Annex 2 to resolution of the Tariff Committee No.763 dated 19 October 2016 as amended by: TCR No.482 dated 27.06. 2018, TCR No.548 dated 26.07.2018, TCR No.965 dated 16.11.2018 ), TCR No. 444 dated 13.03.2019, TCR No.457 dated 18.03.2019, TCR No. 1375 dated 05.07.2019г. (effective from 15.08.2019) Payment Cards Service Tariffs (special products) (effective until card reissue )

Item No. Transaction Fee charged 1 Payment card Visa Virtuon, Mastercard Virtual 1.1 Service of current account in the card database (the card account) and card 1.1.1 Card account opening/closing, service 0 tenge 1.1.2 Card issue, card reissue upon expiry, card closing 0 tenge Annual card service at Bank's outlet 1st year 600 tenge 1.1.3 2nd year and subsequent 600 tenge (50 tenge per month) via myHalyk system 1st year 0 tenge 2nd year and subsequent 1.1.4 Card reissue instead of lost/stolen/damaged/unclaimed (except cards issued via myHalyk system) 1 000 tenge 1.1.5 Lost/stolen card blocking 0 tenge 1.2 Cash acceptance and crediting Cash acceptance and crediting to card account by card account holder at Bank's outlet 2 1.2.1 - during 1 day (if transaction is made until 18:00 Almaty time); 0 tenge - during 2 days - in other cases at Cash-In devices of the Bank 0 tenge 1.2.2 Cash crediting to customer's card account, which was received in non-cash form 0 tenge 1.3 Transfers from card account 1.3.1 Transfers within the Bank to accounts of natural persons - to current account of a cardholder at Bank's outlet 0 tenge via myHalyk system 11 - between cards of one customer of the Bank at Bank's outlet 0 tenge via myHalyk system -to current account of another natural person at Bank's outlet 500 tenge via myHalyk system 95 tenge - between cards of different customers of the Bank at Bank's outlet 500 tenge via myHalyk system 0 tenge - balance to other card account/current account of holder with the Bank, in case of card account closing 0 tenge to corporate accounts without agreement concluded between the Bank and legal entity via myHalyk system - in tenge 0,5%, min. 300 tenge, max. 3 000 tenge - in currency 0,3%, min. 350 tenge, max. 5 000 tenge via myHalyk system - in tenge 200 tenge Money transfer to other banks at Bank's outlet 1.3.2 - in tenge 0,5%, min. 500 tenge, max. 3 000 tenge Transfers Visa Direct and Mastercard MoneySend via myHalyk system - transfer from card of the Bank to card of any other Kazakhstani bank 0,85%, min. 250 tenge, max. 700 tenge 1.3.3 - to card of a foreign bank - participant of IPS Visa International / Mastercard WorldWide 1% + 2 USD - transfer from card of other Kazakhstani Bank to card of the Bank 0 tenge 1.4 Payment Payments in favor of legal entities within the framework of concluded Agreements for payment acceptance between legal entities and the Bank - payment documents processing (payment of utilities, telecommunication and other services, within the framework of concluded agreement4) via SMS banking service 50 tenge 1.4.1 via myHalyk system - utilities payment 0 tenge - payment for telecommunication and other services 50 tenge - money transfer to corporate account5 via myHalyk system - utilities payment 0 tenge - payment for telecommunication and other services 100 tenge Budget payment by payment cards via web portal "electronic government" 100 tenge 1.4.2 from card of the Bank/other bank via myHalyk system 50 tenge 1.5 Statements, balance Card account statement at Bank's outlet - for two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) 0 tenge 1.5.1 -over two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) up to one year (for the period) 1 000 tenge - over one year (for every 12 months) 1 500 tenge via myHalyk system 0 tenge Card account mini-statement (recent 10 transactions for the last 120 calendar days) 1.5.2 via SMS banking service 60 tenge Card account balance information 1.5.3 via myHalyk system 0 tenge via SMS banking service 40 tenge 1.5.4 The service "Email Statement" (delivery of electronic notifications, including containing monthly statement) Connection, disconnection1 0 tenge 0 tenge per month for each e-mail connected to bank account Automatic delivery of notifications (monthly fee) Password change to receive monthly statement 0 tenge 1.6 Other transactions 8 1.6.1 SMS Banking service (delivery of notification to mobile number on transactions made by card/card account) Disconnection1 0 tenge Delivery of notifications - monthly fee for "All" pack 350 tenge - monthly fee for "Active" pack 0 tenge - monthly fee for SMS Banking service under all cards/card accounts of customer12 300 tenge per month (for each registered number but no more than 3 numbers) 2

At request: - notification on card status in SMS Banking system 0 tenge - notification of debt on card account 40 tenge Blocking/unblocking the SMS banking service for each card or mobile number 0 tenge 2 Payment card Visa Electron Present Card 2.1 Card account and cards service prepaid for 10 000, 25 000, 50 000, 100 000, without prepayment - 2.1.1 Card annual service 300 tenge 2.2 Cash acceptance and withdrawal Cash withdrawal by card within Bank's network 0 tenge within network of other banks across the Republic of 0,9% + 50 tenge 2.2.1 within network of other banks outside the Republic of Kazakhstan 1,5%, min. 1 000 tenge within network of JSC Halyk Bank , OJSC Halyk Bank , CB Moskommertsbank (JSC), 0,6%, min. 400 tenge CJSC 2.2.2 Cash acceptance and crediting to card account (1 time within the nominal value on the card) 0 tenge 2.3 Transfers Transfers within the Bank 2.3.1 - to accounts of natural persons via ATMs 150 tenge Transfers Visa Direct via ATMs 2.3.2 - transfer from card of the Bank to card of any other Kazakhstani Bank 1% + 200 tenge - to card of a foreign bank - participant of IPS Visa International 1% + 2 USD 2.4 Payments Payments in favour of legal entities within the framework of concluded Agreements for payment acceptance between legal entities and the Bank via ATMs - payment documents processing (payment of utilities, telecommunication and other services, within the framework of 60 tenge (no fee is charged for money transfer) 4 2.4.1 concluded agreements ) - money transfer to corporate account5 120 tenge (no fee is charged for money processing) - payment for services Internet at Home from Beeline 50 tenge - Qiwi-wallet top-up 0 tenge - replenishment of the dealer account at "United System of Instant Payments" 95 tenge 2.4.2 Payment of goods and services at merchants by cards of the Bank 0 tenge 2.5 Statements, balance Card account mini-statement (recent 10 transactions for the last 120 calendar days) 2.5.1 via ATMs 60 tenge Card account balance information within Bank's network 40 tenge (from 3rd request per month), including display on the 2.5.2 screen9 - within network of other banks across and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan 100 tenge Visa Classic, Debit® Mastercard, Altyn UnionPay Classic, 3 Special allowance account/Alimony account Visa Electron Instant, and issued until 18.04.2016 Visa Electron, Maestro/Cirrus 3.1 Card account and card service 3.1.1 Card account opening/closing, service 0 tenge 3.1.2 Card issue, card reissue upon expiry, card closing, including card reissue if it expires in less than 3 months 0 tenge Card annual service 1st year 300 tenge; 0 tenge for Altyn UnionPay6 3.1.3 2nd year and subsequent 300 tenge (25 tenge per month); 0 tenge for Altyn UnionPay6

Extra card annual service (not more than 1 card) 1st year 300 tenge; 0 tenge for Altyn UnionPay6 3.1.4 2nd year and subsequent 300 tenge (25 tenge per month); 0 tenge for Altyn UnionPay6

3.1.5 Card reissue instead of lost/stolen/damaged/unclaimed/including card reissue if it expires in more than 3 months 1 000 tenge 3.1.6 Lost/stolen card blocking 0 tenge Service of immovable card account (the account without any credit/debit transactions made during 12 month by the account balance, 3.1.7 customer or its representative) 3 but no more than 200 tenge monthly 3.2 Cash acceptance and withdrawal 3.2.1 Cash acceptance and crediting to card account not applicable Cash withdrawal by card within Bank's network 0 tenge within network of other banks across the Republic of Kazakhstan 0,9% + 50 tenge 3.2.2 within network of other banks outside the Republic of Kazakhstan 1,5%, min. 1 000 tenge within network of JSC Halyk Bank Georgia, OJSC Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan, CB Moskommertsbank (JSC), 0,6%, min. 400 tenge CJSC Kazkommertsbank Tajikistan 3.3 Payments and transfers Payment of: 0 tenge 3.3.1 - allowances to Special allowance account - alimony to Alimony account Transfers within the Bank 9 not applicable to accounts of natural persons - to current account of a cardholder at Bank's outlet 0 tenge via Homebank system in accordance with Homebank tariffs via myHalyk system 0 tenge - to your own card at Bank's outlet 0 tenge via ATMs via Homebank system in accordance with Homebank tariffs 3.3.2 via myHalyk system 0 tenge - to current account of other natural person at Bank's outlet 500 tenge via Homebank system in accordance with Homebank tariffs via myHalyk system 95 tenge - between cards of different customers of the Bank at Bank's outlet 500 tenge via ATMs 150 tenge via Homebank system in accordance with Homebank tariffs via myHalyk system 0 tenge - balance to other card account/current account of holder with the Bank, in case of card account closing 0 tenge For making and processing of payment via ATMs - payment for services 5 tenge - payment for services Internet at Home from Beeline 50 tenge - Qiwi-wallet top-up 0 tenge 3.3.3 - replenishment of the dealer account at "United System of Instant Payments" 95 tenge via SMS Banking service 5 tenge via myHalyk system - utilities payment 0 tenge - payment for telecommunication and other services 5 tenge 3.3.4 Payment of goods and services at merchants by cards of the Bank 0 tenge

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International money transfers "Visa Direct", "MasterCard MoneySend" from card of other bank to card opened to 3.3.5 not applicable special alowance account/Alimony Account International money transfers via "Visa Direct", "MasterCard MoneySend" system to card of other bank via ATM - to card of any other Kazakhstani bank - member of the international payment system (IPS) Visa Internation/Mastercard 1% + 200 tenge WorldWide 3.3.6 - to card of foreign bank - participant of IPS Visa Internation/Mastercard WorldWide 1% + 2USD via Homebank system - to card of any other Kazakhstani bank - participant of IPS Visa Internation/Mastercard WorldWide according to Homebank's tariffs - to card of foreign bank - participant of IPS Visa Internation/Mastercard WorldWide 3.3.7 Customs duties not applicable Budget payments via web portal "electronic government" 100 tenge from card of the Bank/other bank 3.3.8 at the place of provision of services at the Public Service Centers (PSC) 50 tenge using card reader via ATMs 5 tenge via myHalyk system 5 tenge Card2Card money transfer between cards of Bank/Agent Bank/Partner Bank via ATM - from card of Agent Bank to card of Bank/Agent Bank not applicable 3.3.9 - from card of Bank to card of Agent Bank 150 tenge via Homebank system - from card of Bank to card of Agent Bank according to Homebank's tariffs 3.4 Statements, balance 3.4.1 Card account statement at Bank's outlet - for two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) 0 tenge -over two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) up to one year (for the period) 1 000 tenge

- over one year (for every 12 months) 1 500 tenge via myHalyk system 0 tenge via Telebanking system - account statement to customer's e-mail, registered in the card system 0 tenge via payment terminals - for two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) 0 tenge -over two months (current calendar month and calendar month which has ended) up to one year (for the period) 500 tenge Card account mini-statement (recent 10 transactions for the last 120 calendar days) 3.4.2 via ATMs 60 tenge via Telebanking system (information on recent 5 transactions on the card account) 0 tenge Card account balance information via ATMs 40 tenge (from 3rd request per month), including display on the - within Bank's network 3.4.3 screen9 - within network of other banks across and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan 100 tenge via myHalyk system 0 tenge via Telebanking system 0 tenge 3.4.4 The service "Email Statement" (delivery of electronic notifications, including containing monthly statement) Connection, disconnection1 0 tenge 0 tenge per month for each e-mail connected to bank account Automatic delivery of notifications (monthly fee) Password change to receive monthly statement 0 tenge 3.5 Other transactions myHalyk system 10 3.5.1 Connection, reregistration, disconnection from the system1 0 tenge Connection of Token device1 0 tenge 3.5.2 PIN code reset 200 tenge 3.5.3 PIN code replacement via ATMs of the Bank 0 tenge Investigation of dispute on the transaction made via ATM of the Bank, with video recording 1 : 3.5.4 - by card of the Bank 3 000 tenge - by card of other second-tier bank 6 000 tenge SMS Banking service (delivery of notifications to mobile phone on transactions by card/card account) 8 Disconnection1 0 tenge Delivery of notifications - monthly fee for "All" pack 350 tenge per month (per registered card) - monthly fee for "Active" pack 0 tenge 3.5.5 - monthly fee for SMS Banking service under all cards/card accounts of customer 11 300 tenge per month (for each registered number but no more than 3 numbers)

At request: 0 tenge - notification on card status in SMS Banking system 0 tenge - notification of debt on card account 40 tenge Blocking/unblocking the SMS banking service for each card or mobile number 0 tenge

Notes: 1 This tariff includes VAT

2 Bank outlets shall mean Outlets, District Divisions, Personal Service Centers, VIP Centers

Bank fee for service of immovable card account is charged under card accounts, opened in tenge and foreign currency, on which the customer did not make any credit/debit transactions during 3 12 month, subject to availability of cash balance on this account and expiry of all payment cards issued under this account.

4 In cases, if the terms of the agreement for acceptance and transfer of payments concluded between the Bank and legal entity, provide for fee charging for transfer from a legal entity.

5 In cases, if the terms of the agreement for acceptance and transfer of payments concluded between the Bank and legal entity, provide for fee charging for transfer from a natural person.

6 This tariff covers existing cards Altyn and CUP Classic 7 IPS - international payment system The possibility of making payments to replenish your mobile phone number via SMS Banking service by sending requests for a short SMS number of the Bank is available only after connecting to 8 the All package or to the Active package via ATM /myHalyk system for customers connected to the service before 30 July 2018).

9 if technically feasible

10 myHalyk system - Personal Internet Banking system All tariffs via Homebank system are indicated in the Homebank tariffs

11 For customers who have connected the service after 30 July 2018.

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