ATLANTA, GEORGIA These Cold Days I Collegiate Colors and Styles
THe Technique THE SOUTH'S LIVEST COLLEGE WEEKLY 11 Georgia School of Technology VOL. XVII THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GA ., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1 927 No. IX TECH DEFEATS AUBURN IN TURKEY DAY STRUGGLE Tech Sends James Mizell Speeds Sixty and Field to Frater Yards To Touch nity Conference in down North Randolph Shows Power INTER-FRATERNITY BODY Witnessed by 15,000 enthusiastic and cheering fans, with a fast field, CONVENES TODAY and almost perfect football weather, Two Hundred Delegates Attend the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets sub dued the Auburn Tigers, 18 to 0, Walter James and Prof. Floyd Thanksgiving Day. While the play Field left Tuesday to attend the Na ing as a whole was not sensational, tional Inter-fraternity Conference in Mizell got away on a long touchdown New York. The conference is to be run, and Faisst made several long in session Wednesday and Thursday, gains. Nov. 23 and 24. Mr. James, who is At the initial whistle, a team com president of the Tech Inter-fraternity posed of most of the second team Council, is the official delegate from with several of the regulars included Tech. took the field, and received the kick- off. After an exchange of punts, Dr. John J. Tigert, United States Parham was hurt and was replaced Commissioner of Education, will be a with Faisst, who gave a good account speaker at the conference, which is of himself during the remainder of now holding a two-day session at the the half. The first touchdown, the Hotel Pennsylvania. Delegates from first of three, was scored after the all the American college fraternities, Jackets had taken the ball down the numbering approximately 200, are at field a considerable distance to the tending the sessions.
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