D&D 5E – Cat Girls
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CREDITS Story Creators: Adam Lee (lead), James lntrocaso, Ari Levitch, Producers: Dan Tovar, Bill Benham Mike Mearls, Lysa Penrose, Christopher Perkins, Ben Petrisor, Product Engineer: Cynda Callaway Matthew Sernett, Kate Welch, Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood Imaging Technicians: Sven Bolen, Carmen Cheung, Kevin Yee Story Consultants: Joe Manganiello, Jim Zub Art Administrator: David Gershman Writers: Bill Benham, M.T. Black, Dan Dill on, Justin Donie, Prepress Specialist: Jefferson Dunlap James J. Haeck, James lntrocaso, Adam Lee, Chris Lindsay, Fra nchise & Global Brand Strategy: Nathan Stewart Liane Mersiel, Sh awn Merwin, Lysa Penrose, Christopher Perkins, Director of Licensing & Publishing: Liz Schuh F. Wes ley Schneider, Amber Scott, James Sutter Licensing Manager: Hilary Ross Developers: Jeremy Crawford, Dan Dillon, Ben Petrisor, Kate Welch Marketing and Communications: Bart Carroll, Pelham Greene, Editors: Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Hannah Rose, Greg Tito, Anna Vo F. Wesley Schneider Brand Manager: Shelly Mazzanoble Managing Editor: Christopher Perkins Playtest Coordinator: Bill Benham Art Director: Kate Irwin Graphic Designers: Emi Tanji, Trish Yochum The following D&D books provided material and inspiration: Concept Art Director: Richard Whitters Greenwood, Ed, Matt Sernett, Alexander Winter, and Steve Winter. Creative Art Director: Shauna Narciso Murder in Baldur's Gate. 2013. Cover Illustrators: Tyler Jacobson, Hydro74 Greenwood, Ed , and others. Lords of Darkness. 1988. Interior Illustrators: Victor Adame Minguez, Even Amundsen, Kenson, Steve, and others. Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. 201 S. Alexey Aparin, Mark Behm, Michael Berube, Zoltan Boros, Aleksi Mearls, Mike, Jeremy Crawford, and others. Mordenkainen's Tome Briclot, Christoph er Burdett, Sam Burley, Wesley Burt, Clint ofFoes. 2018. Cearley, Sidh arth Chaturvedi, Daarken, Olga Drebas, Steve Ellis, ---. Vo/o's Guide to Monsters. 2016. Nils Hamm, Leesha Hannigan, Ralph Horsley, La ke Hu rwitz, Perkins, Christopher, Wil l Doyle, and Steve Winter. Tomb of Tyler Jacobson, Sam Keiser, Julian Kok, Daniel Landerman, Larian Annihilation. 2017. Studios, Titus Lunter, Brynn Metheney, Scott Murphy, Claudio Pozas, Vincent Proce, Chris Rallis, Mike Schley, llya Shkipin, Vanthampur Villa was inspired by a bu ilding design by Dean Turner. David Sladek, Zack Stella, Matt Stewart, Cory Trego-Erdner, Beth Trott, Unit Image, Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood, Ben Wootten Concept Illustrators: Aleksi Briclot, Daarken, Max Dunbar, Titus D1ulo1mtr; This adventure i.s o work offies ion aimed at provfd•rig 1ou and your friends with Lunter, Vince Proce, Richard Whitters, Shawn Wood mony hours offon1osiic enurtoinmen1. Alrltou11t dt•ils ond rite Nine Hells ploy promintnl roles 1n this story. the evil shey ttpresent ;s m1oni to "4 foughe offd ove"omt. Vlizo1ds of Infernal Font Designer: Daniel Reeve 1h1 CooSI fully endorses <he kicking of e•il's bun. Lii darkness foll and logh1 prevail! Wt Interior Cartographers: Dyson Logos, Mike Schley srron1ly od•iu 1ho1 you no1play1his odvtnrure bockword. lest Asmodtus appear in a puff Poster Map Cartographer: Jared Blando ofsmoke to tolk politics. as archfiends ore wont to do. ON THE COVER ON THE ALTERNATIVE COVER The symbol of Bhaal fills the sky over Avernus as the River Styx The flame-ringed skull of Bhaal, bound on either side by Zariel's seethes below. Illustrator Tyler Jacobson shows the archdevil Zari el angelic sword, adorns the front cover. On the back cover, the reaching for her sword- a reminder of her angelic origins-as her archdevil of Avernus herself graces us with her fiendish presence. evil henchman Haruman follows her into damnation. Both covers were created by Hydro74. 620C7231 000001 EN ISB N: 978-0-7869-6687-5 First Printin g: September 2019 CE 987654321 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D. Wizards of tho Coast, Forcotton R.. lms, tho dragon ampersand, Player's Handbook. Mon.ltr Manual. Oun11on Mouer·s Gv•dt. •II other Wizards of the Coast product n•mes, •nd their rtspectove locos art trademarks ofWizards of the Coast in the USA and other countrios. The characters of Arkhan the Cruel. To<ogar Sreelfist, and Krull tht Tor-tit. and their distinctive likenesses. art ptoptrty of Joe- Manganiello and art used 1n this product w11h permission. All other characters and their d1stinct1Yt likenesses are ptopetty of Wizards of the Coast. This mater•al •s protected under the copyright Jaws o( the United Statts of America. Any reproduction or unauthortzed use of the material or artwork cont11ntd herein is prohibited without the tic press written permission of Wizards of the Coasc . P1inted 1n tht USA. ()2019 Wizards of th• Coast LLC, PO Box 707. Ronton. WA 98051·0101, USA Manufactured by Hasbro SA. Ru• Emlle·Bo<!chat 31, 2800 CH. Represented hr Hubro De Entrcc 240 1101 EE Amsterdam NI CONTENTS Pronunciation Gulde ................................ 4 Uldrak's Grave ...................................... 109 App. C: Maalc Items ..............................223 About the Adventure ................................. 5 Arkhan's Tower .................................... 110 App. D: Creatures .. : ............................... 228 Adventure Overview ................................... 5 Monument to Tiamai... ........................ 112 Amnizu ....................................................... 228 Adventure Background .............................. 7 Bel's Forge ............................................. 113 Baphomet .................................................. 229 Roleplaying Devils ...................................... 8 Sibriex .................................................... 116 Bulezau ......................................................230 Life in the Nine Hells .................................. 9 Wrecked Flying Fortress ................... ll8 Crokek'toeck ............................................. 230 Other Locations ....................................... 122 Cultists of the Dead Three ........... .. ....... 231 Cb. 1: A Tale ofTwo Cities ..................... 10 Styg·an Dock 123 1 · ......................................... Fiendish Flesh Golem ............................ 236 Fall ofElturel. ............................................. l 0 Sty Watchtowers 124 x ································ Hellwasp ............................................. ....... 237 Evil in BaJdur's Gate ................................. 11 Sundered Chai"ns ................................. 126 Holl phant 237 Running This Chapter............ .................. 11 T w d · E 126 y ............................................... .. The Basilisk Gate ...................................... 12 he l'anFle:ing"' mporium ................ 130 Merregon ................................................... 238 Zarie s ying rortress...................... Na go 238 Elfsong Tavern ........................................... l6 Roaming Encounter: Smiler rzu n ................................................. .. Dungeon of the Dead Three.................... 20 D fit Nupperibo.................... .............................. 238 the e er.............................. ................ 133 Redcap 240 Low Lantern ............................................... 28 ······················································· Van thampur V1.1 1a ..................................... 32 Ch. 4: Sword ofZarlel.................... ....... 134 Tressym .....................................................240 Under the Villa ........................................... 37 Approaching the Citadel ........................ 134 White Abishai ...........................................241 Final Encounters in Baldur's Gate ........ 42 The Scab.................................................... 134 Yeenoghu ...................................................242 journey to Candlekeep ............................. 43 Entering the Citadel ................................ 139 Zariel .......................................................... 243 ldyllglen ..................................................... Candlekeep ................................................. 45 140 App. E: Infernal Rapture Menus ....... 244 Claiming the Sword ................................ 145 Getting to Avernus .................................... 50 App. F: Story Concept Art ...................246 Ch. 2: Elturel Has Fallen..... ................... 52 Ch. S: Escape from Avernus ............... 146 Who Should Rule Avernus? .................. 146 App. G: lnfernal Script .... ..................... 256 Running This Chapter .............................. 52 Arrival in Elturel.. ...................................... 52 Will Elturel Be Saved? ........................... 150 Maps High Hall ..................................................... 58 Endgame in Elturel ................................. 154 1.1: Baldur's Gate. ...................................... 13 Grand Cemetery ........................................ 64 Baldur's Gate Gazetteer... .................... 158 1.2: Elfsong Tavern ................................... 17 Escaping the Siege..... ............................... 71 History of Baldur's Gate......................... 158 1.3: Dungeon of the Dead Three.......... .. 21 1.4: Low Lantern................................ ........ 29 Ch. 3: Avernus ........................................... 74 Baldur's Gate Today ................................ 159 · g Th' Ch t Government .............................................. 161 1.5: Vanthampur Villa ............................... 33 R unnm 1s ap