Reports, Accounts 1999, 2000 & 2001
Reports, Accounts 1999, 2000 & 2001 November, 2003 The Higher Education Authority An tÚdarás um Ard-Oideachas Marine House, Clanwilliam Court, Dublin 2 Reports, Accounts 1999, 2000 and 2001 ISBN 0-904556-83-2 Dublin Published by the Higher Education Authority To be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. or through any Bookseller Price €20 2003 contents The Higher Education Authority: Introductory Note . .9 HEA Members . .10 HEA Executive . .11-12 Part One - Report 1999, 2000, 2001 1. Introduction . .14 2 Full-time students in the Overall Third-level System . .14 3. Recurrent Funding . .16 3.1 Trends in Recurrent Funding . .16 3.1.1 Recurrent Income and Expenditure . .16 3.1.2 Universities Act 1997 . .17 3.1.3 Financial Position at Year-End . .18 3.1.4 NUI, RIA & NCEA . .19 3.2 EU Funding under the National Development Plan . .20 3.3 Training of Trainers Programme . .20 3.4 Quality Assurance Programme . .21 3.5 Tuition Fees . .21 3.6 Funding Mechanism . .22 3.7 Targeted Initiatives . .22 4. Capital Programme . .26 4.1 General Capital Programme 1999 – 2001 . .32 4.1.1 Projects Completed 1999 – 2001 . .32 4.1.2 Ongoing Projects 2001 . .32 4.1.3 Projects at Planning Stage 2001 . .33 4.2 European Regional Development Fund Programme ERDF 1994 – 1994 . .33 4.2.1 Completed Projects 1999 . .33 4.3 Joint Public/Private Initiative On Capital Funding (PPI) 1996 – 2004 . .34 4.3.1 Completed Projects (1999 – 2001) . .34 4.3.2 Ongoing Projects . .34 4.4 Joint funding: ERDF and PPI Programmes .
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