Report on the Arbourthorne and Wybourn, Skye Edge and Manor Park Masterplans

Joint Report of Executive Director, Neighbourhoods and Community Care and Executive Director Development, Environment and Leisure.


1. Purpose of Report 2. Introduction 3. The Masterplan Process 4. Key areas of change 5. Financial implications 6. Asset Management 7. Delivery arrangements 8. Products and tools to assist owner occupiers 9. Equal Opportunities 10. Environmental Implications 11. Recommendations


Appendix A1 and A2 – Maps showing the Arbourthorne and Wybourn/Manor Park/Skye Edge Study and Key Intervention Areas. Appendix B – Summary of Masterplan Proposals Appendix C – Summary Table of Outputs Appendix D – Diary of Consultation Events Appendix E1 - Arbourthorne Masterplan Questionnaire Appendix E2 - Summary of Arbourthorne Question 1 Responses Appendix E3 - Summary of Arbourthorne Comments Appendix F1 – Wybourn/Manor Park/Skye Edge Questionnaire Appendix F2 – Summary of Wybourn/Manor Park/Skye Edge Question 1 Responses Appendix F3 – Summary of Wybourn/Manor Park/Skye Edge Comments Appendix G - Results of Individual Consultation on Arbourthorne Fields Proposals.

1 1.0 Purpose of report This report seeks:

1.1 To present, update and seek Cabinet approval for the Arbourthorne, Wybourn, Skye Edge and Manor Park Masterplans.

1.2 To present the results of the public consultation about the Masterplan proposals.

1.3 To have the Masterplans adopted as a material consideration in the planning process and to incorporate relevant proposals in the emerging Development Framework (SDF).

1.4 Authority to develop detailed plans for key areas in line with the framework of the Masterplan, and in close consultation with local communities.

1.5 Authority to develop plans for Phase 1 of the Arbourthorne Fields proposals, by seeking a delegation to the Head of Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, to negotiate the principles of an agreement with GPs at Northern Avenue to relocate to the site at Errington Avenue, and so facilitate development of a new GP surgery as part of the local service centre.

2.0 Introduction 2.1 In February 2004 the City Council appointed LDA Design to produce Masterplans for Arbourthorne and Wybourn (including Skye Edge and Manor Park). The Masterplan work was funded by Transform (TSY), the housing market renewal pathfinder, and was one of the “early win” submissions for Housing Market Renewal funding. It aimed to analyse the causes of housing market weakness and develop strategic interventions to address those weaknesses and enable the development of attractive, sustainable neighbourhoods. Maps showing the Arbourthorne and Wybourn/Manor Park/Sky Edge study areas and indicating the key intervention areas are attached as Appendices A1 & A2.

2.2 The work was the subject of extensive consultation at all stages, and was steered by a group comprising officers, local members and community representatives. The consultation process is described at Paragraph 3 below, and the outcomes of the consultation are summarised in Appendices E and F. The process involved local exhibitions and meetings, postal surveys and home visits. Residents potentially affected by demolition proposals, were offered the opportunity to either attend specific meetings and/or have an individual home visit to discuss the proposals in detail. The views of local people and other stakeholders were taken account of in the production of options and proposals, which now form the Masterplans presented here.

2 2.3 It is perhaps worth noting here that not all of the proposals which were consulted on have been carried through to the final Masterplan, two examples of this are a) - the draft Masterplan contained a proposal to demolish some 62 properties in the Southend Road area of Wybourn known locally as “the aeroplane” and replace them with 60 town houses fronting Manor Lodge Park and b) a proposal to develop houses to the rear of Harborough Avenue fronting Corker Bottoms which would have required the demolition of some 4 houses to provide an access route to the proposed development.

In both instances following the consultation exercise and an internal review of the impact of the proposals it was agreed that these particular proposals should be omitted from the final Masterplan and the affected residents have been informed accordingly.

2.4 The earlier draft Masterplan also contained proposals relating to the Arbourthorne part of Manor Top however it was clear from this early consultation that it would not be sensible to make any proposals for part of Manor Top in isolation from the rest of Manor Top and indeed the wider Manor and City Road areas.

2.5 In view of this it has been agreed that two further Masterplans, funded by TSY, should be commissioned which although separate will run in parallel. One of these will cover the Manor Top area and the whole of City Road down to and beyond the Parkhill development. Whilst the second will cover the Manor Area essentially from Manor Top down to the Parkway. At this stage it is anticipated that the Masterplanning work will commence in May of this year with a view to a final report being produced by December 2005.

2.6 The Masterplans will provide a strategic framework for investment, planning and development in Wybourn, Arbourthorne, Manor Park and Skye Edge over the next decade. Delivery of the Masterplans over time will help meet the City Council’s Housing Strategy “Housing for Sheffield”, and help fulfil the strategic aims of the City Council’s “Closing the Gap” strategy.

2.7 These Masterplans will complement and support the Masterplanning exercises and transformational changes that have or are taking place in the adjacent neighbourhoods of Norfolk Park, Manor and Park Hill. As indicated above further Masterplanning exercises that include the City Road/Manor Top and Manor are to be commissioned and the recommendations should be available to be presented to Cabinet at the start of next year. This will ensure that City Council’s strategic aims and objectives can be applied to the whole of the South Sheffield ADF area consistently and are “joined up” across local interventions.

3 2.8 The proposals include a combination of remodelling existing residential areas, supporting the delivery of decent homes, and replacing obsolete properties with new high quality buildings. Existing and further cleared sites will be used to drive a transformational change in quality, range and type of housing available. The improvement of key streets and strategic open space will help improve the attractiveness of the areas. The Masterplan framework also seeks to improve the links between housing and transport infrastructure. The proposals will complement other planned and existing regeneration activities, such as work with the Green Estate Company, and Manor and Castle Trust at the Manor Lodge heritage site.

2.9 12 significant ‘areas of change’ are proposed, and described in detail in paragraph 4.

2.10 In total the proposals will remove approximately 666 properties, create around 1,250 new homes, create a new ‘village centre’ in Wybourn and facilitate the development of the Sure Start/Children’s Centre. The re- development of Early Years provision in Wybourn will be subject of a further Cabinet report. They will also enable the development of a new GP surgery as part of a community ‘hub’ in Arbourthorne. These new developments will offer high quality buildings in strategic locations in South Sheffield and so help consolidate the area as a neighbourhood of choice.

2.11 The proposed changes will be phased to commence over the next ten years. Priority sites have been identified for early interventions within the period 2005-9. The Masterplan envisages that during this period further development work will continue to refine the longer term options and scale interventions appropriately. Table One within Paragraph 4 below outlines the key intervention sites, and the indicative timetable for implementation with further details being given within Appendix B.

2.12 There is much more detailed work to be done to develop plans within the framework of the Masterplans. Approvals for detailed proposals will be brought to Cabinet for consideration over time.

2.13 The proposals in the Masterplans will complement other investment activity such as decent homes investment and proposed stock transfer in the areas.

3 The Masterplan process

3.1 Masterplans provide a planning and design brief for specific sites, but take account of relevant national/local planning policy and guidance, particularly policies regarding affordable housing and green space provision. They assist in providing a cohesive approach to the development of larger areas. The adoption of the Masterplan by the City’s Cabinet as a material planning consideration will mean that Arbourthorne, Wybourn, Skye Edge and Manor Park will be identified

4 as a “regeneration area” in the Sheffield Development Framework and the redevelopment sites will therefore be identified as priority sites in the City Sites Document, used to manage the release of development sites.

3.2 The study process involved a staged approach consisting of

 Stage 1: an audit of baseline conditions, including a physical appraisal of the study areas and analysis of the strategic frameworks within which the Masterplan must sit.  Stage 2: The production of Masterplan options. These options were presented to the local and wider communities during June and July 2004.  Stage 3: Production of draft Masterplans, including the production of the overall draft spatial framework plans and the more detailed development briefs for key neighbourhoods, including draft implementation plan, phasing and indicative funding strategy. This draft was presented to the local and wider communities during January and February 2005.  Stage 4: Final reports. Revised Masterplans following feedback from consultation, which forms the Final Masterplan report, a copy of which will be made available both in the Members Library and via the City Council’s Website.

3.3 Following the completion of the initial draft Masterplans for each neighbourhood, a formal consultation process was undertaken with the public, the details of which are included in Appendices D, E and F. The process combined displays and presentations of relevant information at a range of public venues with a series of community consultation events.

3.4 The revised Masterplans that incorporated the outcome of the first round of public consultation in June/July 2004, have been the subject of a second formal consultation exercise with the public, again combining displays of relevant information at a range of public venues with a series of consultation events.

3.5 The second main consultation period ran from January to February 2005, with some further individual home visits being carried out during March and April. The details of the consultation exercise and the response from the public are set out in Appendices D, E and F. Further home visits are in the process of being carried out to residents directly affected by the proposals and the results from these exercises will be presented as each of the proposals are brought forward, by way of example Appendix G provides the detailed results from the consultation exercise carried out with the residents affected by the Arbourthorne Fields proposal.

3.6 The study confirmed the main causes of market weakness in these areas of South Sheffield as:

5  Oversupply of certain types of council housing  Poor physical condition across all tenures  Poor quality environment and open space  The wrong house size and type for residents  Lack of choice for existing residents and little to attract newcomers to the area  Poor reputation of key areas  Failing local economies unable to sustain retail and other facilities

3.7 The Masterplans identify key strategic development sites across the neighbourhoods along with environmental improvements throughout the areas along with investment to major parks. The development sites will create significant opportunities for development within these neighbourhoods and will create about 1,250 new homes.

3.8 The Masterplans seek to transform the areas by providing a framework for planning and other consents to ensure:  High quality design  Innovative forms of housing and other development that will attract new, aspirant groups of residents to the area, thus contributing to its regeneration and sustainability  Environmental sustainability to “Eco Homes very good” or similar agreed standard as a minimum  The opportunity for residents to occupy the new homes at affordable prices.

3.9 The Wybourn Arbourthorne and Manor Park Masterplans are part of wider regeneration strategy for South Sheffield. This strategy, set out in the South Sheffield Area Development Framework, aims to improve the attractiveness of South Sheffield as a place to live, and to support Sheffield’s economic regeneration by enabling and sustaining high quality neighbourhoods

4 Key areas of change

4.1 The masterplan identifies 12 key areas of change where active intervention is proposed to enable new housing or other development, or to improve existing environment and streetscene. The table below sets out the key areas and gives an indication of the scale of new development. The masterplan covered areas where we already had cleared sites, or areas where rehousing and demolition was already approved within the stock reduction programme, and clearance is underway.

4.2 Proposals for tenure change are a priority in some areas, which have a predominance of council housing, and in other areas the tenure mix of new development will be informed by the ongoing review of supply and demand. In some areas the priority will be to introduce higher value homes in order provide a wider range and choice of accommodation in

6 the area. We will aim to use equity stakes to enable affordable access into higher value housing where appropriate, and these plans will be developed out over time.

Table 1: Summary – (further explanation in Appendix B) Intervention Detail of intervention Proposed area commencement Skye Edge To create a visible landmark 2006/7 development of private housing that reflects the investment and transformational changes taking place in the neighbourhood, to offer a wider choice and range of housing in the area. The View block is already in the stock reduction programme and rehousing is almost complete. The proposal also creates a road linkage from Skye Edge to Wybourn, and improvements to the park. Cricket Inn Road To create a new and visible frontage to and Maltravers Wybourn. This proposal includes 2006/07 Road demolition of 40 houses, and replacement with 164 new homes Wybourn Centre To create a new “village” centre for Wybourn and develop a new children’s centre and retail outlet This intervention will be in two phases:

Phase 1 Relocation of Wybourn Nursery to new 2005 build Sure start /Children’s centre and the building of a new shop with accommodation (1 flat) above and the partial closure of Benson Road to ensure the safety of children. This proposal will require the demolition of the Education Directorates community building, which will be replaced with community access at the new Children’s centre, and the eventual demolition of the existing nursery. The development of the new Children’s Centre is led by the Early Years Service and is currently the subject of separate consultation

Phase 2 The demolition of 6 houses, which will 2007/8 be replaced with 14 houses and 23

7 Intervention Detail of intervention Proposed area commencement flats for the elderly. Manor Lodge The Creation of a “Pennine Village” 2005/6 style development which reflects the history and heritage of Manor lodge, including development of 86 private houses on cleared sites at Manor Park Avenue along with the demolition of 20 flats to build a further 20 houses. (Of the 20 flats to be demolished only 3 are currently occupied). This will ensure that a more appropriate and larger development site can be offered to developers.

2nd phase The demolition of 68 flats, replaced with 48 private houses to consolidate development in the area. Authority for the demolition of these properties would be the subject of a further 2009/11 cabinet report. Seaton Crescent To complement the “Pennine Village” 2006 development, 53 private houses on a range of existing sites. Harborough To create visible frontage (from the 2006/7 Rise Parkway) for Manor Park Centre and increase housing choice and opportunity in the neighbourhood This proposal will allow a minimum of 77 new homes (59 houses and 18 flats) to be built. Manor Park To create appropriate housing for 2006/10 Centre older residents in the local area. 64 flats to be demolished to provide 137 EP flats and GP surgery. Arbourthorne This recommendation recognises the Fields potential strategic importance of this development site in the “heart of Arbourthorne” and offers a solution for the replacement of 342 obsolete non- traditional housing. Phase 1 Relocation of GP surgery. This will 2005 require the demolition of 45 flats, and further reports will be brought to Cabinet seeking necessary approvals. Authority is sought to commence negotiations with GP’s to progress

8 Intervention Detail of intervention Proposed area commencement this phase. Should negotiation with the GP prove successful, authority will be sought to consult further with residents on the proposal to demolish 45 Council owned properties.

Phase 2 To replace obsolete housing with 2007/15 better and more appropriate housing choice and opportunity for existing and new residents This will involve the Demolition of 342 5M houses and 81 T type flats, to be replaced with 370 houses and flats together with 50 EP flats. There will also be Improvements to Arbourthorne Fields Park. It is anticipated that detailed consultation will not start until 2007 and will be the subject of a future cabinet report. Daresbury To develop 36 new homes on an 2005 existing cleared site between East Bank Road and Daresbury Road to increase housing choice in the area. Proposed extension of the site to 2007 cover Daresbury Drive and development of 11 homes, should the interim accommodation scheme lease not be renewed Myrtle Road Agreed to consult with local residents 2005/6 on solutions for local transport and parking issues along with a feasibility study for new community facilities. Conversion of To convert 300 two-bed houses into 2005/10 existing 150, 3 or 4 bed houses in properties Arbourthorne & Wybourn. Decent homes investment of around £2m can be used to support remodelling in the Arbourthorne area, and so provide for a wider range of families. To work within plans for stock transfer at Wybourn, options to remodel some existing homes to provide a number of 4 bed houses. This will increase the number of larger houses available in both areas. Close consultation with the relevant Area Manager, Sheffield Homes, will

9 Intervention Detail of intervention Proposed area commencement help identify suitable properties. Environmental Environmental improvements were 2006 onwards and street scene identified as being a key factor in improvements improving the attractiveness of the area. Proposals identify priority routes where investment will help drive a transformational change in the area.

5 Financial implications

5.1 The preparation of these Masterplans was fully funded by Transform South Yorkshire and there are no direct funding implications for Sheffield City Council. In order to deliver the regeneration proposals, funding bids will be made to Transform South Yorkshire and English Partnerships to complement private sector investment and Council receipts.

5.2 Indicative development costs across the key areas have been estimated by the Masterplanners, but much more detailed work over time will be required to assess the financial analysis for each area. Funding to support development will come from range of sources, including TSY, Housing Corporation and through use of land value. The greatest investment will be made by the private sector. Authority to dispose of sites and the financial implications of disposal will be presented to Cabinet at the appropriate time.

5.3 The majority of the key redevelopment sites are owned by the City Council. In those cases where a decision is taken to develop these for private sector housing then it is assumed the City Council will receive a capital receipt. Where the receipt has been achieved through TSY intervention it will be required to support market renewal activity in Sheffield.

6.0 Asset Management

6.1 The delivery of the Masterplans will have property implications for local residents, local businesses, and Sheffield City Council. The proposals identified in the Masterplans will require the refurbishment or redevelopment of land and property within the Arbourthorne, Wybourn, Skye Edge and Manor Park areas. Members will be aware that most of the redevelopment sites have either been cleared or have approval for demolition. Further approval for consultation on demolition to support delivery of the masterplan proposals will be the subject of future Cabinet reports.

6.2 Implementing the plan will entail the release of some assets currently in SCC ownership. We may also need to acquire other properties in the

10 course of assembling development sites. Our partners, TSY and English Partnerships, subject to formal detailed appraisal on an individual site basis, support these purchases in principle.

6.3 For each of the 3 Area Development Frameworks we will develop a ‘site disposal strategy’ to ensure that best use is made of this critical resource, and so that land is packaged to best achieve an appropriate mix of timely redevelopment, high design and build standards, and the best interests of the City Council. Management of the disposal process will be through the corporate Asset Management Group, with Cabinet approval sought as appropriate and in line with standing orders.

6.4 An outline timetable for disposals in Wybourn, Arbourthorne and Manor Park is presented as part of the Summary Masterplan proposals in Appendix B but this may be subject to change. Where sites have been identified for disposal they may be released through the proposed Developer Panel, which is currently being procured.

7 Delivery Arrangements

7.1 The Masterplan proposals represent a complex set of inter-related projects. Sheffield City Council will take a strategic lead in the co- ordination of delivery arrangements as set out in the Neighbourhoods Delivery Plan which sets delivery in a strategic context and provides clear lines of direction and responsibility. We will continue to work with local regeneration partnerships and residents’ representative in South Sheffield to ensure the Masterplans have community support and is in alignment with the wider regeneration programmes.

7.2 A range of partner agencies or private developers and contractors, procured in accordance with the council’s standing orders and OJEU tendering processes, will deliver individual projects. The council is now ensuring optimum management of construction capacity, including social enterprise, through its Developer Panel and Construction Job Match process. These may be used for:

 Developing new build sites through partnership arrangements with both Housing Associations and private developers  Neighbourhood Investment Programme improvement schemes using both existing partnerships and new procurement arrangements

In some instances the Council will establish specific arrangements to guide and steer project delivery, subject to these arrangements obtaining the necessary approvals. These may be single-issue project groups such as those related to redevelopment of the 5M’s at Arbourthorne, or more complex strategic partnerships such as those to support the delivery and maintenance of high quality open space.

11 8 Products and Tools to Assist Owners and Tenants

8.1 These proposals will bring substantial improvements to the area that will in the longer-term benefit individual owners and residents, particularly through stimulating an increase in the market values of properties. It might therefore be expected that such owners should be able to contribute towards these improvements. However the economic profile of the area clearly demonstrates that in the short term many owners will lack either the capital or income to make significant amounts of personal investment. Recent work by DTZ Pieda for the East Sheffield ADF suggested that two-thirds of potential owners could only afford a maximum purchase of £62,000. This is substantially below typical new build sales values.

8.2 Furthermore, the Council’s own experience of redevelopment such as at Norfolk Park and Scowerdons, Newstead and Weaklands, demonstrates the affordability issues for local residents. The council is therefore looking to develop a series of intervention tools and products, such as dedicated loans for refurbishment and equity shares, that will be available to assist owners and tenants wishing to either relocate or refurbish. Any new tools developed will be in addition to the statutory compensation payable to homeowners and tenants. A summary of these provisions is given in the background paper “Products and Tools to Assist Owners and Tenants”.

9 Equal Opportunities

9.1 During the development of the Masterplans a wide range of stakeholders and consultees were involved in order that all members of the local community are considered in the plans and proposals. The Area Panel, interested stakeholders, and neighbourhood groups were also involved.

9.2 Equal opportunities were also considered during the undertaking of the Public consultation. A variety of events on different days and at different times of day were held in order that as many people as possible could attend. People were also offered the opportunity for home visits.

9.3 One of the key aims of the Masterplans is to create safe and accessible places in which to live. The needs of vulnerable people will be a consideration in developing plans for replacement housing and facilities.

9.4 As the population of these areas of the city are not reflective of the City’s diverse cultural mix, it will be important to understand how the areas can be made attractive and open to all residents.

12 10.0 Environmental Implications

10.1 The delivery of the Masterplans will secure major environmental improvements in the area, and lead to increasingly sustainable residential areas, community facilities and open space. This is one of the key aims of Housing Market Renewal.

10.2 The masterplan identifies environmental improvements to streets and open space as critical to making a sustainable housing market change in the area. The aspiration would be to carry out street scene improvements to all the streets within the study area it is however unlikely that the level of funding that this would require would be available in the short term and spreading the available funding thinly would not achieve the transformational change that is required.

10.3 The Masterplan therefore identifies strategic routes for priority investment, including treatments of kerbs and verges, and traffic calming. Such plans require detailed planning and consultation, as well as funding packages to support delivery. Neighbourhoods Directorate will work closely with Streetforce to align available funding and to seek support from TSY for these works. The Neighbourhoods Investment Programme, (an alignment of TSY and Decent Homes funding) is already delivering such environmental improvements in Arbourthorne and it is hoped this success can be repeated

11 Recommendations

In order to ensure that the Masterplans can be used as a framework to drive transformational change in Wybourn, Arbourthorne and Manor Park, it is recommended that Cabinet

1. Approve the Masterplan report from LDA Design 2. Adopt the Masterplan as a material consideration in the planning process and agree to incorporate relevant proposals in the emerging Sheffield Development Framework 3. Delegate authority to the Head of Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, to continue development and implementation of the masterplan proposals, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution. 4. Delegate authority to the Head of Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods to negotiate the principles of a development agreement with Northern Avenue GP Practice to enable Phase 1 of the Arbourthorne Fields proposals to be implemented 5. Delegate Authority to the Head of Housing Strategy, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods the decision to stop letting individual council properties in order to facilitate the implementation of the Masterplans. 6. Promote the Masterplan within the affected communities

13 7. Note that the Masterplans will, in consultation with the affected communities and stakeholders be subject to review and revision by the City Council, between years 4 and 6 of the Masterplans being adopted.

14 Appendices A1 & A2

15 Appendix B Key areas of Change – Summary of Masterplan Proposals

Intervention Detail of intervention Phasing area Skye Edge To create a visible landmark development that 2006/7 reflects the investment and transformational changes taking place in the neighbourhood. The ridgeline development would be visible from many including the City Centre. This proposal will make use of the cleared View block and its replacement with a private development of 186 houses and 10 flats. This would improve tenure choice and opportunity in the local and wider area. The local park would also be improved and become an asset to the local community and area. The proposal also creates a road linkage from Skye Edge to Wybourn

Cricket Inn Road This area is highly visible from the major and Maltravers transport routes of the Parkway and Supertram Road that pass Wybourn. The recommendation would in more create a new and visible frontage to Wybourn, which will reflect the investment made in the area and transformational change taking place. This proposal includes: Cricket Inn The demolition of 24 houses that remain close 2006 to previously cleared sites and their replacement with 126 new houses Maltravers Road The Demolition of 16 houses and replacement with 38 new units, which would be for private development. This proposal would increase 2007 tenure diversity in the area

Wybourn Centre To create a new “village” centre for Wybourn and develop a new children’s centre and retail outlet This intervention will be in two phases

Phase 1 2005 Relocation of Wybourn Nursery to new children’s’ centre The building of a new shop with 1 flat above and the partial closure of Benson Road to ensure the safety of children. This proposal will require the demolition of the Education Directorates community building

16 Intervention Detail of intervention Phasing area which will be replaced with community access at the new Children’s centre The development of the new Children’s centre is led by the Early Years Service and is currently the subject of separate consultation Phase 2 The demolition of 6 houses, which will be replaced with 14 houses and 23 flats for the 2007/8 elderly. The tenure mix of the new properties will be governed by the outcome of the Housing supply and demand review and the report on older persons accommodation needs. Manor Lodge The Creation of a “Pennine Village” style development which reflects the history and heritage of Manor lodge This would include the Development of 86 2005/6 private houses on cleared site at Manor Park Avenue along with the demolition of 20 flats (of which only 3 are currently occupied) to build a further 20 houses. This will ensure that a more 2005/6 appropriate and larger development site can be offered to developers.

2nd phase The demolition of 68 flats, replaced with 48 private houses to ensure that benefit of the new development is cascaded along the frontage of Manor Lodge and the intervention 2008/10 can realise its maximum potential in bringing about transformational change. Authority for the demolition of these properties will be the subject of a further cabinet report.

Seaton Crescent To develop a cleared site that will complement 2005/6 the “Pennine Village” development expand the transformational change in the area Development of the already cleared Seaton Crescent site with 29 private houses

24 houses to be built on previously cleared 2006 sites in and around the local area with private developments Harborough Rise To create visible frontage (from the Parkway) 2006/7 for Manor Park Centre and increase housing choice and opportunity in the neighbourhood This proposal will allow a minimum of 77 new homes (59 houses and 18 flats) to be built.

17 Intervention Detail of intervention Phasing area Manor Park To create appropriate housing for older Centre residents in the local area. 64 flats to be demolished to provide 137 EP flats and GP surgery. This proposal will be subject to and guided by 2006/10 the outcome of the Housing supply and demand review and the report on older persons accommodation needs. However the consultants highlight the lack of purpose built high quality housing for older persons in the area in an appropriate location with the necessary support services. This location is best suited to meet the shortfall of provision for older persons Arbourthorne This recommendation recognises the potential Fields strategic importance of this development site in the “heart of Arbourthorne” and offers a solution for the replacement of obsolete non traditional housing Phase 1 2005 Will relocate the Northern Avenue doctors surgery and provide modern health services to residents of Arbourthorne This will require the demolition of 45 flats to allow the new build development of doctors surgery/health centre, and further reports will be brought to Cabinet seeking necessary approvals to enable this plan to progress, and to deliver a transformational change in Arbourthorne. The proposed new location would be on major bus routes and create a link from East Bank Road to the Northern Avenue shops. During the masterplan study, the use of 2007/15 existing community facilities and future needs for a range of activities was considered. New buildings such as the GP practice could offer a venue for some of these activities. An analysis of the scale of any further facilities will be carried out, as referred to in the proposals for Myrtle Road, below. Authority is sought to commence negotiations with GP’s to progress this phase. Should negotiation with the GP prove successful, authority to consult further with residents on the proposal to demolish 45 Council owned flats.

18 Intervention Detail of intervention Phasing area Phase 2 To replace obsolete housing with better and more appropriate housing choice and opportunity for existing and new residents This will involve the Demolition of 342 5M houses and 81 t type flats, to be replaced with 370 houses and flats and 50 EP flats. There will also be Improvements to park, with housing development fronting the open spaces. This proposal will involve extensive consultation with affected residents over a number of years. It is anticipated that detailed consultation will not start until 2007 and will be the subject of a future cabinet report.

Daresbury To develop an existing cleared site between 2005 East Bank Road and Daresbury Road to increase housing choice in the area This will involve the development of 36 town houses on vacant land, all private. Should the lease of the maisonette block to 2007 South Yorkshire HA on Daresbury Drive not be renewed then the site should be cleared and 11 town houses be built Myrtle Road Agreed to consult with local residents on 2005 solutions for local transport and parking issues along with a feasibility study for new community facilities. This further piece of work is required to ensure that existing retail outlets are maintained and Highways and the local community are able to consider the options to reduce traffic congestion. At the second round of public consultation events the Council received a 400 signatory petition from local residents asking that the council provide a community centre on Myrtle Road. In order to address this petition it will be necessary to carry out an audit of existing community facilities across the area and ensure that the request is feasible and sustainable and does not compromise existing or future facilities. The Neighbourhoods 2005/6 Directorate will lead this work. Conversion of 2 into 1 conversions to increase the number of 2005/10 existing 3 and 4 bed-roomed properties available in the properties areas, and so provide for a wider range of families.

19 Intervention Detail of intervention Phasing area

To convert 300 two-bed houses into 150, 3 or 4 bed houses in Arbourthorne & Wybourn. Decent homes investment of around £2m can be used to support remodelling in the Arbourthorne area. To work within plans for stock transfer at Wybourn, options to remodel some existing homes to provide a number of 4 bed roomed houses This will increase the number of larger houses available in both areas.

Environmental Environmental improvements were identified and street scene as being a key factor in improving the improvements attractiveness of the area. Proposals identify priority routes Bus routes Southend Road, Manor Oaks Road, Maltravers Terrace, Manor Park Crescent, Eastern Avenue, Northern Avenue and Arbourthorne Road Main routes Maltravers Road, Harborough Avenue, Manor Park Road, Manor Lane and East Bank Road. Residential Streets Outram road, Boundary Road, Skye edge Avenue, Whites lane. Maltravers Place, Cricket Inn Crescent, Dagnam Road, Edenhall Road, Dagnam Crescent, Cawdor Road, Bazley Road, Daresbury Rd and Myrtle Road and parts of Aylward Road and Atherton Road Improvements to all other roads will be prioritised in conjunction with local members and the community Proposals identify priority routes where investment will help drive a transformational change in the area. These improvements will be subject to further consultation and dependant on the potential stock transfer of Council housing and investment by Sheffield Homes as part of the Decent home standards

20 Appendix C Summary of Outputs

Location New New build Other new build Indicative demolition dwellings Developm ent Value* Wybourn Village Centre New shop 6 38 New children’s centre £8m Cricket Inn Road & Maltravers Road 40 164 £26m Manor Lodge 88 154 £10.75m Seaton Crescent Cleared Sites 53 £6.6m Skye Edge –inc. works to Skye Edge Park 196 £34m Harborough Rise 77 £6.5m Manor Park Centre 64 137 New doctors surgery £15.1m Arbourthorne Fields 45 New doctors surgery £1.5m Arbourthorne Fields (5M’s) inc works to Arbourthorne Park 423 420 £79m Daresbury Road 36 £5m Wybourn & Arbourthorne 300 into Two into 1’S 150 £11.25m Streetscene Arbourthorne £7m Improvements Wybourn £9m Totals 666 1275 £219.7

* These figures are indicative and further work on detailed costs will emerge as more detailed plans are worked up. Development costs do not take account of income from sales of new housing, which will help meet scheme costs.

21 Appendix D Diary of Consultation Events

DATE LOCATION TIME Sunday 27 June Arbourthorne Community Centre, 11.30-4.30 Edenhall Road

Monday 28 June Holy Family Church, Eastern 10.30-2.30 Drive

Tuesday 29 June Wybourn Community Centre, 11.30-2.30 Manor Oaks Road

Tuesday 29 June Skye Edge Community Centre, 5.30-8.30 Skye Edge Avenue

Thursday 1 July Arbourthorne Community Centre, 10.30-2.30 Edenhall Road

Thursday 1 July William Temple Church, 3.00-6.00 Harborough Avenue

Tuesday 6 July Olive Grove Public House, East 6.30-8.30 Road Friday16 July Merry Monk Public House, Manor 6.30-8.30 Park Centre.

Tuesday 25 January Myrtle Springs School - Park 6.30 - 9.00 Area Panel Area Panel between 7 - 9 Wednesday 26th Arbourthorne Community Centre, 12 - 7:00 January Edenhall Road Presentations at 2:00 & 6:30 Friday 28th January Wybourn Youth Trust, Maltravers 1:00 -7:00 Road Area Panel 1.30 - 3.30 Manor Castle Woodthorpe Area Presentations to the Panel. area panel and at 6:00 Monday 31st January Wybourn Youth Trust, Maltravers 2:00 -7:00 Road Presentations at 3.30 & 6:00 Tuesday 1st February Skye Edge Community Centre, 3:00 - 7:00 Skye Edge Avenue Presentations at 3:00 & 6:30 Wednesday 2nd Skye Edge Community Centre, 2:30 - 7:00 February Skye Edge Avenue Presentations at 3:00 & 6:30 Wednesday 2nd St Oswald’s School, Southend 8:30 – 9:30 & February Road 3:00 – 4:00 (School event only)

22 Thursday 4th February Wybourn School, Manor Oaks 8:30 – 9:30 & Road 3:00 – 4:00 (School event only) Friday 4th February Arbourthorne TARA, East Bank 12:00 - 7:00 Road Presentations at 2:00 & 6:30 Tuesday 8th February Manor Park Community Shop, 3:00 - 6:30 Manor Park Centre

Wednesday 9th William Temple Church, 12:00 - 6:30 February Harborough Avenue Presentations at 2:00 and 6:00 Monday 14th February Wybourn Community Centre, 6:00 – 8:00 Manor Oaks Road Presentation at 6:30

Tuesday 15th Olive Grove Public House, East 5:00 - 8:00 February Road Presentations at 5:00 and 7:00 Thursday 17th Holy Family Church, Eastern 12:00 - 7:00 February Drive Presentations at 1:00 & 6:30

In addition to the above-mentioned public events there were further specific consultation events arranged.

A presentation was made to the Manor Park TARA at the William Temple Church on the 2nd December

An event for residents of the T type flats at Arbourthorne was held at the Arbourthorne Community Centre on 3rd December

An event for the residents of the T type flats & 5M houses was held on the afternoon and evening of the 14th January 2005 at the Arbourthorne Community Centre.

An event for residents of the Manor Park Centre flats was held on 18th January at William Temple Church.

A presentation was made to the Area G Local ALMO Board on 18th January

A presentation/meeting was arranged for the residents of Southend Road on 23rd February at the Wybourn Community Centre.

A presentation was made to Manor Assembly on 16th March at Matrec.

A presentation was made to the Norfolk Park Regeneration Meeting on 22nd March.

23 Individual home visits are in the process of being carried out to residents of the 5M houses and to the remaining flats at Manor Park that are directly affected by the Masterplan recommendations.