Lindsay Hardy the man who wrote from Lindsay Street Victor Harbor —via Adelaide & Sydney— to the Middle East, North Africa, New Guinea, to Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, North America —Vancouver, Hollywood, Toronto, New York— to London, Sydney, to permanent expatriacy in London Peter Adamson To Angus ‘Gus’ Dodd of the 2/48th, who, typical of the vast majority of diggers, said so little of his war service that it was only when I researched Hardy’s life that I gained an inkling of what he endured. ©2014 Peter David Adamson 7 Horn Court, Walkerville. South Australia. 5081. <
[email protected]> (08) 8344-3709 2 Lindsay Hardy was Australia’s finest writer of suspense thrillers for radio. Born in Victor Harbor, South Australia, he moved to Sydney, joined the army in December 1939, was wounded twice (once in North Africa and again in New Guinea), returned to Australia, and began writing radio serials. He and his serials soon became household names. He then sought fame in Hollywood and was successful, until McCarthyite hysteria saw him refused residential status. Disappointed, he moved to Cana- da and London; came back to Sydney, then finally, with very little work in Australian radio and television for writers of drama, re- turned to England and permanent expatriacy. 3 Lindsay Hardy the man who wrote Contents Preface 5 Acknowledgments 7 Introduction: Who was Lindsay Hardy? 9 1. Starting points: from Lindsay Street Victor Harbor to Sydney 12 September 1914-December 1939 2. To World War II: the Middle East and New Guinea 15 December 1939-November 1943 3.