Wellhead Protection Programs: Tools for Local Governments
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United States Office of Water E~A440 6-a9-002 Environmental Protection ( W H -550G) April 1989 SEPA Wellhead Protection Programs Tools For Local Governments WELLHEAD PROTECTION PROGRAMS: TOOLS FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OFFICE OF WATER OFFICE OF GROUNDWATER PROTECTION U.S. E"MElyTAc PROTECTION AGENCY APRIL 1989 ? FOREWORD The 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking requirements of the SDWA Amendments. While Water Act (SDWA) established a new Wellhead the responsibilities of local governments depend Protection (”) Program to protect ground upon the particular requirements of their State’s waters that supply wells and weUfields that Wellhead Protection Program, localities are often contribute drinking water to public water supply in the best position to implement measures to systems. Under SDWA Section 1428 each State ensure that wellhead areas are properly protected must develop a WHP Program that consists of from contamination. several elements. Local governments typically implement zoning At a minimum, each State’s WHP Program decisions, develop land-use plans, oversee building must: and frre codes, implement health requirements, supply water and sewer services, and enforce police (1) Specify roles and duties of State agencies, local powers. Each of these local powers may be used government entities. and public water suppliers, to protect the quality of local aquifers. with-respect to WHP Programs; Local cities and counties are also often the (2) Delineate the wellhead protection area innovators in developing wellhead protection (WHPA) for each wellhead; programs by applying combinations of management techniques (e.g., zoning and source prohibitions) to (3) Identdy sources of contaminants within each meet unique locai conditions. Localities often WHPA; protect ground water as part of larger projects, such as developing growth management plans or (4) Develop management approaches to protect the economic development efforts. in close cc<opera- water supply within WHPAs from such tion with regional, State, and Federal agencies, contaminants; local governments can take positive steps to protect their wellhead areas. (5) Develop contingency plans for each public water suppiy system to respond to well or Because of the importance of local efforts to wellfieid contamination; protect ground water, EPA has prepared this Technical Assistance Document. In general, this (6) Site new wells properiy to maximize yield and document is directed at the fourth program minimize potential contamination; and element noted above, the management of contaminant sources within WHP areas. More (7) Ensure public participation. specifically, it shows how local governments, such as cities and counties, have developed innovative The Wellhead Protection Program requires the and effective wellhead protection programs, even .partiupation of all levels of government. The with limited resources and expertise. The Federal government is responsible for approving document describes wavs in which local State Wellhead Protection Programs and for governments may develop such programs, discusses providing technical support to State and local potential management tools. and provides examples governments. States must develop and implement of local programs around the country. Wellhead Protection Programs that meet the 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document was prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground-Water Protection (OGWP)by ICF Incorporated. h4.r. Stan Austin and Mr. Steven Roy of OGWP served as Task Managers for this project with assistanct from Dr. Norbert Dee. ICF Incorporated staff who were principally involved in preparing this document included Reid Harvey and Peter Linquiti, who served as Project Manager. Marian Mlay Director Office of Ground-Water Protection TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. USINGTHIS DOCUMENT .............................................. 1 Organization ofDocument ............................................... 1 .Other Technical Assistance Documents ........................................ 2 2 . IDENTIFYING LOCALNEEDS ........................................... 3 Local Objectives ...................................................... 3 Wellbead .Protection Area ................................................. 3 Wellhead Delineation ...................... : .......................... 3 Ground-Water Hydrogeology ........................................... 4 Sources of Contamination ................................................ 5 Inventory of Existing Sources ........................................... 5 Potential for New Sources ............................................. 7 Prioritizing Sources of Contamination ..................................... 7 LocalResoyces ...................................................... 8 Admini.ctrative ..................................................... 8 Resources ....................................................... 8 Economic/Political .................................................. 8 Legal ........................................................... 8 ExistingPrograms ..................................................... 9 Federal ......................................................... 9 State ........................................................... 10 RegionalandLocal .................................................. 10 3. CHOOSING APPROPRIATE TOOLS FOR WELLHEAD PROTECTION .............. 11 Overview ........................................................... 11 Zoning Ordinances .................................................. 12 Subdivision Ordinances .......................... 1. ..................... 18 Site Plan Review ................................................... 19 DesignStandads ................................................... 21 Operating Standards .................................................. 23 Source Prohibitions ................................................. 25 Purchase of Property or Development Rights ................................ 26 . PubkEducation ................................................... 29 Ground-Water Monitoring ............................................. 30 Household Hazardous Waste Collection .................................... 32 Water Conservation ................................................. 33 Other Methods ...................... ............................. 34 4. IMPLEMENTING A LOCAL PROGRAM .................................... 36 Staffing ............................................................ 36 Communication ....................................................... 37 Enforcement and Oversight ................................................ 38 I TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 5. "DING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION . 39 EPA Regional Ground-Water Representatives . , . , . 40 State Ground-Water Protection Contacts . , . 41 Other Sources of Information ... , . 46 ENDNOTES ........................................................... 49 8 c SECTION 1 ~~ USING THIS DOCUMENT This Technical Assistance Document (TAD) Delineating wellhead protection describes how localities can, as a part of a State areas; Wellhead Protection Program, develop and implement effective techniques for the protection Evaluating sources of contamina- of ground water. The document emphasizes tion; and innovative wellhead protection methods that have been used by local communities, discusses 0 Examining implementation issues combinations of programs that have worked well, (e.g., funding, legal authority). and presents several factors that affect the success of local wellhead protection programs, such as Section 3 (Choosing Appropriate Tools for budgetary constraints and legal issues. Examples Wellhead Protection) describes several management of the ways in which some communities are using tools, provides examples where they have been management tools to protect ground water are successfully applied, and notes how tools can be highlighted in the text in bold face print or in combined effectively. shaded boxes. Contacts for more information on these local programs are listed at the end of the The management tools described here include: document. Zoning ordinances: Direct land development and regulate land LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ARE uses; TAKING STEPS TO PROTECT GROUND WATER Subdivision ordinances: Protect land divided for development; nte town of Rib M good ewmple of a successfil local govemment Site plan review: Helps ensure ground-waterprotection progmm. Rib Moun- compliance with development tain, located in Marathon Co Plans; 0 Design standards: Prevent susceptible to contamination because of its ground-water contamination by highly permeable aquifeE In September 1985, setting design and construction after receiving assistance from the Marathon * standards; County Planning Depunment, Rib Mountain adopted zoning regtitations to protect its three 0 Operating standards: Help municipal water slipply wells. 77ie town regulate potentially hazardous prohibited iiidiistrial arid commercial develop- practices; ment in highly penneable areas overlying the town’s aquifer and, in less susceptible areas, Source prohibitions: Prohibit allowed limited industrial and commercial uses development or materials that based on special pemiits.1 threaten ground water; Purchase of property or develop- ment rights: Ensures control of 0rgan kat io n of Document land uses in wellhead areas; This TAD is organized as follows: Public education: Builds support . for ground-water protection Section 2 (Identifying Local Needs) highlights activities; several issues localities may want to