


1st Meeting, 2016 (Session 5)

Tuesday 14 June 2016


Jackie Baillie Ash Denham Liam Kerr Richard Leonard Gordon Lindhurst Gordon MacDonald Gillian Martin John Mason Gil Paterson Andy Wightman

The meeting opened at 10.03 am.

1. Declaration of interests: The oldest member present, Gil Paterson, invited members to declare any relevant interests. The following relevant interests were declared—

Gil Paterson declared that he is part owner of Gil’s Motor Factors, a family business. He also declared that he is an unremunerated Board Member of National Independent Body Supplies, a UK wide organisation for motor factor businesses, and a member of the National Federation of Small Businesses;

Gordon MacDonald declared that, on a voluntary and unremunerated basis, he promotes the work of the Scottish Grocers Federation to highlight the impact of the convenience store sector on the Scottish economy;

Gillian Martin declared that she is a director of Spontaneous Production Ltd, a video production company which is no longer trading;

Andy Wightman had no relevant interests to declare;

Dean Lockhart declared that he is a member of the Law Society of England and Wales and that he was a partner in Linklaters, a law firm, EJFW/S5/16/1/M

until 30 April 2016. He declared that he owns 4% of the total issued share capital in a private limited company, based in England, engaged in energy metering for the private energy sector. The company has no business interests in Scotland, nor does it have any intention of operating within Scotland. He further declared that he had, in the past, owned heritable property which he let for residential purposes. Finally, he declared that as part of a personal pension plan he has funds under management by Equitable Life but does not control how those funds are invested;

Richard Leonard declared that he is a member of the GMB and Unite trade unions, Friends of the Earth Scotland, and the Co-operative Party;

Liam Kerr declared that he is a director and owner of Trinity Kerr Limited, a provider of legal services, and that he is a member of the Law Society of England and Wales and the Law Society of Scotland. He further declared that he is owner and landlord of a residential property in ;

Ash Denham had no relevant interests to declare;

Jackie Baillie declared that she is an unremunerated Director of Strathleven Regeneration Company, and a member of the GMB and Unison trade unions.

Gordon Lindhurst declared that he is a self-employed Advocate and member of the Faculty of Advocates. He also declared that he owns and lets two residential properties in Edinburgh and West Lothian. He further declared that he holds ordinary shares in Royal Bank of Scotland.

John Mason declared that he is a Chartered Acountant and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.

2. Choice of Convener: The Committee chose Gordon Lindhurst as its Convener.

3. Choice of Deputy Convener: The Committee chose John Mason as its Deputy Convener.

4. Work programme: The Committee considered its approach to developing its work programme. The Committee agreed to invite the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work and the Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy to give evidence at its next meeting, and to hold a business planning day.

The meeting closed at 10.30 am.

Alison Walker Clerk to the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Room T2.60 The Edinburgh Tel: 0131 348 5239 Email: