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Celebration Activities

by Teresa Elaine Leary On January 18, 1988 students marched from Spel- man’s back gate to downtown and from there to the Martin Luther King Center For Non­ violent Social Change where Dr. King’s crypt is located. A brief program was held there followed by the traditional Ecumenical Service held at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. This was the third anniversary of the national holiday to commemorate this great leader who fought passionately for our freedom from oppression—non- to celebrate the day set aside to offer their support to the at the More­ very impressed by her violently in the fifties and for this past great leader. The marchers and the parade house King Chapel. She evident connection to the sixties. Dr. King, whose inspirational march, which participants. There were also spoke quite eloquently about Black community and Africa. birthday is on January 15, was well planned, ran rather representatives from each of her role in the King dream At the completion of Ms. would have been fifty-nine smoothly in spite of the the local television stations. and what it meant to her and Winfrey’s dynamic message years old. weather conditions which Luckily, as if this were an what it should mean to us. there was a panel discussion On the cloudy day with a caused many students to omen the sun came out Her speech was impressive on “Racism on College light drizzle, students from carry rain gear while midday and the march ended and filled with drama as she Campuses.” The panel neighboring schools, in marching. The drizzle also in a glow. portrayed other strong Black discussion was moderated by various clubs and organi­ did not hamper the many Another highlight of the women to help convey her WSB’s news anchor Don zations came together as one bystanders that were present week, was the appearance of message. The students were Farmer. Ignorance Breeds Racism

because of sheer embarass- solution. Granted, it is not an twice as well as the next guy, by Vanessa M. Robinson way back to the Civil War when, during the slave trade, ment. Embarassment on the easy one, but it is better than or run twice as fast. This the slave owner would breed part of CBS and the Dodgers believing that the problem limited sphere of thought has Recently CBS Sports fired his big woman so that he because Snyder and will disappear because those been reinforced by the people the famed sports commen­ would have a big Black kid.” Campanis had performed the who say things that offend us these youngsters choose as tator Jimmy “THE GREEK” On that same note, Los “ultimate evil.” They had have disappeared from the their role models. They see so Snyder for his remarks that Angeles Dodgers executive A1 publicly aired what is being public eye. We cannot solve a many Blacks excelling and many people felt to be derog­ Campanis was fired for said, and will continue to be problem by expecting it to “making it big” in sports that atory towards Blacks. Snyder saying that Blacks lack “the said, behind the executive’s disappear. they want to parallel their made these remarks on necessities” to become sports closed doors. The firing of lives with these people. January 15 when asked by executives. these men was a way to meet We can say goodbye to another reporter what his public outcry, or in other Snyder and Campanis Snyder and Campanis but reaction was to the progress words, to get “blacks off their were quick to comment and only with the recognition by Blacks throughout the Of course I was deeply backs. ” But what has this slow to thing. Snyder fails to that others like them are still sporting industry. Snyder angered by both of these so- solved? The comments will realize that one of the major out there. We must try, commented that Blacks are called professional’s continue, just not for public reasons that Blacks may emphasis on “try”, to educate better athletes than whites comments, but I was also view. prevail in professional sports those like Snyder and because they were “bred to be struck by a sense of regret. I is because sports are one of Campanis before we can that way” and also that the regret the fact that they were the few “doors” that seem to begin to stop these racial superiority that Blacks fired. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that lack of knowl­ be open to them for success. comments. Only then may we supposedly possess is also they do deserve some form of edge and ignorance are at the Young Blacks often believe be able to stop this outra­ due to their “big size” and discipline, but was firing the base of these comments. that there may be no other geous behavior of explaining “thigh size.” This, Snyder answer? The reason that Educating these men about way out of the unless every facet of life on the basis went on to say, “goes all the these men were fired was their ignorance is the best they can dribble a basketball of a person’s race. Page 2 • SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT February, 1988

SGA On The Move

Phase II: A New Insight Letter by Tara Addison establish effective leadership As an institution, Spelman as “that which facilitates, by Darralynn Denise Hutson ment Association and when has undergone several signif­ executes and guides the To My Spelman sisters, that nucleus is not func­ icant changes in it’s admin­ student body as well as In working with the tioning properly, it effects the istration. The most encourages action, on the student government associa ­ entire body. significant changes have part of the entire student tion as an immediate part of The fall semester of the been directed toward body, uplifts spirit and exem­ the cabinet, I have realized 1987/1988 academic school uplifting female leadership plifies that which is sister­ the work that goes into year was a time when the roles. Most recently, the hood.” To achieve this, Dawne successfully ensuring the nucleus of the cell of SSGA Spelman community has has planned a completely gratification of the student was disfunctional and as a become reaquainted with the new schedule of activities, body. It takes long hours of result of the cell of SSGA did values of women leaders. A programs, etc. for this consistent work and not successfully please the leader is one who must be semester. The major consistent prayer. The office student body. A formal able to sternly command, emphasis will be placed on of Co-Social Chairperson is apology would not resolve the when a situation so dictates, thus learning more about health, spiritual and cultural the nucleus of the cell of disfunctional problem of this as well as guide and help give herself. Upon arriving in motivation and academic Spelman Student Govern- (cont on pg. 7) direction to those without her Zimbabwe, the first sight excellence. This particular insight. The fundamental that Dawne witnessed was combination is geared specif­ values of a true leader are that of a woman walking ically towards helping to characteristic of Dawne down a dirt path with her mold a well-rounded student Amber Mitchell who has child strapped to her chest, through her interaction with New Beginnings accepted the challenge of carrying bundles on her back the Student Government. presiding over the SSGA as and balancing a mattress on It is obvious that Dawne is by Darralynn Denise Hutson engage in a new beginning. our president. her head. To Dawne this was eager to serve and also work By doing what needs to be Don’t be afraid to change or Preparation is also an symbolic of the Black woman. tirelessly for the student done right now, we make the accept change. The past is a essential tool of development. The woman who is physically body. She has assured me most of each present guide to your future. By graduating from the Phil- as well as mentally strong. that Spring ’88 will be an moment, Remember and act upon your adelphia High School for These very qualities of exciting and rewarding As long as we are alive, we mistakes to correct them. Girls and then matriculating mental and physical strength semester for all. However, are always free to begin Most of all, open your hearts into , Dawne are the backbone of the deter­ this can only be accom­ again. to accept mistakes and has meticulously shaped one mination that Dawne Amber plished if we all bond Instead of following an old accept changes. God always of her tools; academics. Also Mitchell has vowed to dedi­ together with Dawne in the worn-out habit, make a gives you a second chance. realizing that there are many cate herself toward in leading spirit of excellence. If this is fresh start this moment on Don’t be afraid to take it. Use factors that are essential to the student body with a new done, we can be assured that the rest of your life. 1987 as a foundation for 1988 the molding of a strong indi­ type of creatively and with the brilliant new insight Each day is a new start. and let your light so shine vidual and leader, Dawne insight. that we have been given in Each moment is a beginning. before men, so that they may journeyed to Zimbabwe, When asked of her plans the form of our new presi­ see your good works. No one Africa on “Crossroads to for the spring semester as dent, Spring ’88 will prove to My Spelman sisters, I give is without fault. You must Africa.” She did so in order to president, Dawne responded be challenging and enjoyable this piece of poetry to you first realize that fault and learn more about our people, that her primary goal was to semester for all. because along with my new correct it before there can be beginning, I want you to a new beginning.

Forum Covers Many Topics


Editor-in-chief Advertising Managers by Athena D. Williams throughout the forum, such that college is a time for Kathleen Tait Stephenie Howard On January 21, 1988 as: the role of regional differ­ exploration, and if a serious Associate Editor Dawn Lewis students from the ences in the concept of monogamous relationship is Julie Alexander Reporters University Center gathered monogamy how to change a working out successfully Staff Toni L. Belin in Giles, Old Library for a deceitful man, as well as the then that is wonderful, Jill Bryant Wände Dada Spelman Student Govern­ ignorance surrounding the however it is perfectly accept­ Kamela Heyward Heather Hawes ment Association sponsored threat of A.I.D.S. that exists able to date other people, as Thresa Leary Kamela Heyward forum on monogamy. The on our college campuses. long as the people involved Alisa Purdue Jaye Johnson panel consisted of the There were many provocative are in agreement. Kori Scurlock Dawn A. Mitchell members from the 1987-88 comments and questions Kathryn Stanley Susan D. Mitchell Blue & White Court. Mr. from the predominantly The most important issue Roben Triplett Chéri L. Roberts McKinnley Wooten and Ms. female audience directed at touched on during the forum Athena Williams Kori Scurlock Valerie Davis, Mr. & Ms. Blue the panel, however the panel­ was honesty. The consensus Photo Editors Kimberly Walker & White headed up the panel ists handled themselves agreed that honesty is the Ivor Braden Dwayne Williams as a heated discussion gracefully and diplomati­ most important ingredient of Kelly Wilson Kelly Wilson encompassed every topic cally. Surprisingly, when Ms. a successful relationship or a from “why do men do the Davis shared her liberal complete friendship. The “The Spelman Spotlight” is a monthly publication produced by and things that they do?” to the views on monogamy, stating forum succeeded in bringing for the students of Spelman College. “The Spotlight” office is located in Manley College Center, lower concourse of Spelman College. Mail effect of A.I.D.S. on the Black that she found it unneces­ many issues and views to should be addressed to Box 1239, Spelman College, Atlanta, community. sary while in college, many light, as well as erasing many Georgia, 30314, (404) 525-1743. Many important issues students in the audience misconceptions among were touched upon agreed. It was agreed upon students. February, 1988 SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT • Page 3

Cami: Do you see higher new people and then come to Faculty Spotlight levels of stress in students some conclusions about my today than in previous years? future. by Cami Walker computer lab, and a student- Dr. Davis: Students are Cami: Is it your opinion that Dr. Marilyn Davis has faculty lounge. Other than pressured into thinking they this stress is harmful? been teaching political that, no. must go straight from college Dr. Davis: Well, of course, it science at Spelman College Cami: What about the into graduate school. It was a is healthy to be ambitious for seven years. She gradu­ students? Have you seen blessing for me that my and aspire to a law school ated from Hampton Institute changes in students atti­ parents allowed me to make such as Harvard Law; but in 1973 with a major in polit­ tudes over the years? my own decision as to there is is the possibility of ical science. Later she Dr. Davis: It’s interesting whether or not to continue not being accepted. This is attended Atlanta University because when I first came school. And it was also a good the unhealthy aspect of Dr. Marilyn Davis where she “received intense here there was a professor breather to work and meet (con’t on pg. 8) instruction and was exposed Fayetteville State University who had been in the political to everything in the political I enjoyed my work and I science department since science department.” After decided to continue working 1936. When I asked him that graduation from Atlanta in education. same question he told me University in 1979 Dr. Davis Cami: What drew and kept that the students had not Academic decided to teach at Spelman you at Spelman? changed even since then. I and we are glad she did. In Dr. Davis: When I came to share the same feeling that the past seven years, Dr. Spelman I had an affinity basically the students have Enrichment Davis has become an invalu­ with it personally and profes­ stayed the same. For by Jacqueline M. Jenkins able asset to Spelman sionally. It is the type of envi­ example, a student that At Spelman College the Although many benefits College and an inspiration to ronment I have always recently graduated from Honors Program is the posi­ are reaped from participa ­ the students that she has wanted to work in. Spelman as a political tive educational statement, tion in the Honors Program, come in contact with. Cami: What do you like most science and english major is centered around the high­ financial assistance plays a Recently, I had the opportu­ about Spelman? presently at Duke Law lighting of students that have major role in the program. nity to speak with Dr. Davis Dr. Davis: Our learning School. So, the goals and excelled in the area of Students who participate in about issues concerning together. When a student ambitions are the same. academics. The Honors the Honors Program receive student attitudes and trends, comes and tells me about an Cami: Do your observe Program cultivates achieve­ payment in the form of schol­ growth in the Spelman internship or an educational student apathy? ment through classes that arships. In addition to Spel- community and her goals and experience, I receive satisfac ­ Dr. Davis: No, I do not see are structured at a chal­ man’s portion of the objectives. tion from that. student apathy. Many of the lenging pace and programs scholarship, Honor students Cami: When and how did you Cami: I imagine after seven political science students are such as; seminars on can also rely upon outside decide to become a professor years you have seen stages members of the Young Demo­ academic support mecha­ assistance. Suzanne Diggs, of political science? that Spelman has undergone. crats of Georgia and partici­ nisms and career planning. Pres, of the Honors Program, Dr. Davis: Actually, I had no Is there anything about pate in voter registration. These activities are geared to feels that “Spelman should interest in teaching after I Spelman you think needs Students are becoming more enhance the intellectual not pay for everything, that graduated from college. I was improving? concerned with policy and ability that they displayed in is why I have gained finan­ a housewife and I became Dr. Davis: Well, Spelman ask the question “How can I high school. cial assistance through bored with it. So, I started could use more space. More work in the public sector to This program of academic obtaining scholarships working for the President of teaching facilities, another make it better?” enrichment was started in funded by the Honors Under­ 1980, under the Donald graduate. Minority Access to Stewart administration. In Research Careers Training keeping with the excellence Program (Honors UMARC) An Interview with produced at Spelman and chapter of College, both of the Honors Delta Sigma Thelta.” The Program directors were incentive of financial assist­ Mrs. Aline Rivers alumnae of Spelman College; ance allows honor students to Kathryn Brisbane and Dr. see the value which is placed by Kendra B. Corr Among the many changes seminars and actual courses Ethel Githii. on academic achievement. As Spelman students, we that Mrs. Rivers has imple­ specifically designed to Although the members of The uniqueness of the should all be familiar with mented at Spelman College, produce student leaders. the Honors Program repre­ Honors Program is captured the name Mr. Aline Rivers, is the publication of the Mrs. Rivers feels that sent a small percentage of the by the professors who provide but who is she? Recently, I monthly Student Life Spelman has consistently Spelman student body there support in the classroom and had the opportunity to speak calendar which for some graduated positive role- is a joining of individuals on a personal level. Adrianne with Mrs. Rivers in hopes of Spelman students, is their models, however, there is still the common level of interac­ Keepler, Vice-pres. of the letting you know just that. only means of becoming a need for curriculum tion in classes and the Honors Program, makes a Mrs. Rivers has served as aware of events on campus. designed for that specific campus organizational activ­ special mention of Dr. E. director of the admissions Another project that Mrs, purpose. She hopes that ities such as clubs for the Githii, “After having Dr. office for the last three years. Rivers is working diligently seminars will begin as soon various majors. There is also Githii for four semesters as Thus, it is partly because of to provide groundwork for, is as next semester. an interaction based on a an English professor, a close her that we are all here. a program which sponsors As far as long term goals tutorial relationship devel­ relationship has developed. Currently, Mrs. Rivers is for Spelman, Mrs. Rivers oped between the student Dr. Githii became by confi­ serving as Acting Dean of envisions our school as one of body and members of the dante with whom to discuss Student Life providing lead­ the top five to ten colleges in Honors Program. The tuto­ various matters both school ership and supervision to the the nation that Black women rial program is formally related and personally. entire student life division. choose to attend. incorporated into a program The goals of the honors Her goal for the student life Mrs. Aline Rivers is truly for math majors and non­ program are; to intensify division is to facilitate a part­ an exceptional Black woman science majors. educational experiences, to nership with the student and we are honored to have The key motivating factor rewarding and encouraging affairs division and the her at Spelman College. As for the Honors Program is academic excellence, and to academic affairs division. Mrs. Rivers stated; “As Black incentive. In 1983 the Donald encourage advanced study She believes that there has women, we have an obliga ­ and Isabel Stewart Living and research. In accom­ always been a “we-they” tion to share ourselves.” and Learning Center was plishing these goals the relationship between In noting the contributions built to house honors Honors Program has students and the administra ­ of Mrs. Rivers to Spelman freshmen as a reward for enhanced the academic envi­ tion and in order to create an College, she is doing just academic achievement. This ronment of Spelman College effective learning environ­ that, sharing herself. Thank dorm was built to encourage in the respect that students ment, this barrier must be you Mrs. Rivers for you students in the Honors are seeing the value placed erased. Mrs. Aline Rivers sincere concern. Program to continue to excel. upon a quality education. Page 4 • SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT February, 1988

Sophomore An Awakening in the Caribbean Wins Title Miss UNCF by Cheryl B. Butler Towering bright green Spelman palm trees, soothing crysta- line waters, heavenly sloping College mountains—this is only the beginning—cool coal, bitter chocolate, rich coffee, natural by Sheronda Youngblood bark, spice tea, roasted Last semester, four chestnut, creamy caramel, students were chosen to sweet honey, light cream, compete for the title of Miss frosty snow and a spectrum UNCF-Spelman College. of beautiful people. This is Each class council was asked what my semester held for to select one student to repre­ me in the Dominican sent their respective class. Republic. It was a semester of The students were Kim learning, struggle and above Cuttino (Senior), Chalanda all, serious growth. Williams (Junior), Tracey The language barrier was Hughes (Sophomore), and the first thing that required Donna Terry (Freshman). some very rigorous moments Each of these young ladies, of adjustment. As a Spanish along with their class, raised and English major, I had money for the United some knowledge of the College Fund. The United Spanish language, but Negro College Fund (UNCF) somehow my classroom Cheryl Butler and another American student enjoying a beautiful view in the is a national organization version of “como esta usted?” Dominican Republic. created to help alleviate the and “Adios, hasta luego” was cost of attending a private just not enough to compete historically black college or with that advanced level whiteness. If you have even university. An estimate of conversation that the domin- an ounce of white blood $1,600.00 was raised from ican sisters and brothers within you system, you are the contest. were throwing down. I labeled as a mulatto. To be learned to keep my mouth Black, “Negro,” dark closed and speak only when complexioned with kinky absolutely necessary to avoid hair and big lips unthink­ all encounters with that able. No one wants to be commonly feared enemy, Black. It’s a subtle type of embarrassment. After about racism that is not noticeable three weeks, however, my to the average non-thinking, listening and speaking skills sleepwalking human being. improved tremendously, and It’s something that we feel as I slid right into the culture as conscious Black people an honorary dominican. trained to detect racism with Being apart of the majority blindfolds on our eyes and was wonderful as 75% of the earplugs in our ears. dominican population is I love the Dominican The Spelman Pre-Alumni Black and mulatto (half Republic dearly with its Council is proud to announce white and half Black). The bloodjumping African Ms. Tracey Hughes the 1988 six other American students Hispanic beat of the Miss UNCF-Spelman were not so lucky, however, Merengue as a sign of its College. Tracey, along with and had to adjust to life as strife for creating a balanced the sophomore class, raised part of the 15% white world of white and Black. I an estimate of $1,300. Tracey minority, primarily the mourn, however, for the poor is a French/English major upperclass. This whole little children which I taught from Nashville, Tennessee. reversal of the majority/ and caressed with my love for She will represent Spelman minority relationship gave them and my hope for their at the National UNCF me the opportunity to success. I cry, you see, for a Convention, which will be perhaps view racism from a place in which a blind white held in Dallas, , new perspective. Being an government rules a blurred February 11-14. outsider with the physical visioned Black people. I When asked what moti­ characteristics of an insider explode inside for our denial vated her to compete for the gave me the privledge view. I of self and compassion for Cheryl Butler enjoying the tropics in the title of Miss UNCF, Tracey learned a lot about us as that which is foreign. Dominican Republic. responded by saying, “I wish Black people, or better yet, I to represent the black college finally began to understand excellence under the title of the gruesome picture of it all. Miss UNCF because I feel As we all know, but I’m there is a need to stress the sure don’t all fully under­ importance of supporting our stand, we hate ourselves. JOKE black colleges and This is not a phenomenon Two drunk men were pushed back up.” As soon as he jumps out universities.” that exists solely here in the sitting at a bar on the top “I don’t believe you,” said the windwo the drunk keeps Black colleges have histor­ good ole U.S. of A., but it is floor of the Empire State the second man. falling and lands straight on ically played a key role in the something from which Black Building. The first man says, All of a sudden the first the ground followed by a loud building and shaping of people are suffering all over “You know the trade winds drunk jumps up, leaps out SPAT! The bartender turns to today’s black leaders as they the world. In the Dominican up here are so strong that if the window and floats right the first drunk and says, have worked to instill pride Republic, it seems as though you jump off the building back. The second drunk sees “You’re a mean drunk in the cultural heritage and everyone is striving towards you’ll automatically be this and says, “O.K., I’ll try!” Superman.” (con’t on pg. 8) February, 1988 SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT • Page 5

'e ? A.K.A. Congratulates Keisha McCullan. 'F

In November of 1987 the women in particular, has the year 2000 will be one that of opportunities available to Opportunity, evidently s ladies of been one of continual compe­ not only builds upon tradi­ a particular group—oppor­ necessitates progress. >1 Sorority, Inc., Mu Pi Chapter tition against White America tion, but also promotes tunities that were not avail ­ Black people possess and I1 sponsored as essay writing and Black men. More specifi­ progress. able in the past. The important responsibility to )! contest. In an attempt to cally, the situation that faces To understand progress, it professional fields, for themselves and to others to W « make Spelman women aware Black women in this country must be viewed as change example, overflow with Black continue the legacy that their of what challenges are before is one of duality. over time. Progress, more­ women in positions of influ­ ancestors began. Such goals, 'iset (4 them, the topic “What do you The present responsibility over, suggests a positive ence and control that would however, begin with the perceive the role of Black of Black women in 1987 change from a previous situ­ have been unheard of twenty “parts.” As an essential women to be in the year of involves the maintenance of ation. In short, the role of the years ago. A Spelman grad­ element within Black ’iisied'! 2000? ” was chosen. We traditions within the black Black woman in the year uate, for example, is culture, Black women share stottp®.® received many exeptional culture. A fundamental char­ 2000 should be one dedicated currently the Commissioner in this responsibility to essays. However, we could acteristic of Black people, for to the improvement of her of Health for the State of uphold tradition and to i G®1' only have one winner and example, has been one of capacity to achieve in society. Massachusetts. In addition, promote progress. Purpose Keisha McCullan was the perseverance. Rooted in the But how has progress for the achievements of women and determination tran­ '■fratti person we chose. The times of slavery, the ensuing Black women been accom­ in presidential positions in scends time. The goals of tasP winning essay is printed periods of desegregation, the plished prior to 1987? In colleges, universities, and today are an extension of the '5(,P.9fI 9 below for your enjoyment. Equal Rights Movement of order to formulate strategies corporations, attests to the goals of yesterday and a •'■as. . The state of being a woman the sixties, and the present for ensuring progress in the progress that Black women vision of the ones tomorrow. s asti ' is truly a unique existence. issues of 1987; the black future, one must realize the have attained within the last Since progress and its attain ­ ej W' The term womanhood is not experience in America has method used in the past to twenty years. The goals and ment is a continual process, flaw® only a classification —but an been a constant struggle— achieve similar goals—that aspirations of the aforemen­ so too has been, and will be, !!>8 essence. The experience of and tradition. Perhaps, most of utilizing opportunities. tioned Black women would the role of Black women in aiwm* women in the United States importantly, the responsi­ A clear indication of prog­ have been little more than a the year 2000. KK ijjCt and the experience of Black bility of the Black woman in ress emerges in the number dream deffered in the 1960s. ■ ¡»'.¡« a a aflfra Photo Opinion Writer Responds To Questions Has the food in Alma Upshaw improved since last When I wrote the article semester? innuendos need to be pointed out, I realized that if this about the male pervert that in another direction—not an person was strange enough to bothered me while I was in innocent bystander who expose himself he may be the library I was initially happened to accidentally crazy enough to carry a knife hesitant because I did not enter this perverts twisted or maybe even a gun. Person­ want to answer questions world by trying to study at ally, I would like to complete about him. I felt that I would the library. I heard the age the two years I have left here be scrutinized. However, I old accusations that it was at Spelman, get my law then told myself that my fault that this man found degree and complete the rest Spelman was different. This me and chose me to attempt of my dreams, so I figured is the place where I may to assault. I will tell you that one on one combat with this write whatever I feel and not this man has also been seen lunatic would not be very be criticized. I soon found out looking under another smart. Let me say that it is that if there is one place I will females dress and exposing always easy in retrospect to be scrutinized, questioned himself to other women. say what could have been insensibly and whispered, When are we going to rid done because hindsight is No, I can’t say that it has. No, I don’t feel that the food about it would be here. As ourselves of the age old always twenty-twenty, The menu is very limited has improved. It is still full of Jratey J soon as people read the mentality that the woman is however, when confronted with an abundance of pork starches and it is never prop­ article I was asked over and always doing something to with a potentially dangerous and beef. Because of this I erly prepared. It is either MS», over to explain what provoke a man to either rape situation it is important to find myself eating elsewhere undercooked or overcooked. happened, how many times I or assault her? I, especially, try and remain calm and and going into Alma’s for the Mary Brown had seen him and just very want to talk to my sisters rational which is what I tried sole purpose of socializing Sophomore dite inquisitive (more positive and interacting with my because it is from them that to do. Now maybe my reac­ lesas.. ' than nosy) questions. I Spelman sisters. I received the most flack and tions weren’t good enough for became annoyed at some Dawne Mitchell curious looks. I am a conserv­ you, and that is too bad, point and became a very diffi­ Senior ative (attitude) young Black because I did what I thought ¡íjr'Jií ' cult person to talk to about woman majoring in Sociology. (and still think) was right. I tai i that particular article. I I am not a flashy dresser. To did not provoke this man and '! ; ATTENTION!! decided to respond to these be perfectly honest I would it must be remembered that £ sta £ inquisitive questions not term anything about me men who assault, rape or do •j!,tOÍ ! If you are a student inter­ through another article, so provoking, except perhaps any other harm to women lîlieelfi ested in applying for a schol­ that I would not lose any my mind, something of which have psychological and fi:®- 'i arship sponsored by the friends. the pervert had no contact emotional problems. These »UjöllI Army ROTC, the deadlines What really annoyed me with. In response to the ques­ problems stem from the )BÌ are as follows: about some of the responses tion, “why didn’t you do pervert. Three year scholarships: from the article were the something, like assault him It is also important to February 22, 1988 No, it hasn’t and I believe innuendos in the responses back? ” I would like to say understand that writing Please pick up an application the main problem is the lack that I in some way had some­ that I am not by nature a about this was not the easiest from the Army ROTC trailer of knowledge in Alma’s when thing to do with this perverts physically violent person. I thing I have done. Granted, number one on Morehouse’s it comes to creating a well twisted mentality. Well, would also like to say that I some people may consider campus or contact Napoleon balanced meal. sisters and some brothers usually try to think a situa­ this to be very major, but to Wright, Prof. Military Allyn Leftridge you have attacked the wrong tion through. Though I had me, a conservative young Science at 681-2800. Sophomore Black woman. Those vowed to try and knock him (con’t on pg. 8) Page 6 • SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT February, 1988

should not complain about occur if we shed our The Struggle Continues the selection of a presidential nonchalant attitude and nominee. accept the responsibility of by Jill Bryant & When Mr. Smith was asked facts and figures as criticism, During their constant being active participants in Jiea Rutland about the importance of the however, one must realize struggle, our forefathers kept American society. This The Question? Martin Luther King Jr. ’s that the lack of political in mind the old African includes voting and being We, the children born after Holiday and the lack of participation is detrimental proverb, “There is no honor aware of the crisis of our the civil rights era, have been participation of students in to the black community and without shame.” They under­ brothers and sisters on the coined, “the intergration the Atlanta University is perpetuating the self went the shame so that we homefront. Although we may generation.” Has intergration Center, he stated, “it is hard destruction of our could reap the honor. It is now be termed the “Intergration had a negative affect on our to determine where you are community. our duty to honor our fore­ desire for civil rights? Has it going, if you don’t know The Solution Generation,” we still have the fathers by continuing with made us less determined where you came from.” The The solution to the problem ability to make a change. the struggle. This can only than our parents and our essence of Mr. Smith is not simple in any way, grandparents, who sought comments was that the lack shape, or form. In fact, it will equality and respect from of student participation was take years to turn from their white counterparts? We senseless, and demonstrated regression to progression of believe that the answer is the noncholant attitude of the black community. Senior Class yes. Intergration has put a black students today. This The first step is for us (as damper on our struggle and attitude is perpetuated blacks) is to recognize from it has forced us to be satisfied throughout the black whence we came. We must News with our situation at home, community. “We are no learn about the struggle and in the United States and has longer on their minds what is stood for. We must Dear Seniors, allowed us to turn to our because we are no longer on have a working knowledge of Welcome Back! The Senior Lastly, if any member of brothers and sisters in South our minds.” How can we our history and the mistakes Class Cabinet has planned a the Senior class has any Africa, what about our expect the white man to be which were made. We can semester full of many news (professional and/or brothers and sisters across aware of the injustices facing learn from and improve upon exciting activities. We hope graduate school acceptances, the street on Ashby? our people, if we do not feel our past instead of that all of you will come out awards, honors, engage­ The month of February is a obligated to continue the regressing because of a lack to support these activities, ments, etc.) please feel free to month of love which we cele­ struggle started by those knowledge. The second step since this will be our last contact Lisa Taylor or Jackie brate our history as people of during the Civil Rights Era. is to participate in the polit­ semester here at Spelman. Spaulding at 688-2559. Also, Afro-American Heritage. The intergration genera­ ical process and take advan ­ Many seniors have been for your convenience a enve­ February should also be a tion has been plagued with a tage of our right to vote, the questioning the Senior Class lope will be placed on the time in which we renew our lack of awareness of their right which our brothers and officers as to what is going on Senior Bulletin board for commitment for the struggle position in the unjust world. sisters in South Africa are with the Senior Class trip, such news. Good luck in your to obtain equality. We Has the plague number and fighting for. There is no graduation announcements, studies and have a great final recently celebrated Dr. blinded us to places such as excuse for the Atlanta class rings, graduation semester!!! Martin Luther King Jr. ’s Forsyth County, Georgia and University Center to have the speakers and so forth. We Sincerely yours, birthday. We commemorated Howard Beach, New York? lowest voter turnout in the hope to answer many of these Lisa Taylor & the dream, which was fought When talking to Dr. K. district. The “AUC” is the questions in this section of Jackie Spaulding for so diligently in the 1960 ’s. Farouk Brimah, Director of “mecca of black leadership.” the newspaper, so please look Co-Corresponding The leaders of the Civil Research with the Voter We should have the votes out for any pertinent Secretaries, Senior Class Rights Movement suffered for Education Project, Inc. which candidates are desper­ information. the progression of minorities, concerning the political ately vying for. such as blacks, the poor, participation of Atlanta The presidential primary Hispanics, etc. University students, he of 1988 is right around The Problem stated some disappointing corner. March 8th is “Super More News We recently had the oppor­ statistics. In the 1984 presi­ Tuesday,” in which several tunity to talk with Bryce dential primary, when Jesse southern states will hold Smith, a past Morehouse Jackson was a candidate, less their primaries. The signifi­ ♦SENIOR CLASS TRIP *Graduation Announce­ student, who was active than 2% of the- students cance of the primary must be Where: Walt Disney World, ments & Class Rings during the Civil Rights Era. actually voted. In the 1986 recognized. It is here that the Orlando, Florida Orders for graduation He is now serving as the election, only 19% of those number of delegates per When: Wed., March 9,1988 — announcements and class Director of the Atlanta registered actually voted. candidate is decided. If you Sun. March 13, 1988 rings will be taken at the Research Center. We are not giving you these don’t vote in the primary, you (4 days, 3 nights) next two class meetings in Cost: $164.00 (Includes February. These dates will be roundtrip bus ticket, the last available times to hotel expenses, and place orders. For more infor­ Junior Class News two—one day passes mation please contact: to Walt Disney and Lydia Boyd by Michele Strickland the Epcot Center.) 659-5343 Test Taking Information uate or professional schools, MCAT is a practice manual Group #: 45 people In less than five months, we must meet certain available for those who will A deposit of $50.00 is due ♦CONGRATULATIONS we the Class of 1989 will be requirements before be testing for admissions to as soon as possible. The Renita Barge embarking on our fourth year entering. Medical School. In addition, complete balance will be due Meharry Medical College at Spelman College. We will February is the month set the Stanley Kaplan course is by the end of February. Tina James be faced with the decision to aside for Juniors to take the taught at Morehouse for Monies should be submitted Meharry Medical College continue to higher levels of GRE Practice Examination. further assistance in prepa­ to Angela Jenkins-Manley University of Tennessee, education or to join the work Even for those who do not ration for MCAT testing. Hall (rm. 325) or Sonji Lynn Memphis Medical School force. Although graduation is plan to attend graduate Barron’s publishes a book Smith-LLC (rm. 122). more than a year away, prep­ school, the test is a require­ that is helpful in preparing For more information ♦GRADUATION arations for these decisions ment for graduation at for the LSAT and material contact: COUNTDOWN must occur now. It is time to Spelman College. that will assist those inter­ Sonji Lynn Smith As of February 1, 1988 start acting upon the goals Many are concerned with ested in taking the DAT can LLC rm. #122 there are: that we have set for how to prepare for the GRE be found in the Biology 688-2559 112 days ourselves. and similar examinations. department. 2,688 hours For those of us who have The Life Planning Office Using the books and mate­ *Class Meeting Schedule 161,280 minutes and decided to continue our suggests Arco’s book on how rials suggested along with for February 9,676,800 seconds till education, certain steps have to prepare for the GRE. The practical methods of prepa­ Tues. Feb. 9, 1988 GRADUATION! to be taken to be accepted office provides this book and ration will be beneficial in Howe Hall, 6pm into schools of higher other aids for preparation. taking these entrance Tues. Feb. 23, 1988 learning. Whether it be grad­ Flower’s Guide to the examinations. Howe Hall, 6pm February, 1988 SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT • Page 7

Dimensions Inspiration For MLK

I’ve spent so much of my life Dream Continues Untitled Dear Sisters, this is my way searching for you. to say I love you all dearly on Wondering about my future Every experience has been a Valentine’s Day. by Kori Lyn Scurlock and our individual failure is with the radio on. I got to step closer to you. This year was the third a step toward our collective thinking about the law school Everytime I touched, every Though we often do not agree, national observance of failure. I’d go to and the D.A’.s office I kiss, every carress, with or get along we even fight, and Martin Luther King, Jr. This parallelism will sensi­ would one day run, someone else, it was do some things wrong, but birthday. As usual, I partici­ tize us to the needs and I am a black woman now supposed to be you. true sisterhood is sprinkled pated in the activities concerns of our brothers and Y)u are my life. with tears of pain and joy and planned for the celebration. sisters most affected by insti­ But on the radio I heard a Y>u are my one and only, my every speakable emotion...its After King’s birthday I tutionalized racism. woman crooning how she lives love supreme. truthfullness shines clear always feel so inspired to We must think about how for a man. This singer is Come to me woman with sisterly devotion. keep his dream alive. our actions will affect our black. She says that there is Make me whole. Aware of my limitations, I youth before we act on them. not anything she would not do Tbuch my soul. You have taught me how to often ask myself, what can I We must be aware of how our for this man’s love. love, laugh and give. But most do as a college student to youth might precieve our I am a black woman now. Isn’t Dwayne C. Williams of all you have taught me it’s keep King’s dream alive? actions, not necessarily how she? o.k. to live. Mb are just people But this year instead of we would like them to be striving to be happy. leaving the question unan­ perceived. I shake my head and hope that You swered, I was determined to So if you have asked your­ no one is really singing those From one sister to the next I find an answer. self the same question and lyrics and meaning them. I go The voice that permeates the thank you for light that gives Like many Black people, I have failed to find an answer, back to my dreams and think air off its glow. For because of this too was waiting on someone then accept my challenge and that it might not be too bad to That cut through the stillness light many young sisters have to come along and tell me start here and now in an eventually become a judge. of the night like a knife. been able to grow. For you what I should be doing to effort to be the best role I mean I am a black woman That was me. teach a lesson that could be improve the condition of model that you can be. My cries of pain, bellowed into now. taught by no one else. You Black people. the night. teach your fellow sisters how I suddenly realized that 55m heard the sounds of my However, another song comes to love themselves. men of King’s stature come lonliness, and damned the on the radio and has me along once in a life time. So tears with your love. caught off guard. There is a So forgive me for my foolish­ when I compared what I had You stopped the pain with What Our man singing that he believes ness and strife. Thank you read and heard about the 60s your touch. that men should not sleep Spelman sisters for helping to what I have experienced in School Motto alone. The singer is black. He me change my life. the 80s, I realized that Dwayne C. Williams Means To Me says that he doesn’t care what during the 60s racism was so time it is, he still wants her to So I will be proud of my blatant that the task was come over. Spelman sisters no matter if obvious. Things were so black by Rosalind D. Kline Now, I am a black woman. All ’Bout Love we stand or fall. They have and white then. Over a century ago, two taught me to love myself and But in 1988 things are no remarkable women, Sophia I think to myself that if a I don’t have say “I love you” this is the greatest love of all. longer black and white. B. Packard and Harriet Giles black woman is singing that ’cause you know. We say it Complexity dominates saw fit to give Spelman Semi­ she lives for a man and a anyway but we know. It’s not Regina Marie Scott simplicity. So even though nary the motto: “Our Whole black man and a black man is even going thru the motions. racism is so subtle that the School for Christ.” This motto saying that he should not sleep When we feel it we say it. But task is not obvious, the was only fitting since alone and that he wants her I don’t say it, very often, ’cause responsibility is ours, yours Spelman Seminary began over no matter what the time, you know. My actions express Letter and mine. through church funding, then what are they telling us? it, my emotion intensifies it. Now just because some of facilities, and programming. (con’t from pg. 2) And our future? My love magnifies my true of us now live in the suburbs Even though, over time, you. No, not my love for you and drive expensive cars, and Spelman Seminary has Teresa Elaine Leary because that would mean that nucleus. A resolution to just because some of us hold changed to Spelman College, I don’t have you. I have you correct the malfunction prominent positions in public the motto has remained the and you have me. Mb have love would aid in the running of office or work for large corpo­ same. Is our motto appro­ and we know!! the cell. rations, our task has not yet priate today? For me, it is The problem has been been completed. very much appropriate; Yewande D. Dada sighted and is being The more I thought about although times and people We are black people corrected. I ask for your the subject, I realized that change, Christ remains the We have a common bond. support and your forgive­ our children are our hope. We same. Just as our founders We are black people ness. 1988 is a new beginning must be extremely careful trusted Christ for and dedi­ Who have a heritage. Nestle Crunch Won’t Do for Spelman Student Govern­ that we send them positive cated to Him the upbuilding We are black people ment Association and along messages. So even though I of this historical institution, With a history. Mr. Hershey has a patent on with the new beginning of do not influence a massive we can trust Him for and love. the whole, individuals of thee group of children through a dedicate to him the building W are black people. The rich ingredients are his cabinet must also resolve to nation wide talk show or up of our character through We severe the bond. secret. start a new. I am one of those through popular music, I Spelman College. And just as We are black people Some say the caffine makes individuals who vow to make challenged myself to be the Spelman College has serv­ Who reject our heritage. them hyper. a change. best Black role model that I iced the community for over We are black people Others say it causes pimples Involve yourself with our can be. And now I challenge a century, beginning through With no knowledge of history. and a rash. activities. Your concerns and you to be the best Black role answered prayers, we as But everyone knows how sweet ideas are always welcome. model that you can be. products of Spelman College We as black people to taste it is with love. Spelman Student Govern­ The first step we must take can do the same. I just hope Must recognize our heritage. Mr. Hershey has a patent on ment Association is involving in accepting this challenge is that more of my Spelman We as black people love itself in a new beginning. I to keep our own lives parallel sisters allow the motto to be Must learn our history! and it sure tastes semi-sweet hope that you will be a part to the plight of Black people. real to them during their to me. of it. I hope that you except We must realize that our matriculaiton through our Yewande D. Dada the change and look forward individual success is a step institution dedicated to Yewande D. Dada to the difference. toward our collective success Christ. Page 8 • SPELMAN SPOTLIGHT February, 1988

Faculty Spotlight (con’t from pg. 3)

stress and not being read more than just what is “Are We Serious Scholars admitted to the institution of assigned. A newspaper every your choice might be the day as well as popular maga ­ grace of God. zines such as Time and At Spelman?” Cami: But how does a Newsweek are a good start. student under stress relieve And read professional jour­ by Leslie G. Tidwell the pressure? nals for exposure, even if you On Wednesday, January ronment at Spelman? Why is and learning; teacher and Dr. Davis: For one thing, don’t understand everything. 27, at 4:00 pm in the Women’s the academic environment student attitude at Spelman; communication with parents And finally, take advantage Center, Spelman students the way it is at Spelman? cheating; the influence of can help a great deal. of your college experience to and teachers gathered to What is the goal of the Freshman Orientation; Secondly, think of yourself as become more conscious and discuss the question, “Are We academic environment? How administration ’s treatment an individual whether it is as more aware adults. Graduate Serious Scholars at can it be achieved? of students and how it affects a corporate attorney or a and professional schools like Spelman?” Organized by Some of the issues raised attitudes. professor. Think about what to receive recommendations students concerned that by students and faculty Lasting over two hours, the it is you want to do and not so of well-rounded students. Spelman has a lacking included: the intellectual forum ended with a decision much what your peers are Cami: As a respected role academic environment, the stimulation of an academic that a similar gathering will doing. model at Spelman what are forum was designed for environment; the relation­ take place in the form of a Cami: Do you have any other your goals and ambitions? students and faculty to talk ship between grades and the town meeting, with more advise for students? Dr. Davis: I don’t know if I’m about the intellectual climate academic environment; students, faculty members, Dr. Davis: I tell all of my a role model but I do feel I at Spelman. grades and their emphasis at and administrators. The date advisees, but this can apply have a responsibility to the The following questions Spelman; the Core require­ of the next meeting has not to anyone, to take all of the students. My mission is to formed the basis of discus­ ments at Spelman; the yet been determined. All classes in their major. Also, teach students in the most sion: What constitutes an advantages of a liberal arts concerned students should take advantage of electives professional manner that I academic environment? education; the relationship look for further information and enrole in courses such as can. If I can teach students to What is the academic envi­ between social environment concerning this topic. African Art and Black think, my mission will be history. There also needs to accomplished. be more accountability on the Cami: Thank you, Dr. Davis, What do you call a cow that Miss UNCF part of students. Now, I’m for your time. just gave birth? (con’t from pg. 4) Decaffeinated. from the old generation and Dr. Davis: You are quite traditions of the black race. when we were sent a welcome, Cami. It is the United Negro College What do you call a cow with suggested book list it was Dr. Davis continues to Fund that has strived to no legs? understood that we would fulfill her mission everyday. ensure the continued opera­ Ground beef. tion of fine institutions, such as Spelman, thus making the dreams of many gifted and enthusiastic students a reality. February As Vice President of the Spelman Pre-Alumni Council for the United Negro SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY College Fund, I challenge each of you to carry the torch 1 2 3 4 5 6 by taking an active role in our Pre-Alumni Council. Each of you are now Pre- Alumni, but it is up to each individual to become involved. REMEMBER: “A mind is a terrible thing to 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 waste.” Dr. Dov Friedländer American Representa­ tive, Hebrew Univ. of Writers Response Jerusalem "Life Lived Mr. Charles R. Baquet in a Land in Conflict: Lunch and Learn (con’t from pg. 5) Coping with Stress In Israel” Black woman, it was espe­ Quarles Library, Giles Hall-4p.m. cially difficult. I sometimes ask why the pervert chose 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 me, but I have to contend myself with the explanation . Diplomat from Diplomat from that I was a victim of circum­ Mozambique, TBA Mozambique, TBA Quarles Library, Lunch and Learn stance. I have to be content Giles Hall-4p.m. with that answer because in order to get another I would have to confront Mister O K Career Day Wierdo and I don’t want to do 21 22 23 24 AJO Quarles Library, 26 27 that. Giles Hall Mr. Charles R. Baquet 4-5:30p.m. In my opinion, when asked “Blacks in the Foreign about such a sensitive issue, Service” Chinua Achebe, in Quarles Library, President Cole's series such as the one I previously Giles Hall-4p.m. "Speaking at Spelman: Readings at Reynolds” addressed there are ways of Fine Arts Auditorium -3p.m. asking questions and there are even some questions that 28 29 should never be asked. For future reference, I suggest that individuals try to be discrete and considerate concerning matters of this nature. I mean no offense to anyone in particular.