} IAAPA Attractions Expo recap...Pages 31-44 TM Celebrating Our 15th Year Vol. 15 • Issue 10 JANUARY 2012 Spotlight on Safety NAARSO forum participants to go through AIMS Intl. grows their Sky Wheel controls during 25th seminar international presence STORY: Pam Sherborne rum routinely has 250 students
[email protected] and teachers attending. The STORY: Pam Sherborne MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. — outreach programs held sev-
[email protected] Since the National Association eral times a year draws about of Amusement Ride Safety Of- 50. And, since beginning its ORLANDO, Fla. — More ficials (NAARSO) began hold- certification program in 1994, international participants than ing its annual safety inspec- NAARSO has certified 744 ever before were drawn to the tion forum 25 years ago, the Level I inspectors, 275 Level II 2011 AIMS International Safe- non-profit organization has inspectors, and 74 Level III in- ty Seminar, Nov. 9-15, Orlan- provided ride safety educa- spectors. The varying levels of do, Fla., held in conjunction tion and training to hundreds certification are specific upon with the IAAPA Attractions across the U.S. the amount of education. All Expo. Created to provide re- those receiving certification According to AIMS Presi- sources to amusement in- have to participate in continu- dent Mike Gutknecht, the dustry professionals who are education. ing education as well. overall seminar went very time,” Gutknecht said. “Also, dedicated to ride safety and At its first conference 25 “We are always looking well. The seminar is a compre- when we had short down to provide a consistent level years ago, 50 industry profes- for new avenues for train- hensive safety-training experi- times between sessions, it was of proficiency to industry in- sionals, primarily represent- ing individuals in ride safe- ence for individuals respon- not feasible for participants to spectors, NAARSO has great- ing state inspection agencies, ty,” said Leonard Cavalier, sible for the care and safety go over to their rooms.