Derry Hill and Road, Menston.

Accidents waiting to happen.

School Bus unable to pass on Hawksworth Drive


Derry Hill - 10/04551/MAF Bingley Road - 10/06229/MAO Bingley Road - 11/05691/OUT Bingley Road - 13/04451/MAF Bingley Road - 13/04897/MAF

Revision D, January 2014



Foreword ...... 2 Shipley Area Committee report (January 2010) ...... 3 Public questions to Planning Panel (28th Feb 2012) ...... 4 MENSTON ROADS ...... 5 Main Street / Bingley Road Roundabout ...... 5 Main Street “Chicane” ...... 6 Main Street ...... 7 Junction of Derry Hill and Main Street ...... 8 Junction of Derry Hill and Main Street (cont.) ...... 9 Junction of Main Street & Moor Lane ...... 10 Junction of Main Street & Dicks Garth ...... 11 Derry Hill ...... 12 Derry Hill (cont.) ...... 13 Derry Hill Snow ...... 14 Derry Hill Ice ...... 15 Derry Hill - Junction with Bingley Road ...... 16 Derry Hill - Junction with Bingley Road (cont)...... 17 Derry Lane ...... 18 Hawksworth Drive ...... 19 Junction of Cleasby Road and Bingley Road ...... 20 Junction of Cleasby Road and Bingley Road (cont) ...... 21 Moor Lane ...... 22 Moor Lane (cont.) ...... 23 Moor Lane / Hillings Lane Junction ...... 24 Burley Lane ...... 25


The average number of trips by motorised vehicle per household is 3.6 trips per day ie 7.6 vehicle movements (departing and returning) per day. This is taken from Council’s own traffic study data and supported by independent analysis.

This may include commuting to & from work, school runs, shopping trips, recreation, visitors, deliveries etc. For example this could equate to 2 cars per household, each making 2 journeys outbound and 2 journeys inbound per day.

That means 300 new dwellings will create more than 2000 extra vehicle movements per day.

Menston residents have all been saying for many years that the narrow village roads cannot cope with an extra 2000 or more car journeys per day.

Cost-cutting should not be allowed to occur at the expense of safety.

-2- Shipley Area Committee report (January 2010)

The following recommendations were approved at the Shipley Area Committee in January 2010.

Derry Hill

1. Creation of a new priority junction access 30 metres to the north of Derry Lane with a mandatory right turn manoeuvre onto Derry Hill (south bound) for all development traffic; 2. Point closure of Derry Lane at the junction with Derry Hill; 3. Improvements to Derry Hill (south of Derry Lane) to encourage use by development traffic to access the A65 including extensions to existing footways on both the eastern and western sides, resurfacing/reconstruction of Derry Hill, improvements to street lighting and drainage provision in addition to undertaking a parking review for possible amendments to the existing traffic regulation orders over the entire length of Derry Hill. (This latter requirement to be secured via an appropriate cash contribution within a Section 106 agreement); 4. Works to improve the junction of Bingley Road with Derry Hill including the widening and re-lining of Bingley Road to form a ghost island, increasing the radius and sight line from Derry Hill, improving the street lighting and introducing a speed limit reduction to 30 mph; and 5. Creation of an off-street residents parking facility for residents of 1 to 10 Mount Pleasant who have no alternative off-street parking provision and modification to the existing road alignment to address sight line issues opposite 1 to 5 Mount Pleasant.

Bingley Road

1. Improvements to Bingley Road from the eastern access to the development site to the junction with Cleasby Road including improved street lighting provision and resurfacing/reconstruction. 2. The following items are considered essential to the delivery of a comprehensive package of measures for dealing with development traffic through Menston but could be attributed to either development. It is therefore proposed that the following list of proposals is secured via the appropriate planning obligations from whichever development is brought forward first. 3. Improvements to the existing mini-roundabout junction comprising re-alignment of radius adjacent to recreation field at the junction of Bingley Road and Main Street; 4. Improvements to Bingley Road from its junction with Derry Hill to the proposed Western Access to the Bingley Road development site including extensions of footways, improved street lighting provision, resurfacing/reconstruction of Bingley Road and extension of the existing 30 mph speed limit; and 5. A financial contribution of £30,000 secured via a Section 106 condition to fund a review of parking around Menston station and to examine the need/desirability of introducing traffic management measures around the junction of A65 Bradford Road/ Leathley Road / Station Road junctions.

-3- Public questions to Planning Panel (28th Feb 2012)

Claire Moore, 39 Hawksworth Drive

“I live opposite the primary school and 2 doors from the Meadowlea Children’s home on Hawksworth Drive. From my house, I can see the very dangerous junction where Derry Lane, St Peters Way and Hawksworth Drive merge on a bend at the corner of the Primary School. There are traffic jams around the school every day. More cars will make it worse and speed humps do not increase visibility. If the Panel were to approve either of these developments, how do they intend to protect the lives of the children and their parents from the increased volume of traffic these developments would cause?”

Alan Elsegood, Ellar Gardens, Menston:

“The Shipley Area Committee in Jan. 2010 approved measures that would help to reduce the effects increased traffic would have on the village. Can the Panel explain why these measures are not being implemented and the reasons for what appears to be a complete reversal of attitude by the Highways Authority?”

Adrian Waites, Moorfield Avenue:

“I live on Moorfield Avenue where the culvert runs through my garden. Myself and my 3 affected neighbours are concerned that increased flooding will occur because of the development and proposed digging out of the watercourse and alteration to the existing flow path. I have been legally advised to ask the panel who we should hold responsible should we be subjected to increased flooding of our properties?”

Sally Nelson, Mount Pleasant:

“I live on Mount Pleasant adjacent to the Derry Hill Development and witness everyday the difficulties cars have avoiding collisions on the bend on Moor Lane. Can the Panel explain why no works are being proposed when clearly the development is going to generate a substantial increase in cars using it? Can I therefore urge you to consider this on your site inspection.”

Sue Rix, 37 Hawksworth Drive:

“I live on Hawksworth Drive. Is the Panel aware that the ground level on the northern boundary of the Bingley Rd. site abutting Hawksworth Drive is in places 2-4 metres above the level of the existing houses and any development of houses other than single storey would seriously overlook and overshadow our existing properties and reduce light levels?”

Alison Smith, 51 Derry Hill:

“I live on Derry Hill and my gas was cut off for several days. I was told by the men digging up the road that the pipes were flooded because of ground water. Are the panel aware that the hillside of the Derry Hill development has these ground water problems.”

Debbie Bentley, 33 Derry Hill:

"Every day I risk my life coming out of my house on Derry Hill because there is no pavement. This development would cause a great deal more 2-way traffic which will put me and my family at even greater risk. Can the panel justify approving the development and consequently putting my life at even more risk than it is already?”


Main Street / Bingley Road Roundabout At the start of Main Street adjacent to Bingley Road is a new mini roundabout. This was created as part of the infrastructure plan involving the then new High Royds Development. This is in the wrong place and has already been highlighted to Bradford Council many times at numerous Neighbourhood Forums as an ‘accident waiting to happen’.

Roundabout at start of Main Street – poor visibility up Bingley Road.

-5- Main Street “Chicane”

“Chicane” - outside Methodist Church – road width here does not allow 2-way traffic.

-6- Main Street

No visibility down Main Street

This car went under a delivery lorry on Main Street (13th March 2013) -7- Junction of Derry Hill and Main Street

Delivery of essential supplies blocks traffic -8- Junction of Derry Hill and Main Street (cont.)

Junction had poor visibility. -9- Junction of Main Street & Moor Lane

Tight bend - unsuitable for Heavy Goods Vehicles.

-10- Junction of Main Street & Dicks Garth

Collision between van and car just pulling out of Dick Garth

-11- Derry Hill

Narrow road – no pavement

-12- Derry Hill (cont.)

Northbound – not wide enough for 2-way traffic. -13- Derry Hill Snow

Icy conditions make matters worse. -14- Derry Hill Ice

-15- Derry Hill - Junction with Bingley Road

Zero visibility to left onto Bingley Road. -16- Derry Hill - Junction with Bingley Road (cont).

Zero visibility to left onto Bingley Road. Impossible to turn safely.

-17- Derry Lane

Insufficient off-street parking to allow 2-way traffic.

Heavy traffic from Derry Hill will be directed past the playground on narrow road. -18- Hawksworth Drive

Poor visibility for pedestrians when crossing Hawksworth Drive, adjacent to Primary School and Meadowlea Children’s Centre. -19- Junction of Cleasby Road and Bingley Road

Acute angle onto Bingley Road.

-20- Junction of Cleasby Road and Bingley Road (cont)

Acute angle means cars cannot turn left without crossing the centre line.

-21- Moor Lane

Blind bend -22- Moor Lane (cont.)

Blind bend.

-23- Moor Lane / Hillings Lane Junction

Top of Moor Lane – Poor visibility to the left onto Hillings Lane. -24- Burley Lane

Parked cars prevent 2-way traffic.

Only room for one car at a time. Burley Lane narrows to one car-width

No Pavements – danger for pedestrians. Blind bend onto Menston Old Lane.


