The Parallel Community is a Parallel Community linking network and a platform where people can express and develop their positive Newsletter contribution for change - human, social, ecological, creative and December 2014 spiritual.

International Parallel Community Gathering 2015

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Friday 19th June to Sunday 21st June 2015 - Community Hall, Marazion near , , UK

We are excited to announce the first dedicated gathering of Parallel Community members, Core Team members, and guest speakers. This event will take place during the Summer Solstice Weekend 2015 in Cornwall UK and is shaping up to offer some inspiring ways to integrate ancient knowledge with a positive and practical future outlook.

For the first time Parallel Community members and their guests will have a chance to connect together, with talks and presentations from a fascinating variety of speakers, workshops, ceremonies, storytelling, meditations, exhibitions, stalls, nature experiences and more; and plenty of opportunity to connect informally with other members too.

Learning from the past to create a better future sounds easy enough but we all know how difficult this can be to put into practice. Hear from some of the people who have found workable solutions to these age-old problems and drawn upon ancient mysteries and wisdom to create a new and better story for their lives. Experience what it might be like to permanently bring the heart back into your life. As we share the web of understanding, we restore humanity's true power and recalibrate our future. This shift of awareness creates the kind of world we all want to see and be a part of.

Early in the New Year we will be launching a dedicated website which will give full details of speakers, events, prices, how to book tickets, and so on. This will be a non-residential event, starting at 3pm on the Friday, through to the Sunday closing ceremony at 5pm. As soon as we have firm details on speakers and workshops, we will pass these on to you. And all this will be taking place in the beautiful setting of West Cornwall, beside St Michael’s Mount, at the height of summer. Don’t miss it!


Parallel Community and Trencrom Dowsers proudly announce:

“In-to-greating Heaven & Earth, Spirit & Science”

An interactive afternoon with Dr. Jude Currivan exploring Consciousness and the Healing of our People & Earth

This event is taking place on Saturday March 28th 2015, from 1-4.30pm, at Marazion Community Hall, Gwallon Lane, Marazion, Cornwall, TR17 0HW. Tickets are £30 per person or £50 per couple; please book your tickets in advance from Parallel Community: [email protected]

This event will be experiential, participative and empowering! Jude will be offering insights and understanding, which will enable you to take away practical 'tools' too.

Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer and author, and previously one of the most senior businesswomen in the UK. Having grown up as the daughter of a coal miner in the north of , she has since journeyed to nearly seventy countries around the world and for the last nearly twenty years has lived in the sacred landscape of Avebury. She has experienced multidimensional realities since early childhood and worked with the wisdom keepers, both incarnate and discarnate, of many traditions.

Jude integrates leading-edge science, research into consciousness and universal wisdom teachings into a wholistic whole- worldview. This underpins her work aimed at enabling transformational and emergent resolutions to our collective planetary issues, raising awareness and empowering fundamental change and sustainable solutions to global problems. She holds a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Reading in the UK researching ancient cosmologies, and a Masters Degree in Physics from Oxford University specialising in cosmology and quantum physics. She is the author of five non- fiction books currently available in 15 languages and 25 countries including CosMos – a co-creator’s guide to the whole- world co-authored with Dr Ervin Laszlo. Her first fictionalised e-book Legacy is recently available at Amazon.

Her international corporate career culminated in her being the Group Finance Director of two major international businesses. She has extensive experience and knowledge of world events, international politics and global economic and financial systems and has spoken on transformational reforms in the UK, US, Europe, Japan and South Korea. For the last sixteen years she has travelled around the world in service to planetary and collective healing, some of which is described in her books The 8th Chakra, The 13th Step and most recently HOPE – Healing Our People and Earth. In 2014 she was invited to become a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle which includes Deepak Chopra, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jean Houston ( For more information on Jude Currivan visit her website:


The Journey of Transition

By PC Core Team member Michael Baker

What does the word “Nature” mean for you? I imagine most newsletter readers have some clear idea and a perspective on nature in a positive and caring way. I would welcome hearing your views about what the word nature means for you. Our personal connection with Nature may be expressed through love of birds and watching their migratory habits and at what time of the year they occur. It may be a butterfly count or helping to protect ancient woodlands from development. For others, it may be proactive badger or fox protection against hunting or extermination. Or yet again, simply capturing that beauty on camera or canvas. Whatever it is, at its core in our thoughts is some deep-rooted recognition of Nature’s value ecologically, culturally, spiritually or aesthetically. It’s hard to determine where these roots are based, but we recognise them beyond any economic value. Were we born with it and our culture knocks it out of us? Have we each come to this planet with different agendas? Whatever the possible answers might be, one thing is pretty certain: the human race, as it has developed as a species, has to redefine its relationship with the intrinsic value of nature, and define it on very different terms, if our children and grandchildren are to experience any quality of life. We collectively are defiling and abusing our Mother upon whom we ultimately depend. It’s a foolish endeavour to explore the galaxy to find another planet to inhabit. Indeed it’s a failed trump card from throw-away society thinking. A different approach to nature is possible. It departs from the utilitarian perspective, and instead recognizes those multiple values of Nature, including ecological, cultural, spiritual, aesthetics. After-all, economic value is just one dimension amongst many; and price is only one indicator amongst many. Nature cannot be measured or valued with only one criterion; rather the valuation should be multidimensional. This approach is not new and has been explored by ecological economists as well as environmentalists. Once we have accepted the need for alternative values, the next step is to understand the intrinsic value of Nature. Intrinsic value is not human-centric and exists in the absence of humans. It existed long before humans “discovered the Garden of Eden” and the nature of the universe suggests it will exist long after the human race finishes playing its part in the greater scheme on our planet Mother Earth. What matters is how we individually and collectively tend the “Garden”. What matters is that we don’t neglect the warning signals. The transition we must make in order to reunite and balance us with Nature is the most pressing issue we have on our collective agenda right now. This is the platform of the Being Nature education initiative which is being launched right now. There is strong hope that collectively the human race is waking up and heading in the right direction with both national and local initiatives. For example Ecuador and Bolivia are writing the Rights of Nature into constitutional laws; and there are local initiatives in U.S.A. In Europe a citizen petition for a law of Ecocide is in the making. Being Nature is being developed to become an interactive tool for both formal and community education, and help is welcome.


The Gift of Life – a story of planetary rebirth

By PC Core Team member Nathascha Heijen

I woke up at 4:44 am with a thought. It was triggered by a question that Michael Baker poses in his Being Nature article (above): 'What do you see as nature?' Upon awakening my inspired thought was: Nature is the collective mind of all organic life-forms originating from and belonging to the planet we know as Earth.

I quickly became less sleepy and increasingly more with land. Interestingly, in every cultural variation the inspired to get up and start a quest: which I did. The word earth means 'soil' or 'ground'. quest started with my first question: where does the So who is this 'God' that created the land and the name earth come from? A bit of research showed that it atmosphere on this planet? A supreme being named is the modern name for the Old English word ‘eor(th)e’ or 'God'? Or is it a god from a visiting, terra-forming, space- ‘ertha’. Before that it was the Anglo-Saxon word ‘erda’ faring race sometimes referred to as 'gods'? Or is it all which has strong ties with the word 'erde' used in just the happy result of coincidental natural Germanic tribes. In Norse mythology Erde was a giantess. arrangements? How about 'a carefully crafted The Dutch, whose land was also inhabited by Germanic manifestation of the original omnipresent Source that tribes, call earth 'aarde'. In other languages the earth has has created every single universe, including the one different names: in Portuguese, Italian and Latin terra, harbouring our pale blue dot called Earth!' French terre, Hindi dharti, Spanish tierra, Russian zemlia, Earth has existed for millions of years. From what we Bulgarian zemia, Latvian zeme, Polish ziemia, Scottish know of a very small part of that lifespan, in recent yird, Norwegian jord, Swedish and Danish jorden, 'ancient times' most of the cultures worshipped the earth Norwegian jorda, Estonian and Finnish maa. There are or nature as a god or goddess. Of the nine planets which many more from every culture on earth. Earth is just the make up our solar system, Earth is the only one with a name used in Anglophone languages. The word first name not derived from that of Greek or Roman gods and appeared in written language when the Bible was goddesses. In Greek she would be called Ge or Gaia, the translated into English, in Genesis 1:10 “In the beginning first goddess of Greek myth. Gaia embodies the idea of a God created the heavens and the earth”. Genesis is used Mother Earth, and all creations on this planet are as a word for creation or source, first creative principle. 1 children of the mother. The Hopi call it Tapuat, Mother is the beginning, 10 is the end or completion but also a and Child symbolised by concentric circles (or squares) new beginning: 10 looks like a 1 and a 0, where 1 is the imprinting the story of the cycle of life: birth, death and start and 0 is the closing of 1 into a circle. In Polynesian rebirth; representing the earthly path our souls follow tradition IO (which looks like a 10) is 'the creator of all back to Spirit. It has always been this way. Nobody will things'. In later versions of Genesis, earth was replaced be exempt from this path. For a relatively short lifespan, 4 our soul inhabits a body that is made from the elements, river been poisoned, and the last fish been caught, will DNA and stardust already present in our mother! We find we realise we cannot eat money.' Did you know that the images depicting mother and child across the planet earth is the only known planet in our solar system with throughout history. These are an ancient reminder of a tectonic plates? The crust that offers a firm ground is view once held globally that humans lived as children of always in motion. The continents move around the and on Mother Earth, aware of their relationship. In planet! It is all part of an active organism. Earth as a Hindu tradition Kali is the mother planet has infinite wisdom and will that can create and preserve life but use it to keep the balance of life she is also the cosmic power that without any judgement. When life is can destroy life. All of this speaks of threatened to the point that Earth a 'force' that is able to recycle life in can not sustain life any more, she every imaginable detail and too will 'die', 'follow the path to unlimited potential; a well of Spirit' and be 'reborn', however this creation from which all earthly life may come to pass. blossoms. In that sense Earth as a Humankind's temporary condition is planet and creative mind is a such that many individuals have Mother indeed. Her children are the forgotten that Earth and all its physical expressions on this planet: organisms are interdependent. soil, sea, plants, trees, animals, Nature, in my understanding being humans, atmosphere and other the physical manifestation and manifestations invisible to human collective mind of all organic life- eyes! The name Gaia for our planet forms originating from and has gained popularity since the Gaia belonging to the planet we know as hypothesis was formed in the mid Earth, is crafted as a brilliant 1960's. It proposes that our planet masterpiece of creation. Within functions as a single organism that nature lives humankind as a group maintains conditions necessary for entity, and within that group-mind its survival. exist pockets of energy created by I'm interested in the current view of the meaning of humans who are treating life as 'some-thing' that can be earth. I always thought it was a denotation for the planet used for the fulfilment of their desires where every other and all life upon it: one living entity of which I am part life form is subject to their selfish wishes. It is upsetting physically. In lesser meaning (but not in value) it is 'the the balance of Gaia and she has to maintain the substance of the land' upon which we build our houses, conditions necessary to survival. grow our food and bury our dead. How do you see it? I Is it not interesting then to find that in our times there is wonder why other planets a vast amount of 'spiritual' carry the name of a god or children and a fast-growing goddess thus representing a number of humans who are related energy, influence or being healed from their magical power but earth's conditions through meaning implies soil, dirt, individual life experiences ground or land? Have our and as a result they are now mindsets gone from earth as treating creation with a planet to earth as land? kindness and respect. The And if so, what is the effect more they are remembering, of this decentralised the more they are becoming thinking? We see forests aware of the gift they being sold off and natural inherited from Gaia: their resources dug up to be sold creative force. It awakens! to the highest bidder. Earth And it is a mighty force. A as land has become giant! As fierce as Kali and as something to trade. Would creative as IO. We are that you trade your mother for money? A Cree Indian wisdom force, we are Gaia! You, me, every awakened soul is states that 'Only when the last tree has died, and the last representing the parts of Gaia that have symbolically


'died, found Spirit and been reborn'. This is how it is the awe, the delightful perfection of Creation. And know: coming to pass! This is Genesis 1:1. A new beginning! You humans can not take it apart! don't have to wait for it, it has already begun. En masse. The path ahead is to 'take right action'. Let go of fear, And you are taking part in this planetary rebirth. In fact worries, incapabilities and frozenness of hearts. Instead YOU are taking the major stage! open up to wonderment, excitement, trust and positive- It is time to shed clouded beliefs and find True Vision. mindedness. Allow yourself to start seeing the precious Start re-membering! A deep knowing of Truth will spark a gift of life through the eyes of a newborn. Let Gaia take profound feeling in you. Gaia is in you and you are her. you by the hand and take care of you while you heed her The Healer is healing. You ARE the Healing. Remember gentle guidance. Use your physical lifespan to honour the now. Close the circle and complete the cycle. Gaia is true gift of Life in your own unique and beautiful way. rebirthing herself through you. Remember the beauty, Re-member and come full circle. May the Force be with you!

We are Infinite Beings

by PC member Beatriz Gonzales

Thank you for the warm welcome into Parallel Community. As with many of you, my calling is in healing. I have been a dowser for 34 years and I use it to facilitate healing for others. Even though the main focus of my work has been with physical healing using herbs and remedies, I now know that we can live beyond disease. We have the ability within to heal ourselves, to know ourselves as whole: body, mind and spirit, and to live from this knowing. This is a truth that many of us collectively are awakening to. For me, it started with a sense of discomfort with the concept that we, the sons and daughters of the Creator, are “victims” of something outside of ourselves such as the environment (chemicals, metals, radiation, infections, parasites, fungi and so on). In the spirit of honouring my truth and that of all sentient beings, I had to acknowledge that labelling physical symptoms and treating them with remedies was not enough. Disease may manifest physically, but its origin is elsewhere in our being. I set out to understand this source. Through the process of acceptance, forgiveness, lovingness and a willingness to let go of the held beliefs, past memories and negative emotions that underlie disease, I discovered a small miracle! I tapped into a part of me that is beyond this third density life experience. I accessed my higher self and through this experienced the ability of my infinite nature to heal myself. This experience was familiar to me as I had accessed this aspect of my being two decades before through a near death experience (NDE).

Twenty-four years ago my lungs filled with fluid due to malaria and I died. I was on life support for five days, in a coma for two weeks, and in ICU for over two months. I left my body several times and this opened me to a new awareness of myself as infinite, pure light. When I was discharged from the hospital my lung capacity was only 45%. I refused prednisone, oxygen and an array of medications prescribed along with my doctor’s declaration that I would need these for the rest of my life to survive. So confident was I of my self-healing ability that I threw away these prescriptions, including the one for oxygen, before leaving the hospital. To be very honest, once at home I struggled to breathe, to walk, to just sit up; but I trusted in my infinite nature to manifest through this broken body and to heal it. Each day I took a few more steps. Five months later, and many miles of walking throughout my neighbourhood, my lung capacity was restored to 98%!

Through this I learned that we are infinite beings with infinite potential, and nothing in this third density life experience can annihilate us. Our walk on this planet is the path in the realization of the self as pure being. Our life challenges are not meant to destroy us. They provide us with the opportunity to let go of the illusion of form and its limitations. We are here to awaken to our true nature, to our power within and to our purpose for being, which is love of self and others. It is not just about healing disease, but about living from the resiliency of pure being, beyond the physical, mental and emotional toxicity that may manifest in our third density environment.

I continue my work with physical healing and I teach it as well, although it is not the main focus of my life now. I recognize that we have a body to carry our spirit through this lifetime on the earth plane. We honour it and maintain it in health. I also conduct retreats to facilitate presence for others and to introduce them to the miracle of self healing. I invite you to share in this journey of self healing with me through my website: . I created this website to facilitate healing for others as much as for myself. May it inspire you and support you on your path.


Carwynnen Quoit – book launch

PC members who have been following the project to restore the ruined Carwynnen Quoit are warmly invited to the launch of the commemorative booklet ‘The Restoration of Carwynnen Quoit’, a non-academic record of the award- winning restoration and its associated projects. It will be available for a small donation towards the Sustainable Trust’s next project. All aspects of the project are described, from excavations and finds to the ‘Ballad of Carwynnen’, poems, oral and local history. Authors and contributors will be available to sign your copy. The suggested donation of £6 for the book will help cover printing costs and fund Sustrust’s next project. Short films about the Quoit will be shown, refreshments will be available and there will be an opportunity to buy a print of the 2014 recreation of the 1925 Old Cornwall Society’s picnic. email [email protected] to reserve a copy.

Come along to Troon Church Hall, Treslothan Road, TR14 8EG on Saturday December 6th, 6pm to 8pm. Recently the restoration was awarded the Council for British Archaeology’s Marsh Award for Community Archaeology, a national award. The project manager was also the first lady recipient of the Sir Richard Trant Heritage Champion award from the Cornwall Heritage Trust.

In Commitment by PC 'Grandmother' Ba Miller I would like to bring the word commitment into focus. The dictionary defines it as “to pledge or to become involved”. Recently the Core Team of Parallel Community have experienced the unfortunate effect of the lack of honouring the meaning of this word. We are proud and delighted to organise speakers and workshops for folks to enjoy and learn from. It is one of the things we do. However, in order for us to continue to run these events (and we have some really exciting speakers and events lined up over the next few months), we need your commitment, help and co-operation. Sadly, we recently had to cancel a Mathew Manning Healing Circle, simply because we did not have sufficient funds in advance to ensure that the day was economically viable. Lots of people expressed an interest, but not enough of them committed to the event by sending us their payment in advance. This meant that we had many disappointed people on our hands. When booking our talks and events, it is really important that we know well in advance the numbers who are coming, so that the practicalities of the day can be organised. Please, please, in future do commit to the event by letting us have your payment in advance, so we can reserve your place and ensure the event goes ahead. This makes our lives so much easier, and ensures that we can pay the speaker and all the associated expenses, and not have to cancel, as we did with Mathew. So thank you in advance for being committed!!

The Journey – Outer and Inner

By PC member Kirsten Bolwig

Gradually over several years, a sense of having lost my way has crept over me. What is my purpose and how can I express it now that I have entered the Third Age? Momentarily, I have a flashback of the ceremony in the Esselen tribal round-house when I listened for the first time to a version of how the sacred hoop was broken. It was being used to

7 describe how our culture with its economic progress has led to the breakdown we see everywhere in the world, both ecologically and in human terms. Along with many other guests, I had held the talking stick vowing to do my part in safeguarding life on earth and mending the sacred hoop. When my healing group’s activities seemed to be failing, I looked for additional ways to express sacred activism. I overlooked the fact that everything unfolds at the right time as I joined groups and worked tirelessly for several years, until I felt exhausted and empty of anything to give. Confusion set in, clouding my understanding. I temporarily lost sight of all that I knew. It was at this point that a vision I had had in 2000 popped into my mind which indicated that the southwestern states had significance for me. Perhaps I would find the answer there. I contacted a Native American email friend for advice and was invited to visit him in Hot Springs as the starting point of the quest. Needing no further encouragement, I bought my tickets for USA and set off. I was expecting to meet a group of Native Americans in Hot Springs called the Manataka Community. I got it wrong. The ‘we’ spoken of in the emails turned out to be the royal ‘we’. He was a charming elderly Native American man called Lee Standing Bear Moore. He looked after me well, taking me up the sacred Manataka Mountain where hot springs gushed out of the earth and cascaded down the slopes. He introduced me to nearby West Mountain. I loved the wilderness of it and took myself off there to walk on my own on one of the days. But my time would have been even more interesting if there had been a Native American community for me to meet as I had supposed in the first instance. Much of the time in my first days there was spent in a dingy Travel Lodge room feeling very bored and miserable. The motel was in a depressed area surrounded by derelict buildings, and nowhere to go, not even the usually ever-present diner. In the end I hired a car and my life perked up with my new-found freedom. Hot Springs gave me a taste of how out of balance much of urban American life must be. Everyone seemed to be overworked, over-striving, overwhelmed and over-stressed. The trip as a whole went well although a couple of times I had near misses in the hire car when I turned onto the highway on the wrong side of the road. People were very patient with me though letting me sort myself out and luckily, no one got hurt. It was such a relief to arrive in the pueblo country of the South West where I found space and a more relaxed pace. I drove from Taos, New Mexico through to Arizona and up into Navajo and Hopi reservation country to get to Flagstaff. I stayed two nights in Window Rock, which I found to be very special. The rocks hum with energy and I was able to spend time amongst them, walking and sitting for long moments. There was a big thunderstorm on the day I went to visit Canyon de Chelly. Because of the lashing rain and the poor road conditions, I was forced to go sooooo slowly that I arrived too late to visit the canyon, and returned to Window Rock having never seen it! A long and very frustrating drive but I look upon it as an adventure in its own right. Plenty of medicine in there too!! I got to visit Walnut Canyon and Oak Creek Canyon between Flagstaff and Sedona instead which made up for it. Sedona High Street I found hideous with its commercialism and spent just long enough there to drink a cup of coffee. I spent my last day in the bush just south of Bell Rock, Sedona. It was a perfect day, all on my own amongst nature. Nature is what spoke to me, not people. I have come away with a great deal of Raven medicine. Twice they joined me during meditations in the bush; the second time two landed in a small tree within eight feet of me. I was sitting still so maybe they came to check out whether I was a tasty bit of carrion. In the bush land near Bell Rock, Sedona, Bear came, and Wolf, in stone silhouettes, as confirmation that my requests for guidance were being heard. I am going to have to dig out the medicine cards and read their teachings. I wish I could have had more contact with Native Americans than I did, but there were a few memories to treasure. There was one lunchtime moment on Columbus Day with the community of Pojoaque Pueblo north of Santa Fe. My host and I stumbled across a small private gathering celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It was quite by chance. A troupe of young dancers were about to dance the hoop dance. We were invited to join the proud mums, dads, aunties and uncles watching. Afterwards we were invited to share a meal consisting of traditional Native American dishes. It was delicious and aromatic with the herbs gathered from the scrubland surrounding the pueblo. I sat between two young teenagers and was struck by a wonderful mix of simplicity and sophistication, the love of traditional stories counterbalancing the casual adeptness of using mobile phone technology as they saved my email address. The warm, spontaneous generosity of the invitation to the shared lunch made it a rich, wonderful connection. I was given a parting gift: a large loaf of bread smelling of sage brush and cedar wood smoke that had been baked in the old bread oven outside the community centre. What a memory to cherish.


Some days later, I had a sweet but short interlude with an old couple in their home in Oraibi, Hopiland. They were so charming, so genuine and so, so poor. We talked about their corn and the poor harvest they had had because of the excessively dry year. They would just be able to manage and get by until next harvest. The old gentleman got out four colours of dried corn on the cobs and strung them together to represent the four directions and I bought them gladly. They now hang at the entrance of my house. On my window sill nearby, stands another precious item, a little terracotta pot made by a little Hopi girl in elementary grade. It was a gift. The tiny pot has been decorated round the rim with the Hopi symbol for rain and polished with a pebble to a high gloss. I love it. It has become my cauldron of potential, my container of possibilities. Back here in England, I am gradually beginning to sift through all the moments along the journey and finding lots of memories that sparkle like little jewels. The Quest. Did I get what I needed? Yes, I think I did. Here is a summary of what I have learned so far. Primarily, the journey itself was the answer. I am in the uncharted waters of the Third Age. I need to see it as an adventure, another form of travelling into the unknown like my fearless Viking ancestors did on their epic journeys. I got my answer first in a metaphor. It was very tellingly presented when I was in Window Rock sitting full of peace looking towards the great circular window opening. The amazing natural phenomenon looked like the Sacred Hoop of the Lakota Sioux spiritual teachings, whole and unbroken and beautiful. In Native American teachings the circle is all-important. I found myself remembering the Navajo spiritual teachings for balance and harmony to be found in the Beauty Way, the importance of the medicine- wheel, the honouring each day of the four directions. I had the opportunity to stay all day but I didn’t. I did not understand that this was the answer I was seeking. I was expecting something even more dramatic. Thoughts of the mystical Canyon De Chelly enticed me away on a fruitless 187 mile journey. I had set off in the afternoon. I took the wrong road twice near the start which should have made me stop and think. Then the violent storm broke. It was fierce enough to turn anyone back but Taurean stubbornness asserted itself and I would not listen even though I registered the signs. The storm showed me something else. The fogged windscreen and the driving rain showed me how I was not seeing where I was going. Confusion was clouding the way. I was going round in circles. Crawling along at 20 miles an hour for long stretches I did not arrive until well after five in the evening. The way to the Canyon was closed off and nightfall was close at hand. I was forced to continue onwards and round back to Window Rock. As a result I found myself going full circle without ever seeing it. It was a long time before I saw the Navajo sense of humour showing through the events of the day. The trickster Coyote, called Ma’ii, by Navajo, grinned throughout. He is an old friend and companion of mine. In the journey I was also being given the answer to my quest at the same time. Full circle means completion. The circular drive was in itself the answer in a metaphor. I am Back to the Beginning (Away publications) to my Quest for Unity (Star Drum Books). My sacred activism can return to a simpler expression once again. Living according to the teachings of the Beauty Way, honouring the four directions, remembering the balanced integration of the Sacred Hoop are perfect, powerful ways to serve. A much quieter way than the active role I have been playing up to now. Threading all the way through this journey towards wholeness has been an understanding of integration of opposites that culminates in the sacred union of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. I have been speaking for years that our spiritual evolution has arrived at the time of this union. But one thing I have not understood clearly until I had completed this journey, is that for that union to take place, the Divine Feminine has to be raised and strengthened again. The contrast between American urban life and the wide-open spaces of nature brought this home to me. This new awareness will no doubt result in some other subtle shift of emphasis in my activities. I wonder what that will look like! I hope to complete the third book in my quest trilogy, Spirit Kettle, sometime next year.


New Earth Institute

Nathascha Heijen tells us about an interesting website she has discovered. She says she likes especially the end of the five-minute video, with the world-wide connections. The website says, “The New Earth Institute carries the honour and distinction of becoming an international, interactive hub and chalice for wisdom-keeping, knowledge sharing, and freedom of continued learning for each person on the planet regardless of origin, status, age or background. We invite and connect leading pioneers and institutions to nest within our continually growing 'Academies'.” The promotional video can be found at

WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS! There is now a grand total of 555 members waiting to talk to you and get to know you on the PC Meeting Place. When are you going to go on-line and sign up so you can get to know them? New people are asked to tell us something about themselves, and share the particular skills and talents they could bring to PC. The following were responses from the people who have recently joined. If you want to get in touch with any of them – get on line, and make contact. After all, that is the whole point of Parallel Community: to bring people together who are doing amazing work, and to make them realise that they are not alone. Andrea Martin is our first member from Hawaii! She closely connected to Gaia and spent several years lives in Pahoa, where she has lived off grid for over ten merging Native American traditions with my own Celtic years. She is a retired RN, and is currently working on heart. Recently, after an intense period of health issues, an online Anthropology degree. She says she has I again found the center of my chest and live there as “Megalithomania”! much as my friend, the mind, will allow.

Michael Kenneth Lee comes from Llandudno in Wales, “My dream is to live/play/work in a spiritual eco and says, “Amazing and positive things are happening community. I would love to be mentored by someone all over the world familiar with walking in other dimensions with the and I feel happy to intention of guiding others in the same path once I have be able to do my bit, come to some point of mastery. I am not wealthy in a and I am constantly material sense but I live in abundance of spirit with a looking into getting passion to see our planet evolve to our next highest more involved and level of awareness, which I believe to be Oneness. As to deepening my own what I can actually bring to the table, that is something knowledge and I'm still sitting with daily. I'm sure the answers will come meeting people at some point and when they come I will definitely let doing likewise. I first heard of the Waitaha while you know. So far now let's just say my heart is open to working on an eco-village located on one of their sacred all possibilities and when one of those possibilities sites near to Kaiwaka, New Zealand; then I found some manifests in form as my next step I will dedicate 173% friends back home were also friends of Hamish Miller of my energy to it. If that makes any sense.” and Ba Russell and had his book about their work with Leatha Maude Wright, from Virginia, USA, is “…RN 24 Barry Brailsford in NZ! Such synchronicity is quite years. Reiki master. Interested in theology, history, commonplace I find! This has led me to this great philosophy, the Universe and saving our planet.” She website! It would be great to connect and to learn more says, “Hi everyone. Happy to be a part of something about dowsing and earth energies.” wonderful for planet earth and its beings." Randall Watts lives in Canyon Lake, Texas. He describes Graeme is from Tararua, New Zealand, and says, “Need himself as follows. “I left a very traditional and to tune in with earth and live off the grid”. conservative home in a small west Texas town at age 16 to follow my Soul's path. It has been quite the Simon Fearn from Devon tumultuous journey. Just having celebrated my 61st (left) says “I worry about birthday, I am conscious of just how much that 45 year the planet and feel we who journey has opened my heart and want to join with are of a different way of other hearts of a similar vibration to bring about a thinking should make every higher level of Consciousness to the entire planet. effort to build community.” I have participated in many forms of spirituality along Artist Caro Woods, from the way but being of Scots/Irish descent my heart Penzance, Cornwall, says belongs to the Celtic traditions and rituals. I am very she is “interested in the healing power of colour, both 10

physically and emotionally. How we can make tune into the atmospheric pressure to know I will be meaningful connections with our bodily chakra energies suffering more stiffness etc. I love making nice recipes to the landscape, animals and people around us.” from home grown fruit and veg. I am an IACP Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and can pick up Yvette Layzell, of Tintagel, Cornwall, describes her skills on the energy of clients. I also want to live in and sleep and talents as “Land reading, in a safe spot in my home.” land memory reading, dowsing, teaching, intuitive Finally, Beatriz Gonzales, who comes from Helote, reading, higher consciousness, Texas, writes, “I am seeking community and sharing heart centred visions, personal with friends of like mind, heart and spirit. I am a dowser development, physic reading, and use it to facilitate healing for others for 34 years facilitation, vibrational energy, now. I believe that we have the ability to heal ourselves home harmonisation.” and have created a website to support those on the path to self-healing. Thank you to all who have brought Kathleen hails from Galway, Ireland; she says, “I grew your visions and energies together to form this Parallel up on a farm and living of the farm is entwined in my Community!” She has explained her path in detail in an whole being. I am very interested in living in harmony article earlier in this newsletter. with nature, food and people. I have arthritis and can

A very warm welcome goes to all these ‘new’ PC people!

Have you been meaning to sign up to the Meeting Place yourself and just not quite got round to it? It’s actually not difficult. Go to and click at the top right where it says, “If you’re not a member, click here to sign up” – (even if you have been a PC-er for years!) and follow the instructions, creating a new account, and click ‘sign up’. If you have already signed up to the Meeting Place but have forgotten your password, (we all do it!), that’s no problem: just click where it says “Forgot your password?” If you have any difficulty at all, email the main PC email address as below and someone will help you. If you are on Facebook, you can also join our open Facebook group, which has reached the grand total of 300 members. Go to

We will dance the magic dance And in time we will remember We will sing the magic songs and together re member How to live together How to love each other How to ride the dragons How to call the unicorns home! Yuletide greetings and good wishes. (William Ash Bason) Nadelik Lowen ha Bledhen Nowyth Da! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

PARALLEL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Please send articles, thoughts, poems, photographs, ideas, etc to the address below, by post or email.

The next newsletter will be coming out early in February; the deadline is Friday January 30. Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to any friends you think might be interested.

The Parallel Community, c/o Treviscoe, Trencrom, Lelant Downs, , Cornwall TR27 6NP, UK [email protected]