How to Make Your Perfect Bowl It’s easy to order takeout during the busy fall season, but the reality is that many of these popular takeout dishes – from shrimp to beef and broccoli – can be high in salt and unhealthy oils. Instead, make it at home in less time than it takes for delivery to show up.

4 Add veggies... fresh or 1 frozen. From baby bok choy, broccoli, beans, and carrots to Pick a Noodle. Thin corn, spinach, and kale, there’s no nutty-to- the taste buckwheat? limit to the amount of nutritious Delicate rice? Chewy ? veggies you can add to your Check out Simply Asia’s noodle creation. And frozen to find a noodle that’s vegetables work great too! Add right for you. Bonus: they all them directly into the hot broth cook in under 10 minutes! on the stove about 3-5 minutes before the cooked noodles.

3 Flavor! The sky is the limit if you 5 2 have a properly stocked spice drawer. Measuring tip: Add about 1 teaspoon Add an egg or another Add a Sauce or Stock. of herbs and spices per 2 cups broth or type of protein. Eggs are Noodles are meant to soak up 1 cup noodles. a delicious, savory topper for sauce. For a soupy noodle bowl, Common flavor pairings: noodle bowls – whether hard unsalted chicken stock or a • Ginger, garlic powder, crushed boiled or fried. Chicken, fish, flavored broth like Simply Asia red pepper shrimp or tofu – adding your Soy Ginger Chicken • Cinnamon, ginger, whole cloves, favorite protein to a noodle bowl Broth is a delicious choice. crushed red pepper or soup helps provide • Thyme, oregano, garlic powder, long-lasting energy. black pepper • Ginger, garlic powder, minced onions, hot chili sauce, fresh cilantro