of the Annunciation Catholic Church June 2, 2018 Mass The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Saturday 5:00 PM Corpus Christi Sunday 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM (+PFC Pamela Gay, req: Ron Wisniewski) Music & Responses Pray for the Sick of our Parish Entrance Antiphon & Scripture Readings: Page 174 Estelle Bareford, Ann Bateman, Jackie Boak, Maria Bridge, Entrance Chant: #310 Table Of Plenty Lee Brooks, Adam Bullock, Sue Collins, Cindy Cook, Lev- ie Edmond, Lois Fazenbaker, Cathy Fullem, Donna Godsey, Gloria: #884 Wanda Harrie, Oliva Haynes, Scott Kittle, James Landry, Responsorial Psalm: I will take the cup of salvation, Marie Lay, Richard Lay, Cindy Lent, Caitlin Lepp, Dawn and call on the name of the Lord. Long, Jennifer Leaming-Lyons, Esther Luiggi, Chris Hymn of Preparation: #368 See Us, Lord About Your Nowark, Donald Paradis, Anna Porter-Toure, Barbara Purks, Duane Riden, Sophis Rodriguez, Clare Roussel, Altar Richard Russell, Lisette Russell, Julie Sadowski, Marilyn Holy, Holy, Holy #885 Sherman, William Simulcik, Claudia Sims, Brandi Smith, Mary Smith, Catherine Squires, Linda Stanton, Joyce Mystery of Faith: #887 Thomas, Megan Toigo, Anne Tracy, George Tracey, Joan Amen: #889 Williams. Lamb of God: #890 If you would like to add/remove someone to the Sick of our Communion Chant: #340One Bread, One Body Parish list, please call Sue Brim at 804-448-9064 or email her Sending Forth: #535 O God Beyond All Praising at
[email protected]. Thank you. Stewardship Reflection Vocations “This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out ““Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them for many.” Are you being chosen by Christ to poured and they all drank from it.” - Mark 14:23 out your life’s work for souls with Him as a priest? Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He Call Father Michael Boehling at (804) 359-5661, or gave Himself to us completely for our salvation.