J. Phycol. 54, 788–798 (2018) © 2018 Phycological Society of America DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12788


Katharine R. Hind 2 Department of Botany and Beaty Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4 Hakai Institute, Pruth Harbour, Calvert Island, British Columbia V0P 1H0, Canada Paul W. Gabrielson Biology Department and Herbarium, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Coker Hall CB 3280, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27599-3280, USA Cassandra Jensen Department of Botany and Beaty Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4 and Patrick T. Martone Department of Botany and Beaty Biodiversity Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z4 Hakai Institute, Pruth Harbour, Calvert Island, British Columbia V0P 1H0, Canada

This is the first report of a coralline genus with both Abbreviations: BC, British Columbia; BI, Bayesian geniculate (upright fronds with non-calcified joints) inference; BS, bootstrap; CA, California; COI-5P, cy- and nongeniculate that has been verified by tochrome c oxidase subunit 1-five prime; ML, maxi- DNA sequence data. Two nongeniculate (crustose) mum likelihood; mya, million years ago; PP, species of Bossiella are recognized, B. mayae sp. nov. posterior probability; WA, Washington and B. exarticulata sp. nov. DNA sequencing of the lectotype specimen of Pseudolithophyllum whidbeyense revealed that this name had been misapplied and Evolutionary reversals occur when a derived char- instead belongs to an undescribed coralline species in acter state reflects the phenotype of an ancestral lin- the Hapalidiales. Phylogenetic analyses of eage (Porter and Crandall 2003). The mechanism concatenated DNA sequences (psbA, rbcL, COI-5P) for evolutionary reversals and the most parsimo- indicate that B. mayae and B. exarticulata represent nious explanation for their occurrence is the sec- phenotypic reversals from the geniculate character ondary loss of a trait that was previously gained by state back to the nongeniculate character state. an ancestral lineage. Secondary loss is the most Secondary loss of genicula has occurred three times in likely explanation for an evolutionary reversal when the subfamily Corallinoideae, once to generate the character state changes are infrequent and when entirely nongeniculate genus Crusticorallina and twice the lineage exhibiting secondary loss is embedded in the now morphologically heterotypic Bossiella.Since within a clade of organisms where the trait is pre- phenotypic reversals have occurred several times sent (Wiens 2001). With the advent of molecular sys- during the evolution of , we speculate tematics, we now have an independent data set, about the putative mechanism and adaptive DNA sequence data, to recognize and assess what significance of this phenomenon. appear to be phenotypic reversals (Porter and Cran- Key index words: Bossiella exarticulata Bossiella mayae dall 2003). ; ; Coralline algae (orders Corallinales, Hapalidiales, COI-5P; crustose coralline algae; cryptic species; psb Pseudolithophyllum whidbeyense rbc and Sporolithales) are a group of red seaweeds A; ; L; secondary within subclass Corallinophycidae that have calcium loss; sequencing type specimens carbonate deposited in their cell walls, primarily as high Mg-calcite (Nash et al. 2011, 2016, Diaz-Pulido 1Received 30 October 2017. Accepted 16 July 2018. First Pub- et al. 2014). Two morphological character states lished 23 September 2018. Published Online 16 October 2018, Wiley occur in coralline red algae: geniculate corallines Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). 2Author for correspondence: e-mail [email protected]. are typically erect with short, non-calcified segments Editorial Responsibility: C. Amsler (Associate Editor) (genicula) between larger calcified segments


(intergenicula). Nongeniculate corallines are protuberances, and sometimes tessellate with semi- encrusting in habit or form rhodoliths and are pre- circular swirls (Steneck and Paine 1986). Upon dominately calcified (Johansen 1981). The Sporo- sequencing, these specimens proved to belong in lithales and Hapalidiales are comprised entirely of Bossiella (Corallinoideae), a genus of geniculate spe- nongeniculate corallines, whereas Corallinales con- cies with lateral conceptacles. We first assumed that tains both geniculate and nongeniculate taxa (Nel- we sequenced the encrusting base of one of the son et al. 2015). The fossil record has long geniculate species of Bossiella, as several species (no- suggested that nongeniculate corallines are ances- tably B. frondifera) have conspicuous and extensive tral to geniculate corallines (Johnson 1961, Wray crustose bases from which numerous erect axes 1977). Johansen (1969) and Cabioch (1971) hypoth- arise. However, the sequences did not match any esized that geniculate corallines arose from non- geniculate Bossiella in our databases, then or now. geniculate corallines several times because different Most convincing, however, were conceptacles found groups of geniculate corallines have different genic- within the crusts we had sequenced, clearly distin- ular anatomies. Johansen (1969: 43–44) suggested guishing these specimens from other Bossiella spe- that genicula evolved three times giving rise to the cies. Conceptacles have never been recorded from subfamilies Metagoniolithoideae, Amphiroideae, the crustose bases of geniculate corallines, including and Corallinoideae, but did not speculate from Bossiella, demonstrating that these specimens most which nongeniculate ancestors the three subfamilies likely represented nongeniculate species. Using of geniculate corallines arose. DNA sequences from two plastid (rbcL and psbA) Molecular phylogenies (Aguirre et al. 2010, Bit- and one mitochondrial (COI-5P) marker, we tner et al. 2011) have been congruent with the fossil demonstrate that two species belonging in Bossiella record indicating that nongeniculate corallines have lost their genicula; these nongeniculate species evolved earlier than geniculate corallines. DNA are described here as B. mayae sp. nov. and B. exar- sequence data have been used to infer which non- ticulata sp. nov. We also explain why the name geniculate lineages share a common ancestor with P. whidbeyense applies to a species of Hapalidiales geniculate lineages, lending insight into this and cannot be used for any Bossiella species. repeated evolutionary trend. Within Metago- History of Pseudolithophyllum. whidbeyense. The niolithoideae the geniculate genus Metagoniolithon is basionym of P. whidbeyense is Lithophyllum whidbeyense, sister to the nongeniculate genus Porolithon (Bittner originally described by Foslie (1906). Foslie (1906) et al. 2011, Kato et al. 2011, Rosler€ et al. 2016) and based his description of L. whidbeyense on two collec- within Lithophylloideae the geniculate genera tions sent to him by Nathaniel Lyon Gardner (NLG Amphiroa and Lithothrix are sister to the nongenicu- 655 and NLG 656), both from the west coast of late Lithophyllum (Bailey and Chapman 1998, Bailey Whidbey Island, WA, USA and all on limpet shells 1999, Gabrielson et al. 2011), but which nongenicu- ( mitra). Foslie (1906) described this new spe- late taxon is sister to Corallinoideae is unclear. cies as crustose, 0.3–1 mm thick, smooth, and Until 2013, Corallinoideae was characterized as weakly glossy with a hypothallus occupying 1/3–2/3 containing only geniculate taxa, but Hind and Saun- of the crust thickness and those cells 2–4 times ders (2013) documented the first evidence of sec- longer (12–25 up to 30 lm) than wide (6–10 lm). ondary loss of genicula in that subfamily. Using a Perithallial cells were subquadrate to vertically elon- molecular phylogenetic approach, they demon- gate (7–14 up to 18 lm long) and 6–10 lm wide. strated that the Northeast Pacific nongeniculate spe- Cystocarpic conceptacles were tightly packed, weakly cies then known as Pseudolithophyllum muricatum convex and 350–600 lm diameter. belonged in the Corallinoideae. Recently, Hind Mason (1953) added to the description that the et al. (2016) erected a new genus, Crusticorallina, for crust was “crowded with numerous closely crowded P. muricatum and related species. Although Metago- excrescences 2 mm high and 1–1.5 mm thick” and niolithoideae, Lithophylloideae, and Corallinoideae that specimens were also found on stones. Adey all contain geniculate and nongeniculate species, (1970) transferred the species to Mesophyllum as genera within each subfamily are defined as possess- M. whidbeyense, but expressed “considerable doubt” ing one or the other morphological character state about its generic placement as he had not seen bi- (Hind et al. 2016). The Corallinoideae offers an tetrasporangial conceptacles (Adey’s asexual concep- excellent system for studying secondary loss of tacles) and specimens had a Mesophyllum-like epi- genicula because this phenotypic reversion is rela- thallium and upper perithallium. Steneck and Paine tively infrequent and Crusticorallina is embedded (1986), based on numerous field collected speci- within a large clade of geniculate species. mens as well as an isolectotype specimen (UC In the early 2000s KRH and PWG collected non- 739464), provided a detailed description of the veg- geniculate corallines in BC, Canada and in northern etative and reproductive morpho-anatomy of the WA, USA, respectively, matching the description of species, commented on its ecology, and reviewed its Pseudolithophyllum whidbeyense (Corallinoideae). Pseu- . They transferred the species to Pseu- dolithophyllum whidbeyense is a thin, adherent, epi- dolithophyllum,asP. whidbeyense, based on the follow- lithic crust, smooth or with small, flat-topped ing features: (i) elongate intercalary meristematic 790 KATHARINE R. HIND ET AL. and perithallial cells, (ii) thin, parallel, hypothallus, with DNA sequence divergence values between and (iii) the tendency for conceptacles to become other species of coralline algae (Broom et al. 2008, buried. These features corresponded to Adey’s con- Hind and Saunders 2013, Nelson et al. 2015, Hind cept of Pseudolithophyllum based on a spurious lecto- et al. 2016). One outlier in the COI-5P distance type (Silva et al. 1996: 269) and not Lemoine’s matrix (UNB GWS030783) had 2.9%–3.2% (1978) revised concept. Prophetically, Steneck and intraspecific DNA sequence divergence within Paine (1986) wrote, “Morphologically, it (P. whid- Bossiella exarticulata specimens. This was the most beyense) resembles the basal systems of articulated northern record for B. exarticulata and could repre- corallines in Bossiella and Corallina but can be distin- sent a divergent haplotype, but more specimen col- guished from them by its thicker crust and buried lections from northern waters are needed. conceptacles.” Specimens UBC A91401 and UBC A91402, had an intraspecific DNA sequence divergence of 0.9%– 1.3% among other B. exarticulata specimens for the MATERIALS AND METHODS psbA gene region (Table S2). These collections were Specimens were collected from bedrock using hammer our deepest collections of B. exarticulata (Table S1) and chisel or from live mollusk shell and placed in silica gel. and could represent a divergent deep-water haplo- Vouchers were deposited in NCU, UBC, UNB, or TRH; type, however additional collections are warranted. herbarium acronyms follow Thiers (2018). Specimen informa- Phylograms were constructed using bayesian infer- tion, including collection data, GenBank numbers and herbarium accessions, is included in Table S1 in the Support- ence (BI) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses ing Information. The total genomic DNA was extracted on a concatenated dataset of three gene fragments according to either Gabrielson et al. (2011) or Saunders (COI-5P, psbA, rbcL; 2,596 bp) (Fig. 1). The result- (2008) with modifications from Saunders and McDevit ing tree topologies were identical. Posterior proba- (2012). The amplification and sequencing of COI-5P bilities (PP) and BS support were appended to the (664 bp), psbA (853 bp), and rbcL (1,401 bp) gene fragments BI tree (Fig. 1). Bossiella mayae and B. exarticulata followed Hind et al. (2016). DNA was extracted from histori- cal specimens following the protocol of Hughey et al. (2001). resolved with full support in a monophyletic lineage Sequence data were edited and aligned using Geneious 7.1.8 including the generitype B. plumosa (Fig. 1). The (Kearse et al. 2012). Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses were phylogenetic analyses further suggested that these conducted using the RAxML (Biomatters Ltd. Auckland, New two nongeniculate species are not sister species and Zealand) plugin (V 1.0) in Geneious on a concatenated align- that each arose independently from a geniculate ment of COI-5P, psbA, and rbcL gene fragments (2,596 bp) ancestor (Fig. 1). Three Bossiella species, provision- and partitioned by gene. The GTR+I+G GAMMA nucleotide model of evolution was obtained using jModelTest version ally named B. chiloensis were included in the analy- 2.1.10 (Darriba et al. 2012). Five-hundred bootstrap (BS) ses because their inclusion in the tree vastly replicates of the “rapid bootstrapping and search for best changed the relationships among B. mayae, B. exar- scoring ML tree” algorithm were conducted. Bayesian poste- ticulata, and the remaining Bossiella species. In addi- rior probabilities (PP) were generated using the MrBayes Plu- tion, these unidentified species (and their gin v2.2.4 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) in Geneious + + provisional names) were included here because they 7.1.8 using the GTR I G model. Bayesian analysis parameters have previously been deposited under these names followed Hind et al. (2016). Morpho-anatomical assessments of nongeniculate corallines followed methods used for Crusti- in the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) and Gen- corallina species in Hind et al. (2016). Historical specimens Bank (see Table S3 in the Supporting Information). from TRH were sampled, namely NLG 655 (TRH A6-315) Relationships between geniculate and nongeniculate and NLG 656 (TRH A6-316). Mason (1953) designated NLG sister species were not strongly supported (e.g., 655 in TRH as the lectotype, thereby excluding NLG 656, B. mayae and Bossiella cf. 2chiloensis;PP= 0.74, and designated specimens in UC as isotypes (UC 739464 and BS < 62; Fig. 1 and Fig. S4 in the Supporting Infor- UC 745688). NLG 655 comprises two coralline covered Acmaea mitra shells that Foslie treated as separate, making a mation). preparation of each, and designated as 802 and 803. We Historical DNA analysis. We sequenced the lecto- sequenced the specimens on each shell of samples 802 and type specimen (NLG 655) that consists of two crusts 803 (Figs. S1–S3 in the Supporting Information). on two different Acmaea mitra shells (preparations 802 and 803; Figs. S1–S3). We found that sample 802 is one of the nongeniculate Bossiella species (de- RESULTS scribed below) and that sample 803 is an unde- Molecular data. DNA sequence data from speci- scribed species belonging in Hapalidiales. We mens that morpho-anatomically conformed to determined that the 802 specimen cannot serve as Steneck and Paine’s (1986) description of the lectotype because on the “Prep. 802” label Foslie Pseudolithophyllum whidbeyense clearly indicated that has written “Lithoph.whidbeyense? cfr. 803” two nongeniculate coralline species were present. (Fig. S1) and because according to Article 9.14 of There was 4.4%–5.8%, 1.6%–1.9%, 0.7%–1.3% DNA the ICN “...the name must remain attached to the sequence divergence between these two species for part... that corresponds most nearly with the origi- the COI-5P, rbcL, and psbA markers, respectively nal description or diagnosis.” (McNeill et al. 2012). (Table S2 in the Supporting Information). The The most defining feature in the protologue of divergence values for these markers were consistent Lithophyllum whidbeyense (Foslie 1906) is the presence EVOLUTIONARY REVERSALS IN BOSSIELLA 791

FIG. 1. Phylogram inferred by bayesian inference (BI) analysis of concatenated COI-5P, rbcL, and psbA sequence data (2,596 bp) demonstrating the placement of B. exarticulata and B. mayae within the genus Bossiella. Support values listed as posterior probabilities (PP) and bootstrap for BI and ML analyses, respectively. Asterisks denote strongly supported nodes (PP =>0.98, bootstrap >98; dash denotes notes with PP<0.54, bootstrap <62). Scale bar refers to substitutions per site. Only branches of interest in the Bossiella clade labeled with support values. 792 KATHARINE R. HIND ET AL. of tightly packed, weakly convex, and 350–600 lm 240 lm thick (comprising no more than 25% of diameter gametangial conceptacles. Only the Prep. total thallus thickness) of non-pigmented, horizon- 803 specimen bears conceptacles measuring (300) tally oriented filaments (cells 10–40 lm long); 400–600 lm that correspond to the original descrip- uppermost hypothallial cells arch upward to form a tion (Fig. S2). Thus, the epithet “whidbeyense” will perithallus of vertically oriented cells 425–1,475 lm; apply to an otherwise undescribed species belonging intercalary meristematic cells dividing to produce to Hapalidiales in the NE Pacific, and both of the distally un-pigmented epithallial cells with flared nongeniculate Bossiella species require new names walls and proximally photosynthetic perithallial that we provide below along with an amended cells; young conceptacles superficial; older concepta- description of Bossiella. cles buried and rarely filled in. Taxonomic revisions. Bossiella P.C. Silva 1957: 46 Type species: Bossiella plumosa (Manza) P.C.Silva Thalli epilithic or epizoic; multiaxial, cells of adja- Bossiella mayae P.W.Gabrielson, K.R.Hind, Mar- cent filaments sometimes united by open fusions tone, & C.P.Jensen sp. nov. but never by secondary pit connections; main Holotypus: NCU 591286, leg. P. W. Gabrielson & K. growth by elongation and nearly simultaneous divi- Britton-Simmons, 20.vii.2009, on bedrock in low sions of cells terminating filaments at margin of intertidal zone. crusts and at apices of branches; all pigmented tis- Type Locality: Cattle Point, San Juan Island, WA, sue covered by an epithallium of 1–3 cell layers; USA. conceptacles superficial uniporate, central, or acen- Etymology: The species is named for Mary Love tric, 300–1,000 lm outside diam.; gametophytes May, who has provided financial and loving support dioecious; male conceptacles beaked, sometimes for coralline research and for Paul W. Gabrielson. markedly so, roofs low over fertile areas that extend Description: Thallus to 1.6 mm thick and tightly up sides of chamber, canals usually more than adherent to substratum, encrusting, smooth, or with 200 lm long; female conceptacles with uni- or pronounced bumps and ridges (Fig. 2, A–D); white bicarpogonial procarps; some carpogonia not devel- thin margin often present (Fig. 2B); tessellations oping completely and apparently non-functional; and white swirls commonly present, especially where known, carposporangial filaments arising noticeable when dry (Fig. 2, A, C and D). Epithallial from anywhere on upper surfaces of fusion cells. cells 4.2–8.3 lm tall, always flared distally to 6.1– Bi-tetrasporangial conceptacles 35–100 lm wide, 11.8 lm wide (Fig. 2E); perithallus 424–1,474 lm 90–200 lm long, containing up to 60 zonately thick; hypothallus 76–240 lm thick; uniporate con- divided bisporangia or tetrasporangia, rarely both, ceptacles flush with thallus surface to barely raised, spores uninucleate. scattered (Fig. 2D), or crowded (Fig. 2F), rounded Geniculate species consisting of more or less erect chambers 244–309 lm wide 9 214–248 lm tall fronds of calcified intergenicular segments sepa- (Fig. 2, G and H) with elongated canals 52–103 lm rated by non-calcified genicula; genicula non-calci- long (Fig. 2, G and H; Table S4 in the Supporting fied (except where they join calcified intergenicula) Information); rbcL, psbA, and COI-5P sequences composed of one tier of narrow, thick-walled cells diagnostic (Table S1). 150–350 lm long; one to several fronds arising from Habit and Habitat: Epilithic on bedrock, no an adherent basal crust; fronds branching dichoto- records from cobble; epizoic on barnacles and shells mously or pinnately or irregularly in one plane of Acmaea mitra. Common in mid- and low-intertidal when two or three genicula are produced by an zones; no subtidal specimens were collected. intergeniculum, lower parts of fronds unbranched, Distribution: Gwaii Haanas, BC, Canada south to comprising a stipe with terete or subterete inter- Mill Creek Beach, Monterey Co., CA, USA. genicula; upper intergenicula with two flat pro- Bossiella exarticulata K.R.Hind, Martone, C.P.Jen- cesses, or wings, projecting laterally from a midrib sen, & P.W.Gabrielson sp. nov. that sometimes protrudes as a ridge; secondarily Holotypus: UBC A91389, leg. K. R. Hind, 31.i.2014, produced cortices sometimes bearing secondary on bedrock in low intertidal zone. branches and conceptacles; apical growth of fronds Type Locality: Brady’s Beach blowhole, Bamfield, generating intergenicula with medulla of straight, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. unpigmented cells in arching tiers ~45–90 lm high, Etymology: Bossiella exarticulata is named for the peripheral medullary filaments arching outward pro- absence of articulated uprights in this species. ducing cortex of short, pigmented cells; epithallial Description: Thallus encrusting, sometimes with cell walls partly uncalcified; basal crusts, if present, scattered white swirls or tessellations, visible espe- always lack conceptacles; conceptacles originating cially when dry (Fig. 3, A and B), and other times and developing in cortical tissue on wings of subter- smooth (Fig. 3C), up to 1.6 mm thick, thin white minal intergenicula; 1 to more than 50 per inter- margin sometimes present (Fig. 3C); epithallial cells geniculum. 5.1–7.6 lm tall, always flared distally to 5.0–8.2 lm Nongeniculate species monomerous or dimerous wide (Fig. 3D); perithallus (585–1,370 lm) thicker in construction up to 1.6 mm thick; marginal than hypothallus (120–295 lm) (Fig. 3E); tetraspo- growth of crusts resulting in thin hypothallus 75– rangial conceptacles crowded together in fields EVOLUTIONARY REVERSALS IN BOSSIELLA 793

FIG.2. Bossiella mayae, D and H holotype specimen. (A) Habit showing tessellations and swirls (UBC A91398, scale = 1 cm); (B) Habit showing thin white margin (arrow) (UBC A91393, scale = 1 cm); (C) Thallus with swirls surrounding flat-topped protuberances (UBC A91394, scale = 1 mm); (D) Thallus with swirls and uniporate tetrasporangial conceptacles (NCU 591286, scale = 1 mm); (E) Cross-sec- tion of thallus showing flared epithallial cells (arrow) (UBC A91393, scale = 10 lm)); (F) Surface view of uniporate conceptacles (UBC A91385, scale = 1 mm); (G) Cross-section showing shape of conceptacle chamber (UBC A91384, scale = 100 lm)); (H) Fracture showing cross-section of conceptacle chambers with pigmented tetrasporangia (NCU 591286, scale = 500 lm). [Color figure can be viewed at wile yonlinelibrary.com] 794 KATHARINE R. HIND ET AL.

FIG.3. Bossiella exarticulata, D, F, G, and H holotype specimen. (A) Habit showing tessellations and swirls (UBC A91397, scale = 1 cm); (B) Close-up of tessellations and swirls (UBC A91397, scale = 1 mm); (C) Habit showing smooth surface and thin white margin (UBC A91386, scale = 1 cm); (D) Cross-section of thallus showing flared epithallial cells (arrow) (UBC A91389, scale = 10 lm); (E) Cross-section of thallus showing thick perithallus (UBC A91397, scale = 100 lm); (F) Surface view of uniporate conceptacles (UBC A91389, scale = 1 mm); (G) Cross-section showing shape of conceptacle chamber (UBC A91389, scale = 100 lm); (H) Fracture showing cross-sec- tion of conceptacle chambers with pigmented tetrasporangia (UBC A91389, scale = 500 lm). [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonline library.com] EVOLUTIONARY REVERSALS IN BOSSIELLA 795

(Fig. 3F), slightly convex to flush with thallus sur- Bossiella species. Both examples represent pheno- face, spherical (Fig. 3, G and H), chambers typic reversions as defined by Porter and Crandall ~220 lm wide 9 184 lm tall, with short canals (2003), when a derived state reverts to an ancestral ~57 lm long (Fig. 3, G and H; Table S2); rbcL, psbA, state that is still present in extant lineages. The and COI-5P sequences diagnostic (Table S1). character state here is the presence or absence of Habitat and Habit: Epilithic on bedrock and cob- non-calcified genicula enabling prostrate calcified ble and epizoic on molluscs (snails and mussels) crusts to produce jointed, upright fronds. Coupled and cup coral (Balanophyllia elegans); primarily to the production of genicula and erect axes in found at moderate to fully exposed sites; uncom- these taxa is the re-positioning of conceptacles onto mon in the mid-intertidal; common in the low-inter- upright segments of erect thalli, even in species with tidal zone and subtidally to 13.5 m depth. extensive crustose bases and few, scattered miniscule Distribution: Gwaii Haanas, BC, Canada south to uprights (e.g., Chiharaea americana; Martone et al. Mill Creek Beach, Monterey County, CA, USA. 2012). Within subfamily Corallinoideae, Crusticoral- lina species are not basal and, thus, are likely not indicative of the crustose ancestors that gave rise to DISCUSSION geniculate corallinoids – rather the genus evolved Importance of DNA sequence data in understanding the from geniculate ancestors and represents a com- evolution of geniculate corallines. Based on morpho- plete loss of upright fronds (Hind et al. 2016). The anatomy alone, no one would have hypothesized same is true for the two encrusting species of Bos- that the nongeniculate corallines formerly called siella: they are not basal within the genus, but rather Pseudolithophyllum muricatum or P. whidbeyense each independently evolved back to the crustose belonged in Corallinoideae, a subfamily character- state from closely-related, geniculate ancestors (see ized by the presence of genicula. Hind and Saun- strong statistical support, Fig. 1). This suggests, at ders (2013) first demonstrated this for P. muricatum least in Corallinoideae, that the evolutionary loss of using DNA sequence data and, subsequently, Hind genicula and reversion to the crustose state is not et al. (2016) erected the genus Crusticorallina for rare and that morphological transitions may happen P. muricatum and related species. DNA sequence rapidly. According to Aguirre et al. (2010), Bossiella data were required to understand the phylogenetic diverged ~8–11 mya, suggesting that the reemer- placement of these taxa whose morpho-anatomical gence of the crustose phenotype evolved during the characters were not indicative of their evolutionary rapid radiation of Bossiella species. We speculate that relationships. The on-going re-evaluation of coral- rapid and repeated transitions between character line species using DNA sequence data provide states are unlikely to be genetically complex, per- greater insight into which morphological synapo- haps requiring few genetic mutations. Controlled morphic characters are informative in this morpho- decalcification occurs in all nongeniculate species to logically diverse assemblage of species. produce reproductive gametangia and sporangia in In addition to problems inherent in relying solely conceptacles, and we speculate that this pre-existing on morpho-anatomical characters to understand the decalcification process may be co-opted to produce generic placement of taxa, the type material of genicula in geniculate corallines. Lithophyllum whidbeyense was heterotypic. The type Link between geniculate fronds and conceptacle posi- material of L. whidbeyense examined by Adey (1970) tion. Hind et al. (2016) first noted that all genicu- in TRH was placed in Mesophyllum, a genus of late corallines, even those with extensive crustose Melobesioideae (Hapalidiales), whereas material bases and with sparse uprights (e.g., Chiharaea ameri- examined by Steneck and Paine (1986) from the cana, C. americana f. bodegensis) bear their concepta- same collection in UC was placed in Pseudolithophyl- cles on upright intergenicula. We have never lum, a genus at that time in Mastophoroideae observed conceptacles in basal crusts of geniculate (Corallinales). Thus, the type collection of L. whid- corallines, including Bossiella, the first coralline beyense included material from two different coral- genus to include both geniculate and nongeniculate line orders. Steneck and Paine’s (1986) concept of species. There are, however, two reports in the liter- their field-collected material clearly was the non- ature of geniculate corallines bearing conceptacles geniculate Bossiella species treated herein, but what in their crusts, Amphiroa crustiformis (Dawson 1963) they thought was a single species was very likely a and Amphiroa currae (Ganesan 1971). Both of these mix of both B. mayae and B. exarticulata specimens need to be re-examined as, particularly with tropical from low-intertidal habitats. DNA sequence data corallines, geniculate taxa can appear to arise from were essential to resolve these relationships–from crusts, but upon extracting and sequencing erect orders, to genera, to species, to individual speci- axes and crusts separately, they prove to be unre- mens. lated taxa (P. Gabrielson, pers. obs.). Evolutionary reversals. In subfamily Corallinoideae That conceptacle position is so tightly correlated we have two clear examples of secondary loss of a with the presence of geniculate fronds suggests that derived character, one at the generic rank, Crustico- there may be a developmental link between the two rallina (Hind et al. 2016), and the other among processes and, perhaps, an evolutionary advantage 796 KATHARINE R. HIND ET AL. to bearing conceptacles on upright intergenicula. nongeniculate corallines, including Lithophyllum Even in Chiharaea americana, where uprights are impressum, Spongites decipiens, and Crusticorallina spp. sparse and are commonly reduced to only one inter- in the intertidal zone and many undescribed spe- geniculum (~1 mm tall), conceptacles are only cies in the shallow subtidal zone (<15 m). Thus, found in the minute uprights and never in the despite their complex evolutionary history, crustose extensive crustose base that may be 10–30 cm in Bossiella species have relatively simple morpholo- diameter. Moreover, conceptacle formation is gies and require DNA sequencing to be reliably restricted to the intergenicula of geniculate coralli- identified. nes in all three lineages of Corallinales that inde- pendently evolved genicula, suggesting that elevated conceptacles may be one of the selective advantages CONCLUSIONS driving the repeated evolution of upright fronds. Molecular phylogenetics has convincingly shown This argument fails to explain the several evolution- that geniculate corallines have arisen from non- ary reversals that led to the crustose Bossiella species geniculate corallines multiple times in family Coral- presented here and the crustose genus Crusticoral- linaceae. In subfamily Corallinoideae the reverse lina, which not only survived without elevated con- has also occurred: geniculate corallines have given ceptacles but radiated into four species (Hind et al. rise to nongeniculate corallines. We demonstrated 2016). The adaptive significance and ecological that the previously geniculate genus Bossiella costs associated with transitions back to the crustose includes two nongeniculate species, B. mayae and state warrant further investigation. B. exarticulata, and that each evolved independently The genus Bossiella. Bossiella is the only genus of and with complete loss of geniculate fronds. The coralline algae that contains both geniculate and discovery of a coralline genus with both geniculate nongeniculate species. Bossiella species are antipodal and nongeniculate species suggests that such evolu- in the eastern Pacific, ranging from Alaska, USA to tionary reversals may occur rapidly and may not be Baja California, Mexico in the northern hemisphere genetically complex. Given the repeated gain and (Hind et al. 2014, 2015) and reported from Chile loss of geniculate fronds throughout the Coralli- (Ramırez and Santelices 1991, Hind et al. 2014) naceae, Bossiella is a likely model taxon in which to and around Cape Horn into Argentina (Boraso de explore the mechanisms and adaptive significance Zaixso 2013) in the southern hemisphere. Bossiella of evolutionary reversals. compressa Klochcova (1979) from the Northwest Paci- fic requires confirmation of its generic placement We gratefully acknowledge the curators Dr. Kristian Hassel by DNA sequencing. Just as it is difficult and fre- at TRH and Dr. Kathy Ann Miller at UC for the loan of type quently impossible to use morpho-anatomical char- specimens. We thank the following: K. Britton-Simmons, C. acters to distinguish geniculate species of Bossiella in Catton, K. Dixon, D. McDevit, and L. Rogers-Bennett for specimen collections; G. W. Saunders for specimens and the Northeast Pacific (Hind et al. 2014, 2015), it is associated sequence data from the Haida Gwaii area; D. W. difficult to distinguish the nongeniculate species, Freshwater, DNA Analysis Core Facility, University of North B. mayae and B. exarticulata. No morpho-anatomical Carolina, Wilmington for sequencing support; T. J. Vision at character reliably distinguishes the two species UNC, Chapel Hill for lab space and equipment; C. W. Sch- (Table S2). Reproductive characters are generally neider for nomenclature advice; J. Lai for assistance acquir- uninformative at the species rank, partly because ing GenBank accessions. 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Figure S1. Material in TRH (NLG, Nathaniel Table S1. Collection information, herbarium Lyon Gardner 655) designated by Mason (1953) accession numbers, and Genbank numbers for as lectotype of Lithophyllum whidbeyense comprised Bossiella mayae and Bossiella exarticulata. Bold indi- of two Acmaea mitra shells. Shell on left is prepara- cates type specimens. tion 802 that bears no conceptacles; shell on right Table S2. Distance matrix indicating inter- and is preparation 803 that bears conceptacles. intra-specific percent divergence of A) COI-5P, B) Figure S2. Preparation 802 (left hand shell in rbcL, and C) psbA gene regions for Bossiella mayae Fig. S1) with cell measurements in Foslie’s hand and Bossiella exarticulata specimens in this study. and annotation “Lithoph. whidbeyense? cfr. 803” Table S3. List of CO1-5P, psbA, and rbcL indicating Foslie’s uncertainty of its identity. sequence fragments used in the concatenated Figure S3. Preparation 803 (right hand shell in phylogenetic tree of select coralline species. Fig. S1) with cell measurements in Foslie’s hand Table S4. Summary of morphology and habitat and “Lithoph. whidbeyense” along with conceptacle assessment of crustose Bossiella species examined size range. Lectotype of Lithophyllum whidbeyense in this study. Measurement ranges reported for narrowed to crust with conceptacles on this shell. internal anatomy. n/a = not available. n=the Figure S4. Phylogram inferred by maximum number of measurements, not the number of likelihood analysis of concatenated COI-5P, rbcL, individuals. and psbA sequence data (2,596 bp). Support val- ues listed as bootstrap. Only clades with bootstrap >61 are indicated. Scale bar refers to substitutions per site.