Oliver Bezuidt, Kingdom Mncube and Oleg N. Reva University of Pretoria, Department Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit 0002, Pretoria, South Africa

Keywords: Genome linguistics, k-Mer statistics, Oligonucleotide usage pattern, Genomic island, Horizontal gene exchange, Pathogenicity.

Abstract: With more sequences of complete bacterial genomes getting public availability the approaches of genome comparison by frequencies of oligonucleotides (k-mers) known also as the genome linguistics are becoming popular and practical to resolve problems which can not be tackled by the traditional sequence comparison tools. In this work we present several innovative approaches based on k-mer statistics for detection of inserts of genomic islands and tracing down the ontological links and origins of . 637 bacterial genomes were analyzed by SeqWord Sniffer program that has detected 2,622 putative genomic islands. These genomic islands were clustered by DNA compositional similarity. A stratigraphic analysis was introduced that allows distinguishing between new and old genomic inserts. A method of reconstruction of donor-recipient relations between micro- was proposed. The strain E. coli TY- 2,482 isolated from the latest deadly outbreak of a haemorrhagic infection in Europe in 2011 was used for the case study. It was shown that this strain appeared on an intersection of two independent fluxes of horizontal gene exchange, one of which is a conventional for Enterobacteria stream of vectors generated in marine gamma-Proteobacteria; and the second is a new channel of antibiotic resistance genomic islands originated from environmental beta-Proteobacteria.

1 INTRODUCTION in many instances falsely predicted. Multiple which are of great importance for mobility of Recurrent outbreaks of pathogens armed with new and phages quickly become a wreck after virulence factors and broad range antibiotic integration into due to multiple resistance gene cassettes demonstrate our ignorance mutations and fragmentations. on the principles of horizontal gene exchange and Bacterial species are variable in their overall GC the evolution of pathogenic . Ontology and content but the genes in genomes of particular phylogeny of laterally transferred genetic elements species are fairly uniform with respect to their base are difficult to investigate, let alone the predictions composition patterns and frequencies of of their insertion sites in hosts chromosomes. DNA oligonucleotides. DNA compositional comparison of and protein sequence similarity comparison by blast bacterial genomes showed that horizontally acquired is generally used to track the origins of genomic genes display features that are distinct from those of islands (GIs) but this approach has many limitations. their recipient genomes (Van Passel, 2006). Based Horizontally transferred genes are highly mutable on these observations we developed and utilized and similarities in their DNA sequences quickly several innovative genome linguistics approaches to disappear. Protein sequence similarity reflects improve GI detection in bacterial genomes. They are mostly functional conservations rather than the practical also for reconstraction of the ontological phylogenetic relations between GIs. Moreover, the links and donor-resipient relations between majority of genes found in GIs are hypothetical and microorganisms and their mobilomes.

Bezuidt O., Mncube K. and N. Reva O.. 118 APPLICATION OF GENOME LINGUISTIC APPROACHES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF GENOMIC ISLAND IN BACTERIAL GENOMES AND TRACKING DOWN THEIR ORIGINS - Genome Linguistics to Visualize Horizontal Gene Exchange. DOI: 10.5220/0003704201180123 In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms (BIOINFORMATICS-2012), pages 118-123 ISBN: 978-989-8425-90-4 Copyright c 2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.) APPLICATION OF GENOME LINGUISTIC APPROACHES FOR IDENTIFICATION OF GENOMIC ISLAND IN BACTERIAL GENOMES AND TRACKING DOWN THEIR ORIGINS - Genome Linguistics to Visualize Horizontal Gene Exchange

2 RESULTS Relative variance of an OU pattern (RV) was calculated by the following equation:

4 N 2.1 Oligonucleotide Usage Pattern 2   w w (3) Concept RV  N 4  1   0 2 Statistical parameters of frequencies of k-mers in where N is the word length; Δ w is the square of a natural DNA sequences and a definition of the word w count deviation (see equation 1); and σ0 is oligonucleotide usage (OU) pattern were given in the expected standard deviation of the word our previous publications (Reva, 2005); (Ganesan, distribution in a randomly generated sequence which 2008). OU pattern was denoted as a matrix of depends on the sequence length (Lseq) and the word deviations [1…N] of observed from expected counts length (N): for all possible permutations of oligonucleotides 4 N  0  0.02  (4) (words) of length N. In this work tetranucleotides L were used, thus N = 256. Words are distributed in seq sequences logarithmically and the deviations of their GRV is a particular case of RV when expected counts frequencies from expectations may be found as of words are calculated based on the frequencies of follows: nucleotides estimated for the complete genome.

 C 2 C 2  C 2    1...N |obs  1...N |e  1...N |0  2.2 Identification and Clustering of ln  2 2 2  C C  C  Genomic Islands   1...N |e  1...N |obs  1...N |0  (1)  w    1...N  6   2 2  ln C C   1    1...N |0  1...N |e   Each genome may be characterized by a unique pattern of frequencies of oligonucleotides (Abe, where n is any nucleotide A, T, G or C in the N- 2003); (Reva, 2005;). Foreign DNA inserts retain long word; C[1…N]|obs is the observed count of a OU patterns of the genomes of origin. Comparison word [1…N]; C[1…N]|e is its expected count and of OU patterns of genomic fragments against the C[1…N]|0 is a standard count estimated from the entire genome OU pattern reveals areas with assumption of an equal distribution of words in the alternative DNA compositions. An algorithm for the -N sequence: C[1…N]|0 = Lseq  4 . In this work identification of horizontally transferred genomic C[1…N]|e frequencies were calculated by using 0- elements by superimposition of OU statistical order Markov model, i.e. by normalization to the parameters has been introduced in our previous frequencies of nucleotides. publications (Reva, 2005); (Ganesan, 2008). This The distance D between two patterns was algorithm calculates and superimposes the four OU calculated as the sum of absolute subtractions of pattern parameters discussed above: D – distance ranks of identical words after ordering of the words between local and global OU patterns; RV and GRV by [1…N] values (equation 1) in patterns i and j as variances; and PS. Horizontally transferred GIs are follows: characterized by a significant pattern deviation

4 N (large D), significant increase in GRV associated rank  rank  D  w,i w, j min with decreased RV and a moderately increased PS D(%)  100  w (2) D  D (Ganesan, 2008). Exploitation of all these parameter max min allows the discrimination of the putative mobile Application of ranks instead of relative genomic elements from other genomic loci with oligonucleotide frequencies made the comparison of alternative DNA compositions, namely: multiple OU patterns less biased to the sequence length tandem repeats, clusters of genes for ribosomal provided that the sequences are longer 5 kbp for a proteins and ribosomal RNA, giant genes, etc (Reva, reliable statistics of tetranucleotide frequencies 2005). To facilitate a large scale analysis of bacterial (Reva, 2005). genomes, a Python utility SeqWord Sniffer was Pattern skew (PS) is a particular case of D where developed. It is available for download from patterns i and j are calculated for the same DNA but for direct and reversed strands, respectively. Sniffer was compared to other available tools of N N Dmax = 4  (4 – 1)/2 and Dmin = 0 when calculating GI identification: IslandPick, SIGI-HMM and N a D, or, in a case of PS calculation, Dmin = 4 if N is IslandPath (Langille, 2009). The rate of false N N an odd number, or Dmin = 4 – 2 if N is an even negative predictions was determined by testing the number due to the presence of palindromic words. capacities of different programs to predict known

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patogenicity GIs from PAI DB (http://www.gem. hypothesized that the comparison of GIs of the same The rate of false origin which are distributed in organisms that share positive predictions was estimated by counting the similar genomic OU patterns would result in numbers of GIs predicted by one program which different D-values relative to the time of their were not confirmed by other programs. To optimize acquisition. In Fig. 2 the differences in D-values are the Sniffer’s program run settings the factorial depicted by grey colour gradients. The darker colour experiment was used. Results of program gradients depict GIs which have been acquired comparison are shown in Table 1. recently, while the lighter colours depict ancient acquisitions. Table 1: Comparison of different programs for GI identification. Program False negative rate False positive rate* 3 DISCUSSION Sniffer 0.12 0.44 IslanPick 0.94 0.40 SIGI-HMM 0.41 0.28 DNA molecules encoding functional enzymes, IslandPath 0.69 0.43 transcriptional regulators and virulence determinants *It has to be taken into consideration that not all unconfirmed GIs are fluxing through the bacterial taxonomic walls. are false positives. It is assumed that the false positive rates in this They endow environmental and clinical strains of column are at least twice as much as they are. bacteria with new unexpected properties. Lateral

Sniffer and SIGI-HMM predicted more than 60% genetic exchange, particularly of drug tolerance of know pathogenicity GIs, and Sniffer showed the genes has been recognized for a long time; however smallest rate of false positives. the phenomenon of the is In this work we searched for GIs in a set of 637 generally obscure. Linguistic approaches based on bacterial genomes representing different taxonomic the analysis of biased distribution of classes. In a total, 2,622 GIs were predicted (visit tetranucleotides, which were applied in this study, for showed to be instrumental for the identification of more information). Then these GIs were clustered GIs in bacterial genomes; grouping of inserts basing on OU pattern similarity. The assumption is originated from one or multiple sources; and also for that the GIs which originated from the same source the estimation of the approximate time when transfer share compositional similarity. Compositional events have occurred. This information is relevant to similarity was measured as 100% – D. GIs with a understanding of the role that the horizontal gene pattern similarity above 75% were often found to exchange plays in evolution of new pathogens. The share homologous blocks of DNA sequences. Hence analysis of the complete genome sequence of the a pattern similarity index of 75% was chosen as a strain E. coli TY-2482 isolated from the latest threshold for clustering of GIs. In total 1,305 outbreak of entero-aggregative-haemorrhagic clusters were obtained; however, 1,158 of the total (EAHEC) infection in Europe in 2011 showed that clusters were singletons. To visualize the relations its extraordinary virulence and lethality are between GIs in clusters, an in-house Python script associated with the virulence determinants located in with Graphviz incorporation and a graph pruning horizontally transferred GIs (Brzuszkiewicz, 2011); criterion implementation was used. The pruning (Manrique, 2011). Enterobacteria (Escherichia, method was implemented as follows: if three nodes Shigella and Salmonella) share multiple GIs shown in a graph are interlinked, the edge representing the in Fig. 1 and 2 in cells A2-B4, which comprise all smallest similarity percentage gets pruned. The well known enterobacterial pathogenicity GIs (see script consequently determines sequence similarities PAIDB at between linked GIs by bl2seq algorithm and It was found that the inserts of antibiotic generates a graphical output (Fig. 1.) resistance genes in E. coli TY-2482 and several Salmonella ontologically are not linked to the major 2.3 Stratigraphic Analysis of Genomic cluster of the enterobacterial GIs but fall into a rather versatile group of mobile genetic elements Islands distributed among beta-Proteobacteria, alpha- Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria (predominantly Inserts of foreign DNA undergo a process of Mycobacteria) and Acidobacteria, which is shown in amelioration, which influences their OU patterns to Fig. 1 and 2 in cells E1-F2. Many of these GIs are start to reflect the OU pattern of their host old inserts but those in gamma-Proteobacteria are chromosomes overtime (Lawrence, 1997). We very recent acquisitions.


Figure 1: Clusters of GIs from different bacterial classes. Each node represents one GI. For more details visit the interactive map at (tested on Mozilla Firefox 5.0).

Figure 2: Stratigraphic analysis of GI inserts. Each node represents one GI. For more details visit the interactive map at (tested on Mozilla Firefox 5.0).

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They show DNA compositional similarity to GIs GIs of Lactobacillus in cells C4 (Fig. 1) have from beta-Proteobacteria (Fig. 2). Relatedness originated from the Shewanella lineage. GIs of between these GIs was confirmed by the sequence Bacillus, Geobacillus, Pelobacter and Geobacter similarity revealed by blast. Particularly, many of show compositional similarity to more ancient GIs these GIs contain a large mercury resistance operon, of Chrolobium. which might be adopted in Enetrobacteria to The stratigraphic analysis showed that it was not withstand antibiotics. To identify which organisms a single flux of GIs, but a recursive process of may be donors of GIs and which are likely to be generation of active vectors which then were recipients, we developed an algorithm of cross- transferred along the chain of donor and recipient comparison of OU patterns of GIs and their hosts. organisms. Time series of inserts of similar GIs but The result of this analysis for a pair of genomes acquired in different time frames may be observed in Acidovorax ebreus TPSY and S. enterica different taxonomic groups of this cluster of GIs CT18 containing similar GIs with mercury (Fig 1 and 2, cells A2-C6). Oscillations of horizontal resistance genes is visualized in Fig. 3. gene exchange activity which may result from a Fig. 3 shows that these GIs have originated from counterbalance between the acquired resistance of Acidovorax lineage and then were donated to bacteria towards existing mobile vectors and the Salmonella. This is in consistence with the fact that generation of new vectors in the environmental the inserts in Salmonella and Escherichia genomes microflora explain recurrent appearance of new are much more recent than those in beta- pathogens. Proteobacteria (Fig. 2, E2).

Figure 4: Putative pathways of distribution of GIs through Figure 3: Donor recipient relations determined for GIs of bacterial genera. A. ebreus and S. enterica. X shows the distance between host chromosomes depicted by dark green circles. GIs of the organisms on the left and right are shown as red and Other clusters of GIs in cells C1, D1-F6 are in blue circles, respectively. general older inserts of mobile genetic elements. However, the dormant GIs may be re-activated as it Donor-recipient analysis was applied to analyse has happened with the newly acquired GIs of the directions of distribution of GIs of the biggest Salmonella and Escherichia, which we discussed cluster in cells A2-C6 (Fig. 1). The reconstructed above (the cell E2 in Fig. 1 and 2). An unusual rise pathways are shown in Fig. 4. This cluster of GIs in mercury resistance marine bacteria was reported represents the most active mainstream of the in coastal environment in India from 1997 to 2003 horizontal gene exchange that penetrated the borders (Ramaiah, 2003). It was concluded that this sharp of multiple Archaeal and Eubactarial genera. The rise in mercury tolerance could be linked to the oldest inserts where found in Pyrococcus, general ocean pollution by human industrial activity. Methanosarcina, Methanospirillum and some other A few years later new GIs with the mercury , as well as in Enterococcus, Listeria and resistance operons were found in Salmonella and Anabaena. Shewanella and Chlorobium played an they were associated with an increased virulence and important role in a recent transmission of these GIs antibiotic resistance of the pathogens (Levings, towards other bacterial genera. For instance, all 2007). To conclude, the global ocean pollution has enterobacterial GIs in the cells A2-B4, as well as activated dormant GIs in the environmental micro-

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This work was funded by the National Research Foundation (South Africa) grant #71261 for National Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics Programme.