CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter – 1 THE MAGIC GARDEN

1. Why did the flowers love the little children?

Ans. The flowers loved the little children because they used to care for flowers. They water the flowers and dig the ground nicely.

2. Why did the birds love the children?

Ans. The birds loved the children because they used to bring bread for them.

3. Name five flowers growing in the magic garden.

Ans. Pensy, Sunflower, Marigold, Poppy and Rose.

4. What sounds could the children hear in the garden?

Ans. The children could hear the sound of sweet sung by fairies.

5. Talk Time:

Ans. I like roses.

Most roses are red.

Some are white.

Some are yellow.

Are there blue roses?

I have not seen any blue roses! 6. Which one is your favourite flower? Learn its name in English.

Ans. My favourite flower is lotus. It's name in English is ‘lotus’.

7. Say aloud:

Ans. Little People Purple Happily Sleepily Proudly Slippery Thirsty Pretty

8. Name two words in each petal which you see in a garden.

Ans. Insects: Grasshopper, Butterfly

Trees: Mango, Guava

Flowers: Rose, Sunflower

Tools: Spade, Axe

Birds: Sparrow, Parrot

9. What would you like to grow in your garden? Write three sentences giving the names of the flowers that you might like to grow in your garden.

Ans. In my garden I would like to grow: Roses

In my garden I would like to grow: Marigolds

In my garden I would like to grow: Sun Flower CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter -2 NINA AND THE BABY SPARROWS

1. Why was there great joy in Nina’s house?

Ans. Nina’s Aunt was getting married and everyone in the house was going to Delhi for the wedding.

2. Why was Nina worried?

Ans. Nina was worried for the baby sparrows. She thought if they go out, how the parents of the babies will feed their children.

3. What did the mother suggest?

Ans. Mother said that they will let the window open for the Papa and the Mama sparrows and lock rest of the house.

4. What did Nina find when she came back from the wedding?

Ans. Nina found two plump little sparrows flying all over the room.

5. How do baby sparrows eat?

Ans. Papa or Mama sparrow put food in the beak of baby sparrow and baby sparrows gulp it.

6. What new things would you like to wear for a wedding? You can say “I would like to wear……”

Ans. I would like to wear a beautiful skirt and top with nice shoes. I would also like to wear matching bangles and hair band. 7. Number the jumbled picture story carefully. Then write the story in proper order.

Ans. (i) Nina is sad.

(ii) Mothers asks why?

(iii) Nina does not want to leave the baby sparrows alone.

(iv) Mother says, “We will leave the window open.”

(v) Nina is happy again.

8. Would you like to have birds visiting you everyday?

Ans. Yes, we would like to have birds visiting us everyday.

9. Write down suitable words describing each picture. Pick up the words from the list given below: Beautiful, Black, Red, Happy, Tall, Fat.


A fat woman.

A beautiful rose.

A happy boy. A beautiful peacock.

A black board.

A tall man

10. Now describe these pictures in your own language.

Ans. (i) This is a fat woman and this is a rose.

(ii) This is Mohan and this is our national bird (Peacock)

(iii) This is our black board.

(iv) This is a very tall man.

11. Say aloud:

Ans. (i) Spoil

(ii) Sparrow (iii) Sport

(iv) School

(v) Scout

(vi) Skirt

(vi) Skip

(vii) Scold

(viii) Skin CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 3 THE ENORMOUS Turnip

1. What did the old man plant?

Ans. The old man planted some turnip seeds.

2. Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip?

Ans. It was difficult for the old man to pull the turnip because it was enormous.

3. Who helped him to pull up the enormous turnip?

Ans. An old woman, a boy and a girl helped him to pull up the enormous turnip.

4. Who ate the enormous turnip?

Ans. The old man, the old woman, the boy and the girl ate the enormous turnip.

5. Name and draw four vegetables that have to be pulled out from the earth. Now name them in your language.

Ans. Potato

Ginger Carrot


6. Let’s go shopping! How many vegetables can you find in the maze? Draw a circle around each word. One has been done for you.


7. A game of opposites.

The entire class can be divide into two groups where one group says one word and the second group says the opposite word.


Group I Group II Pull Push

Black White

True False

Right Wrong

8. This is how the game goes on. Some words are suggested here. You may pick up some words from the lesson.


Far Near

Good Bad

Dark Bright

Up Down

Old New

9. Name four vegetables you ate last week. Write their names here.


One Many

Carrot Carrots

Turnip Turnips

Onion Onions

Potato Potatoes

Tomato Tomatoes

10. One word in each of the following set is different than the others. Choose the odd one out.

(i) Turnip, potato, tomato, sunflower, brinjal, carrot. Ans. Sunflower.

(ii) Cow, horse, fox, kangaroo, melon.

Ans. Melon.

(iii) Banyan, neem, peepal, mango, snake, apple.

Ans. Snake.

(iv) Rose, lily, sunflower, lotus, cauliflower.

Ans. Cauliflower.

(v) Peacock, parrot, lizard, crow, woodpecker.

Ans. Lizard, Woodpecker.

11. Say aloud:

Ans. (i) Pull

(ii) Full

(iii) Put

(iv) Cool

(v) Root

(vi) Shoot

(vii) Cut

(viii) But

(ix) Shut CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 4 A LITTLE FISH STORY

1. How many fish are there in the sea?

Ans. There are millions of fishes in the sea.

2. Why was the little fish unhappy?

Ans. The little fish was unhappy because he was very small.

3. What happened to the fish one day?

Ans. The fish was caught in the mesh of a net.

4. Why was the fish thankful to be a little fish?

Ans. The fish was thankful to be a little fish. This was only because of its smell size he was able to escape from the net.

5. Imagine you are a little fish. Describe what you might see around you.

Ans. There is a blue water all around me. I am swimming with other fellow little fishes.

6. Look at the pattern and fill in the blanks.


Catch Caught Content Contented

Swim Swam Wish Wished

Buy Bought See Saw Teach Taught Fight Fought

7. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the box.

Ans. A glass of water.

A box of matches.

A sheet of paper.

A bunch of flowers.

A herd of cows.

A pack of wolves.

8. Look at the following sentence. If I were only larger, how much happier I could be.

Make sentences like this using the words in the box.

Ans. (i) If I were only taller, how much happier I could be.

(ii) If I were only thinner, how much happier I could be.

(iii) If I were only smaller, how much happier I could be.

(iv) If I were only cleverer, how much happier I could be.

(v) If I were only younger, how much happier I could be.

(vi) If I were only older, how much happier I could be.

9. Say aloud.

Ans. (i) Blunder (ii) Wonder

(iii) Thunder

(iv) Plunder

(v) Flounder

10 Time

Choose the right word:

Ans. 1. Mahesh sings a little ( little/long) song.

2. Venkateh looks ( looks/shout) at him.

3. Venkatesh thinks Mahesh is crying (crying/laughing).

4. Mahesh is singing (singing/saying) a song.

5. The song is in English (English/Telagu) CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 5 THE YELLOW BUTTERFLY

1. Where did Sonu first see the yellow butterfly?

Ans. At first Sonu saw the butterfly on the rose flower.

2. Name three places where the butterfly rested.

Ans. The butterfly rested on rose flower, lotus flower and then on the peach tree.

3. Why did Sonu chase the butterfly?

Ans. Sonu chased the butterfly because it was very beautiful and he wanted to catch it.

4. Why did Sonu let the butterfly go?

Ans. Sonu let the butterfly go because it was looking sad in Sonu’s hand.

5. If you were a butterfly, how would you feel if you were caught?

Ans. If I were a butterfly, I would have felt very bad, if I were caught.

6. Why did the butterfly go to the flowers in the garden?

Ans. Butterfly went to the flowers in the garden because it sucks vector from the flowers.

7. Write the sentences in proper order using these words to help you.

Ans. (a) First of all, I get out of my bed.

(b) Then I brush my teeth and have a bath. (c) After this I eat my breakfast.

(d) Finally, I dress up and go to school.

8. Make two words from one word.


Butterfly Butter Fly

Everywhere Every Where

Inside In Side

Outside Out Side

Sunlight sun Light CSBE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 6 THE STORY OF THE ROAD

1. What sounds do you hear on the road in the morning?

Ans. In the morning, we hear the sound of the birds, vegetable man, newspaper, boy’s bicycle horn and the talks of school children.

2. What is the vegetable man selling?

Ans. He is selling peas, cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, raddish, cucumber and potatoes.

3. Why is the road annoyed with the crow?

Ans. The road is annoyed with the crow because it is waking up the road again and again but the road is already wide awaken.

4. Talk about how you would cross the road.

Ans. We shall first stop then look towards our left then right and then listen if any sound of the traffic could be heard and then cross the road.

5. Use can and cannot alternatively in the following sentences.

Ans. (i) I can hear the sounds of cars.

(ii) I cannot hear the train whistle.

(iii) I can hear the wind blow.

(iv) I cannot hear the clock.

(v) I can hear the sound of feet. (vi)I cannot hear the sounds of moving chairs.

(viii) I can hear the dogs barking.

6. Look at the picture and write four sentences about what you see.

Ans. (i) I see a road and zebra-crossing.

(ii) I see cars and trucks on the road.

(iii) I see a tree near the road.

(iv) I see a river near the road. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 7 LITTLE TIGER, BIG TIGER

1. Tick the right answer.

(i) Where did the mother tiger and her small tiger cub live?

(a) near a river (b) near a forest (c) near a mountain (d) near a sea

Ans. Near a river.

(ii) What did the mother tiger hunt when the sky was dark?

(a) sheep and goats (b) deer and pigs (c) fish and frogs (d) donkeys and horses

Ans. Fish and frogs.

(iii) What did the tiger cub catch one night?

(a) a deer (b) a pig (c) a frog (d) a cat

Ans. A frog.

2. What happened to the little tiger cub when he chased the frog?

Ans. The little tiger cub lost and saw another tiger in the jungle. 3. Word game: Can you place these letters in their right order to form the name of animals.

Ans. (i) semou – Mouse (ii) resho – horse (iii) oinl – lion (iv) peshe – sheep (v) rede – deer (vi) lubl – bull (vii) giter – tiger (viii) folw – wolf

The animals/birds in coloumn A have to reach their homes in coloumn B Find out where they live.


a bee lives in a burrow

an ant lives in a web

a duck lives in a nest

a tiger lives in a den

a rabbit lives in a hive

a spider lives in a pond

a sparrow lives in a ant hill

4. Now write six sentences from the above picture. Ans. (i) A tiger lives in a den. (ii) A bee lives in a bee hive. (iii) An ant lives in ant hill. (iv) A duck lives in a pound. (v) A sparrow lives in a nest. (vi) A spider lives in a web. (vii) A rabbit lives in a burrow.

6. Say aloud.

Ans. (i) Quiet (ii) Fellow (iii) Biggest (iv) Richer (v) Quite (vi) Shallow (vii) Small (viii) Richest (ix) Queen (x) Swallow (xi) Smaller (xii) Pounce (xiii) Quarrel (xiv) Big (xv) Smallest (xvi) Bounce (xvii) Bellow (xviii) Bigger (xix) Rich CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 8 MY SILLY SISTER

1. What does the baby do with the pebbles?

Ans. The baby tries to eat the pebbles thinking that it is real food.

2. What does the baby do with the book?

Ans. The baby tears the pages of the book and laughs.

3. When does the baby laugh?

Ans. When her brother scolds her and moves his head in anger, she laughs at it.

4. Why does the washer man bring donkeys?

Ans. The washer man brings donkeys to carry away the dirty clothes.

5. What is the funniest thing the baby does?

Ans. The baby laughs at her brother whenever he is in anger and scolds her.

6. Do you think the baby sister is really silly? Why?

Ans. No, the baby sister is really not silly because she is very small child and doesn’t know anything.

7. Fill in the blanks to spell words from the story.

Ans. Silly, Naughty, Pebbles, Excitement, Streets, Donkey, Scold, Lessons. 8. Write similar words from the story.

Ans. Foolish – silly Stones – Pebbles Mischievous – Naughty Fetch – Bring

9. Fill in the blanks with words: Children, they, bell

Ans. The children are playing in the field. They are happy. They are playing ‘catch me if you can’. The bell has rung. It is time for lessons.

10. Fill in the blanks.

Ans. (i) One child many childrens. (ii) One fox, many foxes. (iii) One duck, many ducks. (iv) One goose, many geese.

11. Add ‘ful’ to make a word.

Ans. (a) The children are playful. (b) The flowers are beautiful. (c) The books are useful. (d) The vegetables are plentiful.

12. Add ‘ly’ to make a word.

Ans. (a) The new shoes are lovely. (b) He is really smart. (c) We should eat slowly. (d) Let us sing softly. 13. Add ‘ish’ to make a new word.

Ans. (a) That girl is always crying. She is childish. (b) I slipped on a banana peel. I feel foolish. (c) My sister is babyish.

14. Write five sentences on how you help at home.

Ans. (i) I help mother in cleaning the house. (ii) I help father by fetching him the newspaper. (iii) I also help my younger brother in his studies. (iv) I also help my sister with learning the dance steps. (v) I do lot of work in the house.

15. Say Aloud.

Ans. (a) Donkey (b) Monkey (c) Turkey (d) Sister (e) Mother (f) Father CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 9 HE IS MY BROTHER

1. Where were the people going?

Ans. The people were going to a holy place.

2. What did the man say to Meena?

Ans. The man asked why was she carrying the boy on her back. Wasn’t she feeling the load.

3. Why do you think Meena was carrying her brother?

Ans. Meena was carrying her brother because he was very small and was not able to walk.

4. What went up the hill? a. path b. a street c. a road d. a rail line.

Ans. A path.

5. What is the name of the girl in the story? a. seema b. beena c. meena d. nina.

Ans. Meena. 6. How old was Meena? a. ten b. twelve c. nine d. eight.

Ans. Twelve.

7. How old was Meena’s brother? a. five b. four c. six d. seven.

Ans. Four years old

8. Fill in the blanks.

Ans. (i) The boy fell in the pit.

(ii) I sip hot milk.

(iii) The kid is in the rug.

(iv) My toy is in the box.

(v) The lion is in the den.

(vi) This cat runs after the rat.

(vii) I sit on the cot.

9. Fill in the blanks with the opposite of the underlined word given in the sentence.

Ans. (i) The rat run in when the cat run out. (ii) The lion is big but the ant is small.

(iii) The giraffe has a long neck but owls are short.

(iv) The sun appears in the day and the moon at night.

(v) The tea is hot but the winter is cold.

(vi) Trees are tall but the bushes are short.

(vii) Ram was sad but Radha was happy.

10. What are the difficulties that a child who can’t see will face?

Ans. He will not be able to walk alone, watch television.

11. Would you help a child who can’t walk to school?

Ans. Yes, I would help that child.

12. How can you help such a child and make the child feel one of you?

Ans. I shall hold his hand and take him to school and develop his self-confidence to make such feelings. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 10 THE SHIP OF THE DESERT

1. Why is the Camel called the ship of the desert?

Ans. Camel is called the ship of the Desert because he can walk on the burning sand easily. He can live without food and water in the desert for many days.

2. For how many weeks can a Camel store food in its hump?

Ans. A Camel can store food for two weeks in its hump.

3. What does the Camel eat in the desert?

Ans. A camel eats thorny bushes in the desert.

4. Choose the right answer.

(a) Name the ship of the desert. a. lion b. crab c. camel d. tiger.

Ans. Camel.

(b) Name the king of the forest. a. lion b. owl c. monkey d. crocodile. Ans. Lion.

(c) The feet of the camel are a. thick and pedded b. long and fat c. thick and fat d. thing and pedded.

Ans. Thick and padded.

(d) There are no rivers or lakes in a. plains b. Mountains c. Plateau d. deserts.

Ans. Deserts.

(e) At a time a camel can drink a. 200 bottlesof water b. 400 bottles of water c. 100 bottles of water d. 300 bottles of water.

Ans. 200 bottles of water.

(f) A camel stores food in its a. stomach b. hump c. legs d. lips.

Ans. hump. 5. Make as many words as you can from within the given words.





6. Match the pictures with the words given:








Fins Tusk

7. Look at the goats in the picture and write about them

Ans. (i) Two goats were coming from the opposite sides. They came on a bridge made on a river. Both asked each other to move back. No one was ready to move back.

(ii) Both started fighting.

(iii) And both fell in the river.

8. Now make sentences with each word.

Ans. (i) I – eye: I am a girl.

I have two eyes.

(ii) Our – hour: Our country’s name is India.

I walk an hour daily. (iii) Week -weak: There are 7 days in a week.

I am weak in mathematics.

(iv) Need – knead: You need to take care of your health.

My mother kneads flour everyday.

(v) In – Inn: My teacher is sitting in the class.

Yesterday, we want to an inn.

(vi) See – sea: Today, I will see a movie.

I have never seen a sea.

(vii) No – know: We should say ‘No’ to crackers.

I do not know the answer of this question.

(viii) Here – hear: I am sitting here in this corner.

I cannot hear your voice.

(ix) Not – knot: You should not misbehave with anybody.

I tied a knot in the ropes to make them longer.

(x) Eight – ate: I have eight chocolates.

Yesterday, I ate my lunch at 1:30 pm.

(xi) Of – Off: Camel is the ship of the desert.

Please, switch off the fan when you are not in the room.

(xii) Two – to: I have two eyes, two legs, ears and hands.

I too went for the picnic with my friends.

(xiii) Bye – by: When we depart from our friends we say bye to them. My house is by the seashore.

9. Find out which animals live in:

(i) icy cold regions.

Ans. Tiger, Bear.

(ii) Hot wet regions.

Ans. Tiger, Elephant.

(iii) Dry and Hot Regions.

Ans. Camel. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 1 POEM - GOOD MORNING

1. Why is the child in the poem happy?

Ans. The child in the poem is happy because it is morning now and the night is over.

2. To whom does the child say ‘Good Morning’?

Ans. The child says ‘Good Morning’ to the sky, the sun, wind, birds, trees grass and bees.

3. What does the child want to do?

Ans. The child wants to play with the birds and bees.

4. In the morning I say, “Good Morning” At night I say, “Good Night” A dog says “Bow-wow” A cow says, “Moo-moo” Say “Good Morning” in your own language to:

(i) Your friends.

Ans. I say, “Good Morning, Parul”. (My friend’s name is Parul)

(ii) Your teacher

Ans. I say, “Good Morning, ma’m.”

5. How would you wish them when you leave school in the evening?

Ans. When I leave school I say, “Good bye, friends” to all my friends.

I say, “Good bye, ma’m”, to my teacher. 6. Let’s say aloud. Find words in the poem which rhyme with.

Ans. Bee -Trees, day – Away, too - you

7. What do your see around you during the day and at night? Draw in the two boxes given below and colour the picture.




8. Write two words each from the two pictures you have drawn.


Day Night 1. Sunlight 1. Moonlight 2. Chirping birds 2. Birds sleep

9. Form groups. Tell each other an interesting thing you have seen in the garden one day.

Ans. Last Sunday, I was playing with my brother in the garden. There were beautiful flowers of all kinds. Colorful butterflies were wandering from one flower to another. My brother and I wanted to touch the butterflies. As we went near the butterflies, they flew away. We tried many times, but we could not. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 2 POEM - BIRD TALK

1. Name the two birds in the poem.

Ans. The two birds in the poem are Robin and Jay.

2. What are the three things that people can’t do?

Ans. The people can’t grow wings, eat beetles, or sit on wires.

3. What do birds thinks of people?

Ans. Birds think people are very funny.

4. Imagine what two elephants would say to each other about people. Let them talk about.

(a) What people look like?

Ans. Elephant 1: Look at that man’s nose.

Elephant 2: See how small it is!

(b) What they eat?

Ans. Elephant 1: Do you know what they eat?

Elephant 2: I don’t know, It’s strange they don’t eat grass or bamboo. (c) How they walk?

Ans. Elephant 1: Look how those men are walking?

Elephant 2: Yes, they can’t walk on four legs.

5. Let’s find two things which you can do and the birds can’t do. Tell in the class.

Ans. (i) We can read books and write but birds can’t.

(ii) We can drive cars and scooters but birds can’t.

6. Listen to the sounds of the birds. Make a list of these words.

For example: Chirp, Chirp, Chirp: Sparrow.

Ans. Koo, Koo, Koo: Koel.

Caw, Caw, Caw: Crow.

7. Now write four sentences on birds using the following words. Nest, water, chirp, fly, sky, wings.

Ans. (i) Birds make their nest on the trees.

(ii) Birds have wings to fly in the sky.

(iii) Birds make a sound – chirp, chirp.

(iv) Birds drink water with their beak.

8. Write words that rhyme with the words given below. The first one has been done for you.

Grow Know Throw

Ans. Day Bay Say Think Brink Pink

Funny Bunny Money

Eat Greet Meet

Sing Wing King

9. Say aloud:

Ans. (i) Think

(ii) Thin

(iii) Three

(iv) This

(v) That CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 3 POEM - LITTLE BY LITTLE

1. Name the tree that the acorn grows into.

Ans. The acorn grows into an oak tree.

2. What things does a seed need to grow?

Ans. A seed needs air, water and soil to grow.

3. How many describing words can you find in this poem?

Ans. Describing words in the poem are- slowly, improving, deep, sipped, tiny, slender, mighty etc.

4. Look at the two pictures. Find four things that are different about these trees and talk about them.

Ans. (i) The picture 1 shows that the tree which gives us many essential things. In contrary, picture -2 shows how we harm the tree in many ways.

(ii) In picture -1, the tree gives us medicines while in picture – 2, we are burning wood around it.

(iii) The stem and leaves of the tree in picture -1 are smiling whereas these of the tree in picture -2 are sad and weeping. (iv) The picture -1 shows that the birds are happy in their nest on the tree. On the other hand in picture -2, the birds are moving away from the tree due to problems created by the humans.

5. Look at the Picture -1. Write three sentences on what the trees give us.

Ans. (i) Trees give us fruits and vegetables. (ii) They give us fresh oxygen. (iii) They give wood for shelter. (iv) They provide us medicines.

6. Now look at Picture 2. Write three sentences on how we harm the trees.

Ans. (i) We cut branches of trees for burning. (ii)That causes pollution by setting up industries. (iii) We pluck leaves for feeding domestic animals. (iv) We cut trees to make our houses.

7. These words describe parts of a tree. Write them in the given space.

(a) Stem Ans. It gives strength to the tree and helps in making the tree stand straight.

(b) Bark

Ans. It is brown coloured part present on the stem.

(c) Leaves

Ans. These are green in colour and many in number. They make food for the plant.

(d) Branches

Ans. These are parts emerging from stem on which the leaves grow. Birds make their nests on them.

(e) Twigs

Ans. These are thin, weak branches.

(f) Roots

Ans. These are thin like thread and long parts under the earth which hold the plant in the soil.

(g) Shoot

Ans. The uppermost part of the plant above the soil is called the shoot.

8. Match the opposites.


Downward Upward Slowly Fast Little Big Slender Fat Mighty Weak Day Night CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 4 POEM - SEA SONG

1. Where did the child find the sea shell?

Ans. The child found the sea shell on the sand.

2. What did the child do with the shell?

Ans. The child took the shell to his home.

3. What did the child hear?

Ans. The child heard a sweet, clear song from the shell.

4. Pick the rhyming words from this box and pair them in the spaces below. The first one has been done for you.

Ans. (i) found – sound

(ii) cold – bold

(iii) took – look

(iv) sand – hand

(v) mummy – tummy

5. Fill in the blanks with the opposite word choosing from the box below: Ans.

Found Lost Took Gave Hard Soft Big Small Inside Outside Came Went True False Cold Hot Sweet Bitter Curly Straight Pick Drop Tall Short

6. Choose the right words:

(a) The sea is very, very ____ (big/far).

Ans. Big.

(b) You cannot ____ (hear/see) the other side.

Ans. See.

(c) You ____ (can/cannot) cross the sea.

Ans. Can't

(d) You can cross it in a ____ (bus/ship).

Ans. Ship.

7. Match the phrases with the picture.

(a) A bird singing.


(b) A cow mooing Ans.

(c) A phone ringing


(d) A dog barking


(e) A cock crowing

Ans. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 5 POEM - THE BALLOON MAN

1. Where does the balloon man stand?

Ans. The balloon man stands at the square of the market.

2. What happens to the balloons when there is a wind?

Ans. The balloons fly here and there when there is a wind.

3. What does the child like to see the balloon man do?

Ans. The child wants the balloon man to let loose the balloons in the air. He want to see them flying high in the sky.

4. How high can balloons can fly?

Ans. Balloons can fly very high depending upon their size.

5. What do you like about this poem?

Ans. This poem tells us about the various types of balloons.

6. Identify the words from the jumbled and write the word in the space provided.


Llaboons Balloons Cunlh Lunch Ulbe Blue Ploeep People wolbe below crat cart 7. Put the words given in the box in the following groups.

Ans. (a) Nature: Sky, wind, grass

(b) Food: Turnip, pineapple, rice

(c) Colours: Purple, Green, White, Yellow

8. How many colours can you find hidden in the maze? Write their names below.


White, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue, Brown, Violet, Black, Orange, Purple, Pink.

9. Fill in the blanks with their opposites. You can find them in the poem “The Balloon Man”.


never Always small Big rainy Sunny low High Sit Stand near far 10. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) String

(ii) Stream

(iii) Strong

(iv) Stand

(v) Sting

(vi) Still

(vii) Haul

(viii) Tail

(ix) Sale

(x) Hall

(xi) Might

(xii) Tale

(xiii) Sail

(xiv) Mite CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 6 POEM - TRAINS

1. Where do the trains run?

Ans. The trains run over the mountains, plains and rivers.

2. What are the “precious loads” that they carry?

Ans. They carry important papers, luggage and gold, silver etc. which are very precious.

3. When do the trains run?

Ans. The trains run after carrying passengers, mails and precious loads.

4. What is Dusk and Dawn?

Ans. Dusk: The darker stage of twilight.

Dawn: Break of Day.

5. Do you enjoy train rides?

Ans. Yes, I enjoy train rides very much.

6. If you had to travel over a long distance, how would you like to go and why?

Ans. I would like to go by train. This is because it is a comfortable means of transportation. It has sleeping arrangements and toilet facilities that are essential for traveling over a long distance.

7. If you had to spend the night in a train, what would you need to take with you. Draw and name the things you would need in this suitcase.

Ans. (i) Food

(ii) Bedsheet

(iii) Pillow

(iv) Tooth-Brush

(v) Tooth-paste

(vi) Tongue-cleaner

8. Describe an interesting train or bus journey you have taken, or would like to take. Write four sentences about your journey. You can use some of the following words or phrases.

Many people, crowded tea stalls, stations/bus station, river, window, big and small trees, seat, hills, ticket, loud whistle

Ans. (i) I went to the railway station with my father to go a hill station.

(ii) My father took the tickets from the ticket window.

(iii) From the window, I saw hills, big and small trees and river.

(iv) I also saw crowded tea stalls and many people on the stations.

(v) The trains whistled loudly if someone comes in between the tracks.

9. Sort out these different means of transport into correct groups.

Bus, Car, Aero plane, Ship, Boat, Train, Bicycle, Helicopter, Truck, Steamer.


Land Air Water

Bus Aeroplane Ship

Car Helicopter Boat

Train Steamer

Bicycle Yatch


10. Complete these sentences.

Ans. (i) Give me some food to eat.

(ii) Play with me.

(iii) Swim across the river. (iv) Let’s get on the train.

11. Say aloud:

Ans. (i) Mail

(ii) Fail

(iii) Dawn

(iv) On

(v) Plains

(vi) Trains CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 7 POEM - PUPPY AND I

1. Who is I in the poem?

Ans. “I” is the poet, a small child, in the poem.

2. Where was the man going?

Ans. The man was going down the village to get some bread.

3. Why didn’t the child go with the horse?

Ans. The child didn’t go with the horse because the horse was going in the village to get some hay.

4. Why did the child go with the puppy?

Ans. The child wanted to play and the puppy was going to play. So the child went with the him.

5. Do you have a pet?

Ans. Yes.

6. Talk about the three things that you and your pet do together.

Ans. (i) We play football together.

(ii) We see TV together.

(iii) We sleep in the same room. 7. How do you look after your pet? Tell in the class in your own language and then in English.

Ans. My cat’s name is PUSSY. I feed the pussy daily. I play with the PUSSY in the garden.

8. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) Bread

(ii) Said

(iii) Hay

(iv) Today

(v) Roll

(vi) Pole

9. Match the animals with their sounds.


A horse Neighs

A dog Barks

A sheep Bleats

A cat Mews

An elephant Trumpets

A tiger Roars

A cow moos

10. List these animals under domestic animals and wild animals.


Domestic animals Wild animals

Dog Jackal

Cow Fox

Sheep Tiger

Goat Bear



11. Fill in the blanks with rhyming words.

Ans. Hill – Bill – Pill

Hay – Gay – Day

Fine – Dine – Line

Get – Set – Met

Going – Snowing – Roaring

Hare – Care – Dare

12. Choose the right words.

Ans. (i) Bruno is my pet.

(ii) He breaks his dish.

(iii) Daddy gives him milk.

(iv) Mummy gives him a new dish.

(v) Bruno is now happy. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 8 POEM - WHAT’S IN THE MAILBOX?

1. Who does the postman bring letters for?

Ans. The postman brings letters for the child’s mom and dad.

2. Does the child ever get a letter?

Ans. The child never gets a letter.

3. What does the child decide to do?

Ans. The child decides to write letters to his friends.

4. Have you written letters?

Ans. Yes, I have written letters.

5. Who have you written to?

Ans. I have written letters to my friends.

6. Who would you like to write to today? How?

Ans. I would like to write to my grandfather today because day after tomorrow is his birthday.

7. Now write a letter to your friend, telling him about your school. You can use some of these words: classroom, children, bell, blackboard, teacher building.

Ans. H. No 509 Gulabi Bagh

Delhi – 110077

25 April, 2010

Dear Ritak,

Today I am going to tell you about my school. It has a very big building. It has 2000 children and 35 classrooms. There is a blackboard in every class. There are 45 teachers. They are well qualified and teach us very nicely.

I like my school very much.

Your lovingly


8. Here are some people who help us. Let us try matching.

Ans. (i) A postman brings our letters.

(ii) A cobbler mends our shoes.

(iii) A librarian works in a library.

(iv) A driver drives a motor vehicle.

(v) A dramatist writes a play.

(vi) A teacher teaches in a school.

(vii) A nurse looks after patients.

(viii) A musician plays musical instruments.

(ix) An astronaut travels in a space craft.

(x) A clown makes people laugh. CBSE Class 3 English NCERT Solutions Chapter - 9 POEM - DON’T TELL

1. How old is the speaker?

Ans. The speaker is a small child the age of 8 -10 years.

2. Who are ‘they’ and ‘them’ in the poem?

Ans. ‘They’ and ‘them’ in the poem are the parents of the child.

3. What is the secret the speaker is hiding?

Ans. The secret the speaker is hiding is that he is a giant from inside.

4. Think of three things that ‘they’ won’t let you do.

Ans. ‘They’ won’t let me do the following things:

(a) They don’t let me drive a car.

(b) They don’t let me cook chappati in the kitchen.

(c) They don’t let me go all alone to the market.

5. What are the things you’d like to do when you are grown up that you just can’t do now?

Ans. (i) I would like to go to the market to buy dresses for myself.

(ii) I would like to drive a car of my own.

(iii) I would like to cook food all alone. 6. Using the letters of the given word, make three words.

Blackboard, Mother, Vegetables, Thousand, Helicopter.


Black Other Table Sand Copter Board Moth Get And Choper Back Her Able Hand Pilot

7. Look at these words in the poem.

Don’t I’m I’ll

Here are their full forms:

Don’t – Do not

I’m – I am

I’ll – I will

(i) Now write the full form of the following words.

Ans. Can’t – Cannot, It’s – It is, I’snt – Is not, What’s – What is, That’s – That is.

(ii) Make sentences using the following:

He’s, She’s, You’re, We’re

Ans. (i) He’s boy who has won the trophy.

(ii) She’s the girl whom I met in the park.

(iii) You’re going to get a surprise today.

(iv) We’re going to have a party in our house tomorrow.

(iii) Now write about two things you’ll do when you grow up. You can begin like this:

Ans. When I grow up, I’ll become a pilot and fly an aero plane. When I grow up, I’ll visit all the countries and eat different types of food.

8. Say Aloud.

Ans. (i) Giant

(ii) Jam

(iii) Gym

(iv) June

(v) Goose

(vi) Grey

(vii) Gold

(viii) Gum