c 1t!J I LATEST CALLED SCCAR QUOTATIONS c a J"" I Cents Dollars jr V'" I Centrifugals K. T. Per lb Per to 88 Beets, K. T. Parity No (notatioa M Beets, European I due war b- -' Pries I gaa


t Commander Sampson, R. N., and British Naval HEH15 v Flying Corps At Battlefront In France Gl GEI1 BASE 6DEAT- GAINS AND IRISH COASTS AT CIUIU Heavy Gale, , Driving , Snow and

Resultant Floods Inflict Much , li PRUSSIA Damage Upon Property ( I'lSDIlIGED

STEAMSHIP. LINARIA V " add SUNK IN NORTH SEA mm 10 BIGJAID British Government Petrograd Announces That After Plans To ; Regulate London Falling Back, Russian Forces Prices cf Food Says That British Naval V Sent To - In Galicia Repulsed Austrians Markets Force and Flying Corps De stroyed All Along the Battle Front Parseval Airship and (Amoristeil Press by Federal Wireless) Shed and Zeppelin Hangars DECEMBER ' 29. A LONDON, gale, SLAVS AGAIN RAISE 1 ; sccompftnled by a driving snow storm, Is sweeping INVESTMENT MISSING AVIATOR SAID OF CRACOW over England and Ireland,,. There are ' : two feet of snow In places, and result- TO BE PRISONER OF WAR ing floods. Much damage to Have has been Germany Said Been done by the storm, end there la great Allies Hold Beaten Everywhere Between suffering. Some - deaths, due to the Portion of Right Bank gale, have been reported. Communica- of While Re- - Lower Vistula and Pilica Riv- Yser Canal, tion with Prance has been almost Se ' ' ports Army-c- f ers and Turks are Defeated vered. ;. :' . That Kaiser Has The sinking ef the 1880-to- n British Wade Gains In the Vicinity steamship Unaria in the North Bea, has been reported. The crew were LONDON, DECEMBER 29. THE saved. The vessel struck a submarine (Associated Press by Fedem! WlreW) ' announcements from mine and wasAB?n up. . T ONDON, DECEMBER 20. yesterday art .. the A resumption of the shipping of JLjI While no official report has been moat sanguine of any received freight to the markets after the Christ- - published regarding the damage alnca the (feat battle before Lode de- maa recess, developed an extraordinary inflicted by the British naval and air- veloped. ; While the official Berlin dee-patc- h rise In freight rates. ' ship raid upon the German naval base says that " no news baa develop An article in the Daily poet says the aC Cuxhaven, at the mouth of the Elbe ed la east Prussia or Poland," the situation Is so serious tha the pries of river, th London Times prints a story foodstuffs will bs affected and the giving details.

aeveral front. government, which has . been watching This account says that in spits of AUSTRIAN ADVANCE REPULSED this matter, will be obliged to inter the official German denials,' ths British " "' vene. . aviators destroyed with bombs a Parse- The announcement that the fighting ITALIAN CRUISER - val airship and its shed and inflicted along- Fo-lan- d, the front from Opatow, in Greeting the-Noft- h : ' To Commercial Club From .'. upon ; Warship In . Sea serious damage ths Zeppelin . south to Bleca In Galicia, U de-- AMERICAN HUNTERS ORDERED TO. SYRIA ' veloplng advantageously, would indi- - MISSING AVIATOR A. PRISONER 'eata that tha Anatrlan mtTnr. mt SHOT BY CANADIAN .' Nothing further has been learned of- Russian line In Galicia waa re-- ' American. Warships Will Work In being ficially regarding the fate , pulsed, a Bus-- . WARDENS OF CAME after falling back of the ' dependently In Taking Care J er Oliver Hewlett, Royal Navy Plying clan line, ;' ,' (AiMcUMd Pnss by Winleu) - Christian Refugees ::y INVESTMENT OP CRACOW RAISED r4n '&He be was trying to escape. WASinNQTON. December 29 A re. r'-.-- . ... v The earlier annonn-jni'ritrromP- According to advices received by the ' - yort Has been received Hers from Buf- mBrmA mi- "'" Tennessee Is Transferring Five Daily Sketch, th missing airman is a ' falo of the killing of an American duck t The Investment of Cracow by the (prisoner in tha hands of ths Germans. 'and' the wouidlng : t . shooter of another Hundred Menaced Noncom- - Snurim fnivni til ,'mi-- , When last seen he was In tits watov " ft J l..WWWM .U9V4 one by the Canadian government gams The Ruaalana discovered Aus- to and a German torpedo boat was ap- that the wardens yesterday. '. ; 1 v batants Egypt :Li trian wedge was attempting to split proaching him. The Americans Were on the Canadian , the Russian forces In Qalicia. and to ALLIES HOLD CANAL POSITION side of the border on the Niagara River (AasoelaUA Ttms by rdwal WlrslMa) . .void having their line cut the Rua--' The advices from Flanders yesterday engaged In shooting ducks, contrary to slana have retreated fifty WASHINQTON, 'December . indicate the Allies are now hold- miles." the Canadian game law, being 89.A that this the despatch received hers night ing a portion of right bank of the DISASTER BETALLS AUSTRIANS closed last from ths season in Ontario. The Cana- Borne says The ' ' that tha Italian cruiser Ca Yser Canal at its mouth, where the Austrian." attempt to relieve dian game wardens to . shouted the labria has .been ordered to cooperate town of Lombaertzyde is situated, while Prxemyal and pierce the Russian line sportsmen that they were under arrest, a miles struggle In this section has met with diumtar with the American cruiser North Caro few south ths for ths whereupon the . latter endeavored lina In protecting war refugees in the crossing at Nieuport is Still In prog- , according to the Petrograd statements, reach American water to avoid capture. ; Syrian ports. ';' v ress. Severe actions are taking place .mm. wan mm rftm mWnrM n umi nfn. Having failed to submit to arrest, It is semi --officially suggested here at various points along ths line to ths - v WMIWWMIVK, the Americans were fired upon, one that should ths offer of the cooperation south.- .- ; " si',-- being killed and another wounded. The of the Italian ship be made officially . GERMANS MAKE GAINS the West Prussian frontier. ; wounded man was taken to ths Cana- : it will be declined by ths , Ths Paris report says the German TT7RKI8H MOVEMENT CHV.mrV.Tt dian side, where he is now a hospital in as it is thought that this country, as a mads some gain yesterday at'Hoile-beks-, V - v, ; : Petrograd also .reports an under arrest.' - advance neutral, would bs- In a position best to which Is on the left bank of against the Turks from the Caucasus, The state department here has taken maintain friendly relations with Tur- ths Yser Canal, between Ypres and which has checked the Turkish more. up the matter on the request of the key In her work Of helping the Armentteres, but announces successes wane ana causea me or relatives of ths dead man and en witnaraw&i a the if he American ships work along ths Mease river and in Alsace. ' report of the Buffalo authorities. Ths unaided and strictly by themselves. i. ua Duma avuiioaaceiavDt ; department officials say wwu Qmuuu announcainen that If it be The work of ssslstlng the European "Our advance near Lombaertxyde from Petrograd says: ' A, true, as represented, that the men were noncombatants in Asia Minor on ths has reached ths sand dunes on which "Between the lower Viatnla and the within Canadian waters, breaking Cana part of ths American cruisers is going ths forces of ths enemy were estab- PUicft rivers the everywhere dian law, and wore M. S. NEW ZEALAND, ' Oersans shot while attempt- STEAMING INTO ACTION ON AUGUST ZSl lished, v ! ahead. . The cruiser Tennessee has PHOTOGRAPHED FROM '! have been repulsed. Between ' the ing to escape arrest, no grounds e WARCjuip exist taken aboard, five hundred refugees at H THE DECK. flF-- . AWflTHPR. . nCC UCI iRnimin in iinnrn en "Near Hollebeke we lost one section ' Plllca and the upper Vistula the upon which any represntatlons may ..i.. iiniiMini vii iikLiuukHitu hi nuni n och n aval cunt be Jaffa, where the Moslems are menacing of trenches. Near Xens we captured enemy is everywhere on the defensive. made by the American government, nor all Christiana, of all nationalities. The TESTEBDAT'S MAIL; THE COMMEBCIAI. CLUB RECEIVED PBOM. COMMAND EB HALSET J0P eight hundred yards of German first ;v ; can say Justification a GERMANS LOSE GROUND for protest, be Tenneeaee H. M. 8. New Zealand a Christmas Card,1 wade up A 11ns trenches. ' is taking her human cargo I of photograph f the fighting ship, bound in s ho V c (. found. day -.,,- ,.. "We have stormed and captured to Alexandria, Egypt, where the re .. cover. Written on this card was: ;; "We havs mads alight progress along KznltnlkL enemy , "With best wishes for 1915 from captain ths snWre front on ths Mouse. The has evacuated fugees will be under the protection the and officers, H. M. B. New Zealand, to the President and mem-be- rs of ' ' ' of ths Commercial Club,' : '. ': ; ANkcs oountor attacks ths left bank of the Nida river. NOTE OF WARNING the British. .v ,' ; , . "In tha German ).-- '. v , "Along the front from. Opatow to '' A note on the card says of the photograph: i;' ; ; ':: ' northeast of Stoinbach have been ,' Ji ' Blocs, the fighting develops ' ',Thl Photograph was taken ten minutes going ' ( repulsed." i advantage, GIVEN TO BRITAIN COLONEL , before into action off Heligoland. ously for our forces. Southeast of HAS SOUP The photograph la dated, August 28, 1914, upon which date wiped ALLIES ARE ON OlTENSIVE 1 the British out a German cruiser and'd Stroyer squadron, Biecs th defeated Austrians are re- (AssoclaUd rreu ky ttinml WlreUu) which had been decoyed into the open by a light criuser. The New Zealand took an active The Berlin announcement yesterday treating through the Dukla passes, and WITH FRIENDS part in the battle. . , says that ths Allies are on the offensive WASHINQTON, December 29. The WX ,...... ,.'' the retreat Is 'becoming precipitate Nieuport, without smccees, and claims and American government despatched st '. has disorganised.' ; .! a note (Asuocistetl Press by PeJeral Wireless) ths small gain admitted in ths Paris to the government of Great says ; IMPORTANT ADVANCE NEW YORK, December Former BRITISH ADMIRALTY report This report also ths Allies TAILS Britain Insisting upon an early Im- 2a CONGRESS RECONVENES President Theodora SmumIi MERRIMAC SURVIVOR axe on the offensive In the region of "The efforts of the enemy to trans- provement In nii the treatment accorded visit to the uunllpcal lodging house COMMANDEERS LINERS Verdun, but are being repulsed by the port forces in the direction of Ozena to-- American shipments In by the here last night, and ate split pea soup TODAY; THE PRESIDENT transit DIES, EIGHTY Germans. , y chows have failed. British' fleet. , witn ine inmates woo were at their ACJD s.'j v-- evening The official announcement' says: ths Caucasus operations we ' The note gave meal. He went around and (Associated CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY "la warning that much shook hands with all tha danOleta nt Press by Federal Wlrefoss) "All the enemy's renewed have crossed the Lauriln river In the feeling ' (Associated Press by Federal Wireloss) attacks Is being aroused throughout many SEATTLE, December 29. The Brit- .' ths called of them by name. When , :. . - ; ';" against Nieuport and St. George have direction of Olti and arreted the prog- United Statea by the questioned, jie aecunea to where ORASS VALLEY, OallfornU, Dec- British interfer tell he ish admiralty has commandeered the (Associated Press by Federal Wireless) failed.' .. , , re- met them. Colonel ember ,29. Andrew .;. ress of ths Turkish force. In the ence in American commerce Boosevelt did. not Peterson, one of ' and that twenty-three-kn- n-gress Ypres wo ono even hint at ths reason for his unusual liners Princess Mar- WASHINGTON, December 29 -Co- member, of "South of have gained gion of Sarikhamour and Agadan the puouo criticism is general concerning the the Confederate iron- .visit . v.V. garet and Princess Irene. will reassemble today, beginning clad trench. Southeast of Verdun we have Turks withdrew." h These vessels MerrtmM In the epochal the unwarranted interference-wit- the ( i battle runiiliuuf attacks building -- with ths during avMl legitimate foreign trade of the United art at Dumbarton, Scotland. the last two months' business of ths Monitor the Civil War, died ; ', They Sixty-thir- d here yesterday. Be was eighty TAFT'S WARNING OF ' States, V. ,; CONSUL OF HONDURAS were Intended for service Congress. , - v years of ago.: , , LAST OF EXPOSITION Since Francs has adopted practically Seattle, Viotoria and Vancouver. A great amount of work is to be ths same decrees regarding PROIIIBITION EVILS contraband crowded into the next sixty, days to BUILDINGS FINISHED as has Great Britain, the American note avoid the necessity for a special sum- NEBRASKAN HORSES in LAKE STATES ' ) virtually a SWEPT " (AkHOciateJ Press by FeJeral WlreU-Ns- statement intended for all mer session, i the members SAFE FROM HORRORS (Associated Prfhe by Federal Wireluss) BOSTON, December 29. of the Triple Entente. (AsKouisted Prens by Pederst Wlrels) Yesterday the President celebrated BY ANOTHER SAN FRANCNISCO, December 29. STORM fifty-eight- William H. Taft, made a speech bam xnAHVinw, uecemoor 8B. his h birthday aanlveraary. The Palace of Pine Arts, one of ths hers last, night at a banquet of the government and destroy local Vnv.r. A sensation has been created here with Besides ths feUciUtions extended to (Associated Press lv Federal Wireless) Bar Association, in which opposed " most splendid buildings the be ment. ths arrest, today of Benor Pemando him by cabinet members, FAD2BUBY, Nebraska, December ef Panam. the idea of the enactment a (Associated Pross by Federal Wireless) department 29. Paciflo of national ''It would oru.d iwilltii Vivas, consul for Honduras, charged Farmers aud ranchmen of Jeffer- Exposition, waa pronounced fin- prohibit! law. WABIIINOTON, December heads and oongressioOal and official ' ' n He said; of government officials sufflcienUy S3. An- son county have resolved that no ished yesterday, thus - with arson. Firemen found his burn- completing the "National prohibition Ty act of Stroll- to nominate other cold wave Is now sweeping the leaders in Washington the President bones intended for war purposes by Congress would be a dangerous thing. Tru4n. ing homo, was literally sprinkled any ai vi uie Duuawgs I or us tsir. The scheme offers too great opportunities with states around the Great Lakes south' received many telegrams and letters of the European nations, will be It would revolutionise tue national vi sva.org power. ' luflammables. told at any price, and ht.Te corns out Palace of Fine Arts has cost half a aiter war as far as the AUsntic Ocean. of congratulation, ; ' with a declaration to that effect. million dollars, ; ; . . - V. ' FILIPINO )!1 RIOTS: 1ESUEIIT-..- TWO 'IIUNDsTtD THOUSAND r ' ZEPFELIOS fiilO LiO :;! 103 SGIiOliL OliUCET i CLAIMED TO BE f t ; IN CONFLICT FOR THE POSSESSION OF'tODi 'IS IIEPOHT L1UZZLE GfliilEII 1 ALtitiG Slaughter and Intcnte CufTtring From Ccld.'U rnn Trnnimnvi1 AI knyw.t 1ft 1 ; OF NO EIPORT Hctctoforc Great War. Mirk HrcgrWs of Germans IUII ILIIIIIIUIIIT pnrpprn SLA Kti-fia- p jnd rorn Va;t!ie To Eact, While S:ww Svvept riain in V1U1 lltilj Although Administration Docs Not Ait Covered .CoJiej of Soldiers Killed Uy ' (Xttnrixi-- , Bullets Or Ci fcf Vlran-ss- . School Commissioners i rrs fsdsral ' Down Want ' Favor Investigation, Con- - Uy Uliz;ard Wh.ch Swesp Darren Pl.itns pf Muscovites WASHINGTON, DECEMBEB 28. Third of a Million From were received' ICT Qressman persists ;S FACT fcT.KD3 OuT BLTOttii '.ALL . BErDItT8 OF SUC-- iLCfli yeterday from Governor Gen-ml cen-.e- Ihe Legislature snd fsll'tros co ths, daijcraicly con'eted battlefields of o " . 5 I Harrison of the Philippine . , . t I Inland, ... Ini I o'.vn,,!. That, f.:ct latitat riat fn, .this treate.it of all wars has a con-- Well-wisher- (lard-no- I'..'';- s r I at MaJiT., In wtych ha minlm'xcs in of Congressman f.lct piOircse.d wi.h an artor.ipaulim n,i i-- i (j: ! t I':s of h wbolosalo slaughter nor Tho following itemized badge! of the .tin rtf report Filipino up)siiig. Accord- - Mnssnchnscfts, wbo-- resolution tuid.jr li of a of si, fu e snflciln?, , , j' irni lnn tn t i school department, which is to bo sub- investiga-fer- o Drcchtscfthe Air Fail lng to th messages, the disturbances .tailing ior congressional Only n w ii evn fo:n-)ttl- iuid'ri,ood what fearful destrnc'lon has' " mitted to the legislature next February, Allies 1 tha a local nature, Occurring la j Ion of the preparedness of the United been wrought thoi-.- 17 htms Gcraans cf .cu covered plciui over whioh Napoleon mr.rcheij, lias tecrt spproved by the school ToPoyc Widely reparated districts, and bay. Stales for war, offensive and defensive, Ihe hpudful oi ki .rmy h'-- , Ve'Agsbst 6'it from 'ow.ird Frinc. Nature, no lest sjitd Snperintendeht of public iiy Mearisicf by. nna by th- - s o ; Sapping ; been (oppressed the eiril authori- teen "tut on" the President, n nun b ivi:if.n or daMh, hit taken i s toll of !l"i. Over a territory Instruction, H. W. Kinney; "i Warships of Britah ties. while no( disheartened at the opposi-- 1 larjor Uxa Jha Stats rf.Naw TorX bouios &3 tho frozen marahea and orarj ' These estimates (To not take Into con- tinn of towards the d cur-len- t and With Mines TOETT PERSONS ARRESTED the administration liny wlil s co'c-e- blVo.k.i ai tbe b t.ik .wind, fill mow swept rrrLlay sideration the balance from the ' ik heme, have bees making inquiry into) appropriations.' For instance, the That some trouble was experienced Pome were ailed by bnilets, gon'e w;re wornded 'und (AassctstU Prist ij psdsrM ' the reason fur tbu attitude oi tn frerf appropriation for the . llilo WirJn) is evldsnced by Governor General Har- many his party lead- bloited frota fir.h by a m.-.n'- tliroan o er thsm by tut rapln. . pres- President and of nion Heheul does st include the (Assodstsd Praia by fcdsrsl Wtrsleis) i ly ONDON, DECEMBEB 28. TlIE rorort forty persons have ers. from the n-- k Frmo. e rem t'22,000 approprintinn. If the lat-i- r ' rison's lhat hanstcd. f their lonj diys of rnarchlnv ent .ONDON, Influences , ' H sl- T DEOEMBEtt 23; ONLY L . been one man was It ths nn nf the f nd fshln-f- re;'. : stayed ' ' is continued, nmtoad of being 4 first batCe between Warships arre tel and that I uimn !y dou fvr nd tcolouj. that It putting the brakes on this move- - owed to lapne, J2,(HI0 ran be deducted In ths Argonne district nd In and has been fougrfi, i- Two k''M-r- ;h..itv.nd pt.fl. a;, lowest .tn'a'.a, ,havi fallen t'rmn same ,wu "". - .mem.u the fact, carefully rememberod ths In, the budget as above. The ' Alsace . haTS been enUrely sup- - has there been any being talked-6- the disorders 4,(ni.iai in offering hi battlqs assjt , s the esse w ith a number of 'smaller thet result that th mch f ji, iirricsr that .tcdi, ... ..,.,., ,. ., ,., marked progren Cc;-m-- ;,.M. !t,llS. j la the past two days, prcsctd snd that ths atlthoritiss are resolution in the cloning dnys ot the o la-o- u " ,....( ' - dreaduov.shts of the air sig- '... ,1 'h iotit. exlinatoi the caur.l tsa In this rosion hart scmsion, C'onuruuMiian liardn.T a i hd amount of the special fund in according to the reports nally prove now trjlng to locate ahd take the lead last at cna hq.idred .h?j..ini. says e lo.is ' receive! lasi failed U heirworth, belnz companii'l H with a personal statemnnl ind ths tcicioa-- of amontha he present biennial appropriation is night, ers I1J.0 ss Idon-iit- y ! Ths French report succestes driven custody. t So far their comm ';oro.:il ;il.m d lfllccr3 U p.irU.itlar'.y - . la off by the guns Of the floating hostile (iormany. This state ndcrs anl. high. 3 3,4110. - . ; " bitterly to .. their offen.ilvo movements in Alssca fig liters. could he ascerialiied, nous of ths Blent, which seems to have' teen for- A, nt sas f;)in por ia siys oui buudrcd thousand Rus lans wore, it ToU.,r1 , and several substantial gulns tn loaders Sre tn sny way Influential men. gotten ty many of bis hearers and by ' captri eU - IKhiihi 131,800 ths As aids to the Zeppelins, submarines the Kal :rr's arirlas occurlcd Lodz. , . . . ,'.. i.;.. , I r oi.hu . ,. inn.d.Mi Argonne region, whor . -- 1 . . TROUBLE STARTS XMAS EVE the thousaml of readers ills im fif ...... i th flghtlnef Uw j , ' .' ,. TbVf 9limatoa aro bas'4 cn mile battle front around ' soansu.s aouv. wre usea T7 fressive speech, is now being eited a 1, th, Maui 8,no amounts to slog oporations. " . trouble began on Christmas Eva. icdz. j:b fignros losses, aro gainst a Brt'ish squadron, with n0 li' ,IIM,yiriK o.ma for th lufercr.ro of avails!,: for the remainder of the three . ilawuii i ...... 10,8l)0 tht . GERMAN 3 ARE damage to the British and no certain Small bodies of natives assembled la f the administration should encourage m ndrod rrila line nkni wliir.h nt times tho fightint has been as des--' HARRIED 1 ' . Manila, NaVotas, ,lri Cavite Prov- - j the Gardner inquiry an.) Bod in its ' perate lit' chtractcr as that the more 'central point contact. Total ..1338,150 knowledge of damage to tho German. at " st of In this section th French havs besn I or ' ' ...... isisna Kauai resortiiig to EVERY TTPE Of FIGHTING CTATT " .U? V7'. " "."l '.mTuZn .trewtl of the ih. llaena, move svhool. ,fiou mining and sapping to -rrtl- 1 dlidodg stnb-born- ly as By. at tns neaa or tns ruver. r- Kilnoea, room 7(H) th Oeraans from ThU first engagement In wtich every rsig miht be created that the building.'..;, their fpeakers harangued those assemblies, ; Unitod Stutoa is arming against Kapahl, cottago .' J,,100 held and report type of ths modern fighting craft for Kapaa, 2 buniialowa 1"C0 many. , TC?JT!)0-,r- accor-pllilie- ths people to .rerolt against , . ? BRITiS!) repeated gain d ; In ( " bungalow aid- - . ' this coa, tattles was employed, followed, 1 (lunamaulu, t and this American goTern'ment. The Old 8peeca Quoted l manner, whil th Germans, al- - sea snd air raid arrests, It ton to so ttife,e... 000 being aealcst ths Otrau I . tiles Of ' vera' mart. t thm Sr.t mnnriM f A search throtish the bfl( BOATr DESTROYER AGilEE TO f.ihue. 1 bungalow. .. . i flOO must on now, navaj a Cuxh e TOTHDalWr conuimauy tn aerensiv bass avert, at couth w- .a 4'onfrre.w.ionat KeeoM Brings tne llifc'h School, 1 bungalow - k.riil. .,ii hav little opportunity . t lnduig In of the Elbe, on Christmas Day. That 'original spoech to light, aad on .this GOES ASIIOalE, LOST FROM BORDER XINE I cottage ($2100). 1 cbttaae((), been committed. . i , eimUar methods on a scale sufficient morning a squadron of British light r . . i.i Ho AT: MaMser miik ' (41200) 4,300 as--1 , V , , to any . The sltnatlon Is being watched to 'It Is true that with respoet to the l .1 .' r r oloa, X bungalows and 1 cot- - give decided remits. Ths prs. cruisers, lnctedlng the Arethus and ; - f certain If these trouble will' have any V European war- my views are Aworlt4 tinti fe!ir) V.'iralosl fffii by rodoral Wlrelsss) tago .i , 2,700 ponderanco of th Frenth artillery Is tho Undaunted, which, have figured 1 i-- .. 1 -v- muss 01 ' .LONDON, December 28. Repot" WASHINQTON. Seo- Makaweli, bungalow...... flOO - nil ...fc ? December 28. - responsible for this. . prominently in previous North Soa ex- loconvinced that the lormssj esuse i lannpot, J ' BOO nlgit from the Scott Uh sa.v cretary of Slat Bryan teen on- bungalow...... poses to grant full independence to the unholy, and, moreover, a menace to the lst has, oksha, 1 ' 600 TEUTONS MAKE , ATTACKS ploits, and a number of destroyers, with rr.-- ' bungalow...:....;.. print-- pie domoeraey. port towa of Andrews that s 6unUijy Informed In all regions past Wo submarines ' assisting, approached the of furthermore, ft that, the plans to Mana, moving school...... ,,.. 1,000 other ths a leliwe that the god of tattles will Erl.tiih tor?cd)o boat flcitroyef wen1, prevent furthcy firing across ths border days' fighting has consisted mainly in German coast, convojlng seven hydro. Upon He mans. lint tit tlefeat the ashore six mllns . sou'tie'st anj was Into American territory by the Mexican .Total . .$ 15.S00 attacks mad by th Germans to pre- sr.nst ' planes. S JFFLIES RLN SIIOP.T u; ho matt.'S whkh thie- wins( we lost. The crsV was saved, ... rememher that fciuee the beginning o' t forces engaged In battle, hay been Sew building . .. .4 13,000 vent th Allies organizing the ground , 'SEAPLANES THROW BOMBS w.i.u.w.i. GUABf time vktorious ' nations- have proved The wrec'i is ascribed to the lodn;v S Breed to bv all factions. .tepairs and malntenasre. . . , , ... 10,00(1 recently won. These attacks hav been ON ISLAND OF, . ' . vVS e must bear-nj- dnr'-ne- ss, . When wKhin staking distance of Cm hendHtrnnj and of s In the and t:ie Tnete plans, were formulated tn lanitors' service anil supplies, . 3,000 repulsed, , and th newly taken pbsl. begin-4t- oure to reorganize our mili furniture and fixtures , ' 3,000 haven tho seaplanes took t to that air absence M the cartcmiry coast lli'.ils. rropored to uons are ooing strengtnenea ana fAsaoeUUd by Federal Wireless) tary strength if' we expect to be able the . Mexican loaders by niia. . port .throwing The nam to not and ctrtled Over the cf th dectroyet Brlg.-Ger- t Hugh L. Scott,' i , reDorts me naa BAN FRANCISCO,. December 28. to reniit when tht ds.v chief of staff Tbtat ,;i . . . i . . i . . , . . 81,800 retroKiaa mit izar tjjnibs gas plant a nni-te-r given. , at the and at of eome. Of eourse, all tlii. j of the army. He bad been sent to Naco V ' " Joined Grand Duk Nicholas, the Rus The Unlied rutes nary fuel ship Mars ' of German warships at anchor. is unK)pular doctrine. It is fsr easier Mices front Scarboroti5h renortth ,3 reprereutaUve" of the President slsnd of Oahn sian commander in chief, at the front, Is being loaded srith supplies which ar me to- all is well and tti tich rtchool, building:. S.fiOO The British flying squadron was rtade for declare that irrivaf ther last nlsht cf ths British and. is inspecting post to be rushed to Guam for the crew of our present military establish- u M hu peonal bflueac, Vlth th. Kaneohe, 1 room.,.,., 750 th' tains held that " " the target of scores of guns aahors, coiuar-vaui- a -. ths Interned 00111811 auxiliary cruiser ment; coupled with ear national guard a...z eonoion. Mexican commandSrs to reffaln from Waiaholo, 1' roam j- 7ftO along th Bzurfr and Rawk rfvsrs, whue a number or Zeppelins were Cormorsnt. ' and our naval militia, is to be depend as th result ot strainj a nics la th ;nmBli:l. Canaws I room...... ; 7J0 where .the fighting it present Is mainly bangajowi , ; ; , .' ' ' licnched and seaplcnes started in Tier r mof than 310 members tn ed On for onr defense. Unfortunately. North Sea. . Knhuku, I ., 000 ' ot i ( Acc6riiiig to ths Ihfbrmatlon rocelv ' confined to artillery duels. - Kawailoa, 1 4 600 connr-attack- . the crew Cormorant, outnumber- I cannot bringmyself to believe any bungalow,....,,. othe Waialua, 2 1,2(10 ' KAlSSE ON OFFENSIVE "' '' ing Snd such ining.; ; ..,,..,. bungalows....,,,,. ONE AIRSHP IS LOST the naval tnaxiue detaebments steamdtlpLecrsum a; so struck, a ubjplan8 up6n , ,Tftca;. ablsa, 1 bunRftlow.. (too Remarkable Statement. t ( , The on the' offen-- ' on duty there. "Cwsj, 2 bungalows. 1,200 Germans sre still fus British pianos exhuited their marlno.iFiue..and was.bhw,.? i Uoa et Nae0 by Colonel com-- ,...v...... wss' remarkable utterance HlU's W'fiipalnu X sivs along the Pillci TXiver, snd hard 1 i 1. 1 i' ounx. or crevr bungalows...... 1,200 rt f ii ' fronr-tbe- .of eongress only two rvp.beis the " hc lips of a member tctnd, which is to be allowed to pro iea, 1 buugaJow.,.,. 00 fightlni Is progress. ' In with-on- e of the, Dutch were saved; slilr exception, that twins of. thevUiiUed States iollo wing' the steamer 1 ' of', coed unmolested to Aha Prista. Gen- alihioka, bungalow...... 600 From th resorts, fhe !KIR request i'reaident WiJsoH . that ait Ptroerad tih. the plane driven by Commander Oliver SIEyKlS eral Maytorea giving his assent to lonolulu District, 10 bungalows 9,600 J Amerirnns should refrain from otter. elans appear to have gained th ascen . tvaanunianu, concrete Hewlett, who, It la fsaxed, la lo:fX "Ills Bsees-boetire- : OS Irritating to any et movement The town of Naco will building ,V. , 30,000 dency ,vsr the. Anatrlans. In southern Ilahe, Wiecked, was picked np off Heli of Kuiopo, jiut U shoUd the bUi"eret.t mi ti considered lit future by both stdct Central Grammar, 12 room con Poland and Gnlicla, and ths operations goland. Three of tb aviators were mmtMA is remptiiberod' that 4t is one thinff t Mi m&ti crete building . 3(1,000 as neutral territory. In th neighborhood Cracow taken aboard tha cruisers with their entrnl. the) sttcrsesel f army and of hav navy officers, of wkvm the fresidedt is ViSIT 81,960 been generally successful ' Th Au- - planes. The other three were picked , HILL t Tour ..,1 , iAwedated Prsss by rsdetal Wireltnl ta,aminsderdn-rbief- and quiu mm trlans who rooccupled the Carpathians Cp" by the submarines and their planes - . of , ti thing to otitrol a inilor Vw buildings ,.-.,- j 8I.P50 AN FRANCISCO, December 2j. to TORfAL snd attempted an offensive movement sunk to prevent them becoming prlzei tongrem be b" the eourspe FETt tepairs and malntenSiirO. . : . . . 3.1,')00 The Matson Navigation Company uis mom-ber- s in himself among his fellow i Two. members royul family nf I'tlrniture and 15,000 Oalicla hav been held In check of the Germans: 4; r ot tho fixtures. tr cliartered the steamer Frsneis IlauLfy, by eourageously' announcing that Satin are iliwi to arrive at Honolulu ly lanitors,' service and supplies.. 28,000 sine th beginning of the movement, GERMANS RETURN ATTACK j to be placed in sugar between rongress alqnc is rexpnsiblo tor- u ' Mongol iii n TRULY DEMOCRATIC ' ' the trade the stenintur January ). and hav mad no progress. " i"' The following Zeppelins and , sea- prepHrrduene war, only , lul- - fort and' that They aw i'riuce aud I'rinress Kauipeny-lth- Total ...... :.1.I1,M0 tan Francisco and the Hawuiias . ' ' planes began a of through engreaS' raS y s 'I . . .. . then .bombardment , '. ke i'rince is tho third brother SOda.' ,(.'; ...... '... ..-.- ' ;.:V. v. . takes-t- ' ra the eountry from . . ,. Cormty Of ; that Sakhalin Island has been ceded to ships, while a number of tin tie of the King of Kiain. , , Maui the British fllliAM . tf'iSVll. " u.U.t.d. IHI lirilBOMMIllin "Tbn Coverhor of llamakuapnko, 6- - bo-lo- vessel,1 The royal fouplo am oil a tour of Hawaii betrs to 2. bungalows, Japan. German snbmarinea attacked from The Frsneis Uauifv is a new ,. .,.. - ' k.. ;t,a. hi. hmm, nith nnnouuee that ha- dctdres presence , tesx hef cottage .,,(.4 3,400 being ' recently In Wilmihgton, thov world' in the,iiitrost of ediituitlun. the ' , Ths British cruisers and destroy- built sioeero belief, that TURKS ARE ADVANCING but hU They i New ..York by of the people of Hawaii, that he may rtlgh H.hool, cottage..;...... 1.500 Del. Ilea-ne- t tonnage 1084, arrie. at th ers outmaneuvered submarines, is .At ths i,,.. isi not well defended will meet them reckeUvillO, ottage 1,H00 " ' despatches' ths - the'eoonlrv steamuf MiniiMouka from London on generally, at th reception Advices contained In xpiratioM of the charter of the Ameri- H sufficient excuse for the 1 , rt.pIted and ball to be given by him on New 'aia, bungalow.....:., 750 dodging their, torpedo blows, while easvllawaimn ateamer Uoaolulan. last wresent December '6,. after having toucud Aai from Constantinople claim that th exp,,,,. 0 bia. views n the Year's Kva, Ueeomber 31, 1814, Puunene, 2 bungalows and cot-- . malntaJnlnc a steady fir against ths August with Matson .Navigation j , snd Europe, extensively a .'. at the the WV r .vl ,MUt t . n tag 2,400 Turks ar advancing against th Rus- m From- - New York;v the Prince anil Notional Onanl armory," says a. Dpi ice i '...." Zeppelins. The shells from ths British t oiiii.Bay, t apUin Matson, president ef , 1'rieiwhi admlniFtratloa land Keainoka, 1 ,u 750 Caucasus f ths by-wa- from th Kxecutive (Camber. bungalow. sian army along th eulir the company, went Kast on the Jooh. -- Princess traveled westward, of guns kept ths great airships out of iU Mse en. leties r pointing out is have so; front.' Th out for a vessel to take the Honolu- -' , front where they, continued "Invitations bean sent far Turkish report denies that range, finally driving back tbi thot when the presont as lists have bora fcilionld ToUl ..4 10,000 bomb tiem sugar season, t - their journey to , visitirg on obtainable. th protected lan's run this Owihg tunttirt',,,0,M(l- however it end.,, a any fail cruiser Hamidlch was without a brow to tliclx credit . to vessel, tliclf'way the grand canyoa of the of delivery or omissions occur the smallness of thi, the 0t ,atelltl fcoetUity to the UniUd he Vow buildings ..... ,1!... ..V. .4 10,000 torpedoed and sunk at Eebastopot Th : ! fttfl. . ; trnsts tho Above invitation will be question bss as to whether thejHtllt t-l- 1tl yqtorado; t BRITISH ESCAPE DAMAGE sses throuchoot Germanv. f y - - . . Vew grou ndn, High Hchool, . . 5O0 Mat on NsviirHtios.tipmpeny.wilL use accepted.1"' . i announcement says that on Thursday a to-- ' Kopairs maiptonaace. . , , : 20,000 and that take any elhcial steers that , Uoveruor Plnkham will and Ths German reaplane? thrsir, a num the Francis- tiauify exclusively in Isl- to- bs asslstel Turkish warship, not named, mad a Might af imulaier nnklad sentiments PRESlOENiwilCOpMS' by .General and Mrs. Carter, Adininal fanitors' service and supplies.. 6,000 ber of bombs, bat thoss failed In every and waters as a feeder lor ths larger would bb on Karniture and fixtures. 2,fi00 slngle handod attack ujpon th Russian wards the United fitates SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION ' nnd Mrs. Mopre, Dr. and Mrs.. C. Ii...... ,. any damage upon vessels of the fleet. The'logie fMiiut of view , , Instance to lnflet wise. of this Cooper,.' Her aetary and Mrs. W. W. tf ' ..v.i.k v.. las Congressman UnroV : . , AT THREE IN MORNING Totals the British, although the reports of the does not appeal to Thayer aB, Captain and Mrs. Jnnves .,..,..4 89,000 battleship and sinklni two mine Uvara. ner or to the thousands of Americans Doughorty in this, : - air and sea battle sent out from Berlin and Tons To the Acre rec.iviug.at New Oorruty ' i th Oleg and Athos, Surcosr who are convinced that the sentiment WASIIINGTO-V- , Decemtof 14. To l. of Hawaii ' ' destroy- Year's Fve reception. . Ths reception .. . ., - - state that two of tho BrltlJi All should bn gives; so weight in a discus- lush an- electric, giving a sigruil Hil Union, sHldiilntial wings! 4 28,000 Greater tliari PrevioCis , button will be followed by a ball, to which ers were hit snd one other, convoying sion of the ability of the United States 'or openiug the Han Diego Exposition Walaaea kai, 1 additional rooms . x.500 three thousand invitations, in addition ' MT Ail Preai-en- I'apaikon, cottage , ...... , J,r00 fJMTVirVF f? IT Ysssel was set On firs. , tstlmates'- s to resist foreign attack. in the htginnlnK of the new tour, t to ,w'1w V 14 f 4y I W i VfaWi aAJ the general invitation, huve been Peieekeo, ad.htion of 1 room., 1,000 Notorious Wilson will be awakened before , - Ths British siuadron remained for American Weakness issued,: ,. v ... 'r . " ' rhroe iiVlof k Now, mnrniug., r' Hnkalnu, cottage v 1,800 WILL MARRY AN . Of mili- Year's He EDITOR three hours off the German coast In a PlJTKlMIBAn, Dteembor Ths weakness the American U .".-- Kapehu, 1 room. ; . . . ; .. re- viit punk the button at midnight, Pa ii V .;' ;. J,000 Kieff Is reported th be o( a tary establishment in certain vital t - known position, but no surface war- st ifle Lanpahooboe, . school- , ,, so no tlardner jjoast .time, which ia three a. lu. .t (AssoclaUd prsas limited chararter, particularly for sjo? spects is notorious that -- KNIGHIS.-TfMPLAR- house : 4.000 by fedora! WlrsUsa) .. ships put to sea to engage them. here, . : V.... i. goods. Any transactions of the kind investigation ia necessary to disclose 1 :.. 1.00(1 . 'i --J --U, Kalapana, room. WASHINGTON, December 28. The , CTOHAVEN BAtD 'PKUITtESS' ;ii sin all nnl simply for tho sot infec- it. The real utility of the bmpo" Olaa. eotta ge . 1 "00 tion of i.ninmliate wants. Fnrther, any inquiry will be to awaken American prineijial parties will coutont-in- : HEAD PASSES AWAY sngsgemeut of Miss Genevieve Clark,' ' tint Bti'lrh gvlators were unable tu that' be teakealanl, enlarge schoolroom t fresh purrhnaen of any kind in the wt) public, opinion to a live,- interest ia for the eontrol of the national gov- "aauhau,, cottage ...... 1.500 daughter of Champ Clark, speaker of give any estimate of what" damage - ' of large parcels of crude for future conditions whisb are frankly admitted ernment in 1916. The present cause (liiocliud Prm by rsdsraJi' wirslssa) ."anuUp. rqom...-,,,.-v,,.,;.(- ),riuo the house of representatives, to farces their bembs inRlcted at Cur haven, but iver.v on the part of speculators snd throughout the arny and bavy and for irritation with the Wilson admin- Kannpaln, eottage 1..100 Yorki oeit r ..;..,,.,. Thomson, TROY. 'n Decern - editor of th New Orleans the German reports say that ths raid wholesale dealers are Scarcely known; have been described In every annual istration is not so much that it i" Kailus, cottage .1..- 1... 'j,50U artieularly o aeeount of the iaiefi-uit- e report bearing on military subjects for eithet for no or a jfacArthur, a prominent news- Waiinea, Item, was announced yosterday. was a fruitless one, no damage being annoinent, for little building (ro. , . tone of the market, and want of years. ' ; a- paper model - ' the psat ten armament, or for big armament,, as publisher of this city and grand old sehooUiouse. for co$- i done1. ' MMtliiite ia tne ability th manu- - Toe nostosv pper royvri- - I hat it is neither for nor attaint any. inacter of th Grand Encamp ) ...... 4,001' , (Aisoctatad Prsaa by Tadsral Wlrsless) ' facturers te use th railways when sent, If On ChriKtinas Eve' anther Brltlih uie that aity by Secretary of the thing definite. While President Wilson oliala Jtomestead , . , , .'. , , 8Q0 Knights Terrplsr of ths Uulted SUtcs, ..... SAN FRAN"CI8CO, Decembor 28.- -- Royal Flying Corps lue time for delivery arrives. avy .Daniels, on Thanksgiving Day, remains so strictly neutral that he will avlitor, with ths ! A supposedly demented. As for 'the geneial sun t the sigar fn which. he ladicated indirectly that not allow his own subordinates to dis died, ler last night. tils death wss Total i .y. .'.4 82,800 Hindu nyntli; In Prsnce, raided Brnaself and droppea ".Ii"-fciinie- exploded a bomb , :a;Kpain, according to Information the administration considered it cuss not only the foreign military situ 4u to apoplexy. He was sixty in the apartsients four used as a tempi by members twelve bombs upon ths airship shoes from iumis ooarWs, the : war, plans thi New buildings B'i.SOO of th to .dlseass st ation but thnt of the Uaited Mates, years of age. ' . 4 No report damage In- in the various factories of the mated .the country he refusesvJo Repairs sad sct her last night, WUlng himself, ln- - there. of ths time, and iti that let the put lie know what. maintenance. . 3(1,000 stuthwest district is going on very waa pretty prspsrail for au thing any, .lanitors ami supplies..,.. 12,000 iour persina, snd wrepk. flicted has been received.' pei if Views he has on the matter ot ' - Ma'cArthur 'ii lng the interior of building, smoothly. The harvest of beet root pvr Bines that date the I'resideat has national defense.' All that Coiii(i-ess- Arthur was 'born Troy furniture aud fixtures. 8,000 th MTf.TTART AVTATOttS 'ACTIVE1 v Th nam of man dessiatiiie bus proved to !e rather bet tt, congress his tn which man Gardner and the men who are in ' J8.1l).' ; lie was' ediiemteif Tiij' N'w v.- the dead Is Louts tor orivinally ant nieaie vavera - persons wounded than had beeu estimated. same thing. Now there . defi- Total . ine by th Reports from ths various batu Se states the flVkluv to. hit support wlfh is a York Stat and bad published tho Troy iofi,800 explosion and the same can be auid of the ugt ( vk well elseWhore are Swaml TrtgnnatiU-- two fronU last night Indicate the mili- .nington, as as nite military policy definitely exjir.'ssod. that ' l- - Northern lludget siueo 1873; He had American women, one roiimui, u m wnom, jn country, extreiiil ts for prepare Reason for' "President's Position and man. Va.' tary have been as well ...... vu held vera approached Swami in aviators active, 1.1, r. v.. ncss and extremists jor various military appointments is ALL WAR AID MAY CEASE;: th ths " ne-- j is possible that ons reaxon for as the naval airmen. Yesterday Ger- reeling is (uuo opuiiusiic auu 11 is nesW. I'remdeut, however, seems It tho staffs of Ooyornor Levi P, Morton temple and threw a hat which con- The tho, president's position. 1h his IhiIi of 'dropped bombs lieved that the current rampaivn. fall to represent the group which believes tained the deadly bob at his feet. man Taubes at Nancy, tiii-- army snd Governor Frank 8. Walk, and be- WASinXOTOX DeeidierJO. Food, ing the unforeseen, will result 'very trying to avoid evil by shutting the in the sud the imvy. This Nothing happened, so before anyone While 'aeroplanes sublecten . . .. in clothing or any other commodity ; rrinch" natisfartorily for them. ..,.. miktrust has rx'en alnost putlx'y ex- longed todlie Presbyterian I hurch. which present realised was ' eyes to it or to the possibilities of would (n .what omirrng, a' bombardment! and s pressed .on w. the slightest degroo serve to Iadt to Brussels There is no difTerenee of importanre several .occasions, and Dusceuded from an obi family, hi) was Vavera picked up tiie , bomb . and Belies on Treaties ' on rsw, ' tre'Meudously prolong ths European war, as well as towns by ihs to note ..in iiotatiouv which remain of . increiscd br Ifevblu-tio- bounced in the platform twice mora othrr German held Ge- WaK-itigtoi- a. member of the Sons of tho it ttg-ure- tn i J'rotii,-den- nontraUnd, will be from export practically , as before. .The ex post , ,.Tl seems to 1e the belief the Vera Cruz incident, Whca tho t ?arred. without result, Th third Urns it 'ex rman' received similar attentions from Society of the Hecoml bv a bill introduced today by ' ' ' from the beginning of the cant that unless Preident Wilson, is found himself, overnight,, inakipa and the Senator ploded. ., , , ' Works. . Direct prohibition British aeroplanes,. On the sastern paign till first fourteentli Of Koveinlier S euiisummsts sctor snd has ap to dut a war for which be hud no stomach snJ War, with 'Great 'Britain. He was a of exnnrt NO reason can be found act views, .pay Wonbl include food, lelothing, supplies, '.. fqrh front the German machines were actlvS arhmmtod to flil.llW pood against dissimulated bis resl be is whivhhe did not luteml to be a war. (Uiity third degree jfr ou and held va- of th Hindu, and is ascribed to h ens sun-plie- s it th ing ques- - annsj ammunition, or or war over the Polish cities In field ot 6'il poo.U in the corresponding period no. attention whnlfver .to the He wished for a handful of men t becom- Workings of a dersnged wind which the - rious high odiees' in the order, nf sny kind, wbethor ,hs of last year for crude; and Xl.,:-- pomls 1 tmn of notional ilerense. appar- seise the custom bouse at Vers f iufc same be life) oporationa Most of the aerial activity lis contraband of war or not. caused him to' attempt the of tht iiooils for renneit sugar, etiwy places reliance ror peace pn to prevent the landiny of BmS en- - ing graii. I innhter of the .,mit 4ik.:ii nit ,;. leader of the sect for sorr.s real or was Confined to rscounolterlng, but na- - 1 HHH, ... '.-- ' ths 'arrspa or 4m per," atlier. tnau on signed to lluurt", and when the Inuib Encanipineni ii He hud boea fancisd grievsncs. , i ' , dropping of bombs was resorted to In S j . ... li;. '.j tioiial. phv-iea- J iitnew, ls other wqrds.'ing force was fired on and the oreu grand master of the National Encamp- ; UNNECESflAkT WORDS. " .4. .,; . ,.',;.;' T U A LULU IN UNC DAT 1 the President bus fallen into the c.ror 'pation of Vera became ' mmiier of cases. CUriC Oils' a mUltuy , Why waste words .and .advertising No further progress bss )en. madi of the nan who voufusct th nesescity nnvy. ment since 1013. .. , It was annoituced yesterday thai la t'Aic Laxative Urouio Qtiinine .armies tb' blamo went to the spare is describing the many, poiuts-o- f by the police in unrsvellina tlic fvJ-ter- the ! of war. . , ,. It is, Jikslv thatj there will be few merit in Chaniberlaio,'s Coturh lJemeifyJ which of N'at-s- ' surrouuda tho death to German aviator who All , ' addition ths Tabkts. drtilsts refund In this attitude' of the Sduiiuist ra- men symrothetic .with, the Gardner Mrs. Kellv Hrowh will accompany The fastidious arp ten your old .lapaiesn - isost satlsHmJ when Ililmtu, the flew over Dover on Christmas Day and t'u- iuhry if it fiiils to riirc1. tion frrivhte. pul'ticiniia see a live Uiovoment Mho w ill see Jiiiytbii-- I nt the re'iiiii'is of her late mother in liw, We stute that it eur colds end coiiubs boy, who wns run down and kil'ed ly dropped a harmless bomb, another flew I". W. tlrosc"? sijiialiirc is on is ee for the Itopnt. Ii.au p'irtv, in bsue a s'libt.erfulre In. Ihe eens,( th'it I'm , Mm. Annio .K. Brown, lo her former from any cause, and that It contains the. unknown driver of an fliitiVuo! 'i'. wlilcb ileiieuds on evruts in (tardier- b vo U ( will - o. er R 01 heater and scut a bomb earth- soniealist I'r.'HMiiHn slionld iu. boiue 'niubrldee. Ohio, She absolutely no narcotics or injurious siib-- ' on (.'hristmas Uuv. Coroner Av h ui'l EuroH, but which muy murk ttu Im viven anli (lernnin on Wi'.liclminn Wednes.lny stances. For by leti- - iiKpieHt . ward. This did ns damage. TAUIH ilKPItMK CO., Cl. Louis, V.8.X. Ultraiuvllla hii .lio sale all doalera. bold an over the body' of the portant d'fTireuc two . ' ' between tht liefs. morning. .. son Smith & Co., tgeuts for Hawaii, child tomorrow afternoon, 1

HAWAIIAN' GAZI'TTH, .TUESDAY, IXECtlMP.ER 2), :A')l4. -S- EMTAVE F.KLY. SIUHI1G VESSEL " MD IS THY DOLOKiliri JOIfIS UnniCAflE SWEEPS ! Honolulu Stock Excharr: II December S", 1H14. ' m cm distress I. s 1 1 'jiif j"i"Q i HOT BE LOCATED RED CflOSS KftU NAMS oe STOCK :err(. tfiflfJEfIT CflRPS DISTRICT OF PAID U VAL.

TO TUt SOUTH Ot MsaAnlTiis Alex SCHOOLS SYSTEM SOMEWIIE&13 barkentine InriRard 1 Rex Hitchcock, Graduate of Pun- - DQiriG BIG DAMAGE a luidw.n Ltd port, 'with her Loisi C. brewer A Cut.,.; Wl.uuu.uuui lUU.bU ud ahou and Harvard, Leaves. ' rigging damaged through meeting' with ' ' tu1Ak iisrp '. - . i i ,1;.".. j.nreiono 72', a aerie of hurricane . fwl. In the Bouts to Succor Wounded M4IHU ,. , ... Charles King Tfells Alumni That Beas, and her crew short of water and brawincs for Small Plots in Oahu ' Levelled, 1 1 1 . Miw. AarkriiYlural . t inn food. The tng Intrepid made a search Re Hitchcock flumes Are. Rooft Hnw G.m 4 Siif .Co IJI,M. ; of Honolulu and late Maw. fwis. 3 .iiio.iibm ," ; J ' Co..,..,, Prominent Educational Insti- fof tha Vessel last night and returned ;and Kauaf Bring 0u' iriduate of Harvard University, the Blown Off and H. A Cane H'mAa. lilM).llill l shortly I ifonomn ija.uuu I4U ' after ten o'clock, after meet, 912 football tack an.l Int.. tlo.. but inn with no (Oceans. attempt ' ' HutrHinon Suiar tution Is a Failure Another Many Applicants .;: vard'a pitcher, has joined the Red ;'. Suffers Greatly 1'l.inlatiofl Co.... t.vvtni will be made to locate the distressed curps Knhikii . . jiiirx ami is pronanl ' la active vesRel at daylight tbl morning. service now at 1 : KrkihtSutar Co... I.Jiii.iiiiI the front. 7 l.ill l..! Captain Traak of Bono-m- a, tha iteamer JUDGE STUART, Mews reached here yesterday that he Mri,V.1S,C.Lli 3 VlrKI If. "4" phADUATES TURNED OUT NEWCOMER SUGAR IK whlclt (teamed for the Antipodes at lad loft Cambridge for New York with LOSS WILL REACH 8ilili Smsr to. 5.0il ' three o'clock, sighted the vessel four, E. It. Barron. 'IS. a Sustf Co. Lid. 5 i in J' V UNABLE TO FACE WORLD at IS HEIR TO LUCKY NUMBER former I .' flf-te- AT LEAST 1500 TONS fuia-'t- fifteen o'clock yesterday afternoon, of the Harvard Lamiioon. to Join the P.nhu5i; i 2.i ftil miles to the southwest. He lent Red Cross ranks. ! v. rilK., ll Pais lim! a radio . messaga to Superintendent la possible It that they may be Prpeekrn v 7' Speaker Savs Blame For Low James W. Robertson of the Oceania Selection of Parcels ' Thursday chosen to drive or accompany the High Kona Winds Played Havoc MARTNE TIDINGS Pioneer Mill Co.... 4(iixi i'ij 'A eteamshlp Company, stating tha ves- t antnmobllni 11,. 1. Waialus At. Co..., 4 ' ' I'M; K Office ' thf : By MatckanU' fetrtian: W.niiisuSiisar Co.. 3,i'i ttn )'',. i., Standard Rests.Solely.Upon' sel' position and that the captain of Morning in Land and planning to aond to the Red Cro In With Telephone System of Waimanitla v .... L' . Wa.-- .. 1 a . . ' tha Irmgard waa flying algnala ot dis- iV r.urwiK-- mry DHve Den aftx.Rneil to ' Saturday, December SB. WaiiilcaSuaMin, lAutx Idi 149 r Kapaa Courthouse dept-tme- nt V .' iiiuuiiiuciciii ruuuy tress. the which iff in rharjta uf ; West Hawaii "'. Ran' Franciwo Arrived. December MiscaLUlNou ' - (liirflnai nl -- 0 The Irmgard wa bound frem La- 'IS nnf.U. 21, noon, 8. 8. hence Dee. 10. , a ' " MuuinTi rm vui v. Pierre, rHikePeJPCoLtd. vnka for San Tranclsco and ia out ev4 the Harvard .Hitchcock J okohama Arrived. December 24. 8. y.i One numlrel hnd elchty appli-- Imoon. and Hi.kFPCoCo Tkiloi Charie Inspec- cnty - three 8. Cbioa, Haw. King, former M'hool nlne day today.- Tha veasel la Barron rorrexionieui with him before ' George Tf. benee December 12. Elcclrit Co... ft) imn na cants for homenteada were given num- leavinor ik,niw.k Kober ton has toceived Haw. Irr. Co. Llit .. ii "bomb well known here, having been for many nn.l it- k:.Mm jiiiim-i..n.. - Mombiy, December 21. mi tor, threw h into the recent ber at the land draw;hg held in Q. Haw.rineaprle Co. 7im nun 34 Franr.laco-Uonolul- u the ence word'from W, Ogg, manager of the ? ' year in tha San . that they derided to join in belo-- 1 Portland, Ore. Arrived. , Deeemiier Hilo R. H. alum til gathering at the Kamehameha ofllre of the rommissioner of pdhlle, . . U l id.. IM Ml trade during palmy wind- 11 ,' Hawaiian Agricultural Company 20, Kinross-shire- , HiloH . Co.Cimt tha day of lands for the twenty lota recently ir wonnueti sniniers. at Pat ship hence .Novem 1 eeliools, the echoes from which are three HitehCfWik - T . H'moliihi Brrwini jammers. A report wa ctirrent on tha fntarhA. . Tr...H.1 1MI .TT ber XI, - ; opened in llnlekoii VVnikaluakal and ..VI .Bll hala, that a terrific storm swept the Malting Co. Lid 5no.nmJ 10" tTH 14 runibliuir vet around tha elaasie halls waterfront Bight Knotao-poko- School thla fall and Barton been Hon. last that tha foremost Wkiahliin, DlMrict bf , bad Kan district Docember 20, 21 and 2i OanCo. Ptd... r.( in im of the vessel had been blown her. working on Boston paper. Several Hm. Oat Co. Com. lit) ".'IKalibl war. Mr. King minced, no oat of thi inland, the drawing taking PORT OF HONOLULU. H.R.T.4 L Co Ci.im li .. i The wind cam n (oitthwcfct I.J"7." , .,., Harvard seniors, who will ba graduated from the f". " place nine o'clock N.Co I4TI 4'," words about what he had to aay, which at yesterday morninfg. Bt have knd t" midyear planned to go abroad, developed to a hurricane. pume4 :'- Mutual TeL Co..... iriiiiSiiiiu1 I1" ...., Carl A. Christlanadrf Was the first ap- - v ,' AKRIVED. . O, H. L. Id effect, that kaiuehameha 'was and It ia possible the: con- Co Ik I N ,1.1 plicant to that whole were leveled, roof blown off, and in Pahan Hub. falling In it work anil wa turning draw a number and Margaret tingent will form Str. Manna Kea from Hilo, 7:30 a. Co.... in t II GERMAN K. Hchulmel.tter drew No. 183, the last Harvard division one instance a laborer' quarter lifted TanjoniOlokkCo.- j.yiii loore upon the community a ntimler of COLONY and use the four ambulances' by )...., number in the list. Judjre Thomas li. sent ', graduates unable to faae the world college ' frem its foundation and moved twenty Htr. Wailcle from Hawaii ports, 4:30 Bouds Amt. Otll- 13. the ia the Red Cross work. ' - Stnart drew No. Aa each applicant p. sunitine of a lack of education. Rel Hitchcock la ann nt U W or . . . ',, i - m. will be privileged to two tha thirty feet Hamakua D. Co. e lUU.UUui take adjoining tr. Claud Maul porta. 12:30 Haw. lots, Judge Htuart may yet be Hitchcock of Molokal. The young man ' ine, from Com. AS, Co. dona out Tallow Caledonia Held llnrt . ' ' . . ,.7..... V What 1 Winhad to bring forcibly be- HOIJOMILOIIS mm very a l. i ; i , ( ( 100 nopniar at, from " .'., HXW. ' of hi chance should the first eleven ap- mnabou, '' Irt. CO. .... IUU.UUU: trustees 1 bar-ve- st Str. Mikahala. from Molokai port. fore the and the toachore plicant take twenty two lots and John which institution he graduated and in The fields of cane ready for the llaw Ter. 4 p c (Re (be neces-iit- for raining the whose 1:18 k. tn. lundinc Mfti ..... standard W. Wilrfon, No. 12 On the Hat, take the atbletlc he took aa active part. wera leveled by the wind. Mr. Of 8tr. Kinau, from Kauai 2 ilO Haw.Tn4afP.ISA. l.&UU.UUU Kauiehiilneha," said Mr. King twenty-thir- , ', port, Haw.Ter 4pcP lin. lot. Ogg' first estimate la that the planta rn. ..,-- .. when askciF regarding hia Crews tof Interned Geier and War There were eighty apjHeahta for the K. M. Coelho, 87 Thoma M. . Kelil. ,v ,,.,.'.-Btr- RerMMll-yl3.,- .. njirech. n,ot tion ha lost between 1000 and 1500 tV". O.'.IIall, Kauai ports, Haw. Ter. pc... l.oni.iai) "1'erhap I did : Pis-tric- 88 M, from 4S ' six lota in Kapaa Aiauka (Kapoiil), t Perry Pmeot, 89 Annie Voeller, ' ' Haw. Tet. 4 p e. . choose exactly the time oc- Bound K.. ton of sugar. The Yellow Caledonia 25 a,1 an. I.W).I) rt)it and Merchantment Enjoy Of Kawaihau, Kanal. ... ; McHhane. J J. R. Davl 92 Haw. Ter. s pc. I.M4,UU casion to my Bchr, Helene,'.: from Eolllngham, 3:30 HiloR make views plain, but the Selection of Lots Thursday J noma llonan, t., 93 Loo ( how, 9-4- fields were badly damaged because the tt.pcdasu , wh Christmas m irl mu ...... 1.00Q.OW affair ad alumni'dinner, sort of Entertainment The lota Kaili Ewaliko, 95 Wong M. aeleetlnn of the both oil this 8ov, 96 straight, erect etalka of thla variety Htr Hilo R. Co. Reft family gathering, at which thing of Wand 'will Wallace R, Farrintton. B7 Louia Wilhelmtna from Hilo, 8:40 a.m. a) F.ato. Com.6., i,Sm(W and in Kauai take place Denli. I are very brittle and off' when a Hoy a HtHKibaa rj most Importance to the family ahould Thursday, December 31, at hine o'clock K. Hutchison, 99 James K. (nap Str. J'rince from Colon, 7:40 a. 8 Co. Sp t a,.ia ai 75 blow" . . Hon (iaaCo.Ltd. & 3!).i La discussed, and 1. know nothing more Olds. i . sudden bit them. The Lahaina Every Seaman, From Highest to in the morning. er the Oahu lota tne 'i H.inR d.l . Htr. Sonoma from San 0:20 rLCobt Important to Kametiamcha than to have selection will be made in the office of 100 ElKsbetb. Auld, 101 Charles L. and Rose Bamboo fields were not badly Fraaciseo, Kauai R. Co. a.... 4hO ix tim Ha Cory, 102 Kohnla IMtch Co. brought to atteution its complete -- ""lowest,' the land department, Capitol, arjUror Edward O. Olendon, damaged. These Mtllryd- - "' Receives Present two varieties are mere' Schr. Flflurcnee Ward from Midway, S. Co. as Inn llii failure." thoe in Kauai, in the court house in Mulleitner, 104 Ben Deniz, 108 Mutual TeL s.;...,-Natmtia- ; recumbent In their habit of growth and 0:45 a.,m. . ZtllOIO.t.. School atuna"..,.,,'.,Balow ' Typical : . Kapaa. . ' . . , Thos.' L. Andrews, 106 John R, Col- .Y jk.; ,. Con. CanafJtv of Islands K. I4.is.i., ' 1 off, . O L. Co. 5 p c At, nine Thursday.,..:.,'., lins, iff David, L. 108 Rich-ar- d the case doe bot break readily. Htr, Manot from , 41:20 2.imi.in know from my experience a'cloek morniria Desha, Oahu Ptii. Co. loj t that . Ipt l.7!no'....,. the graduates of Kemeliameha are not the applicnnt who drew the first number Clark, 109 Maikal Aloiau, 110 The Christmas ktorra we probably Olal Sii).ar Co. 6 PC tiUU,UUU,....L.,.., will '.be, called and he will hia Elmlra KnlanOkalani, 111 har)e ptr. Shinyo 'Mau "from Yokohama, PmiIic U, Fcrtiliitf as should be All warbound sea- make Lai worse than that of last February, which ' Co. 4W.(ttJ...'.. fitted they to face the the German navat selection Toung, 112 4i80 p. m'. t v , ...;,. .JlOlH ef the lot or lota' he wishes Robert Munch, 113 James 8. i do, They destroyed 1000 augar.. . PacdN Mill Co fcotk they are expected to men, ' about ton of (Viol I,.- - from the captain of the interned to following A. 114 H, ; Son take, which .the applicant Punohau, John Grace, , CEPAiTED. ... cannot meet the competitor of the 115 (...,,M Co. 1 p c trniser Oeler to the last stoker in the next ik order Will .do Ilk ew ine and so Mariar D. Cummin's. .116 Storm Bad at Kawaihae . ,, Ptr. Hilo. p. rlooe ).'0 I) (ttatluate from Punakou or from the Kilauea for 3:19 m. San Carlos M. Co PC "" VI u- t engine en down, the list while iota are avail George R. Clark, 117 Joseph K. Clark, Mai-t- l Waiaiua ....ts u.iri.i...1 u:u -i - i i - m rootri, and the member of the Hutchinson plantation i ex ftf. Anyo for .Yokohama, 4:Zft iui ...... J W...IVW., MM., ,o , lots' A.Cto tJ: ..'W ihm able. . bheuld any applicant , fail 118 Emma 119 Wil- . , to Kanawhliwall, m. i ,, ,t , .,: ' , . great pity, because Kamehameha Is the German merchant marine now finding t '.i. answer when hi ar her name is called liam Hanpit, 120 Frank Gouveia, 121 posed to southerly storms, and there ' titiikhing school for the iVtr. Sonoma fW Sydney, 3 p. m. , Between Board Hawaiian. refuge in Honolulu were the recipients the neat one la order will b .privileged George Bungo, J22 Frank O. Pulaklko, wai practically no damage to its fields ' F. Judd, one of the in Btr, Koy al I'rlnce for Yokohama, 4 I. I. fl Co., 141,0Oj ."A. trustees, of Cbristmh to step and hia own 123 Koon " X 6, Pabang Eub. remembrances last night make er her Hing Chang, 124 Wontr Pa, property.. The iiavoe ' ' -- hia ti and storm played . . ' ., '.i Co., address to the alumni, Said 126-rM- '.f.i-i 5,.io.oo; the ' that at a (election. .' i . ', 125 Henry ,JL , Williams, ary school waa dol- celebration ia the Phoenix Lodge with telephone lines, not only la' Kan Htr. Likellke for Kkal porta, S p, m. i . Seaaien ' pendihg three hundred Twelve application were 'rejected Wong Chong, ; 127 Antone O. Law- Salea lar A year per sat.l, hall at Ecretania and Fort (treets. ' Str. Claudine for Maul Dorts. 8 r. m. 11000 Kohala Ditch 8a, 90.00; pupil. .1 that the yesterday because .of being faulty and rence, 128Edward Teters, 129 Earle and tbe.Koba,' but especially in the Pahsn v Str. W. a. for Kauai porta, 6 p.m. Rub. CO., pupil were aot getting anything near the entrance to the building, the one arrived during afternoon, too B. Cook. -- Vicinity was Half 5, 10.00; II. C. 8. Co, lo, the V of Kawaihae. That port .' t 11.13. , . ;, ., three hundred iuxtrue-- '. - - ' dollar worth of ' hall and stairways lodge Inte to be taken into eonaideration, 130 Henry R. 131 A. " PA8SEXQE&BV" 1 ti and the big Warren, Mat Cut of touch with Hilo for three flay, : : .'.T, . Ketlea tloa. 3'he school ha a magnificent which Had Application In Pocket ., Kibling, 132 John P. Kahahawai, 133 ' Arrived. .' '," n t ti mnA k la.Rh 1 . .... lallr bad bee a secured for the wire being down ia all direction, JJeeember 1914. Several hour after the drawing took 134 23, rly vote ef the - P. 0.' Atkins, John H. ; .. , .,, Per Mautia Kea. Hito.' Doe. 1,1 grad-ttato- a occasion, were decorated with ibe tn- atf. from board of director of itonolulu fllog away below capacity. Ita placet K. Aylwand called at the land 13-- C. .fa. Hrewintr Wise, Hannah K. Brohn, 136 28. Mrs. , K. W. Thomiwon, Tsun- - are doohied to twined Star and the German office It. A, Malting Company, Ltd., on tho K .'n i almost curtain Stripes, and asked to, be informed, what Kendo Nishl, 137 John W. Kalaukoa, oda, M Ch.ioilJ.r7 Mjis M in - m p W K W inst., a special dividend of per tliure failure these day of keen eooipetl- double eagle and the; flag of IlaWa-iia- n nnmber he had drawn for the Windward 13fl David P. Keawekaku, 139 if I hp i the John mi rnflr Clougb.'Mr. W. Napier, ind ehild, waa payable Decern ber i;4, '' ca aeciareu, ; monarchy. Peitoona bf green' 8. Walker,. .do Fries, 141 Miss Napier, V. J, Hen , ', . JflUIV r Wet, J K. Mi law.., Up-- " ' "Von 'didn't draw anv number at 143 LUbrlD :,,'.., ...... lay Blanc raeulty" ' Sallle Trak. 142 Samuel Kaal, mm M. Wolff, Miss P. . ' were draped acroH the rdorh erfcr the ' Wolff.. December 1, 1914 Comiilvlna; ' ' all, W. A. Englo, chief f staff, inform K. Cockett, 144 Jamca C. with I lay the Wain to the fact that the - l'er str. Kinau. from Kafuai ports, the new loua rows (haded ed him. were even apiili- ; ' Internal lie venue Tax Law of table, anil and "You not an Crane. ,: B7.--- Kal-nan- faculty, as a rule, does not take the - December Pah On. D. P. levying colored lights east a light cant." ,. ... . ,:. ''.';.'.. 1 J tax of it a hundred dollars s softradiant v 145 JVC Ciuney, 140 Arthur AS R f i'etber-ston- X Mr.. TO EPUTAT 0 S Mrs. K. Dishaw, J. B. ui iiiiurcmi ia ine ecnooi, . . C facat value on stocks, same Will be ovef the scene. ."Yes, wa,' replied Aylward, with Piilani, 147 Wong Yen Chung, 148- -r Inuj'or or it pupils. Too ofte. conviction, my applica Master Mahikoa, Miss Mahikoa, (barged in all instances to the seller. Kaiser la Toasted - "and haven't M. M-rs- tri h Whn( An Lucy Koelline, Mrs. O. W. Mahikoa, , Ida Mahikoa, tehi Ihov tint my fish-- d Ro, tion in pocket," with which he 150 Nellie G. Wright, 151 lames K. V. themselves knew, ami as a voiiaequeure Pehted atound tables in the center sealed euvelope. ') Kawasaki, S. syaunuia, In Kwai. F. out a Kulike, 152 Arthur B. In(ralls, 153 Trowbridge, the piiplla waste the formative yenr Of of the ball were tha Jailor of the ' took some time to explain Tells Judge Dole Applicant For Mr., F. Trowbridge' Mim ' It nle Wong Lum, 154 Hairry 8. Decker, 153 K. thii, liTea. i And this is Ueier, (urrbuttded by hundreds of M. Campboll, tieorge Ho, Kato Um luiuentabK that the application should have been Maria L.,8ea, 150 Richard 8. Kellv, fMflOfl Id POET If the Anglo Kaxon ebild, with ge friends, comprising practically the eh in wa opened Citizenship Has Better Char Neves, Allen Wilcox, fraocl (Jay Mr. it before the box for tbo 157 Henry V. .Brown, 158 John K. tire German eolony of Honolulu. Over . Martin, Nakaya. ' of heredity auit ' " environment, drawing. 4 loll '' ' - ' one side offi Maunakeo, Frank Alexnnder. aiiiist receive sue-6vi- l, at sat the German naval acter Than Some Jurists I'anNenger arrived from Yokohama the training it doe to ".Weil, that a one on me, kid," aaid 161 cer, I'bnsnl ftodiek and the more promi , , '160 Cbkrles Costa i'harles D. per str, Kbiuyo Maru, December XH. bo much more imimrtiuit ie it Aylwafd, aa he took his leave.. . Rea, 162 Cyru T. Creen, 1C3 Wopg C. AHEAD that the Hawaiian, ehild ahould nent member ef the German colony. Terms , H. Bredhoff, K..Fuiii, i. Fujisawa, receive of Purchase '.v.: Kun, 1B4 Royal M. Pease, 165 John ai proper hool training. Consul Rodiek made a abort address. The Oahn lot are all near Kaneohe consider the applicant' metal T. Murakami, Mra. T. Murakami. An- "I I . - formally Hell, lno Moelkeanu Kekua, 107 ' J aav Graduate Not Out opening the evening' celebra- and , is 'very valu- i'aasoniwr arrived per atr. Manoa Bounded the land considered tonio Paaka-la- , character to be "better than that of bia official , J. GOrtsalves, .188 John "Alany Kainehameha graduates ean- - tion, and ia capacity pro- able. , These lamia, were appraised aome ' from Ban Francisco, December 28. posed Ger- 169 Jhme I). Voohg, 708eiji soma judge kn6w., ',, 'i lull ,miI II Iwla.ulu n.l 11 .. I Km the toafet to tna Emperor bt ago appraised I Adaon, T. W. Ballentyne, Mr. T. O. Watson Steamer Reaches Hono- - time and the valuation t)kubo,171- Ai ' many. . thaoe cheers -t Charles Btewart, , huve not the grounding in man- - After this rousing runa from fifty to seventy dollar an 172. This was not It wa Hallentyne, W. If. Blacow, Mrs. W. II. their com- Maify OMa, 173 Charle E. Frasher, training tlieV nholild were' given..' Captain Baahou,' acre, The lota will be taken on time a conclusion f k made UUcow, B. Illu.n, Walter M. Caatld, rllulu H6ur$ Berore She Was cal receive before 174 Mrk. M. E. Oahkel. ';;-- fat, statomekt a 1. l . m. mander, of , . gram-aiexi- . the Geier,. responded with payments, five tier eent f the purchase gently eoavlnciniily by Lucas Fred L. Castlflt O. A Chase, 8, A, ur,j arc i ney eannot proit 173 l76---A.''- but Jack; ; 5 tk,: a Ho- elev-tio- "William W. Tyior ; Doe and Op quderatand - toast to the hospitality of the price down at the time ot ten in Jthe court whea be Cheney, Mias Florence M, Davidson, L. :' Titi erly the text books,- the Peter, 177 Ben Haal.ee, federal yesterday li ninu I InBiiu.iiida Anil nolulu Germans, who. bud assembled to per cent in one year and tea per cent up u - Kvana, Jan. r ield, Mia (loldie Unrney, tlit ...nU.n.4 179r-rKa- stooa oojore dire aa a wit- . . lft , : ISO J lyle honor to countrymen l FoghHy, Naauko, -- , ' leal worka it ia neeeaaary for them to fay their end a year thereafter until the whole bes for HuRh MaeNUel, who (ought Miss (,'auicrine liliil, Kobt.. llomer, who had Jehhie Bungo, 181 Albert .Y. Gehr, 182 ' provided them with a real amount has been paid, with Interest at to be a o- - Kmil Korets, H. I. Kurisake. Mrs. had such fine weather aad the study in tne carrying out practiiially of - naturaliacd a citizen; tha "Wa Christmas celebration while from Wong Tobg, 183 Margaret K. Schul- ' ', .. . far the rate of aix per cent a year on the United Btatea. . , , ; . Orace H. Iebo, Mr. . Jerome Meara, good speed ineir manual (rawing. ( ship Manoa aiade such that upon - mrtinter.1' .. .' ,, graduate are too boaie aud .friends,, Culling his aupaiil balance. The building of a ''.: ' 'Mr. Lucks, what do you know of ladies i'eddle, C. H. Turaef, It. F. Wella, ..'The turned. out gallant' respouae, Tha Kauai Drawing , I couldn't ace any reason fo loafing yottng, one thing, crew for. a Captain home, fence, the planting of tree, culti- tha applicant's good moral character K. Yoaliida, I Ah Leeng, Mr. A. B. for and they are hot ltRHhoff led Kulae, 8 Mannel Ri Agnlar I" off all night ao 1 came along in.N ' three thunderous cheers, vation and. bona Ada residence .during a ..... , , , . Cole. ', '., . jort well trained a far a they go, for an- - 3 rjohnny .8. KajHiea, 4 ked Judira Dole. ',' which mint have found their way to tem of years are. among the condition Jr4 Anton as bood'as of the average I'assenirer arrived per Btf." Sonoma Thea did I'fcrtaia J. O. Youtigren ex M. 6ouza,' 5 Satsuki FukiimoJ,e,; fl--r "It's that the hearts of those who wtye entertain- exacted ny the irovernment to. be com- your wjit- for Honolulu Hyduev and way porta. plain reason Mat-tu- rained and the course must be length- , - ciUxen, honor," answered tha the fur the liner ing them. .. ., Joha Otuellas. . , ( plied with by the homesteader. DBBB. .. 1 , T. II. Ac Ma ml, F, Basaett, Mra, K. A. ened, if the object of the founder of 7 .IiOtilsa - Sheldon, arriving twelve hoors ahead of time. ,. liev. Mr. tngelhsrdt, of the The number aad nainea drawn yester- Mr,. Hera.lt, E. C. Borgheae, Mr. K. K. Bor- - , the school are to be carried out, .' 'What ';.,'i( bis profession TV further With aboilrd German Church, gave a wera. aa Clement, George Brooks, 10 Ail Tal A.-W- . nearly iiw tons of farge ' ' ' 'Lutheran then day fullowa: .".?t,, - Hoy n ton, Mia L. Biilsaou, queried .the jurist. ...i- ..,',' guB, x Lack ,'Men Behind , Yau, , 1 F. Bettent-our- l Jr.i g- and twenty-si- passengers, the uiuj,nity Oun'.; short, forceful address, 'eulogiring the For the Oaba Lota 11. l- a carpenter, and a good one Mies E. A. Bull, Alia. W. M. .Cral.be, German marine, and. proposed k toast 1 Carl A. Christianaon. 2 Steuben Joaqulm de iHouxa, 13 Joseph Tfunes, "lies of whom were lloiiolulaim, tlie Ahuiu.i "We have tried to impress this iipon at that; been working tor nie-- long A. Cnrtner J. pebat, J. H. DiuhL Mias to wa hnd Aehong, 3 Smlddy, 4 W. Malloy, 15 Carrie, F. F.-If- dorked at.l'iot 3 shortly alter sevcu it. He heartily applauded, G. Mr. J, J. time'," asserted Mr.-Lura- . .' ,. Joaa luke, Dyer, U. KlTer. Mrs. ' - - The voyage ox : d 1 the tailor cheered him. . v James- Awaawa, Kooning, Bettencoilrt, 16 Mr. Gloria P. Tevei, 1 K. o'clock last ulbta- an in conrlni'jhg them, dope ' . ' Well, 'a kmory, Walter B. Flkch,. liev... D. " ' 17 Mrs. Fanny Kalhif, 18 Mrs. Harah a carpenter morkl character the wa a smooth au( plcux.tut that my plain talking before the alum- Oifta Ai - Malie K. Traak, Miller, should Fouhy, Mia D. tioldacker, W. J, llaana, I'acliu 'Xmu fot 19 be as good as that of a Judge," one. i Kiichi Bugihara, 9 William C, Moore, Walaleale. Manuel P. de Hilva. K. 11. Christmas Day .was celebrated ni, maay of whom knew that I wa The Royal Hawaiian band, which wa opined Judge Dole, (troking hia fine, Hartman, Jbo, Hawks. J. c. 10 Olando K..Auld,. 11 James E. K. Kemlki, 2) Albert Ileighway,' A U. Hopwood, B. O. ijinn, at aea. Chief steward W ilmnrtb made eaklng the truth, will have aome good in attendance, then played German flowing beard. . , v... '.'. : 13- John Kaleo. 22 Mrs. Johannah Ebin elaborate preparations before the . Hamilton. 12 John W. Wilson. Mini L. Iievins, Key, McAuley, Mrs. effect. Lucas . J. hrintiiia carol aad Germaa medley. Thomas 14 Mary Abeooc, ger, 23 Loul KapotO, 84 MM. Alice did not hesitate. left Han Francisco a joyful an I V There i a splendid equipment B., Hteart,: hi oral is K. Mct ornuck, O. Mc for tit While the distribution of Christmas 11. 25 Mary I. consider tha applicant's ' Kemehameba, men l!i Harry Uregaon, lfl Georjre M.. Rodrigue, Mr. Perrelra, i'ormlck, T. McKnery, o. f. McFarland, merry Chrlnttnas. A gaily decorated but they lack ,the to the German, mariner" began. - character to be better than that of rifts I'anir, 17 Harry K. Guildford, Hi Wm. 0 John Mendee ,lr., 27 John Ka- it. m. tree waa set Iq the main social hall n t behind tha gnus.". 11 t. (onie know,M Lucas. McLreiian, i'. Mcuutiian, Alex '. Kveryone wa remembered,! from. rat H. Donnelly, 19 Mosea 20 poro, 2H de Bilvfc, 29 judges I said Mr. each ..; Akawa, Frank PlnU , Mardonald, J as. Morton, Misa M. A. of the passengers received k'n" to lust. presents been given l Judge Dole aiuiled. 1 .; The had Kmil N, Hutchison, 21 John 11, lirown, John Rodrigue Jr., rVrrelra, Mvrlek. It. Xathan. Mra. II. Y. Nnl.le. which were amUMiug in character. iiuc-In- by were i The applicant wa (worn in as an the HomduHi Germans, and Henry C. Ulii, Jr., 23 Haylme Mu- 31 Mra. Maria Teixeira, 32 Arthur O Mtsa r'arrott, John Patrick, Mrs. and other forn.a of amuselnetit were . , Ji I'eri. intended .not only a Chrintma gift, .. - Kbiue-er- American eitizen. ninrnmno nr nmii rakami. ,.-.'-- ' j RanolOt 43 William 84 Joe Mia M. I'riUman, U. II. Richardaoa, Indulgsxl la and at the roacluFinu of but a reminders and of the S ouenirs 24 Harry W. Anld,-2- Pe Witt p Teixeirn, 35 Antone Teixeira,; 86 Mme. K. Haaaolla, J. It. 8aundera. 11. the events of the duy, ( aptuin Voun'-re- ur ocrBNion. . Kuch German seaman FORTY-FIV- uintuiuno uanu fe Dixson. 26 William Vanderford, 27 ' Robert Pnukl (Judge), 87 Mrs, Rosle E PALLBEARERS Heefeldt, Justice Khand, II. Htokea, Mra and (Ihief Hteward Wiiuiaitli wcie ceived some article typical of Houo 2-- 38 Hick Kekona Diamond, 8ip Bettencourt Jr., , harhe Eblnger, Htoke, II. Vernor, H, Warner, W voted cute; . . Hawaii--jewelr- y, FOR FUNERAL J. J. princes of tainer. lulu or (inokers' ar - RI0RDAN Pong. Jlr Hafry- Lee Kwai, Jr., 30 30 William Rodrigue. .;. White, Mrs, White, Mr. J. K. Wood, Captaia Youngreu ia temporarily iu tides, , suaving necessities er other Hugo CKoelllng, H. 'ra-sie- 40 Manoel Correa, 41 Mra. Julia K c, melius, Misa command Manoa while POLOIIGOIIE - Air, iunua. of the Cuptuin men 'a gifts, bearing the Hawaiian 32 -- 33 (Associated Press by Federal Wirelosa) - Chun Fat, David Naeolo, Opio, 42 Alfred de Souaa, 43 Apela e i - XMpartedi '; lltary Weedea la a thiity-du- slioie memento 4t -- as k of ibe 34 Henry O. Vlda, 8S George E. Koajii, 44 Joha tpio, 45 Mrs. Marie AN FRANCIROO, Deemhet 2- 8- leave, t.'aptalu W'eedeu la. awperiii. casion. Per atr. Claudine. for Maul port. f Ward, 36 Chun Bow, 87 liebeeca H. Ferrelrn, ,46 Manuel Rapoxa Ventura, Oblaf Justice Sullivan of tha aoprem l.uter-pila- , Reside each sailor waa present Dee. Sk Mr. and; Mr. Henry Krumb, tendiaf tb overhaulluir of tlia this Johnson, 8 J. Coopeh - 47 Mlntluieh, 48 o Cha. Mrs. Maria 'aesnr court, of California bead the list af Master Couain, which la laid up iu Hnu Fraucia-c- ed with a package of sweet and either 8 Ada La Kwai, 40 Angelina K. Clement, 40 A u Koa Yen, 50 An .Mr, II. D. Couina, Company,: at their meetlug Saturday, v The vessel is having aew boilers a Honolulu pennant or a Hawaiian flag, Coelho, 41 G. forty-fi- pallbearer who nil! officiate Mis Annie Correa. Iecember 1.0, voted to continue trie E. Warren Marshall. Yuee ;honir, SI Mrs. Maria de Souta, and engine liutalled, fuel the predominating idea throughout be' 42 Ingild 4.1 Isaari Archbishop A'I'lituiaul jiaymeut of divideuds at the rate ef I'ovelsen, M. Cox, 52Mra, Daisie Keyse, 63 Harry G, at the funeral of Patrick tanks are being played in the Vermel to Ha- Kai-llWa- i, one-hal- ing to make the event a strictly 44 N. Wood, 43 Haina 64 Au f of on per cent a month until Jonathan Goiielman. Solomon Opio, 55 William. Eiordaa, wboa death eccurr4 enable ber to make the trlangulur run waiian remembrance.' 40V Edwanl X Kauai, 47---Lot Hon, 56 Masayukl Takemoto. 57 further notice. The directors took this ' Tal yesterday. The funeral will fee held ritUREtlCE WARD BACK from ffab Francisco to i,iluouluu via Nalona) Air Are Sung K. t Lane, 4H Alexander L, de Fries, Au Ting, 58 Rapoza Tevea, ' action, reserving the right t dincon- -' Tai Joe , , .,.,.. . re-fr- Seattle. l)urng the distribution of gifts 4 Kichard L. Leach, 50 1'atrlck 11. 59 ' ' ' .: beat Thursday In 8t Mary 'a Cathedral. any ahould Jose Jalinno. s tinue the dividend at time hm en phased ; pro-- Among the returning Manoa paused-gcr- ts and beverages wore llurnette,. H. Beadle, fi2 60 Mrs. Lizzie llalnole, 61 .Tule Many other leading kualnes atid . conditions appear unfavorable, J. , Mr. Mra.-T.U- Uullen-tyae- , the- . was en- William K. 53 were and 11 - to funds,.' The big ball Isaae, Nathaniel Rapozo, 62 An J low. '65 Jonn men among4 MIDWAY ISL1H0 uncus said yeaterday that the di- Tai feaJonal ai tha pailbear. FJ.0M .who have beea mitkisg an ex- d tirely filled with peorde, and mstiy were 54 Xavler Aloiau. : i Vivelroa Jr., 64 Alexander Koon Yee, ' lee ton considered the development of ara. tended tour of the rStutea. . i - unable to obtain seats at the tables. 55 James K. l'aele, 56 Loe Tal Rodri-gne- s ''';''."'";'' .'''.'. w I. the- plantation 1 more important at 65 Fred Mendes, 66 Antone ;.'t .. M. 5H - Walter Castle and rte.t 'Cauda During the evening and at the close Sing, 57 t'aroline Cluuey, Joseph Rente,- 67 nrv thin time than paying out tig dividends Daniel P, llano, are member of a la'Ke luitMii tiujr flrin of the celebration the assemblage ung K. Adams, Casey; 60 Mar- Thomas Sheldon, liB Mrs, Mnrla IN After carrying a cargo of good cheer to tuo enarenoKiers. '. , . SHERIFF'ROSE CALLS btco. , shall N. 01 Louisa K. Adams, ? ia Kan Franc Tbcy will spend the -'. -- tb various Germaa national air. , Johnson, R. Rapozo, TO Minnie Malloy, Commer- ,- to lh employe of the Pacific y, winter here, . " 62 William V. Htorey, 63 John C, An- Kathrlna Jose,' . 73 In Koon Kin, - POLICE COMMISSIONS ' ' t Kea-lohau- cial Cable Company at "Midway Inland, U. Chase, eV A. Cheney, Jamos Peil- - iVIIOOPINO COUOIL derson, 64 Charles Wagner, ,65 78 James Apolo, 74 ' The Japanese Mercantile Comnnny. Kamokulaua B.-F- . ' i Davis, 66 Gevellva . M. Ed- ' 1000 ail lea the south of the dle and Wella are iAutrall,iu When your child whooping John Ornellas, 79 Mrs. Amelia Mendes here.' has rouh busineH concern recently formed ia Enu-k- a Sheriff' Rose ha publlnbod notice that me wards. 67 Elward J. l'ullon, 08 76V-M- re- business who will depart for the 1 Jr., r. Carrie J. K. Apolo, 77 auxiliary schooner FlaUrenea Ward careful to keep the cough loose and Maul, filed articles of incorpora- Johnson, fl Rosalie Lyons. all fTfiectal police commission will be Antipodes on the Niagara Tliureday. Kvtlii-tnritin- hajiv hi Dltimr I hmiiliev. 'a Virginia 78 tiling Dai Bew ua turned to port yesterday morning. A tion in the territorinl treasurer oftlce 70- -. John P, Bowler, 7.1 Elijah JI. revoked by tne prat ot the year Mien Cloldie Uurney, ateaograpber iu Cough lieniedy may be 79 Vincent Houza, 80 Manoel Oruel luin's a reuiilr Veaterdav. The cotnpaliv Is eapltallsed 'ackenr.ie( 72 ('has, Herring, An- tnat au badge must De turned in Be few days after leaving Midway Island the Federal Court,- a 73. ; 1": .': ' returned. ,attr ed. rciredy will also liquify the 10,(M)0, la. ' Thl for the share belnir of the nie Kala, 74 Fritz C. Koelling, 75 ; ";.' fore that tinio. Capt George I'ilU ran .' into.- heavy abort vacation in California. . - 1 t stiiih n.ucus uad tnake easier to ex par value flv dollars.- Officer and 'Pita-simmon- merely to Ret all the com . it of Charles O. Hottel, 76 Edwin C. "' "Thi weathes, but through ikillful naviga- Luther Fvans, furmor deputy collec- tevtoiuta.. has usud snccemfol- - principal p ''' WANTED. nilxslon In January 1, (aid Hose It bun stockholders are fo'lows: 77 Wong Bam, 7H Jaciutho '.V lust tion no alaniage wa.i done, to the tight tor internal reveune 1 )y mnn.v a t rctmte after in elduic end it contain V.: Nakamura, president, 93 shares; M. K. 8ouaa, 70 Elizabeth T. Abrehamaen, OOOD reliable 'machinist to night, "The couiminaion will be re little traft. Captain Pilt reported all aa abaeaee of fifteen mortli-- . or. Mln-am- l, Srt ne narr.otie other inlnnous eubstab 4D HO 1 money-l.ial.in- issued, except in casea Oda. vlc president, shares: T, Madeleine C, Burnette, David $3500 in established a few where it of the dwellers on the Kouta Hea islet Fupervisor-elev- t Bobert Horner re re it 1h I'Mfwttv aafe. ; Kar ale by all .73 T, mnv he they should , aecretary, abares; Rato, K. Kama, Jr., 82 James T. Leach, M business.. Money absolutely seenred; found be revoked a being in the best of health and pir-- turued after a brief visit to ( alifornin (leah-ri- eunpu HmitU Co., agenta fr.inunrMr' 7 ulinrAa 14 MlliYitAr. oT for firnin Hoopli (tllnes, 84 Elizabeth Napule. wages $3 a day. Apply BradUy, Love There are more than one hundred its. Hcvcral bags bf mail wera brought cities, where be bus Leon, studying ' ' ' ilawuii. 158 and Umcda, 2!U K5 K. 80 i these cominisHlou outstanding. ' w w' J shares, J. bore. Joseph Roberta, lioaubella Uuiiduig, iiouuiulu, vesseU . '. lie , tbe ',, , condition. , HAWAIIAN' GAZETTE. TUESDAY DECEMIIEK Mi: SKMlNvhhKtC

MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL- - NOT NECIT"ARY HAWAIIAN GAZETTE Before the new board of supervisors commiis itself to any IliiO ATJD THIAL HONOLULU YOUTHS HED GnOSS SEALS proposal to build, equip and establish a county 'iu1 it should RODERICK O. MATHESON 14 : J Editor kji go carefully and dispassionately into the workings of agreement between the county and the Quectl's Hospital trustees. Entered at the Fostoffice of Honolulu,' II.' T Second- - :JUDiEsnnEon STRUGGLE in SURF IIETA LARGE SUL1 ' The new' supervisors may find Gas rrttter. that the exihtmg hospital arrange- ments are satisfactory, or they may find that experience, has shown . ;. . , ed Tuesdays and Friday. . il(V; that a revised agreement will bring better results, but jliey will ' Subscription Rates! not New Territorial Inquisatorial and Whfirt Boat Capsizes, S.W.R Women Who Made Christmas Per Month. ,.f...... $ .23 Tef Month. Forelg...... , .15 find any obstacle preventing a thoroughly satisfactory arrange- Pef Year $3.00 Per Year, Foreign...... 14.00 . ment heing made or continued, nor will they discover any legiti- Petit Panels Selected By Cir- ley and v Donald Fergusan '.'Ciamn Cola Drnnn..nA.J Payable Invariably in Advance. t , ' mate justification lor-- taxpayer.' -- "! duplicating at the txpense the cuit Court Judges ; 'Have Battle For Lives : Success Receive Thanks CHARLES S. CRANE, Minager. - . . existing hospital plant, even in part. t. - ' ' Ir j ieaaseBMMB . That there has been times a degree fie ! Circoit"judcV AtiPori, 29 .at ovi.cw - TUESDAY DECEMBER ttweerif Vliitnirt .'A' 'Hulo- of a 'misadventure "carrying in a statement Issued city fathers and the hospital trustees must be adjiiM Whether Jast night the Stuart occupied eaon the'Ji)enoh In with ,H harships that proved almost be Antl Tuberculosis League made its first this has been the fault of the former or that of he iatir,"we do Judge HOW TO STAMP OUT, TUBERCULOSIS Ashfbrd's courtroom' yesterday yond1 endurance, reached th city yes-terds- official announcement of the returns not knowt hut 'nothing developed morning, wheo One of the serious questions which confronts Hawaii is "What whatever has rVlhe a'st.to' justify the grand jury ml three wheq H. W, Robley and Donald from the recent sale' of Bed Cress are we going to do to tuberculosis?" independent action on the part of the city, especially at'this time, panels of trial jurors for .the year 1913 FeiKueon, on of Dr. Wilbert P. Fer- Christmas seals. The statement is as ftamp out' . ' '. when revenues are failing and necessities are pressing,'.. 't wer drawn. There are twenty thres guson,' returned with the details of their follows; . The records at Leahi Home show that seventy-fiv- e pef cent name ,tn the territoriol grand twok The League . suggestion jury hours' struggle in the merciless take home-- , The that there be a municipal hospital: has been list means of all the tuberculosis cases entered at the who have staved and ech of the three trial jurors' line oa r.aneine, ; ; - this of thanking Mrs. W. P. Dil completed, made time and time again, without any sufficient rcasoiv being ad- panels contains twenty-si- name. All .Victim of a epir.eif. bo( outside liugham, the chairman of th districts there until the treatment was have been' discharged the names were drawn from and stations, as well as ' ' ' "such the lints the cbral reefs of the hart r, Robley all others who ' ,' vanced to justify the very large expense that a project necessar- ;. '.-- ','. ',.." V cured.', , prepared two week ago ty Jury Com- and Ferguson were Inrown. upon their helped, in the sule of the .Rod , ily entails. A properly equipped hospital originally JClo. The records of the Home also show during period costs much and missioners James L. McLenn m'l Mn-le- own resource, and were obliged to flght Christmas seals. - that the brief G. .i . .i . i t . i . . . the'espense of upkeep itf largc.1 Instead of wasting tim'e'in planning K. Hopkins, the grand jury lit agninst the battery of romliem for their To the tresa of Itonnlulii U l.n .Ina mat inc nome nas oeen auempung me cure ot tuoefcuiosis, witrtin eoataining: sewnty-tv- . - lor one, the new supervisors should divert a portion of their energies and the trinl lives.' They struggle.l, to hoUt to tho the thanks of the league for the sen- the last tl;ree years only, there have been discharged from the Home, jury lit two hundred and fifty names. oveittirned craft, lmtven this boon erons way in whjch it backed the work to seeking a ' ' ur satisfactory working arrangement with the hospital grand and trial WM Jenicd them,' of the Indies. as curcf!, sixty-fo- Cases. Of these sixty-fou- r cases there have been lh jurors drawn for th small 'boat . ' already running, if the present arrangements, which are. presumably yesterday ar ordered to appear in court was swept sway bf brakr. ' ' There are still a few stations that only four relapses, and of these four, two returned to the Home Monday, January 11, the grand jurors Swim Desperately . For Island have not yet sent lo their complete mutually satisfactory to the present board and the trustees, do not in ; and were-agai- discharged and are' now well. '" Judge Ashford's court at two o clock Alose in the water, ..too,. f,ar from The amount realUed is :i"Hfl. .; ." ! suit in any particular. . , ; . , ; in the afternoon and the trial jurors In shore to reach it by swimming, Thia amount waa raraii-a,- C.,n tw- It is, therefore, demonstrated that the disease is curable; and the lads - An expense that is justified by the need, however, is the pur the rpective division to which each resolutely ret their faces toward Turtle following districts and stations! that, in the great majority of cases, if the patient can be brought to has been assigned at nine o'clock in irlaud) half mile from- the Outer chan- District ; 'hairman Amount' chase of a proper ambulance be maintained in . . 1 the Home promptly, at the beginning of the disease, cure is prac- to connection with the the morning of the same day, nel aad thre mile from Inud. It was Mrs. Charles P. demon .$ Urt.OO Grand Juror for 1015 a swim to jtest all 2 ' ' police department and that fiut their energy, Mrs. L. Kroll 10.00 , the employment of a police jigeon,' to be - tically certain. Curtis 1lt1-bro- n, a battle on police P. lsukea, William T. against current, waves aud 3 Mrs. Harold Castle .... 71.40 - regularly duty at the station for emergency calls. The T. fright.: , v IN OTHER WORDS, TUBERCULOSIS CAN BE STAMP- John McCrosson, William P. r j: 4 Mrs, Harold Dillingham , , 2i5.80 - present Charlock, . James H. Piddesy At length, when they carrvb Wfthln ft ';y ; method of handling accident and emergency" cases is crude James D. a Mrs. Robert Khlngle , , , . 42.50 ed qut. ,:' :.'.- : Mclnerny, Carl 8. Holloway, Buymond few rods of the islet, another- disap- 0 Mrs, F. K. . 13H.0S ' and unworthy of a city of the importance of Honolylq. ' Pteere...... The question is, is it to' stamping?"'.' -- The city C. Brown, Willlnm P. Wilson, M. pointment met them -- ..h rajting "Whose duty do the Jss. tide 7 Mrs. J, P. Ceoke. t- 141.00 , should be a "first niftile Salami in position to give aid on the ground to injured McOuald, William Weinrich Jr.j Henry had tlie unsafe for land- 8 Mrs, Herbert Dowsett . , When an evil affects everyone, everyone should help bear the ing. Against 30.60 unnecessary delay, H. Plemmer, John W. Smithies, James the rocks the giant waves 9 Mis Whiting . 411.0(1. ' Arsons without and under present conditions ' ...... burden remedying it. ". . T. Taylor, Lester Petrle, Kdward Ie-ku- beat and roared. Death awaited them 10 Mrs. C. S. i , -; Crne. 2A.40 inis is not ana cannot dc uone...... , ,;j...Vf on the rocks, they, At present a few generous individuals and a privately' endowed 'Emmet C Winston, J, Morton kaew, should they 11 Mrs. A. Hanneberg . .'.'.116.75 approach ;. .,, RiP8" Thomas C. Dawk ins, William them, and so they turned 12 Mrs. E. institution have undertaken the burden of handling the tuberculosis about, half A. Murphy...... S4.no ' Henry,' Harold T. Hayselden, Henry L. and exhausted swam again, i:l Mrs, John 69.90 in , : , THE PASSING HOUR v tlibr time for th coral Lennox...... question Hawaii. The burden is so great, 'that their1 resources Bertelmann and Frank K. Archer. reefs . a mile 14 Mrs. ISfl.OO v . ' ' W. U Whitney,..- . ' ; ' "Facts About Sugar,','. a publication toward support. of Jndg Ashford' Trial Jurors awv. . are unable to begin to meet the situation." ,: V,V - 'the IS. Mrs. H. Foek , l .';.',, , Trial .jurors, first division Charles Pute ;mile,l her first smile Of good-foitun- e . which the Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association contributes largely, Ill Mrs. E. D. Tenner...., i 2.19.30 The territorial and county governments have treated the sub-- W. Rrnesr, .Sherwood M. Lowrey, Wil- as the lads started on this last is among those publications which industriously and hopeless 17 Mrs. O. P. Wilder. . V BO.00 refer to' Hawaii liam T. Raposo, Prask M; Barrcre, 'Ar- almost' race for land. IH D. P, MscOregor.. . 53.S3 as C. Wil- When midway to the reef, young Fee-vuso- n ',;,.... grudgingly devoted small amounts 'an insular possession and as a section that, "belongs to the thur Aubrey, George K. Dwlht, 18 Mrs. E. a ax toward the, liam L. Eatoa, Alfred K. Kmythe, Tem- sighted the Kamokila, ene of Mckenrie...... ' fight, and have, somewhat United States." This spread of misinformation concerning the pol Klen Low 's little boat, near, by. 211 Mrs. L. A. Thurston. . 72.00 hesitatingly, made payments toward the ple J. It. Bourke, George M, Naawakoa, ' 21 J " ' Mrs. Richard Cooke . 71.SS itical status of Puit'i-mur- a, expenses of Leahi Home and whicljj wrest- lawau hurts the Territory in dollars and cents as well William A. Clegtaorn, Holomon K. Youth Finally Bescued 2 Mrs. ' the other institutions are A ery (has. Wilder . 20.80 ' as sentimentally, and sooner Fred W. Wichman, Charles E. of distresi went ur from the i - the the sugar planters here insist upon Mrs. U. Weld . 20.25 ling with the problem, Prarier, Henry C. Meyers, George W. two lade; there was a pause and a '". a of of 24 Mr. :. na I.. D. 11.05 reversal the . "Facts About Sugar" in this resect, the Angusto it. Louis splash, and then Ferguson and liobley Frsr...... What needs to be brought home .to the territorial and tourity Wallace. II. yieira, 25 Mrs. F. V. Hcdemann...... 31.00 better. The more ve insist upon a fair deal because we At Ginaca, Joseph A. M. Johnson, Wil- found themselves flat on the deck of the governments and to the community, is that the stamping out of are a part ; 2d Mr. AlrScd 31.SO liam K, Rees. Oiistny !. Becbert, Jack Konokila. , ( ...... Cstle...... i. and parcel of the United States and the sooner stop classing our- Mrs. R. C. Webster . 86.10 tuberculosis in this community is a public question to be paid for we. Milton, Thomas L. Andrews, Ernest Later they were transferred to a aam-pa- n C 2S Mrs. H. W. . S by community as selves among the "dependencies" and the "possessions" the'sooner Gonsalves, Krnest P. Aguiar and i'rsuk in which were Captain Wilder aim Tiainberlain... 48.1 the a whole; and not a private question to be paid 29 Mr. Kben Ixiw.'... . , . . ; . Captain Neel.v and brought .. 70.00 ' ' . we will to which, K. Colby. to Kaaeohe. t. forby a few philanthropists. ; - receive the hearing we are entitled. How can we ' " The in Mrs. (Jus Schaefec ...... uu ' Jndge Whitney' Trial Juror boat, which the boy had borrowed expect be listened lolanl Priory, Miss Evelyn'-- : Tuberculosis is killing more people in Hawaii, and especially to to as a part of the United States when we Trial jurors, second division Charles from Theodore Hiehard a, was found aad y " later. Cunningham . 9.60 ! spend our own money to declass ourselves? '. Molteno, Albert McGurn, Joseph V. Hawaiians, than any other disease. , Kinlergartens, Mra. A John M. Aiu, Herbert M. Dow- - The lads had tied their clothe to th N. Sin Neither cholera, plague, smallpox or any'other epidemic which overturned boat before striking out for clair , S.70 sett, Edward Joseph Jloka, Arthur Hyde ' '. ., Turtle Aiea, Jas. Ciibb has visited Hawaii during the past fifty years has been as destruc- A chauffeur so drunk that he backed his i machine on to the nice, John Beuto Eiios, 1 harles K. island. The clothes were found ..',..,....,"... 25.00 Wil- with the boat, but forty dollar in Rob-ley'- s Wsipabn, E. K. Bull...... , 20.00 ,' - : . pavement on Bishop street . with' force sufficient jjnan off iron lewis, Isaiah Bray, Samuel Manu, tive to life as is tuberculosis today.. ' an suit was lost..'.-- ... . Waimanalo, f!eorg Chalmers.. 10.00 hitching post,' impression liam Kahlbaum, James E. Steward, Jo- If an epidemic of plague; cholera or smallpox should break out under the that he wa .sending hi car seph Pernandea, Job Batchelor, John (ieorge Kerton. , . 14.00 forward, was taken police 11. Wsialua.t, M: W. W. doodahs.. 20.00 in Honolulu tomorrow, the government would' "Immediately take to the station and simply locked up until Karrstti, Prank Dennis Creedou, ' Thomas K. Ulukou, Vernon M. Hedge, Mr. Bloomflcld '. he sobered off. No charge was placed against'.him he "was i steps to crush it out and would succeed. If the same policy is pur- and James J; Crockett, George K. H. Baker, Brown , . 10.00 turned loose on the direct orders of the sheriff: it, 'Sul- Kaneohe, Henry Cobb-Adam- s. . . 20.00 sued . com- 'Is any wonder Elisha MeCandless, O toward tuberculosis, it can likewise be crushed out in a J. Patrick J. Dept. that people are killed on - livan, James B. Mossman, Alia Headquarters, Mr. ,W. -. ', the street?- Is it any wonder .'that the paratively short time. ,', , , 'V iiffiSi H. Carter t . . . ,, 21.00 '. average citizen looks and Thomas E, W. Johnson, ..... Preservation of Jife and health o the community should take forward in dismay to the,' ppectbT two more Judge Staart'i Trial Jurors .,' GO on EXGUnSIQN Schofield Barracks, Mrs. Clar- - years of Sheriff Rose? police ', Archi- enc Edwards . . , '.'.'i ; ,, . . 42.0O precedence over all. other demands on thetreisury. ; u,'.' j ; Our. are not able) to catch a street Trial jurors, third division ktiow-vha- Fort Shafter, Mr. P. H. French 5S.10 murderer and do rtot eten f to do Whtrt a js bald P. Kobertson, Frank H. Armstrong, ,f Both" the territorial and county governments should act toward potential one. William A. Arkermmn. Bruce CartwrlL'ht ; Fort Buger, Mr. W. E. E1IU.. 43.23 ' V,.v.. ' handed over to them. l tuberculosis as they would if it were a fresh epidemic. Vv V,1 '". They neither prevent''crTme,.hqr help to Jr., Spencer Biekerton, Chariest PI mJrfl Mne Barrack, Mra ,B. M. ' : ' thad 'i unCreu persona have punish criminals., . ,.v oorne, jamea a., ratuma, jonn v. wow , .r v.1 paid for their tickets" on der Edward K Wongham James K. the Trail and jvaval Htation, Mr. C. B. , T, S INTENTIONS Jaeror. Jason Andrade, ' William Mountain Club excursion around Maul. Moore 80.00 According to Love, Edgar Henrique, Jesse UluiliL, A few have been; Compelled to drop Donation'.'...... 77.30 the latest mainland papers the recent statement Hanalulu Wholasila Henry "A. Wise, Manuel G' Santos, Proifaca Market Quotailcns out, so their ticket will be available - in the Japanese Diet by Baron Kato, foreign minister under Pre- JeAae P. Makainai, Sylvester P.; Correa, Total ...... 33SC.0O : IflSXTED BT Chris-topbe- r for those who apply at once. These ' TEE TEBXZTOSIAIt MAKJCEtTNO CmMOlf. Joh II. Travis, Adolph . Kroll. , . mier Okuma, to the effect that Japan has made no promise .to re- can ' t ,Wholeal Only.;- ' , ' . pecember Lewis, Samuel. ;W . Bpeiue, be secured any time 'today. Kiau-cha- u official l$v' 1914.. turn to China has attracted much attention in . Cullen, George' D. Mahoue. : th . , Thomas At promotion.: committee rooms nn t . nr. 1 ' t t e . in r nnnnnmn circics in vvasningion ana nas caueu a general review oi tne various ft George Meyer and George E., Gall, t the Trail and Mountain Club has on i demand ' Inland UUUDLt UDDIIIb utterances of a more or less official character on the subject since 8ml! for fancy. , Demand increasing for D, kind of exhibition the full equipment that th "litl uienwooa rtceipii nguu uooa uemona poultry in Rood condition. ' i'oor.tUxk ' Japan entered the war. ''.",', '', , .':. ,. ?'..;,.;.:'',.. v, Haleakala hikers are expected to carry. f ii "'"g on m market. . j - FEDERAL EOVMEliT "ir, , This will Secretary Bryan has declined to give the press any further com- Fancy Ialand .SO.-- Brojleri, 8 to 3 Uu per lb. , . .' . .40. consist of a .canteen holding fiPTs RiifSY Island tub JC Young Roostors, per ;35 tb'4U" two quarts of water, with canvas shoul- nm VIS. W ' ment and has referred inquiries lt..,. to statements the state,, department i : .' . ; Willi UUVI , ' EGOa is. Hen, good eondUion, lb. 1 1 to .30 der trape complete; ' ' c ' ' ' and an ear.mel vap already has made on the subject,' " " . V; Island gg more plentiful; pric WILL PUBLISH PAPER Turkey, lb.,...;...... ;..k;.,.. .30 to be hung to the canteen, whole rtropplng. . , the A brief inquiry into the subject brings to' light the fact that ,.; Ihick, Muacovy, lb...... k .J&7 . .'. ,'''. outfit costing forty eents. Each hiker When Mrs. . Kauuku Obeys irtuh Inland, per do...... t , . . Durk, Peking, lb. rt .tf; Its ' will carry bis own blanket, if he ha ' on is i. t.u nuuci, cm, 001. ..uu w ji.iw ueeae, 0 .30 . Of Kiau-cha- u (Asaoclatod Press Fed erst Wireless) not already forwarded it, although pack Mandate and Thrashes Lad evacuation' the statement, was published by the im- uuck egg, aox...... as , Iiawaiiaoy a ax by ;... Unek. do.i IV-""- v horses at live dollars a day may be V : ' WASHINGTON, December 29. Th perial government that the territory would be returned to China. V:f ) VEOETABZX8 AND PBODUOS . hired at Kaijpo bya-itf- i "of flfteea er v.,;- She is Arrested ' ' tier-man- Hean, Htring, nreed. . .03 to .03 Peanuts, large, .05 .06 United State government will , enter twenty who wish tabs cid of any bur- u was later pointea out, was on lb... lh...... ' to ) inat, tne supposition that, hik-e,- Beans, String, Wax, lb. .03',ito.04 Teauota, niall, .07 den on the r.y ., , lb... newspaper tmaQ k would comply with the term? of the ultimatum and volun- ' ' Into the transes In a An oilcloth ;r Beans, lirj ' Onions, Island inone in market). popcho also to le need .Officers of, the police station who . ,' tarily turn over the territory. . However, as was put to a Maul Bed, per ewt..'. 4.00 ' Green Peppers, Bell, . ,04 way on January 2. Arrangement have to sleep on, is dvlsable,' well, as ' Ja(an lb...... ' a'' have never seen a joke or the humorous general military campaign to get possession of theCerman strong- Calico, per ewt..,.'.. ..2.00 to 3.25 flreen Peppers, rbile, lb. ..02 to .03 been mad by the department of com- warm blankets,; aad n" extna' pair of Small White, ewt.,.: . ,8.00 to 8.00 Potatoes, IriMb, lb. .02 heavy woolen socks' sboaW bo taken be-l- Inland? ,..,.', merce to puhlUh a daily commercial hold, one contention of the Japanese seems to the original urtea 1'eas, ewt. 4.00 r.gg . along. Women on wear their impressive blue 'uniforms, were ...... iiant, oa.;.. .is Important this hika.miwt ' ' ' lieeta, per doz, .30 . report; . containing all tlio short "shoes. pledge is, not binding. j 'T v ; bunches...... Pumpkin, lb. . . , , ,01Vi ikirt and .tramping constrained to smile last night when - Cabbage, lb...... ;.. .02 to .04 eweet native ; Tarie cablegrams of , attache and consols. The Claudine wlir reach Mokulan ( After the entfy of Japan the' war,' Count Okuma, the pre- ' rotator; Mrs. Kauuku drifted Into the station, into Beans, Lima, nod,, .03 Mi .04 - . v Landing for in lb. .' to ties' per wtt (market over- Th plan la devised In order' to giy KaupeOap aad th crater, wearing a somber colored boloku, ilium- - mier, in reply to.an inquiry, announced that Japan had no inten- - Carrots, per do, bunches ...... 40 staked) ...... ;"j . . .. ; j to 1.00 about eight o'clock Friday morning. by spots, .5 greater publicity to the work of the h!k mated a few red and a loulu u (.'orn, Bweet. per 100 ear. .2.00 to 2.30 Taro, wet land Variety, 1.2.1 The will begin at once,, the eamp uons oi securing territorial extention as a result ot tne war, Kiau-cha- ewt...,. department Th present' consular re bat swaying uncertainly on th rear of Corn, Haw, small y'w. .30.00 to 40.00 Taro, bunch 13 being pitched in the crater iq advance. - '" not specifically i' ' her .head. ;,.',.;.';. ; ,.r- was mentioned in the statement, although the Corn, Haw., large yellow...... 38.00 Tomato, lb .0.Tto..04 ports, sent out by mall, will not be dis Hot soup, and a warm dinner will be .A..,.,,.;. Aim, umrn M r I en .ru diplomatic world Cucnmber ,2.'Jto,33 Green 08 .10 continued, will a supple- sorved, anil a hot breakfast la the ii.nuitu u.ii undoubtedly inferred that it was included. The do...... ;,... Pea, lb...... :,. to bat constitute ' early in the day for assaulting a young ' morning. . Saturday the. uoimit of Japanese embassy in Washington, however, is said never tq have ment to tbo dally summary. r lad named Elia. Her reason for atrik- - Haleakala will, be .reached,, and for rwa Alligator Pears, 3 to .60 Limes, 100 ; .. . r--y.V' ing the youth a mystery to the made any formal statement to Secretary Bryan that Japan would do..;..,, per ;.,...'..,..,,. .50 to .83 those who - treo sot" staying over, for Bananas, Chinese, bunch. . . .23 to 0 Pineapples ' Police until Inat 'avfliiiuo ' Thuv hn.l Kiau-cha- doif,,...... ,; ,. UMtO.60 sumiae Sunday morniug descent return u ito China, although it is believed secre- the : that the Bananas, Cooking, bunch. . .73 to 1.00 Strawberries, h. (scarce).. ,20 to .25 will begia JCabiilul, where Breadfruit, .25to;SO toward the somewhere, tary received the impression in conversation with a member of the doz...... Watermelon (aoue in market). Claudine will await the hikers, to land but not at all in the way Mgs, per 300 .80' ; Mrs. Kauuku explained - staff of the Japanese butj an- ...... i,...,.,, Pohas, Ib...,...... , 10 them back!; in .Honolulu at daylight it. embassy; nowhere, was there any Grapes, double-crossin- g Isabella, lb,...... 08 rapaia .0114 to.OMA Monday morning. ' Rhe told a story of a ' ' ..,,..f. ' nouncement of any formal pledge to that effect. . Oranges, 100 v. .l.OOtol.60, Roselle. OPENS OH THURSDAY 'era-te-.' kahuna, who played the game ...... lb..., ,. .04 The epst of the outing over the r "both ... v .1 . It is the opinion in diplomatic circles that while Japan has 'not ZJVX8TOCK will be about ten dollars including end for the middle," and killed two birds with ons stone. .According to Kiau-cha- u, Beef sheep steamer fare and all other expense.- formerly undertaken to return . she has by no means cattle and are not bought the holiday. Rave them in 'good Those winning Mr. Kauuku, the kahuus was Mra. Ka- - live weights. They are taken dition. i to take part In this L 1! . ... V officially committed herself to its retention and that the whole br (Associated Press by Fixlcral Wireless) wiiu uvea iu leuenient wnu ner the meat companies, dremtwt and paid Hogs, up to 150 lbs., lb; . . .11 to .13 hike ar requested to call up the! pro- , 1'uanhi of ic Asia mot - SAN DIEGO, December 28. The motion committee (No.. 345) as at and Nuuanu streets. question disposition of the German possessions in and oy weigui, uresseti. mere win oe Jtogs, 1.10 lbs. and .11 today . ' over.,..,. Fanama-Callforni- Mrs. Kamila, said wo-n- good demand for suckling pigs during a Exposition, created early a possible. ; ' ;; the arrested Australasia is still under consideration and undetermined. It is ', an, kahunaed lici to beat the youth v,.:-:.':- by San Diego after more than three I mttam I the current belief that it has been decided that these questions must :.('..: x' .hides, wet salted . .t) It'll. on. tli.tv. ...v. .k..... (. vw.rn - ?. open Thursday i. Hides have advanced one, cent.., pa- Kips, lb. , ,, ,,',.'',, ..,.14Vi years' work, will on at the summons of the kahuna, and given ' ...... wait until the end of the war for their "answer, because, to diplo- ' " . i. i .. i i . i i . , , . . . . mand . per . com i nn food Hliekins, eaoh i, kW toO,-..- . midnight, on .hundred . cent PIONEER OF GERMAN mu guun tiiiHsiiiug, Mra, Aamiui matists that would only seem prudent In. view 'of the uncertain Hteers, No. 1, b, , , ,14'j GoatkLu, . .10 had her arrested on a charae of assault wbit. Mk tu.30 plete and without a cent of debt. Fin ; - No. 2, . , . ...V, . .13Vj , . . and ...... issue of war, and for Steer, lb...... v batterv. the the further, reason that Japan realizes that '' ' ' ished in overy detail, th exposition .V :,. DRESSED MEATS -- her allies properly will claim a Voice iu the future disposition' of ,.. will remain open for entire year. Y IS DreHied th PORMPR iqi beef and veal ln demand. .. Xfuttos. lb: . .11 ; I w liun DCCintrwT these possessions. The fact that Great Britain insisted the ac- ,'.c to .12' President ,WUon will- - rise at tare wiaiwikii. II V .IIWWILfWllf in' Beef, lb.,.,...;.,....,.;., .llto.18 Pork, lb...... , ,14 to .18 ,...... ',' IN MUSCOTAH, tive participation of the'troops and fleet in the capture, of, Kiau-cha- u Veal, lb.;.,. ... .12to.l3 '' In the morning In the Whit Boom on DIES KANSAS ; ;: proposition. ' . ...',' V; ', V ... FEED '' '"..' New Year's Day to push th button The funeral of Mrs. Henrietta Lim- is. referred to as supporting the '''' John McCraekln, t& ground ing, l'orter formerly a just-defeaf- that wU flood exposition widow, was held Sunday afternoo . .'"; .33.00 The hostility in Japan towards the tninlstry had rontracting aud , building superintend-Lii- o. moving t f. b. Honolulu. Oats, ton ...86.00 to 37.00 with light end start the wheel from her former heme, 328. Beretanla of Honolulu, died December 16 Wen increased by J at greatly the original announcement that Japan Corn, majl yellow, ton. . .40J30 jo 42.00 Wheat, to ..46.00 to 47.00 Of 'th big 'fain ." street, to the Nuuanu cemetery, where mi uome or in wire s parents in Mus-rota- would the territory captured to China and it.,U Corn, large yellow, ton. ,,,...... ,..40.00 Middlings, return believed in ton .,88.00 to 39.00 .. Secretary McAdoo wiU represent ho the Interment tooli place, Boy.. Euill Kansas, following a long illness. Corn, eriuked 41,00 ', ...... Hay, Wheat, ton 23.00 toSH.OO ofllciatiiig. The deceased was ', Washington that the statement of the foreign minister in the Diet f,ti.,.,. qii a m. ' - Favelhardt . .. ; , , the father of W. ll.rley. si rut ii Presiderrt at th opening ceremonies. ' 4 tg;,,;,. i. Mr., Lining was bora in Hauover, Lynn McCrsckin of 1028 South Bere- - was made with the view of lessening, if it were possible; the populir tun ... 2.09;tp S3.no .34.00' ifmnt short, too . ,4, Ave. Germany, June 29, 1841, and was seven. ; (ilia , Vllj,. nuu pi itirs. Mch) 23.00 Dry i . J the! policies of the Alfnlfa .. Milk, lb.. , . . ;...... ,0 - 'a GESM MSTEOYEtt. - outcry against government. That there is a t; ... -i - - tv4hree years of ape her .last- birth- (Ilyia podmore of Kona, Hawaii. , t- . I v at popular demand for the retention of the recently acquired German . Theri is no danger whatever from day. Hbe came to Hawaii in a Uerman . Th Territorial Marketing territory, can be no doubt, and as usual the'yellow Japanese Division under supervision of. tko 8. lockjaw or blood poiscu Jultngi from immigrant steamer in 18H3, since which ir ueorge it, v arier is successrui in thtt periraint Sution is t tb sorvliw. of all citizens ot the Territory. Ay a wound when Chamberlain's 'Pain time she bad resided in Honolulu. Dar- one of his efforts in Washlngt.ou, he press is activeSr engaged in demanding that Japan shall receive the produce which farmer may send to th Marketing Division ia old at the Balm is 'promptly applied. It in an ing the past quarter Of a century she will arrange for a eouventiou of the ' ' y bent obtainable price.. A marketing 1 . fruits of the conquest. .'f - '!'':.;';'v'' eharg of 0 pet cent mad, It is antiseptic and deetroyoa the 'germs owned and conducted the Ht. Louis national chamber of vosunerce to be highly desirwble tbst farmers notify the Mfke4ing Division diseases. olo lodging house, '238 I ' " what aud tow which cause .these It Beretsaia street. held here the fall 1915 ' ' T hi of or early muca produce they have for sal and about when it will b - ready to causes wounds to heal without matura Two sous, Fred and Henry Ltining part of 1916. The local ehaniber lis Mayor Fern not intend to' be snuffed out, even hip. The shipping K. , ' one-thir- oos though mark of thl Division is U. K 8. Letter , addr tion and i the time required of this eity, survive Mrs. Luuinc. Hhe been anxious for such a convention for Honolulu, outvoted. He will be' official host of the city at his New Year's P. O. Box 1387. . Salesroom Ewn earner Nnun and t Queen 8Is. by the usual treatment. For sale by all leaves also two grandchildren. Th de- some time,. and Mr, Carter has been . TlVon 1840. . Wlreles address U.S. p. 8. , , , .j , dealers. Benson Smith &. Co., agent ceased leave property iu Honolulu' val- do he ' sidewalk ball, as usual.'.': : v V "'., : v asked to what can to get th A. T. LOXGLEY1, superintendent. - for Hawaii. . . - ued St 0UO0.. . i national body to eome here. . I-W'EEKLV. - HAWAIIAN CASE ITR. - TUESDAY, .DECEMBER, n; .1914. -SEM- ..-- . 5 i.. 'I. '.JA .'Mj...j.JJ!.U.,. J

... r 1 .;,--

' ' : . 4 S mall " " Talks 'ii ll"1 i I "r fiMii.iiijy A. LEWIS JR. The A "tk is ted I'tarltles at the present time ' mam iL show a deficit of -- 5t for the yesr 1U14. mtem& DAVIHU open close tomorrow. HENRY Ths sessoa for bsa r - I I ft V f What 1 want to kaow is Wrtst i am going to do for the net six mm TliN J taiir ' JOSHUA D. TUCKER My Christmas poetfir'waa so pleasing that ttiAr. h. Km. m run stt illr4ftnrs nf aul.inilfe rue vnv Inst 4'hrlntnifls ' ' know,"; remarkrtt High Private Jone', "when some of card.' j. ;. .',' v .. . V ' these glriks, from the war departmeat get ap ia froat ' committee ; CHARLES R. FORBES Just imagln my feeling when I waa or dered go to right but be back to spend from cengrem an tell tbe eonfreseaiea. what they know .about th ' to ilila after hristmaa, I'll i , -. New Year' Day, here, all right enough. v v , army an' what they want, it always aaahe m weader if tH' guy v What They Found; In Their. 'flflVVaVfin PIVKHlWt ita mv rtrtalma Dav Jlre.mlnir nf talk in knowa what be' talkia' i " tbt'a ahL ome-t- b V the fotore frcatucei of Hawaii and my dreama will coin true If "If be. does, be kaow mere 'a them other glnki'ln th' in g does not alip up. Hawaii ia la for an ra of progress and ad- war department, judjla by th' f w have with 'em. vancement second t son in tb Pacific Ocean. . , , Maybe them guy that know, mty whea eengrea la ses CHARLES MCCARTHY would on joya ( ia J. Llf le round of if It JOHN'NY MARTIXA eorkerew.-- ;' j. sion, laya oil year... were net 'for lawyers' opinions. thee blamed things bad a given ' ' aa' th rest of th' If that' th'. way they do, 'If I. AtEXANDKR nt'ME FORIWA mnarle. , s then thry must have a buarb of appreattee key to go ny it would not be so. bad, put whan von read aa opinion that put oa aonie of pro Is - and it fits and con, what gulag to do sboiit it anyhow f W. M. GIFfARD Twenty new parasite.- ', . . th'; indorsement we get oa tb' rorreepoodeac every little while. ' ALEXANDER JlUME FORD 1 Wish th who phoned m tackai '' .' v"You blame it oa to th war department elerke. Moat paity ',.'. R. R.,'RKI DFORD- - A package of frontage raa't that a Chinese boy ia the Office had picked np cheek to th Trail on too ; of them guys beea the job long to paa out some of th' atnff SKIPPED TEBTEEDAT ' . Hl'PER A new Y. M. C. A. awlmming pooL ; and Mountain Club, would further phone m "which office"; or WHT TUB ADVERTISER '.".. PAt'L nrfe through. . " that You aiight ask why do they let it get out if st least mail th ehark to th Trail and Mountain Club, P. O. Box ifroro ' ; : HARRY MURRAY A Jack Laca. know ' .' ' In th "flood Old of long ago,'th day whe tb world t!mont4 they their buiine' Aaawer is they kaow their buinK to . '. .. . '.: ,' Day" wen '... , ROcAE-i--A Jack. to try to tell anything to the guya up waa wide, th earth' was young, and all aort of tommy-rot- SHKRIW new ocbem to land Bnana that frame these freak Is com- and that ' '. 'JACK LUCAS reported arouad towa that th resident ' stunt. .'..- ' '. It T " missioner to to paid G(M thera was a custom in Mrrrie England of celebrating ft. John 'a ADMIRAL MOORE Another verse from Ptunenberg. "If you wa pettin ''paid to do what some mutt told you to, the World's Fsir is bo a month. Of this ' amount, I understand, the promotion committee is to pay 13(H) and bonfire ware built on tka kill top and in the open A do .. Pay. Great T. P. WATERHOUSE--- rubber Vail, from Pnghpore yoo'd it, wouldn't yont of course yen would. if yon found 11. m 1 .. w 1. . . : FRED Aa' nu r..:H:AKu .cuv i. jt 4 11 . . meadow, at Minuet. A long a the Area burned, and woman out he learned la a couple o' months what it took you a couple of in. f iinfiun uuiaiirr, tiui rar wu.t lav iruniouuN ma ; One daughter, Federal Vlreleaa." doe money aa 1 KIDNEY BMADDAMri "by years to pick up,, you woulda't try to tell him anything, would youf eominitte with ita but a taxpayer, certainly want could do what they pleased to break any law of God pr aian, wlthont - to know how my money going b ' ' PIN A moment r general eoaveraa- nor. - - up aom to ipeat and for what. '- - ' ' GOVERNOR KB AM few iou wouki An ir be axett ilara fool thing, you'd tell ", fear of punishment. .. ' tion.'. V him about that, wouldn't you I You would not. You'd it go ED TOWHE You can't beat tb average Kaimuki kid for sharp- ' t '.' " let s waa anachro- .. Thii custom enjoyed sanction. It an ' ?'':'" through just like he told you, an', then you'd smile when you thought ness, He certainly know bow to do tbe proper thing at the right W. R. CASTLE More cash th Belgian aurteTer. They aeed - for t ' r nism from from th daye whan men worshipped on : odouv too aouer conns- rroin tbe guy 'a document time. The Kaimuki baseball, team of the Leagu bad droidical time, it, too. , :;''.';-- .! " ' that getlln' th the bill' tops and in the groves ano) woodland the fiercer spirits of ,.t. v."":'-- Well, that' Just what them war department elerke do. An they its petition for assistance passed around tb Red Hill district just QVINX offer of Colonel Goetbal'i job oa th Tanama must bunch, Ite-- blood Are Inet. '. JIM Aa have a of funny stunts to peddle to each other when before Cliristrnaa and the boy expect to bav tb desired um nntamed Nature, with and and - Canal. . ' ' t&ey pet , , for Year ' pay. , ... im.. 1 I - 1 A J... It-- A . - ..11 through with a flay work. New r iiv i;n I (m n i . 11 n m u. vu v. tt.4 i ' iiunu viu ",'.. ' . "Here1' a nauiple right her now. You knew them regulation:,. J. C. COHEN A receipt from the Lahoi Party, ia full, with PROr'ESHOR HARRY LtJCAS- receiys.1 . ia something to b worshipped, but not Been. Near about authority to travet on a transport -t a letter from a etas, ."Truth" thank. :;; "' V.'. ;!. '.";':!":"' fnrnlshia' to member of mate of mine the other day. b In nebulous aa .ramtiy. Ainst aa permanent wbereia stated that he attended a at hand it la often ghastly, a thing to be swathed th county omeer'a be .tmmertiate and member performance giyra by Harry Lauder New York ' MAYOR ELECT marked eopy of tha Republlcaa officer's family, 11 only allow ia recently. Lauder cloudy mists brief and benrssy rather thaa mot openly, fae to LANA ' at th' an' the them to travel verr of . . ' waa called on repeatedly to mak curtain apeech and. much ' ' platform. ; y ," , so, exneptin' emergencies. ) after " - '." i ofen, in course, it's always easy to :YV- coaxing, finally ..consented. He spoke for fifteen minute sad the far. - up ao yon H. P. WOOD A bright young chief clerk for tb flr-- ' Kla name frame emergenty, but' can't get around that immediate greater bia was .., On St. John' eve. V Truth "stalked tbe earth. The horror of it had permanent member of th family thing. ao portion of talk sbout Honolulu. He said that thi They're particular waa the garden spot of th world hia large made tha neat mortoing grey and chill, when the night had rolled apont they atop an'. ask questions when and advised audience not i R.,W SjtfNGLE A on the t'nlted fitatea treaaury la ex- that they ain't fot anything to die befor tbey d vieited tb Paradise th Pacific. ia draft ' k .' ' of This ' Cle to dov'i.H. v. ' - away. The celebration of this styglsn orgy baa psssed with many ' 1 .Y -- change for the Irwin alto. , ;. j .:, i;. : '"' what call good advertising..;..' the-goo- "We got an officer right In thia post who want to eet his wife ':' another of old euatoma of our forbear. ,' , T: jr i L.-- .MeCANDLF.RH A eertineat of .election, to' th ofilco of back from th mainland. He write to Washington for necessary L. A. THURSTON Th Hilo Railroad Cnmnanv hss nlanra'.l a office ' th' ' la newspaper the custom hung on longer than anywhere Democratie candidate, a life job. '...',.. authority.', IU say in hi letter I want tranortation for my wife. double line of avocado trees along its tracks ttom llilo to Olaa. This 1 in line else. Reporter are remarkably truthful. They worship' truth. Meet- VI80R-ELEC- Mrs. no ho, on auca a transport. come request with the efforts of this Corporation to help th agricultural SUPER ' LOGAN A iew . evergreen memories and Veil, hack th' ' Ms development ofvtb district which ,it serves, , ing it very' day they probably' have a better and more intlmat wrapped in copy of the MpntreaJ WJtneaa. ' ':. ' .i with I indorsement asking your wife, Mrs. Ro and Bo, a mem- The day will certainly ber of your Immediftt family If it didn't I hop I may be shot come, nbw that fruit fly paraaltea have bee so auceefully estab acquaintanceship with the Ooddee than the areraga" citizen who od t' w HAWAIIAN WGAR PLANTERS-lo- crop., good weather, t' hope the giy that-wrot- that indorsement don't have to fur- lished here, that can aeain export allisator lieara ta the l out. I , , , only tell the troth when he happen to think of it, and who by good and a splendid outlook for 915. . , ', v' ' - have never eea the fly in thi seem me price, nish no information to congreea."-- . fruit. It ta tht bv selection ' .' aelf-tie- th,e experiment atatioa acientint ought to nature and training la Inclined , to b thoughtleaa. "'JACK LtTCAS A tract entitled "Guard Your Tongue," a b able to breed up a variety - . wim sum, one fly ' ... After that bonfire bunineaa of long ago died out the'newapaper necktie and an invitation to tbe Governor's ball. , , ; mim, nsni mat would be immune to infestation. This and further development of the cold atorag handling of pears fraternity kept the cimtom alive a good many yeara and published ' J. I. ARCIA I wlnh every, bail player would make a resolution oni'ht to raise tbe embargo againat Hawaiian fruits. I believe that it once a year, the day after Chrintma, an oe that told ''the truth, on New Year 'a Day not to play, for three tnontha-r-an-d beep It, too. Afraid of win not oe very long until tha grower can get what they want, if Hi$ - Wife go "... ; . tha whole truth, and nothing put the truth'' about everybody and W. D. ADAMAAa offer from a federal official to trad bundle thev after it.' . .y . ,j - -- auto-pian- .' '. i - ' everything. We would have done no yeaterday,' only eonfldentially aomebing suitable for Sunday con y. ".' I- of ragtime records for 1 :' " ' V t ' Although th Fiji women do most .of the heavy farm work, thev the management would not atand for it. . ' ;';.. cert. ... .". ' ."!' da nof regard themselves as dowa-trodde- and in return they expect And i wa LOWK A note from C. Brown, atating thi the truthful explanation of why there no paper 'ADMIRAL'" EBEN It the men to help in the nursery and take car of Inci- steamer Make was aea worthy and worth every the babies. ready beaide father' breakfast plate yeaterday. '.' that the Jamea, a craft dentally, they hold, aa attitude toward imprisonment that seem ,; cent he paid for it. t i'Vi;' "'.' , :f rather extraordinary to people of other countries. ' ;.,' Is the Hammer Buried? ' ',,'. .'''.'.' ' ' ' CHARLES R. FORBES A relnforcd concrete .wharf at th foot I ,opc had a native friend called Paul, or, aa it ia pronounced T"r"r:'. ...'.'v'v hundred-foo- t : "' of Fort atreet, with room for fonr veaaela, nd aix ex la 'the soft Fiji) ranla. . H had neglected and failed to provide for ' THE TEAINHJO 07 A SOLDIER . tension of the harbor. ' ' - hi wife, and upon he complaint, retired for a year to. the seclu- Hawaii j'. - HeraM: With Kilaaea mor active thaa for yeara past ' ;.',;. sion of he provincial jail. lie spent his. time cultivating food crop io U HARBOR ehoaen wprda prala In the Saturday Kvening Poet, Irvin 8. Cobb, ,in bia graph MASTER FOSTER A few well of th police and with Mokuaweoweo giving a spUadid display, it aeem atrange ; from Colonel aanounclag ha could hia old ahlpa any for of th district, and used to go on circuit with me a a deaeription of. the aftermath of War.'ahatter another'. Uluilen. ' The Jone, that anchor ianoq-ma- mat mora touristg hoped x ; and , baggage, arrifr, together with other unfortunate do not viait tbia Island. It is to b 'that ' old place within range. .. . ;.,'','.' literature of war. ia filled with reference to the 'atarlek and gentlemen, who, like himself.' were undergoing punishment for their the "hsmmer'waa, truly buriod eoup1 of years ago Hilo. v in thou-aan- , COLL.EfTOR FRANKLIN A Democratie notification that th sins, '.They vharmina; companions, - groan" of battered humanity left in the wake of battle on a d were hiost who never ealliut them- ntories of knockers' fin work; ia Honolulu go a "-o- " ar beginning to th ' revenue under the new tariff the needed Increase to the local '.'eonvk-t- 1 max. selves prisoners,' but '"government raeu," and as ' bloody' Mr. Cpbb aaya ao. "Men not ' V- rounds; is 'b field. that thi not do custem force impossible. t. It to sincerely hoped that tber ia no truth in th such thev tendered me, their head, most ' ' ' th devoted loyalty. At the ' ' " ' give to agony. vV yarns. " , : A tbua rent their V, " ' 1st , ena or year, returntu to bia ''," "' - 'i. . '. EMIL A. BERNDT A .check for tan tboaaAnd tour endorsed bis rama. village witb the reputation rpv. i . . l ...... luhu.l.nunjit&ais tuu...I oviui.i rHiupa mrx mien wiot"ionii oz men, br the Ad Club, the promotion committee, the chamber of commerce oi m nmn 01 travel ana poiisn. mo neaa man or ni district at once - s.i...-u,- uk mm ui iui luunsii ituo visn isese nhmed him constable Of bi village, to great maimed, hatterei and torn past all belief by the terrible '.weapon ana the lrnival company. but tb scandal of the Islands com with the thought that they will be able to a into-inte- r ' whole pls'e, Paula used distinction: '.Hi enraged superior volcano. ne .ntnnAM of modern civilised warfare, but tha horror to'tboae wh( muat 'TitT.r. IN MAN The Pecond Infantry team object! to m.V fti tb. , Tha othar sMrf.l unt nf brought blinbefor..,nie pn.th eharg l rebellion. .1 f, a to their aeed fa that of aight and amell, not of hearing. ', It pitching for the Traveler because I didn't took, qultji (:biae. they, re deluded, lii to the idea that ther will be able to see some of - ery. ... -' '' ' .i!ut,.tlie urwpner.hnd I were friends, and whea I said him, ia tne atenrn or Dattie that ta terrtrying, madilening not lipe nerye- couiqnt wauaeip mat... r ', ,x-..- 1 1 ti iu si range ana, at times, indecent sights that are pictured oa lb iiuft "Paula, what, is this . I hear about you, that you are resisting the rAtfilfintf' aitwAAma An1 .ilain a 1 Vu.a riA hi, fatlaii atill A. L. ATKINSON R poatearda and posters that are nt out from Hawaii. " C. Right at the tPP a from Teddy ;' V- - ': ' ; leltr authority, or your, district rhiel, by refusing to take up the office f .linger. .'. s.i 'r;:. - . '. , Under a wireleaa from R.. and, not wis to soy of tn that George in the toe of tbfl aock, th villag constable whesj duly .nomiubtad thereto-?- " lie replied that knock other Islands, but, almost A part of the training of aoldiera for future warn-wi- ll have to v ' in '; V bole which repreaenta th Bull Mooae Party. : be was qnit reaily. to mcc.Cbt the' appointment, but that hi wife ob- - Wa.must that iu Kilauea crater the lli.iln Islamla posseiHtea their greatntt ourist-drjawin- KNOX-J- -l ftHL.' Hha. had to, him : , Look here,. Paula, yon have juit st as a attraction. - COLONEL would appreciate If long eoralpg aij froia a alanghter houe. Bravery and: courage la. battle will depend it that Every tourist who reaches Honolulu who does were installed in the Capitol. 'With other prominent 1 rets rue o from holding one, goveramsht poaition for a year, and here and aot eontinue tbo on paralyaia of the olfactory nerve. ;.' . men, feel journey to Uilo and tbe Volcauo. simply misses chief atiaa. ' every ; - V.' voir are about to take auvther. I want to. know who is Boins? to tb and panning. ;;. tn cnniD tun c,aiioa tbe ipvruor.. .i? . .' Thr glory of war ia No longer do men' march to battle i lutely ' . rj the best Jn , unrse t Be - you don, tM ypu a feature the Island tour. , tinder the inspiring atraina of martial music, ar" clad .in glittering SIDNEY SMITH We'r kept ao.buav around th federal iuill baby, Ji and if 'go and be jioJiceiuan, bas been reported th Off to-m- In It that All Amerlaaa and National base- harnee. .The art of damaging yoar enemy depend on complete clary department holiday I ID o(n :trtb. fadrau. '"' . ball players were the that wih everf othr day wa Wert." sir.'1 continued Hl'aula. 'r?' yoo know how obstinate and prevailed Upon nut to make th Volcano trip on maatery of loKarithma and higher matheniatiee .(he ability to i were rNew ear a. j .' " account of small .ami nrisimas and inose ueiween I penigtiieyt-'au- women tb steamer, th rough trip and a hundred other plot trajertorlc to reach a foe whom you do not aee and can barely our are. what could dor. alleged Inconveniences.. . dismiiscd.-Coloni- If this be so, is grave cause a VtA ' W. W. THAYER Yei air, I'm off for 8aa Fraan'laco to help H Ill was al Herald, . ther. fot tiMP ' Kilt lUnnK nf h KattlaflAl.1 fu.lku L L. n..n. cise agamsi Honolulu i P.. Wood get atarted real right. - After all, what do th air Commis methods. The baseball imrty, consisting of The ideal aoldier of the next great worM war will be the man at least forty people, who -- ail from all parts of tbe United IStntes, 1 . V . 1 ' .a I r I i . . . 4 . . sioners amount to without the, disbursing agent Ts. ; ' vno van piiii nimiieii mvisiuir, nurrow raicer, ant, anooi Twice aa would, if tbey had aeea Kilauea, been, tb measa of inducing hun- SMIDDY wished iir n !. oouunt. jio, nm mini ue wurva ana immune 10 ID J. J. I my friend, the United State eommta dred, if not thousands, of tourists visit in 11 Hawaii ! th. r,itr horror of amell. 'oarage will be relative. It ia rain)njg in aelf- - aloner, a Merry Christmas over the telephone, and what do you think Tbe word of mouth promotion that these people could have done for 11 i : ..... I . 1 . . a , he shot back met you must know, him.. - .' Burbptte's' Land .... 7 I reetraint Jhat will count moat tor victory. at If ask 4Bob" Better .....I.""-1- uo invra I'Touutui mis (uuussnas oi circulars . MAYOR. J. J. FERN On half of a raw fish, three a 'i I and letters that mostly ar thrown into the wast paper basket aud Jt j lemo, ox ...... j J j y; potato peeler, and an impossible motto. Three New Year's resolution Very Shortly 'before; be died", Robert J. Burdett wrot th fol svfvr mouuiifc BBiin. ' ' lb Island of Hawaii needs a proinoCToa ANOTHER KE GRASS TOR THE HOMESTEADERS in blank, and on French book with the cover oh. lowing t .the editor of an. Eastern Baptist newsuapert ' . eommittee of it 'own. and It al-t- needs a real. live advertisia man who could : wateh the. (unaet I look out over the rim of th blu devui. all 'DT(TC" BODGE I have hail enough of that "Too Kala-kiel- a .,' "1 nied to be considered great honor name aew flower Bad' 1 hi time in Honolulu to talking of and boosting the wonders of Ki- - It to' after plllkia and will gladly allow some on else to aneeeed m on the Pacific;, and there is no mystery beyond the horiaon line, because prominent eltiaena. ' I remember a aew chryeantheniuui that waa police conimlaeioBt A good thing like that should always b paeaed know what? there i over ther. I have been there.. 1 have journeyed - . .' : iu those )s.uds., Over where the sun is just' sinking Japan. named for John Jones a prominent banker back ia my home towu. around..-- v '..;.-- ,..-- , tber is That star 1 rising over, t'hlua. In that direction lie tb I'hilippiues. CAPTAIN H. LAWRENCE RILEY An ord from R. P L know all .Well, 4 a fWbwerin, that. ther another land that I look toward I man In 'the fourteen eountlca in our congressional diatrlck and waa tailing for two month' vacation oa full pay, traeportilo watch tb sunset. I bav never seen it. ' I hav never seen any one to tne t oaat ana tn or Hpeacer aa rather puffed up' about it when thia distinction arrived, among the services i barley outcial guide and Who has been there, but it has a mora abiding reality' than any of " " j. Russia's many showered upon him one Christina. John waa him-ael- f, the land which do know, Thia land beyond th aunset thia NewPlan" two-sco- r land of iUiniortality, blessed country soul why, drleii-up- , thin-face- CAPTAIN HENRI BERG ER I ve spent mors (bsa thia fair and of the a littlo, weakened, d man witaan ppperlip t'hriatmaa days in Honolulu, but at each latest on I find myself bap-pie- r (bin heaveu of our is tb on thing in the world which I know wtth Htep by stei. the temnerar.c' cruaade in BuaaU 'a, an eye to has mnnaul like John D. Rockefeller the main chance, and hi bead and younger thaa ever before. My adopted fatherland ia certainly absolute, unshaken, unchangeable certainty. Thia I know with a under tlie Ciar'a i hnuiii rli.iiiiii..n .r ..k u. .... - ; .., ': one, 1 t...l aa bare aa a billiard ball.'..,'. , V''-- a gooa kpowledjje (hat ia Efr shadowed by a paaeing cloud of doubt, Russian minister of finance lhat the minisUr Interested abovo ail loea-tlou- Chryaao-themum- may not be thi a In When the hortlculturixt who Invented the ''John Jone " "7 SIDNEY JORDAN Oni Hawaiian primer, atocka (for always certain about world; aiy geographlasl tbe growth of th revenue rhoiild hav beeu entrusted with th tha neky, Uiay Boinetiiiiea other, got out a catalog aayiug thai f'thia beantlful aew creation two handkerchiefs, with initiate on one and a picture of a lioa oa th becom confused, but the world that laea or iliminlshlng the consumption of spirits has bee tbe best lemon-yello- know.- - Apd aa the afternoon nun sinks lower, ahiues more clear- pledge success in is one of the hairy aort,'' the foartfea counties other; a turd 'a eye view of th Panama-Paein- e grounds and salary faith or the of th campaign. With tb population of ' ly Jn higher' fruit- hooted, while John waa aa fluatrated aa a wet ben, ' In fill) ins Ti4M(m la j. . . : and hop, lifting her voic a key, sings the songs of Russia spending nearly 500,tHM),OoO a year on stroug drink, ao 'tem- ion.-. My work is about ended, 1 think. The beet of 1 hav don perance Out be iu Hawaii our prominent citixena aeem to run to graaa (K it crusade could hone to succeed without the beartlest en. to O. BALLENTYNE That franchi xte4iloa. a donbl track poorly; any of It I might hav don better, but l have done And operation Instead of' ilower to perpetuate their namea and fame. Wa have on King it of th minister of finance, and some source f revenue is atreet and a letter from the Ooverao congratulating is) 1 n grass Wilder grase fighting fill the a fairer land, with liner .malerial and a better working light, m VH '. ? - the Judd and the to the landscape I - ' KIT U, ' Rapid Transit on ita excellent service pub In. The Opvernor' w .J.- '.! :, , aa to the will do better, work. i t with baled hay, Johnson grass a weed, Japanese grass ditto, and ' ' Wrir.ina as thm aiiMao nn ,1... t.. 4' is oeing Iranian, .; ,, y . .'. .11 '.. t ' . '.V i anui.,.. ..i i. now coinee Our Uoveruor with a new vegetable Will have. to letter , r 'V t ' '".v';,' '''' :' "Looking ' that at the matter, from th point of .view of th nation ; ; ; . ARMSTRONG be called i'iukhain grass... ' , , NAT The f hlnese Traveler will bav another fine rather than from the point of view of th government, tb advan ' ' season on ; .' Thia ia aomethiug new and rent ark able. It ia going to be the the mainland and I have bookings for three month already , tage are enormous. The objections to a large consump- in band. The boya are well national best one yet. A friend of niino went up to the Executive building received and' Uked, tverywher and their tion of alcohol are two fold. ' First, there' is th absorption of a new orana or naii is sura eve New v the other day to inquire about bond, or get a line, on a harbor inat vorkers Sppreciat Jt. Famous Names In Despatches large part of the resourc f tb country ia a very temNrsry en- - contract, or something of that aort sqiii tinlinperta lt little ut matter MAYOR J. J. FERN One half of a verr unpleasant 1,1 joyment; there I the aliaolut oconoralo loss which -- Usk t have U1 " i and be beard all about thia latest and newest importation.. already performed when I jihv ofiicW Merry ' ' when indulgence in bidded last Cliristrnaa to . Names history this .ert.io.vment leads to drunkenness. As Pinkham gran i going to be the finest thing ever brought which hav become famous in recent French now to my municipal aubjecta. Tb other half I wUl bid New Year's Day, appear dally in' despatches from th front,. Descendant of. four the first point, the question is, of course, on f balauc. Hawaii jiiHt exactly, what the homesteader want. l don't know waen i any omciany vo every nony: " A uappy w and they Much of our expclitnre must necessarily bo a temporary pleasure. - iear,T former J'resldeiU of .the- Jfrenclt Republic are fightiug lu tha armies : what it look like or whether you or the eowf eat it but ia hot uy me; 4 oe eame u ' Hut in a count rv it to io you.7 y. r ! They are: .; Laxar Hipolyt Sadi Caruot, who ia a major iu an where a very large proKrtioa of tb populstion i stuff. J rioa't even know whether the blamed thing ia here or hideously poor la obviously fair ret JOHN ' BARLEYCORN Cbampgn' corks, headaches, brekea infantry regiment; Claud Calmir-Prlur- , who i 'lieutenant in an it desirable that aa as possible econ- .whether it has been sent for or ia going to be brought here, but me omic resources should be directed towards building up permanont mo grass, go hearts, poverty, aickneas, crime and waste; golden grain grown in Infantry regiuteut and recently .was wounded; the Duke of Magenti ror i inanam ; jiawau win ahead and amount to some- comforts luxuries tern-oo'ar- v ' th warmth of God 'a sunshine, bathed in th dews of tb morning, a son of Alarhhal MaeMakoa, a brigadier general; and Paul Loubet and rather than toward the aatisfaetion of thing now. ; ...'..-.,.'...:.- 'r ': ,: r.v. ' enjoyment. Whnt sIa opl - smothered by the kisae of thesis saseaea an - ' ,'.'.'' ' the.Ri will now aave on vmlka : ' .. ,' the East wind, all brewed infantry lieutenaut. .. v..' i 'y., .them-bette- - - J" in - Will help to, buy clothing aud. fatter houses The sec- JH . I tb devil' still until their strength and life and gladness wa Former 'premier arid icabinxt minister are' represented bv sons " ' :, J Jt Jl "' ' ' J. "-- V transformed to th poison that nnderroitied ma a 'a honor, robbed For instance, Rene' Viviani'a two eons have seen hard service, one ond point need no argument.'; It ia no tor ion in Russia and in Kua;, I land LET US MERRY, MERRY BE .; ' ', . , - - . woman a viriure, ni Deggarein tittle child; a drupkard's promise; of them having been .wounded, while th other disappeared after and all over the world that the drnukard ia normally an is s a efficient worker.' sod the worst Costs the community ' tippler word; a fool's courage; coward s moan; bubble and light, a Jielpinm, yPavl Douoier, who a .in Caw far A hunioriwt in the federal building gave Vity battle is wis candidate for tbe the one of the moat laughtor and son?; aickneas audi death, wrecked live, ambition un- presidency, has sutiorad severely, both of bi son having been wound store than he gives to it. When then tw factor ar taken into 1 fulfilled, 'delicioua joke last week have heard irt mony duys. . V tinael glitter and a paradise of lost soul; a bora of plontv ed and on of them havipg since died front the effect of hi Injuries account, one may fulrly argu that the gain of th Russian peoplo e by Hie p .. Thia huniorUt ared the word around that Wey Thompson uiirn viid ureanis, aim imteruesa anil gan. Mon of Theophlle il-anN- and Gabriel llanotaux have been wounded cessation or rent diniti.utioa in the eonsu ptlou of alcohol J. will so UiiHsio'a from soma wa alated to aneeeed Judge Whitney of the circuit eourtl i aiany. tormcr nnuiHters, souators and deputies have taken up increne wealth that sorrcw or other tho active-servic- ,ip the army. More two voviuiiment'a loan of revenue will be mad good." The joke la very refreshing, and ia auperb of ita class cue of tha teeth pleasantly, and rolling hia blu Soft-boile- eyes, s be gates than hundred members of the mid engapcol iu master strokes of humor that uinke life ever worth liviug. around th court,- - He aeed not eteak to b try, very funny, and that senate chamber are the service either because - were t'1 Mr, Thompson ha honored us with bis presence for aeveral us me greavosi gut or a nunnorjsi.- ...... tkey called to coto's or enlisted voluntarily for the duration staff: Henri Tournade, who command b battalion of infantry; Dei war: member ' month now, and aa the deputy district attorney be baa furnished an "Comedy.", one wrote a great producer. ' 'comedy I th highest of the One of the upper house, Heuator Revmond and nty Voillot, who is euvnged iu th army service corps; L. L Klote, . , ; 'i iioii.jeji, N01 1 almost endlesa amount of amusement to attorney! and spectator in srt." . .,;,'.-.- three deputies, tier and 'roust, have beeu killed.' Many an who is a lleutcuant colonel an the staff: Claude court, who havo marveled and laughed over the unfrequented, path It Is pleasant to think of Br'er Tliompsou aa a great krtUt ia that Others have bocn wouuded, including Andr Maglnot. former' uujer Ci'liiu, an. lifHUtiy ,)U'utnaut; Ma reel Uouilloux-Laffout- , an artil-Inr- y 1 '. ' reasoning, oratory mien. '. :. " , secretary of war, who Waa of bia and , line. ..'-.- j;:- :; , state for struck down while acting as a seigeaut1, Jouis nn infantry ad jutant Deonty lrt. Aa a circuit judge presiding over intricate case of law and equity No real lover of buinor ran feel other than arateful to Jeff Me aergeawt or infantry., inner deputies wounded ar Henry Franklin a private in an ipfantry battalion; Doctor Navarre,, a military eur-iteo- ia in liuu-tcaar- uit, ho would be what called vaudeville a " scream." There can Carn for bringing thia man here from hia native town of Nashville to Roullloot Maurice Lonir, who holds the rank of captain of infantry and Joweph Caillaux,. ex premier, who holds the rsuk of .t be little doubt but that bi appointment would bo a decisive, f not tie a is assistant. It is impossible to aay how Nashville resident feel Albert Paesy: a grandson of V ed'crlc. Pnssy, the celebrated imeiflst colonel aud baa been sent on a mUsioa to South Ameiica. ' blow to amusements la wa ' fatal, .all other the eitvr at belug deprived of hia company. Perhaps lik a prophet,' though, who wsunde.l ad taknti prisoner during a charge of a regiment v klost of tho senators were too old for active service, but twentv-on- e One would be foolish indeed, with Br 'or Thompson On' tbe bench, he wa not appreciated in bi own land. or riireirT. ire witnr ttvrp a corporal; Ilen'i Ijiriroiie of them mt on uniform again and all but one, Senator Ferdi- in spending perfectly good and presumably hard-earne- mouey to see That ia a hard thought. It would be tough to think Tennessee a second heutoiiant o' Jfanev who was promotKl to a higher rank nand de I.ougcribgeu., who la an artillery .major, are serving In ; - th theatrical ahowl ., . not know- - ' a did of bis presence. Pot erhaps, all, it did,' on the field of bsttW y'ter be had been woilniled while lemlinur hU ,.. ., , ' after and not Huxi"rr. brunches. '.' Mr. Thompson 'a humor ia all the more amusing beeauaa It ia apon-taneo- appreciating bia humor, urged una oa to hew holds. Perhaps! Per men into action, ard A"dre Ituffct, a grandson o a former president Kome the municipal councillor dolug duty every of. beiug of of Pari alio are It ha almost earmark uneouaciuu, in fact baps in ths ten' day court 'em that Br'er Thompson acted' ins ui mui. usiiousi sewmny, wno waa woutneu wane aerving lu tb soldic';': D''''?!! Arnoiibl for instaac. Is servia la th ranka of In what the spectator would deem hia most aerlou moment he tiee of the iea- - in Nanhvi'ln. rebelled, those 1 ,: thr rnod'eitlreni treacke. .'''' , '.'(. in artillery wun tour or hts waiie t'ount d Andigue, who la a ascends to hi greatest eminence oa a humorist! H need not apeak; against danger urn-o- r- the of lauphin" hemselvea to death and chipped in to uine iiepuiip .row..''''in are: Fmil Bender, who la a daff capiaia and hia fellow councillor K. Evain, hav both beeu may rolled up iu hia chair, aa ia bia custom, hia he reniaiu all gritting sergeant I ' of iafantryK Paul PugUesl Coutl, who a volunteer on the Wounded.. '. '.' .' .'. .': '',''' ''....'.; '; ',.'' '. TMtVMMV nA7FTTF Tl'F.SDAY, I) f'.CKM I !F.R 2' . 1914. -SF- .MT-WEEKt.l

BRITISH ITALY LANDS SEE no USE Ifl MEXICO SUFFERS terra haute 110 BLUEJACKETS, SUKMARINE OFF officials are Hniciiiis SAGniFIGES WHEN IS GREATLY lb IN ALBANIA HAYAL BASE ,! All in jail GEHl.PORT VICTORY IS HEAR OESlEIlEiy (AiiodiUd Wy Wlrtlovt) "DOESjELGiJ Fru rdrrl (Aatoel.nUd Ttm by l'edtr! Wirtlasa) . PARIS, IONTJON, Decembrr 29. faTlution te.eber 27. AetOrtUn? to IWDlANAPQLI ' ropotis 8, December 27. his broken out In Arbanl under ir hich bsvo reac.hsd hnre .from Virtually every JofTre's General Staff Explains the IU)lAn proM, the Treiub subrnnrlni fted ; Cross Investigators' Send member of the city cnttiWartcea that may draw Italy TO ' ' Cniii was ttal jestcrday in attemps-ini-( of Terra Haute, , tnto the InropeflD war. Why Advance of Allies , D011D to envr the bay in which the Aus-tii-- n Appeal For Help For the, it In the hands of the federal authori- The revolt flamed, forth aKtilnst ' hi naval bv;e of Tola i.i situated, an ties, under arrest." The htayor, Donu Cesad Patha, the famou military lead- . IS So Slow Amnion b;ittln.Hhip at anchor belhjr tn Starving Populace Hydrcsercphnes er ahd political power who wa sub object of tbs submarine's attack. Bbbfcrts, ouable : to socure a bond of Sedan, lifhed ruler of Albania by Turkey when lhe Underwater ship made a daub for 810,000, is In Jell. wlU Mm behind the U.S.S. North Carolina Cleared the Ottoman Empire broke Into the Christmas Brings No Respi'e To 'he harbor mtrince, running full speed Famine antf Privation Will Kill bars being twenty ono other city offl "Gas Tacb Battleships European conflict. Ennd Fasha't pal' in o a stool not, a'.retched across the tiils. ini been For Action v Off ace ali Tlr8rn bas pilljed and : The Along mouth of the bay. , The striking of Levant , Warriors the thii Wany, Says CMsul, If Help i burned. Many marsacree are reported. mt prove! endoing The wholesele arrests were made yes- ' nt the of the sub. But 'IafLxt No Damage, : : terday The Italian Iovern-'- ha landed Great Battlefronts - mnilne, an alarm rshore resulting. Does K'ot Comv't Soon under tbe authority of federal Yesterday When Turks : ' bluejackets at the principal Albanian When the submarine was able to turn grand Jury Indictments, which charge t pom to restore and protect F.n " Reports Berlin order an! attempt to r.varce. she became, the Mayor Foberts and his colleagues with Grew Ugly ' rope an residents, who are aald to be-i- target be- .' bv W1wi1 of the shore batteries. After havlnj entered Into a conplrscy to cor- treat danger. ri1rl lli struck second f AiHMcletmt Pres by r4ral WlrtleM) LONDON. rrfDecember 27. the time she sank, rupt the voters during the elections of Italy's intervention In Albanian af The fact carrying WA8HIN0T0N, Docoraber Con- her crevr down with her. 27. orombT. The - con piracy eonsltrtea fairs at this time holds possible far-- that the advance of the Allies again GERMAN Al- ditions due to famine and exposure, in the wholesale une of municipal funds COUNTER ii may the German intrenrbmenta, from MOBBED and ATTACKED reach! results. It involve her TURKS in wsys uiiauthotised by law, with ev war With Turkey, and thus necess- sace to the North Sea, Is slow Is er DrYrfT"T with work of all kinds practically at in by ery dcp.vrtnient of the mniUcipal gov "ATTACKS MADE itate her entrance Into general con- plained the announcement that the an end, are as bad today in many parts the jRaiDiNG'CBUISER , , - teneral staff CenerM JoiTre. eminent TRIPOLI REFUGEES flict..' cf the of Mexico at they are in the worst deter-mlne- J tho.ie arrested are the sheriff Trench co ander has A unon? by Wlnttxi) d nlnaty-thre- e to make no usoless sacrifices of Trt't Mml distriiiis of Europe, ac- and scvcril Judges. In all -- I.O.NrH)N, I),ccull)ir 2d. ConsUntl-nopbi-,i-bili- s large bodies of men to accomplish to. cording to the ropotts which are being arrests liave been mAde. British Press Bureau Gives coiiaflii's milts axe wlUUn yrasn tli at an ;i:nKlih rnilncf ;.: that their - sent eye- ; snl . from that country by reliable Captain Oman Sent which may by nriii- vorf ti rntrr the finlf of Aba- Per ' be attained methods thst rph was witnesses, acting for the Bed sore which m,lr-- t but fore.! to wiihirrsw. American Out No' Report and All (re and proviso accom-pcnle- ' Cross. d DISSOLVED victsry ' These reports, are being ;IW flliffi if cmptory Warning and Dis MINISTRV without needles slahtrr. by rppesls for assistance, Locdoa Knows Is What KO CHRISTMAS BESPITE . .: In m?ny sectlonl of Mexico every able-bodile- d persed By Prompt Christmas Day brought no tret, to m dig- - man baa either been forced 13 Rioters m One or Willi the greet armies battling steadily and into another of the rovlnt ar 3X1 Beilia Sends Out (Aixclti by FedTl WlrelMa, ' . Prn denerr.tely a'onj hnndreds cf mi!e5 of mies, has been killed or hAs hcen so Show of Force ; " TOKIO, December 27. The EmpeTor shell torn battle line. Tbl vi spirit cripple! In the fighting of lhe past has dissolved the imperial diet owing evumhe med the holiday spirit on mrny months that lie cannot work. In (Amdateii Preis by rtdoral Wlrslekt) to rejection of measura for the the the Eutope's ba'.tlefolds. , these districts the homes of many of MANILA, Deceni-.e- r LODOfJ, December 27. 27. AH abor- (AtiocUtcd by Tederlu army Increase. ' Christmas Day. 1914. fonnd the Env the oeoplo have been destroyed, their tive, upiisin? among the was tritt rVlrltM Cf .fijSJJB'S natives A. . Christmas day was marked by an sisn armies ilghtlhg through sp cattle token front them and the fields nipped in the bud here yesterday by tne ATncNSrlbllai..i December Z7. The (Special Cable to the Klppn JUl) Poland snows against the Oeraan at laid aekOlate. arrent or rignt of the ringleaders. attempted German air raid upon TOKIO, December a tacks onslaughts Amonr those reDorting recently fa affair, which American cruiser' North and of the Au trlxrf Natsn f;latii, .lapsnire ynnlh. wu f h... Carolina conference with Premier Count Oknm, allies. America Consul Ilanna, stationed at , of consequence, turned ou; be Shernessvat the mouth of the ten years, whilo ixturninK from to little vw Emperor Toshihito today issued an or-d- Eussian succe.rA as rafortei oH- - Bil juonierry. tie appea a ror rojd, clout- more than an Incipient riot. Tne wiwui ivi uvtiwil .Jbaibl UUJ Ull a brintinae celebration on thrixtmas $ Thames, by British dlxsolvlng the Japanese parliament. rlnJly by the authoritiei at Petrcgrd, ing and medicines, stating that a large scheme, as ont'ined, was to seize H K r I'm! A tt mh'J and a naval cftcrniK iTy wns tun Tort me mji uuinKf iijun auu Itaiu This action was taken by the emperor include advances ion ami hilliM by number of women and children will BsnMago, en iuii vi ii ii r. rrl Mr rnirl Rpnhin ttado srounl War su sutninnliilff which is eUiinnl by a nndafended administration irinn as a result Of the Sgbt made by the saw and around Cracow, but develop tarva to death or die from exposure building, Ind the barracks of Cu da Turkish officials ashore were no- Dumber of wit as hunibr-ri- l artel Snti government parties against the ments of yes erday do not materially Denton, being tills mouth unless aided irv.r.Mirtely. Bspana end K'orth Sea ports. The German ltif-1- tiHinlicroil accord- the Cuartel Infantcrla, In tified rj?rt bom- - provlrUn; for the organisa- change the general situation. This car, Ui Walled City. that the would be ing to tho police is ownel by Williinn aviators were driven off by the tion of two additional , array divisions Tho orrntrirms between the Bnsslan The loaders had expected that tea bai'ded unless Immediate steps Westbnxik" a driver in the rent ct for station in Korea, and for the con- army In tlie Caucasus and the Turiish Mayor-Ele- Lane Has the Three tnonrna members-o- f a secret society British " any Whniever car killed the 1ml. its air scduts without struction of additional warships for the troofK sen . out tna tamnuer were taken to suppress a mob of lave f brotwht io stand. . wouia rise, that ac Mi driver' ailmitte.l nmiisluuebter by a rtlV,trtA kfilnN rtnnfl ihIi'iIm III D Japnose navy. A new election will be rtlll by snows , Names Selected Lowrey, tnally took part In was uaiuayc uciuy uuuc, wiwe me 01 - sevoral bliztirds and in jeowanlly flight. tbe affair small rioters engaged in an updn held in March. the valleys Irid on ; ' service men supplied Philip-tin- e the Ctenes of the I Wcllrook was ajprelienileil the Guild Quinn the .:rk tish aeroplanists succeeded - in wild g ly and constabulary fHrf flrfiprinn efnamp ViHrtlhl:':' cflttntry where much of the ttfu-lu- I police " with advance linor has dope. eeveral hoots after the accident mat ion of the plot complete reaching a number of German no been Imf n.if tufti'alv i.lutit.fln.l and plans port for the purpose of taking rLAJTDEES EEXATIVELf QXJIET ti,,,.. io cnecitraaie it had been prepared. off' bombs' (from Sunday Advertis-r.- j ' sitiens, where were rained In Handers, the German official buV being the driver of the ear. lie iiroved Eiiropeah refugees.- The action reported qtti A complete change is to be mhdo In down upon gas tanks, aerodomes lelln the sltnattjn St., The , rum lusively that at the time when ttie of ..Captain Oman, personnel n EMPIRE 'commanding and the dectcs of a number of war PORTIDN Of VALGB Germans dec'srs they have taken the scriilrtit ocrnrreil, he. was eiixatu by the of the civil service STATE HiS ; second line of British trenches In Bel Mrs. J. T', VViiioe and bail driven her by ilsyox-elec- t John C. Lsno. the American warship, dispelled snips. . ' - Slum. to severaf. places about the t ity. The The appointment of the men to suc- ' The French rendrt several successes notice state the. Japanese child ceed the mob and the refugees were The Official bre& bureau .. pren by raderal WiMleM) that the tiresrnt rnininiKSionars bus' al A.KUtd along the center and eastern lines, three-fort- Mrs. NACO, the wss klllrd at o'clock. ready been decided, en by the incoming . UElUfleiflB taken out in safety':''';,';.'., ' Arizona, December fie. As aorrte points At the trenches of the.Wione BUt.ul to The Advertiser last cbier executive, and two of the new . a resu't of tho strong remesentatlons . official report from the host' trooos have been, pushed so close nin ht that WeHtbrook drove her to tbe commisMioners from - - admiralty hare boen selected Atoc!ed by Tederal ACTING AS CONVOY thftt there it fi0 ""xrtnnlty. liaaaiian Hotel n nr o clock sud among Republics one from the ranks Trm Wireless) to cive out regarding the British or n; NEW YOKK, December 27. iTmrlei-S- . JrtZZ t&t0M,tf0 artlllorv tire and tha soldier auring 'the time of the Democrats. !. : ' ' The cruiser convoyed the Vir raid. nse omy nana Whitman, who has been district at- : grenades, which are of tbe accident. ..lee police are still Chairman K. K. Bodge has. declined torney lntervea-In- g of New York county, is now . The reports sent out from Ber iS.anad.MW.n?hd;' cto:s wen of srarehinK for tbe oJTervling driVef. to serve for another term, and it is ginian into the port of Tripoli, the rJ?L the j- - giace who met bis fet tbe Oovernor Whitman, having taken his - The lad, death vnderttood his place will be taken lin by. wireless announce that it one of wat la being shifted farther to BTJHY tbt oath of office at Albany yesterday and steamship having been chartered ' TEucE3 to tiSAD hands of . tin? rcckleis driver,' it is by either F. D. Lowrey or Elia Long. th aouth. General May torenv is re--1 IjL ,ZZL. L being formally installed io the TVtia a idiiuic hit uiaieiidi uiiii T.i claimed by witneenes, was attempting Attorney Clem K. uinii is reported State to rescue all European resi- -' tiring beyond range of the guns of the Capitol, succeeding Glynn.-,- . the burying the dead who have jillen In to lie street and wss appointee-to-be- , Martin age having been done to the Ger garrison in Mexican Naco and la aban- crcs withiu :l to be the Democratic A the charge bulween British and Ger- few of. the sidewalk when he was t. Huild the. seeouil .Itojnilff fine military display marked tbe oems in me Levani. I ne com mans, or doning trenches and removing his feef and (eor(r Inauguration Mr. gov. afloat ashore, while at rls man lines, that oh this part of thj struck down. Tho driver of the car lican on the commiHsion, the, two of Wkitmnn as machine guns. Tho whole besieging ernor, the fevehth Ne York the mander, of the. Virninla reniiPtt(rl least one of the raiding vessels battle front a ttnmbsr of 'Informal . made no. attempt to render assintanre Teter Dsron and Wakai-uai- , and force will be moved eleven kilometers were declared. many Jee Naval Militia taking part, with a bat- 5pt on firfl hv hrtmh ' trace tti esses ami sird on with all haute, lcavinil the appointees of Mayor Fern. , the Turkish authorities to allow: wfls a from a southward. ? .. talion field, artillery. , .. . the soldiers who fell in the. charfe', dying boy in the road. The boy's Thene appointments are expected to of ; International complications aem def- the British and French uerman aircraft. . and countercharges had been lying for nkull was crushed as the result of be ihade at onre upon the newtv duct- consuls initely artrtad. , . M ; EIGHT WARSHIPS ENGAGED Just as they were Stricken down, j ng dahhrd aKaiui't tha etirbiug. Motor-B- o ed supervisors taking offlce..,' This is and their nationals to leave the incessant and aearrhlng e ' ThH Partnhefr HnlilnH 9t hss boenjrvtle Oilicer tnilton has rharj-- of tbe partly due to the fact thflt a rnling JAPAN GETS itu i i - . TBOM ANVHV CAJPITOIi n vnj. iic was iciudcu, The German report says that TO ui nau er uaou auu duuois tear; tne rase. r '. has' been made which holds, that the tutoi ' . but a number of. refugees on day (Aaaociaud Tt by rdrml Wlrtleu) men In the trenches could not bury commissioner leave office automatically began Christmas a fleet of eight : . I PASO, December . 80. Julian their fallen comrades oven at night. at the expiration of. their term, . not to board the steamer. ; ; British Iritb . warships dashed a Medina, a blacksmith, has ; been a p. i. NO MATERIAL CHANGES is A KNIFE - holding over, as true in most eases, ;KRUSSIIfll5Llli Ccrman bay, the name of which is t olnted aovsrnor of the Btate of Ja ' Official bulletins issued la tho vari- M until tneir aureesnors are appointed., PROMPT ACTION ous European capitals t not ' lisco. The appointment comes from today show that Many Want Bodge tK"tr-- n Pre by Wlrttcn) announced. The hVdroaero tit-natio- redenl This sinnnl fnr thr Gen. Fra&c sco Vila. , there is no enterirl change in tha n strong broufeht, from ' wfls the an. ' 'presnnroVas COPENHAGEN, Docember 28. Ee-- planes of this fleet then took to - :. : ,; :' I nn tha western front. TO HIMSELF both pearance 6f . SU3 side of the political fence, to - a mob, the members t Tho Berlin report dwells chiefly I -. ! -- 1 I v'" ". the air and made a raid against 'United Charities of Honolulu' It on rom.u jir., ,uuKo .u o.iU.re, au.i coded' "Sakhalin' Island to Japaa in of which began to stone the Ve- - the British rr.erse alleged to .have O- mayor-elec- t would to the have yielded chanc, for PU!nber gxm. t . . Jk . . 1 . : II - L. - of hetFy J 1L.!J e. the mouths of certain German ccurred St. Knbort and re- hH, unu oag-n3n- Is Called $25,CC4 Be- at previously .' Ernekt Kong, ayonng part Hawaiian this pressure ot Bodgo g.ven it, b, tt3Wl h w luyeea tu pinage tneir - and ported. ln extern rivers.- The flames of these were he did pot wish and conld , - ' who drives an automobile in the rout oil that ftont, - .When this ftfimmfnrfri. Has1 Paris chronicles numerous severe st- - A ' also suppressed by the German quest Been Held Up ;v Hcrvico rushed into tbe Harrere Sale not accept reappointment. OrFICIAIlT CONFIBMED ' Captain Oman sent a guard : . served .'. i. i.. . . morning Ha has on the commission for censors, y re-r- ma and WASHINGTON, December 26. The but it is taketi for grant PaHs .,1 :i:uml' aiansger V" six months, hud judging it on the ashore with a message to the Jv, i aHsed liarrer. for the lose of Japanes, embassy, confirms the report attack, were rePU-s- ,"seerntn?-- 1 , , he finds cd here that the Elbe and the A tyiwgrapbical error may turn out fc tf taUJ tUt h. ,,h t basis of his esperiew-e- two ihAt p.ttU haa ceded Sakhalin, Island Turkish commander arid swung U19 one Weser to U- a. vi ry costly As-- T7 cut a ropo on a trunk, ' lie was given vital tauits witn it is on,tne snian, japan. are the rivers designated. mmtakcifur tbe. US"?1"""1 SUQU' ms guns upon tne motr asnore, (huuities woiim ii'iuu iDiiivii tv ti rtavi tlllj a small kuife wnun was lyin ou tne uunioer 01 roiniiiimiunera, tu unipr uu The airships dropped bombs ociaUHl of llonnlului according Jtion, of th f.ttemnted advsncea. powers,' eoinmisHion should would com- table but stated that it wue too small its The announcing that he - , to wond that readied The A.lerti-- r BTJ5StAN Mrs. Annie E. Browrt, upon a number of the, German BTJCCBS8 REITE?ATE1 for bis purpose. ' Beeiug a loug-blade- liave five members, he contends, and KamiSna, bombard-- . fruio Kan FrauuUco. A bequcut $J3,-0H- mence ah immddiate ' of Berlin admits that In Pol?nd an at- be- Us functions should be extended to - and exeeedliiKly sharp knife lying roast positions and. bombarded is . . . Away al inoivd. tempt of invading German forces to hind the t'oimtor, Kong asked for it, make it n police as well as elvil Passes After a ment unless the refugees were Whi-- the lato William O. njsde the gas tanks and the warships Irwin crors tha Bzura river, has been aband- prouiUing he would ' return the service eoiiiniiation, with the sheriff and ' ' lowed to Virainia in bis will ho that - Long Illness ' co aboard the wioto Into it a provision that oned. .. , ... his subordinates nnder jurisdiction. lying at Cuxhaven, cutlery within a few miuute. its i , AsHDciatml - ' ' peace. :;.,;) . tlu 1iaritic of cian 1'ruu- Fetrogrsd hot nnly conflrtcs thla bnt Kong then went across ' the Street Mora Extended Power HO HITS, NO DAMAGE ciaeo stionkl' receive from his estato tbe declares that Busslan have thrown . "The present act is all right as a At the sight of the American ' - to the shed where his auto was stand. no stun of and be inten.lei tu back the attaching soldiers an! that Ing aiid stabbod himself in the abdo starter," be said last night, "but it (From1 Snnilny Advertiser.) bombardment, "There were hits," says the a u preparations for a leave a' like mom t to the A'soriutcd he Oormr-- lost heiytly ' must be carried to moke the - ' in tho llaht ftien. He was taken to the (Queen's further Death claimed Mrs Annie E. Drown, Berlin no ' bust-know- moo report "and damage I'lMiilie of Honolulu. However, the tng. ., llinpltal where It was reported aat rommiaaion what it really should be. One of the n kamaaiiia women the tied. wrs done to our positions or our will read: "United Char itis of JIolio-lul- PetrngTSd alo asserts that the Bus-sls- ai;ht that be had a fair chance fot In the first place the membership of IIuiioIiiUi, at twenty. liilimtcS after three-ma- " and nu such orguuization ; five. A ' exists. attack against Cracow, la steadily re ovcry, , should le increased to seven o'clock ("biiatinaa night, ira. .Ships. - - "- - - ' - - v Tbe irt&nt of Mr. Irwin Is very plain, develoilng.- ' r n At the "police station it ia reported commission Is unnatiafaetory, if Iirown had been in failing health for BITTER WEATHER - n The British aeroplanes were s'leelillr when the Interest he al- BEIT IFH OfitTBUAt. DBAD r that Kong had some trouble over a fqr no other reason than becunso it some inonths pot .end kor death wsyi tw)k ill the work Afwociuted Cot. Kelly Kenny, for- - prey-iii- j' is so for two of thu three to ' ' pursued by a fleet of German.ma-rhine- s, of the 8lr. Thosns woman .recently and it bus been easy night was , not nuexpwted, Heart C'hurlties here and the many donations be mor rdlntsnt anneral died hnr today. ouibis niiud. ' .v got together and program Something troiiblo was given as the caiiso of Which ' - the aviator of re-- 1 , . . - BRINGS SUFFERIKS made to it (luring hie life time are TftOM GEBMAN CAPITATi through on the third. death. .. . i ombarded in their turn the Bri membered, and it is quite poSHiblo that BBELIN. December CR. Hfllcial "Then, again, the rommiH--.in- eheitl I funeral services for the ileeesaed will the organiaation will get what he iutelid-e- d "rnllar tletslls of "the batt'ini be- have mere power. It should have the take place st three o'clock this after-t'on- tish vessels, which had picked up - it should, litit the misnaming the tween OermsBs and Brl'l-i- r,"- fit. H'l-be- A COMMON ERROR power pf a police e jmiufsjiioji, with the in the home of son, K. - of her J. the hydroaeroplanes and were itroamzntiou la tlie will has eituntl a show that the Anglo Tndfin trdos aherihT subject to its jurisdiction. Tho l'ro.rn, mu Vm-n- street, Hev. Wil- rttemptfra to escape to sea. Two hitch. .i ; - l'i-- t nineteen officors and 'that 8(rg men commia'-ioi- i ran s eoinplinh very tittle liam l). Weatorvelt oflirluting. The were taken prisoner. Fourteen tna-crin- e Tho Bama MlsUks Is Made by Many as It is how a mere civil boly ruuK.ins will bo em) alined and sent to' of the British destroyers were aurs and twelve People. With a set of ambitious rules.'' Cam bridge, taiauclatt Prtts by fedKrul Five Thousand Dollars For Swim irine hrwers Honolulu Ohio, where they will be WlrUn hit by ths German bombs and one have been esp'.ured by the Genr.ina It's a eoniiiiou error 'Too Bid' S'ill In the Blnj placed aloiigKido of those of her late YOBiC, 27. Thi ' NEW December e-- d 3000 ef the onnorlnj forcae wife planter aching back, It in extremely, unlikely Urnt another biialiond, .limhiin K. llrown, in Iho rther convoying vessel. This lat- ming From a Donor Who the Esat ti In the grip ef the Coldest De- Tnk kl'JM. Our losses wero coaratively To rub with liniments, rhcumatie nieetinir of the Tireaeut eominissiouera stoa titer .. Wilheluiina leaving next ter Vessel was reported ,to have small. ..' ' ' ' t' will IK held.- They will probably go Weilnesdiiy cember weather experienced for thir To Be ' joints. ; morning. Prefers Unknown ; e teen years, and tbe surlorlng among avi-cto- rs "Blrewhe-- tho bsve cornea from kid- out of ollice with the " liana na 'Mrs. Brown was born ...in Cambridge. the been afire when the German .If the trouble tbs Jack'' poor, char-r.ite- sixtv-oiirh- from Chicago to the Atlantic sea- been a Kdnnr and r neys, Kalaklela muddle unaettlod, OUiui 4. lKf(i wns t ' of tncondusiva still June and board, widejproad. abandoned their pursuit. ard .the sttoition to tinchsnerea. time to use Dosn's Ilackacbe Sheriff Boso baa not let up in bis 'yearn of aye at ber birthday. Slio is There have bean The Y. M. '. A. has rWeived a very it's - lat a number of rrem on - - Hanana appoint- came deaths exposun, prem-n- t "We P.tta reseel our sttackg t,be Kidney fills. . i effort to get " Jnek" to Hawaii about seventeen years f ue Christmas, In a of live s while relief Vi-- TREMENDOUS OUTPUT 'V vlii t tha river Bium. Hoie is convincing proof, of merit. ed to the elernlilp at the etatiou, ainl,etro in company with her husband, the the societies have been tLoiixaiid dollars towards a swiuiiiii Iln-'tt- untU'td with appeals for coal and ' "T Brills n attack near- Lotcen Dr. II. (Ireen, physician, 15 N. Muth the coiniiilalon no to this time has lute Joahua K. Ilrown, who onranized ; ; tank, the' (lift being given on tbe ren- clo'hin. , OF AUTOMOBILES reunited. Wo canared a 8t, K. Vakima, Wash., saysi have succeeded in holding out against hiai. and eoudui ted for some vcar the local dition that the donor's name bo not bn "I ' Iu this city tbe thermometer noon " - r,f ene:sy. - Jack was lul eventh "luce an the fedrtrhl ' at r given oat for publirstion. thorsnd the now been practisiiiif medicine- for over immigration station. reiljtered sixteen PrM fcr Fdwl W1rlm) "Snttheest of Tomastw, Poland, Our fitty yars, and ever since Doao 's Ilack- eligible for this position, two e The (lcceaKe l was a staunch member decrees above aero, llonoiilii s M- - A.. A, is now lit whlnh was the for 'CHICAOO,lnt'd IWember 27. Aiitomo-- I I, r:ii; tSttiri-- " acbe Kiduey my moved from the number whit b the com- of the Central I'nion Slid a malmiim tha day, ed with a flue gyninailiim, hi fcas t rwnM'i." I'ills came to stteutioii Church ingot ;i ninniif Hilnrers turuw out during 1TTS TBENC11 BEPOBTS mission gave. Kofe from vhi' li to stdoet member the Ilurkeye ( Inb, which wine tasi it dropped to four all the laUtit apparatiis for gyumav a have nrescribed them to my patients. of of above, the cold beinc lntenalfled by this year enoyb sitoiiiuliilf to snppW A FIB. December Btt, Tbe oHeial TLey bis rlerk. The sheriff bus knocked out ber Iambi! iil a charter inciulier a work; Hu bowling alley, whirb U have never failed in any inrtaure wti and strong off:;ea wind. Tbe bodies of three m tt every two hundred persona un- bile'ln todr." mentions particulrrly a that I used in fact, one of tbe two, thus brlugintf Juck flrnt president. The hrowns were long equipped with the latent tivte pi art bare tliemi the persons who bad frozen to death bare der the t'lajr, '! fcave a few lirft a esero 0rmn attack vesterday 'for promptness in which they ovoteemr ose nearer the goal. popular iu Kuckeyn society, nn.kin it been picked up. The aimiber tern; uuiter of fine baudliall rourts, bis antng-onis- a to meet oir. total manufactured IW) vards along tha Alltis': front ntsr kidney disorders is deeerviug of great The Kbeiiff still shouts noint and become ncquaiutnd cold an indoor baiebsH court, suvrrul Due ' roof- Three deaths from the are re irf American plants in , SIS, (Mil), the Per e. ., Tha attack was completely rredit. .. . to the coinmlbfion from the with all former residents of Ohio who billiard taf.len, and aa up to date rsfd-teri- a ported from tft. Louts, where the mer- value t whivli, at the, factory, was checked. any form of kidney trouble,; tops. Many are wondering what bis at- made Hawaii their home. cury so that the oulv tbiu it really bl "For last night stood at only two de 4H.'54i)l10(M.- - .. Per-rw- procrrrs la c'rlssed by backache, Moll titude will be. hud what kind of a Pjve sons survive Mrs. Brown: J. lacks Is a gooil swiiiining tank, aud pains through, the loins,1 grees above cent. e Ceniey. Alsace. - wncn tne new urown, ru- - money is now band. Trench tiwsrd in kidney tone and cravel, Jropiiv, rlieii- reception he will receive nelly eastiier of the local tbe for this in : Tbe wesfier is foggy In riandors and pniim, uu-lv- r Kcpiilijiina eoiviin'msion tnkes ollico. torn hmire; Kaymond C. Urown, seere CHICAGO'S DEATH RATE Jvo plana, fur work upon the tank ntatie weakness of tho jr."e3io- - la lary of the Honolulu chamber of enin- - RUSSIA NUMBERS AUSTRO- - FOR YEAR VERY LOW have as yet been drawn, up, but ao alow..' and Inability to bold the ecretionn, Elsewhere the battling ta nothing but hiwin's hi merce, ami Frank, Charles, Orlof tune will lie loKt. iinrkarbv Kidney Pills are the Carl Klhner Is now favelini and GERMAN PRISONERS an artillery duel beot me lit ins that ran be used " the great soda lake .district of 'U-foriii- It) own, rcMiililijf In the inaiuisnd. V : Ooau'S Ka karlie Kidnev I'ills are. Mr. E'scbner whs receiity (HiCA.f'iO, IWwiiber 7.The pres. PILES CURED N TO 14 DAVS. pope TUB BE3T COUGH MEDICINE. Awt--- Prtti by Fsdsral Wlrtlsss) t vuThave old bv all druggists sad storekeepers i working as a rcientiat.at Washington V i , I)XTX)N, SB rut ytrsr with the lowest PAZOpINTMUNT is gua-- r o" per und part iu A despatch iu tnl st reols hoi (six boxes and Panning lalands, tok Chauiborlaln's Coi'Rh Reme,1y is the to Keutor's Telesfram 1outb rate for thi ltr Ita history. to v'ure any ca&e of Itching, blind. - prisoners exchanged or will le nirilrrf on of price on revenue Company from fur-lunl- fj receipt an expnlitiun rout out the lapent selling rough to the advance d by meilieiue in the Petrols J ravs that tip1 to 1ute flures Bleeding or Protruding Jllea in 6 PrM rlarl WlrslMi) lv' the llollivter I'rug V, llouolulu, Thetis to the leeward islauils of world tbe I V" ta ruttor tolay, hecsnxe it dors xne'tlv Oermsn prironOrs Hus-siu- the health depart POMK, CO, I'opo Itenn-die- t tskeu by tbe. nitr's Peeember wholiwale for llswuiina is- : is now writ- (U'sMis thou-- 14 days or money refunded. Made hi aaeats tbe the Hawaiian troup. lie what a roueh medicine H supposed to sre tlflr-er- s ment, number of prt s IM and 131,700 men thr ' devoted the resler pert of t briat lands. ., ing a aonovrnpb on the Houth Hea do. stnps Cntipha iuiii.1 uitv. 'front a I cuuars l.aa PARIS MLD1C1NB CO.,GUt Louia It and eolls spe-lil- nun iiniv iii- - nuKHians nuve iBt'ir man Day to developing a plan for the Itmneiiibee (he name, with reference to geo- siso taken t.i-r- Plan's, be visited, end (.ffeetmilly. For snlo by all dealers. prisoimm J 1.17. .' ; V. A. tie 8l6d Austriiin ollitera a ; ejicuaajjn of wai1 jiriauuttrs. Uke uo substitute.' logical ".,;. anj candiUuu. Deuson Hmitb I, Co., agents for Hawaii, Autttriau solJiers. , HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, TLT.SDAY, DKCEAI HKR: ' ft 1014.' WEEKLY. SUG. H PROFITS CONGRESS SETTLES CITY EMPLOYEES VJILL, THE-PERSON- DAY HOLD S CAOGHTITIEEII CHRISTMAS

i t IIIMSE OOl'lfl TO THEIR JOBS TILL FEBRUARY 1 i'IIARf LI BUSISS ARE BADLY If,I SHIP AliO AI MRIOOS AllulY niTu "-- - - thirty days after the aupervlsor- - utid mayor-elec- t Ulto offlc ther will tuv rni.n Foa cjmnfc mad In any inuniciual offlce. ' President VKson Has Both , Mayor elect John O. Lan ha Incoming aupervlrOTS. 1(1 uiA.ruiiu to informed th PALI GRAS Attempting ,To Rescue Ship- bin But beginning lth rbniry 1, however, cmdal heads are guina to fly a IMPOSTS i . - Branches of National Lcgista-- ; thick and fast, and the ax will b put bo-- not down nnlU th td and mayor mate, Mate Arncsen of San-- , M complotely surromided by Eepnbllcans. , . , ,. j , Gain In tive Body Under Control new Price of Product Expect Th.s is th that has jurt dilivei but of th caucuses of th oJftclal-- ' Jl : ' ta Maria Badly Hurt . , Glen McTaggart, Carl Wikandcr Santa Claus .,,'..'."'-.- ; and the Cooks Were . cd To AdJ Thousands To decMon dinrjiic line's not to any present mnnMpal Tnployei until taint-tr- y ':. , doe com and Dr. K. Halda Sustain Busy Bringing Cheer to Municipal. By XrnoRt O. Walker. not altogether out of generosity to tlifc Democrat. ;. Coffers ' H prefer to mat his clear! sweep Itatwfill Herald: In a gallant at- (Mail Speclnl to The Advortlner) the aim day he offic. but ; a lejrw opliilon tks Broken Limbs tempt io esv a shipiiiate from drown- Men In Uniform stand in th Way of ny such procedure. , ' WAPIUNQTON,, December !. itn ' Ia this, opiuion It is couleuded that a muuiapal employ tn'aged by tk in' ing last Mondsf night, Bocoh-- Mate iuPERVISORS-ELEC- tail il J upon the second week of a re menu. T PLAN tnut b tivca a uionA a noiic to rai.it, aud that la th auseuc of auch ' O. Arneren o aion, Con ureas undoubtedly haa found no h the steamer K.inta Mail.i Joo csn demand full pay for th month. ". INJURED BOYS CLAIM CHILDREN ; itn atrble la both branchca. There V almost los Ilia lif by 11 ng crushed POST WERE FOR ECONOMICAL BUDGET . Wayor loin passed out word shortly attcr his defeat if th rioreWul has been little pnnecriisaty palavering. aepub Aetna tht between the s'dea' of oil 'and .woul Rive hlra a liat of their who wer ; AUTOIST AT FAULT the tanker WELL REMEMBERED The imperious requirement for action appoint to be given th axe, he would sorv tioUc to quil on them the first of December mak- tho Marina Kci wharf. The officer held every day in d'' barge of legislative thus ' ' ' ing it posfdbl for Lans to nam tlioir suctessots the day too offlc ; Plan , Separate ia conceded on every Agl hs ia to tho other man antil the latter to Water and tasks side. But rrn wa deemed to b Jolting. Anyway, hU wa nvoV was hauled ofler talen Japanese Ma- -' to safpty by having a rope All tationa of the various sorts that attend leroatly.. . Driver Overturns the Mainland Customs Were ' Sewers From Engineering of iaa o.l around blm, and then, before he the opening the national conirroe" L,uo, it is vndeHtood., ht picked all men ' could be have been received with impatience th for the InpOrtsnS Dlac .chine and Bicyclists Arc raised himself to tbo deck of Transplanted Fcr tho - Department May Fail Thoiif uinns probably wiu be given out aoon after th first of the yer. .' the ship, wa eaught between th side ami are lining waived aside. As hoc Strong ' ' preRsur ia ptlug brought on Laii to retain ora th oftlciala .. . v Of the wharf and th vessel badly .' li"n much reiterated senators tad of . Maimed and Day and Night: W.. A. Wall, city enKlneer, ha marshalled conaldiirabio snpport on crushed.' are befet with th behalf of ' reirrnttlvea bis retention. But now of th presaur. nor all of it, been rtron-- r The unfortunate- man, being From ilol-'- J his nonrh, after, twenty to thirty thousand dominant Idea of rireveating an extra to mov fYom it ia.aaid.. Ln hU determination to supplant vcry Democrat McTsgga-r- t frothed, sank buck 1n tbe water and far aession next summer. ., Olen and Carl VTikan-'- l In a hundred may bi added to the rrvtnue of high, or low,-i- offic by Eepubiican. .. it wai by hard work only th.it he was 'decorated nieaa . I'rosideut Wilaon's selection of a few who were the fity B , of the sudden gain II haa taten th pOBi'lon that "ther 1 b lob fcepubUcPn returning on hieyrW from tew ued., He . was nneonacloua when Friday th Savory odor of roust turkey molt bills, all Dut one of which haa passe ;,..'can't fill Sn outing on the windward in better than a Ds aocrat," and hs is backed in by the side of the lilted onto th wharf, b waa t asj the trimming huli-da- y the price of sugar anil the conse tlw bouse, for enactment this session it supervisors elect, Island, Crashed and attendant of a Into an automobile on Once rushed off to the ililo Hospital. dinner quent increase in the profit! of the baa pnt a great quietus, on a niss of the Pali road, near the V. C. Joaps indicated that the 'soldicri ' Ipon admittance there it was seen be plantations half completed legislation left , over snd msrities nnd of the Territory. premises, yesterday afternoon shortly was In a bad way, and at first was Kiilors on Oahu were from .laa't passion. .. .Ordinarily j there after three o'clock, aa it j 'A preliminary and unofficial assess-mea- t JEBIMlS and a result the thought that be would die. However, celebrating Chrlatmas Dry In the man- ' would be earnestness in briagiug nieiia bov are in the Hospital, each on Tuesday recov- ner whirs, time-honnre- d survey" . waa made yosterdny, ' EtfiiEflTllS morning the patient has become one of tho be tore A Tfi committees.. voiisoici with broken right, leg.., . ,. ered consciousness wa which brought forth the prediction that nous example ia tho liural Credits Mill and then ret eu loms thre services. In sov. lr. K. Ilaila, one of the passengers potted to be on a fair way to recovery, the county would have email fortune Certain senatora,. came to Washinutou In the antoirtohile, la suffering With hral h uiul red hornet of army and n.ivy expecting to it by hearings UP FAREWELL BALL MiSLEAOifiG LABELiS hi tody and bead wer terribly bruised word thl year than last, due to the advance broken right arm,. .;';-- , and. hia- eyesight has departed for peoplo',' Christinas dinner parties and otherwise this winter. .The rrnti- - the Jnro ; Agashl, th Japanese - .. ', boost in the price of sugar. driver of the timo being... .,,... ,., , ., and small were to be found in the dent barciv mentioned this bill in his . aoreral aratp wound Ehipmat Drank . . . venmg. . Plantations have been assessed npoo annual mear-ag- and made it clear he H ...... a and tbe car itself is pile of scrap , Tbe accident happened .when Ame- toming from the land of ico nnd different basis than that upon which did Hot expect it to bo passoil at this decides To Abandon Street Dance near what is known, as th Bureau of Chemistry Pro- "hairpin" ses came down to the wharf in eonv snow Christmas . time, . proa at to the bind house and' lot,' for 'instance, have session. With a discouraging TMi; turn on tho Pali road.. :, , 7 panyiwitb an oiler who from all ac- of "liquid - pei-t- so spoken, eredl' On sunshine," the service lco- been assessed, the cane distinctly rural Account of Governor Klcycle Flung Into , , i la latter th prietors of Medicines How Anto counts had partake freely of th plo omitted no detail of their ruMmo-ar- y j tsseesment has beon upon nnis are neing put away on inc seen, company baaed the la with three other younf, liquid delights of many Ililo thirst celebration, from the round of vis- actual salable . prop- .Progrant , Pinkham's Reception' They men, members Pnnble-- iuh and value of the rreiHent Guuinea . Deceive Public of the pf emporiums.' The aecood mate was as- its to the various organizations, ilnl i erty, while Two or genertvl Y. M. C. ia the raae of plantations three scoria of other the voting MrTsigart and sisting the, " loaded " roan and it was Sod homes ,fo the morning c:ip ot haa been predicated on average bills ml"ht be mentioned in the name. Wikandcr hnd been r it the soenilini tka when, trying tO. get the joyous to thp informnl soi i ill if ii tli c profits for five years. ,v rktegory. Many at) Industrious , and , It is too bad, to break th news on hristnma holidays at Kancohe., The ' WASIIINOTOX. U answer to many al.oard that the aecideot is saiJ and song fests in the evening. larger Profit Increase Tax thoughtful representative has some Blue Monday, and it would not be pertv broke up yesterdnv and the boys to haV 'happened.'. The second mate Tree inquiries as to proper labeling medi-ihi- nl Chriatniss Plenty Sugar having taken an upward flight, idea for the statu to books. ' He or broken today but for the - fact (hat for lett Kaneobe early in the afternoon on tried bia .test to put bis shlpmsta on New preparations Christmas Kvo tho Christmas Tre beginning with the opening'of Eu- ciipies, himself as best he can in ad Year's Eve is very near at hand. to comply with the bicyilos, for their homes. According board in safety, but the stumliJod exercise were the The latter held at various canton- ropean war, the profits of the planta- vancing it. Hut now the J'restdenl fact is Mayor Fern haa decidod food and drugs act as amended, the de- to tbe" Toliee thr wrre coming down smi fell and. dragged bia friend sljuu" ments. Out at SchoficM Harrui ks, has outlined a little program for to abandon his plan for a ball on the Tall road when they came upon tions ahould be much larger this year quite tbnt partment ot agriculture, through the bu- with him over the. side of the wharf. where the garrison Jias frown too bin."' . recognised evening, does automobile. than in 1013, and consequently they himself. It is tbnt that lie not wish to run a reau of .chemistry, the There wa -- gH space to allow of th for post affairs under one roof. h I'ink-ham'- has lasucd the fol- Doi-to- r will pay in taxea. program alono wil) take every hit e' rival entertainment to Governor llaida and tve , Japanese two men bitting bumpy regiment greater amount of lowing suggestions to the water, but a had its tree where sll tln - ia (rue time congress can spare irom appro Two dances in one taunt one makers and pro- friends wore in the car bound for swell pf swing- This on the presumption that ' the sea kept the vessel children of the officers and men wito Charles J. McCarthy, territorial treas- priation bills, .Hence it is not only by the city 'a executive and the other prietors of medicinal preparations: Ranenha. Tbe .driver made a quick ing back and forth and rendered the taken by their parents rpaile ' and tho useless to anythiug else bat by the Governor Is regarded aa too . turn avoid colliding . i urer, eomputofj the assessment on the striv for "Claims of thereapeutie effeett:: A to with the bnvs position ot the Oiea precarious. . recipients of Christmas prevents dvliv. r aame his it will be next to impossible for one to much of a good thing; and beside oae preparatioii'-canno- and owing to tho sharp turn in 'the , The men o eteanu-- who. scheme as predecessor. t be properly desig- the saw. the red b Santa Claus in porsnn. would ., ( olU-- r The tax rate will be fixed get pa Jiudienro in senate or house. or injure the other. '. k rood at tnat point, tho car overturns aecident mad baste to rencue ., aot until nated as a specific core, remedy, or rec- the No general assemblage was held at ' l Mayor . luss noi olHdally n-- i the latter part of. January. It is ax--. at the committee table for schemes, Fern ommended V tn the hoys ran ixto It at full speed, and tbe oil,r, but while the latter the big poet for Christmas exercises, infallible, sure, certain, hoi-ita- legislation..' , l:irthermore, .. with tho nounoed his dociaion not to giv a ball. Passing automobile tmiiea.convey4 waa l rived at after the estimated expenses reliable, or invaluable, or bear other up with the aid of a rope bnt every organization bad its pe - unusual volume legislation tbere hat It is rather an unpleasant thing to anr those who were In in red to the Queen's second l of the- municipality are turned in aqd of promiaes of benofit unless the product th mate wa not. dragged out dinner, 1ta round of ploiiKantrics mi ;' after the auma needed for interest and been in the last eighteen months, the tvoii nee, and so ho may put .it off until yaa as Hospital. Th polii-- patrol wa sent in tiiii, and he waa caught between social gathering's, dinners and d;mro - matter of fact be depended up- inking on build- - general congressional attitude la lfoe after the first ot the year.- Some ot for but owing to tbe prompt work of side , fund bonds, achool on to produce the results Claimed for the ship' and the wharf, Ther parties. Tbe halls of the various camps Inga hia friends, though, sympathizing with automobllists, its use was sot neces- was no cry then, Ppanieh-America- n v and school salaries and cost of it. L'efore making any such claim the of pain, and the of tho War Vetera na collecting , taxea approximated. Aa to things tho President .haa atked him ia hia position, ga'e out the news. sary.: " ". '.' ',v'vf'. man dropped back Into the are lespousible party' ' were thrown, opea to tho members of should carefully con- Dr-e- t .' go la baiting. ,The senate . In place of being a host a' dance Lo , wa With this to on, the tax rata ia for, ther. little at sider whether the proposed representa- Auo Hetd' water. Haste made to sva hun the regiments , and festivities ami en- fixed, using the assessment of tho for- - Is at length going through, the pre t no in Jiishop .street a danc where on tions ar At the Queen's Hospital last aUdir. from drowning, and rope waa pas ed tertainments of various kinds contai- strictly is harmony with - mer year aa loary - motions of trying v to ' rotnply may use either the sidewalk or street-M- ayor ta McTagrmrt said both t- h,l h( around him, be was to the j a basis. ' .tacts; iu othe words, whether the that and dragged ned throughout the dav. - npervisora-eler- t miblie . startMd Fern will guest at Gover- enmpaniod were nn f 's . , , The have been pro- Ha lands .committee 4e medicine in the light the rii'htrsldo... wharf deck. ..'.. ;. ,.v , At Tort Shsfter , ' of its' composi- ':'-',.- ". ceeding in their work on 'the budget forthwith hearings on the house lea nor Pinkham ball, in Armory. U the road when the accident- occurred. A Oood Offlcex ' 'i ' . , .th. tion la actually capatle of fulfilling the j At Fort Bhaftcr, even tbonb it bad . nga eeraeil.jfi will hia grandi as Thoy with the .idea .in view of keeping its ing bills. These Jari be finale, that night, promise mudo for it. For tried to turn Intn tbe bask when Captaia turtis ot tho Santa Maria been 'raining alnostnll tlin aftermani below one. dispenaibln, bvcauso of a decided li a. public 'servant. Three daya later he insUnce, if they saw aa accident was Inevit, a movingv jihoas . .. total that of the former the broad roproseMtation prod- that wj st isitias wbn and th seats were wet, about oivrv office, - ; that the - . They decided, b. vernity views number will slip quietly front in able- but the driver of automobile feecjdent was io hint. The have that this Would of and large uct is a remedy for-eerta- tho the repeated member Of the Fort Khafter week-o- diseases is the safest course. They have several of letters, sfcfived. ,,.Tb. first t n.ade,; exanYpto, seemed, io lose bla boad .for n instant first story was that the second 'mute old and young, was present at tho s.-i-- -- as, for by the use f yH-t- s mlnA, of a regular eesaion congress brings c and turned ' in th direction. bad been killed.- - The captain, who de- in the' materialization of the word 'remedy in the name of the sam' ond Infantry Airdomo , on Thnri.'av which would cost large sums, but the throng of people from various parts el Roth boys claim that no, born,, was clared .that Arnesea. Was the nest man evening, Christmas Kvo, to see Santa preparation, the, article should actually n. '. projec ts are not likely to be carried the country to Washington. , It ia blown at this, dangerous t-- . j'., he evef bad in the position of second dis- Mil 10 remedy for the altections named t.,' Claus climb down the chimney and Out in first six months. One propitious time for such hear in 13 ar Several serious accident have jtrcnr wss much upset by the news and the of Upou the laiol under nil. ir-- - piste, tribute 'gifts from the gorgeously 1 juibLio conditions, these ia a county hospital, another a the lands committee, has peai A rml at tbe "hairpin'.' turn, and though left the theater at once aud rushed to decorated tree to every child in 11m START FUSS renprmve oi King anil cause. .,, i . - municipal cemetery for the burial of holding, But with the .hearings, thorr ! the question of straightening , it , out the ship. . ,.;!'..- ,. .. t ' Deception Ar Defined pst and to all the enlisted nicu rilm : proceeded much discussion haa been agitated by vsclonn boanl-- i The pad tief indigent dead. has amqiv "indirect) statoliientsi Not only are . Hanta Maria to sail on wore far from home on that day. congressmen. exchange " of supervisors nothing further has over rrhexlule time, she departed the Water Bawer Agitation , individual The I ( and for Christmas, 'songs were sung by Ihe and '., Much . caustic criticism hbs been direct statements and rcnresentul.ions ' K of viewa has been apiritod and coa been done; ' , ., ; .. . . ,., California oil ports without the second under Opposition to the plnn of sepsr'ting aroused by the Ofiicial dbapproval of j of a mialrading character objectionable, .;..'. members of tbe the elusions are forming over the possibil 1 McTTl:art i the son of Mr. nd mate. Captain Curtis made all possible Roo-- the water and sewer works from the the singing of the UritUh marching but any : snggetio,hint, or leadership of Chaplain William ity of granting tho President ' m insinuation, Mrs. John T. Mclaggart and, resides at arrangements for the comfort of his were engineering department ia fast taking song, s a. I.oug, , Way to I wr mmn or auaign 8eott, and when the services ' "It lng "''" cij or device 1278 i is quests. ., I 1 Punchbowl street... His tnen officer before leaving for the mainland, shape in tho caucuses of the supervis- ' - a., over, Kant a apfieared and tho fun for 1111 ' Tipperary," by bluejacket and nKt tend t convey m misleading il T ,','' i ni- 'y sn instructor at the Collogo of Hawaii. and left word that Second Mate Arte-se- began. ors elect. Was raid- yesterday d the little ones It that rtnes. Jlut the New , York Herald . 'Prciuiion should b avoided. This ap-an- become strong This la substantially a senate prob Wlkandor lives with kla parets,i Mr is to rejoin the ship as soon as he C. Captain O. V.. this opposition had to Cornea out editorially oceuaea 8oj-- ! l'les,. for example, to such statements Captain J. Kay, Mayor-elec- t lem. That will be the forum of main and Mrs. Carl F, Wiksnder... at, 16r is well enough to travel. The captain Rosenliaum, Long-meeker- , that Lane had practically retary ot th Navy laniels of indulg- - 'BM beou widely recommended for,' Lieutenant Ira .' (touth School . Mr, is mean mind interest for the next two months and 1 street. Wikandcr declared that he did not to lose C. C. Lieutenant trade np his to abandon the . '.merest idleness" in the followed by unwarranted therapeutic Lieutenant (e. enormous ing la the clerk conveyances. such efficient I no a half, Tho house, with its : ., . a In tbo bureau of an .officer. C. Captain O. 8. (iibba. an proportion and make mention of.it iriii.-iii;- ... claims, II. Wrizht, luuvniiiK t - -- oil v his Democratie majority, can ami. prob' The Sunt Maria, discharged her odieers in Inaugural address. Neutrality Oon Mad " . .. "Jndcnnito and sweeping terms? Rep- CM many of the ' Harry ably, will pane the ship purchase bil, 't i cargo on Mooday and is now on het in bis wide ili-- t Murray has been mentioned ' '.'Things hav tp a pretty pass resentations that lire unwarranted on aided Kria Krinxle icrht alo'ng All other matters, outside of appro eoiu wny to the mainland, where she takes as the man to take this when bluejackets anil, marines account of indcAaiteoeaa of it gonnral of wonderful gifts. priations, are to the sole ar for on more of the motive power that Is From-fc- . tit position should, it ,be created, and have "up senate" sweeping character '? hould be avoided. Mrs. f. II. tbo wife tli ly. Consequently parleys among Dora bidden to pipe the. melodious dilty coming Into use more, and more every was the title of superintendent pf the water For example, the . regiment's' commanding, ol'ber, " anent wearying long, atatumeut that pn p ' sewer Sara (Jhilliug- - ocratic senatora chiefly affect the situ the stretch of the day. ',''-- also recipient of a lovely ami departments. long road to Tipperary, and alhbecaiiae ration is for 'kidney trouLles," con- the jiresei.t, worth" emerged as a rival candidate ation. .If, the Tresident Is to moot a large bunch of American Leant v tirit- - veys the Impression, that tho product Is job bl with congreaaional refusal it will he fie vicarious longing crooned in a Infantry. Tho lor this yvaterday, backed, it oaefnl in the treutmeot of kiduey alloc-(ion- s GD CANAL rose from th Kecond , , ah maicbing tune is solemnly ordulnnd TlinOUEfl CRUISER -- ': fftld, by atrong Republican support.' , enaio rernaai. uemoc raiic rapruaent-atives- HALTS.LINER celebration in tho Airdome this year to bo a, violation of ,tlie l'resi.lont's generally.. Kuch a representation I Hut judging from the growing oppo who doclined oint blank lust is ml km ring amt ouo to Ve "remembered. deceptive nhlesa the MID-OCEA- wf .support ship purchase neutrality., leuven save the mark! IN N ASK ma-- sition to the plan to separate the en session to tho medicine in question la actually' used TO ..: f As at fchodeld! Harraclia, Christ now. ' Never before, havo the in ' gineeriiig from the water and sewes bill, ftre lose positive ', iierhli all of those, sflfoctioiis, this reason Pay was given over t' the social luit-'h- cheer, of i song aud the twinkling of for Old Hawaiian John : i works, both .Cbillingworth and Murray VI t accede,',' aid one of these ia Sailer Ena FOR SMOKING TOBACCO dinner parties ami dunces, tnnl en- hornpipes, boon so. much, needed It usually beat to avoid terms cover- will have to look elsewhere for a su Dsmocratie antagonists of lust sewioo, iu tM ing a numb.T tertainment given by the nieml ers nl' lobby o service, for those are irksome daya. of ailment, such a 'skin Bring Oil Via Pan- - . It may bo several daya "bv aornir out into' tbe for diseases,, kidney, liver, and bladder To the various organir.atiniis. In wbii-- nil Vote, tuk And yet the tirade of a subaltern has af ' before it ia definitely known what suiiiko when tho was being ,'' .'. the eom panics and arms of tl." feet ions, etc. ,' , rNEW Y011K'.iwenibir different - . received the approval of the (Jrand , Canal stand the mayor will take on the mat- en." . ' ..... "Khcumatism, ,1dyspepsia, ;: ama ',':'; lWt ws sen'ice look part. .might 'aniandrum and ho by bell, book and ecrema, ami ''. thro o'clwk ia tho morning and the f ter. At. n strongly favored- the It is easy to';say the senate h i.amcs of many other affectious are Th Coast Defsnc candle, must, be only Tip- liner Aummla, steaming from Liverpool . division scheme, but now, it is sa,id, comply but the senate ia. body, pf banned not more-o- r Kuger, Dn Rhsrv, Arm- less comprehensive, and their was,. rnid-ocea- At the fort,. posal-bilit- v Any., perary, but the Baba of Jerusalem, tost to Ne .Voik, Bearing he doubt upon the rtrong individual opinions., kiiyl 0-- - The ship john F.na, which' will be looks with under some circumstances would be She, Boomed strong and Kaniehati'cha, wliiTe the inr of its being adopted by tho of a tim limit .upon a senate session Turkey's rights be wronged, and to remembered her aa ouo of the crack to have tho eiii,iie ocean to objoctionuble. For example, a medi- when A daazling rlsona are small,' no foiuiiil i - ' , oppoueuts wheth- spnre Germany's sensiljilitiva the woful ' herself beaut of. light r. ... ioara.' , la attractive to there, cine shoubl hot be recomiuended for Htudjaiiiniors io the days when nearly suddenly pero hehl. Here, as at tho olln-- . - Is or- Domoi-rata- . ballad Utt,la liillue shot out from the darknesa If Miirrav not made siiiierliitend er these be Republicans o' ' must drirt into the wuolo Hawaiian sugar crop was sileneesl ' rheumatism unless It Is capnble of and illuminated her decks, A mnnieai the artUlervmen bud the mess huMs ile Dt of the. water ami. aewer works, he V.e minority in the senate ia dcidedly the " moved iu sailing vosaels, haa from ;.(,' ' tho claims and representations far biter, sha halted. tivaently the dlhi enrated and Cliriatrtaa dinners elale .may be appointed road overseer, or hostile to certain of the ,, proposed Useless Irritation. , a!) outlived, her usefulness and. is agnin. in muiiu fyr it in kin.U of rheumatism. outline of .a Hritish maa-of-w- coubi ly tirepared, were served tu Hie soldiers, ." measures, especially ship purchase. . It let us ask. Is the ukase to hold ves- superintendent of roads, as the tin "But To reproaent that n uiedicino Is the public eye aa th first soiling be srsn iu shadows, ahile the officers entertained at dinner may will be necessary first to determine when It touch", the marrow of ofliciijl the be, which ia a job Charles Clara for rheumatism, when as a: matter of sel to pas through the Panama. Canal. "(iot any amok log tobacco V' eauie parties at honie, or were the guests of fcis eyes on. whether the Domocratlr majority, B,n honors and aiili test Is tho 'Watch on The nu, whii-- ra fact it is useful in only one form of John has just arrived from the warship. ., ... ,; ; friends In Honolulu or at other pints. CvtsUuig Engineer' Duties be with aiiytbing like unap the, Khine,' tbe. 'Marseillaise' or tlid wiji t ( mustered rheumatism, would l.e mbdeading: at l'biladolphia from New fork, ,'rhe . In affirmative, - suoh rcplj was the. Th Nry Co'ebratisna '.i- same eurrent which carries imity. was one pf tho purposes 'Star of the.iiiorth' no longer to he o .1 : With the That atfltnmAiita 'fA, a,,rt, ..u. A lend a cargo of about 113,000 ease of quay-ti(- ravjil I (liirarettea and tobacco in goodly At the I'earl Harbor atatnui, th , on braaa when , ther opposition of the division plan of the Democratic caucus late lact blared 'guard ami baud ,,, oil . water-tigh- t ki(lmsr ,1V),ri, ,)1I(ny form, for Japan under .charter to the were placed In a recep-'- navy flinncr irm-it- . .f(r of people nero tbe of. eOin.es opposition to the scheme of hav- week! administration party are. ordered to rec , If. the "' rhenmatisin.' are ob loitloiiable on ac- - standard Oil Company,. to and passed over, the side, A boat Admiral and Mm.' C. B. T. Moore, nn ing the engineer's duties rut down to 'ran be awung into line, for tho i'renj Nobilitiea of the shore" or scat And in.'iefinitenei. The will come Pan- i0Ullt of vessel out via the from th warship picked them up. Boon the service family bail a most en ..ya!.l i mere work in connection program, which, all, is not w..oa lB o( ; th technichl dent's after lying Hris pouigereais um. like heart romedv.' 'kid- - ama Caual, thus shorteaing her sailing the .voice in the darkness bellowed its time ns the guests of the with road-buildin- the fixing of grades very formidable,' there would bo a de our ..auons anu.em ai sunnse a.i.f noy ,,,11, . .L,00)l pnrifier.'.i'nk-r- distance by about eight tbouaadd miles, thanks frnd the warship steamed away ' piandant. Tbcro 'w"ra nraily a ceie of v . , be , ..,... , an1 rubgradn. j ciiled stop forward.. i to followed by tbnt of th ;,.'. i;i, f ..... and giviug her the distinction of being and the Anaouia continued her voyage, n : persons present. O" neemmf of th. i,. full-rigge- Several of tho euiiervisors wish t Tool Vary WeU country of the anchorage, as is the d other terms involving the name of the first ship to use th Pan- reaching New York today. small nninlK-- r of persons sti tinned tit tl.. take over let of talk point custom - ., the direct, Incidentally thero is a lot device of ga.lant, soainen j ...... ', , . ; parts, the, body are objottiouabJe for ama Canal. ' . , ' fearl Harbor navy yard at present, no the Contracts, see to tho hiring of men Around the rapitol just now about mat eyerywherel ; reaaoua.. : -- v.; ...... v Th which ia r j,.I similar n " John Ena, a vaisol of formal .'exercises auf an kind Mere 1.. I.I. nil construction work, only calling on tors that hav to do with th next nu nanier tnan tue toaii 2706 nut ia Men Ful- Testimonial Misleading tons register, owned, by the Has 5,000,000 Already The cre-- of tlie subniaiiiie flotilla in the engineer for grades sur congress, which will rover span of 10 be Hecro-- 1 the and the Tipperary will the distance per-tnr- veteran shipmaster and shl owner,. Cap- - Testimonials, aside from the Honolulu had their service Chr'stinns grades, or.- , - whntever other technical the iHst two years pr the present pamels must coyor beor,o he con- j aortal aspect given them bv their tain A. P. l,orntxen. she was built at ly Equipped and Is Now Sup- may ba needed. re- dinner Thursduy evening on the nrttars Kepublicana 'have the iieoide tlit this latest diva-- i form. hoi. I not 4i Mil API! I rAlirflaPnt. Glasgow in 18U2, and is Kill) feet long; tij., This scheme has met with favor at Washington is more tr plying Her moat Of tbo men being uiarned V- - turned to feeling vterv lotion than 4ue merest idleness tion to the public, for wlii.-- th party 48 foet wide and. 23 feet deep. , Reserves ';;; (' bailda of at least three uervlsors, Indeed. Democrats, one could go airing to Siend Cliristn us day vith tM ir W'1 It niar, perbapsi far and are wyll doing the labeling Is held to be reapo-wil- h Tho vessel originally flew Hawai- the ' otliei-i- William lie. : .'.-- families iu the city. The mivnl Larson is strongly against it; not as blue as they might German voter, can . ., . ; , .. I add, are th but it serve, slide. ; The fact that a itimm.Ul I. ian flag, having been built for patties ',' . 'Logan Is very In the ity spent the day with their fain-il'- s l)niol not enthusiastin Thoy realize, ot course, how much thnii only to irritate the sense of dignity and genuine and honestly the of this island kingdom,, but came under PET BOG R A D, : December 10.-Wi- f over Hollingor appeared be i at home or at private ilinin r jiarties. it, and to majority in the bonne will be; reduced roiiortiou of the other ninety per cent opinion Of tbe person writing it tho American flag when the Hawaiian the ordinary supfilv from France prac- against it. last three stand out March 4 next, ' rea(izatim dos Celebration On th Otier . Jl the after That if, urn riiir.rnn, wnri out wun. vagaries i rot JUHtiry its Use if It creates a mik- - Ulanila wer annexed to th United tically cut off, Ruaisa la now looking to ' ' A sMX'ial Christ nas rvlebration again! it the balance of power would ia yielding .results. aOne ia a deturminji 411H are ' her whllont foe, Japan, keep Rus- ivhh looiuhnesa that have hurt and leading imiiresMon with regard to tho 8tates. '.. , ,i, r to tht bo s held on board ! tiernmu left with Robert Horner, who will tiou to form a Compact and hsrmoul "outinulng to our good - sian the. hurt name at results which tho medirine will produce. Ca(tala Ioreutse'n also owns d suppllqd with anna and the '" cruiser (leier tbe navv not rturn until the last, of 011a Soiii . , at wharf in t!m Jecoiler, Uemocratid orguizatioi. rlpeaker and abroad." '' "No statement relative to the thera- schooner rVnow 4c Hurceas, which uiunitlon of war. thus keeping the proposition in al cy- (Mark will ,be , ro for, thiril afternoon. The Kev. F.mil, Ki ai.lt. elected a peutic, effect of . medicinal fs All of the Ira. ling hotels lie re ai , 'products at present at' Moor ft Kcott's ship- until the eleventh .hour. oppp-sitiou- pastor of tb (leruian L'ltheriio-.- i linn h an' term, as presiding oHicor without Profr. Fred A. Clowes, whq has bijen should be mado ia tho form of a 'testi- yard in Oakland, receiving a filled with tho agents of Japanese arma- . mailt-- avrb-ultura- thorouca ID llnllinger, returning from the ' , Representative , Kitchln In charge l train-loa- d Honolulu, delivered tho CbrialiuaV of of the. station monial', which would be regarded lis un- general overhauling, after which alie ment flrme. and tralulnnd after laud Tuesday, baa many ideas f,or the r sermon to the sailors of the Cerunui North .rolina,.tvill be made chairmai' $ fllenwood,' Hawaii, has applied for warranted n of arms and munitions-a- being . if made as n direct tte-- will load fOr Melbourne. . improvement of the niunicijial guvern-- of ways and and majority lead year's absence a berried here on rail-road- warship. In tb evening regular iiiesns leave of to tnk ent of the manufacturer. ? ,.-- ,. The-Ht'o- ft liurgess is one of the trans Hil.eiian whb-- e . the was served nient, he iutendf to nioko use of or. likonu-- without opposition. post graduate at the agrieul-tura- l Russia was admittedly of Christinas dinner to .the ."Refund guarautee: Hlatementa qn oldtimo Ahierlcan shis whl-'- In years abort during tea coming two years. "W might have ".started another college of the tJali- - aruutaqd amiiiuuition the' beglaniiig sailors, at which all tbe customs and : ' I'uiveraitv of the liibcU of druea guaranteeing them gone at ,i.. by traded between this port ami tradition were ob- candidHte for speaker," said one of for u la. t is believed In Ililo that to core certain diseases or nionev re of the war, but It ia claimed that tbo of the fatherland ' k New York; she waa then full rliged served. , the forceful tDinl, oxperltiuced Demo- wheu professor t'lowea leave hia sue-- j may be uipplies from .Japan, trill, prove amp'n tub CHiLDawrs ooua, . funded so worded aa to be fals ship, but whn t'uptain Iirentxen ac- crats of the hoiiai't " Wa would have cessor will be given a rmmieiit d fraudulent and to couatitiil for all of th resetviis whit b it may w col-- quired th vessel he decided to change I Vtih the children's and had more. Ii which 1 to call Into field, Kenntor U. K. crc perhaps, in rase the lrofos-- brnndinir. Allsrer.reseiiftin nt this rig--- ' the Metzitcr. has been - her to the present a utakUnl them )efor thev weaken the vitality. trving to elect some. one cine thai- eor's reaignatioii will b accepted, I lv At the present, timo, It Is to prsctico law in the dtii.-- t ' Kind are not juvUflod bv the fact that sihooner a which was Ural I'se t'lisinl orlain Cough jfemedy free. wa,y fact at Russia 5,iHlO,(K)rt , Kitcbin to th ml means.ciiair . the purchase price of the is ac- - has men la the, flist courts at Hilo.. Ile intends io n inmu , article ted by a great deal lv. It is ierfocly lum tree of derision by . ssfe. It been , Hut w to line, fully equipped, uulformod 4 Hilo open office, iuaiHhii. prqpoint have no Kltchiii. We will urt'sent a tiiiitmr. tnally refunded iirnmised."' tho among ami in and a law Th .(eitteil liv ruciuM dud irouiniiK'('.l - "wieenereaJ' tli shipping free contexts over orwiii.btiiiu, that will ill- ' to our palilleiil oppoiition sniie.l, WhPe the reserve nrmies ari senator J.ra.tiie.l (aw on Hie imiinlun lioni iujiuluu front fifiternlty," but th ueces of the ves- ie and coats but ide party uniii-rrriK- l.elnv supille.t Hib some years a few I.,,. I. ultsi our tuto factious. It woulil toe snme rnoetive coi 10 Futremi Murpliv, the via.luLii alth tiocessait ao, ami years a trifle. Kor sal by dealers, , attor sel under the present rig his shown all lieimon mean our destruction. We will or tbe boupe vtuip'otit i ouidh' that thev. will be acted ts chief judpo of the'tst K eV of we have had the list four ney, hu.i returned to hia Maul home, ...l Kiuith 11 tbut Captain !orciitKoq kuow h ! i - Co., agentt for Hawaii. git Ue the next h unite with Clurk ami what side to tak tlteir places in th battle court. n hCre bis work rei-- ed tl iMiiii years.' after spending Christmas In the city. , wa boMt, -. n 11. . 1 ...1 , imv,d nrsiirivi cimiru. uifudatiow of tbe Hawaii luwvot. ftAWAWAN G TTTF. Tl7FSnY. THM'.Mr.FR 2' 10H SFMMVF.FK1 .Y.

ASIC FOR TUT. t i: DEATH SUOOEIILY GllaOGE IJIKES I1C OIS 0 HAS PASSED ' Slim Crowd Spends Christmas I Tin Chongers Show Travelers OF J 11L 10G1 STOB Day Watching Travelers Beat How To Play National Pas- - Most Rev. Patrick William Rior Overwhelming Numbers .Oppose Chillingworth's us time On Rain Check Aay ' dan', Dies', of Pneumonia Army's Courage and Peo-- " VtrtAM '.. ILwrw' After Brief Illness ! (From .Sunday. Advertiser.),. r (From Monday Advertiser.) pie's .Determination ' ' Traveler 2, All Oahu 1. All Chinos 7, Travelers 1 ' Foster Robinson,, sometimes pitcher , Tin ('hong's stay home Chinese (Asociat4 Press by Fsdsral Wlr.o) at By .a Military Expert and sometimes ontfiebler for the Trav- Mi owed Travelers how base- ..:' SAN FRANCISCO, December 28. the to play r Four month and a half the elers, was th one shining right of the ball at' the ball yard yestorrlay after- after Archbishop Patrick William Riordan of first German declaration of war, that Experts Must Be Employed and Allowed ball gam at Athletic Park Christmas noon, anil when the boy on the score- this city died yesterday of pneumonia. board finished chalking up the figures against Russia, certain strategical fea- Fcriilizors Day, it being Foster' llnCr over the II II contracted a cold last Wednesday the Tin Chongeis had seven fst runs, ture of the eonflk--t have become un- To Work Tax loft del, in Innirig ' UntrammeledFrpntage fence the ninth with - and by Thursday morning had develop- while the Hoppers could show but one. mistakable. a runner nTiesd of him,, that brought It was rain cheek tisy, that 1 the ed acute pneumonia. ' Above all else it I plain that the Must Be Made Use of Letters From the victory to his team over the two team were playing off th game of From his condition grew November 8, which ha. I to be called Hi first great German war plan Jias failed that tlmt by a score of 8 to 1. ; . - , QUANTITY teadily worse, and despite the com- That turkey dinners, 'outings at the the third or forirth inning owing to utterly, probably Irretrievably.. What- People Defend Jack Lucas and His Views rain. this, a small crowd wa may effort of practically all the lead- beach and kindred other mnsements Iepit ever the future hold, it ia plain bined on hand, ahowing the fans either is b were ahead of baseball ,ia the minds that that France not to destroyed. The amount of fertiliJier to nse per ing physicians of 8n Francisco, hi Inst their rain rhecks or did not rare She not only wfll not be destroyed, a of the public was evident . 'from the nice decide, and became hopeles Saturday night. iaf whether school kept or not. seemed certaia ia the early days of acre is a question to (From Sunday Advertiser.) I of any standing would ear to offer size of the crowd, less thus $180 being the As a ball game, yesterday ' war and a wa prophesied by th Ger- in most cases there is little relisbl public appear to be their services under ' those circum- The death of Archbishop Rlordan is taken ia at trie gate, some difference contest minimum The taxpaylng proved highly interesting to the W. Tin man military writers, but when data as to the maximum and stance. In fact I don't see why we being mourned generally throughout to tho game of a year eifo Christmas the profitable applications. is generally around over the reported :hr.ngors, for it made ,them good On great war is completed Frsocw will re- It af,to Should be in a position where it is nec- the1 when over $1000 was paid to see the say few apply too mnch. who his archdiocese and nation by per- their boast that the stay e boy place a great power that but If any plan of the mayor and supervisor essary to call uKn outside engineering All play a tain her as and her son wa and Hawaiian were Ihe masters of the fellow who army will continue ' to bo a factor More often too little is nsed. five hun take office after the New Tear to ad talent to direct the improvement of the of all denomination. He th 4 to 4 game of extra innings. Is sufficient like to travel. Right off the reel in Kurojiean combinations. Kighteen dred pounds per acre often city. The best investment the city most beloved archbishop ever identified runs vsme were many ()( miuister the affair of the city from a All the of the ( 'hong's bunch hegan lacing the Hop- weeks of furious fighting have settled lthonch growers use from could make, and the on that would scored in the first and final .' Innings, 100(1 One been pretty politically partisan standpoint and to with th archdiocese f San Francisco. per ami when they had tucked tno this. In the latter part of August anil to lbs. thing has net the taxpayer the best return, would s 1", doe Bishop Hanna, Coadjutor the late the starting the running and game away for keep kept right on piny-lu- g well demonstrated ami that it reward worker at the first-clas- s Jto - the early dny of September a repeti- varions poHtial be . ' the salaries of engineers the Travelers fiuishing. good baJI just to prov seemed not pay to spread it on too thin. expense of emciency and economy. to city work, providing prelate, haa been mentioned a the pos way that they tion of Hedan posihle. I'p t plan the that With Padtlcr ont of the in the coukl keep the Traveler from th home th middle of December France has not The Advertiser haa received a large work could be carried on without poli- sible successor of Archbishop Rlordan. first inning, Argabrite got around' to number of letter on thii aubject, some plate. only esenped any real disaster, but, tical interference. third base. When Apse balked, Cap- In fart, the Chongers won the'..:.'game with Pritish and Relgian reinforce- of, which are here published: wen world-wid- Cusno Co ' Must Employ Frontage Tax Archbishop Riordan a tain Btayton finally called the pitcher in the first inuing. With Lai Tin on ments, haa ehecked every German PacIHo I Fertilizer EFFICIENCY OB POLITICS? The supervisor should wake up to distinction in 1902 when he ap- and allowed the Puns outfielder' to base, big Lang Akana - laced one to movement in th west sine tae : Tlonoluln and Hilo, Hawaii' .,. : Editor Advertiser: The continued the fact that the present amount allot- peared before The Hague and secured glide on to the rubber. After that right field at a mile a minute clip aad battle of the Msrne. s AN FRANCISCO, CAL. feeling of uncertainty expressed by the ted to road in this eounty ia not suf- a decision of. the Pious Fund in favor Apart behaved himself ; and pitched a never stopped running until he had Undertaking Too Great taxpayers as to the attitude of the in- ficient to permit of any new city street of America. He was the first success creditable game of bait ' circled the bases. In the aeroud round la a military sense it is too early to coming board of supervisor in connec- improvement, and the amount available ful plaintiff to appear before that body, Ia their half of the ninth inning, Third' Baseman Yap gave, further speak of a conquered Germany, l.ut it tion with the organisation f the engi-- ' in the next two years should bo allot- rioveral time in late year it was th Traveler won. Denny Markham demonstration that Apau waa easy to is no longer premature to assert that OlnllPndlflunlllll nocring department, the roads depart- ted to the different districts a street ru trior ej that he was to be advanced eot to first on a pass but was forced hit by lacing one over the left field th vision of a conquering Germany ment and the water and sewer depart- maintenance fund only; and the road to a larger archdiocese, but his warm at second when Lai Tin handled Al fence, r ha been laid completely' at rest. For "EMPRESS LINK OF KTEAMKRU" ' ments, leads me to wonder if these are department ahould be organized as a regard for Han Francisco and San bert Akana's grounder to Hadtler in Then in the fourth, the Chongers gave the past six week Russia has claimed FRO hi QUEBEC TO UVEhi'OOL . the same men who, last fall, appealed to street maintenance department only. Franciscans, it is said, caused him to time for a force. Kan Tin flow out Apau another demonstration of hitting, the attention of military men through- --ia the- ..'..-- . the voters of this county on platform Any attempt to no the present road put an end to whatever plan was afoot to Fernande; in right and the chances scoring four runs. This was too much out the world. The German strategy CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ' funds for new city street work will to move him. '. of the Hopper (coring .were greatly for Apau, for he quit the job, and Alvla was which planned, in the open- of efficient government. faulty th Famous Tourist Bout of th vverU ' I ak, is it necessary "for the good bo at the expense of the upkeep of the Archbishop Riordan was born in dimmed. Foster Robinson though was RobiuNon took tip the burdens. Alvin ing weeks of the war, to crush France, present street pavements which need 1841, '.here with his drive out of the lot and pitched much better than Apau and whilo held Russia in check ami of the party" that this board should and received bis education at the the Austria Ia conasetloa with th line these department for build- all the money available for proper Louvain university. For. several years victory belonged to the .Traveler. Chonger failed to ga'.'aer. before F.ngland could maas her army. the Canadian- - nstralasiaa Royal Mail Lias ing up of politics! machine, and for maintenance; any surplus that could he was a professor of theology at the Following wa the core: As for the Hoppers, En Sue saved While General Joffre and French were possibly be spared should be extended AT! R A them from being whitewashed, with the defeating the several German com- creating positions for the paying of seminary of St. Mary' of the Lake, Travelers . WI PO E "For ticket aad general InforwiaOo political debts t Wa not the sentiment on the county roads such as belt road, Chicago. He later became a pastor at En 8ue, cf 3 0 J 2 3 0 0 help of Luck Yee. Reaching first on a manders in the battle of the Marne, fleet-foote- apply to expressed by the large majority of Tot- Tantalus road, Iunclibowl, Diamond Joliet, , and moved from there Morlyama, 8b.. .1 0 0 0 8 3 0 pass, Charley stole second the Grand Duke Nicholas was beating em, who placed these men in office on Head roads, and the roads ia Wahiawa to Chicago, where he was the head of Aran, ss ...... 4 0 0 0 3 3 0 base and then romped to the rubber down Austrian armies and carrying tne . - when Lnr k Yee fielded a bunt Kant Galicia. , THEO. H. OAYIES&CO., LTD suf- and other country districts. , o u J u and threw war into Prussia and a platform of cflicient government, St. James. Markham, 3h ... 3 n. i ' ' it into the bleachers. From the battle of the Marne two ficient to demonstrate the kind of ad- A Practical Problem la 1883 he became the titular arch .V. Akana, ... 4 0 0 Agent .'. lb 11 10 help-le- a General " Then come question: How 1 7 1 1 After that the Hoppers were aa month ago up to today, the problem ministration the people want! These the are bishop of Cabasa, and a year later was Ran Yin, 4 3 0 2 Pacific Ely. Ca, , as little baby the candy be- German ha not changed. It Canadian men were nominated at the direct we to finance the much needed, new made the archbishop of Han Francisco. T. Robinson, If , . 3 1 1 W 0 0 " with of the fore big brother and never once his been their design, - in their primaries, and, were elected and were street pavements in Honolulu I New Ping Kong, 4 0 ; 0 0 0 fart rf... 10 throughout the balance of the game necessity,, to hold ' back . the ' Russians supposed to go into office without any Mr, Supervisor, yon are op against one Apau, 0 .0 0 0 4 0 Castle & Cooke Co., Ltd . p,...,..,.i3 were the Tin Chonger Worried. until they should crush the Allies, or at. ' strings tied to or any obligations of the real problem of your adminis- Territorial Treasurer Will Appoint T. IL , them, Following 1 the score by Innings least so arrahge their battle line that Bonolula other than the platform upon which tration. You can't build roads tuch Totals ' ,...2S S 8 3 2T )3 as are required by modern traffic with Drummond To Office Prede- ' 0 and batteries of the game: , they could turn east and deal with the they were elected. All Oann AB R MI SB PO A K Innings Kussiaa. Ia this they have - doubly Now Is the Tlmo the amount of fund which you have 0 0 0 3 1 0 123416789 .Ccinniisslon cessor Deemed Unnecessary Sadtler, 2b Traveler ...... ,1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 failed. . All the enormou concentration l.!ertels 1 appeal to every Republican voter available, and in attempting to do o, 4 0 . Argabrite, cf.....'... 1, 0 C, A. U...-- 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 men . a 113 ;....2 07 of in and 'Northern in this community to immediately take your administration, far a road i Pornandcx, rf 1 0 1 A 0 Batteries; Travelers Aprvl and Kan France ha failed to advance their lines La concerned, will be just about a inef- ;','J'9 0 .4X 0 an active aad personal interest this When the first of the year comes l.al Tin, 3b ..;..'4 0 0 4 Yia, A. Robinson and Markham. C. A. from-th- very position they took np in question ficient as the administration of the past 1 0 0 0 : Sugar Factors of administration, and with around' aud M. H. Drummond steps U Akana. If .... 4 6 I U. Luck Yee and Hoon KL .. ' the middle of October, .after their rush the commercial bodies city, make board have been, and our city streets 2 0 4 S 8 of the out of office s the eity and eounty '.'hilliugworth, 0 ;..'.. to outflank th Allies and to push thcii an effort to assist and advise the new will continue to remain ia the present 0 B ; 8 0 0 , treasurer to .make way. for D. L. Hieong, lb '3; .0 .."' way along the coast. All the later Kwa Plantation Co. .' ' , w mayor and board in their program for unimproved condition. . . 3 , 1 ti a Conklinj, elected to that office, a very Henshaw, c,..i 0 fighting along the Yser and the canal Watalua Agriealtmral Oa, U4 the coming two years. Now is tb time The people in. Manoa have been the :.J 3 0 , 0 O. C 8 . few hour will elapse before he will be A. Desha, p . country thereabout haa left them just .' ' Apokaa Bugar Co., Ltd. ' J J to make yourself heard, and not wait first to grasp th situation and in their where they stood when, Antwerp hav- effort operate (direct appointed bank examiner by Charles 2 . Iroa Work f Bi. Loss two years ami then complain of what to the Improve Totals ;M.'..7. 30 1; 6; 120x15 ing fallen, they began their new drive lltoo , ' McCarthy, territorial treasurer.. Rteam Pump, i rotten we ment Act passed by last legisla- J. ? " Blake administration have had. the fnnaiag out of Tinea. IS BRILLIANT -- PUYEfi for the channel ortsv ' haa been, generally known in xAyaa ont for ' ' Cantriiasr.! , I o you think, Mr. Mayor and Mr. ture, are endeavoring to demonstrate to It AlUea Now Stronger . Wester political circles' that Drummond would anil runs hV IrtnincS: k Boll.,. ' large how u. c, Babcck WiUi Supervisor that the Republican voter the city at to finance and 0 0 0 0 2 In this time, too, condition "in the " " ' be taken, care of by McCarthy. Borne Traveler ...... ff.0,0 0 t . Fwa! Economiaer. .. . taxpayer who placed construct new street improvement at 1 were Day Green' and of Honoiuln, . 1 0 0 0 2 0 west changed wholfy.j, after - said he was going to take Henry '. BasehiU . i.fl 13 e)taas Pnmpa..f- . you in ofiic are going to stand for the least eost to the property owner. ft o W. day th British have rushed in hiars as n . 0 o 0 o o Edward Mahan, recently elected in A Practical Solution ' uapai place registrar of public ' France, too, although , Uataon NaWgatio 0. ' anything but efficient administration accounts, but later development have BasehiW . . . : .0 1 0 1 1 1 8 0 0oio captain of the Harvard football team . is proposed improve ' were Plasters' Lin Bblppiaf C. the next two years t If you expect to It to all the Hiimmarv-rHo- me' Robinson; early rcMrts to the effect that sbr was plan. . runs. F. support streets within this district, consisting shown that this not the for 1915, was a popular selection for was ill preparea to equip ana arm tne Kohala Sugar Co. .'. ;.'.' retain the of the commercial liapai, it is understood, has boon two basehits, Fernandeej acriflcj hits, of approximately 380 aeres, with Chilling-worth- troop of her second line, must 'save bodies of Honolulu, and the Republican about retained by McCarthy the instance C. Moriyama, F. tRoblason, : halfback last season, and voters of the community, you will lose eight mile of streets, by tb construe- - at remedied the dtScieneee. at least In of Governor. , The position of bank double playe, Ial Tin is generally accorded the same honor no same on of storm sewers, the grading the part. Today it l hard to believ thai time is presenting to those and examiner carries a salary of 1250 a Desha to Let Tin to ChilUngworth; in the season just closed. lie prepared Bank of Hawaii voters, who now appear before you as curbing of ,all streets, and paving with 1, the Allies do aot posse aa equal num- looked upon a a balk, Apau; bases'oa balls, off Apau college was LIMITED, . month, and is pleas for at Andover, where he ber men, in they are not su- . taxpayers, an outline of a progra'm of asphalt macadam.- This improvement 3 struck out, by Apau 6, by of if fact ant plum. The position was provided oft Desha on the school football, baseball and perior to the German in number. The '. your administration. will be made at an approximate eost of ap- Desha 3; wild pitches, Desha umpires, year was 'The two per for by the last legislature, but an track teams. .In hi last he added million from Lord ' Kitchener Incorporated Under .lb Law of tb Best Politic cent square foot, paid by the - Brno's. Time, of gamo, - pointment was not mad to it by Conk- Stayton and captain of the baseball team, but- it new armv would seem to make it dan .Territory of Haail. The Re- proerty owners, with ten years pay ' e ' greatest argument that the to ling, treasurer, one hour and forty-thre- minute. wa a a football player that ho made party it int. By this method of street im- the former territorial gerous tat Gorman safety in Belgium .1600,000.00 publican can advance at the next who held that a bank examiner was un hi reputation aa a prep school star. PAITJ.tlP CAPITAL. ..;.'. election will be to point to an efficient provement you get the benefit of your ' and Northern Franee. RTiHPlua . :oo,ooo.oo .. improvements immediately necessary.'. ,.' H;s career at Harvard haa fully borne It Is in the east that the downfall of JW,60a.M Republican administration by an and you get .'..:,.'a eoming promise UNDIVIDED PEOFITS ... The news of Drummond ap III BASEBALL out the of his school day. . German hotiea i most apparent. DAHEERS the - v county government, and what you pay for. The work must be - r pointment reached political elrcles yeb- A a freshman he elected to the ... OFF1CEBS. any attempt to appeal to voter by contracted for, and must be carefully jra Three time th German have driven the ' .." , ;; . ; - ; C." .President ', ' terday. ' epptainey of his class football team eastward la their effort to relieve Aus- H. Cooke. tiny other method will ia failure. planned ahead of time. . result and led it through a successful season- - tria from th ever growing pressure K. 1). Teuney Bead Policy Important This method of improvement, or one Thirty-fiv- e ; deaths and 918 Injuries was on the class baseball team and of masse Galieia. . Three F. B. Damon .... . , . - . . .CashU f The expenditure directly similar, is the only method by which ' lie Russia' in ..... v for roads, engineering . problems, I request space by baseball during 1914, also the track team, playing in the out time, alio, the Germans have advanced Assistant (aslier. or indirectly, constitutes large propor- the street of Honolulu can be im- viows were reused 0. 0. Fuller...... k.. for on the question at issue from according to records made public by J. field on the baseball nine and doing ihe towards the Vistula.) The first effort R.' MeCorristoa ...... Assistant Cmsbioc proved, sooner .'. tion of the disbursements of the board, and the it is put into a standpoint. , . ' - I! H. Ikmke. E.- I).' ' R, Chicago, Illinois, who has sprints for the track team. failed aad receded before a Russian ad- niBi'iTOKS- and the departments through which general operation the sooner Honolulu Yiekery of ' Mr. Murray goo to considerable made a study of the effect the na- In evarsity athlotic he haa followed vance, which ha since firmly estab- - Tenney, A. Lewis, Jr., E. F. Bishop, these fund are disbursed have always will be taken out of the village claw length to belittle Jack Lucas in his tional pastime on the life anil health the same course, . In sophomore year second drive that towards Warsaw y. w. Maciarisne, j. a. naMni, been open to and put on sound city basis. . the greatest criticism; and bidding on public rontrsctS and makes bo in as regular Brtekley lished itself in-- Kastsrn i'russia. The O. H. Atherton, Geo. P. Carter, F. IV , Think Tfcla Over of young America. fitted a with - the attitude of the board of supervisors the statement that very few people take .Of the player who died from in- and Bradlee ia the 'varsity baekfield, seemed aiore successful, but s we have Damon, F. Atberton, u a. toward these department-ha- always Just stop and think for moment r a Jack seriously; now to my own person- juries, twenty were hit by pitched bulla, and proved one of the Crimson's most mentioned before in these article, this COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS received the keenest interest of the peo- - the amount of money will be required al knowledge Jack has been doing busi- five wera. struck y bats, four wore in uc.cessful groundgainers. This bast waa part of the. masterful Russian . DEPARTMENTS. Ie. improvement, today, is in the next, few year to properly pave Htreet the ness at the same old stand for a good collisions, over exerted themselves, season Franck took place of Brick-ley- , ntrategy, and after th German artil- greatest concern tax only the main thoroughfare such a four the 8trict attention given to all tranche topie of to the many year and hasn't sold out yet, one was hurt by sliding to a base ana but otherwise the combination was lery had boomed at the door of the payers, and, upon the policy of the in King street from Bhafter to Kapiolanl like some I could mention. And capital aeeinerl or tianamg. that one was killed ia a fight.'-'- ' the same a the year before, and prov- t'olish and Warsaw BLDG., FORT 8T. coming board in handling this work, I'aik; F.eretania street, from Palama to although may ' counter at- JUDD Jack at time declare . are classi ed . v about to fall, the furious ttere-tani- a Injuries to amateur player quite a successful. Will depend the amount of confidence Kaimuki; Nuuanu street, from that black i black, hi reputation as : tack of the Grand Duke Nichols drove to fied as follows: He ia a popular man la the college which will be extended by the tax the Pali, and the waterfront a business man and a law abidug citi limbs, .314; dangorou in men, them with tremendous tosses back to ,. '.. Broken and with, the football and' there - ' payer. , : . i streets. f zen is firmly he their borders. '. .; i - established, aud is aot juries, 23 i concussion of the btalu, IS; la no question that he will be a gen- twenty . , i Mean Planning. Over mile of main thorough- . . i ... t - Today Cracow is hemmed ia on threo Careful in business for hi health alone, iracmrea ssuim, ja; nrjiwp rA. erally liked leader of the football team. This road policy amounts to moro fares which, if properly paved, wil cost ' . ides by Russlsa How About Former Superintendent? .' sprain. S7; spikes, 211; fractures, 17; , horde. ' than putting a gang of laboror on In the neighltorhood of $00,000 per mile, .,. Counter Offensive Failed Mr, Murray alrto says, that a far as dislocations, 7; torn ligaments, 10; eyes " or h of l,fl(M,000. . SOLDIER KING ' we seen an the payroll, it means the planning for total c he knows, he is the only applicant for tooth knocked out, 4. ANXIOUS la the nast mouth have Where is this money coming from! and other deHperate, daring venture of Ger- sinppiNO.' the expenditure of millions of dollar the position as manager of the water .Hurt in th minor leagues number, TO MEET FRANK CHUDY suoak TAcroai, and From 25n,O00 man Galieia. Within - of the taxpayer' money; it weans the the annual road fundi fork. This statement appear to be Ufl; American League, 68; National . strategy to relieve COMMISSION MERCHANTS efficient department ; The property owners must pay for the past three weeks a German force organization of an true a far as publicity goes, but how League, til; Federal League, 66 college v .; INSURANCE AGENT. K:'- Is '. haa along Vistula of engineering, headed by an engineer these improvements as done in other 80, - foldior King, champion iongdlstanct driven eaatward the about the former superintendent of team, 8, and prairie team, Warsaw, made some progress, capable of advising and directing the cities, and unless a program of prop- works, got toward - erty water who the political axe, runner of the Hawaiian Islands, is of then came to a halt, and now is Ewa Plantation Company, policy of the board in matter pertain- assessment for street improvement a man Who devoted a good many years PEKKSTLVAK1A MADE MONEY. ing to expenditure I adopted at once by the Incoming the opinion he ran beat Frank Chudy, in retreat. It ia not necessary Walalua Agricultural Co, Lta the of funds for to the-na-n the service of the water works, and Profits of th University of Pennsyl runner, ami is will- Apokaa Sugar C H Ltd., . rosd and street maintenance and inv board, our Republican administration, to accept any of the Russian rumor to who know it workings from top to Assoclutiou from foot ing to measure strides blin. King . Company, provement, the furnishing of an ado of which we pride ourselves so much, vania Athletic with perceive the single essential laut, wblcli t Kohala Sugar bottom t He is one who can rua a pump ball were 43,()00 and from basketball state tho race can be from five to ten U ab- . Company, ((uate water system, will have to be covered up with ex- that the latest venture has failed Wahiawa Water ltd. and sewer and all or lay a pipe, and about the worst his $.100 season ending Boptemhcr miles, to take place Mkating pulilio Improvement Tomes cuse at the next , for the at the solutely, since It has brought no rellsl which under election. political, 1 will- Very truly or other enemies can say of I, 1914, acconling to the repot of th Kink,, and that the soldier boy to Gniu-l- or iastera frussia, wnere Fnlton Iron Work of St. Louis, . the county government; a department yours, him, is Is meeting;. All ing to wager money, II HTUART that he won't graft (that treasurer at the annual marble or candy the Russians seem. to be firmly estab Baboock Wilcox Company. rspable of handling large contracts; a JOHNSON, ha views their wauta from a govern- other athletics shower a rloficit. that he ran beat the San Franciscan. is becoming more more Company, department which will Member, American Society Civil lished. It and Green Fuel Ecoron.tzsr control, under of ment standpoint). .' resources,, great a Moor Co., Engineer : - ' clear that Gorman Chas. 0. one head, the road department, the wa- Engineers. . .. .', de- Mr. Murray' final paragraph' is they are, and uerman courage and ' ter department, and the sewer depart- ' voted to What th water work needs, skill, splendid a they uiiuue Navigation Company ments, is necessary ONE REPLY TO MURRAY nilitarv MaUon for it' absolutely a J quote at length, but the head of tionably are, are insufficient to bridge Toyo BUaen KaUha that the work of these departments be Kditor Advertiser: May: I be per- DFJXclKs Browive's ' ' the water works will be powerless to the distance between the two battie mitted , few line of your carried out in con junction with each a valuable stop waste laws are passed lines, while Austrian military assist - CARDS. spare-t- o reply to one until that BUSINESS other to avoid conflict and to reduce line of Murray's will back him up in his efforts. About anus baa fallon to the point where it la letter to Luca , " people take r 'w every bead of the water works wa bow a burdeu. i, , -- ' ...V- - Lues ' have riOVOLULU 1BON WORKS CO. Up to the Party ''.'..' seriously." had, from Marston Campbell down, have To American military student th If is intention of the Repub Mr. Lucas is taken so seriously that of every description msde to it the told how they were going to ast six week must inevitably suggest ' In distress many people go shut the ' order. licit a party (and I put it right np to to him pump down IF but they are on th the history of the Confederacy In 1()J, the Republican party where it belongs), and few are turned away. He has never job yet. Aa th German hav been defeated in Keen known to busi- to continue to run these departments crowd struggling Mr. Murray make the claim he Melpium and in Poland, so In 1863 th along the Yser, had reached tho high ness that ' for political purpose a they have been people and say. that under the la able, to do wonder with th water Confederacy failed at Gettysburg and water mark of the Civil Wr. . ..' past, you will law it' was hi right. - The ORIGINAL and ONLY GCNUIr E. A Gettysburg was Germany Fight run in the then certainly work system without engineering as- - at Vicksburg. the Will to End The Mi not need an engineer at the head of friend of Mr. Lucas, 'Jaek" ci tun ce. Mr. Murray may be to Acts Ilk a Charm Checks and arrest supreme eDort of the Boutn, so th bat. To predict a speedy termination of (called able ia set ' llrcm. All that is needed is an instru in affection "The prickly superintend the cleaning of a reservoir tie of the Yser seem tb ultimate f the war idle. To a limit to the merit man to furnish line and grade pear") know that he I a rough dia- DIARRHOEA, i. FEVER, CKOUP, AGUE. fort of Germany in the west. After time Germany can hold Belgium la Without such assistance, but. when It - ' the onK Spsclflc la V - for your political 'road bosses, but if mondand equals ia value many .acres cornea to The Cest Remedy known for Gettysburg and Vicksburg, the South, futile. There may be political change of plate glass. the Installation ami malnte worm even to save the Kaiser, but on the merely it is the intention to operate these de nance of pumping machinery CHOLERA and y, cut on from the outsirle partment for working results, then I am sure that if every man to whom without cooens, cold j, more completely than the German em military side it is hard to perceive any siren assistance, 1 leel compelled to ' it is necessary to orgauize them with Jack Lues had done a kindness, were DYSENTERY. ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. pire, outnumbered, inferior both in chance for ultimate German triumph. Or nil ' to tli sneb statement as bombastic. resources, continued for twu Every of which come di- - tlmt end in view. row a silver dollar on given spot, Yours nly NCURALOIA. OOUT, RHBUMATIftM. wealth and bit evidence for real efficiency, Th In With Getty recti y to American pre Gee-man- y would oseUw for there would be such a mound no ' ' vears to ts'.ks resistance. the from It be the Hawaiian that v' , trmtadas dlMl TwUwwy uurapulM ottl drny pull It VOTER. burs psssyd. the outcome of the Amerl demonstrates the depth, lu tenuity ANt'iution of Engineers, a has been could in a single load. Honolulu, t&. December Lu-n- d. I Davskcost, Lsodes, S Very sinuerely, . .. ' i 11 1, J. T. Lid, can war etased to be problematical. It and unity of the German determina- suggested, to appoint a eoinmts&lon of - . r, .' XV ft 2, 46. - was, urse, still possible the To conquer Germany may meau in GEORGE- M. DUNCAN. ' of that tion. engineers to offer inggestlon laying Masuel R. Freitas, former captain tre- the street improvement plan for North might weary, It wi conceivable year of war, to (ay nothing of th cut of the Portuguese baseball team of the Kur pe aiitfht intervene, but these mendous loss of life, but today there COMPETENCE BEFORE POLITICS that ' the future, if this work is to Ire carried lahn I'Ugue, has returned lo Honolulu pluln overwhelming evidence 1 - rontingenrlea aside, It was that Hceins that by organize, IhiH- ' out a department fur Editor Advertiser.: Prompted liy H. Hun '. from FraurUco,, where lie spent s I ickett heroi.r troops, who anvnureri (lenuau sucreH is no longer possible, purposes, sugiueers E. Jaek-.Luca- tia aud I doubt if Murray' reply to on nine oioums, as the German have come forward (riven the existing political conditions,.