E Yeah! e 0 D

CHELEUITTE 08/03/2015 10:58 PM I really like this game, my favorite attractions are pikmin, metroid and zelda!!

E Yeah! e 1 D

Benjamin 08/03/2015 11:00 PM ·Spoilers Following up on that hint, the developers cleverly decided that the hardest stamp in each single player attraction still had to be earned solo. Any assistance renders those stamps unachievable for the duration of that run. Note that this affects only the most challenging stamps -- the rest are still free game.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 11:52 PM Benjamin bro, I'll read that spoiler momentarily ... I think I might have managed to kill two birds with one stone there. I found two ways to skip most of that section. I wouldn't call either very time efficient, but who knows with practice?

I'm not trying to Master them yet, and I have a hard time seeing how that would make it more enjoyable. They added the elemental component way too late.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 08/03/2015 11:55 PM Now that I've read it ... I've heard the Wiimote can impact the single player games, but I'm not super interested. As for Pikmin, again, you've been the Nostradamus of my Nintendoland experience, but I'm skeptical. :p

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 12:07 AM Well, I'll take that one at least. I think I came up less than ten short of skipping 30, maybe less than five ... I'd have to check what was absent from that section. I've only found two I can skip in the second course so far, and I'm not even sure it's cumulative between them ... also, I'm at a loss as for how to even start the third course.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 12:22 AM That was incredibly satisfying. I counted up the 14 I was able to skip in that section, and remembered the lengthier way I first figured out to get through Area 10 could be used to skip one too. All it took was a better than average leap at the end of Area 8 to make sure I had 30 skipped on the first course! Woohoo!

With that, I can leave's DK's event alone for a while. Sleepy time.

E Yeah!? e 2 D Stagger 08/04/2015 12:34 AM It occurs to me that skipping a section diminishes scoring too, so I don't think I'll try to perfect that move with pace for the time being ... since it won't help me catch up to Nintendoer even if it helped me get below his total time for the course. :p

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/04/2015 6:09 AM Nope, the scores for the two sections are added together if you skip one. Notice how many more points I earned at the area 4 checkpoint?

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 7:53 AM Whoa! I hadn't looked at your breakdown closely ... I had just noticed that you one-timed the Area 10 move on the second score to improve a lot. And to think I was going to stay out of Crash Course today. :p Now I'll see if I can do better, ahd learn about that freefall on the third board ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/04/2015 8:05 AM Good luck! I wonder if the checkpoint skip you found is the same as mine...

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 08/04/2015 8:16 AM ·Spoilers I can't figure out a way to make it work reliably without going up to the L- button incline ramp, getting hooked at the split, then sliding back to the middle of the R-button bridge and dropping to the R-analog stick controlled platform.

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/04/2015 8:27 AM That sounds kinda crazy. Definitely more complicated than the skip I use, haha. Which I'm sure you don't want me to tell you, but I will if you request it.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 08/04/2015 8:59 AM ·Spoilers Correct, please don't tell. Peas in a pod ... I discovered I can ignore the R- analog stick controlled platform and drop straight to the third section of The L-button ramps just before the midway Coin area. I'll post my resulting score next to your superior one so I can see where you're beating me so bad at. :p

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 9:04 AM ·Spoilers Wow, you're generally just a bit faster on a number of the sections, but you're obviously just straight diving down Area 7! I suppose once I figure out how to start the third course I'll learn to employ that move. Also your Area skip seems to be a bit faster than mine, but it's hard for me to tell given I can't execute it flawlessly yet. Fun stuff!

E Yeah!? e 1 D

NoFaceFred 08/04/2015 11:07 AM Yeah, I have the game. Never made much of an attempt to Master all Metroid/Zelda/Pikmin stages or get all the stamps, though. That might be something I have to get into after I finish ALttP...

E Yeah! e 2

Stagger 08/04/2015 1:44 PM Heh, driving Nintendoer to outdo himself makes me happy. Nice work on that other post comrade!

I am having Crash Course withdrawals, and this brute here is not helping me feel any better. Tyrant indeed! The second phase of this is giving me fits. I'm driven to at least complete the Extras though. On other fronts, I got the second and third Stamps in Octopus Dance. Improving markedly there ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/04/2015 2:24 PM Thanks, Stagger! I'm sure you can do better given some time.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 08/04/2015 2:32 PM You're welcome comrade. I enjoy the competitive encouragement and envision relishing that pursuit and expanding it to the other courses for many moons.

Whew! I busted that Monochromatic Pinchipede, but had to hang on for dear life at the end. Cage of Terror, now that's a fun level Benjamin! I can see coming around to your point of view. Two to go ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Benjamin 08/04/2015 3:41 PM Getting a Master on the Monochromatic Pinchipede's stage is one of my proudest accomplishments in Nintendo Land. It's quite possibly the hardest Pikmin stage to Master with maybe the exception of the grand finale. Good work! Keep it up!

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 10:20 PM Whew, those last two stages on the Pikmin Challenge mode were incredibly tough ... I hadn't seen the exclamation Assist block since the eleventh stage, since I usually use the Restart option, but I turned it down repeatedly. I'll never Master them on crutches. ;)

My roommate's son is here for the summer, and he joined me for the multiplayer Attractions tonight. We had a great time! I could regale

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 10:24 PM you fine folks with numerous tales from our adventures, like me forcing the poor tween to endure a lot of the until I could get the Sneaky Escape Stamp. I think he slacked off controlling the guards towards the end. :p That seems patently designed for a third player to balance it out, as does 's Mansion. The ghost is tough to fade! I pulled it off without a battery once.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 10:28 PM Pikmin, Chase, and Metroid seem to have better two-player dynamics. To sum up, I learned that Nintendoland has quite a bit to offer, and am hoping I have at least one other functional Wiimote Plus in the scrap pile from my SS record chasing sessions ...

I'm going to focus on three pursuits that elude me.

1) Reach the fourth Star on Twister. 2) Complete the final stage of Octopus Dance.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/04/2015 10:31 PM 3) Begin Mastering at least the earlier Pikmin Challenge stages.

Just a note on preferences here - I refuse to use an idle second player to go after any Stamps. I did that for Metroid's single player mode with Belly of the Beast, but that seemed just. Furthermore, I really want to get all the achievements in the nine single player pursuits without assistance.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

CHELEUITTE 08/05/2015 12:00 AM have you see me in the game?? I mean in the plaza?? ;)

E Yeah! e 0 D

CHELEUITTE 08/05/2015 12:03 AM looking at your game activity kind of make me wanna play this game again!! I have the game 50% finished so lest see!!

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 08/05/2015 1:30 AM I have not Cheleuitte. I need to relax and look for my friends in the Plaza more eh? I get pretty goal oriented, on task and such.

I've managed to Master a whopping three Pikmin missions. Yet again, Benjamin is right. Weighing how much is optimal against the time constraints and much more specific strategies for combat, including resource management, really make it a whole new game.

E Yeah! e 2 D

Benjamin 08/05/2015 4:59 AM I had a feeling that you'd enjoy Pikmin's challenge! Few tidbits of info for you: 1. It's Nintendo Land, not Nintendoland -- I got that one wrong all the time at first. 2. Using a second -mote while playing solo for the most part makes it harder to complete stages unless you have a buddy helping you (and usually not even then!). You should try it out though, just to see how the coop would work.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 12:06 PM I've run into this gate at the end of Area 3 of the extras a few times. Determination is setting in. I felt the same way about mastering Stage 4 of the Pikmin Challenge earlier, but I took a break. Under two minutes would have sufficed. 1:45 to take out the Bulblord is like a programmer time. Maybe I should try as the Pikmin ...

Btw Ben, I just meant not using an idle Wiimote in multiplayer only. E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 12:09 PM Specifically, Mario Chase, Luigi's Mansion, and the AC Attraction ... the exclusively multiplayer events of Nintendo Land. Thanks for correcting me before I kept at that error!

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 12:30 PM On the bright side, I'm getting pretty strong at the original course. Only made a couple mistakes here, outside of the possibility of using drifting better ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 12:50 PM It's a heartbreak afternoon. Hope the work pays off with an uplifting evening ... I reached the Final Stage with all four of my hearts, but my mental system for cataloguing the akimbo arm positions used here is not remotely sharp yet. Just one less failure and I'd have gotten through, as the tabulation reveals ...

E Yeah... e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 1:19 PM Shazam huh? I wanted to hear the clunk of a Stamp instead Monita, but I'll take it. I really should have expected an extra stage. Silly me. That's how every Attraction works here.

I actually had a much higher score on my next fail at 49 moves, 1453 I think, than the eleven something I hauled in for clearing the “Final” Stage. Disgruntled but amused lunch break ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 08/05/2015 1:22 PM ·Spoilers You beat it? Congrats! The extra stage is pretty tricky if you ask me. And you made it all the way through?

E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 08/05/2015 1:46 PM Nah, I just cleared the original five, and the shining star scene was triggered. I'll try to reach it later ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Benjamin 08/05/2015 1:57 PM ·Spoilers The bonus section is really tricky. Thankfully, it's not too long, just killer to get through with your hearts intact. Did you get the perfect run stamp yet? It's actually a misnomer: you only need to get an equivalent number of Perfects of a flawless regular stage run to get the stamp -- every Perfect you get in the bonus stage makes up for any you've missed up to that point.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 2:15 PM That's comforting to know Been Jammin' ... again, I stopped playing for a lunch, post office, and grocery break as soon as I first got through the fifth stage, but later on tonight I'll pursue those last two Stamps.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 5:03 PM ·Spoilers This was my second trip to the extra stage. The first was good for learning what the number on the back of the dome on Mr. Game and Watch (right?) meant, heh. The second was good for seeing a seven count. Yikes! I haven't picked up an oboe or a bass guitar in quite some time. My harmonica skills didn't prepare me for this! I need a kazoo speed rhythm game here.

E Yeah!? e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 6:15 PM ·Spoilers Well I managed the seven count ... then the five count got me. :p Sometimes I'm a lot luckier on the complexity of the inky moves than others. If I catch a good sequence and reach the extra stage with 3 or 4 hearts, I think I can get through. I'm also not too far off that fifty, but I really should take a break from it for a bit and come at it refreshed. Seems like a 20-move stage eh? E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 7:39 PM Aw, that's a bogus screen shot denial. 1:23 on stage 4 of the Pikmin Challenge! It is the only one of the 22 I've played a lick as the Pikmin, but boy he packs a punch ... took me a while to get the hang of coaxing AI Olimar to do what I wanted him too, and I posted numerous times in the 1:50s before smashing the 1:45 Master time.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Benjamin 08/05/2015 7:54 PM I went through all of Pikmin as solo Olimar though I've heard that people have had an easier time as a Pikmin. I'm sure it goes without saying, but you are taking advantage of Olimar's swipe-to-dodge mechanic, right? If you often dodge with him then not only does he move faster but he can leap up and over small blocks as well. Oh, and losing a power-up doesn't nullify the no-damage requirement!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 8:09 PM Affirmative on all counts there Benjamin.

Wow ... I finally got past Area 3 and made it all the way to the Final Area of the Extras ... I did not see a fourth Star. Chuckling about that presently - it takes ridiculous reflexes, yeesh. I learned a valuable lesson about glancing up to the telly to spot ramps ahead too, not that given the clutter I'll want to do that often. Must memorize ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Benjamin 08/05/2015 8:20 PM ·Spoilers Hmm... fourth star... glancing up at the TV... maybe you're onto something!

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 08/05/2015 11:03 PM ·Spoilers Dinner was not enough to get me past the five count allegro move, despite reaching the extra stage twice in two tries. The first was brutal, as I got there with three hearts, and then had a nonsensical Gamepad is too far from the WiiU interruption after a couple moves went by with no response. Not like I moved from my chair ... Anyway, it's looking like I might get the 50 Perfects before the W. :p

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 08/05/2015 11:09 PM ·Spoilers Ooh, Platinum though! Wowzers. First one of those, guess 1700 was the magic number ...

I'm quite hopeful that it's a fifteen move stage, not twenty. Not sure I can hack too much more of it, as the pace of fastest moves is my general stumbling block ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 12:36 AM Savage I tell you ... The time I made it to the Extra Stage with all four hearts, I got rocked. How does this goofy game make me nervous? I'm a talented Goron dancer by Jove!

I made it far enough then to realize there are at least 20 moves, maybe more. This screen comes from an effort where I got to the Extra Stage with one heart, finally nailed the first 5 count, and the quick 1 count ended me. E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 1:54 AM ·Spoilers Oo-rah. Like a dance trooper ... 2131 was the score there, opened with 29 Perfects and wound up with 51, defeated at the quick 1 count again. With that off my mind, I think I can get through. Maybe. The 5th and 6th Stages are pretty tough for me, talented Goron dancer though I may be.

I actually lost on move 70 before that run, and it did not feel like the end. *shiver* 30th comment of the day!

E Yeah! e 0 D

Benjamin 08/06/2015 6:40 AM Way to go, Stagger! Do you now have all five stamps?

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 08/06/2015 9:15 AM Nah, I had to get some sleep before completing the extra level - if I can! It is devious. Of course I know I had to be very close by reaching move 70 before defeat, and will make it top priority today. I'm less concerned about Twister, as I'm trying to save favorites for last.

So with that in mind, I need to make headway on Yoshi's. Yuck. To spare me tedium, I'll mix Breeze back in. :)

E Yeah! e 0 D

Nintendoer 08/06/2015 9:16 AM At some point, I just gave up on Yoshi out of boredom. I still don't have all the stamps for that attraction, and I doubt I ever will. I wouldn't blame you if you did the same.

E Yeah! e 1

Stagger 08/06/2015 10:51 AM I feel like it's humdrum in small doses as opposed to awful if I were to commit a big chunk of time to it. Way at the bottom, with Ninja action above it - as I've actually grown to dig the Dance. Still a wide gap in enjoyment between those and the other three single player Attractions though ...

Starting here today - obviously having three blue check marks and two lost lives so far is foolish. :p

E Yeah! e 0 D Stagger 08/06/2015 12:16 PM Well, I moved up to Gold Trophy status and cleared 20 stages of Yoshi's fruity folly, so a star from Monita. Joy. :p

This is so tough! 32 Perfects to open, but three of the four ways I lost hearts were despicable. I'm getting close to breaking through. I can feel it.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 1:18 PM A number of quality attempts in a row without ultimate success wore me down, and I realized that with eight other Attractions to goof off and achieve things in by my lonesome, it's wise not to grind so hard and reach frustration.

Voila! I hope that big present constitutes a Special Delivery. This game is really great. Like Octopus Dance, the difficulty scaling seems perfect. Nice progression ... E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 2:37 PM ·Spoilers I would have gladly traded that Platinum trophy for an extra life at 5k. What gives there? :p With the Special Delivery complete, I started focusing on trying to fly longer and go for more perfect stretches. The ghost birds have stopped me twice. Monita came w/ a tip about spotting invisible enemies on the Gamepad. Nintendo Land Attractions are sneakily well designed! Lunch time ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Benjamin 08/06/2015 4:13 PM Balloon Trip Breeze is so good. I want to go back and play it now! Don't forget that you can tap blocks and enemies to pop them from a safe distance. Also, try skimming the water to lure out the big fish for a power- up! Yoshi's game is the easiest to burn out on. A decent attempt can often go well over 30 min. so failure can be devastating. Remember to take your time and learn from your mistakes!

E Yeah♥ e 1 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 6:30 PM ·Spoilers Your advice and participation in these posts has been great Benjamin. Not too heavy handed, no over the top spoilers ... I actually broke 7k on Breeze, reaching the Night of Day 6, before my pseudo-nephew joined in to play Mansion and Sweet Day. It's a tremendous game, and honor to Iwata- san.

This sub-2k effort was huge. Only 54 Perfects, but 13 other successes, meaning I cleared move 70 and the

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 6:47 PM ·Spoilers Extra Stage. DUH-DA-TA-DA! I kept losing two hearts on the Inky Moves in the fifth (Final) Stage, but finally only made one damaging error in the terrifically technical 20 move Extra. I've had as many as 56 Perfects, and that 2260 High Score was massive. I've come to enjoy this pursuit enough that some day I'll go after the 70 Perfects.

Separate post forthcoming for this triumphant screen ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/06/2015 8:43 PM Closing in on Stage 5, again shifting to the Pikmin from Olimar, but here because the Hammer charge move clears the huge boxes out of the way to the big Pumphog ... I think I can handle working on Mastering one of these a day for now. They're pretty intense, and semi-flukey.

I will head back to Yoshi's, and maybe 's, seeking magical Stamp number 40, once this is rectified.

E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Benjamin 08/06/2015 10:36 PM Congrats on your first fully stamped attraction! I'm a big ol' fan of Nintendo Land -- playing it at a friend's house was what convinced me to get my . I'm just glad to see someone else appreciating it like I do! As for spoilers, the game doesn't hold too many secrets (though plenty of easter eggs!) so there's not much to give away, though I try to edge on the side of caution at your behest.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Benjamin 08/06/2015 10:44 PM I'm really eager to see if you fully complete Takamaru's or Capt. Falcon's attractions. Those are the only two that I haven't perfected. If you clear them then I'll take it as a personal challenge for me to do the same!

Speaking of Capt. Falcon's game, you can apparently tap the screen to use the brakes. I've never found a use for it, but I've heard that it can help a bit for the no-damage clear.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 12:41 AM You're on Benjamin, although never touching anything in this race ... wow, I can see how that eludes you. Very daunting. I'm horrible at Takamaru's, so that's a ways off.

Strange run to finally break through the Extras of Twister here - I missed the first star, so I didn't bother looking for the fourth. Pleased as punch though, Captain Falcon pun intended ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 1:09 AM The craziest thing about the run was when I reached Area 12 (second time ever :p), I made a random decision to look at the teevee the whole time. Worked like a charm. I will try to employ this method on all the straightaway sections of the Extra Course tomorrow hunting for that fourth star.

Productive day at the park! Opened the extras in Yoshi's, moved up from two to four Platinum Trophies, and

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 1:15 AM reached my goal for the week early with 40 total Stamps, thanks in big part to my roommate's son joining in on Tuesday and exposing me to the multiplayer exclusive material.

Enthused by this progress, my plan for Friday beyond finding that star includes: reaching the end of Breeze's and Yoshi's Extras, Master another Pikmin Challenge Stage, and playing a lot of multiplayer with the youngster.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 10:53 AM I'm going off my plan a bit, with a feeble excuse to mend an error in reporting. I went from one Platinum to three yesterday, and moved my Silver on Fruit Cart to Gold. However, I've been jonesing for Crash Course all week, so there's a fourth Plat. :p Finally survived the initial move on the third board, looks like a doozy of a remix of the first course from there ... E Yeah♥ e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 10:58 AM I did snag a couple of Stamps before exploring the skip in Area 6 on the initial course(tough!), and then getting reacquainted with the fiendish latter sections of the second course before my third attempt brought home the DK hardware. Found that 4th star on Twister (devious but simple hiding spot) for one, then dabbled in Fruit Cart for the “3 Close Calls” get ...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 1:28 PM ·Spoilers Oh! So close to seeing the fourth course ... It appears they took the easier move away in Area 10, and definitely remodeled Area 7 to force the intended route, but other than the initial move, the third course isn't that bad. I should be looking at that elusive fourth board soon! E Yeah... e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/07/2015 1:34 PM You're making some nice progress! You seem to be having an easier time with it than I did.

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 2:52 PM ·Spoilers Thanks 'doer, also for the requested Stamp-related spoiler on the other post. Slowing down and going for all the bananas (I just had to ask, because trying it that way or death free are two very different things) has gotten me to the fourth course, all fruit collected so far. The other move does still work in Area 10, d'oh. If I pull both things off, will I get both Stamps at once?

E Yeah! e 1 D Stagger 08/07/2015 3:02 PM ·Spoilers The plot thickens! I believe I can do it, but it will take a few trips here to learn the new wrinkles ... and thus, running with shortcuts and not getting every banana becomes an appealing option, nyuk nyuk. Wow, what an Attraction! Now I have to make a choice ...

E Yeah!? e 1 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 3:04 PM And just like that, now I don't have to decide. Ah, they should have made it for all four, really stuck it to us, but this does give me new hope for Captain Falcon's Twister if the pattern holds ...

E Yeah! e 1 D

Nintendoer 08/07/2015 3:08 PM ·Spoilers Unfortunately, the pattern does not hold. I had a perfect run of the first 12 F-Zero stages, and no dice. For that matter, I had no clue that stamp could be earned for only the first two (or three?) boards in DK. I thought it had to be all of them...

E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 6:23 PM ·Spoilers Many Miis trapped in a rolling tripod of death went to their demise last time I reached Area 3 of the fourth course. I'm equipped with 11 little Stagger heads this time, and hoping to get through ...

I got curious Nintendoer, but couldn't find anywhere online that stipulated how far you had to get with all bananas in tow for the fifth Stamp. Had to be careful not to spoil anything new to me ...

E Yeah! e 2 D

Nintendoer 08/07/2015 6:38 PM ·Spoilers Apparently, Perfect Run is for collecting all the bananas AND not losing any lives on the first two boards. Makes sense. But I had the requirements wrong all this time...

E Yeah! e 2

Stagger 08/07/2015 8:57 PM Bambalam! In the words sung so beautifully by Etta James ... At last, my love has come along! I'll make a separate post for the five Stamp moment like I did with the Dance, and spare the comment here. I knew DK's would dominate my day if I resumed it, but it was sweet. Butchered on section of the fourth course, and came in w/ five minutes to spare. Barely escaped - had to be pretty clutch!

E Yeah! e 2 D

Benjamin 08/07/2015 10:10 PM Nice! That's two down! Oddly enough, you're actually clearing these single player attractions in the same order that I did. Next up should be Balloon Trip if you keep up the pattern.

E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 08/07/2015 10:13 PM About these Extras in Fruit Cart ... yowza! My plan was foiled today, but all that DK was worth it. Young fellow went to the movies instead, and I didn't touch Breeze or Pikmin yet, and probably won't until late night tomorrow. With my work weekend on the horizon, and about to use my last comments, I'll have to cave in and craft an alt soon. As always, thanks for the support guys! E Yeah!? e 1 D

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