Manville Wellhead Protection Area Cumberland and Lincoln, Rhode Island Pollution Risk Assessment June 2006 University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension in partnership with RI HEALTH Office of Drinking Water Quality Manville Wellhead Protection Area Cumberland and Lincoln, Rhode Island Pollution Risk Assessment June, 2006 University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension in partnership with RI HEALTH Office of Drinking Water Quality Marie Evans Esten, Lorraine Joubert and Lisa DeProspo Philo University of Rhode Island College of the Environment and Life Sciences Department of Natural Resources Science Cooperative Extension - RI NEMO Coastal Institute, Kingston RI 02881 Prepared for: RI Department of Health Office of Drinking Water Quality 3 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02980-5097 This report is available at: For more information about this report or protecting drinking water sources contact: RI HEALTH Office of Drinking Water Quality Tel: 401-222-6867 URI Cooperative Extension Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials - RI NEMO Tel: 401-874-2138 email:
[email protected] Acknowledgements This assessment was conducted by the University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension NEMO program with funding from the Rhode Island Department of Health, Office of Drinking Water Quality. Clay Commons and Richard Amirault provided valuable technical assistance while Dana McCants Derisier served as project manager. Other partners who provided information and support include staff of the Westerly Water Department, the Rhode Island Water Resources Board and the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM).