Around the World. in the Par West
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* T°°fy AROUND THE WORLD. MARKETING IN JAPAN. ! —The wages of a laboier in Russia is eight How Foreigners Get Their Food, and cents for a day’s work of fifteen hours, and W hat They Get to Eat. : (Japan Correspondence Philadelphia Tim es.) he “ finds” himself. “ Yasai ! yasai 1” shouts the old vegetable —Bees were cultivated in the very early man as he comes up our front yard staggering days of m an’s existence. A bee-hive is under his load of fresh vegetables of every found upon, an ancient tomb in Thebes. seasonable variety. The pole which supports —A dog kennel in Montgomery county, across his shoulders the two large baskets Ohio, comprises between six and seven acres of green things at either end bends an of ground, and the dog iiesh is valued at creaks under the weight. Our vegetable »76,000. RAID. man needs no pity, however, as his face over —Justice Stanley Matthews has just paid spread by a grin,will Bhow when he sets down #17 ,500 for a builaing lot in Washington— VOL. X X IV . KICHM0ND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1881. WHOLE NO. 1,200.—NO. 8. his burden and wishes us a pleasant “ good the highest prie« ever paid for a single lot morning.” there, and will build a $20,000 house upon it. Well, what shall we buy to day ? Wb*t would the ladies like to purchase ? Some de —Milwaukee is threatened with a water picking up a few shillings in Rotten Row by was certain he fancied the lady who presided IN THE PAR WEST. at him, when he ooolly laid down his Old The Secretary was instructed to return a licious and tender bamboo shoots for soup, famine. The pumping capacity of her water running up to gentlemen on horseback and at. the bazar. He remarked therefore that muHket and leaching back under his dilapi reply to the effect that the club could not or some fine sweet potatoes ? At a sugges works engine is only 8,0o0,(J0U gallons, and exclaiming : “ Stone in your horse’s foot.” he thought that particular article very pretty. Recollections of Life on the Border — An dated со it tails produced a pair of vicious consider itself morally or pecuniarily respons tion from our ruddy cook, who stands by in the daily consumption exceeds 13,000,000 Horse is stopped and tue stone is picked out, ' The lady said : “ Yes, it is very pretty ; my Anecdote of •* Slim Jim.” looking pistols of the bull dog pattern and his white apron and jaunty cap, the old man and a shilling is dropped. One gentleman ible and a hint was thrown out to the gallons. ; mother sent it.” “ Ah ! really,” said the Life in the military posts of the Far West them at the now discomfited Indians begins, in a nasal tone, to enumerate his discovered the trick, for the stone was in the Treasurer that it might be policy to hide all —A young lady of Holyoke, Mass., where ! young gentleman, determined to discover the is not entirely bereft of enjoyable features. said : stock : “lino ni, kabu ni, osatsu ni, take-no- man’s hand before it was in the horse’s foot, his funds in an oyster can and bury the can there are live women to one man, has come ! name of the owner of the eyes that bewitched True, the every day routine of soldier duty— “ Now, you fellers hev made yer play an’ ko ni, daikon ni, yari ni, тате no iro iro but sligüt-of nand practice deceived the short under about four feet of back garden. forward as a тшьіопагу to bachelors, and j him. “ Ah really. Let me see, I think I the roll calls, guard mountings, drills, inspec I’ll make mine. Ground arms, every son-of- gt zaimasa ” ; that is to say, “ Potatoes, tur sighted ones. ' WHERE DUTY ENDS. offers to lead a galaxy of one hundred maidenb I have met your mother. Her uame is -------?” tions, dress parades etc. —grows monotonous a-gun of ye, or I’ll pump ye full of forty four nips, sweet potatoes, bamboo shoots,radishes, out West. —A Presbyterian chuich in Pennsylvania j ‘‘ The Queen,” answered the lady. The young and even hateful, aud the harsh tones of the calibre bullets. Drop ’em lively ?” and he “ I am in receipt of a query from Pitts lily roots, cabbages and beans of different lias just suspended one of its members, a gentleman did not wait for the last train from bugle grates unpleasantly upon the ears cocked his murderous looking revolvers. burgh,” said the President, as he displayed a sorts.” With this army to select from, we —The Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe rail Bagshot. letter, “ axin’ me whar our dooty to our nay- road has contracted for ‘2,500 freight cars, Noung man, for dancing. Ho appealed to the doomed to listen to them year after year, yet The guns went to the ground, and the squad squat down a la Japanaise to examine the Prebbytery and defended himself in a speech —A new Hungarian opera in London wae for all this there are ron stood with blank dismay pictured on every bur begins an’ ends up. To be nayburl.y wid vegetables and coat with the vender. ninety-nii. e engines and thirty nine passenger on the point of being an utter failure when a naybur am one of de highest an’ gieatest of two hours, his principal argument being MANY SOURCES OF ENJOYMENT face. How much is this lily root, vegetable coaches, the last of which are to be delivered the snow in the branches of the trees caught principles on airth. Our dooty begins when next monih. mat he wasn’t guilty because he did not know *■ Now every dod durned one o’ ye stand on тап?” іѳ the first query, put in our best how to dance. The discussion consumed the fire and the whole .landscape was soon in And pastime created by the officers and sol we let his chickens scratch up our garden, diers to drive away the dull monotony inci yer heads.” Jauanese, and which m tnat musical tongue, —When the children of Mis. Betsey Per entire day, and then he got ouly one vote out flames. One of the actors pulled off his his children ride our gate, an’ his dog chase kins, of Taunton, Mass., surprised her un her dent to a life on tue froutief, almost without “ Oh, now, see here, pardy,” said a soldier, would be something like this : of twenty-three. He means to appeal to the cloak and together with the ghost succeeded “don’t you know that were only Jo ” our cat widout complaint. Our dooty ends “ Y’avo San kno yuri, go dono kurai ka ?” 100th birthday, she shewed her appreciation synod. in extinguishing the flaming snow. The or the pale of civilization. Among soldiers, as when we have lent him our hoe, shovel, of their affection by giving each of them a among all classes of people, can be found tbe “ Up with ye or a streak o’daylight ’11 foller “ Oi sen, go riu Apata” (two cents and five —Small lizards are used in Egypt by some chestra continued playing, and luckily two- a chunk o’ lead through yer auatomy in a spade, ice tongs, ax, sugar, tea, coffee, milk mills) promptly responds^the old man, while »1,000 bond. thirds of the audience having got tired of the individual of a theatrical turn of miud, and an’ butter, an’ ho has forgotten dat he owes of the native ladies as ornaments, and lie there is scarcely a post on the border that holy minute.” the cuok mutters ; •• Takai ne” (too high) 1 — One of the cashiers at a large hotel in half concealed in the drapery that overnangs perlormance had left the theater. There was The troopers obeyed and in a moment a us anythin’ beyan’ a request dat we will come Laying aside the lily root for future ex cannot boast of its dramatic temple, usually ober an’ turn grindstun fur him to sharpen a Chicago is a woman. She is the tirs с of her the lace. Tho red clawed soldier crabs are no panic, aud for the first time in the evening half dozen pairs of legs waved wildly in the periment, we select some of the more familiar sex to assume such a position in this country, the spectators applauded the actors and the built of pine logs, ia which are produced crowbar.” bomeiimes used in Mexico as pins. The ciab plays and variety exhibitions for the enter air. He held them in this position for fully “ murphies” and proceed further to -examine although in Europe women are often employ l? dis.ouged lroni its stolen shell and given a singers for their success in putting out snow a minute, when he permitted them to again THE WEATHER. the stock. ed in this capacity. when it was on fire. tainment of the denizens of the post. Mauy Ceautifui pearly one, or one that has been of the officers have their wives and daughters assume a natural position upon their feet. The committee in charge of themeteorolo “ What kinds of beans have you?” is next —A horse car conductor, who had waited [dated with gold or silver. Fastened to the —The history of bells is one of the most iu the garrison, aud the ladies apparently take Then he got his late companions into line gical disturbances for the coming week re demanded,and the old huckster produces some five mmutes at a crossing lor a lady, re iace by a pm and chain, they make unique interesting iu the record of invention.