Besides the , the central object of our solar system, which is a and will be dis- cussed in more detail in Chapter 11, there are basically three types of objects in our so- lar system: , , and debris. Solar system debris is the collective term used for objects that have not become part of a or a : , , and me- teors. These objects will be discussed in detail in Chapter 6. Moons are objects that or- bit planets and there are two types of planet.


One of the best ways to study planets is to investigate their properties, and based on these properties compare the objects to one another. This is known as comparative planetology. The properties of planets are the quantities that we can measure such as physical properties like size, mass, and density or their orbital properties like distance from the Sun, orbital or revolution period, and rotational period. Table 4.1 lists the val- ues of these and other properties for known planets and several other objects in our so- lar system. Figure 4.1 shows bar graphs or histograms comparing the radii (the radius is the distance from the center of a planet to its edge) or size of each object listed in Table 4.1, their mass (of how much matter each is composed), and their density. Density is a com- bination of mass and size. It is a measure of how much mass per unit volume there is in something. Solids like rocks and are objects of high density, gases like air are of low density; and liquids like are in between.

63 64 Part 2 The Solar System

Table 4.1 Ⅲ Planetary Data Orbital Object Radius Mass Density Orbital Radius Period Period Number of Name =1 Earth=1 Water=1 (AU) () Earth=1 Moons

1 0.382 0.055 5.43 0.387 0.2409 58.6 0 2 0.949 0.815 5.25 0.723 0.6152 243 0 3 Earth 1 1 5.52 1 1 0.9973 1 4 0.533 0.107 3.93 1.524 1.881 1.026 2 5 11.19 317.9 1.33 5.203 11.86 0.41 67 6 9.46 95.18 0.7 9.539 29.42 0.44 62 7 3.98 14.54 1.32 19.19 84.01 0.72 27 8 3.81 17.13 1.64 30.06 164.8 0.67 13 9 0.181 0.0022 2.05 39.48 248 6.39 5 10 0.183 0.0028 2.52 67.67 561 15.8 1

Planetary Radii




6 Radius

Radius (Earth=1) 4


0 12345678910 Object Created with Graphical Analysis 3 by Vernier Software Vernier by 3 Analysis Graphical with Created FIGURE 4.1 Bar graphs comparing planetary radii, masses, and densities. Chapter 4 Solar System Overview 65

Planetary Masses




200 Mass 150 Mass (Earth=1) 100


0 12345678910 Object Created with Graphical Analysis 3 by Vernier Software Vernier by 3 Analysis Graphical with Created

Planetary Densities




3 Density

2 Densities (water=1)


0 12345678910 Object Created with Graphical Analysis 3 by Vernier Software Vernier by 3 Analysis Graphical with Created FIGURE 4.1 (cont’d) 66 Part 2 The Solar System

Examination of the radii bar graph shows that there are different-size objects (the numbers on the bar graphs match the numbers in Table 4.1). Objects 5 and 6, Jupiter and Saturn are very large compared to objects 7 and 8, Uranus and Neptune that are more medium in size while Earth and all the others are very small by comparison. The mass bar graph shows that Jupiter is by far the most massive, then Saturn with Uranus and Neptune the only others that even register on the graph. Perhaps at this point Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune could be considered a group of large and massive planets while Earth and all the others could be called small and less massive planets. Courtesy of NASA. of Courtesy FIGURE 4.2 Images of our solar system’s planets.

The density graph shows something different. Now Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars have large values or high densities while the larger, massive planets and Pluto and Eris all have lower densities. The higher densities are because Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are all made mostly of rocks and metals; while the lower-density objects, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are made mostly of gases and liquids. Pluto and Eris, being so far from the Sun, are composed partly of ice. At this point it is possible to distinguish between two types of planets. Mercury, Ve- nus, Earth, and Mars are all small, of lower mass and higher density while Jupiter, Sat- urn, Uranus, and Neptune are all the opposite—large, higher mass, and lower density. Collectively the planets that are grouped with Earth are called Earth-like or terrestrial planets; those grouped with Jupiter are called Jupiter-like or Jovian planets. Notice that Pluto and Eris do not fit with either category. Courtesy of NASA. of Courtesy FIGURE 4.3 The Planets in order of their distance from the Sun. Chapter 4 Solar System Overview 67

Looking at other data from Table 4.1, all the terrestrial planets are closer to the Sun and therefore have faster orbital periods while the Jovian planets are the opposite, far- ther from the Sun with longer orbital periods. Rotational periods do not seem to fit the categories as well. All of the Jovian planets have rotation periods similar to each other and all the terrestrial planets have longer periods, but as can be seen from Table 4.1, Ve- nus and Mercury have especially long periods. Again, note Pluto and Eris not fitting in either category. They are far from the Sun like the Jovian planets but have longer rota- tion periods like the terrestrial planets. Also, due to their large mass and therefore greater gravitational pull, the Jovian planets all have many moons and rings. Rings are tremendous numbers of smaller particles all in similar around a Jovian planet causing the appearance of a ring around a planet when viewed from a distance. Ring systems will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 8. Table 4.2 is a comparison of the properties of the terrestrial and Jovian planets.

Table 4.2 Ⅲ Properties of Terrestrial and Jovian Planets Terrestrial Planets Jovian Planets Members Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Size Smaller Larger Mass Low mass Great mass Density High Low Composition and Gas and Liquid Distance Close to Sun Far from Sun Rotation Slower Faster Moons Few or none Many Rings No Yes

4.3 THE

As observed several times, Pluto and Eris do not fit into either of the major planet cate- gories and could in fact be classified together as very small, low mass, icy-rocky objects (thus their medium density) that are very far from the Sun. These are precisely the char- acteristics of the objects in what is known as the Kuiper belt. First proposed by in 1951, many small icy objects, which have also been called “trans-Neptunian” objects and “ice dwarfs,” have now been observed be- yond the of Neptune. There are thousands of Kuiper belt objects known to exist including several discovered more recently that rival the size of Pluto such as Eris that may be as large or larger than Pluto. In the summer of 2006, Pluto lost its status as one of the solar system’s planets. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is a group of from throughout the world that meets every third and makes such decisions. They reclassified Pluto, along with , the largest member of the inner solar system belt located be- tween Mars and Jupiter and several other objects large enough to be spherical, as dwarf planets. The , Pluto, and other Kuiper belt objects will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6. 68 Part 2 The Solar System


Comparative planetology Kuiper belt Planet Debris Mass Jovian Density Moon Terrestrial Radius


Our Sun was formed by a within a gigantic of mostly hy- drogen gas and dust in the otherwise nearly empty interstellar between the in our . The leftover material surrounding the not yet shining protosun was called the solar nebula. Eventually the protosun accumulated enough material from the neb- ula to become massive enough to put sufficient on its core to raise the core temperatures high enough for to occur. This process provided the energy necessary for the Sun to give off light and heat or to shine and thus become a star. The processes of and nuclear fusion will be discussed in more detail in Chap- ter 11. Courtesy of NASA. of Courtesy FIGURE 4.4 Solar nebulae around .


The leftovers of the solar nebula were the material from which the planets of our solar system would form. Initially, temperatures were so hot that most of the solar nebula re- mained gaseous but as the young Sun cooled, temperatures reached a point where solid rocks and metals could begin to condense out of the nebula. Too close to the Sun the temperatures never cooled enough for this to happen and no planets could form there. Chapter 4 Solar System Overview 69

However, beyond about 0.3 AU, known as the rock-metal condensation line, the solid objects could condense and begin gravitationally pulling together. First they formed small, rocky-metal objects called planetisimals and then larger .


Within about 5 AU of the Sun temperatures remained high enough that no other mate- rials could condense out of the nebula and due to the higher temperatures the gases were very fast moving so the rocky-metal protoplanets were not massive enough to gravitationally capture appreciable amounts of these gases. The protoplanets continued to accumulate more of the rock and metal in their orbits and eventually became the Earth-like or small, low mass, high-density (rocky-metal) terrestrial planets found close to the Sun.


Beyond 5 AU from the Sun temperatures cooled enough for water, , and to condense from the solar nebula and form layers of ice on the rocky-metal objects. This is known as the frost line. The cooler temperatures in this region of the nebula, out further from the Sun, slowed the of the gases—making them easier for planets to catch. This factor and the now greater mass of these objects due to the ice they collected allowed them to gravitationally collect large amounts of these gases and grow to tremendous sizes and become much more massive than their cousins nearer to the Sun. They became the Jupiter-like or large, massive, low-density (gas and liquid) Jovian planets that are found farther from Sun. The pressure from the large mass of gas above the icy layers likely warmed and melted the ice leaving the basic structure of a Jovian planet as a –size rocky-metal core surrounded by a large liquid below a huge, thick of mostly and gas. The formation of the three-layered Jovian planets was a three-step process while the terrestrial planets were basically formed in only one step, the gravitational accumulation of rocks and metal inside the frost line but beyond the rock/metal line.


Some of the planetisimals and even protoplanets did not become part of a terrestrial or Jovian planet. Some were gravitationally captured, mostly by the more massive Jovian planets and became moons. Other small rocky objects of the inner solar system are now called asteroids. Many of the asteroids are concentrated in a “belt” between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The material in this belt was never able to pull together and form a planet due to the gravitational influences of Jupiter. The two small rocky were likely captured from this asteroid belt. Small rocky objects of the cold outer solar system were covered by condensing ice and are known as comets. A large group of -like objects lies beyond the orbit of Neptune. A few of Neptune’s moons may have been captured from this population. The orbit of the most well known member of the Kuiper belt, the dwarf planet Pluto, crosses Neptune’s orbit. Asteroids, comets, and the Kuiper belt will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6. 70 Part 2 The Solar System

During the formation of the solar system when there were more objects that had not yet become parts of planetary systems many collisions occurred. A large object colliding with Earth is thought to have been what formed Earth’s Moon. A collision is also though to be the reason that the rotational axis of Uranus lies nearly in the of its orbit rather than more upright relative to it like the other planets. When an object is falling toward an impact with Earth and gives off a bright flash of light due to friction with the gases in the atmosphere it is called a meteor. The holes the collisions leave are called impact craters. There are many impact craters on the surfaces of the terrestrial planets, their moons, and Jovian moons from collisions. Over time as collisions occur the number of objects available for further collisions becomes less and less. Most im- pact craters like those we see on our Moon were formed long ago when the rate of im- pact cratering was higher; but there are still occasional large impacts like the Tunguska event on Earth just over a century ago or the collision of a comet with Jupiter in 1994 or the Russian meteor impact of 2013. Impacts will also be discussed in Chapter 6.


Asteroid Impact Protosun Comet Meteor Rock-metal condensation Crater Planetisimal line Frost line Solar nebula Name Date


1. Write a definition of each type of solar system object: planet, moon, asteroid, comet, meteor.

2. Name the two types of planets found in our solar system.

3. List the planets that are members of each group.

4. List the properties that define each group of planets.

5. What one word describes how the properties of the planets in one group compare to the properties of the planets in the other group?

6. Give an example of a solar system object that does not fit into either planet group. Explain why it does not fit in.


7. What type of planets formed inside (closer to the Sun than) the rock-metal condensation line?

8. What type of planets formed beyond the rock-metal condensation line, but inside the frost line?

9. What type of planets formed beyond the frost line?

10. What is the single most important factor in determining which type of planet will form at a given lo- cation? What controls this factor?

11. Many smaller objects that condensed from the solar nebula are leftovers or debris that did not be- come part of a planet. Of what would small objects that formed closer to the Sun be made? What do we call them? Of what would small objects that formed farther from the Sun largely be made? What do we call them?

12. What do we call an object that is captured into the orbit of a larger object like a planet?

72 Name Date


1. Examine the data for the objects in Table 4.1 and the bar graphs in Figure 4.1 of this chapter.

2. Examine the bar graph comparing the radius (or size) of the objects. Which planets are large?

Which planets are small?

3. Examine the bar graph comparing the mass of the objects. Which objects are massive?

Which objects are lighter?

4. Examine the bar graph comparing the density of the objects; which are more dense?

Which are less dense?

What can density tell you about an object?

5. Based on the comparisons you have made, have any objects been grouped together every time?

How many groups are there?

Which objects are in which groups?

73 6. State whether or not you agree with each student and why or why not.

Student 1: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are larger, more massive, and more dense than Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury.

Student 2: No, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are larger and more massive than Earth, Venus, Mars, and Mercury but they are LESS dense, being made of mostly liquid and gas, while the smaller objects are made of mostly rock and metal.

7. Examine the data in Table 4.1 comparing the number of moons orbiting each object. Which group’s members have many moons?

Which group’s members have few (or no) moons?

On what does the number of moons orbiting an object likely depend?

8. Examine the data in Table 4.1 comparing the orbital radius (distance from the Sun) of each object.

Which group is closer to the Sun?

Which group is farther from the Sun?

9. List the members of each of your object groups.

List what properties from the data table and bar graphs that the objects in each of your groups have in common.

10. What objects do not seem to fit into a group?

74 Name Date

Have you heard about a fairly recent decision made about one of these objects?

Did this exercise help clarify the reason for the decision?

11. State whether or not you agree with each student and why or why not.

Student 1: Pluto and Eris should be in a group with Earth and the other objects like Earth (the ter- restrial planets) because they are small, of low mass, do not have very many moons, and have longer rotation periods.

Student 2: No, Pluto and Eris should be in a group with Jupiter and the other objects like Jupiter (the Jovian planets) because they have low density and are far from the Sun.

Student 3: Maybe Pluto and Eris do not fit into either category and maybe they should be considered a different type of object than the terrestrial or Jovian planets? Perhaps a group of small, low mass, lower density objects with few or no moons and longer rotation periods because they are even farther from the Sun than the Jovian planets?


Name Date


The Sun formed when material at the center of a giant rotating cloud of gas and dust called a nebula grav- itationally pulled together. When this protosun gathered enough material it became massive enough to ex- ert tremendous pressure on its core. This raised the temperature high enough for nuclear fusion to occur there. This produced the energy necessary for the Sun to begin to shine, or more simply, to give off light and heat to its surroundings, the leftovers of the original nebula or the Sun’s solar nebula. This solar neb- ula was the material from which the planets of our solar system would form. Courtesy of Lina Levy. © Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Hunt Publishing © Kendall Levy. Lina of Courtesy

FIGURE 1 The rock-metal line and frost line.

Table 1 Ⅲ Condensation Temperatures of Materials in the Solar Nebula Metals Rock Hydrogen Compounds Gases

Examples , , aluminum Various minerals Water, methane, ammonia Hydrogen, helium Condensation 1,000–1,600 K 500–1,300 K < 150 K DO NOT condense in Temperatures Nebula Relative 0.2% 0.4% 1.4% 98% Abundance

77 1. How would you expect temperatures in the solar nebula to vary with increasing distance from the sun?

Do Table 2 and Graph 1 agree with what you expect? Table 2 Graph 1 Distance from Sun Temperature (AU) (Kelvin)

0.2 2000 0.5 1000 1 500 2 300 5 150 10 100 20 50 50 20

Created with Graphical Analysis 3 by Vernier Software

2. As the solar nebula cooled, parts of it cooling to as low as 500 K, which type(s) of materials of those shown in Figure 1 and Table 1 would you expect to condense (become solid) out of the solar nebula first?

As these materials began to gravitationally pull together and form larger objects they became plane- tary seeds or protoplanets.

3. About how far from the Sun would be the closest distance that any of the materials from question 2 could condense (see Table 2 and Graph 1)?

This distance from the Sun is called the rock-metal condensation line.

4. Can any of the materials in Table 1 condense inside (closer to the Sun than) the rock-metal conden- sation line?

78 Name Date

Therefore can planets form inside this line?

5. About how far from the Sun would you expect temperatures to cool down as low as 150 K or less (see Table 2 and Graph 1)?

This distance from the Sun is called the frost line.

6. What materials in Table 2 could then condense (become solid) on the already formed protoplanets beyond the frost line, creating a second layer of material on these objects?

What common name do we give to these materials when they condense on something? (Remember, they are beyond the frost line.)

7. So where, relative to the Sun, are larger objects found?

Where are smaller object found?

Where are no objects at all found?

8. State whether or not you agree with each student and why or why not.

Student 1: The objects forming closer to the Sun will be more massive because they are made of rock and metal while the objects forming farther will be less massive because they will be made of ice.

Student 2: No, rock and metal condensed everywhere past the rock-metal line and the objects forming beyond the frost line ALSO got a coating of ice so they are more massive.

79 9. Which materials in Figure 2 do not condense (do not become solid) anywhere in the solar nebula? Why can’t they?

10. Which planetary objects, the larger or smaller ones, are now likely to collect large amounts of the re- maining uncondensed gases from the solar nebula? Give two reasons for your answer.

HINT: Keep in mind that temperature is a measure of the energy of molecular , so molecules in warmer regions are moving much faster that those in cooler regions.

11. Now describe the smaller objects that have formed. Of what materials are they mostly composed?

Where did they form relative to the Sun and to the larger objects?

In how many layers (or steps) did they form?

What type of planet that you are familiar with are these?

12. Describe the larger objects that have formed.

Where did they form relative to the Sun and to the larger objects?

In how many layers (or steps) did they form?

What type of planet that you are familiar with are these?

80 Name Date

13. Which type of planet is more evolved (has gone through more steps in its formation)?

14. Based on the investigation you have just undertaken: What is the single most important factor in determining what kind of planet will form at a given location?

What controls this factor?

15. State whether or not you agree with each student and why or why not.

Student 1: The planets farther from the Sun got more massive by collecting a layer of gases because farther out where temperatures are lower the gases don’t move as fast so they were easier to catch than they would be closer to the Sun.

Student 2: I think the planets farther from the Sun got more massive because the ice layer that formed on them made them massive enough to gravitationally collect gases while the planets closer of the Sun were not massive enough to do this.

16. What names have we given to smaller objects, composed of various materials that condensed from the solar nebula, the leftover debris that did not become part of a planet?

Of what would small objects that formed closer to the Sun be made? What do we call them?

Of what would small objects that formed farther from the Sun largely be made? What do we call them?