President Secretary & Treasurer Val Moore Nick Bartle 53 Philpotts Road 88 Weka Street Mairehau Miramar Christchurch 8052 Wellington 6022 Ph: (03) 386 1313 Ph: (04) 388 1958 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] Web Site: NEWSLETTER L y t h e r - n o w o d h o w holders. Change of guard There was a change of guard at the When the business was over, Jonathan Hollow National Biennial meeting in New spoke to the meeting. He is a young medical Plymouth on Saturday 9 May. student based at Barts Hospital and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. He was in Everyone had a lot of fun at the New Plymouth gaining clinical experience at meeting hosted by the Taranaki Taranaki Base Hospital and shared with us his Branch. The venue and the street experiences of growing up in Hayle and being outside were decorated with a black taken to all sorts of Cornish events by his and white theme based on St Piran’s grandmother, a bard. flag. The volume of conversation and laughter only dropped when the Jean was pasties were served and, when the Elaine James presented with food was cleared away, the and Carol gifts to mark her formalities of the meeting began. Cowling. retirement. The Christchurch Nick Bartle gave his president’s report for the two Branch gave her 5 years and then Jean Harry presented the a Celtic knot finances. brooch and the Taranaki members laying out the 2 0 1 Val Moore of Christchurch was elected to the National spread of delicious food.