Analysis of the Tyler, Texas Housing Market
t,r '/ , ',bot pe? , <,, A. J,/,",4'/a-, ni!.i)',,,,'. ,' -.'l+oiu),,"'i,u,,,,. .\ W"ltfrp ' ?;:,,,,} 'j.,,o'' TYLER, TEXAS HOUSING MARKET as of F ebru a ry 1, 196 7 A Report by the DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVETOPMENT FED ERAt HOUSI NG ADMIN !STRATION WASHINGTON, D. C.2O1II October 1967 *)*.', ii"r,,. '"'""i nn , r,..' . i.- tr 'on ..... - "o.. , '' o.n'- rr "'t,^ { .rnd,,.\ Y;- ! ANALYSIS OF THE TYLER. TEXAS. HOUSING MARKET AS 0F FEBRUARI 1. 1902 Field Market Analysls Service Federal Housing Admini stration Department of Houslng and Urban DeveloprnenE Foreuord Ae e prbltc ren,lce to aoalat local houelng activitles t,hrough clearer underatandtng of local houslng market condlEions, FllA lnttlaEed publlcatlon of lte comprehenelve housing market analyses earty ln 1965. l{hrle each reporr la deelgned speclfically for FllA use ln adninlctertng ltr mortgage lnsurance operatlons, 1r le expected that the factual lnformatlon and the flndings and concluslonc of theee reports wllI be generally useful also to bullderrr loortgageea, and othere concerned wlEh local housing problene and to others havlng an lnterest ln local economlc con- dltlonr and trends. Slnce aerLet analyele ls not an exact eclence, the judgrnentat factor 1r lnportanE ln the developent of fjndlnge and conclusions. There wlIl be dlfferencea of opinlon, of courger in the lnter- pratatlon of avallable factual tnformatlon in determlning the abeorpt.lve capacity of the market and the requlrements for maln- tenance of a reasonable balance 1n demand-suppl.y relationshlps. The factucl'framework for each analysts is developed as Ehoroughly as poaslble on the baats of lnfornatlon avallable from both local and natlonal rourcee.
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