ATLANTA, GEORGIA These Cold Days I Collegiate Colors and Styles
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THe Technique THE SOUTH'S LIVEST COLLEGE WEEKLY 11 Georgia School of Technology VOL. XVII THE TECHNIQUE, ATLANTA, GA ., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1 927 No. IX TECH DEFEATS AUBURN IN TURKEY DAY STRUGGLE Tech Sends James Mizell Speeds Sixty and Field to Frater Yards To Touch nity Conference in down North Randolph Shows Power INTER-FRATERNITY BODY Witnessed by 15,000 enthusiastic and cheering fans, with a fast field, CONVENES TODAY and almost perfect football weather, Two Hundred Delegates Attend the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets sub dued the Auburn Tigers, 18 to 0, Walter James and Prof. Floyd Thanksgiving Day. While the play Field left Tuesday to attend the Na ing as a whole was not sensational, tional Inter-fraternity Conference in Mizell got away on a long touchdown New York. The conference is to be run, and Faisst made several long in session Wednesday and Thursday, gains. Nov. 23 and 24. Mr. James, who is At the initial whistle, a team com president of the Tech Inter-fraternity posed of most of the second team Council, is the official delegate from with several of the regulars included Tech. took the field, and received the kick- off. After an exchange of punts, Dr. John J. Tigert, United States Parham was hurt and was replaced Commissioner of Education, will be a with Faisst, who gave a good account speaker at the conference, which is of himself during the remainder of now holding a two-day session at the the half. The first touchdown, the Hotel Pennsylvania. Delegates from first of three, was scored after the all the American college fraternities, Jackets had taken the ball down the numbering approximately 200, are at field a considerable distance to the tending the sessions. one-foot line. Here Stumpy dove Other speakers at the Inter-frater over the two lines for the first nity Conference will be Dr. Josiah H. score. Shorty Smith failed to kick Penniman, provost of the University goal. of Pennsylvania, and Miss Louise The second quarter saw no scoring Leonard, head of the National Pan- by either team. The Tiger line out- Hellenic Congress, which comprises rushed the Jacket forward wall and the sororities at American universi smothered the Tech backs many times. ties. However, Auburn displayed no of Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, former fense, losing the ball on downs after Commissioner of Education in Illinois a poor punt by Faisst, deep in the and vice-president of Phi Beta Kap Jacket's territory. The half ended pa, scholarship fraternity and the with Tech leading six to nothing. oldest of American Greek-letter insti The entire first string team, with tutions, will preside at a dinner of the exception of Thomason began the fraternity officials and college officers second half. In the third quarter, at the Hotel Pennsylvania tonight. the Jackets scored two more touch downs, making the score 18 to 0. Judge William R. Bayes, chairman Warner Mizell slipped off-tackle for of the conference, called the meeting 60 yards. This was the prettiest run to order at 9 o'clock this morning. of the day. He dashed through the Chief among the subjects for discus Auburn line, cut away, and ran the sion is the problem of scholarship, remaining distance on the side-lines. which will be discussed not only by Hardman Addresses Mizell failed on the attempt for the the heads of various fraternities but Harrell and Talbert extra point, his pass to Randolph be as well by the presidents and deans Leads In "The Patsy" "WOP" ROMAN LIVESNinetee n Initiates ing batted down. The third touch of colleges in widely separated sec down came as the result of fine tions of the country. Play Now Appearing on Screen Phi Kappa Phi's Hear Governor plunging on the part of Bob Ran -G.S.T. The Marionettes are working hard IN TECHHEARTS The nineteen new members of Phi dolph, and several nice runs by Read and Mizell. Mizell went over the line on their new play, "The Patsy", and Kappa Phi, one of the national hon Engineering Honor HIS BAND PLAYS SONGS ON for the touchdown from the one-yard are preparing to give one or two su 25TH ANNIVERSARY orary scholastic fraternities, were line. The attempt for goal was low ary Initiates Eight burban performances before Christ initiated at 5 o'clock on last Wednes and failed to clear the posts. mas. Twenty-five years ago yesterday, Men day afternoon. At 6 o'clock the an As in every Thanksgiving game, This play has been very popular Frank Roman first played at Georgia with the best stock companies nual banquet was held at the Atlanta the Tigers made a game fight. The TAU BETA PI CONCLUDES Tech. History repeats itself and on throughout the country and it will ap Athletic Club with Governor Hard- Auburn line fought for every inch WITH BANQUET this twenty-fifth anniversary of his that the Jackets gained but the com pear on the screen in a few days, as man as the principal speaker. This appearance at the flats his band, one bination of Mizell and Randolph Tau Beta Pi initiated eight men another proof of its popularity. of the finest in the South, took the banquet was made, as always, the proved too much for the Tigers. The Monday evening who were recently George Harrell, as Tony Anderson, ; field and paraded and played those most important occasion of the year work of Hartfell was very fine, he and Ansel Talbert as Patricia Har elected from the upper fourth of the stirring tunes which have come from for the fraternity. being the punter of the Alabama Senior class among those pursuing rington, will be the principal per squad. For Tech, Mizell, with his the musically active mind of this loyal Governor Hardman, who has had a engineering and architecture. formers in the play, but Leon Brown, long touchdown runs, was the star of Tech supporter. distinct career as a student, was as Mrs. William Harrington and the game. His long runs were the Those initiated were I. C. Hitch elected an honorary member of the Lathrop Lane as Bill Harrington, No finer tribute can be payed to the feature of the game. Bob Randolph cock, C. E.; H. R. Pund, Textile; F. will furnish many a laugh to the au man than the beauty of the Alma organization. He is a graduate of the again contributed a very fine game. W. Bush, J. H. Hart, C. N. Hughes, diences. Mater and when it was sung yester Medical College of the University of Time after time he would plunge E. E.; T. M. Williams, Co-op; C. B. An incomplete list of the cast is as day everyone gave a thought and a Georgia at Augusta, he attended through the line for substantial gains. Mylius, J. C. Jett, Architecture. follows: Bill Harrington, Lathrop thanksgiving to that little man who Polyclinic at Bellevue Hospital in Faisst also played a nice game. He is holding the baton and giving his all After the initiation which was held Lane; Mrs. William Harrington, Leon New York City, and he has taken spe showed up extremely well during the for a wonderful school spirit at the in the Mechanical Engineering Build Brown; Grace Harrington, Hal Wil cial courses in medicine at the Uni time he was in the game. This boy Georgia School of Technology. ing the old members and the new ad liams; Billy Caldwell, Alan Whee- versity of Pennsylvania. is another promising man who should journed to the Winecoff Hotel where lock; Patricia Harrington, Ansel Tal Mr. Roman, or as he is affection -G.S.T. go good next year. a sumptuous banquet was waiting. bert; Tony Anderson, George Har ately known the world over, "Wop", In first downs, the Jackets were Professors Coolidge, Genz and Dunn rell; Sadie Duchanan, Culber; Fran in addition to the tutorage of one of Watts Gunn Heads away ahead of the invaders. Auburn were present and made talks. Each cis P. O'Flaherity, Thomas; "Trip" the best bands in the South, has from Bulldog Club made very few substantial gains, of the newly elected men spoke a few Busty, Myron Underwood. time to time aided the Glee Club or while Tech marched down the field words. -G.S.T. chestra and always they have fully Dance To Be Held Shortly several times. In the last quarter, repaid his efforts by the loud praise A special feature of the banquet the Jackets were on their way to an Civil Crew Elects that critics everywhere have given to The Bulldogs held a meeting the was the explanation of a sketch prob other touchdown. A Tech pass was them. past week at which Watts Gunn was lem which had been given to the ar Eight Seniors intercepted by Auburn deep in her chitects who were to be initiated. My The three outstanding school songs, elected president, C. Barrett, vice- territory, with only about ten yards to go. The whistle sounded a few lius gave a very humorous explana The Civil Crew, the honorary so "Alma Mater," "Yellow Jacket president, and Wadley Glenn, secre March", and "Up With the White and moments later, ending the game. tion of his idea of a design for a ciety for students in the Civil En tary and treasurer. Plans were made stairway leading from the entrance gineering Department, met on No Gold", which embodies that famous AUBURN (•) POS. TECH (18) for the semi-annual dance which is Shannon Ballard to the palace of Pandemonium to the vember 17.