Exiles from Revolution Prokofiev and machine music This term we are exploring how Soviet music reacted to Russian composers living abroad. This session centres on a rather odd exile. In 1918 Prokofiev negotiated leave of absence from revolutionary turmoil, returning permanently in 1936. We will focus on Prokofiev’s machine music; music which appears to mimic industrial processes. This session starts with a steam engine which clearly inspired Prokofiev Honegger’s Pacific 231 (1924) Moves on to Prokofiev’s Second Symphony (1925) and his ‘Bolshevik ballet” Le Pas d’Acier (1927) From the USSR we will hear Mosolov’s Zavod / Iron Foundry (1927) And we’ll end with Prokofiev’s wartime revival of machine music Fifth Symphony (1944) © 2020 Terry Metheringham
[email protected] +44 7528 835 422 Soviet Music: Exiles from Revolution Session 2: Prokofiev and Machine Music 2 Prokofiev background Sergei Prokofiev is a curious émigré from Soviet Russia. In 1927 he returned for a triumphant nine week tour of the Soviet Union. By this time he was widely seen as the great modern Russian composer, displacing Skryabin. There were several more trips to the Soviet Union before he permanently returned in 1936. Prokofiev had left Soviet Russia in 1918 by travelling east Vladivostok to Japan (where he spent three months), on to Hawaii, entering the USA in San Francisco. Life in the US proved difficult – so from 1920 Prokofiev based himself in Paris. The standard quote about Prokofiev’s emigration comes from his Soviet-era autobiography: Prokofiev Autobiography, Articles, Reminiscences, first published 1957. Prokofiev explains how he obtained his exit permit directly from People's Commissar for Education, Anatoly Lunacharsky, who told him: You are a revolutionary in music, we are revolutionaries in life.