Zoom Instructions For IPad

STEP 1: You will need your APPLE ID: so put it here: ______

STEP 2: Go to the APPS Store

STEP 3: Look for the ZOOM APP

STEP 4: Select the ZOOM Cloud Meetings APP and GET IT

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STEP 5: You will need your APPLE ID Password and put it in and then click “INSTALL”

STEP 6: Window that says SIGN IN with APPLE ID… SIGN IN

STEP 7: You will see it downloading by the little square and circle around it.

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STEP 8: Then the ZOOM Cloud Meetings APP will say OPEN

STEP 9: Then your screen will show “Start A Meeting” Click bottom button “JOIN A MEETING”

STEP 10: Enter the Meeting ID# 588 332 9633 This # is the same for Prayer room and bible study.

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STEP 11: Screen will show “Video Preview” and possibly ask you “Zoom would like to access the camera. Click “OK”

STEP 12: Then your screen will show and image of “you” so click button “JOIN WITH VIDEO”

STEP 13: Then your screen will show “Zoom would like to send you notifications “click ALLOW”

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STEP 14: Then your screen will show a box “To hear others please join audio” - Click on blue button “Call using Internet Audio” - NOT Dial In.

And You should be connected directly into the meeting.

To Exit the Meeting, look for LEAVE THE MEETING (in red) on your screen, then select it.

MUTE/UN-MUTE BUTTON: If you are talking and people can’t hear you, look for the microphone in the bottom left corner, if there is a line through the microphone (/), and if it’s red, that means you are muted. To UN-MUTE, selected the microphone. Microphone will turn a different color.

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VIDEO / NO-VIDEO: If you are not able to see the people in the group, look for the video button. Press it, and see if your visibility of others changes.

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Now that you set up ZOOM on your device, and want to join a meeting using ZOOM,

STEP 1: You will just need to go to the movie ICON and click that. It’s the little blue square with movie camera.

It will take you directly to the meeting

STEP 2: “Start A Meeting” screen. Click bottom button “JOIN A MEETING”

STEP 3: Enter the Meeting ID# 588 332 9633 This # is the same for Prayer room and bible study.

Screen will show “Video Preview” and possibly ask you “Zoom would like to access the camera. Click “OK”

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To Exit the Meeting, look for LEAVE THE MEETING (in red) on your screen, then select it.