Withlacoochee River Basin Board
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Withlacoochee River Basin Board Information and Budget Notebook Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:00 a.m. Withlacoochee River Brooksville Headquarters 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, Florida (352) 796-7211 WITHLACOOCHEE RIVER BASIN BOARD Ronald E. Oakley, Chair Ex Officio Seeth Trimpert, Vice Chair Janey Baldwin, Secretary Jack Dennis, Member Paul Mazak, Member Bo Rooks, Member Patricia “Patsy” Nathe, Member Committee Representatives: Basin Board Education Committee Primary: Patsy Nathe Alternate: Janey Baldwin Basin Board Land Resources Committee Primary: Bo Rooks Alternate: Seeth Trimpert Citrus/Hernando County Waterways Restoration Council Primary: Bo Rooks Alternate: Jack Dennis Withlacoochee River Basin Board Meeting Agenda Brooksville, Florida February 14, 2008 9:00 a.m. ITEM PRESENTER 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Ronald E. Oakley/Annette Zielinski 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag Ronald E. Oakley 3. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda Lou Kavouras 4. Consent Item: a. December 13, 2007 Meeting Minutes [Exhibit 4.a.] Lou Kavouras 5. Discussion Items: a. Tampa Bay Regional Reclaimed Water Project Kathy Scott b. State Board of Administration Local Government Investment Pool Daryl Pokrana (SBA LGIP) Status [Exhibit 5.b.] c. Budget Update in View of the January 29 Special Election Linda Pilcher d. FY2009 Cooperative Funding Requests Doug Sanders [Exhibit behind FY2009 CFI Applications Tab] 6. Report: a. Report on Governing Board Activities Ron Oakley 7. Announcements: Lou Kavouras a. Joint Governing and Basin Boards Workshop: Tuesday, February 26, 2008, Noon, Nature's Classroom, Thonotosassa b. Basin Board Education Committee: Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 9:30 a.m., Tampa Service Office c. Basin Board Land Resources Committee: Thursday, March 20, 2008 9:30 a.m., Starkey Environmental Education Center, New Port Richey d. Next Basin Board Meeting: Thursday, April 10, 2008, 9:00 a.m., Brooksville Headquarters e. Other 8. Adjournment Ron Oakley Information items are included in the Summary Agenda. SUMMARY AGENDA Withlacoochee River Basin Board Meeting Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Presenters: Ronald E. Oakley, Chair Ex Officio Annette Zielinski, Senior Administrative Assistant Boards and Executive Services 2. Pledge of Allegiance to American Flag Presenter: Ronald E. Oakley, Chair Ex Officio 3. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda Presenter: Lou Kavouras, Deputy Executive Director Outreach, Planning and Board Services 4. Consent Item: a. December 13, 2007, Meeting Minutes Basin Board members were provided minutes of the December 13, 2007 meeting for review. Staff Recommendation: See Exhibit 4.a. Approve the December 13, 2007, meeting minutes, as presented. Presenter: Lou Kavouras 5. Discussion Items: a. Tampa Bay Regional Reclaimed Water Project Purpose This is an information item only. Staff will provide the Basin Board an update on the Tampa Bay Regional Reclaimed Water Project and the City of Tampa's plans to postpone moving forward on the project and instead focus on expanding the South Tampa Area Reuse Project (STAR). Background/History It has been the Governing Board's intent to encourage the use of reclaimed water flows at Tampa's Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant (HFC Plant) since 2000, when the board was presented with an overview of reclaimed water in the Tampa Bay Area showing less than 40 percent utilization of available flows at the plant. Since then, the District, through the Northwest Hillsborough and Hillsborough River Basin Boards has been working with Tampa on its plans for the STAR Project and other uses for the HFC Plant Flows. In 2002, the District joined with the city, Hillsborough County, Summary Agenda February 14, 2008 Withlacoochee River Basin Board Page 2 of 9 Pasco County, and Tampa Bay Water on what is known today as the Tampa Bay Regional Reclaimed Water Project (Regional Project) to use approximately 60 million gallons per day (mgd) of untapped flows at Tampa's HFC Plant. The collaboration associated with the Regional Project was expected to also allow the other entities to maximize the use of their reclaimed water resources within the Tampa Bay Area. The focus was to help reach the mutual goals of: (1) reducing the use of traditional water supplies for non potable needs (irrigation and other purposes); (2) increasing the beneficial use of wet-weather reclaimed water flows, rather than continue the practice of discharging them to tide or deep wells; and (3) helping to restore the natural systems in Pasco and Hillsborough counties. The project plan consists of the planning, design and construction of more than 45 miles of reclaimed water transmission pipelines, pumping and storage, and additional distribution pipelines and infrastructure. As currently configured, the project is estimated to offset 17 mgd by using an annual average of 26 mgd of reclaimed water and to reduce nitrogen loading to Tampa Bay by 175 tons annually, or 3.5 percent. Initially, Tampa Bay Water (TBW) had been the lead agency due to the downstream augmentation portion of the Regional Project, wherein surplus reclaimed water would be discharged downstream of the City Dam on the Hillsborough River and the District S160 structure on the Tampa Bypass Canal in exchange for fresh water withdrawals upstream. In October 2006, the TBW Board voted to move forward with expansion of its enhanced surface water system without the downstream augmentation component primarily due to permitting uncertainties for augmentation, and then completed minimum flows and levels work on the lower Hillsborough River and the Tampa Bypass Canal, by the District. A significant reconfiguration of the Regional Project was necessary due to the elimination of the downstream augmentation component, as well as the related component to augment the lower Hillsborough River. At this same time, the City of Tampa was evaluating its rates, configuration, and overall direction of the city's reclaimed water system. In September 2007 the City of Tampa requested, in a letter to the District, that funds budgeted by the District to assist the city with its share of the Regional Project be used, instead, to support its STAR Project expansion. The letter stated Tampa's intent to pursue the expansion of the STAR project first as a means to use the flows available at the HFC Plant. The STAR expansion has a reduced residential element, instead focusing on serving reclaimed water to industrial and commercial water customers and, where opportunity may exist, potential interconnections to Hillsborough County's reclaimed water system. The preliminary STAR Project Evaluation is based on a conceptual plan and completed by consultants for the city in July 2007, estimates the project will cost approximately $40 million and take about eight years to construct. Supplying customers in the north Tampa part of its service area, consistent with original configuration of the Regional Project, is something the city may consider in the future; however, the city has made clear it will devote its financial resources to the STAR project expansion first. Based on the current position of the city and in light of Hillsborough County focusing its financial resources on a public/private partnership to bring its south county reuse to Tampa Electric Company in Polk County, the Regional Project is being postponed. Benefits/Costs The Regional Project has been budgeted over several years by the six Basin Boards within the TBW service area based on population served by the project benefits. The rationale was that the project, served centrally by the HFC Plant, was expected to Summary Agenda February 14, 2008 Withlacoochee River Basin Board Page 3 of 9 significantly contribute to meeting water supply needs of TBW member governments and others in the Tampa Bay area over the next 20 years. The project was estimated to cost $213 million when originally proposed to the Basin Boards and the Governing Board. Since then, while no funds were budgeted in Fiscal Year (FY) 2008, the District's Long- Range Financial Plan was adjusted to reflect the latest estimate of $223 million. As shown below, approximately $37 million has been budgeted for the Regional Project to date, of which $7 million has been expended for planning, design and construction of various parts of the project. Most notably has been the construction of Pasco County's reuse reservoir which will provide benefits regardless of whether HFC reuse is provided or not. During the FY2009 budget cycle, staff will present recommendations to the Basin Board for using the funds now available from the Regional Project for other projects. Funds Available for Other Projects due to Regional Project Conclusion ($M) Budgeted* Available for Funding Board FY2003-07 Expended* Other Projects Governing Board $ 20.22 $ 4.64 $ 15.58 Alafia River Basin $ 1.65 $ 0.25 $ 1.40 Hillsborough River Basin $ 4.03 $ 0.65 $ 3.38 Northwest Hillsborough Basin $ 2.18 $ 0.33 $ 1.85 Coastal Rivers Basin $ 1.42 $ 0.21 $ 1.21 Pinellas-Anclote River Basin $ 7.71 $ 1.12 $ 6.59 Withlacoochee River Basin $ 0.17 $ 0.03 $ 0.14 Total $ 37.39 $ 7.24 $ 30.15 * Includes $4 million in FY2006 State appropriations. Staff Recommendation: This item is for the Board’s information only; no action is required. Presenter: Kathy F. Scott, Manager, Conservation Projects Section Resource Projects Department b. State Board of Administration Local Government Investment Pool (SBA LGIP) Status Governing Board Treasurer, Jennifer Closshey, has written a letter to the members of each Basin Board regarding the status of the SBA LGIP and the District’s investment in the SBA LGIP through January 22, 2008, provided as an exhibit for this item. Staff will be available to answer questions during the meeting. Staff Recommendation: See Exhibit 5.b. This item is presented for the Board’s information; no action is required. Presenter: Daryl F. Pokrana, Finance Director c. Budget Update in View of the January 29 Special Election Staff will provide an update on the result of the January 29, 2008, Special Election on the proposed constitutional amendment, Amendment No.