UL System News-6-26-09

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UL System News-6-26-09 Recap of Official Business of the Board of Supervisors JUNE 26,2009 JUNE 26,2009 Dr. Randy Moffett Moffett Comments on Higher Education Funding President University of Louisiana System from many lawmakers, and the prioritize support for academic President Randy Moffett made end result is the Legislature programs and will continue to Board of Supervisors the following comments regard- worked hard to address the focus on student access and ing the close of the 2009 Legis- issues we raised. Mrs. Elsie P. Burkhalter, Chair success. lative Session. While our universities are still Mr. Winfred F. Sibille, Vice Chair The University of Louisiana Sys- “We are grateful to the students, facing significant budget reduc- tem and its universities are Mr. D. Wayne Parker, Parliamentarian citizens, business leaders, and tions, the cuts were restored to committed to improving efficient media who spoke out in support the degree that will make it eas- Mr. Paul G. Aucoin operations as we face larger of higher education. Addition- ier to develop strategic transi- funding challenges in the years ally, there was strong support tion plans. Those plans will Mr. Andre G. Coudrain ahead.” Mr. Edward J. Crawford, III Dr. Mildred G. Gallot Grambling’s Blueprint for Access and Success Mr. Gregory S. Hamer, Sr. Grambling State University One example is the Minority Grambling has also achieved shared its blueprint for growing Leaders program, which pro- success from early implementa- Mr. E. Gerald Hebert enrollment and improving motes research in materials, tion of admissions criteria in Fall graduation rates with the Board manufacturing and sensors to 2007, which resulted in a five Mr. Steven Jackson, Student of Supervisors Special Commit- middle and high school students percent direct increase in enroll- Mr. Jeffrey Jenkins tee on Access to Success. This in order to stimulate interest in ment. was the fifth in a series of pres- technology. Ms. Renee A. Lapeyrolerie entations by Board Chair the eight UL Elsie Burkhal- Mr. Jimmy D. Long, Sr. System cam- ter congratu- puses. lated Gram- Mr. Russell L. Mosely bling and par- Over the ticularly Presi- Mr. Carl G. Shetler past five dent Horace Dr. Eunice W. Smith years Gram- Judson on his bling has efforts to im- focused spe- plement stan- cifically on dards early. Eight Universities Strong creating ac- “Dr. Judson, cess and you weathered Grambling State University success for the storm over minority and admissions Louisiana Tech University low income standards, but students and you had faith McNeese State University championing in your deci- mathematics and science GSU’s Center for Mathematical sion and in the students and it is Achievement in Science and paying off. We are very proud of Nicholls State University According to Provost Robert Technology (CMAST) holds a all you’ve done. GSU is still the Dixon, Grambling serves a larger Teacher’s Academy that en- university where everybody is Northwestern State University percentage of low-income stu- hances teaching of experimental somebody.” dents than other institutions in science in high school. Funded Southeastern Louisiana University the state, region, country, and by a $2.4 million grant from the Visit www.ulsystem.edu to see other HBCUs. “We believe this National Science Foundation, the full presentation and learn University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a service to economic devel- the program also provides teach- more about the UL System Ac- opment,” said Dixon. ers with laboratory kits to take cess to Success Initiative. University of Louisiana at Monroe back to their schools Page 2 Recap of Official Business of the Board of Supervisors Jackson Begins Board Service New student board member Steven Jackson shakes hands with UL System Board attorney Dianne Irvine after being sworn-in during Friday’s board meeting. Jackson is a senior at Grambling State University and GSU’s Stu- dent Government Association President. The newest member is eager to begin his year on the UL System Board. He was appointed to serve on the Ath- letic, Academic and Student Affairs, Access and Suc- cess, Grievance and Legislation committees. “I would like to thank everyone for their support, espe- cially my family, Grambling President Horace Judson, UL System student advisor Caprice Ieyoub, UL System President Randy Moffett and Board Chair Elsie Burkhal- ter,” said Jackson. Nth Degree Awarded to Perlman Northwestern University President Randy Webb (left) presented UL Sys- tem staff member Ralph Perlman with Northwestern’s “Nth” Degree award at today’s Board meeting. Webb acknowledged Perlman’s many contributions to NSU, all of higher education and Louisiana throughout his career. Currently Perlman, 92, works with the UL System Board and staff on strategies to increase efficiency within the system. He served under four former governors, as the state’s budget director, executive assistant to the Commissioner of Administration and a special assistant for finance. In thanking Dr. Webb and the board, Mr. Perlman shared his motto: “For every day is a lost day if you have not dome something for everyone.” Gruesbeck to Lead UL System Service-Learning Council The UL System Service-Learning Council elected Northwestern State University’s Steve Gruesbeck to serve as chair for the 2009-10 academic year during its meeting Thursday. In other business, the council discussed the upcoming UL System service-learning con- ference to be held Aug. 10, received up- Service-Learning dates on current service-learning grant pro- jects and discussed future roles of the coun- Council cil. Established in 2006 to grow civic engage- ment and service-learning on the eight UL system campuses, the council has been instrumental in the implementation of over 80 projects funded with federal grants. From left to right: Betty Roberston, Tena Golding, Caprice Ieyoub, Rory Bedford, Steve Gruesbeck, Wayne Brumfield, Morris Coats, and David Yarborough. Page 3 Recap of Official Business of the Board of Supervisors Board Action conjunction with its Series 2007 The Board of Supervisors for UL System: Payments made by Identity Theft Prevention Programs. • Housing Project. the UL System approved the nonprofit organizations to em- following university requests: • UL System: Increase nonresi- ployees of the University of Lou- • Northwestern: Amend the FY dent fees at University of Louisiana Academic and Student Af- isiana System during Fiscal Year 2009-10 Capital Outlay Budget System institutions. fairs 2008 in accordance with provi- Request. sion of Louisiana Revised Statute • UL System: Increase graduate • McNeese: Explore the possi- (R.S.) 17:3390(F). Finance and MBA tuition as defined in HB bility of entering into a coopera- 872. • UL System: Audits submitted • Grambling Enter into a ten-year tive agreement with LA Ash, lease agreement for the Univer- Inc. for the period April 14, 2009 Personnel Committee through June 15, 2009. sity's food service operations and • Northwestern: Award an Hon- facilities with ARAMARK EDUCA- • Grambling: Appoint Dr. Carl N. Facilities orary Doctor Humane Letters TIONAL SERVICES, LLC. Wright as Dean of the College of Business effective July 1, 2009. degree to Mr. Raymond D. • LA Tech: Demolish two struc- • Grambling: Enter into a five-year Strother at the Fall Commence- tures located at the corner of lease agreement for the univer- • Northwestern: Appoint Dr. Lisa ment Exercises. College Street and Arizona Ave- sity’s Bookstore operations and Abney as Acting Provost and Vice nue in Ruston. • UL System: Follow-up ac- facilities with Barnes and Noble, President for Academic Affairs College Booksellers. effective August 17, 2009. tions related to the implementa- • McNeese: A Memorandum of tion of the Board of Regents Understanding (MOU) with SWLA • LA Tech: Enter into a lease • Southeastern: Appoint Dr. Karen Low Completers Program Re- Alliance Foundation, Inc., Cal- agreement for the University’s food Fontenot as Interim Dean of Arts, view casieu Parish Police Jury, and service operations with ARAMARK Humanities, and Social Sciences Athletic the City of Lake Charles involving EDUCATIONAL SERVICES, LLC. effective July 1, 2009. the development, construction, • LA Tech: Contractual agree- and operation of the Southwest- • McNeese: Amend the food ser- • Southeastern: Appoint Dr. Bar- ment between Teresa Weather- ern Louisiana Entrepreneurial vice lease agreement with Com- bara Moffett as Interim Dean of spoon, Head Women’s Basket- Economic Development Center pass Group USA, Inc., Nursing and Health Sciences effec- ball Coach, Louisiana Tech (SEED). “Chartwells.” tive July 1, 2009 University, and the Louisiana Tech University Foundation for • Nicholls: Lease approximately • McNeese: Designate the previ- • UL Lafayette: Appoint Dr. the period April 1, 2009 through 7,700 square feet of specialized ously approved Bonds issued on DeWayne Bowie as Vice President March 31, 2014. kitchen and dining space at the behalf of McNeese State Univer- for Enrollment Management effec- Ramada Inn in Thibodaux to be sity, in amount not to exceed tive July 1, 2009. • McNeese: Establish a coach/ utilized for instructional purposes $6,000,000 for the renovation and Staff Financial Incentive for by the John Folse Culinary Insti- expansion of the Athletic Field Academic Success tute. House, as Bank Qualified. • UL System: Significant ath- • Nicholls: form and execution of • UL Lafayette: Enter into a lease letic activities for the period of a second Amendment to Ground agreement for the University’s food April 14, 2009 through June 15, Lease Agreement and the form service operations with SODEXHO 2009. and execution of a Second Dining Services. Amendment to agreement to Audit Lease with Option to Purchase to • UL Monroe: Self-assessed stu- amend the original leases exe- dent support fee on the upcoming • UL System: System Universi- SGA ballot. ties’ Fiscal Year 2009-10 Inter- cuted between Board and the NSU Facilities Corporation on nal Audit Plans. • UL System: System Universities’ Students Thank Moffett During today’s Board meeting the UL System Student Advisory Council pre- sented UL System President Randy Moffett with a letter of thanks for efforts on behalf of the students during the 2009 Legislative Session.
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