p\ aqO LIBRARY COPY r1U .77-2g/ WATER RESOURCES OF THE wripm. BARONA, CAPITAN GRANDE, AND SYCUAN INDIAN RESERVATIONS iillt°ail011111 SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Iea;astlk,1/4 staiik I00, N"O U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Open-File Report 11-289 \ PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE U.S. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS WATER RESOURCES DIVISION REPORTS SECTION lo - 77 ts) 7. yrVit 7 At; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES OF THE BARONA, CAPITAN GRANDE, AND SYCUAN INDIAN RESERVATIONS, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA By W. R. Moyle, Jr., and R. L. Blazs Open-File Report 77-289 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY RESTON, VA. MAR 1 9 1991 SR LIBRARY N") Menlo Park, California r--4 O In October 1977 CONTENTS Page Conversion factors IV Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Purpose and scope 3 Acknowledgments 3 Well- and spring-numbering system 4 Barona Indian Reservation 5 Location and general features 5 Hydrology 5 Conclusions 7 Capitan Grande Indian Reservation 7 Location and general features 7 Hydrology 8 Conclusions 9 Sycuan Indian Reservation 10 Location and general features 10 Hydrology 10 Conclusions 12 Selected references 13 Explanation of well-record tables 14 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Map of the Barona Indian Reservation, San Diego County, California, showing location of wells, springs, and surface-water measurement site In pocket 2. Map of the Capitan Grande Indian Reservation, San Diego County, California, showing location of surface-water gaging stations and measurement sites In pocket 3. Map of the Sycuan Indian Reservation, San Diego County, California, showing location of wells and surface-water gaging station In pocket Figure 1.
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