Tanea Parmenter Idaho State NIBRS- National Incident Based Report  Crime is counted based on what happened vs what offender is charged  Incident – Single point in time crime(s) occurred and include  Offense(s) – up to 10 reported in a single incident  Victim(s) - demographics  – stolen, recovered, seized, vandalized, etc.  Suspect/Offender(s) – demographics  (s) – information, demographics, type NIBRS Reporting

FBI UCR Program Office

UCR Program Office Idaho State Police

Local PD County SO Considerations for Interpretation  Population size, increase or decrease  Economic conditions  Employment opportunities  Political climate or change  Effective strength of police force  Consider LE Employee data (enforcement officers/population)*  Prosecutorial, judicial and/or correctional policies  Citizens attitudes towards crime and police  Crime reporting practices of citizens (unreported crime) Avoiding Vulnerabilities  New UCR Repository with updated collection practice  Data Validation at initial entry  Up to date with FBI Technical Specifications  Online help and training material  Return of Errors instantaneously  Development of the Crime Data Quality Assurance Dashboard  Designed to measure an agency reporting  Quality Assurance Dashboard  Tracking of error incident submissions and corrected incidents  Warning notifications of potential data anomalies  Online audit of all reporting agencies triennially NIBRS Definitions  Broken into three Group A Categories  Against Persons  Crimes Against Property  Crimes Against Society

 Ten Group B Arrest Definitions  Only arrest data is reported Group A Offenses - Persons  Murder  Intimidation  Negligent Manslaughter  Statutory Rape   Incest  Rape  Human Trafficking – Commercial  Sodomy Sex Acts  Sex Assault with an Object  Human Trafficking – Involuntary  Fondling Servitude  Aggravated Assault   Simple Assault Person crime counted/victim Group A Offenses – Property   Stolen Property   Destruction of  / Property//Breaking & Entering  / (7 types)   Property crime counted/incident,  Counterfeiting/ burglary premises, number of motor vehicles  (7 types)  Group A Offenses - Society  Drug/Narcotic Violations  Society crimes have only one  Drug Equipment Violations victim type  Pornography/Obscene Material  Additional criminal activity is  Gambling Offenses (4 Types) usually collected with society crimes  Prostitution Offenses (3 types)  Gang  Weapons Law Violations  Exploiting children  Animal Cruelty (new)  Distributing  Neglect  Abuse Group B – Arrest data  Bad Checks  Family Offenses, Nonviolent  Curfew/Loitering/Vagrancy  Liquor Law Violations Violations  Peeping Tom  Disorderly Conduct  of Real Property  DUI  All Other  Drunkenness  No traffic violations other than DUI, Vehicular Homicide Clearance Rate  First cleared by Arrest  On-View (taken to jail)  Taken into Custody (Arrest warrant)  Citation or Summons  Second Exceptional Clearance (outside LE ability to make arrest)  Must have knowledge of who the offender (name)  Must know where the offender is (location known)  Something preventing arrest:  Death of Offender, Victim refused to cooperate, Juvenile no-custody (diversion), Extradition denied, Prosecution declined (other than lack of PC)

Statewide Profile - 2019  99.8% of agencies reported

 Adjusted population 1,782,870 – provided by FBI and US Census Bureau  Used to determine crime rates for jurisdictional comparison

 Crime rate = (# of offenses/population) x 100,000 = crime/100,000 Statewide Profile - 2019  81,770 Group A Offenses  7.36% decrease from 2018  4,586.43 crime rate per 100,000 population  8.79% decrease from 2018

Crime Per ISP Districts

2019 Idaho District Group "A" Crime Rate per 100,000 population

Violent Crime - 2019  Offenses that define Violent Crime  Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter  Aggravated Assault  Rape  Sodomy  Sex Assault w/Object  Robbery

 Counted based on number of victims not incidents Violent Crime - 2019  4,154 Offenses reported  0.56% Increase  232.99 per 100,000  1,771 Violent Crime - 2019  Types of Relationship of the Victim to the Offender  Other Relation – 25.96%  Stranger – 25.52%  Intimate Partner – 24.32%  Family & Child Violence – 11.57%  Top Location of Violent Crime  Residence/Home – 62.25%  Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk – 13.99%  Parking Lot – 2.79%  Bar/Nightclub – 2.09% Violent Crime - 2019 Violent Crime - 2019 Violent Crime Distribution- 2019  Aggravated Assault – 73.69%  Rape – 15.31%  Robbery – 3.88%  Sodomy – 3.08%  Sex Assault w/Object – 3.37%  Murder – 0.67% Idaho vs US Violent Crime - 2018  Top 5 States Crime Rate  Western Region Crime Rate  District of Columbia – 995.9  Alaska – 885.0  Alaska – 885.0  New Mexico – 856.6  New Mexico – 856.6  Nevada – 541.1  Tennessee – 623.7  Arizona – 474.9  Arkansas – 543.6  California – 447.4

 Idaho ranked 41st – 227.1  Idaho 12th out of 13

Person Crime - 2019  18,065 Victims Reported  3.94% decrease from 2018  1,013.25 crime rate per 100,000  6,246 Arrests Person Crime - 2019  Relational Categories  Intimate Partner Violence – 5,784 decreased 3.1% from 2018  Violence Against Children – 1,643 decreased 1.2% from 2018  Family Violence – 2,037 decreased 6.7% from 2018  Other relational (non stranger) – 6,733 decreased 6.6% from 2018 Person Crime - 2019 Person Crime - 2019 Person Crime - 2019

*Others: Blunt Object, Motor Vehicle,Poison, Explosives, Fire/Incendiary Device, Drugs/Narcotics/Sleeping Pills, Asphyxiation, Others, Unknown Person Crime - Distribution  Murder  Sex Offenses Combined  28, -9.68% decrease  1,974, 2.44% increase  16 Arrests  378 Arrests  15 Firearm, 3 Knife, 9 other  8 Firearm, 1 knife, 183 other  67.02% juvenile victims  Negligent Manslaughter  1,049 under 15 yo  4, -33.33% decrease  84.6% female juvenile & adult  1 Arrest  27.99% Acquaintance to victim  2 Firearm, 3 others  75.43% location of Residence Person Crime - Distribution  Kidnapping  Aggravated Assault  217, 0.46%% increase  3,061, 2.31% increase  54 Arrests  1,521 Arrests  10 Firearm, 10 Knife, 18 other,  392 Firearms, 416 Knife, 866 99 strong arm other, 1,098 personal  62.6% Adult victims  86.14% Adult victims  70.0% Female victims  50.9% Male victims  90.74% Intimate partner  33% Intimate partner  62.21% Location residence  60.37% Location residence Person Crime - Distribution  Simple Assault  Intimidation  11,156, 6.89% decrease  1,530, 0.26% decrease  3,916 Arrests  332 Arrests  Only personal weapon  No weapons used  80.9% Adult victims  84.5% Adult victims  53.8% Female victims  65.1% Female victims  36.17% Intimate partner  26.92% Intimate partner  63.12% Location residence  58.3% Location residence Person Crime - Distribution  Incest  Statutory Rape  14, 55.56% increase (9 in 2018)  78, 29.09% decrease  5 Arrests  23 Arrests  71.4% Location residence  All victims juvenile  Relational category  38.27% Boyfriend/Girlfriend  Sibling  78.21% Location residence  Child  Parent

Property Crime - 2019  36,722 Offenses reported  -11.13% decrease from 2018  2,059.69 crime rate per 100,000  6,052 Arrests Property Crime - 2019  Top Property items Stolen  Total Stolen - $57,432,000  Money - $24,111,519  Total recovered - $11,974,000  Automobiles - $7,968,382  Other - $4,517,896  Tools - $3,687,332  Computer Equip – $2,479,927  Jewelry - $2,265,414  Trucks - $1,822,689  Heavy Equip. - $1,024,217 Property Crime - 2019 Robbery - 2019  161 Offenses reported  -20.69% decrease from 2018  9.03 crime rate per 100,000  74 Arrests Robbery - 2019  Top Locations  Residence/Home – 32.3%  Highway/Road/Alley/Street/Sidewalk – 21.12%  Parking Lot – 5.59%

 Top Value Property – Total $108,000  Money - $64,505  Automobiles - $16,500  Other - $6,518 Property Crime - 2019  Burglary  Larceny  4,020 Offenses reported  16,730 Offenses reported  -20.13% decrease from 2018  -13.82% decrease  693 Arrests  3,699 Arrests  58.88% Location residence  39.07% Location residence  Total stolen - $8,542,000  Total stolen - $21,849,000  Total recovered – $1,001,000  Total recovered - $3,093,000  Top stolen  Top stolen  Money -$1,561,616  Money - $6,092,809  Tools - $1,449,097  Other - $3,120,267 Property Crime - 2019  Motor Vehicle Theft  Arson  1,638 Offenses  149 Offenses  -18.63% decrease  -10.78% decrease  186 Arrests  51 Arrests  53.36% Location residence  48.99% Location residence  Total Stolen - $11,319,000  Property Loss - $265,000  Total recovered - $6,482,000  Top Property Burned  Structures-Single Occupancy  Automobiles Property Crime - 2019  Vandalism  Counterfeit/Forgery  7,484 Offenses  866 Offenses  -0.25% decrease  -16.49% decrease  783 Arrests  88 Arrests  46.99% Location residence  18.94% Location bank  Total Damage - $7,700,000  Total Loss - $681,000  Top Damage property  Top property forged  Automobiles  Money  Other  Checks Property Crime - 2019  Fraud Offenses  Embezzlement  5,009 Offenses  173 Offenses  -2.19% decrease  -20.642% decrease  284 Arrests  32 Arrests  40.51% Location residence  Employers #1 victims  Total Stolen - $17,731,000  Total stolen - $5,695,000  Total recovered - $1,342,000  Money - $5,297,379  25.8% victims over 60 Property Crime - 2019  Extortion/Blackmail  Stolen Property  52 Offenses  436 Offenses  -24.64% decrease  -20% decrease  3 Arrests  159 Arrests  75% Location residence online  34.40% Location Highway (traffic  Total stolen - $402,000 stops)  Total recovered - $0  Total stolen - $1,414,000  Large victim age range 18-34  Top stolen property  Automobiles  Tools

Society Crime - 2019  26,983 Offenses reported  -4.11% decrease from 2018  1,513.4 crime rate per 100,00  14,113 Arrests Society Crime - 2019  Offense Distribution  Top Locations  Drug Violation – 49.77%  Highway/Road/Street – 57.25%  Drug Equipment – 45.57%  Residence – 17.95%  Weapons Law – 3.34%  Parking Lot – 4.81%  Pornography – 1.06%  Schools – 2.36%  Prostitution – 0.13%  Hotels – 2.19%  Animal Cruelty – 0.13%  Gambling – 0.01% Society Crime - 2019 Society Crime - 2019 Drug Narcotic Violations  13,429 Offenses  -3.4% decrease from 2018  753.22 crime rate per 100,00  10,812 Arrests Society Crime - 2019 Society Crime - 2019

Society Crime - 2019  Pornography  Prostitution  286 Offenses  34 Offenses  20.68% decrease  3.03% increase  74 Arrests  13 Arrests  41.8% Juvenile Arrests  83.78% Male Arrests Society Crime - 2019  Weapons Law Violation  Animal Cruelty  900 Offenses  36 Offenses  -5.66% decrease  260% increase (10 reported 2018)  293 Arrests  Activity  Intentional Abuse – 48.65%  Simple/Gross Neglect – 37.84%  Animal Sexual Abuse – 8.11%  Organized Abuse – 5.41% Statewide Arrests Profile - 2019  57,918 Arrests  -6.17% increase from 2018  3,248.58 crime rate per 100,000 Weapons in Arrestees Possession

Adult Arrests - 2019  51,658 Arrests  -6.31% increase from 2018 Adult Arrests - 2019 Juvenile Arrests - 2019  6,260 Arrests  -4.95% decrease Juvenile Arrests - 2019

Hate Crime - 2019  38 Reported Incidents  46.15% increase from 2018  2.13 crime rate per 100,000  17 Arrests

LEOKA - 2019  468 Officers Assaulted  17% increase from 2018  0 officers killed in the line of duty in 2019 Total Assaults by Month Type of Activity  Responding to a disturbance call – 174  Attempting other arrests – 66  Investigating suspicious persons – 56  Handling, Transporting Prisoners – 52  Traffic Pursuits & Stops – 41  Handling persons with mental illness – 23  in progress – 8  in progress - 1  Ambush – no warning – 1  Civil disorder – 1

Tanea Parmenter Idaho State Police [email protected] 208-884-7137