The .Amal.Gama:Ted Sugar Ccmpany C
UNITED STATES BEET SUGAR ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON - April 28, 1967 MEMORAN.llJM TO INWSTRY PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITI'EE Ernest Haycox, Jr. - The .Amal.gama:ted Sugar Ccmpany c. w. Briggs - .American Crysta.l Sugar Cam:paey James Yuenger - Buckeye Sugars, Inc. Tan Ferril - The Great Western Sugar Campany Francis L. Kafka - Holly Sugar Corporation Dave Roche - Michigan Sugar Company c. A. Coryell, Jr. - Monitor Sugar Company Margaretta Carey - The National Sugar Manufacturing Company L' Carter - Spreckels Sugar Company Alden L. Stock - Union Sugar Division Keith J. Wallentine - Utah-Idaho Sugar Company John McGill - Farmers & Manufacturers Beet Sugar Association Here are a couple of things that may be of same help or at least of some interest. (1) 1967 Congressional Handbook, issued by the Legislative Depart ment of the Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. Lists members of both houses a.lphabetically as well as by states, and also lists all standing ccmnittees, and the Senate and House leadership. Not so comprehensive as the regular Congressional Directory, of course, but can be, is handy for quick reference or mailing lists •••••• Incidentally the new regular Congressional Directory is now available. May be purchased from Superintendent of Documents, U.s. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 -- $3.50 for regular edition, $5.00 for thumb-indexed {much quicker to use). Ask for "Congressiona.l Directory, 90th Congress, First Session." Bears March 1967 date. {Or maybe you have already received a copy from your Senator or Congressman.) (2) Reprint of article on the so-called world sugar market from January, 1967, issue of Sugar il.
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