Reiner Knizia – Games / Spiele

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Reiner Knizia – Games / Spiele Bringing Enjoyment to the People! KNIZIA GAMES Reiner Knizia – Games / Spiele 2009 13 Amigo 2009 Abandon Ship (Multilingual) Alderac 2009 Agarra O Canguro (Kaappaa Kenguru – Portuguese) Nelostuote 2009 Alles Trolli! Zoch 2009 Areena (Colossal Arena – Finnish) Lautapelit 2009 Art Moderne (Modern Art – French) Matagot 2009 Atrapa Al Canguro (Kaappaa Kenguru – Spanish) Nelostuote 2009 Battle for Olympus Nestor Games 2009 Black Sheep (Hebrew) Silverstars 2009 Blue Moon City (Russian) Smart 2009 Buy Low, Sell High (Chinese) Wargames Club 2009 Callisto (Multilingual) Piatnik 2009 Callisto (English) University Games 2009 Carrera de Tortugas (Schildkrötenrennen – Spanish) HomoLudicus 2009 Colossal Arena (Chinese) Swanpanasia 2009 Colossal Arena (Japanese) Hobby Japan 2009 Colossal Arena (Korean) Korea Board Games 2009 Desperados Gryphon Games 2009 Dr. Knizias Gehirn Jogging – Abenteuer-Safari Kosmos 2009 Dr. Knizias Gehirn Jogging – Maulwurfsjagd Kosmos 2009 Dr. Knizias Gehirn Jogging – Drachenlabyrinth Kosmos 2009 Euphrat & Tigris (Chinese Simplified) Wargames 2009 Euphrat & Tigris (Chinese Traditional) Wargames 2009 Excape (Exxtra – French) Filosofia 2009 Fang en Kaenguru (Kaapaa Kenguru – Danish) Nelostuote 2009 Fit für die Schule – Das lustige Pinguinrennen Tessloff 2009 Fit für die Schule – Wettrennen auf dem Bauernhof Tessloff 2009 Fit für die Schule – Wettlauf um die Erde Tessloff 2009 Fit für die Schule – Die abenteuerliche Schatzsuche Tessloff 2009 FITS (Multilingual) Ravensburger 2009 Geharrewar in de Sushi-Bar (Sushizock im Gockelwok – Dutch) 999 Games 2009 Gelini Nightlife Schmidt 2009 Gem Dealer Gryphon Games 2009 Gem Dealer (Chinese) Wargames Club 2009 Genial (Einfach Genial – Reiseedition – Finnish, Swedish) Lautapelit 2009 Genial Spezial Kosmos 2009 Heckmeck (Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) Lautapelit & Enigma 2009 Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (Czech) MindOK 2009 Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck – Das Kultspiel in der Klackdose Zoch 2009 High Society Gryphon Games 2009 High Society (Chinese) Wargames Club 2009 1 Hochstapler Kosmos 2009 Kaappaa Kenguru (Finnish) Nelostuote 2009 Kangaroo (Kaappaa Kenguru – Swedish) Nelustuote 2009 Kango (Kaappaa Kenguru – Dutch) Nelostuote 2009 Keltes – То Паіхvіdі мє Картєѕ (Keltis – Das Kartenspiel – Greek) Kaissa 2009 Keltis (Czech/Slovakian) Albi 2009 Keltis – A kartyajatek (Keltis – Das Kartenspiel – Hungarian) Piatnik 2009 Keltis – A kövek utja (Hungarian) Piatnik 2009 Keltis – Das Kartenspiel Kosmos 2009 Keltis – Mitbringspiel Kosmos 2009 Keltis – Mitbringspiel (Spanish/Portuguese) Devir 2009 Keltis – Nintendo DS USM 2009 Keltis Erweiterung – Neue Wege, Neue Ziele Kosmos 2009 Keltis Nouveau defis (Keltis Erweiterung – Neue Wege, Neue Ziele – French) Filosofia 2009 Kenguru (Kaappaa Kenguru – Norwegian) Nelostuote 2009 Kiekeboe! (Alles Tomate! – Dutch) 999 Games 2009 Knights of Charlemagne – iPhone Conlan Rios 2009 La Parade du Dragon (Dragon Parade – French) Piatnik 2009 Laske ja lastaa (Rechen-Kapitän – Finnish) Ravensburger 2009 Looting London Gryphon Games 2009 Lost Cities (Chinese) Swan Panasia 2009 Mago Magino (English, French, Spanish) Rio Grande 2009 Master’s Gallery Gryphon Games 2009 Minis – Herrscher der Drachen Ravensburger 2009 Modern Art Pegasus 2009 Modern Art (Chinese Simplified) Wargames Club 2009 Modern Art (Chinese Traditional) Wargames Club 2009 Modern Art (Multilingual) Matagot 2009 Modern Art - El Juego de Cartas (Modern Art Card Game – Spanish) GenX 2009 Modern Art – The Card Game Gryphon Games 2009 Mole Hill Nestor Games 2009 Money Gryphon Games 2009 Money (Chinese) Wargames Club 2009 Monumental – iPhone Conlan Rios 2009 Nella Folle Fattoria (Alles Tomate! – Italian) Venice Connection 2009 Pickomino (Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck – Romanian) Peak Toys 2009 Pickomino – Kultinis zaidimas (Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck – Das Kultspiel in der Klackdose – Lithuanian) Kadabra 2009 Poison – iPhone Amaze Entertainment 2009 Polar Derby Gamewright 2009 Priests of Ra Rio Grande 2009 Priests of Ra Abacus 2009 Qui l’a vu? (Wer war’s? – French) Ravensburger 2009 Ra Rio Grande 2009 Ra Abacus 2009 Ra – The Dice Game Rio Grande 2009 Ra – The Dice Game Abacus 2009 Ramses Pyramid (Multilingual) Lego 2009 Regenwormen – Pocket-editie (Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck – Das Kultspiel in der Klackdose (Dutch) 999 Games 2009 2 Robot Master Interlude 2009 Robot Master – iPhone Conlan Rios 2009 Roto SoloPlay – iPhone Hydrix 2009 Samurai – The Card Game Rio Grande 2009 Samurai – The Card Game Abacus 2009 Scary Tales – Snow White vs The Giant Playroom 2009 Scary Tales – Little Red vs Pinocchio Playroom 2009 Secrets of the Sea Playroom 2009 Take it Higher Burley Games 2009 Think Kids – Alles gemerkt? Ravensburger 2009 Through The Desert (Chinese Simplified) Wargames Club 2009 Through The Desert (Chinese Traditional) Wargames Club 2009 Topas Amigo 2009 Trucizna (Poison – Polish) G3 2009 Ty Kravo! (Alles Tomate! – Czech, Slovakian) Corfix 2009 Was ist Was – Das Quizspiel Kosmos 2009 Wer war’s – Kinderschokolade – Mini-Version 1 Ravensburger 2009 Wer war’s – Kinderschokolade – Mini-Version 2 Ravensburger 2009 Wer war’s – Kinderschokolade – Mini-Version 3 Ravensburger 2009 Wer war’s – Mitbringspiel Ravensburger 2009 Wickie – Diamantenraub Funny Farm 2009 Winner’s Circle (Russian) Smart 2009 пєрбоdєѕ (Hochstapler – Greek) Kaissa 2009 Zero (French, Dutch) Asyncron 2009 Zombiegeddon Twilight 2009 Zu viele Köche Pegasus 2009 2008 3D Memo Upper Deck 2008 Baker’s Dozen Playroom 2008 Battleship Express Hasbro 2008 Bien Vu! (Kannst du schon Formen ordnen? – French) Piatnik 2008 Black Sheep Fantasy Flight 2008 Black Sheep (French) UbIK 2008 МАУРО ПРОВАТО (Black Sheep – Greek) Kaissa 2008 Brain Voyage (Dr. Reiner Knizia’s Brainbenders) – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Castellers Devir 2008 Cerna Ovce (Black Sheep - Czech, Slovakian) ADC Blackfire 2008 Chaos in the Kids’ Room (Chaos im Kinderzimmer) Haba 2008 Cordoba (Spanish) Jugamos Todos 2008 Crna Ofca (Black Sheep - Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian) Land of Magic 2008 Csak Ameret Szamit! (Size Matters – Hungarian) Piatnik 2008 Cthulhu Rising Twilight 2008 Die Größe macht’s! (Size Matters) Piatnik 2008 Domino Knobelspass Kosmos 2008 Dr. Reiner Knizia’s Brainbenders – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Dr. Reiner Knizias Logik-Coach – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Dr. Reiner Knizia Remue Méninges (French) – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Dr. Reiner Knizias L’Allenamente (Italian) – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Dr. Reiner Knizia Brain Logic – Ejercicios de Lógica (Spanish) – Nintendo DS Eidos 2008 Drachen-Parade Piatnik 2008 3 Duel de Magiciens (Kampf der Magier – French) Piatnik 2008 Einfach Genial – Kartenspiel Kosmos 2008 Einfach Genial – Mitbringspiel Kosmos 2008 Elveszett Varosok (Lost Cities – Hungarian) Piatnik 2008 En Garde (Travel Edition) Ferti 2008 FITS Ravensburger 2008 Gelini – Catch me! Ravensburger 2008 Gem Dealer Gryphon Games 2008 Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (Korean) Korean Board Games 2008 Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck (Greek) Kaissa 2008 Igor R&R 2008 Ilium Playroom 2008 Ingenious (Einfach Genial – Korean) Korean Board Games 2008 Kampf der Magier Piatnik 2008 Kannst du schon Formen ordnen? Piatnik 2008 Kattenbende (Katzenbande – Dutch) Haba 2008 Katzenbande Haba 2008 Keltis Kosmos 2008 Keltis (Dutch) 999 Games 2008 Keltis (Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian) Competo 2008 Keltis (French) Filosofia 2008 Keltis (Greek) Kosmos 2008 Keltis (Italian) Stupor Mundi 2008 Keltis (Korean) Korea Board Games 2008 Keltis (Polish) Galakta 2008 Keltis (Slovenian) LaserPlus 2008 Keltis (Spanish) Devir 2008 Keltis – CD Rom USM 2008 La bande a Mistigri (Katzenbande – French) Haba 2008 La Gran Muralla China (Chinesische Mauer – Spanish) Devir 2008 Los Banditos Schmidt 2008 Lost Cities Board Game Rio Grande 2008 Lost Cities – Xbox Vivendi 2008 Magus Parbaj (Kampf der Magier – Hungarian) Piatnik 2008 ЦАРИ МКНОТАВРОВ (Minotaur Lords – Russian) Smart 2008 Modern Art (Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish) Lautapelit 2008 Money Gryphon Games 2008 Municipium Valley Games 2008 Pedzace Zotwie (Schildkrötenrennen – Polish) Egmont 2008 Pickomino (Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck – Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Russian) Kadabra 2008 Pickpocket Repos 2008 Pingu-Party Amigo 2008 Pingu-Party (Multilingual) Amigo 2008 Pinguïn Party (Pingu-Party – Dutch) 999 Games 2008 Poison Amigo 2008 Poker Kids (French) Winning Moves 2008 Regenbogenland Piatnik 2008 Robot Master (French) Interlude 2008 Samurai (Polish) Lacerta 2008 Sarkany Parade (Drachen-Parade – Hungarian) Piatnik 2008 ЦАРИ СКАРАБЕЕВ (Scarab Lords – Russian) Smart 2008 Strozzi Rio Grande 2008 4 Sushi Bar (Sushizock im Gockelwok – French) Zoch 2008 Sushizock im Gockelwok Zoch 2008 Tatort Themse Pegasus 2008 Tiku Steffen Spiele 2008 Tutti allo Zoo! (Viele Tiere – Italian) Haba 2008 Verdrehte Sprichwörter Ravensburger 2008 Vita Memorita (Alles Tomate! – Hungarian) Piatnik 2008 Was ist Was Junior – Baustelle Tessloff 2008 Was ist Was Junior – Feuerwehr Tessloff 2008 Was ist Was Junior – Polizei Tessloff 2008 Was ist Was Junior – Ritterburg Tessloff 2008 Yepha Obua (Black Sheep – Bulgarian) MBG Toys 2008 Yo! – Ben 10 (English) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Dinos (English) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Dinos (German) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Dinos (Dutch) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Horses (English) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Pferde (German) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Paarden (Dutch) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Marvel Heroes (English) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Marvel Heroes (German) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Marvel Heroes (French) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Monster Allergy (French) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Monster Allergy (Dutch) Upper Deck 2008 Yo! – Monster Jam (English)
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