Shropshire. Diddlebury
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DIRECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. DIDDLEBURY. 77 of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is for the parishes of BiIlingsley, Chetton, Deuxhill, Glaze~, clayey; the subsoil is similar. The chief crops are ley, Middleton Scriven & Sidbury; D. G. Griffithi\... wheat, barley and roots. The area is 48r acres; rate Hollicott, Chetton, clerk to the board;Richard Edwarfs_ able value, £390; the population in r89r was SI. Hughes,Oldbury terrace, Bridgnorth,attendance offi~te, Letters received through Bridgnorth at 8 a.m.; letter n oarrier passes through at 4.30 p.m.; Bridgnorth is the Board School (mixed), built in r879, for 66 children,' nearest money order & telegr8iph office average attendance, 60; Wm. Armstrong, master;Mrs: A School Board of 7 members was formed 22 May, r878, Fanny Armstrong, mistress, who have a house at.tachb.::l Gretton J ames, farmer Winwood John,miller (water)&farmer, Horsford mill DIDDLEBURY is a parish intersected by the river subsoil, sandstone and clay. The chief crops are whea\, Corve, 6 miles north-east from Craven Arms station on oats, barley and turnips. The area of the entire parish is the Great Western 'and Lond'on and North Western joint 8,690 acres; rateable value, £8,530; the population in railway, and 8 miles north from Ludlow, comprising the 189r was 777. r3 townships of Diddle!bury, Westhope, Great and Little The Skirmage, formerly extra-parochial, is now amalga Sutton, Lawton, Peaton, Browcroft, Great l)oston mated with this parish; it contains only one labourer's (annexed to Hopton Cangeford in r88r for civil purpGses cottage. only), Middlehope, Corfton, Sparchford, and Earnstrey Corfton township is· r mile south-west. Edward Wood Park (which was annexed to the parish of Abdon in r88r esq. J.P. is lord of the manor. for civil purposes only) and Bouldon (transferred from Lawton township is r! miles south-east. Holgate in r88r and added to this parish for civil Broncroft is a township comprising Upper and Lower purposes), in the Southern division of the county, lower Parks, about 3 miles north-east and about 5 south-by division of Munslow hundred, Ludlow union, petty ses- east from Rushbury station. Ilroncroft Castle, a remark sional diviSlion and county oourt district, rural deanery ably picturesque structure of the 14th century, has and archdeaconry of Ludlow, and diocese of Hereford. been restored and converted into a handsome residence, In 1882, by the Divided Parishes Act, a detached part 01 and is now the seat of James Whitaker esq. Culmington was added to Diddlebury, and a detached Bouldon is a township transferred from Holdgate to part of Diddlebury transferred to Munslow. The church this parish in r88r for civil purposes only. E. C. Wright of St. Peter is an edifice in mixed styles, consisting 01 esq. is lord of the manor; here is a small iron church, chancel, nave, south aisle, north chapel, south porch which i'l served from Holgate. and a western tower containing a clock and 4 bells; the Middlehope township is 3 miles north-'by-west and z chapel belongs to the Cornewall family, of Delbury Hall, east from Harton Road station. E. C. Wright esq. is in this parish; there arel five stained windows, the east lord of the manor. window represenbing the "Crucifixion;" there is also Peaton township is rl miles east, on the Pye brook. s carved oak eagle lectern, and seV'eraI marble tablets John Groome esq. of Bath, is lord of the manor and sol8" and monuments of the present and last century; the landowner. In this township are the remains of the old church affords sittings for 250 persons. The register castle of Corfam, surround,ed 'by a double moat; in dates from the year r583. The living is an endowed making e.xcavations in r880, a quantity of old tiles andl vicarage, wit.h the chapelry of Westhope annexed, average pottery were found, and built into the coach house is 11 tithe rent-charge £310, net yearly value about £2II, stone bearing the figure of a dog and the Stafford knot. including 56 acres of glebe, with l'Iesidence, in the gift In the possession of the owner is a detailed and' complete of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford, to whom the history of the Castle, covering from the IIth to the r7th rectorial tithe belongs, and held since r89r by the Rev. century. Here is a small Primitive Methodist chapel. Sidney Scarlet!\; Smith M.A. of Clare College, Cambridge. Sparchford township is 2~ miles south-by-west and 5 In the township of Westhope, about 2~ miles west from north from Bromfield station. the church and r! south from Harton:Road station, is a Great and Little Sutton form a. township 2! miles chapel of ease. The chartities comprise the interest of south-east and 5 north from Bromfield station. £1,000 left by Mrs. Mary Valentine, and! given every Westhope township is nearly 4 miles west and 3! SQlIth Sunday in bread to persons not receiving parochial relief; from Harton Road station; here is a small church served the interest of £100 at Christmas to widows, left by Mrs. from Didd~ebury. 'Oolonel Dyer R.A. is lord of the Radnor; and a school endowment of about £3 r5s. yearly, manor. and the interest of £200, left for distribution amongst Parish Clerk, Thomas Edwards. the poor of Corfton estate, and also £800 and interest, Post Office, Diddlebury.-Miss Sarah Sankey, sub-post- now invested in Consols, for the building of a new mistress. Letters arrive from ,Craven Arms RS.O. at tower to the church, left by Thomas Lloyd Roberts. 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at p.m. Postal orders are Delbury (or Diddlebury) Hall, close to the church, is a issued here, ,but not paid. The nearest money order good example of the architecture of the last century, office is at Munslow, & telegraph offiCe! at Craven Arms but is at present vacant. Sutton Court, the residence of Wall Letter Box, Corfton, cleared at 5.r5 p.m Mrs. Powell, is a fine old manor house. Corfton Hall For the townships of Gt. Sutton, Little Sutton, Sutton is a. red brick mansion, now occupied by Henry Champion Court, & Lawton, letten arrive through Ilromfield esq. The principal landowners are Mrs. Powell, E. C. RS.O. at 9 a.m Wright esq. James Whitaker esq. Colonel Dyer RA. John National School (mixed), built ;in r874, f<lr about r50 Groome esq. H. C. Cornewall esq. and Edward. Wood esq. children; average attendMoo, r03; & partly supported of Culmington Manor. The soil on the west side of the by the endowment mentioned above; John Rowland Corve is good turnip land, on the east bank a stiff clay; Jones, master; Mrs. H. L. Jooos, infants' mistres~ DIDDLEBURY. GREAT SUTTON. LAWTON. Downes Arthur, Milford lodge Batty James, farmer Hayhurst Robert, farmer Smith Rev. Sidney Scarlett M.A.Vcrge Evans William, farmer Hayhurst Robert, jun. farmer COMMERCIAL. Hince Charles, farmer ClintoB John, wheelwright, joiner & Millman William, butcher PEATON. builder, Bache mill ." Cox Edwin farm-er LITTLE SUTTON. Clark Rev. Geo. (Prinutlve Methodst) Freeman J~ph.Edwd.b1cksmth.&farmrPowell Mrs. Sutton court Bed~oes Samuel,bnilder,Peaton strand Hince Louisa Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ruck Ohas. RichdJ. farmer, Sutton fnn Davles WaIter, farmer, Peaton strand Jones Cornelius, farmer Slater John, farmer Groome In. .farmer, The Hollybush Jones Morgan, farmer, Delbury farm G:oome In. .Jun.farmer,The Bungalow Sankey Sarah (Miss), shpkpr.&Post off CORFTON. Rldgley Ben]. Chas. farmer, Peaton 10 Reading Room & Working Men's Club . Slater Sml. Cyrus,farmer, Pooton hall .3 J) ChampIOn Henry, Corfton hall (John Row1anUl ones, sec B te Ed' f ywa rs Will, armer MIDDLEHOPE. WESTHOPE. Cox Edwin, Smi inn Corfield John farmer Edwards -, faTllier, Elsich Angel Charles, farmer, Wetmore Cox John, co~keeper Hotchkis8 Samuel. farmer Davis Richard, farmer Davies John Butler, farmer,Morewood Jackson Andrew, auctioneer Rartley Thomas, farmer Ellis Thomas, farmer Lewis George, wheelwright Janes Jeremiah, farmer Hogson Joseph, farm bailiff to Col. H. Robinson Charles, farm-er, Lower ho Yapp J ame9, farmer C. S. Dyer Robinson John, farmer, Hill house Jones Arthnr Hutchinson, organist to BOULDON. the church SPARCHFORD. Clinton WiIliam, wheelwright Jones Samuel, fanner, Burwood Fewtrill James, cowkeeper Evans Richard, farmer & district coun Jones Thomas, cowkeeper Sankey Alfred Humphrey, farmer cillor, Bonldon farm.