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CERN Courier December 2017 CERN Courier December 2017 Advanced and novel accelerators Faces & Places improved bunch quality at higher energy, with the staging of two accelerating structures and fi rst proposals of conceptual ALC designs. The third phase, also lasting fi ve years, will focus on the reliability of the acceleration process, while the fourth phase will A PPOINTMENTS be dedicated to technical design reports for an ALC by 2035, fol- lowing selection of the most promising options. KEK and Fermilab directors reappointed Community effort KEK/FNAL The leaders of two of the world’s foremost Many very important challenges remain, such as improving the high-energy physics laboratories have been quality, stability and effi ciency of the accelerated beams with ANAs, reappointed for second terms. Director but no show-stopper has been identifi ed to date. However, the pro- general of the KEK laboratory in Japan, posed time frame is achievable only if there is an intensive and co- Masanori Yamauchi, has been granted a ordinated R&D effort supported by suffi cient funding for ANA second three-year term lasting until 2021, technology with particle-physics applications. The preparation of while, independently, director of Fermilab in the US, Nigel Lockyer, has been appointed an eventual technical design report for an ALC at the energy frontier for a second five-year term. should therefore be under taken by the ANA community with signifi - Since April 2015, Yamauchi has overseen cant contributions from the whole accelerator community. KEK’s accelerator upgrades for various From the current state of wakefi eld acceleration in plasmas and facilities including the transformation of dielectrics, it is clear that advanced concepts offer several prom- KEKB into SuperKEKB (CERN Courier ising options for energy frontier electron–positron and electron– September 2016 p32). Neutrinos have proton colliders. In view of the signifi cant cost of intense R&D for been another focus of his directorship, in particular improving the precision of an ALC, an international programme, with some level of interna- neutrino-mixing measurements at the tional co-ordination, is more suitable than a regional approach. T2K experiment and supporting the next Masanori Yamauchi (left) and Nigel Lockyer remain in post. Following the April ANAR workshop, a study group towards generation of long-baseline neutrino advanced linear colliders, named ALEGRO for Advanced LinEar experiments. The search committee cited of Fermilab since 2013, before which Dakota for the international DUNE project. collider study GROup, has been set up to co-ordinate the prepa- Yamauchi’s “high international scientific he was director of Canada’s TRIUMF During his first term, Lockyer helped to ration of a proposal for an ALC in the multi-TeV energy range. rating, his ability to co-ordinate relationships laboratory. His second term, which begins position the US as a world leader in neutrino ALEGRO consists of scientists with expertise in advanced accel- both inside and outside KEK, and his vision on 3 September 2018, comes as Fermilab research, in addition to Fermilab’s strong for meeting KEK’s medium-term goals” begins building its flagship Long-Baseline role in the Large Hadron Collider and the erator concepts or accelerator physics and technology, drawn from among the reasons for the appointment. Neutrino Facility (LBNF), which will send CMS experiment at CERN, and continuing national institutions or universities in Asia, Europe and the US. Nigel Lockyer has been at the helm neutrinos underground from Illinois to South particle-astrophysics programme. The group will organise a series of workshops on relevant topics to engage the scientifi c community. Its fi rst objective is to prepare and A WARDS deliver, by the end of 2018, a document detailing the international roadmap and strategy of ANAs with clear priorities as input for APS announces 2018 prizes and awards BIG SCIENCE the European Strategy Group. Another objective for ALEGRO is BUSINESS FORUM to provide a framework to amplify international co-ordination on The American Physical Society (APS) this topic at the scientifi c level and to foster worldwide collabora- has announced the winners of its spring tion towards an ALC, and possibly broaden the community. After 2018 prizes and awards, several of which 26-28 FEBRUARY 2018 all, ANA technology represents the next-generation of colliders recognise contributions to high-energy COPENHAGEN, DENMARK and could potentially defi ne par ticle physics into the 22nd century. particle and nuclear physics. The W K H Panofsky Prize in EUROPE’S NEW ONE-STOP-SHOP ON Résumé Experimental Particle Physics went to Lawrence Sulak of Boston University “for THE BIG SCIENCE MARKET Ouvrir la voie pour les accélérateurs du futur novel contributions to detection techniques, including pioneering developments for Read more and register now at www.bsbf2018.org Des accélérateurs innovants, utilisant des techniques massive water Cherenkov detectors that Stay updated on @bsbf2018 and /BSBF2018 d’accélération par plasma et capables de fonctionner avec un led to major advances in nucleon decay gradient d’accélération supérieur V/m, pourraient atteindre and neutrino oscillation physics”. Sulak des nergies de l’ordre de TeV, de façon plus compacte et helped design and build the first massive effi cace que ceux basés sur les conceptions conventionnelles. Les liquid-scintillator calorimeter and large-area drift chambers, and also the défi s technologiques sont énormes et l’échelle de temps pour y forward calorimeter for the CMS detector parvenir longue, et la communaut internationale travaillant sur at the LHC. Also in the experimental les accélérateurs est encouragée collaborer au développement de arena, the Henry Primakoff Award for (Left to right) Lawrence Sulak, Eric Dahl, Keith Olive, Michael Dine, Ann Nelson, collisionneurs linéaires lectron-positon ou lectron-proton la Early-Career Particle Physics was granted Alexander Wu Chao, Bradley Sherrill, Edward Shuryak, who received key awards in frontière des énergies accessibles. to Eric Dahl of Northwestern University particle and nuclear physics. The annual American Physical Society (APS) awards take and Fermilab, citing his fundamental s into account “scores of outstanding nominees across the spectrum of physics disciplines”, contributions to the development of recognising the most accomplished, promising and respected scientists and leaders. Photo credit: LNM / Engage Brigitte Cros, CNRS, and Patric Muggli, MPP/CERN. 34 35 CCDec17_ALC.indd 34 01/11/2017 15:21 CCDec17_Faces&Places.indd 35 01/11/2017 15:23 CERNCOURIER www. V OLUME 5 7 N UMBER 1 0 D ECEMBER 2 0 1 7 CERN Courier December 2017 CERN Courier December 2017 Faces & Places Faces & Places S Bennett/CERNS new techniques for the direct detection of physics is shared between Michael Dine construction at MSU. The Herman Feshbach dark matter, including the use of bubble of the University of California in Santa Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics, chambers and xenon time projection Cruz and Ann Nelson of the University meanwhile, went to Edward Shuryak of Diamond anniversary chambers. of Washington. The citation noted the Stony Brook University “for his pioneering The Robert R Wilson Prize for pair’s groundbreaking explorations of contributions to the understanding of Achievement in the Physics of Particle physics beyond the Standard Model, strongly interacting matter under extreme Accelerators goes to Alexander Wu Chao of including their seminal joint work on conditions, and for establishing the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory “for dynamical supersymmetry breaking, foundations of the theory of quark–gluon insightful, fundamental and broad-ranging and for their innovative contributions to plasma and its hydrodynamical behaviour”. contributions to accelerator physics, a broad range of topics – including new A further 30 prizes and awards were Diamond Light Source including polarisation, beam–beam effects, models of electroweak symmetry breaking, announced by the APS, including the Dannie non-linear dynamics, and collective baryogenesis and solutions to the strong Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics instabilities, for tireless community charge-parity problem. awarded to Barry Simon of Caltech and leadership and for inspiring and educating In the nuclear-physics area, Bradley IBM “for his fundamental contributions On 10–11 October, the Germany generations of accelerator physicists”. Sherrill of the National Superconducting to the mathematical physics of quantum Federal Ministry of Education and Theorist Keith Olive of the University of Cyclotron Laboratory, located on the campus mechanics, quantum field theory, and Research (BMBF) together with CERN Minnesota has won the Hans A Bethe Prize of Michigan State University (MSU), statistical mechanics, including spectral held the 13th edition of the popular “for outstanding contributions across a won the Tom W Bonner Prize in Nuclear theory, phase transitions, and geometric industry event Germany at CERN. broad spectrum of fields including nuclear Physics for his scientific leadership in the phases, and his many books and monographs During the two days, 37 German physics, particle physics, theoretical and development and utilisation of instruments that have deeply influenced generations of companies showcased their latest observational astrophysics, and cosmology, and techniques for discovery and exploration researchers”. With a few exceptions, APS products and services